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The Big Brother 2017 has been crowned live in tonight's BBUK final results.

July 27, 2017

The Big Brother 2017 has been crowned live in tonight's BBUK final results.


Isabelle Warburton topped the final vote this evening to beat Raphael Korine and walked away with the prize fund of £65,000.

It was not a shock result with Isabelle having been the strong favourite in the lead up to the final tonight.

The live show began with interviews from Charlotte, Hannah and Kieran, who were booted in a series of surprise evictions via the back door earlier this week.

It was the onto the live evictions starting with Andrew Cruickshanks. The second chance housemate couldn't win the show and was called out first by host Emma Willis to leave the house.

Big Brother finalists.

Andrew, who left with £33,900 of the prize fund, spoke to Emma about his prize money and insisted he wasn't a "snake".

Then it was time for the first result of the evening as Tom Barber made a non unexpected exit in fourth place. He told Emma he was "buzzing" and admitted he never even expected to go in after being voted in on launch night by the public.

He was then followed by Deborah Agboola, telling Emma: "I'm happy with third place, it feels good.

That left Raph and Isabelle as the final two.

Host Emma Willis revealed that the vote between the pair was incredibly close before speaking to the house to reveal the winner.

When it came to the final result, Emma announced that ISABELLE had beaten Raph in a result that the live audience certainly seemed to approve of, having been chanting her name all evening

She leaves with £65,000 of the remaining prize fund after entering the house a couple of weeks into the series.


Are you happy with tonight's Big Brother 2017 results? Did the right person win? Tell us in the comments below!

While Big Brother is now over, remember that Celebrity Big Brother is back very soon.

Big Brother 2017 winner will leave with £65,000 of the prize fund

July 27, 2017

The Big Brother 2017 winner will leave with £65,000 in their prize fund tonight.


Isabelle, Deborah, Raph and Tom are left in the final this evening, playing for the win and cash.

The original £100,000 total was first cut by £15,000 when Second Chance Housemates Sue, Andrew, Sam and Simone joined the house earlier this month.

The four were told that they couldn't win the show but the last one of them left standing would win the £15,000 from the main prize fund.

This month saw another prize fund twist as housemates competed to steal up to £20,000 of the main prize fund. Second Chance Housemate Andrew stole the eventual total of £18,900 and in a big twist evicted Sam, the last of the Second Chance Housemates.

He joins Isabelle, Deborah, Raph and Tom in the final but won't be able to win the show.

As he cannot win the main prize pot, Andrew will therefore leave the house this evening with a total of £33,900, more than half the eventual winner will receive.

Over the years Big Brother's prize money twists have seen housemates leaving with all sorts of varying amounts of cash.

Last year's winner Jason Burrill left with £70,000 while 2015 saw Chloe Wilburn get the most prize money ever with £116,100.

The lowest prize fund ever awarded was the £50,000 Luke Anderson won in 2012, joint with Anthony Hutton's prize in Big Brother 6 back in 2005.

The average Big Brother prize fund over the past six years since the move to Channel 5 has been £82,000.

Big Brother 2017 continues nightly on Channel 5.

Day 53 FINAL recap and highlights

July 27, 2017

Here are all the spoilers from tonight's FINAL highlights of Big Brother 2017.


It’s the final full day in the Big Brother house. “We actually did it, guys!” Deborah says to the fellow finalists in the bedroom of Rose Cottage.

Each housemate visits the diary room individually to speak to Big Brother about their experience in the Big Brother house.

"I never thought I’d get this far”, Isabelle says. “I’d like to think that I’ve made friends for life”

“It was an absolute childhood dream come true to come in here”, Raph tells Big Brother. “I love this house, and I love the people in it. I don’t want it to ever end. I’m going to miss it so much”

“Life is a beautiful struggle. So is the Big Brother House”, says Tom in the diary room. “You’ve smashed it. It’s been sick. Thanks Big Brother!”

“My life after walking through that door will never been the same again” Deborah tells Big Brother, reflecting on her time in the house. “Thank you for helping me to be a better me”

The housemates gather in the living room, watching a clip reel of their best moments.

The housemates visit the diary room together. Big Brother asks them how it feels to be in the final “Absolutely overwhelming” Tom says. “Indescribable”, Isabelle responds.

