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Winner of Big Brother 19 is Josh

September 20, 2017

Winner of Big Brother 19 is Josh
Josh wins Part two 
Josh Wins Part three

Josh takes Paul to the finale. Cody is now not the stupidest finale 2 player Josh is.

Jury segment
Matt’s a douche and Raven is the puppet master.
Nobody thinks Christmas should win the game.
Dr Will – So Xmas’ biggest move is getting a broken foot
They’re all biter… some of them are f*ing the worst during this segment.

Jury Vote
The Jury laughs when they hear Josh took Paul to the end.

The questions begin..

Elena calls him out for bullying. He denies it.

Matt speaks but nobody cares

Alex calls him out on friendship.. Paul lies..

Cody asks him if he played Paul’s game or is own.
Josh mentioned owning a business but falls to mentions it’s a ebay storefront that sells cheap chinese hair products.

Jason calls Paul out for pour poor jury management.
Paul says he did everything he said he was doing. Blames the backstabbing on “the entire house”

Mark brings up Josh crying after he would bully people
Josh – one of my game moves is to expose people’s move
Josh now claims he’s a fan of the game and this insight allowed him to pull out the shady players.

Xmas speaks nobody cares

Votes go down

Cody – going to stay true to my word
Elena – cutscene there’s no jury management
Mark – congratulations both of you
Matt – I’m a idiot..
Jason – somebody has got to go
Raven – blah blah blah surgery i’m the worst
Alex – it’s just a game.. and we’ll just be friends afterwards I’m voting for who stab me in the front
Kevin – you played a great game
Xmas – I love you both…

Jessica calls them the jury out for being idiots and it’s glorious. She says they all have been quoted for saying they trust paul and want him to make it far.
Everyone but Cody feel like idiots.
Production shows cutscenes of them saying they trust Paul with their Lives (kinda)
The jury sans Cody feels stupid

When Jason was asked if he’s shocked that Paul played him. jason say yes, he forfeited his own opinion for Paul. Alex jumps in with this “that was my fault sorry” (THIS THIS THIS… Jason came to Alex many times and she told him to trust Paul because friendship. It sounds like Alex knows she made th9s mistake)

Cameron says everyone was playing for Paul or each other.
Cody says he’s been warned multiple times that he’s not allowed to run out and hug her.

They need 5 votes to win

Xmas – Paul
Kevin – Paul
Alex – Josh
Raven – Paul
Jason – Josh
Matt – Paul
Mark – Josh
Elena – Josh
Cody – Josh

Winner of Big Brother 19 is Josh
America’s Favorite player is Cody 
They had 15 million votes

Top 3 were Kevin, Cody and Jason

Tonight's FINALE

September 20, 2017

After a summer of romance, conflict and tears, three HGs remain but only will walk away with the half million dollar prize. Welcome to the live two hour season finale of Big Brother!

This season on Big Brother, with three power pairs in the top eight - The showmance, the Nomance and the Ho-ho-homance - Paul perfectly aligned himself with each couple. Deciding his true loyalty was to Joshmas, Paul orchestrated everyone to take shots at each other.

First, Jason took out the Silver Fox; next, Christmas clipped the Cowboy; then Paul ensured Raven flew out next. With only five remaining, everyone trusted Paul but Josh was starting to have second thoughts and he even considered taking a shot. But in the end, Paul, Josh and Christmas stayed loyal to each other. Together, they ended the Gamer's game, then took out the last one on their hit list. With only the potty mouth, the Fa la la lunatic and the meatball remaining, the stage was set for the final HoH competition.

Now, after a summer of intense confrontations, romance, and epic competitions, it all comes down to this. Who will become the final HoH and who will make it to Final Two? 14 HGs have departed and tonight, nine must make a difficult decision. Who will crowned the winner of Big Brother and walk away with the half million dollar prize and who did America crown their favorite HG? Find out tonight on the live two hr season finale of Big Brother!

Good evening and welcome to the live season finale of Big Brother. Christmas, Josh and Paul - they were an improbably trio who worked together to send every member of the jury packing. But tonight it's every person for themselves as they head into battle for the final HoH of the summer and the chance to be crowned the winner of Big Brother. So, who will reign as the final HoH; who will walk out of the house and who will be crowned the victor? We'll find out tonight.

#ButFirst, when last we saw the HGs, they were battling in out in a magical, beautiful rainbow wonderland.

Paul tells us that the rules of the competition are simple. They have to stand on a tilting cloud while holding the tail of a unicorn. Whoever hangs on the longest wins and gets to advance to part three of the final HoH competition.

Christmas tells us that she broke her foot week two coming into the BB house and she's had to sit out on a lot of physical competitions, so going into this last HoH series, she is pumped because she finally gets to compete and the timing couldn't be better! She needs to win this part not only to prove she can win a physical competition but also to ensure her spot in the third part of the HoH competition.

Josh tells us at this point in the competition, he needs to decide who to take to Final Two. He's been thinking all along it's Christmas, but the other night Paul gave him a pretty good case to be sitting next to each other.

We are shown them in the HoH room, discussing that sitting next to Christmas is bad because she'd be in Final Two with a broken foot. Her story would win the game. Josh tells us he's not sold yet, but he wants to make a decision about what's best for his game. To do that, he was to win HoH.

Paul tells us he's had people throwing competitions all season long and he's thrown a few himself. Now is the time to win. If he wins this HoH, he automatically advances to part three of HoH and is that much closer to the win.

Christmas tells us the unicorn poops are pretty bad but they're not as bad as Josh on slop. 28 minutes in, the clouds begin tilting. Christmas tells us her foot gets pissed off at her when the cloud tilts. She hasn't used it as an excuse all summer long and she's not doing it now. She's going to suck it up and hold onto the unicorn tail and win the competition.

Josh tells us he's holding on for dear life. His legs are trembling, his knees are locking up. Everything is sore, everything is in pain. Josh falls at 40 minutes. Josh tells us he's extremely disappointed in himself. He just couldn't do it. He wanted to win to secure his spot in the third HoH. It sucks.

Paul tells us Christmas is locked in tight. He has to hold on as tight as he can or the half million is slipping through his fingers.

When the clouds tilt extremely steep, Christmas can barely hold on. Christmas tells us her foot is screaming, her fingers are going numb and the unicorns tail keeps growing, adding slack to the rope, making it harder to hold on.

Paul almost slips but regains his balance. Paul tells us that was too close. He has to hold on tighter and solidify his win and place in Final Two. Christmas slips off at 54 minutes and Paul screams happily at the win. Paul screams in the DR as well, he can't believe it!

Christmas can't even feel her hands. Paul tears up in the DR, he's worked hard this season and put blood and sweat and tears into everything. And he's only one spot away now from Final Two. Christmas, also emotional in the DR, says this is probably one of the hardest falls she's ever taken in her life because she really wanted it. There's one more to come and she's going to give it all her heart because she knows that's what she needs to do.

Josh tells us it sucks that he has to compete against Christmas in the next round but he needs to secure his place in the last round so he's sorry, he loves her, but he needs to win the next HoH competition.

Julie reminds us that Paul has already won Part 1 of the HoH competition. Now Christmas and Josh will face off in Part Two. The winner of this round will move on to face Paul tonight live, and one of them will become the final HoH of the summer.

We see Christmas coming into a backyard decked out in castles and suits of armor. Christmas tells us she has been transported into another time. She's looking at all the evicted HGs. She's not sure what's going on but she's ready to get Medieval in this competition.

Christmas reads the instructions. The competition is called "Knock 'em down" and here's how it works. Press your button to start your timer and reveal your first scroll. Each scroll will tell you which evicted HGs you need to align with. Your job is to attack anyone you're not aligned with by knocking them down with the launching device. When you think that only HGs (life-size cardboard representations) that fit the scroll's description are left standing, hit your button. If you are incorrect, you will hear a buzzer and must try again. If you are correct you will hear a ding and the next scroll will appear on the monitor and you must reset all evicted HGs to their upright positions. The player who answers the three scrolls correctly and hits their button in the fastest time will win part two of this three-part HoH competition.

The first scroll says to align with HGs that have won HoH. 

Christmas tells us that she needs to win this competition to show everyone that even with a broken foot she's a competitor to be reckoned with, and she'll be one step closer to that $500,000 prize. 

The first question is pretty easy. Cody, Jessica, Jason and Alex have all been HoHs. She has to knock down everyone else. She accidentally knocks Cody down, so she'll have to fix that before she buzzes in. She won't be able to hit all of them with the cross bow, so she'll have to use all three weapons to get a clear shot at each of her targets.

Christmas knocks down Jessica when she meant to knock down Kevin. Once everyone is down, she goes to stand Cody and Jess up and the buzzes in. 

The next clue is to align yourself with the evicted HGs that were taken off the block with the PoV. Alex, Jason and Mark were all taken off the block with the PoV; they need to be the only ones left standing. 

Christmas tells us she knows Matt had the PoV but can't remember what he did with it. She thinks he used it on Raven but is incorrect. She then thinks he used it on himself, so she stands Matt up but knocks Raven over. She then decides to knock both over and buzzes in correctly.

The next clue says to align with the evicted HGs that were on the block on eviction night three or more times. Jessica, Cody, Matt, Kevin, Elena and Raven were all on the block three times on eviction night. 

Hopefully her time on this will be better than Josh's. The frustrating part is she knows the answer but keeps knocking down the wrong HGs. Her mind is scrambled, her heart hurts because of disappointment. She's just at a loss. 

Finally, she answers correctly and buzzes in. She's frustrated with her performance and thinks she could have done better. She hopes she did better than Josh so she can move to part three.

Josh is up next; he reminds us he wants control of his destiny in this game. He begins with the same clues as Christmas. 

Josh tells us he loves using the slingshot. He asks his mommy if he can have one of these at home. He accidentally knocks Cody over, fixes him and then knocks him over. The same thing happens with Jess. Josh wonders why he keeps hitting Jess and Cody. He finally buzzes in and moves on. He moves quickly through the second round and buzzes in. He then moves onto the final round. 

In the DR, he says he's lost in the sauce. He's going to do process of elimination by who he remembers not being on the block a lot.

Josh tries a significant number of times to knock Jillian over but is unable to do so for quite awhile. He buzzes in incorrectly two times and is frustrated trying to figure out his error. He buzzes in again - again is wrong. He finally buzzes in correctly. 

Josh tells us he doesn't feel so good about it - he has no idea how Christmas did. He hopes he did better than she did to move onto round three.

Paul reveals the results. Christmas finished with a time of 1 hour 39 minutes. Josh finished with a time of 1 hour 32 minutes. By seven minutes, Josh wins part two of HoH. 

Josh and Paul will face off in part three of HoH. Josh hugs Christmas, saying how brutal that competition was. 

Christmas tells us she wanted to be in Final Two, without someone taking her. 

Josh tells us he's this close and he can taste it. He can see the check for $500k signed in his name.

Paul goes into the blue lounge to speak to the cameras. He legit is in shock - he secured himself a spot in part three of HoH. 

In the last competition if he somehow loses, Josh will take him to Final Two. 

In the DR, Paul reminds us last year he was one vote shy of winning and that was heartbreaking. He's pretty sure he has Josh beat. The people in the jury house may not like him, but he knows they don't like Josh for sure. If he can win this time, he can take the money back to his family, relieve any financial burdens they have and put the rest of the money back into himself, his future and hopefully spread the word of friendship even more.

In the backyard by herself, Christmas also talks to the cameras. She's super disappointed in herself. She failed, she sucked at that competition. 

In the DR, She tells us she's worked so hard and tried so hard to stay positive and show people you can do whatever you put your mind to - even play BB with a broken foot. 

In the backyard, Christmas wonders if her broken foot and being in the Final Two would make her successful or the girl that got carried? Christmas tells us it overwhelms her with excitement thinking about being in the Final Two. Her mom is her hero and she was diagnosed with breast cancer. She wants to win and pay for her mom's medical bills and also buy her a log cabin on her farm down in Texas.

Who doesn't want to buy their mom a house? She adds. Josh is next to talk to the cameras in the blue lounge. Josh tells us winning BB has been his dream since he was 14 years old. He just has to win part three to decide who to bring with him to Final Two so he has the best chance of winning. 

To the cameras he says he really doesn't know who the best decision is. He thinks if he makes the big move and gets Paul out, that would bring his move full circle. He loves Paul but he's playing for his family. His family came from Cuba; came from nothing. He can win this for them and say thank you for all they've done for him. His life will be complete, he'll be the happiest 23 year old in the world.

Julie tells us that one by one each jury member entered the jury house and realized they had been played. With emotions running high, they gathered to learn who would be the next to join them and then to voice their opinions of the final three. We see the jury gathered in a semi-circle with DR. Will introducing himself as a former BB winner but also a former jury member, so he knows what it's like. They are going to discuss the final three, but they can't do that until they know who the final three are. 

Will asks who they think will be joining them and Cody immediately says "Kevin." Dr. Will asks why and Cody says because Kevin is more likable than the rest of them. Everyone laughs.

Elena agrees with what Cody said. Jason says "absolutely Kevin." Raven says she'd like to see Josh join them, but she thinks it's Christmas. Alex says she hopes it's Christmas and if Alex could break Christmas' other leg, she would. 

Dr. Will says, let's find out who juror number eight is.

Kevin enters to applause and Dr. Will welcomes him. Kevin does the round of hugs. 

Raven tells Kevin the she knew it would be him and Mark calls her out saying she just said she thought it would be Christmas... that just defines the "puppet master" this summer. 

Matt tells Mark he's sulking already... the "Incredible Sulk" has started already. Mark challenges Matt to name three things he was known for this summer, and Matt just calls Mark the Incredible Sulk again. Mark asks if anyone has cereal for Matt and tells Matt he did absolutely nothing.

Matt shrugs and Mark is incredulous that Matt is proud of it... that's pathetic! Raven calls Mark a drama queen and he fires back asking Raven to explain how she's a puppet master if she came in sixth place. Raven points out that he hit the jury house before her, and he points out that he never claimed to be a great player. 

Matt tells Mark to sit down (he already is). Mark's voice quickly escalates and he tells Matt to stop calling him Mr. Sulk - come up with something new! Matt just laughs.

Dr. Will welcomes Kevin to the jury and asks him what happened. Kevin says there were only four left. Paul was HoH, then won PoV. Paul didn't take Kevin off the block, which was the plan. Kevin was surprised, and now he's here. Jason looks miffed and Alex says "weird." 

Dr. Will asks whose vote sent him home and Kevin tells him Christmas... she didn't even have to leave the room. Alex asks why Kevin isn't mad at Paul when it's obvious Paul screwed him. Kevin asks what Alex wanted him to do... get up there and start screaming? Jason says he'd want to knock Paul's teeth out and Kevin says he's just not that type of person.

Dr. Will asks the jurors to discuss Josh. Raven says from the get-go people saw that Josh was emotionally unstable and people used that to their benefit. She thinks it's just pure luck that he's there now... he didn't play the best game. Kevin agrees, saying Josh was just loud and obnoxious and aggressive and then he would cry. 

Cody chimes in saying he doesn't respect Josh as a dude in general overall. Jason says Josh saw that his role was to be a non-violent psychopath that was extremely emotional. Everyone laughs and Jason elaborates that he doesn't want to reward bad behavior and Josh had bad behavior the whole time. Elena says she doesn't respect Josh as a human being. The only thing Josh has done in the game is existed.

Cody thinks Josh and Paul are both scum (Alex agrees) but at least Josh took action while Paul hid behind a closed door being a wuss. Mark agrees, even if Josh cried after the fact, he'd say what he felt to your face. Matt says anyone who can fight with pretty much everyone in the house and still make final three is pretty impressive. Alex agrees, Josh is willing to do whatever it takes to win. He didn't mind getting into fights or ruining his social game; he wanted to get to the end and he did whatever it took to get there.

Dr. Will asks why Christmas deserves to win the game. Kevin says he doesn't know, maybe they should ask Dr. Will that. Raven giggles loudly. She broke her foot and she's in the Final Three? Cody says she got carried. For him, Christmas gets the cripple pass. Elena says that's the only reason she's in the house. If Jason had broken her foot too then she'd probably still be in the house and not be mad about it. Dr. Will clarifies that Christmas' biggest move (according to them) is that Jason broke her foot. They all agree - except Jason. She took a tragedy into a triumph, Jason is quick to point out.