Big Brother then asks the housemates what they’re going to miss most about each other; “Cute farts, cute burps!” Isabelle says.

“The togetherness of every housemate coming together when sh*t gets real. It’s an amazing feeling to be part of it. I’ll miss that”, Tom adds.

Big Brother 2017 airs live tonight at 9PM on Channel 5.

Results! Who left? Two evicted out the backdoor before the final

July 26, 2017

Two housemates have been evicted from Big Brother 2017 - here's who left and was evicted.


Tonight's highlights show finally revealed the results of the latest eviction as Hannah Agboola and Kieran Lee got the axe.

They got the boot out the backdoor last night, although their exits were only shown in tonight's episode.

All of the remaining housemates - minus Second Chance Housemate Andrew, who cannot win - had faced the chop after lines opened on Tuesday night to vote for the winner.

They froze on Wednesday afternoon where the two with the fewest votes were evicted in a surprise double eviction.

Raph and Isabelle.

In tonight's show, Housemates were invited two at a time to the 'White Room' where they learned their fate.

In the white room, housemates watched a video of ‘best bits’ from their time in the house, before being told their destiny was behind one of two doors.

One door led to heaven and a place in the final, the other to hell and eviction.

Andrew watched from heaven, immune from the task and already in the final.

First into the White Room were Isabelle and Raph who both went to Heaven.

Next were Hannah and Deborah. Hannah went to hell while Deborah went to heaven.

Finally were Kieran and Tom. Kieran went to Hell while Tom went to heaven.

That left Isabelle, Raph, Tom and Deborah and in Heaven and in the final.

After the double eviction, Big Brother gathered the housemates in the living room, and announced that the remaining housemates who returned from BB Heaven are officially Big Brother finalists.

Safe Isabelle tells Big Brother in the Diary Room: "I can't believe it, it's literally unreal. I dunno, you've been constantly waiting to be evicted or for something s**t to happen but to have it confirmed your a finalist is unreal.

Deborah and Hannah.

"I can't believe it. I literally can't believe it. I'm buzzing. "

Lines will soon reopen for you to vote for one of the four remaining to win.

Voting lines then close for good in Friday night's final before the winner is revealed.

Big Brother 2017 airs Friday night at 9PM live with Emma Willis for the grand final.

One housemate SAFE from eviction but who left?

July 26, 2017

Big Brother 2017 has revealed one housemate who is in the final on Friday.


Alongside second chance housemate Andrew, who was immune from the eviction and cannot win, Isabelle is in the final.

She was one of four housemates who avoided eviction last night, with who left Big Brother and was evicted being revealed in tonight's show.

However the likely odds currently suggest that it was Hannah and Kieran who were the two unlucky ones to get the boot, but this result will only been officially confirmed this evening.

In tonight's show, housemates learn their fate as they're each sent to either Heaven or Hell.

Deborah and Hannah.

The housemates enter a white room where they watch an image reel of ‘best bits’ from their time in the house, before being told their destiny.

Andrew watches from heaven, where the safe housemates will be sent.

“You are not going anywhere, surely to god you aren’t” he says towards the screen showing Raph and Isabelle.

Those that are sent to hell are immediately evicted from Big Brother out the backdoor. They will speak to Rylan Clark-Neal on Bit On The Side tonight.

After the double eviction, Big Brother gathers the housemates to confirm that they are in the final - for real this time.

Isabelle reacts: "I can't believe it, it's literally unreal. I dunno, you've been constantly waiting to be evicted or for something s**t to happen but to have it confirmed your a finalist is unreal. I can't believe it. I literally can't believe it. I'm buzzing.

"I can't wait to tell my family, they'll be so happy for me. The last few days I've been an emotional wreck."

Following the news, Isabelle's odds of winning have been slashed.

Aoife Heffron, Spokeswoman for BoyleSports commented today: “Punters aren’t getting behind anyone else and their continued support for Isabelle has resulted in her odds shortening once again. She is going into the final as the 1/3 favourite to win and is going to be very hard to beat”

Tom and Kieran.

But who will be joining her in the final?

The full results of the eviction will be revealed tonight

Two housemates evicted in 'Heaven and Hell' task

July 26, 2017

Two housemates were evicted from Big Brother 2017 last night in a new Heaven and Hell task.


Who left still hasn't been revealed (or leaked) but Big Brother has this afternoon confirmed that ISABELLE did not go and is in the final.

All six of the remaining housemates had faced the axe after lines opened on Tuesday night to vote for the winner.

They froze on Wednesday afternoon where the two with the fewest votes were evicted.

In tonight's show, Housemates experience the final stage of this week's Life task by going to ‘Heaven or Hell’ as they learn their fate.

Tom and Kieran.

The housemates that are sent to hell will be evicted from the Big Brother house immediately via the back door, and they've no idea.

The housemates enter a white room where they watch an image reel of ‘best bits’ from their time in the house, before being told their destiny.

Andrew watches from heaven, immune from the task because he can’t win the series as a second chance housemate.

“You are not going anywhere, surely to god you aren’t” he says towards the screen showing Raph and Isabelle.

After the double eviction, Big Brother gathers the housemates in the living room, and announces that the remaining housemates who returned from BB Heaven are officially Big Brother finalists.

Safe Isabelle tells Big Brother in the Diary Room: "I can't believe it, it's literally unreal. I dunno, you've been constantly waiting to be evicted or for something s**t to happen but to have it confirmed your a finalist is unreal. I can't believe it. I literally can't believe it. I'm buzzing.

"I can't wait to tell my family, they'll be so happy for me. The last few days I've been an emotional wreck.


"I just hope there is something I can at least achieve, if there's anything at least I can achieve this."

The results of the eviction will be revealed tonight.

Big Brother 2017 airs this evening at 10:30PM on Channel 5.

Day 52 recap and highlights

July 26, 2017

Here's Thursday's spoiler filled preview of what are the penultimate highlights of Big Brother 2017.


In tonight's show, Andrew is in the diary room, talking to Big Brother about his confrontations in the house yesterday with Chanelle and housemates. “I can’t wait not to see them again”, he says about his fellow housemates.

Andrew, Raph, Tom and Kieran are in the living room, playing a sea animal themed guessing game. Andrew discusses his views that Mermaids are real. “Why would they have made The Little Mermaid if it wasn’t real?” he says.

Isabelle is in the diary room, reflecting on her Big Brother learning experience: “If you can make anybody feel comfortable, somebody feel happy and make somebody’s day. That’s much better than looking good. I’d honestly rather look like sh*t, but be a dead nice person to somebody”

Housemates experience the final stage of the Life task ‘Heaven or Hell’ they learn their fate. The housemates that are sent to hell will be evicted from the Big Brother house immediately via the back door.

The housemates enter a white room where they watch an image reel of ‘best bits’ from their time in the house, before being told their destiny.

Andrew watches from heaven, immune from the task because he can’t win the series as a second chance housemate; “You are not going anywhere, surely to god you aren’t” he says towards the screen showing Raph and Isabelle.

Big Brother gathers the housemates in the living room, and announces that the remaining housemates who returned from BB Heaven are officially Big Brother finalists.

Big Brother 2017 airs tonight at 10:30PM on Channel 5.

Two housemates evicted in shock backdoor exit

July 26, 2017

Here's the penultimate morning BBUK update with all the latest Big Brother 2017 news and gossip.


It's the final tomorrow (Friday) evening but overnight two housemates made a shock backdoor exit.

The results of who left in last night's eviction will be officially revealed in tonight's episode at 10:30PM.

Of course they may well leak beforehand so check back for updates. Two of Kieran, Tom and Hannah are the likely results.

Aside from the eviction in the house yesterday, housemates recovered from the VERY dramatic return of some ex-housemates.

Rebecca and Kieran.

Chanelle, Rebecca, Sukhvinder, Sue and Imran all made comebacks in last night's highlights and there were a lot of rows.

In the aftermath in the house yesterday, Deborah suggested that Kieran had 'changed' after comments from Sukhvinder and Rebecca about him 'coasting' through the series.

Isabelle meanwhile took on Chanelle's positive comments to be more confident in herself ahead of Friday's final.

Elsewhere, Andrew and Hannah shocked the housemates with their confession that they believed in unicorns and mermaids.

Meanwhile, outside the house, the fallout of the ex-housemates returned continued.