Alex adds that once she couldn't really use her body to win physically, she had to rely on her social game. Raven mentions she thought Christmas wanted to take her to final four with her and Josh. She is playing a good social game, she's there and they are all in jury so she has to be doing something right. Elena is frowning, looking completely confused. Matt thinks her best game move was aligning with Josh. When your alliance member is always a bigger target, it helps.

Dr. Will asks why Paul should win. Dead silence. Kevin says Paul's a veteran, a clever player. He outsmarted everyone in the jury. If it's a game of outsmarting, Paul should definitely win. Matt says Paul made it to Final Three without going on the block once; the only other player to do that was Derrick. Mark says the game was handed to him on a silver platter, Cody reminds that Paul had three weeks of safety to play as hard as he could. 

Dr. Will points out that Cody benefited from the Halting Hex - Cody says "barely" and then Dr. Will says he had an advantage in the Battle Back. Cody doesn't know how much of an advantage he really had in the game.

Dr. Will reminds his three weeks of safety ended early in the game. They had ten weeks to cut him off, evict him, blindside him.... they weren't taken. 

Elena said if she'd won an HoH and not been evicted, she would've taken a shot at Paul. Paul made sure those evicted were people who challenged him, feared their intelligence, was afraid could go after him. Raven shrieks "That's the game!" 

Mark says he wanted everyone to do his dirty work; he didn't count on people in the jury house talking about things he'd said. It was overplay. Dr. Will mentions there are a lot of duos on stage tonight; might they all have been willing to take Paul to Final Three?

Jason, Alex, and Matt and Raven agree, even Mark nods his head but Elena shakes her head. They were beginning to realize Paul was in an alliance with himself when they got evicted, she explains. 

Raven reminds again that this is Big Brother! Elena says he lied to them, backstabbed them and tried to get the duos to turn on each other. Some would say that's how you play Big Brother, fine. But there's also such a thing as a bitter jury. She's a bitter juror. Mark thinks it's poor jury management. 

Elena says Paul over played it, abused relationships. Alex thinks it's a personal attack by making sure every juror feels belittled by him. She thinks it's bad game play. Elena continues that Paul crossed the line that she's determining as a jury member. Jason says he over lied - it's unacceptable.

Raven again reminds everyone that this is the point of the game. Dr. Will asks everyone to raise their hand if they lied or backstabbed anyone in the Big Brother house this season. Every juror raises their hands. Alex was reluctantly. Dr. Will asks if she had anything to do with blindsides, she doesn't consider that lying. She doesn't consider fake crying lying either. Dr. Will rolls his eyes when Alex says she guesses she lied -by his standards. Mark points out she never did it to anyone's face like Paul.

Raven wonders aloud if they're playing Big Baby? They're all salty because they're in jury. But between Christmas, Josh and Paul, Paul deserves to win. She asks everyone to put up their hand if they were lied to by Paul. Everyone got played by Paul except Cody. He played a good game, Raven says. You are supposed to lie and manipulate. He did that! Matt says no one, including him, can tell him Josh and Christmas played a better game than him.

Dr. Will says no one is really giving the Final Three any real credit for making it to Final Three when they are in the house and the jurors aren't. Elena sees how Paul made it to Final Three, she feels the other two made it because they are non-threats. Mark doesn't respect how the season played out or the strategies. 

Dr. Will says they are just sore losers, the Final Three are just better than them. The rest look offended while Jason admits he is absolutely a sore loser. Dr. Will commends Jason for his honesty. Playing BB is hard work and with passion. Mark demands to know how Josh worked hard to be in Final Three. Matt says he fought with everyone. Fine, so he fought with pots and pans, Mark says. That's it?

Elena doesn't respect the way Paul worked. Raven thinks Christmas worked hard - she made it to Final Three after having had surgery. That's hard! She's had surgery and if someone told her to compete in BB (Cody mutters ohmigod) after that, that takes a lot of mental capacity. Alex says if Christmas felt she couldn't compete, she should not have made the choice to stay in the house. Jason says all three fit the bill of hard work and passion. Alex says they are the ONLY option, by default.

Dr. Will reminds them the final questions they get to ask the Final Two plus their discussion that night determines who will win BB. He suggests they make those questions count.

It's time for Josh and Paul to compete for the final HoH of the summer. This HoH will immediately have to decide whom he wants to evict and whom he wants to face off against for the half-million dollars. We head to the back yard to get things started.

Julie says hello to Paul and Josh who are on opposite sides of a giant scale, and explains the competition "Scales of Just Us" win they'll have to prove just how well they know the members of the jury. Julie will read the beginnings of statements made by each of the eight members of the Big Brother jury. For each, they will have a choice of two possible endings. They must decide how they think the juror completed the statement. The answer will be either A or B and they will receive a point for each correct answer. Whoever has the most points after eight questions will tip the scale in their favor and be crowned the final HoH.

Question 1: Cody said "my favorite moment in the house was A. Winning the Battle Back or B. Meeting Jess." Paul answers A, and Josh says B. Cody's answer was winning the battle back. A point for Paul. Question 2: Elena said "my biggest regret in the game was ..." A. not standing up for Mark more or B. Letting a showmance ruin my game. Paul says B and Josh says A. We see the clip of Elena saying her regret was not standing up for Mark more. A. is correct and a point goes to Josh. Tie score 1-1.

Question 2: Elena said "my biggest regret in the game was ..." A. not standing up for Mark more or B. Letting a showmance ruin my game. Paul says B and Josh says A. We see the clip of Elena saying her regret was not standing up for Mark more. A. is correct and a point goes to Josh. Tie score 1-1. 

Question 4: Matt said "the best thing about being in the house was..." A. all the free cereal, or B. Raven's cooking. Paul answer A, then B, then settles on A. Josh answers B. We see the clip of Matt saying the best thing in the house was Raven's cooking. The point goes to Josh, who takes the lead 3-2.

Question 5: Jason said "my most embarrassing moment in the house was..." A. letting Christmas ride on my back, then breaking her foot, or B. not being able to defend myself in an argument with Matt. Both Paul and Josh answer A, and the clip shows Jason saying that B is true. Neither gets a point and they reset.

Question 6: Raven said "the most annoying thing about the house was..." A. the gross nasty kitchen, or B. Cody. Both Paul and Josh answer B, and we see Raven saying the most annoying thing about the house was the gross nasty kitchen (A)...both get it wrong. Score is still 3-2 for Josh.

Question 7: Alex said "The HGs who I thought made the worst game decisions was..." A. Me or B. Jessica. Paul answer A and Josh says B. Alex says Jessica and Josh gets another point making the score 4-2.

With only one question left, Paul can't catch up. Julie says there is no need to continue.... congratulations're the final HoH!

Josh is shaking and crying as the scale tips and Julie reminds him it's now up to him to decide whom he wants to compete against for the half-million dollar prize.

Julie tells Paul and Christmas that in just a few moments Josh will cast the final vote to evict, but before he does, they each have one last chance to plead their case. Paul is up first. Paul tells Josh that he shook his hand on day 1 and he's worked really hard beside Josh in the beginning of the game and he's spent a lot of time. He has had Josh's back a lot of the time in this game and has kept Josh safe when he needed to. He hopes Josh will keep him safe in this moment. He thanks Josh and takes a seat.

Christmas is up next. She stands and turns to Josh. She says she doesn't know what to say. Josh is her meatball. Paul is friendship Paul. She loves them both dearly. She thanks them for an amazing summer. She's had the time of her life and is honestly walking out of here with so many things that she didn't expect to gain. So many friendships and an experience she'll never be able to relive again. She thanks them both for contributing to that and she loves them very much.

Julie reminds Josh that he his now guaranteed at LEAST second place and the $50,000 prize that goes with it, but he has a big decision to make. By deciding whom to evict, he is also deciding who will stay and sit next to him when the jury votes for the winner of Big Brother. This could be a half-million decision for he ready to make it? Josh says yes and Julie asks him to stand, go to the head of the living room and cast his vote to evict.

Josh stands and takes his place. He is emotional and starts by saying this is hard. He loves them both dearly and they have been the best and closest friends to him in this house. Without them he would not have made it this far. He loves them. He's been playing. He worked his butt off this season and he played his heart out. He thinks about jury and how many people are pissed off at him in jury and how many people are upset in jury. He thinks him crazy... that he has a better chance sitting next to Paul in the end. He apologizes to Christmas. He loves her so much. He thanks her for being his rock in this game, but she is a badass and one of the strongest, toughest competitors and she killed everybody with kindness and handled every eviction with grace. He just thinks he wouldn't win against her. It's a game decision... he's bawling... he's just doing it for his family.

Julie makes it official. Christmas is the last person to be evicted from the Big Brother house. The final three share a long hug together. Paul asks Christmas to throw her crutch at Cody. Julie cuts in to tell Christmas she has to leave.

Christmas whispers to Josh not to apologize and Josh sobs as she leaves while Paul reminds Josh he's soon going to see his family. Christmas runs out to see Julie, who comments on her running while inside the Big Brother house, Josh screams and cries while Paul tells them they made it! Christmas, crying on stage, says she's proud of Josh. Julie points out Christmas wasn't asking Josh to keep her. Christmas is proud that he always acts with his heart, but now he finally acts strategically truly. She doesn't know if he would've won over him but he made the ultimate game move. Christmas thinks he made the right choice for a game - he has a better chance of winning against Paul. Her mom told her to kill them with kindness before she came and she tried to act with integrity and she knows she lost it a few times but she had a good social game and Paul has a few more enemies in the jury than she does. He's a competition beast and a vet...

Christmas says if she had not broken her foot in the game, she would've had a very different strategy in how she played. She loves competing and pushing her limits. She was hoping people would realize when she stayed that there is no limit to what you can do in the circumstance you are given and there's no way she thought she'd make it to Final Three and she has two amazing friends and can show everyone that you can do whatever you put your mind to.

Julie welcomes the jurors on stage one at a time, allowing them all to get their cheers. The jurors are all smiles and waves while Julie tells them that the last HGs was just evicted and will be joining them shortly. Who does Jason think the next juror will be? Not hope, but will be. Both Jason and Mark think it will be Christmas, and she walks out to join them. Julie brings the jurors up to speed. The jurors are stunned that Josh chose to evict Christmas and kept Paul.

The jurors have three questions each for the finalists - they have all agreed on the questions. Julie greets Josh and Paul and tells them it's time for the jury to ask a few questions. Elena: Paul, some of us in the jury feel you orchestrated and participated in bullying tactics in the house. Why was that necessary and how did it serve your game? 

Paul: I definitely don't think I was orchestrating bullying tactics. I spoke up on behalf of a lot of people. Maybe what people didn't voice publicly they would tell me privately. I felt like I was the one who had to mediate or speak on everyone's behalf. It wasn't something I decided on - it was something everyone took part of.

Matt - Josh, the jury doesn't feel you had a strategy in the game. Tell us why we're wrong and explain your biggest game move.
Josh: Big surprise to you guys and to Paul. I'm actually a superfan and I've been one since I was 14 years old and this is my biggest dream; I've envisioned myself since I was 14 in this position and my biggest move was the strategic social game play that I had. I aligned with the outsiders, Alex and Jason and I aligned with Christmas and Paul in the nine person alliance I knew was going to break up.

Christmas was giving me the pecking order you guys decided on and I was keeping Jason and Alex calm since I knew you guys were going to split up. My other biggest move was evicting Alex, a huge competitor and one of my closest allies in the game. It was hard, but I knew she'd beat me in the end otherwise.

Alex - Paul, in your last season your gameplay was based on friendship. This season, why did you decide to go against that by creating friendship and alliances and then destroying them? (Her face hardens into a glare as her tone gets angry)

Paul: I don't necessarily think I destroyed any friendship or alliances. I tried to get friendship with everyone in the house but unfortunately a lot of people turned their back on me or I would find out they were having hypothetical situations about evicting me. I got everyone as far I could, but maybe the mis-conception was that I would toss my game for someone else's and I never said I would do that. I would help out where I could but I never said I would let anyone go farther than me.

Cody - Josh, some in the jury feel you played a bigger part in Paul's game than in your own. Tell us why we're wrong.

Josh: I actually played my own game. Being in the business industry, one of the biggest tips my dad gave me was to let your business partner have the control because then they'll invest more or feel safer with you. I didn't want to impose myself as a threat. I wanted to be an ally so I downplayed my intelligence and how much I knew the game. Paul was a great ally because I saw him play last season and I knew he wasn't going to change how loyal he was so I stuck to him and it worked.

Jason - Paul, it seems like you made moves throughout the game to avoid making enemies in the jury. Why lie unnecessarily to our faces days and hours before we were going to the jury? You had to have known that we would compare notes.

Paul: Of course there were points that I knew certain things were going to happen but at the same time, I did do and say everything I said I was going to. If I used the veto, I said I was going to. If I pulled someone off, I said I would. At the same time, if the house wanted a certain target out and I was outnumbered, I couldn't help that individual. I had to act a certain way and say and do certain things to keep myself safe. And I wanted to keep myself free to compete in the following HoH so if I had competitions thrown to take my targets out for me, I was eligible to compete the following week as a security blanket because I never knew what would happen.

Mark - Josh, it seemed like every time you had an altercation in the house, it ended with you crying afterwards, apologizing and proclaiming you wouldn't do it anymore. But it would inevitably happen again. How did this serve your game? 

Josh: One of my game moves was to expose people's game. I knew I was going to stay true to myself and stay loyal but being a fan, I can easily see people's shady gameplay so one of my strategies was to call out people and their game. I didn't always feel good about it because I like all of you but it was a strategy for everyone to see shady moves being made. It was part of my game and got me to this point.

Christmas gets to ask one question to either juror. Josh - Meatball - I'd like to know if you'd like to evict Peppy (her scooter) or crutches and why?

Josh (laughing): I'd rather evict Peppy because Peppy would storm around and chase me down with creepy Christmas hugs and drive me nuts.

The rest of the jurors look creeped out by this.

Julie tells us the jury is just moments away from casting their votes to determine who will win Big Brother. 

Before they do, let's check in with the final two. We go to the living room where Julie addresses Paul and Josh telling them they each have a chance to tell the jury why they deserve to win Big Brother.

Paul is up first. Paul tells the jury that "Houseguest" he knows that at one point each of them either wanted to, thought of, or tried to get him out of this game. From the second he walked in the doors he was put at a disadvantage. He was the odd man out. They all knew who he was and how he played, so instantly he had to play a different game than all of them. With his first HoH he used his social skills to get control of the numbers in the house. Then he made it a point to always set a house target in play. That did a few things. Because he had such strong control of the numbers, nobody was willing to take a shot at him, and everyone was asking his advice so he pretty much had a hand in every single HoH and he always set up a house target that would be in front of him. After surviving the first double eviction he had to change his strategy, so he position himself in a perfect place between three pairs: Jalex, Joshmas, and Matt and Raven.

His social game was so strong at that point that he didn't have to win anything. Instead he let the right people win, and while they started shooting at each other, he strategically maneuvered his way to the top until he was left with the final pair, Josh and Christmas. From that point on he knew he had to win himself to the end and he did. He won the most important HoH, which secured his spot in the final three and he won the most important veto, which controlled who came to final three with him. Then he won part one of the final HoH competition, securing his spot in part three, and he made sure that no matter what, he would end up in this position right here, and he did. He won a total of nine competitions this season. Every time he won HoH, he won the veto that came with it, which meant that when he had the power he had full control of his week. The other four vetoes that he won not only kept him safe but it was pivotal power moves that pushed him forward. From the second he walked in the door, he worked his ass off day after day after day making tough decisions and everyone wanted to know what he was doing and what he was thinking, and he still fought his way to this point right here without ever touching the block one single time this entire season, and that's not by luck. That's not by friendship. That's by playing the hell out of Big Brother, which is exactly what he came back here to do. Thank you guys so much.

Julie calls on Josh, who stands and starts by saying "All the glory to God for making my dream come true."

He's been a fan since he was 14 years old. He said when came into this house he would play fearlessly. He had to put targets on peoples' backs, expose some peoples' games so they could see the shady game that some people were playing. He aligned himself strategically with Christmas and Paul because they were in a big alliance and he aligned himself with Jason and Alex. Luckily he aligned himself with people who won most of the HoHs. He took shots when he was HoH and he made moves. He put all of his targets on the block... Mark, Elena, and Jessica... which ended up Jessica going home. He took a shot at Alex, who was one of the strongest game players in the house and she played a great game.

Not only that, he adapted to the game and he played fearlessly. He stumbles, saying he is nervous. He repeats that he adapted to the game, played fearlessly, and gave it everything he had. He had to play from day 1 when he DIDN'T get a friendship bracelet. He got safety and if it wasn't for that, he wouldn't have made it to day 92. He laid low and didn't let people know he was a fan or how intelligent he was. He was underestimated, which was his biggest strength. Physically, mentally and how well he knew the game and none of them caught on to that. They all underestimated him and that's why he's sitting there at the end. Not only did he take shots, make moves and get out strong players, but he played loyal sticking by who he is as a person. People saw that and kept him in this house. He played the hell out of the game and he hopes that's respected.

Julie thanks Josh and Paul then turns to the jurors telling them it's time for them to vote. One by one they will insert the key of the person they want to see win this game. 

Cody is first. Cody says he is going to stay true to his word, and he places his key. 

Elena is next. She says "Cut scene! There's no jury management!" and places her key. 

Mark congratulates both of them and places his key. 

Matt is voting for the person that did more in every aspect of the game and places his key.

Jason says they both aligned with him, someone has to go and places his key. 

Raven says she is voting for the person she thinks played the best game all season and places her key. 

Alex says "You said it was just a game so let's be friends afterwards. If that's true, let's be friends. Otherwise I'm voting for the person who stabbed me in the front instead of the back" and places her key. 

Kevin says he's proud of both of them, they played a great game, congrats to both - he means that. He places his key. 

Christmas says she loves them both and is proud of them both. It's been a long summer, this is 100% game move. Voting is now complete.

Julie asks us to say hello to the first five HGs... Cameron, Jillian, Dominique, Ramses, and Jessica. There are shouts from the audience, and we see Cody smiling across at Jessica. 

Julie welcomes them back and says it's good to see everyone all in the same room together. When each of the first five got evicted, they got to go home and watch the truth, the whole story of what happened. She knows they want to let the jurors in on what was going on that they are not aware of.

Julie starts with Jessica... they'll get to Jessica and Cody in a moment because she's sure they want to embrace and all that... they'll have that at the end of the show, but first let's talk game. Julie asks Jessica what she wants the jurors to know. Jessica says she tried to warn them but they didn't listen. Paul had an alliance with everyone except for Cody. Not one of them meant more to him than the other person. He quite often laughed at them in the DR, referred to himself as a puppet master, and he played them all. He did a great job at it, but they let him do it. The worst part of the entire season was that most of them have been quoted several times saying that Paul deserves to win, and that they have no problem losing to Paul. From a Big Brother standpoint, if they wanted to play like that, they probably shouldn't have come in the house.

Julie adds that the jurors also said, not to one another, about how much they trust Paul. They didn't compare notes in the house, but told all of us in the DR. We are then shown various clips of the HGs proclaiming their trust in Paul from the beginning of the show to Final Three as well as Paul's comments about being the puppet master.

Elena watches the clips with disbelief on her face. Mark smirks at his own comment, then sticks out his tongue. Cody's face in his hard stare, as usual. Julie points out that during that segment, everyone was laughing - except Cody. Which makes the HGs laugh again. Julie says she tried warning them.

Julie points out that Jess was one week away from making it to jury. Who would she have voted for between Paul and Josh had she made it? Jess says watching that Paul had something to do with everything from beginning to end, competitions were thrown in his name and if she was in jury, he'd get her vote. 

Julie turns to Jason - was he surprised that everyone trusted Paul as much as he did? Jason says he was good, he fell hook, line and sinker. He was super shocked. 

Julie turns to Paul - he had to do a lot of back stabbing, blind siding to get to where he was right now. Who was the hardest to betray? Paul says there were many - Raven, Alex, Jason. He was torn between friendship and winning the game. In order to survive, he had to make the moves he did. He couldn't satisfy everyone and he's sorry.

Julie tells Paul he wasn't the only sneaky one in the house. She turns to Josh and reveals his goodbye messages back stabbing. Clips are shown of Josh's goodbye messages blowing up Paul's game. 

Julie asks Josh's intentions as Paul shakes his head. Josh says he wanted them to know it was all for game. He gave Christmas and Paul his loyalty from week one and he stuck to it. It was his way to explain his game since no one knew what was happening. It was the only way to let them know he was sticking with his plan to the end. 

Paul honestly thinks it's cowardly to toss the blame in the messages but Josh gave him credit in of itself because he took Josh that far thinking he could beat him.

Cameron was most surprised by the amount of showmances - right away too! Seemed like no one was really playing for themselves, they were playing for each other or for Paul. Lack of motivation, maybe they all have $500k in their bank accounts? It was frustrating for him who wanted to stay in the house. The jurors joke about his strip tease status. 

Julie asks Alex about when Derrick entered the house and she announced her ride or die being Jason. Why announce it? Alex said it was obvious from day one. She's not ashamed of it - he's the best in the game!

Julie asks Cody how he feels about Jessica right now after not seeing her for five weeks. Smiling finally, he says "good", which causes everyone to laugh. He still wants to be a couple. He's waiting for this all to be over so he can go hug her. 

Jessica says everyone on the outside knows she's been his biggest supporter, rooting him on, cheering him on all day every day. She wants to be in a relationship with him even more so.

Julie is standing by the voting box and welcoming everyone back to the season finale of Big Brother. After what many are saying was one of the most dramatic and volatile seasons in the history of this game, it's finally time to crown the winner of Big Brother. 

She reminds Paul and Josh of the prizes and announces she will pull the keys from the box one a time revealing whom each juror chose to win Big Brother. They will need at least five votes to win.

Christmas voted for Paul. Kevin voted for Paul. Alex voted for Josh. Raven voted for Paul. Three votes Paul, one vote Josh. 

Both Paul and Josh are looking down with closed eyes as they listen to Julie. Jason voted Josh, Matt voted for Paul. Four votes Paul, two votes Josh. Mark voted for Josh, Elena voted for Josh to win. There are four votes for Paul and four for Josh. Josh is crying and covering his eyes, and Paul is shaking his head, looking pained.

Cody is the last vote... while we wait for Julie to announce his vote, Josh mutters to Paul "You won". Then Julie reveals the vote... He voted for Josh... JOSH IS THE WINNER OF BIG BROTHER 19!

Josh is screaming and shaking. Paul gives him a big hug and Julie tells them to come out. Josh comes out first to a burst of silver confetti and gets hugs from everyone. Paul follows him out and everyone is hugging. Cody and Jess finally get to hug and kiss.

Julie welcomes us back after the last commercial break of the season. Another season has come and gone but you won't have to wait until next summer to get your Big Brother fix. For the first time ever there will be Celebrity Big Brother and it is coming this winter on CBS.

Julie turns to Josh - from wanting to quit this game week 1 to winning, how is he feeling? He sobs, no words. He did it for his family, didn't do it alone - thanks Paul and Christmas. 

Julie tells Paul, a bridesmaid once again. He won nine challenges, wasn't on the block and had a hand in every eviction. How did he come up short? Paul says he doesn't know, he didn't watch. He did everything he could, he was in a tough spot. If people didn't see he had to fight his way through to get to the end, it's on them. 

Julie wonders if he thinks they voted emotionally; Paul doesn't know but the stats are there. He's going home with $50 grand, Julie says.

Julie announces the top three finalists for America's Favorite Houseguest - over 15 million votes, a record. The top three are: Jason, Kevin and Cody. The winner of America's Favorite Houseguest is... Cody!

Cody smiles as Jessica hugs him. He's going home with $25k! Julie asks Cody how he thinks he won AFH, Cody say, "I don't know, it doesn't make sense." 

Julie thanks all the HGs - it's been a long summer. From outside the Big Brother house, we'll see you this winter with Celebrity Big Brother!

Day 91 down, only 1 to go

September 20, 2017

Day 91 down, only 1 to go
Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 18th and Wednesday, September 20th

9:15 PM BBT Paul talking about how Raven could never make rice that every time she did it was crunchy but she says that’s the way she meant to do it, she liked it that way. Then they go on to talk about how they think she is lying about everything, especially having family that was on the titanic and her being in the Olympics, Christmas lets out a huge sneeze, and they switch to how she takes after her grandpa and can really let them out. Christmas ask Josh if this is why he wanted to have dinner together to smash on them, (laughing) Josh says I’m not smashing on anyone, Christmas says at least someone is smashing.Josh syas well y’all at this time tomorrow I will be drunk, Paul says no not at this time it’s still early,. Josh goes on to say that he is taking home Theodore (the OWL) and wants Paul’s hat for him to wear because he is going to have a bandana too.They all finish dinner and start cleaning up, Christmas says are they fixing to chill Josh says yes we are going to go snuggle, Christmas says she has to go to the DR. Josh heads to the BR and tells Paul to come on.Paul say “oh BB HOW I WILL MISS YOU SO) Josh says that he can’t wait for life outside of the BB house. He gets in the REDBr yelling about losing his fidget spinner, then finds it. Josh goes around the house looking for everyone, Which are in the BR, Paul says he was cleaning his nose Christmas tells him she’s getting ready for work, He says fine I will go talk to my REAL friends, and goes back to the RED BR, and goes to bed, Paul comes in and gets in bed, Josh says that he is sleeping in the bed with them, all three were going to snuggle on the last night in the house, Paul tells him Hell No. He goes on to tell him yes Christmas could sleep in the middle and jumps over in the bed with Paul, tells Paul that he is going to really miss him, and he needs to adopt him, as they start playing with their fidget spinners.
9:30 PM BBT Josh ask Paul if his had a f@#$ motor on his because it goes so fast Paul tells him he shouldn’t have dropped his he broke it. Christmas comes in says they aren’t ready for her in the Dr and gets in the bed with them. Paul tells her to get in the middle she tells him no she has to get up in a minute. Josh goes on to tell Paul that he is going to stay in his BR at his house,That he is going to bring some holy water. Paul says it won’t matter cause it will just evaporate. Paul tells him he couldn’t because his mom stages his room when he is gonna, Paul says he comes in and ask her why his room smells like church, She tells him cause you have been fu@#4 in it. Josh ask for a story and Josh starts telling about him and his band mates to the strip in either Memphis are Nashville, but were only 19 and couldn’t get in anywhere, Paul goes in to tell Josh he has a friend Timmy that reminds him of him (Josh). Says that he is always the butt of the jokes, works at subway and hates his life, Josh says omg I want to meet him.
9:45 PM BBT Paul continues with his story about them going to a bar that use to be a brothel, which was haunted. Says that the waitress started telling him about 3 women that died all in the same bathroom, Says someone bought it and redid it made the upstairs a lounge, But the bathroom was still there so of course he had to go in there and everything was there still the same.He said that there was a random room upstairs with an 80 yr old man playing blues music, around a bunch of unmarked liquor so he and his friend stayed up there with him getting drunk tipping him to keep playing because it was so creepy. He starts talking about his band members and how broke everyone is, and they have to sneak in the Motel 6, He says that they are nasty grungy guys that just don’t care, Josh says do they shower,Paul tells him sometime they just don’t care, Josh ask him how did you meet these people. He tells them I will tell y’all the story of how my band got together because you could write a book about it.Josh says ok but make it short.He starts telling them that he met one of the guys on Craigslist, and switches back and forth about his band mates, Josh ask him you don’t think they are going to care what you are saying about them,Paul says no not at all they want exposure.They are all crazy.
10:00 PM BBT Paul talking about a dog that he had come across, it was very friendly and how it followed them and chased after his band as they were driving away. Josh says why not take it but Paul says that it belonged to someone and it was like everyone’s friend. Paul says it was in Alabama and he was on a tour and was playing music. He mentions other states he had visited. One was Arkansas and Xmas mentions he can go see Raven. Josh says paul’s life sounds cool but seems like it’s very tiring. Paul agrees but says that it’s something he wants to do. Paul talks about a guy he meet on tour where a guy had all kind of rums made all over the world he said he got really wasted and played and the guy said to please come back by and see him whenever they came to town. He says he went to eat at a restaurant and they had a camera crew and filming a show and they were asked to eat Nutella waffles and be filmed. He said it was so awesome. Josh talks about listening to music when he was hoh and how he woke up thinking he was home. Paul says the real world is like 16 hours away. Paul talks about how he was on the candy crush game and played it on tv. He says that he lost and that the survivor guys won. They talk about their families and Paul says that he believes that his family has reached out to there’s and possibly went out to eat or something. Xmas says that if they talked about her , her mother will light them up. Josh talks about Toy Story and Lion King and how they are his favorites. Josh says that he is gonna be loved by his fans because of his DRs, they mention Johnny Mac and the have not room having dentist chairs his season. They talk about all the pillows in there this year and how Mark was greedy about them. Josh says he smells like steak and that they need to bathe. All three of them look to be asleep.
10:15PM BBT All three aging quietly and Xmas is called to the DR. Paul plays with his fidget and he asks Josh if he’s nervous. They talk about seeing their family and the jury. Josh says he is nervous and doesn’t know what’s he wIll say. Paul says he will not be able to talk to his family because they will be bombarded with fans.
10:30PM BBT Paul and josh talking about moving and opening a restaurant or cafe after they legalize pot. Josh says that his fidget is broken and he hollers out for a new one. They laugh and make fun of Mark laughing and saying stay he will push the button and reset the week.
10:45PM BBT Josh says that he walks in as someone and walking out as someone else. Paul talks about how he’s getting a tattoo on his hand that says he is not crazy. Josh says that he can’t wait to see people and they mention Ramses and Dominique. Paul says that she doesn’t think Dom will like them because she left salty. They talk about which way they think Jessica will be. they mention Jillian and Cameron. They think that no one will be bitter except maybe Raven. They mention that Xmas is just a little upset because gage didn’t do well in comps. Paul says he is going to go shower. Josh is left alone playing with his fidget. Josh says that he is going to pee, brush his teeth and go to bed. Paul is already headed to the bathroom and Josh gets called to the DR. Xmas heads back to the rose room, she folds up a couple of things and back out to find Paul, she stops and looks at the memory wall and she smiles at the pics of her and Paul besides each other. She hollers at Paul that she wants a snack and she grabs some chocolate and asks if she can come hang out as he showers. He complains that the water is cold, she tells him to wait.
11:00PM BBT He talks about a restaurant in LA called salsa and beer and how delicious it is. They talk about guacamole and they agree that it’s one of their favorites. He asks to describe the house in one word and she says bizarre and he says fascinating. She asks like what and he says that it’s the people. He says that last season he could connect with lots of them and this season he connected with just a few. She also throws in frustrating and they both say exhilarating. Xmas says that there is just nothing like this. And he agrees and says that he agreed to come back this season and he is an adrenaline junkie and he cannot find anything like this. Josh comes back in and dances around in front of the mirror and BB asks him to put his mic on. Xmas says that some people will be messed up after the house because if they have nothing to do they will be bored and have a hard time adapting. She says that they all have a job, career or things to keep them busy so they will be ok. She says the isolation, the unknown and the people you are thrust in there with is hard and kinda like being oversees and is easy for her to adapt. Xmas asks people were asking what she was gonna be like in the house and she didn’t understand because she can only be genuine, josh says that some of the others acting like they were something else and they played themselves.
11:15PM BBT Josh asks if they are ready to call it a night and she complains that she has to redo her DRs like five times and what is wrong with her and hers. Josh says that he thinks Jessica was real and Mark was forced, fake and not genuine. Kevin was a pleaser but he had a agenda. They talk about Dom being a real person but she wasn’t ready for this experience. Paul says when the heat turned on she gave up. Josh says he was a beast and wasn’t worried about the heat. Paul says he will be right back and the other two talk about whitening their teeth. Xmas says save has a lot on her brain, like the house, tomorrow and what’s gonna happen when they leave the house. She gets up to brush her teeth and he tells her that her hair is so long. Josh says that he wants a English bulldog and she talks about her dog and how good his health is. Josh says he will name his Theodore or meatball. Josh mentions again that tomorrow is the day. Paul comes back in and josh asks him to carry him into the bedroom. He tells him no, he can’t carry him. Xmas comes out of the stall and they all head out. Xmas and Paul get into bed and they talk about the shirt that kevin left, Paul says that he asked him to bring out with him. Paul says that he’s over it and Xmas says that he has been over it. Josh has been asked like 5 times in the past hour to stop singing.
11:30PM BBT Paul talks about his best friend who is a professor and is full of tattoos. Josh comes back into the room and asks for his blankets back. Josh lays down on top of Paul and says he can’t crawl in Xmas because of her foot. Josh sings again and they talk about the poor guy who is watching them has there hand glued to their buttons. Josh says he wants to sleep in the middle and he wants to cuddle, the other two say that there is no room and they will fall out. Josh says that it’s there last night in the house together. He needs to sleep with them. Josh says he needs in the bed and Paul takes off his shirt and says that it will get hot in the bed with him in there too. Paul ends in the middle and the discussion turns to how often they wash there hair. Josh asks about how they didn’t get alcohol this season and everyone was so crazy. Paul says that it is the reason they didn’t get it because everyone was so unpredictable. Everyone gets quiet and Paul says he is zoning out.
11:45PM BBT The three lay in the bed quietly no movement , Josh touches his face occasionally but nothing more. Josh gets up to turn off the lights and gets in the round bed but that just means Xmas moves closer to Paul.