Rebecca and Chanelle continued to feud over Twitter after their clash while Lotan spoke out after Chanelle accused Rebecca of having sex with him to get a magazine deal.

Finally, in Celebrity Big Brother news, a likely line up of all star housemates have been revealed.


The rumoured cast follows the premiere of this summer's official Celebrity Big Brother trailer ahead of next Tuesday's launch.

Big Brother 2017 airs tonight with the backdoor double eviction results from 10:30PM on Channel 5.

The final follows LIVE on Friday night from 9PM with Emma Willis and the four finalists, plus Second Chance Housemate Andrew.

Two housemates get evicted out the backdoor TONIGHT

January 26, 2020

Two housemates get a shock backdoor eviction from Big Brother 2017 TONIGHT.


It was Charlotte Keys who left Big Brother 2017 last night in what turned out to be the penultimate eviction of the series.

Following the eviction, for part of a task, Big Brother threw the housemates a Graduation Ball, and announced that the final vote to win was now open to the public.

But those that remain are NOT in the final yet.

Well, apart from second chance housemate Andrew who can't win the show.


There is in fact ANOTHER eviction twist planned for tonight that will see a further two housemates booted out via the backdoor once again.

And as yet the housemates have NO IDEA that time is up for two of them.

Last night saw the lines to vote for the winner open before they froze today (Wednesday) at 3PM in the afternoon. The two housemates at the point of freeze with the fewest votes will be evicted out the back door.

It's not yet clear how they'll make their exits but it's sure to be a shocker for the house.

The favourites to get the boot are Kieran, Hannah and Tom although the official eviction result won't be officially confirmed until it airs in Thursday night's show.

Unless there is a HUGE shock result and she is evicted, Isabelle remains the firm favourite to win the series. She's now odds-on to scoop the remaining prize fund of £65,000 following a number of twists. Her closest rivals are Raph and Deborah as things stand, but it could still change before Friday's live show.

Chanelle kicks off at Andrew on her return to the house

July 25, 2017

Chanelle McCleary and Andrew Cruickshanks have had a big row in the Big Brother 2017 house.


In tonight's show, Big Brother gathers the group to announce the next stage of the life task: the whirlwind adventure that is love. Kieran and Deborah are chosen by Big Brother to take part in the task.

Kieran and Deborah must go in their first date before getting married but at the garden ceremony, ex-housemates enter the house to try and stop the wedding.

Those that enter include Chanelle and Rebecca, as well as Sukhvinder, Sue and Imran.

Chanelle enters the garden with some words for the housemates: “Stop putting yourself down. Because you’re beautiful”, she tells Isabelle, leading to Isabelle becoming emotional.


However Chanelle then confronts Andrew about how he’s been treating the other housemates since her eviction; “You’re very sly and snakey”, she tells him from watching him since leaving the house.

Later, Andrew takes Chanelle to the storeroom to about her earlier comments; “I haven’t said anything bad about you”, he tells her.

“We got on so well. I thought you was a ball. It’s more disappointed, Andrew” Chanelle tells him.

Andrew then gathers the housemates in the kitchen to announce: “I just want everyone to know, I’m not a f***ing snake”, he tells them.

Chanelle and Andrew then kick off again: "You called that meeting so that you three could attack me”, Chanelle screams at Andrew.

“You are a snake”, she shouts at him.

Elsewhere in the task, Sukhvinder Javeed tells Raph he was "brilliant" before attacking Tom: "Tom, the people's housemate. I think the people are really disappointed. You kind of make me understand why democracy in our country is so f**ked up, that people are choosing you to be the power housemate."

Chanelle and Andrew.

Plus, Chanelle rows with Rebecca after claiming she 'had sex with Lotan for a magazine deal'.

Rebecca also kicked off with Hannah Agboola in another major row that will be shown in tonight's show.

Big Brother 2017 airs tonight at the later time of 10:30PM on Channel 5 with all the task highlights.

Chanelle McCleary and Rebecca Jane in EXPLOSIVE row

July 25, 2017

Chanelle McCleary and Rebecca Jane explode at one another in the Big Brother 2017 house tonight.


The pair both return to the house in this evening's episode and it kicks off big time.

On Monday, Big Brother gathered the housemates and told them they would be taken through the stages of life in fast forward. In last night's show, they became babies before going to school and then graduating University.