Live Feed Updates: Wednesday, September 20th
12:00 AM BBT -12:30 AM BBT All HGs are in bed asleep.
12:35 AM BBT Josh got up and went into the bathroom. He used the restroom and then turned on the shower. He then started doing push ups. He then got up and got in the shower. 12:44 AM Paul asks Xmas where Josh is and she says she thinks he is in the bathroom. Paul asks why. She says he is probably freaking out. Paul said he will be freaking out tomorrow. Josh is out of the shower grooming in the mirror. Xmas and Paul get up to go check on Josh. He comes out of the bathroom and meets up with Xmas and Paul in the dining area. Xmas asked if he was ok. He looks surprised and he said he took a shower. Christmas said she hopes they turn on the air. Production says: “PAUL, JOSH AND XMAS PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONES.” They all laugh. They head back to the bedroom together. Josh said he wants to get the bible. Paul tells Josh, “You need sleep buddy for tomorrow. You have read the bible the whole season. The bible says “Give me a break.” Josh laughed. He said then let’s leave on the light. Xmas asks, “In here?” He says yeah. Paul says no. They get back in their beds and go back to sleep at 12:50 AM BBT.
12:50 AM BBT – All HGs Sleeping
4:30 AM BBT Paul sits up in bed & gets Christmas to untangle herself from him. He lays back down & closes his eyes. Christmas turns away from him & closes her eyes again. Josh is asleep in the round bed. Looks like the serpent is keeping eyes on the chessboard while the hg’s are sleeping in the Rose BR.
4:45 AM BBT All the houesguests remain in dreamland. Paul maneuvers himself closer to the edge of the bed, away from Christmas.
5:00 AM BBT – All houseguests are asleep in the Rose BR.

9:00 AM BBT – Fish…Last #BB19 Wake Up Call!!
9:18 AM BBT Jason says he hates when the music plays and he is not ready to get up. Josh says the outside of the memory wall is blacked out. Christmas says they will fix it. Josh says this is it. It is the last day. Paul said that he wished they had another week. Paul said the wake up music didn’t include any morning messages. Josh just said thank you god for the blessings. Then Paul said if a lamp falls on your head. Josh tells them to scoot over because he is coming in. They both murmur NO. Paul said that Josh wished death on him yesterday and Josh says I did not. Paul said if I was dead you wouldn’t be able to see me. Josh sings a bit and BB tells him to please stop singing. Josh tells BB that this is the last morning that they will tell him anything. Josh tells them again to scoot over and that he is coming in. Christmas says she is so comfortable right now. BB tells Josh again to please stop singing. Paul asks Christmas to tickle his hair. They all seem to adjust and get comfortable to go back to sleep. BB tells the HGs to rise and shine and that there are fresh batteries in the SR. They say thank you but don’t move.
9:30 AM BBT All HGs are back to sleep. BB says in a stern voice, “I said, it’s time to get up for the day.” However, no one budges.
9:34 AM BBT FISH again.
9:37 AM BBT Josh is up and is encouraging the others to change their batteries. Josh heads to the SR. Christmas is saying it’s the last day, best day. Christmas and Paul get up. Christmas turns the lights on and, and they leave the room. They go to SR to change their batteries. Paul said maybe this will be my last battery change. He said that he said that last year though. Josh says where do we go. Paul says straight to hell. Paul sees the memory wall and says wtf, why is it all black? Josh says, “Hola, familia.” Paul tells him to stop trying to get attention. Christmas says that she wants to hug them so they all do a group hug. They say they are the Three Misfits. They turn so that they can face the camera and send shout outs to the fans. Josh says he is going to be crying the whole time and Christmas says we know! She says maybe she will get a break from being their F’in therapist for all summer. Josh and Christmas continue to talk to the live feeders. They don’t know if everyone likes them or not. Christmas asks who is making me breakfast. Paul gives a shout out to his crazy fans. Josh begins his da, da, da, da, da, da ,da song and grabs Paul to dance with him. He then goes and hugs Christmas because she says she is cold. Paul goes to end of counter and is playing with a stacking game. Christmas is looking in fridge to find what she is going to make for breakfast.
9:49 AM BBT FISH for a minute. Josh goes into the Apple Room to talk to the camera. He says that we know that he has cried all summer and will probably cry all day today. He says this is the best day of his life but he is excited to see his family. He says he is going to miss the two HGs left with him because he loves them both. Paul comes in and Josh says that he was just talking about him. He said because he loves them. Then Paul starts making fun of him and saying he was gonna cry. Paul said if you had fun watching us with the pickle juice and pots and pans, thanks for tuning in to the live feeds. He said love you guys and thanks for the second time of letting me come back into the house. Paul said he might come back in to do BB Over the Top. Josh said he doesn’t think he would come back for that. Paul says that he thinks BB Over the Top will start in about a month. They talk about Big Meech. Josh continues to do his shout out to all his family. Christmas is in the kitchen talking to the cameras and giving her shout outs, too. Christmas yells for the guys to come out and talk to her. Josh feels empty now that he thinks we can’t see him. Paul is counting the hours. Josh tells him to stop. Paul digs at Josh. Saying his mom is already in the front row. Josh says now that the feeds are off I can tell you both I hate you. Paul wants to know why the memory wall is dark and blame Jessica. FISH
10:00 AM BBT Fish feeds down. FEEDS return to Christmas saying breakfast is done. She wants to eat at breakfast table. Josh is happy they are real friends.
10:01 AM BBT FEEDS DOWN We have kittens.
10:08 AM BBT FEEDS go to a shot of Julie Chen and an ad for the finale.Feeds are down for the season


September 20, 2017

J – I’m trying to cook a home cook meal for us because we’re anxious and stressed..
J – I’m trying to figure out my speech… be able to explain my game in a minute
J – Hope I win man, this will change my life.. I mean it’ll change all of our lives
J – it’ll make our lives a 100 times better.. it would be great
J – i’m just happy.. it’s a lot of emotion it’s scary.. i’ve never felt like this.. ever
J – Paul’s kinda scaring me because he’s anxious and it’s making me anxious..
J – he’s been cool the whole game and now he’s spazzing.. What the f*
J – 1 more competition tomorrow..
J – I’ve been thinking about who to take to the end.. .to be honest with you as crazy as this sounds umm, I’m going with Paul to the end.
J – because… yeah he’s a vey and played a great game but I know jury doesn’t want to see a vet win
J – I know that Raven doesn’t want to see a vet win (zomg)
J – Matt doesn’t, Alex doesn’t, Jason doesn’t, Friday the 13th doesn’t, That’s 5 votes
J – that’s all I need.. I just gotta articulate my words.. is that the right word
J – I just got to make sure I break down my game and you know he’s played a great game, an aggressive game and he played 24/7 but so did I.
J – From day 1 hour 1, I got off the trapease and I had to save myself and get safety because it wasn’t going to be Camerons a$$ it was going to be me if I was up there.. So I’ve been playing since day 1
J – going from the golden apple to finale..
J – I’ve been on my toes, putting targets on people’s back, Winning HOH, taking shots, being a pawn, going up on the block being a target
J – being loyal.. picking my allies wisely, sticking with my allies..
J – Going against Jason and Alex
J – I f*ing played a great game .. either I’m gassed up on it or i’m ummm thinking I played.. it’s been a f*ing hurricane but I’ve played a pretty decent game.
J – To wear I feel good and confident enough to wear I’m standing.. if i’m sitting next to either or I could state my case. It comes down to who’s more liked in Jury.
J – I think with Friday the 13th if she’s sitting next to me in the end she’ll beat me .. i think that she’ll have cody, elena, marks, she’ll beat me in the end.
J – I have to go against Paul.. we’re kinda the most hated.. he played it safe he’s played an aggressive game but he also hasn’t made any moves (eck .. did Josh get dropped?)
J – I don’t know 1 move he’s made that’s like.. like I think me taking out Alex was a big move me taking out Jessica was a big move me putting a target on Elena was a big move .. me putting a target on mark the whole game was Big
J – me… you know having the house thinking we’re going after Kevin but we blindsided Jason was big
J – Picking my allies week 1 and sticking by them.. having their back and playing the game the whole way through.
J – putting the target on people’s back.. calling people out.. just calling people out putting a target on their back..
J – Winning competitions taking shots .. played the strategic social game.. was a team player.. targets on people’s back..
J – I played a fearless game.. played a mental game
J – Through Mark off his game, threw Elena off her game, threw Jessica off her game.. threw Cody off his game.. threw Kevin off his game
J – I was throwing people off their game left and right
J – when you play sports there’s always a person running their mouth..
J – they couldn’t zone me out this season.. they played themselves..
J – being underestimated..

 Paul practicing his speech 

September 20, 2017

 Paul practicing his speech 
p – had control of the numbers in the house nobody could take a shot at me
P – won 2 HOH’s .. f* I should talk about that..
P – It was easy to always to make a target.. it was easy to make a house target that wasn’t me
P – I pretty much controlled every HOH, the two that I didn’t.. I was the one that flipped the house for Groundhog and I was the one that flipped the house for Josh
P – I flipped the house for my game.. I flipped the house for Groundhog day and Josh
P – after that first double eviction I knew I had to change my strategy because there wasn’t a lot of house targets left
P – so I positioned myself between 3 pairs
P – my positioning was so perfect at that point that I didn’t even have to win any competitions.. instead I let others win and they took shots at each other while I walked my way to the end and they did all the work for me
P – They took shots at each other.. the pairs took themselves down and I ended up with the final group Josh and Groundhog day
P – then I had to win myself to the top, I want the most important HOH to secure myself in final 3 and I won the veto.. then I won part 1 and part 3 of the final HOH.
P – I secured my spot right here and I got to choose who came with me
P – total of 10 competition wins and every time I won a HOH I won the veto to go with it, every time I was in power I had full control of my week. (except for when the HEx was used)
P – the second I walked through those doors I worked my a$$ off day after day.. I was the biggest target and the most obvious threat.. I made it this far without touching the block one single time.
P – That’s not by luck and that’s not by friendship (it’s by productions help.. Kidding don’t worry ;) )
P – I dodged my way to the end..
P – I used my social game..
P – Houseguests I know at some point all of you thought about taking me out
P – the second I walked through those doors I was immediately put at a disadvantage
P – you all know who I was and how I played.. I had to play a completely different game
P – of course I didn’t want the first HOH i had enemies I needed someone else to win and start creating enemies of their own which they did, Sorry Cody
P – I used my social game to get control of the numbers and I made sure there was a house targets and from that point forward everyone asked for my advice and it was easy to make a target in front of meet..

 Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, September 19th

September 19, 2017

 Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, September 19th
11:45 AM BBT Paul says they need to clean house, pack,and lay down a little bit. Paul wants to see the northern lights, the Taj Mahal, Thailand. Paul talks about reality TV gatherings.They think about in 24 hours this will be over. They plan to sleep in tomorrow. Christmas feels totally unprepared for tomorrow. They complain about different body parts hurting. Christmas goes to lie down. Paul goes for his luggage. He hasn’t seen it all summer. They joke about how many times last year, Christmas throws some of Josh’s clothes around the room. She is annoyed Josh took her comforter. She throws one on him he is afraid it was Matt and Raven’s so he screams get it off get it off. Christmas complains she is freezing. She asks BB to raise the heat. Paul heads to pack. Christmas asks Josh what he is so nervous about for tomorrow.He hopes Paul will stay with them. Paul is walking out with Trejo. Josh sings again. PLEASE STOP SINGING. Josh asks why are you packing now. Paul says what else am I supposed to do. Paul is looking for his unicorn shirt. Christmas says it’s outside Josh go run and ask the DR to get them and not to put them in the dryer.
12:00 PM BBT Feeds are down but returns shortly after. At this time, we have Christmas walking in into the rose room and lays down. She tells them that she has brought back the shirts from the DR. In the meantime, Paul is also in the same room and is starting his packing for finale night. With only 3 HG left, the house is pretty quiet, only a few chit chat as Paul continues to hang his clothes. Josh is under the blanket whispering to himself. They might be packing but the house and the bedroom are still pretty messy and not everyone has packed. All silent, nothing to update as nobody is talking. Paul is complaining on how his back is hurting and is making comments about his favorite shirt and where he has bought them. He is also wondering if some of the outfits they used in competition, if he should take them or not?! Christmas and Josh are just watching him.
12:15 PM BBT Paul is continuing his packing and trying to figure out what to keep and not keep as Josh and Christmas napping. Just a words are being exchanged between the HG. CHristmas is telling Paul that his wardrobe is mainly black.
12:27 PM BBT Production is asking Christmas to go to the DR, so she gets up and is headed to the DR. And right after, Fish comes on. Feeds are only down a minute to return to see Paul is still packing as Josh lays in bed napping. At this time, we see Christmas in the HN room with some laundry that she is laying out in order to help them dry but then goes back into the other bedroom and lays back down in her bed. Not much talk is happening among the 3 HG left in the house. Finally Paul walks away from the bedroom and heads to the bathroom. The only noise that can be heard are those coming from the outside as BB is preparing the last competition of the season.
12:45 PM BBT After what seems like an eternity, Paul is flushing the toilet and eventually exits. He talks his mic back to walks out. Paul climbs on top of the cabinet in the kitchen to grab his cup back and then heads back into the rose BR. Both Josh and Christmas are sleeping as Paul searches for the rest of his belongings to pack. No one is chatting, no game talk, no whisper. A bit later, we have Paul grabbing a couple of bags and setting them in the SR. Shortly after, production is asking the HG to please stay awake as it is not time for sleeping. Paul is now in the kitchen getting something to drink. He is mumbling something that is hard to hear but sounds like it is his speech. Sounds like he is going step by step what he had to do in order to stay in the game and all of the moves he had to make with all of the HG.
1:00 PM BBT Feeds are down as Paul enters the DR. Then, comes back out and returns to the kitchen where he is practicing his speech for the finale night but very hard to distinct what he is saying as he is using the microwave to cover up his voice or/and uses it as a timer.
1:06 PM BBT Fish time and DR is calling Paul in and comes back out in less than a minute later and continues to use the microwave to time his speech as he is going over it over and over. He then pulls up a high chair right by the M-Wave and keeps on repeating his speech to make sure he has all of his points down regarding his game moves throughout the season. While he is busy doing this, Josh and Christmas are napping in the other bedroom.
1:15 PM BBT Paul continues with his speech in order to make sure he doesn’t forget any points he wants to mention as the other 2 HG are asleep. And he goes on and on and on…. Unfortunately, only a few words can be heard as he is saying it in such a low tone. His voice is getting a bit louder and he is explaining that he had to fight very hard from the moment he walked in the door as he felt he was automatically a target because he was a veteran of the game and all of his moves were properly made and only decided to win HOH when really needed so he could advance in the game. He is mentioning that he worked his A** off in order to stay in the BB house and not being put on the block nor being the target and feels like he has played a very good game, mostly social then he had to win comps in order to secure his safety. While he is working on his speech, Christmas and Josh are resting in the Rose Room.
1:30 PM BBT Beside Paul who is sitting in the kitchen reviewing his speech, the other 2 HG are napping. Shortly after, production is asking for the HG not to nap, but it doesn’t seem to affect Josh nor Chritmas who are continuing to sleep as they are ignoring production’s request.
1:36 PM BBT Fish time.
1:40 PM BBT Josh is still in bed and Christmas is up and putting some kind of outfit on as she walks out of the bedroom and goes into the kitchen. Paul says he is bored and tells Christmas that he is just reliving the season and sitting in the kitchen. He is telling her that tomorrow will be a very long day and will not get much sleep with the finale and the after parties that will happen. Paul is saying that he wants to get another tattoo with a skull and the 8 ball as Christmas wants an apple tattoo. Josh is still asleep and all 4 cams are in the Rose Room. Paul is singing that during both season he felt that he was the target and make it to F3 each time. DR has asked Christmas to wear one of her outfit.
1:48 PM BBT DR is asking Paul to go back into the DR. Christmas is drinking Paul’s coffee and looks like Josh is finally up and awake and hugs Christmas on the way to the kitchen. She is now talking to one of the cams and says that it doesn’t make her feel good to wear the outfit. Josh is in the kitchen getting some water and starts staring at the HG wall but then heads back to the Rose Room and is surprised that Paul is already all packed and that Christmas is pretty much done herself. Josh is saying that he will miss them very much.
Christmas has now been called into the DR. Paul is now in the kitchen where Josh is joining him and he is asking him if he wants to play Chess as there is nothing else to do,
2:00 PM BBT Josh: Why are you being so annoying? Paul: I’m annoying??! C’mon, let’s play chess! Paul dances a little jig and sets up chess. Christmas comes out of the DR and goes to annoy Josh in the Rose BR. Paul joins her in the annoyance. Christmas goes back to packing. Paul asks the cameras/production if they get to write a message to BBOTT again, and says that was cool. “Houseguests: Please report to lockdown in the HOH room.”
2:08 PM BBT Fish
2:30 PM BBT Here fishy, fishy, fishy….
2:45 PM BBT Still fishin’
3:00 PM BBT Fish are still showing on the feeds.
3:10 PM BBT Feeds come back up. The houseguests wonder aloud what the lockdown was for. They come downstairs from the HOH room. Christmas goes back to the rose BR and resumes packing. Paul and Josh are in the kitchen. Josh asks what if he is not packed, and Paul says that they will pack for you, that they know what stuff is his. Josh eats a bowl of corn flakes. Paul looks at the camera and says, “Can you tell us if it is finale?” They continue to pick at each other. Josh threatens to wake Paul up with the jazzaphone at 6 am and Paul says that he may not have to be woken up, that it may be the finale! They talk about how there is no eviction, no talking to Julie. They continue razzing each other. Josh says he is going to go to bed. Christmas is in the shower and Paul is in the bathroom talking to her. Paul goes back to the kitchen and they are talking about how they need to pack. Discussion turns to how to use the te
rm ‘gas’.

 Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, September 19th

September 19, 2017

 Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, September 19th
7:27 AM BBT Josh is up, going to shower.
7:45 AM BBT Josh completes his lengthy shower and brushes his teeth again at the sink. Then scrubs his face, moisturizes and goes to the restroom.
8:00 AM BBT Josh goes to Green Br and puts on his patriotic socks. He then stops at the mirrors in the hall to put some cream on his face. He puts on deodorant and then antiperspirant and more cream on his face. Josh goes to SR to throw away something that was no longer working. Paul and Christmas still snuggled up asleep. Josh then heads into the Rose BR and climbs on bed to get his drink bottle and his slippers. He goes back into the SR to change battery. He tells live feeders that he hopes everyone woke up to a good day and that they all good vibes. He says his stomach hurts from all the junk food he ate yesterday. He tells BB that he hopes they play good tunes today. He asks for chapstick. Josh walks around the house. He says it is day 91. He goes into Apple Room and begins to talk to his familia. He says he can’t sleep. He says he is anxious, hyped up, and excited. He says tomorrow is finale night. Then begins to name his family members. Says that he loves them all. He hopes they are here already. He says he will ball out when he sees everyone. He says that he hopes he made his family proud. He says he is in shock. He says he hopes he wins He says he loves Paul and Christmas. He says one will take first, another second, and the other will take AFP. He said that in bed last night he was telling himself that he can actually win this thing. He said he had this dream for so long and never thought he would even get the call to be on the show. He said if it wasn’t for God, he would not be able to be where he is now. He says he is happy with the way he played this game. He says he stayed true to himself.
8:15 AM BBT Josh continues to speak to the cameras. He says that he hopes that the fans see that he played well. He said he was the best newbie to play this season. He says thank you to the whole CBS family. He says that his family has struggled in their business. He said he always has wanted to take care of the business and his family. He says he wants to win and just give them the money. He would love to see Christmas and Paul win but he wants to win more. He talks about Christmas and Paul and how wonderful they are. He says that you all are probably sick of him talking but he still keeps doing it. He tells camera that he doesn’t know if the people love or hate him but that he doesn’t care. He says this was his 3rd time trying out for BB. He says he loves life and everything associated with BB. He gives respect to everyone who has played this game. Josh calls the three TEAM MISFITS. He then tells everyone to vote Christmas AFP. He then says that he will take Paul to final 2 because no one in jury wants a vet to win. He said he would also like Whistle Nut to win AFP but preferably Christmas. Josh says that he is afraid to walk out of the BB house. He says that during the outside interviews he is going to be gassed up and running around. He said that everything he did in the house was for game reasons.
8:30 AM BBT Josh says that he never meant to hurt anyone or anyone’s family because he only did everything to play the game. He said that a lot of people just played it safe in the game, and he didn’t like that. He said Jason didn’t play it safe, and he respects his game play. Josh said he chose his team players and his allies. He said he played a strategic social game. He said he chose the right allies. Josh says that he is thinking about his game play and the questions that the jury are going to ask him. He says he will try to be straightforward with them. He continues to talk about all the previous players. He says he missed Jason the most and gives a shout out to Jason’s wife and son. Then he gives a shout out to Alex. He talks about the Halting Hex girl and said that she shouldn’t have tried to have a spelling contest with him. He says he is in a chatty mood this morning. He says he wants to see how Raven votes. He said that Raven said that she would not vote for Josh or Christmas.
8:45 AM BBT Josh says that he is going to go clean the kitchen and then wake those fools up. He tells everyone to have a good day and to make each day a new day. He says he feels great and says that he is going to win BB. He leaves the Apple Room and says that he is done talking. He goes to kitchen and begins cleaning up. He asks BB if he can get some gloves. Josh is singing under his breath, and BB tells him to stop that. He goes to bathroom to change his shirt. He goes back into the kitchen and continues cleaning up. He gets all the trash together from all over the kitchen. The place is totally littered on counters, table, and floor with food, cans, etc.
9:00 AM BBT He goes to the SR and asks again for gloves to clean with. He is singing a song and BB tells him to stop singing again. Paul and Christmas wake up and wonder what Josh is doing. Josh is in kitchen washing the dishes as Paul and Christmas go back to sleep. Josh says part of his strategy this year was washing dishes and chuckles.
9:15 AM BBT Josh is still doing dishes. Christmas and Paul are still asleep.
9:30 AM BBT Josh is still doing dishes. He says he feels like shit for all the shit he ate yesterday.
9:45 AM BBT Josh is finishing up the dishes. Paul and Christmas are still slumbering. Josh asks BB for a broom. Josh curses the ants. Paul rolls covering Christmas. He keeps his arm around her waist.He keeps readjusting the covers to hide his hand movements. Christmas rolls to her stomach and they sleep.
10:00 AM BBT Josh wipes down the KT counters.Paul and Christmas are sleeping. FISH WAKE UP CALLS!!!
10:30 AM BBT FEEDS return Paul still in bed.Christmas and Josh in WR saying no mas. Give us something to dance to FISH flash and Christmas and Josh laugh at BB. Josh heads to the now clean KT. He then wanders to the DR. Christmas heads to the Bedroom and Paul says no about getting up. Josh jumps on Paul in bed. Christmas turns on the light. Christmas climbs back into bed,Josh moans for them to get up. Josh says he was going to wake Paul up at 8am. Paul says he would have killed him. Christmas says give me 5 minutes. Josh pouts and walks out. Christmas is still laughing.Josh told them he made breakfast. Paul asks her if he did. Josh has not made breakfast yet. Josh is starting breakfast. He takes practically everything out of the fridge and onto the counter. Paul says he will eat tomorrow since it is practically today. Josh now hits the SR for more food. Shouting you Fruit loop Dingus. Shouting he is pissed. Paul and Christmas mumble about Josh. Christmas gets up Paul says tomorrow. Christmas asks Josh if she should make potatoes. Paul is mumbling in bed CHRISTMAS PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MIC.Josh yells at Paul Josh tells the Camera he is pissed so stop following him. Paul is memorizing his speech. He whispers he is keeping Josh in his speech. Christmas asks Josh if Raven is still mad or has Matt calmed her down. Christmas says tomorrow we’re done. Let’s give BB a playlist. PLEASE STOP SINGING.Paul continues practising his speech.
10:45 AM BBT Josh and Christmas make breakfast. Christmas gives Josh cooking tips. She tells Josh he is going to love her shower.Josh hopes BB keeps the 3 of them together for Canada. They run and wake Paul who was covered up. He threatens to fart on Josh. Josh says look how many cups you got in here. Paul says so clean them. Paul complains his nuts are twisted up. Josh tells Paul all he has done today and asks if his Mom is in town yet. He says get up I’m bored. They talk gross guy stuff about Mark. Christmas is talking to the memory wall.Josh worries it is a wall comp and if so he forfeits.
11:00 AM BBT Christmas flips the potatoes. Both guys complain about their backs. Josh torments Paul with “can you do this”Josh asks Questions what happens after the show.The Jeff interviews and such. Paul says lets go she will beat the crap out of us. PAUL YOUR MIC NEEDS NEW BATTERIES. Josh keeps making noises to the camera. .All three are in the KT. They complain about the music. Paul sings a gummy bear song from last year. FISH FLASH. Josh goes on about english muffins. Paul hopes Josh hurts himself today. Christmas takes the fidget and shoves it in Josh’s face. Josh complains about the ants. All three pick at each other. Paul says maybe the comp is looking at family pics and the first person who cries loses. Josh says he won. Paul says you would lose before it starts. Paul complains about his nuts again.Josh sings FISH flash. Paul worries he has contortion.Josh shakes in the mirror. Christmas leaves WR Paul enters. She asks Josh why he is sad. He says he isn’t sad then says grace.Paul picks at his face in mirror. Paul says tomorrow doesn’t count. Today counts. Paul wants Josh to try something. Josh says he is really excited about hanging together outside the house. They are not like his friends at home. They have business interests want to travel,the kind of friends he always wanted. Paul mentions a wall comp Josh again says he forfeits. Christmas tries to boost his confidence.
11:15 AM BBT They discuss the different comps. Josh thought he would be good at shuffleboard. They argue about Jason’s choices and wanting to put up Matt and Raven. That Jason reacts like a child. Josh had thought he would put him up that week because they were bickering that week. Christmas rips into Josh for opening a new cream cheese. Paul finds 2 more open in the fridge. These 3 bicker and pick at each other. Both Paul and Christmas give Josh digs about everything.Christmas is trying to get Josh to open his mind. Josh says he will just follow the 2 of them this week Paul tells him you have no choice. Josh says well I’ll hang with Jessica, Paul says go right ahead. Now Josh wants a nap. Christmas talks about her pet peeves. They talk about food.

 Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 18th

September 19, 2017

 Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 18th
9:45 PM BBT Paul shows Christmas another card trick and she says she’s a wannabe magic nerd and wants to go to Magic Castle in L.A. Paul starts explaining a card game to Christmas and Josh.
10:00 PM BBT Kitchen They are playing a game of cards called Golf that Paul taught them. Not sure if he is playing right or not. Their brains are not up to counting now. Paul said to Josh “You Played yourself”. Josh not sure how to play but he Flips and locks game and he wins first round. Josh smells his shirt and says I have to wash this shirt again. Josh holds up his spinner on his thumb and asks Orvell if he can do that. As Christmas is throwing M&M into his mouth (or at least trying to and missing). Josh messes up the game and does wrong move. Josh says this game sucks. Josh asks Paul Why are you being so sober now? Christmas saying you guys are boning me. Josh says are you guys thinking what I am thinking “Hot Tub” Paul says no we are playing cards. Christmas says to Josh “You didn’t even know you won dickhead”. Josh says he is really good at this game and Paul says all you have done is flip cards. But I am still good at this game. Paul opens second beer as Josh has been done with both of his beers for a while. Christmas tells Josh to stop being a bitch. Christmas says you thought I was cute all summer until we started playing this game. Josh asks her how many points do you have and she holds up her middle finger and says count. Josh tries to flip Christmas’ cards and she said you would be shot in Vegas. Strapped up and hard core.
10:15 PM BBT Christmas tells Josh to check pizza and Josh says yes it is burned and Josh says should I let it burn more? Joking around. Should we play Texas Holdem and they they say about how Raven tried to play cards and wanted to play Poker with Paul and Paul asks her what kind and she could not name a game She couldn’t even set up chess board. Christmas says I wished they would have given us one more beer each. Josh remembers he never got the pizza out and says the pizza is going to burn and runs to get it out of oven. Paul plays out cards for poker and Josh says you guys have to teach me how to play. I never learned how. I have never been to Vegas but I want to go. Paul says I don’t want to be responsible for you in Vegas. Josh keeps asking what is this card worth over and over then he pushes his cards out like he wins all and Paul says do you have 21? Josh says YES. Christmas sasy I just want to let you know that my Family has had blow out over cards. You have to match him or fold to Josh. Paul says let’s just play for game not betting until he gets it better about Josh. Josh keeps turning over his turned up card and Christmas tells him to not turn that card over leave it upright. Paul asks where that little book is to see how to play Texas Holdem. Christmas says I know how to play 5 card draw let’s play it? They are going to play 5 card with 2 card draw. This is what we played in Iraq a lot.
10:30 PM BBT They are trying to figure out how to play the game and if they are going to bet or not. Paul raises 20 and asks if Josh is in and they are all in Paul raises another 20 everyone is in. Paul has 2 pair. Josh cannot figure out pairs and face cards and he loses all. Now he knows what they mean and wants to play again. I got the hang of it now. Christmas says everyone 2 in. Paul says can I make it higher 5 in. Josh says I want two card Paul and Christmas say you have to match the bet. Josh says I am broke I am out. I am not going to the ATM. Christmas folded and Paul says he Almost had a full house Christmas that does not count.Josh gets up and says I will get the pizza, Paul asks for Ranch. Christmas says she in not going to take either one to Vegas. Paul says I am good in Vegas I just don’t deal. Paul says he feels like a fat peice of shit. Christmas says ME TOO. Christmas tells Josh to look at his cards. Josh says ALL IN. Christmas says you have to know what you put in. Christmas asks Paul if wants to raise it? Paul says how can I raise it since he has no money about Josh? Josh flips and says he has 3 pair with 5 cards and they tell him he has 2 pair high queen. Josh is yelling at Orwell to go to the ATM and get more money now. Paul gives Josh enough to play but he is all in.Josh says I lost all my money and Orwell doesn’t want to give me any more money. Paul asks what time it is and and Josh looks at the clock and says it is 10:40. Christmas says it feels like it is 2AM. Josh still cannot figure out how to play.
10:45 PM BBT Josh wants to switch his card before buy in and Christmas tells him he has to buy in first. Paul says to production after he heard someone sneeze “Bless you”. Now they are trying to play 7 card and cannot figure out who wins so they are going back to 5 card draw. Christmas says she lost her money (her M&M’s fell to ground and she is looking to pick them up and Paul says what are you doing? Three’s are wild per Josh . Josh has three of a kind and Paul says no that is a three and Josh says the three is wild. Christmas is going to try and teach them how to play Rummy. Paul says he feels like shit and Josh and Christmas say same. Paul says no we are not playing that we are playing Bullshit. Josh says how do you play Bullshit again? Paul says I dealt out the cards and forgot to pull out the jokers. Paul is switching up the direction of the play now it is counter clock ways. Josh throw out three 9’s and they call gas then it come around to Paul and he throw our one Jack and Josh calls bullshit and Paul says eat it. He had it so Josh had to pick up pile. Josh says how may times did you throw out a card and bullshit? Christmas says you never called me on it.
11:00 PM BBT Paul wins that hand. Now they are locked in no backyard now. Josh starts to sing and Christmas says you had three Stop Singing in 5 minutes now. Josh asks Paul if he finished his beer or not Paul says no and Josh says CHUG IT. BB PLEASE STOP SINGING. Paul throw out one 6 and Christmas calls bullshit and Paul turns his 6 over and Christmas has to pick up the cards. Josh throw out and says two 10’s and Christmas calls bullshit and josh was bullshitting and he had to pick up the pile. Paul throw out and says one 5 and Christmas bullshit and Paul show it was a 5 and Josh says he does not bullshit. Josh and Christmas say that Paul is using magic on them and has another deck hiding. Paul finally got called on bullshit. This game has gone to bullshit now as Josh and CHristmas have most of the cards. Josh tried to throw out 5 cards and said 4 10’s and Paul calls him on it and counts the cards and throws them back at Josh.
11:15 PM BBT Josh says all this junk food is making me feel bad. Josh picks up the deck and says who bullshitted this one after looking at the deck. Paul feels the ground moving yells earthquake and they head out the backyard The pool is moving a little and Josh says he never felt one before. Josh says that is scary. Screen goes to fishtank at 11:24 PM BBT, 11:27 PM BBT back inside kitchen now Paul is showing Christmas him turning his wrist around on table. Josh comes out of RR saying my stomach hurts, then he notice that the bandanna was missing off of Orwell . Paul says I told we would have an earthquake. Christmas says I like in Indiana and we didn’t have them and says I am surprised that we didn’t have any alarms outside. We have two days and a wake up. Give us one more day. Christmas says she is sure Josh is going to just run back in house after show and Paul says no he will go crazy for his family. Christmas says her family is show used to her traveling all the time. Paul showing Christmas card tricks.
11:30 PM BBT Paul showing her fancy ways to cut the cards. Tells Christmas there are so many ways to cut the cards. Let’s say you have the Jack of Spades and you want to slide of hand turn and flip to switch up cards. There is some card players that can do it. There is one where I will put the 5 in your hand and you close it and I have the 4 here and tap you hand the 4 switches. Christmas says like you did to me with the Queens. Paul said that he has been able to get people’s watches off then ask them what time it is? And they would dy what the fuck. Josh come back from DR. Christmas said she is going to brush her teeth and Josh says we are playing bullshit anymore? Then he says I want to go out to hammock and Paul says he wants to feel the earthquake. Josh grabs pans and starts running around pounding them saying earthquake run to the backyard earthquake. Paul says I hope you have to feel a good one. Christmas comes back out and Paul asks Josh what his card was and then shows him it was a queen and Josh goes wild. Josh then grabs his spinner and spins it while saying can you do this? Over and over. Josh goes to window and says Joey do you want to go to hammock with us, you cannot sneak out on us you signed up for this Joey. Paul asks Josh if he know what three card monty is. RR Paul and Christmas and Paul says if we have an earthquake while we are sleeping it will be dank. Josh comes in and says do you want to go to the hammock with me? She says I want to but I want to go pee in peace.
11:45 PM BBT Josh says I thought you did go already? She says no you was yelling at me so I didn’t go yet. Josh goes into SR and Christmas waits outside of SR to scare Josh. Christmas sits on couch and Josh goes to pick her up and She says no don’t pick me up. BB says Don’t carry her. Backyard on Hammock Josh and Christmas sharing hammock she says only for 30 minutes then I am going to bed. This does not work without Paul. She says I have to get a hammock for my yard for when you guys come to visit so we can all sit on it when we get together. Josh asks will it fit. She says yes and Josh says how about a hot tub so I can sit in when I come there. We only have one day left her Christmas says and Josh says NO don’t say that . Josh and Christmas and CHristmas tells Josh to pick who he thinks he can beat not to worry about feelings she is good with what he decides. Josh says all he wants to do is take care of his family. Christmas says she came in here and then met two best friends now with you two. Paul comes outside and joins them on the hammock She tells Josh how proud she is of Josh and how is has grown up so much. Paul asks if they are having a moment. No we are just talking. Christmas says how she almost fell off the hammock because Paul was not there. Christmas says the race car is old style. Paul says he has a pair of panties on his shifter. Christmas says You have grown so much after walking in here Josh. It is not all about you, Josh says yes it is lol. Paul says we get to practise our final speech tomorrow. Josh says he is not sure how is going to do it? He is going to have to pray to get through it. Josh says we are going to have to get together at least twice a year after this. Paul says he wants to see the Northern LIghts. Josh says he is just packing his bag and traveling with them.