In the house yesterday, the task continued with a first date between Kieran and Deborah before a wedding in the garden, and then a divorce.

And that's where the ex-housemates made their entrance as guests at the ceremony.


Chanelle and Rebecca were among those to return and a huge fight erupted between the pair.

Chanelle branded Rebecca a "w***e" as the pair clashed, with Chanelle saying: "Just 'cause their ten minutes is coming up they're trying to get their air time up, it's so embarrassing."

Rebecca hit back: "You mean like having sex on TV?"

Chanelle continued: "It's so embarrassing. You're just fame hungry."

"And that's you," Rebecca replied.

Chanelle then alleged: "You're a w***e. You s**g people's husbands. You shagged Lotan just to get a magazine interview, you're embarrassing, you should no better for your age, you're embarrassing."

Elsewhere in the task, first to enter was Sukhvinder Javeed. She told Raph he was "brilliant" before attacking Tom: "Tom, the people's housemate. I think the people are really disappointed. You kind of make me understand why democracy in our country is so f**ked up, that people are choosing you to be the power housemate."

Next in was Rebecca who before her row with Chanelle first had some harsh words for Kieran over his lack of loyalty.

She also kicked off with Hannah Agboola in another major row that will be shown in tonight's show.

Fght! It all kicks off as ex housemates return to the house

July 25, 2017

It all kicked off in the Big Brother 2017 house yesterday as some ex-housemates returned.


On Monday, Big Brother gathered the housemates and told them they would be taken through the stages of life in fast forward. In last night's show, they became babies before going to school and then graduating University.

In the house yesterday, the task continued with a first date between Kieran and Deborah before a wedding in the garden.

And that's where the ex-housemates made their entrance as guests at the ceremony.

First to enter was Sukhvinder Javeed. She told Raph he was "brilliant" before attacking Tom: "Tom, the people's housemate. I think the people are really disappointed. You kind of make me understand why democracy in our country is so f**ked up, that people are choosing you to be the power housemate."


Next in was Rebecca Jane, who first had some harsh words for Kieran over his lack of loyalty.

But she wasn't done there, then taking aim at Hannah Agboola: "You're literally the most selfish and immature person in this whole house."

Hannah hit back: "I can't give selfish, immature people that are rude and have disgusting words...

"Disgusting words? They're called f**king truths, Hannah," interrupted Rebecca.

Hannah tried to continue: "Continue doing your make up campaign and discriminating against..."

"This is all you've got on me dear," snapped Rebecca, "Whereas unfortunately the whole f**king public hates you and I'm so excited for it."

Hannah then quipped: "I'm still here, how about you? Let's walk away from her..."

But Rebecca stood firm: "She's going to stay and listen until I finish."


Hannah then began to sing, as Rebecca slammed: "Oh sweetheart you're never gonna get a record deal. Shut the f**k up. I ain't going nowhere."

More housemates returning include Chanelle McCleary.

And she teased trouble could be on its way on Twitter: "So today reuniting with some of my past housemates which will be FUN FUN FUN, especially after all they have done is bitch about me 👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽"

'Hurricane Sue' Sue Evans is also understood to have joined the house yesterday, with all the fallout due to air in Wednesday night's show at the later time of 10:30PM.

Day 51 recap and highlights

July 25, 2017

Here's your spoiler-filled Big Brother 2017 preview of tonight's latest highlights.


It's Day 51 in the house today and Big Brother gathers the housemates in the living room. It’s time for the next stage of the life task: the whirlwind adventure that is love. Kieran and Deborah are chosen by Big Brother to take part in the task.

To start the task, Kieran and Deborah must go in their first date, a romantic meal for two. “This is so awkward” they both say, sitting down at the table.

Deborah and Kieran both visit the Big Brother diary room to talk about the task; “We’re now planning a wedding” Kieran jokes to Big Brother.

Big Brother calls Kieran to the diary room for the next part of today’s task; it’s time for him to propose to Deborah. Kieran has 15 minutes to propose and must keep it a surprise. To complete the task, Deborah has to say yes.

Hannah and Deborah.

Kieran proposes to Deborah in the bedroom of Rose Cottage surrounded by the other housemates: “You’re my number one, you’re my queen”, he says, and Deborah says yes to his proposal.

During the garden ceremony, ex-housemates enter the house to try and stop the wedding. First up is Sukhvinder; “Kieran, I feel like you’ve just coasted your way through here. I think you’re a bit of back seat finalist”, she tells him.

Next, ex-housemate Rebecca enters the Big Brother garden; “Of course I f***ing object”, she says during the ceremony. “You’re losing this because of how disloyal you are”, she tells Kieran, before turning to Hannah; “The whole f***ing public hates you”, she tells her.

Following the gate crashers, Andrew says: “This has probably been the worst wedding I have ever attended!”.

Kieran and Deborah are pronounced husband and wife in the garden.

The housemates are gathered in the living room, talking about the ceremony: “It’s not a wedding, it’s a fedding. A fraud wedding”, Deborah says.

Chanelle enters the garden during the first dance, singing ‘You’ve Got The Love’.

Chanelle has some parting words for the housemates: “Stop putting yourself down. Because you’re beautiful”, she tells Isabelle, leading to Isabelle becoming emotional.

Chanelle then confronts Andrew about how he’s been treating the other housemates since her eviction; “You’re very sly and snakey”, she tells him from watching him since leaving the house.

Big Brother announces that cracks are starting to form in Kieran and Deborah’s ‘relationship’. The next stage of the task is breakup. Housemates must decide where their loyalties lie and who to side with.

Kieran is banished to the bedroom in Rose Cottage with pizza for receiving less votes. Isabelle and Tom are with him. Deborah is in the main house living room, having a break up party.

Ex-housemates Rebecca, Sukhvinder, Chanelle, Sue and Imran, enter the main house down the stairs. Big Brother releases Kieran, Tom and Isabelle from the bedroom to join the housemates and guests.

Andrew takes Chanelle to the storeroom to about her earlier comments; “I haven’t said anything bad about you”, he tells her. “We got on so well. I thought you was a ball. It’s more disappointed, Andrew” Chanelle tells him.


Andrew gathers the housemates in the kitchen; “I just want everyone to know, I’m not a f***ing snake”, he tells them. An argument breaks out between Chanelle and Rebecca as Andrew asks ex-housemates for their opinions of him.

Chanelle, Raph and Isabelle are sat in the garden. Rebecca walks outside to them; “You wanna call me a w***e on camera, you should explain it”, she says to Chanelle. “You sh**ged Lotan just to get a f***ing magazine interview. You’re embarrassing”, Chanelle replies.

Tensions rise in the living room after Rebecca and Sue leave the house. “You called that meeting so that you three could attack me”, Chanelle screams at Andrew. “You are a snake”, she shouts at him.

Ex housemates cause chaos ahead of double eviction

July 25, 2017

Here's all the latest Big Brother 2017 news and gossip from the house over the past 24 hours.


In last night's show it was revealed that Charlotte Keys had been evicted from Big Brother in what has turned out to be the penultimate eviction of the series.

But those that remain are NOT in the final yet.

Well, apart from second chance housemate Andrew who can't win the show.

Channel 5 has confirmed ANOTHER eviction twist that will see a further two housemates booted out via the backdoor once again.


Last night (Tuesday) saw the lines to vote for the winner open before they freeze today at 9PM. The two housemates at the point of the freeze with the fewest votes will be evicted tonight, again by the back door.

Their exits will be shown in Thursday night's show.

Before the double eviction there was chaos in the house yesterday when ex-housemates returned for a Big Brother wedding.

On Monday, Big Brother gathered the housemates and told them they would be taken through the stages of life in fast forward. In last night's show, they became babies before going to school and then graduating University.

The task continued yesterday with a first date between Kieran and Deborah before a wedding in the garden where some ex-housemates made their entrance as guests at the ceremony.

First to enter was Sukhvinder Javeed. She told Raph he was "brilliant" before attacking Tom: "Tom, the people's housemate. I think the people are really disappointed. You kind of make me understand why democracy in our country is so f**ked up, that people are choosing you to be the people's housemate."

Next in was Rebecca Jane, who first had some harsh words for Kieran over his lack of loyalty.


She then kicked off with Hannah Agboola in a major fight in the garden between the pair.