 Josh speak to the camera!

September 19, 2017

 Josh speak to the camera!
He tells live feeders that he hopes everyone woke up to a good day and that they all good vibes. He says his stomach hurts from all the junk food he ate yesterday. He tells BB that he hopes they play good tunes today. He asks for chapstick. Josh walks around the house. He says it is day 91. He goes into Apple Room and begins to talk to his familia. He says he can’t sleep. He says he is anxious, hyped up, and excited. He says tomorrow is finale night.Then begins to name his family members. Says that he loves them all. He hopes they are here already. He says he will ball out when he sees everyone. He says that he hopes he made his family proud. He says he is in shock. He says he hopes he wins He says he loves Paul and Christmas. He says one will take first, another second, and the other will take AFP. He said that in bed last night he was telling himself that he can actually win this thing. He said he had this dream for so long and never thought he would even get the call to be on the show. He said if it wasn’t for God, he would not be able to be where he is now. He says he is happy with the way he played this game. He says he stayed true to himself.
He says that he hopes that the fans see that he played well. He said he was the best newbie to play this season. He says thank you to the whole CBS family. He says that his family has struggled in their business. He said he always has wanted to take care of the business and his family. He says he wants to win and just give them the money. He would love to see Christmas and Paul win but he wants to win more. He talks about Christmas and Paul and how wonderful they are. He says that you all are probably sick of him talking but he still keeps doing it. He tells camera that he doesn’t know if the people love or hate him but that he doesn’t care. He says this was his 3rd time trying out for BB. He says he loves life and everything associated with BB. He gives respect to everyone who has played this game. Josh calls the three TEAM MISFITS. He then tells everyone to vote Christmas AFP. He then says that he will take Paul to final 2 because no one in jury wants a vet to win. He said he would also like Whistle Nut to win AFP but preferably Christmas. Josh says that he is afraid to walk out of the BB house. He says that during the outside interviews he is going to be gassed up and running around. He said that everything he did in the house was for game reasons.

paul out to hammock

September 19, 2017

paul out to hammock

paul ooo this is nice.. away from josh and away from xmas.. i can sleep peacefully without getting attacked.. i can practice my speech..

Paul's speech:
HG i know that some point everyone single one of you either thought of, tried to or wanted to get me out of this game. And it wasnt necessarily something that i did to you. but it was because of who i was. The unleashed punishment on the house, was the only vet of the entire season and the most obvious target thought out the entire game.

From the second i walked in those doors i was immediately faced with a disadvantage, I was the odd man out and i had to play an extremely different game than every single one of you . I knew i ahd to play immediately i had no time to lose . It started with the friendship bracelets. Everyone knew my game and my capabilities so i gave certain people bracelets so they can show their capabilities, their skills and their weaknesses. and that is exactly what happened.

Of course i didn't want the 1st HOH i already had enough enemies so i needed someone else to take power and create a few enemies of their own and they did. Sorry Cody.

immediately after that i had a seemingly perfect HOH. I set the example of always ahve a a house target and from that point on everyone looked at me for advice and i pretty much had control of every single HOH . And always made sure even though there were people that wanted to get me out i always made sure ther was a house target. The 2 HOh's i didnt control i flipped the house to keep xmas and i flipped the house to keep josh.

The 2 hoh's that i didnt control i controlled the outcome and i was the one who flipped the house to keep josh.

After surviving the 1st Double Eviction, the house targets began to get smaller. So i knew i had to switch my strategy. So i did! I positioned myself between 3 pairs Maven, joshmas and Jalex in such a perfect way i didnt ahve to win any comps from that point forward. i had them win comps and then take each other out. one by one they took each other out while i dodged my way to the top where i was with Josh and xmas. and from thee i knew i had to win myself to the end and i did . I won the most important HOH which secured my spot in F3 and i won veto which secured who i took to the F3 and i won part 1 of the HOH which secure me being here right now . and again i got to chose who came up here with me

Tallying me up to 10 competitions wins. And every single time I won hoh, I won the pov and that meant that i had full control of my week. the other 4 vetos that i won not only kept me safe but were pivotal wins that pushed me forward in the game.

From the second I walked thru that door. i worked my ass off day after day, not only as the most obvious target, not only as the biggest threat, but whether i was your friend, ally, target or mentor everybody either wanted to know what i was thinking or what i was doing. And i still fought my way to this point right here with out even touching the block one single time**

And that's not with luck. and that's not by friendship. That's by playing the hell out of Big Brother. Which is exactly what i came back here to do.

paul do you guys think that is a dank speech/ i dont know i ahd shitty luck before who knows i might have shitty luck again womp womp womp

Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, September 19th

September 19, 2017

 Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, September 19th
12:00 AM BBT Paul, Christmas and Josh are out in the BY in the hammock talking about traveling to Europe. Christmas is talking about a gorgeous hotel she stayed in in Europe. She said she went with a team of people for a Christmas special for a podcast. Paul asked if they have seen the Colosseum and they bot said no. Christmas said she hopes her friend’s wedding is put off so they can come for it and visit her hometown and friends and family. Paul said he’s down. She said her team is in place and they can go to Germany. Paul said, “Let’s go to Berlin Dude!” “But let’s go in the spring because it’s raining now.” “We need to rent a tent too.” “It’s so nice except the shower.” Christmas said, “Yeah you just get a stand up shower.” Paul said he thinks his band is playing at Coachella this year. Christmas said that is so cool. Paul asked her if she has ever heard of a band called Cobra Starship. She said no. He said that he hopes they go on tour. Christmas said, “We better not have to stand in line.” Paul said, “No way.” Christmas said she can’t wait to see if her supplement line is up and made it and how her book is doing. She said her supplement line samples went out to several places and book launched and she wonders how it is doing so far.
12:15 AM BBT Paul said there is a new ride out at Magic Mountain and it’s like the Superman’s enemy. Josh said, “Like the green guy?” Paul said. “Yeah like that and it looks gnarly!” Christmas asked what kinds of rides are at Disneyland. He said they have Harry Potter land and he went after the last season of BB and it was great. He said he was baked and the different things were live. Like there were things on the wall that go live. And he said that if you wave the wand and tell it to do something it will do it. Christmas said, “I want to do that one.” Paul said, “They have hogs meat and beer.” “And during Halloween they play like Rob Zombie music and stuff for that.” Josh asked if they have Universal Studios and Adventure land. Paul said they have Universal Studios and it is basically a movie lot (studio sets) that you walk on. Josh said he wants to see the Hollywood sign.
12:30 AM BBT Paul said, “We can.” They all just daze off and become quiet for a minute. Then Paul said, “It’s going to be lit.” “We can also do Malibu.” Josh said we gotta do Europe, NY and everything. He said, “I’m making us a group chat and I’m naming it GWHY.” He laughed. Josh said, “People can walk away with their followers and their fans but guess what we got?” They all say in sync, “FRIENDSHIP.” Then Christmas says, “Friendship Paul, Meatball Josh and …Creepy Christmas.” Paul smirks and says, “Creepy Christmas” at the same time. And Christmas said Creepy Christmas kept her here. Paul said, “You guys have to come to my halloween party.” “My cousin DJs and there are around 120 heads. There is usually a noose hanging from my balcony. It’s lit.” Christmas said someone needs to dress up her crutches. Josh said he will do and she said don’t tell me just make it a surprise. He said, “Ok.” Then Christmas said, “We have to get ready for finale.” Josh said, “I doubt we will have this bad boy tomorrow.” Paul said, “Nope.” Josh said, “What/ This is our last hammock night?” Paul said, “Yes.” Christmas said, “Dominique got called out out here.” Paul said something in a Christmas voice. Christmas said, “That was the first time you saw me get sassy with someone.” Paul shook his head yes.” Josh said something about someone talking about BB when they get out. Paul said, “At that point it is irrelevant. Why would you be talking about the game at that point. It is over.” Josh said, “My stomach is upset with me.” Paul said, “Mine too.” Josh said, “Yeah from candy, soda, beer and popcorn and not in that order.” Paul said, “Gross.” Christmas said, “Me too.”
12:45 AM BBT Josh said, “We need to get mani pedis when we get out of here.” Christmas said, “Yeah we do.” Paul gave a funny look. Christmas asked him if there is a place near his beard place where they can get mani pedis. He said, “Yeah in the mall.” Josh said, “I have never had it done before. My mom usually cuts my nails for me.” Paul said, “Your mom does it for you? You’re a 23 year old man fool.” Josh said, “So. I don’t know how to do it.” Paul laughed and said he needs to get his beard trimmed. Christmas said, “Ok. We will find a place close to your beard place and I will get doubled up.” Josh asked, “Doubled up on? What does that mean? Christmas said, “I will get done by two females at one time.” Paul snickered and Josh laughed. She said, “I like to be efficient with my time.” “It’s the same price so why not get it done at the same time?” She said, “And sometimes I get a little rub with it too. And a glass of wine.” Josh said, “My mom goes to a place way away to get hers done.” Christmas said, “She is getting away for her time to get a break.” Josh said, “Yeah.” Then Josh said he is excited to see his family. Josh started talking about his brother that is not his biological brother. But that his dad and family just took him in when his parents died and he works at the Royal Palm. “And I can’t wait to go see him. He just had a baby recently.” Then Christmas asks him where it is located there. He said he can hook us up with a room for a couple of nights and for drinks and food. Paul said, “That’s cool.” Christmas said, “Right on the beach?” He said, “Yeah, right on the beach.” Christmas said, “That is cool.” Christmas said, “I don’t have a hook up like that but I have a good hook up when we do the crossfit a palooza. I’m excited for you guys to come and do that.” “She said it’s healthy though.” Paul said, “I’m so there already. I always do crossfit.” She said, “yeah there are lots of hot chicks there.” Christmas said, “Yay I’m so excited. People to do things with.” “I have one friend but she is kinda boogey.” Paul said, “Like she always has to get a hotel.” Christmas said, “Yeah she has a plane on call.” Christmas said, “The girls in Thailand are beautiful.” Paul said, “My friend too a ladyboy home one time and didn’t know it until later.” “And he had already been making out with him all night.” He told me, “He felt some padding and asked him what it was for. And then the ladyboy said I thought you knew.” Then Josh said, “I am not getting drunk in Thailand.” Christmas said, “They are beautiful though. You wouldn’t know.” Christmas said, “It is completely accepted there. It is acceptable for there to be a lot of gender fluidity there.” Josh asked if they knew about “Tootsies.” Christmas said she has heard of it. Josh said, “Yeah it’s cool. You can eat wings and order a drink and get a lap dance there.” Paul said, “I don’t know how I feel about eating wings at a strip club.”
1:00 AM BBT Josh starts telling them about his cousin’s birthday party. He said his cousin has the hookup there and he gets four bottles. Paul asked, “What happened?” Josh said, “Blacked out!” He said, “My cousin went to the ATM and started taking out 20’s and just started handed the strippers 20s and they were not even doing lap dances so I went over there and stopped him from there.” He said then it gets worse. “The girls got mad and went and got the owner and told him I was taking their money. He comes over and offered us shots and my cousins were saying they didn’t have money and stuff.” “So he said don’t worry about it. But then I don’t know what was in those drinks but he got wasted and did something and fell and landed on the hooka and broke it.” “The boss came over and said we had to pay for the hooka because it was $400.” “My cousins said they didn’t have money for that. He said he was going to call the police. So we all got the money together and paid for the hooka. And we have never been back to Tootsie’s again.” Paul said, “Tootsie’s is pissed.” Josh said yeah they are. Christmas started talking about a time when her friend Beth picked up girls at the strip club. And a guy friend of theirs paid a stripper to go home with her. Then the feeds went to fish.
1:15 AM BBT Paul pulled his hat down over his eyes. Christmas is talking about good times with her friend Beth still. She said, “Whenever I was going somewhere she would just show up there.” Josh said, “That’s cool.” She said, “She has a really nice life and loves her family and going to the beach etc.” Josh said, “That is how my friend is. He likes the simple life. He just wants his truck and to go to the beach.” Josh asked Paul if he wants to go to bed. Paul said, “Yes. But it is nice though. I’m enjoying it.” Christmas starts talking about her best friend Lyndsay. She said, “She’s my rock. She knows what I’m capable of.” “Beth says “You’ve been going to hard.” “But when Lyndsay says it, I believe it. And Paige is like my shrink. She’s the boogie one.” Then feeds went to fish. Feeds came back at 1:28 AM briefly and then went out again. They came right back. Josh said, “Let’s go to bed guys.” Paul says, “I hope they let us sleep in long tomorrow.” Josh said, “Ok say something. It’s our last hammock night.” Christmas said, “You say something since you said that.” josh said, “No. It will be gumpy according to him.”
1:30 AM BBT Josh told Paul, “Let’s go then. Vamanos chocha.” Paul flipped Josh off. Then Josh said, “Will you carry me?” Christmas said, “I could probably back squat you.” And she started talking about working out at her gym and stuff. Then Josh said, “It’s been a nice summer BB. And now I have two best friends.” “And now you guys are stuck with me. This guy right here.” Christmas winced briefly. Josh asked, “What happened? Nerves? You still get them?” Christmas said, “Yes. I still get them like 20 times a day. This bitch ain’t done.” Josh said, “Let’s go to bed.” They are all yawning and Josh said he was going to go pee. He said he wanted to do a victory run around the yard. Then he said, “But then I will get all gassed up and not want to go to bed.” He asked, “We will still have the BY tomorrow won’t we?” Christmas said, “Probably in the morning we will.” Josh said, “Then let’s go to bed. I gotta go pee.” Paul moaned and Christmas just looked at him. He asked them again. Christmas said, “Go pee and find out what time it is ok.” He said, “Ok.” And he went in the house and to the bathroom. He came back out in the BY yard and started jumping around and then laid down on them on the hammock. Christmas said, “You are like a big baby.” Paul said, “A 220lb baby.” Then feeds went to fish again.
1:45 AM BBT Feeds come back at 1:46 AM and Josh and Paul are walking into the house and start saying “Molly and percocet” and then the feeds go to fish briefly and come back. They are in the kitchen and snacking on leftover food. Josh said the house is so messed up and he asked, “Who’s going to clean the house for us?” Paul said, “They will clean it for us.” Josh said to Christmas, “We will meet you in there.” Christmas is called into the DR. She said, “You guys are going to bed without me?” They got in the Rose bedroom. Josh got in his bed. Paul said, “You aren’t going to turn the light off fool?” Josh said, “No. after I get tucked in.” Paul said, “You’re going to turn it off after your tucked in?” Josh said, “No. Wait. I’m cold. I want to get tucked in before you turn it off.” Paul turned off the light. They start talking and singing and then feeds went to fish. Then the feeds came back on. Then they were chatting again and they both jumped and Paul said, “What was that? Did you hear that?” Josh said, “Yes. What was that? Paul turned the lights on. Then he looked around and didn’t find anything. Then he turned the lights back off. Then Paul said for Josh to come closer because he wants to tell him something. Josh said, “No. You come here. I’m not getting up.” Paul said, “Just lean up then to the end of your bed.” Josh said, “No.” Paul said, “Nevermind I will tell you tomorrow then.” Josh said, “No fool tell me now.” Paul said, “No nevermind then.” Then Josh got up and went to the bed with Paul. He told him he was coming to his bed then. Then Paul asked Josh if he said anything to Christmas. Josh said, “No. Why?” Paul said, “What were you guys talking about before I came out?” Josh said, “She just told me that if he decides not to take her then she understands. And she won’t have hard feelings. And she told me to do whatever is good for your game.” Paul said, “She came and told me about the same exact thing. She said she won’t have any hard feelings if she isn’t picked to go to the end. So I was just wondering if you said anything to her because she said that.” Josh said, “No.” Paul said, “We have made some awesome friends she said and that is all she cares about. It is ok. She is like giving us permission then. I take it as her way of giving her permission for it to be us two. And this doesn’t happen very often for it to be this way.”
2:00 AM BBT Josh said ok and goodnight to Paul and was going to go back to his bed. Paul then reminded him about that noise and said there are ghosts in the house. Josh said, “Forget that fool. I’m staying here now. Christmas can sleep in my bed then.” Paul said, “Let’s tell ghost stories.” Josh said, “No way dude!” Then they start talking about their family. Paul told Josh his family is probably already there. Josh said, “Your mom works close to here huh?” Paul said, “Yes she does.” Paul said, “They will give us a room and I will stay there. But yeah we don’t need to get a room because we are close.”
2:15 AM BBT Paul and Josh are speaking in their native languages and telling each other things to say to each others families when they see them. Josh said, “Ok I’m going to bed now.” He went to the round bed and started telling Paul that he woke up the other night to go to the bathroom and the owl was there and scared the crap out of him. Then Paul threw something and Josh jumped and said, “What was that?” And he got up and jumped over to the bed Paul was in and screamed. He asked if Paul threw something. Paul lied and told him no. Paul asked him what happened. Josh said, “You didn’t hear that?” Paul said, “I didn’t hear anything and all I knew you jumped over here and I thought you were horny or something.” Josh said, “I’m sleeping here with Christmas.” Josh said, “I’m going to sleep in the money room.” Paul asked, “By yourself?” He said, “No. I’m taking Christmas Joy with me.” Paul said, “Good luck.” Paul started talking about La Llona. Josh told him to stop it. Paul laughed. Josh said he was scared about Freddy Kruger when he was little. Paul said, “One two Freddy’s coming for you..” Josh said, “Stop it!” Josh said, “I’m for sure sleeping with Christmas Joy.” Then Josh finally got up and went to the round bed and turned on the light in the bedroom. Paul yelled at him for turning on the light.
2:30 AM BBT Josh put his eye mask on and covered up. Paul got up and went out to the Green bedroom and put on some lotion because he said he smelled bad. Then he came back in the bedroom and turned off the light. And he started messing around with Josh again and was talking about another scary movie. Josh started cussing and jumped up and got back in bed with Paul again. He got upset and asked Paul why he keeps messing with him because he was almost asleep. Paul told Josh he would stop and he could go back to bed. Josh said he was not moving. Josh said he didn’t feel good and he has a headache. Paul said it is because of all the junk we ate. Paul said, “I feel like going to yack.” Josh asked why. Paul said it will make him feel better. He said, “Let’s go yack.” Josh said, “No.” Then Josh asked if Christmas was still in the DR. Paul said, “Who knows what they are asking her to talk about.” Paul said, “She said she was crying during the comp out of frustration.” Then Josh started talking about Kevin and Matt. He was saying he doesn’t understand why everyone was so gassed up about Kevin and Matt and that they were bad competitors. He said he was better than either of them. Then Josh said he thinks Paul will like a girl his sister knows. Paul said, “Oh yeah?” And Josh started explaining who she is and the feeds went to fish.
2:45 AM BBT Feeds came back on at 2:45 AM and Christmas came back in the Rose bedroom from the DR. She turned on the light briefly to get ready for bed. Then she turned it off and got in bed and put her cold hands on Paul and he screamed because her hands were cold. Paul said she came back as an ice cube. She said, “That’s what you get for going to bed without me.” They all said their goodnights to each other and got quiet.Looks like all HGs have finally called it a night and are off to dreamland. Josh is still awake and is asking if our families are here. Christmas asks if they are getting to know each other.

The final 3 gather in the living room for Paul to read a card.

September 19, 2017

The final 3 gather in the living room for Paul to read a card. Paul – Dear house guests except for Josh… Josh is a B***h. …Dear house guests, You’ve played the game so well we want to see how you do with some others. Here’s tumble towers, dominoes and cards … but if you’d rather warm the bench sit out with this popcorn and candy. Your friends at POP! Josh and Christmas start screaming. They head into the storage room to find beer.

The final 3 sit around the kitchen table playing card games and drinking beer.
josh she's getting in her head
paul how do you know
josh she told me
poaul so not in a bad in her head
josh no.. jsut that she was disappointed she lost the comop
paul she didnt ask you anything?
josh no
paul i think she knows.. like if she won the comp at least she woulda had a chance to beat me in teh last one
josh i think she is fine she said she is living in the moment.. and that it wont be the same like it is now hanging out and that she is happy that she has a genuine friendship outside this house

paul no doubt.. she's awesome. she's really dope
paul im almost positive she will win america's favorite.. 
josh yeah no shit
paul then she will win like almost $40 we can go to BOA
Paul alex and kevin are banking on it

josh to the camera if you guys let kevin win AF. I liked them in the beginning hated them at the end. xms has to win it 
paul i see my mom in 2 days
josh i know
josh lets jsut run to our moms

paul i did that last year
josh did they get mad?
paul no. they wil probably run on stage.. WE WON DUDE
josh we crushed the whole season. they played themselves
paul how gased are they that they lost?
josh to the 3 of us. they are pissed we are F3
paul yep
Josh they're like we shoulda taken them out..
Josh i aint sleeping in that round bed.. im sleeping with you guys 
paul you can sleep with xmas.. let her koala bear with you. I could use the break.
josh i need more sheets it's cold in that room but i aint using the sheets that matt and raven boned in and i dont want to wash them
Xmas in the DR for almost an hour.

both back to playing with their fidgets
josh i hope they bring us all 3 back to host something
paul they wont fly everyone out
josh yeah but you will you live here
paul yeah down teh street.. 
josh i want to do the Me Myself and I 
paul i want to take my girl
paul whats the book writing like. i cant imagine you sitting there typing it all out

xmas i have a ghost writer.. we jsut sat down and i talked. and then we co write and a sample chapter.
paul i remember that moment i won that final HOH and i ahd to be rushed to the DR i was hyperventilating that was the weirdest feeling ever.. it was gnarly. and shaking .. i wonder if they ahve footage of that somewhere

Xmas do you think you will be able to adjust better this year?

paul yes and no. i'll already ready for the big brother stuff. i wasn't ready last year but i learned.. 
xmas im worried about josh with that 
paul im going to go back to my regular life.. but it it's going to be hard.. there were times last year that i was jsut crying at times.. it's just releasing emotions.. im worried about josh and i hope he wont ahve a hard time. im not worried about you.. you;'ve had way worse things to acclimate to..

paul i hope josh doesnt get overwhelmed and shuts down.. and in and out fishies..
paul i took a hard left turn in my life and it worked out. I believed in mysefl

xmas you were willing to do the work... some people dont do the work

paul the thing is i dont ever let myself down.. i might let others down but i never let myself down..

Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 18th

September 19, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 18th
3:30 PM BBT- The house guest are all still in the bed having causal talk in the rose room. They joke around for a bit but eventually fall asleep.
3:45 PM BBT-The houseguest are all in the Rose room bed asleep.
4:00 PM BBT Josh, Christmas, & Paul are all still sleeping in the Rose BR. All are sleeping in the same bed, with Paul in the middle. Paul wakes up enough to take his jacket off & situate his microphone. He turns on his side & Christmas snuggles right up to him. HOUSEGUESTS THE LOCKDOWN IS OVER YOU ARE FREE TO MOVE ABOUT THE HOUSE. Christmas & Paul mumble a thank you.
4:15 PM BBT The final three houseguests are still taking an afternoon nap together. All are in the same bed. They all are moving around, trying to get comfortable. Josh is on the edge of the bed, while Christmas & Paul snuggle up to each other.
4:30 PM BBT All are still slumbering for an afternoon nap. Paul & Christmas readjust & are snuggled a bit more closely than before.
4:45 PM BBT Christmas sits up & removes her hoodie. She lays back down in the bed & continues to snuggle Paul. Paul readjusts a bit. Josh is moving around. CHRISTMAS PLEASE GO TO THE DIARY ROOM. Christmas complains. She says that she was just starting to dream. She gets up & puts her microphone on. She heads to the DR. Josh is awake & he fusses at Paul for all the cups left around the bed. Paul asks him where he is going & Josh replies that he is going to go pee. Josh heads to the bathroom.
5:00 PM BBT Paul is still in bed. Christmas is in the DR & Josh washes his hands after using the restroom. Josh is now in the kitchen getting something to drink. Josh heads back to the Rose BR. Paul complains about how hot it is, especially when Christmas snuggles up to him. Josh asks if she stays snuggled the whole time. Paul says yes. Josh says that they should got to the hammock. Pau says ok & gets up. Now Paul is looking for his fidget spinner & telling Josh to get up, as he said he wanted to go to the hammock. Paul thinks that Josh has his fidget spinner & tells Josh to give it back. Paul grabs his mug & heads out of the room & into the kitchen. Feeds cut to fish. Paul is in the BY, in the hammock. He says that this is great. No sharing with Christmas or Josh. He says that he can practice his final speech. He talks about everyone wanting him out at one point or another. How he flipped the house to keep Josh. How he helped maneuver people to take out the the showmances & how he won competitions & still had a great social game. He messes up a few times on what he wants to say. He asks if the speech is good or not. Says that he will have to see how it goes.
5:15 PM BBT Paull is in the BY, practicing his final speech. Christmas is in the DR. Josh is up & moving around. In Paul’s speech, he says that the 2 HOH’s that he did not control, he controlled the outcome. He flipped the house to keep Christmas & again to keep Josh. Paul thinks his speech is good & is sure that Josh does not have a speech prepared. Paul is worried about sounding bad. Paul going over his speech for a third time. Josh is in the kitchen fixing him something to eat. Paul talking to the cameras. He says that he really hopes to win this season. If not, then he will be really sad. He says that there is one more comp left. Paul starts to go over his speech a fourth time. Feeds cut to fish for a moment. When they come back up, Paul is still in the hammock in the BY going over his speech. Josh is in the SR getting food. Josh hollers to Paul in the BY about having tacos. Paul said no tacos & goes back to rehearsing his speech. Josh is in the kitchen talking to the cameras. He talks about his tacos tasting better than Taco Bell. PLEASE STOP SINGING Paul comes in & asks Josh if he made just one taco. Josh says yes. Paul asks why they don’t make steaks. Paul heads towards the bathroom when the feeds cut to fish again. When feeds come back, Josh is still eating his taco & Paul is out of the bathroom. He asks Josh where his fidget spinner is & asks Josh to be allowed to search him. Paul digs in Josh’s pocket as Josh is saying no. Josh says that he found it in the bed.