Also joining the group was Chanelle McCleary, with the highlights and fallout from the task airing tonight on Channel 5.

Elsewhere, Raph was still unhappy with the housemates for stealing his (really Big Brother's) ducks for a prank.

Rebecca Jane returns with harsh words for Kieran Lee

July 25, 2017

Rebecca Jane made a dramatic return to Big Brother 2017 house yesterday.


A number of evicted Big Brother 2017 housemates re-entered for a special task.

On Monday, Big Brother gathered the housemates and told them they would be taken through the stages of life in fast forward.

In last night's show, they became babies before going to school and then graduating University.

In the house yesterday, the task continued with a first date between Kieran and Deborah before a wedding in the garden.

Kieran and Rebecca.

And that's where the ex-housemates made their entrance as guests at the ceremony.

Rebecca, who had originally entered the house with Kieran, told him: "You have a chance of winning this.

"But you're losing it. You're losing it because of your lack of loyalty and the fact you don't stand up for anybody.

"Pick a side and stand up."

Kieran asked: "What if I'm wrong?"

"At least you did something, it's better than nothing," Rebecca told him.

More housemates returning include Chanelle McCleary.

And she teased trouble could be on its way on Twitter: "So today reuniting with some of my past housemates which will be FUN FUN FUN, especially after all they have done is bitch about me 👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽👸🏽"

'Hurricane Sue' Sue Evans is also understood to have joined the house yesterday, with all the fallout due to air in Wednesday night's show at the later time of 10:30PM.

Meanwhile, following the task, another two housemates will be leaving the Big Brother 2017 house this week before the final.

Channel 5 has confirmed ANOTHER eviction twist that will see a further two housemates booted out via the backdoor once again.


Last night saw the lines to vote for the winner open before they freeze today (Wednesday) at 3PM. The two housemates at the point of freeze with the fewest votes will be evicted, with their exits shown in Thursday's show.

Big Brother 2017 continues nightly on Channel 5.

TWO more housemates will be evicted before the final

July 25, 2017

Two more housemates will be leaving the Big Brother 2017 house this week before the final.


It was Charlotte Keys who left Big Brother 2017 tonight in what has turned out to be the penultimate eviction of the series.

Earlier this week, Hannah and Tom delivered their nominations to the house revealing that Charlotte and Isabelle were up for eviction.

Of course we already knew that and by the time the show aired, voting lines had closed. The one of with the most votes secretly got the axe out the backdoor yesterday and her departure was shown in tonight's episode.

As part of a task, Big Brother sent housemates back to school. Housemates were dressed in school uniforms and sat behind desks in the task room.

Isabelle and Charlotte.

Nominated housemates Isabelle and Charlotte were called to the front of the class where Big Brother make the shock announcement that one of them was being 'expelled' by the public for failing in their popularity.

Each was handed an envelope which revealed their fate, with Charlotte being told she had been 'expelled' and had to leave the house immediately in a backdoor eviction.

Following the eviction, for another part of the task, Big Brother threw the housemates a Graduation Ball, and announced that the final vote to win was now open to the public.

But those that remain are NOT in the final yet.

Well, apart from second chance housemate Andrew who can't win the show.

Channel 5 has confirmed ANOTHER eviction twist that will see a further two housemates booted out via the backdoor once again.


Tonight (Tuesday) will see the lines to vote for the winner open before they freeze on Wednesday. The two housemates at the point of freeze with the fewest votes will be evicted, again by the back door.

Big Brother 2017 continues nightly on Channel 5.

Results! Who left? One housemate evicted in shock backdoor exit

July 25, 2017

One housemate has been evicted from Big Brother 2017 in tonight's results - but who left?


It was Charlotte Keys who got the boot out the backdoor on Big Brother 2017 tonight after facing eviction alongside Isabelle Warburton.

She made a very surprise exit (well, a surprise to the housemates) during a task that took place in the house yesterday.

Big Brother gathered the housemates and told them they would be taken through the stages of life in fast forward.

First up, Tom and Isabelle are taken back to early childhood with an adult-sized play area. They must use alphabet blocks to answer questions given by Big Brother, whilst dressed in adult-sized baby grows.

Isabelle and Charlotte.

For the second part of the task, Big Brother sent housemates back to school. Housemates were dressed in school uniforms and sat behind desks in the task room.

Isabelle and Charlotte were called to the front of the class where Big Brother make the shock announcement that one of them was being expelled by the public after failing in the subject of popularity.

Each was handed an envelope which revealed their fate, with Charlotte being told she had been 'expelled' and had to leave the house immediately in a backdoor eviction.

Following the eviction, for the final part of the task, Big Brother threw the housemates a Graduation Ball, and announced that the final vote to win was now open to the public.

“I’m buzzing!” reacted Hannah.

However Big Brother then had an awkward announcement to make as it was revealed housemates had NOT actually made the final.

Unknown to them, two more will make backdoor exits tomorrow night (Wednesday) when lines are frozen.


There the two housemates with the fewest votes to win will be kicked out.

Big Brother 2017 continues nightly on Channel 5.

Day 50 recap and highlights

July 25, 2017

Here's your Tuesday Big Brother 2017 highlights recap and spoilers.


On tonight's show, it's Day 50 in the Big Brother house and housemates wake up in Rose Cottage bedroom, after sleeping there for the first time as a group. The night before, Kieran became annoyed with fellow housemates for making noise until 3am and keeping him awake

Kieran walks over to Isabelle and Raph in their beds, singing and banging a spoon against a sauce pan, making as much noise as possible to get his own back for the night before. “This is Isabelle’s dream, to have Kieran serenade her,” says Raph. Isabelle eventually gets up

Over the next few days, Big Brother will be taking housemates through the stages of life in fast forward. First up, Tom and Isabelle are taken back to early childhood with an adult-sized play area. They must use alphabet blocks to answer questions given by Big Brother, whilst dressed in adult-sized baby grows.

Charlotte, Isabelle and Andrew are in the bedroom playing a prank on Raph whilst he showers. They wrap his bed with cling film, hide his toiletries and ducks in the wardrobe and around the house

Kieran and Tom.

Hannah, Deborah and Raph are in the kitchen talking about the cling film prank. “I just have to get everyone if I don’t know who it is,” says Raph. “I’m warning you now, come for me and you’ll regret you even tried it,” Hannah replied

Andrew is in the diary room talking to Big Brother about his earlier prank on Raph: “He has been pranking us for ages, and we’ve never got him back, so it was about time…”

Hannah, Raph, Isabelle and Charlotte are in the living room. Kieran walks into the room and addresses Raph, holding curry power and a bottle of oil: “I can smell curry powder in there. If I find curry powder going on my stuff, then someone is going to get curry and oil.” Raph doesn’t admit to the prank

For the next part of today’s task, Big Brother is sending housemates back to school. Housemates are dressed in school uniforms, sat behind desks

Big Brother grades the housemates on their dress sense, based on the result of a public poll. Isabelle and Charlotte came first

The second subject of the task is power. Hannah and Kieran come first in the public poll.

During the task and revealed in tonight’s show - Charlotte or Isabelle was evicted and exited out the back door which shocked all housemates

Big Brother throws the housemates a Graduation Ball, and announces that the final vote to win is now open to the public. “I’m buzzing!” says Hannah about reaching the final week in the house

Raph is in the diary room talking to Big Brother about reaching the final week. He had thought he was a definite finalist but Big Brother clarifies they have reached the final week

Tom is in the diary room talking to Big Brother about his friendship with Kieran: “If we can get to the final together, that would be absolutely sick. Kieran has been there for me in this house through thick and f***ing thin.” Big Brother asks Tom who the best looking of the pair is: “We’ve got two different looks. We’re the same!”

Raph is in the bedroom looking for his ducks, which the housemates hid earlier: “If you’re genuinely going to give pranks, take them back, instead of getting so serious about them!” Andrew tells him


Raph admits he put curry under everyone’s bed. Hannah is annoyed: “Don’t take things too far in his house because you’re going to do the wrong thing, and somebody is going to flip on you!”

Deborah and Raph are in the garden talking about his earlier argument with Andrew: “It’s your last couple of days, don’t let anything affect you…” she tells him

Andrew apologies to Raph: “I’m a b**tch. My mouth is such a bitchy mouth. It’s a b**tch of a mouth. And I’m sorry. Please forgive me.” Andrew tells him, before they hug

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