5:30 PM BBT Josh asks Paul to help with dishes later. Paul says that tomorrow they should clean the whole house. That they have nothing better to do. Josh asks why & Paul says that they do not want to leave it a mess for other people to come in & clean up after them. Josh agrees & he heads out to the BY to the hammock. Paul heads to the SR to see if his suitcases are there yet. Paul comes outside & tells Josh that he thought he was going to wait for him. Josh asks Paul about how he wears his microphone around his neck. Paul remarks it is just like wearing a choker. Josh says Christmas is stuck in her head. Paul thinks Christmas kind of knows she is not going to the final two. She knows that she did not win a comp, so she has no control. Paul says she is awesome. Josh says yeah she is & she said she is just going to enjoy her time there & live in the moment. They talk about how certain they are Christmas is AFP. Paul says Alex & Kevin would be so pissed. Josh says Kevin is banking on winning AFP. Josh looks at the camera & tells America if Kevin is voted AFP, then he will change his name. Paul says he cannot wait to see his mom in 2 days. Paul says that Josh’s mom is probably already in California. Josh says they should just run to their mom’s & not hug anyone else until they hug their mother’s first. Paul says that he did that last year. The talk turns to how pissed the jury might be that Paul,Christmas, & Josh are the final three. Josh says that they need to make food. Josh says that he will not sleep in the round bed. That he will sleep with Christmas & Paul. Paul says for Josh to sleep with Christmas, let her koala bear his ass. Paul says he needs a night of sleeping by himself. Josh says that he is not sleeping in Matt & Raven’s bed. He says they “banged” in those sheets & did not wash them. He says that he does not want to be the one to wash them. Feeds cut to fish again.
5:45 PM BBT When the feeds come back up, Josh is talking about how nervous he will be sitting there being questioned by the jury. Paul says he will keep him calm. Josh says that his mom will faint to see him up there. Josh tells Paul that he better take him to the Me, Myself, & I. Paul says that he will make sure that he goes, but he wants to take his girl. Feeds cut to fish again. When feeds come back, Josh & Paul are still in the hammock. Josh says that he wants to stay a few days in California & take his mom places. Josh says that he cannot wait to see his family. Christmas comes out from the DR. She jokingly says that this is now Christmas’s Big Brother House. She climbs into the hammock with the guys; just as everyone is situated Josh is called into DR. JOSH, PLEASE GO TO THE DIARY ROOM.
6:00 PM BBT Josh is in the DR with Paul and Christmas on the hammock. Josh comes out to change his shirt to the one worn for the comp and then goes back into the DR. Paul is playing with his fidget spinner. Paul wants to go to Australia; Christmas has been and she has some friends there. The last time she was there was just last year. Paul wonders what her book writing process is; Christmas says she has a ghost writer. Christmas talks and this writer puts it does in words. She continues through the process of publishing a book. Christmas’ first book as about 4 years ago and the most recent was just this past May. Paul tells Christmas on how his store works. Paul does not have to do anything. Paul has been closing out his stuff in the store so probably nothing there at the moment. Paul says it was good when it lasted, now he wants to do more of his own ideas. He’s thought about operating a bar, coffee shop, or real estate where he will buy a house and flip the property. The thing Christmas is wanting to do this fall is to find an IT guy and team to do what she wants. It’s just a matter of finding the right brainiac.
6:15 PM BBT Paul and Christmas give each other career advice. Christmas asks why he is so fascinated with the spinner. Paul hopes Jason is not messed up over his eviction, and Christmas (and Paul) hopes Raven is not pissed, too. FISH. Feeds come back 5 min later with Christmas and Paul still on the hammock. Christmas mentions how they are only 1 comp away. Paul says it’s scary; Christmas says it’s exciting. Paul recalls when he won the final comp last year. He was hyperventilating and shaking going to the DR. The decision had to immediately be made. Paul says he will adjust easier to the craze that happens afterwards. Christmas is fearful for Josh. Paul does say the re-acclimation period back to normal life daily routine is tough. FISH. Paul hopes Josh doesn’t get overwhelmed by it and shut down. FISH.
6:30 PM BBT Paul and Christmas are discussing money and holding Shares. Feeds cut again. If negotiations need to be made, he is willing to…but for now “that’s how it is.” His drummer doesn’t like to be known he wants to be in the background. Paul just wants stability and being a rock star. Christmas sees that as opposites. Paul explains how it’s achievable and realistic. He knows realistically it’s tough making money in the band arena. It’s not the lifestyle that his parents wanted or what he has been surrounded by. Once his band was signed, then he realized his dream might come true. Josh is out of the DR and changed back into his normal shirt. He grabs another blanket and heads for the BY after a side trip to the bathroom. Paul talks more about his band. Christmas is excited for him! Paul says he is happy, healthy, his image is his, a traveler, doing things good for the world, etc. He also would like to go back to law school and become an attorney eventually (would have to restrict tattoos…which he still can’t until his parents are dead). Paul says there is something in him that will never lets himself down. They continue to discuss how you have to be willing to put in the work to get to the place where you want to be. Josh comes out wrapped in the blanket. He brings out a snack for all to bunch.
6:45 PM BBT Christmas says that with it being cold today, it reminds her of North Carolina. They are all impressed with each other’s hussle. Each of their grind and motivation is inspirational and want to see each other’s places, gyms, coaches, etc. Christmas has trained all of her coaches. She says many of them and the athletes gets really nervous when she comes in and watches. Christmas owns and operates her gym; Josh says Christmas is so humble. Christmas says there is no reason to be arrogate. Actions for what you have accomplished will speak for yourself. Josh says BB is the best thing that happened to him since he was on the verge of burnout at his company. His work consumes him. Paul says he needs to stop that. Josh realizes that BB made him appreciate his accomplishments. This has been a chance for him to be a kid and make mistakes. Christmas tells them about the time she burned out last year regarding her career. She is still learning on how to take a day off. Paul says he will help them with that. They smell something cooking (on a grill). Paul mentions it smells so good! Christmas asks BB to maybe have food delivered to them for dinner tonight. Josh goes back talking about his business; Paul can help him by putting his merchandise in his shops.
7:00 PM BBT Christmas sighs on how that smells soooo good! Paul and Josh still talking about business careers. Paul gives his advice. Paul has 12 retailers throughout the world with his merchandise. Again Paul says he’s going to make a shirt for Raven and donate the sales to her and her new pacemaker cause. Josh asked what are they going to do for dinner. They pass around the potato chips! Paul says steak and potatoes or steak and eggs. Christmas volunteers to make hash browns. FISH. Paul says he travels at least once a month. Paul turns over as if to sleep in the hammock. Josh complains saying he’s falling off. Christmas tickles/scratches Paul’s back. Josh still talking about dinner food. Josh also adds on how he likes it how Christmas and Paul goes down their own path in life and not following any norms. Paul is going to show Josh the ropes. They talk about Matt’s life’s drive…live and let live. Whatever happens, happens…just don’t rock Paul’s boat. They wonder how Matt ever hooked up with Raven. They recall comments made by the past HGs and laugh.
7:15 PM BBT They talk about a party (Oct 17) Josh will be having at his house. They can’t wait to meet each other’s families. Christmas and Josh was the problem child of their family. They all say they will miss each other. Christmas wants to put up a hammock and fake camera at home, and have them over. Christmas and Josh says that they get along so nicely and they don’t get on each other’s nerves. Josh wonders if they’re considered a power trio. Christmas says, “Yeah, we steamrolled everyone, and they didn’t see it coming.” Paul is lying quietly facing the other direction. Christmas says strangely enough she connected more to Jess than anyone else. Josh recalls the heated conversation with Jess/Cody. They say Cody has some serious issues; they (including Paul) does not think he will reflect and get help. Josh also turns over to “go to bed.” They say how comfortable they are in the cool crisp air. They lie quietly, slightly swaying back and forth in the hammock.
7:30 PM BBT All three are lying in the hammock…lying quietly or sleeping. Only the sounds of planes going overhead..

7:45 PM BBT Everyone repositions on the hammock. Christmas on Paul’s shoulder. They continue resting/sleeping. Feeds go to FISH at 7:57 PM.
8:00 PM BBT Feeds return. All houseguests lying on hammock with eyes closed.
8:15 PM BBT Christmas, Josh, and Paul asleep on the hammock. Paul and Josh wake up and shift their weight. Paul comments that the breeze feels so nice.
8:30 PM BBT Christmas, Josh, and Paul asleep on the hammock.
8:45 PM BBT Josh gets out of the hammock and gathers some food to take back inside. He stops and looks at the camera and gives his signature “Gwhy?”. He goes inside, sits the food on the counter, gets a handful of M&M’s, then goes to the bathroom. Josh digs through the fridge but doesn’t find anything. He goes back outside and stops at the camera again to say “Gwhy”. Josh tries to get Paul up and Paul says he just wants to eat cereal and pass out. PAUL, PLEASE GO TO THE DIARY ROOM. Paul gets up to go inside and says the breeze is so nice and he’s so relaxed. Paul walks to the diary room and Josh follows throwing candy at him. Paul yells at him to clean that up.
9:00 PM BBT Josh heats up a pork chop in the microwave and dances in the mirror. Josh keeps singing while dancing and the feeds cut to fish. BB says PLEASE STOP SINGING twice in a row and Christmas yells STOOOP! Josh runs outside to ask her what she said. Josh asks her what they are going to eat and she says scrambled eggs, bacon, and Christmas toast. Josh finds ants on the counter and starts freaking out. Josh complains that he’s tired of cooking and cleaning, and wants his mom’s food. He starts naming all of the Cuban food he misses while he washes dishes. Josh begs BB for Chinese takeout, or Chipotle, or In-n-Out. He’s tired of Paul’s cooking. Josh says everyone should buy a dishwasher because washing dishes by hand sucks.
9:15 PM BBT Josh says he can’t wait to see his family and he’s going to run straight to his mom and cry like a baby. Christmas is still outside asleep on the hammock. Paul comes out of the diary room and calls everyone to the living room. Paul starts getting on to Josh for leaving Froot Loops all over the floor. Christmas gets up and walks inside asking if they sent food. Paul reads the card from POP announcing the games, snacks, and beer. Josh gets excited about the games and decides he’s going to make pizza. Josh pops the popcorn and Christmas opens the cards so they can all play a game. Christmas goes to the bathroom and knocks on the door out of habit, even though she knows there’s no one in there. Paul does a card trick for Josh and Josh runs around the kitchen freaking out saying “How did you do that?!” He asks Paul to teach him the trick.
9:30 PM BBT Paul sets up another trick and calls over Christmas and Josh to the dining table.

 Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 18th

September 19, 2017

 Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 18th
6:00 AM BBT Paul gets a drink from the nightstand and rolls back over for sleep.
6:05 AM BBT – 9:00 AM BBT All HGs sleeping
9:01 AM BBT Feeds go to FISH
9:33 AM BBT Cams return, HGs are still sleeping.
9:45 AM BBT -10:45 AM BBT Sleeping HGs, quiet house…
10:50 AM BBT BB asked nicely to turn on the bedroom lights. BB is really trying to get the SLEEPING HGS UP..Christmas jumps out of bed to turn on the lights..BB SAYS CHECK YOURSELF AND WOH WOH WOH. Paul wonders why they are so gassed up today.
11:00 AM BBT- 11:30 AM BBT HGs back to sleep after BB tried to get them up. BB Tries again to wake them up.
11:35 AM BBT Feeds comes back to Christmas being called to the DR. She stops in the SR to change her battery. Then she heads into the WR in her comp dress.To fix her hair and makeup. She tells BB she just needs 3 mins. Then she will be there. Then she heads to the DR. Paul and Josh still in bed.
11:45 AM BBT Paul and Josh still in bed and Christmas in the DR. After Christmas’s DR she goes back to sleep. Her and Paul are cuddled up.
12:00 PM BBT HGs are sleeping in the rose room. Paul wakes up, goes to the bathroom, and then goes back to sleep.
12:15 PM BBT PAUL! JOSH! THERE ARE FRESH BATTERIES IN THE STORAGE ROOM! Paul gets back out of bed and goes to exchange his batteries in the SR. Paul goes back to sleep.
12:30 PM BBT HGs are sleeping in the rose room.
12:45 PM BBT HGs are sleeping in the rose room.
1:00 PM BBT HGs are sleeping in the rose room.
1:15 PM BBT HGs are sleeping in the rose room. JOSH! THERE ARE FRESH BATTERIES IN THE STORAGE ROOM. Josh finally wakes up and goes to the bathroom. Feeds cut to fish. Feeds come back up to Josh brushing his teeth. Christmas is straddling Paul’s back and trying to pop it. Josh goes outside and gets a big bottle of gatorade and pours it out in the sink.
1:30 PM BBT JOSH! THERE ARE FRESH BATTERIES IN THE STORAGE ROOM! Josh goes into the rose room and lays on Christmas and Paul. They discuss how many days are left before the finale. Josh tells Christmas and Paul to wake up and come hang out with him. Josh wants to make food and go hang out outside. Josh goes into the SR to change his batteries. The HGs are in the kitchen making breakfast.
1:45 PM BBT The HGs are making breakfast in the kitchen. Paul and Josh start singing the Thanksgiving Song.
2:00 PM BBT– Josh, Christmas and Paul are all in the kitchen cooking together. It appears they are making breakfast. Cameras are on Josh peeling a tangerine while Josh and Paul joke around with each other. They plan to eat together outside. The remaining houseguest go outside to eat. BB “Houseguest this is a lockdown, please go inside and close the sliding glass door”. Paul says we played ourselves with that one and head back inside. They sit down to eat inside and thank Christmas for making breakfast. Josh says something to Paul and Paul asks why Josh is being grumpy and how he woke up on the grumpy side being negative. Josh and Paul both play with their fidget spinners as they eat. Paul and Josh continue their arguing/play fighting. Christmas says she is not in this.
2:15 PM BBT-The houseguests are still in the kitchen eating and having casual conversation. Paul points out the scratches on Josh’s ear and how he got them. Josh goes into a story about getting jumped by a group of people. They go back to having casual conversation as they finish up their breakfast. Josh asks Christmas if she want to hang out because he doesn’t want to hang out with Paul. Christmas say they act like step brothers. They have more casual talk. Josh compliments Christmas on breakfasts and he asks her for a cheers. Paul stares at him as they both continue to play fight.
2:30 PM BBT-The houseguests are still sitting around the kitchen after their meal. Josh says lets go to the bedroom. Josh picks up Paul to carry him to the room as Christmas follows. They get back in bed. Paul and Josh complain about how much pain they are in. Josh asks Christmas if she can rub his back. Josh jokes that Paul is spoiled as Christmas massages his neck. Josh asks why doesn’t he get a massage like this. Christmas ask Josh to tell him a story and he says no. He seems to be jealous that Paul is getting a neck rub. Josh continues to lay in bed as Christmas rubs Paul’s neck. The houseguest are quiet with casual chit chat here and there.
2:45 PM BBT-The houseguests are all still in bed in the Rose room. Christmas is massaging Paul’s neck as Josh lays in bed quietly. Christmas finishes rubbing Paul’s neck and asks Josh to tell her a story. Josh says no. They all talk about meeting each other’s families. They talk about the houseguests zings. Josh says that Raven didn’t understand hers and mentions how mad Jason was so mad about his.They talk about Alex and her hinky vote that her and Jason tried to pin on Kevin. They know that Alex was the one who voted to evict Matt.
3:00 PM BBT-The houseguests are still in the Rose room laying in bed. Josh joins Christmas and Paul in their bed. They joke around with each other and have casual chit chat. Christmas was called to the DR and leaves. Paul and Josh continue having casual talk. They both talk about the anxiety attacks they had this season. Josh says he would just Pray his would go away. He said he would be in the DR shaking.
3:15 PM BBT-Christmas returned from the DR and gets back in bed. It is Paul’s turn to go and Josh says he is cuddling Christmas. As they lay down and have casual chit chat, there appears to have been a production leak where Paul can be heard in the Dr saying what’s up dude and the producer saying he needs something for the part one HOH. It appears live feed watchers could hear it but not the houseguest. Christmas and Josh continue their talk and Christmas says she has been quiet lately and Josh says he has noticed and ask why. Christmas says she is just thinking about her life after the show. She mentions that she is disappointed in her performance in the last comp. Christmas feels like she done her best but not all that she was capable of doing. Josh says that she should be so product of herself. He tried to encourage her and tells her she should be really proud of herself. DR: Josh please go to the diary room. Josh leaves and Paul returned to the bed. Christmas says you know Josh is going to get back in on your side. Christmas mentions that Paul’s DR session was fast. They have casual chit chat as Josh returns from the DR session. Joh checks to see if th e yard is open for Paul but in the meantimes gets something from the fridge. Houseguest are having casual talk.

Josh and Paul talking about how Groundhog day has checked out and she really doesn’t want to win

September 18, 2017

Josh and Paul talking about how Groundhog day has checked out and she really doesn’t want to win. She’s got so much stuff going on. They talk about how established Groundhog day is.
Paul – this is like fun
Josh – yeah.. she’s winning AF for sure
Paul – I think so (LOL:0

Paul all of our votes are going to her..
Paul – it’s q acombingaiton o9f her fans. our fans.. I think she deserves oit
Josh – I think she deserves it too .. she’s been awesome
Paul -she’s dope

Paul goes on and on about christmas checking out “she was about to get married and some sh1t.. she’s gone through … we’re kids to her”
Paul – she’s a f*ing women fool..
Josh going on about how he couldn’t do Big Brother again..

Paul says it’s a blessing hat he was able to come back.
Josh – and you would do it again
Paul – yeah.. I would like to do it again against.. vets. . top rated… Dan., Derrick, Vanessa, Frankie …
Paul says he’s got a real love for this game.
Josh – I think you’re going to go down
Paul – I know Dr will has won first place and second place
Josh you’re going to go down in history
Paul – yeah as potty mouth

Paul – I didn’t sit back, I didn’t float.. I won comps made moves.. played the f*ing game so no know can say shg1t there (true Paul played the game hard)
Paul – I played harder this season… last season I weaseled my way around.. this season I was on top of sh1t

JOsh again says xmas has completely checked out
Paul agreeing.. “I’m happy for her she’s made.. i wish her the best”
Paul – we’re kids dude..

Paul – Canada will happen soon bro.. my manager will be booking stuff already… I told him to give me a couple months to chill then I’ll be ready

Paul going on about his business and all the money he spent on marketing. Says he paid 18 grand before coming on the show
Paul and Josh in the hammock. Christmas is in the diary room.
Paul – I am pretty certain she (Christmas) is going to get America’s favorite. Josh – I hope to god she gets it. Paul – she will, I am telling you all our votes are going to her because people know. We’ve been talking about it, people know. The people that vote are the f**king live feeders. The true fans are the ones voting for that sh*t. Josh – cool. I hope to god she gets it. Paul – I am telling you she will. Josh – if Kevin gets it, I will die! Paul – He already won 25K. Josh – yeah. Paul – He already cashed. They’re going to someone who… think about it she broke her foot, persevered, did some bada$$ sh*t (HUH?! like what?!). She is going to win it. Nobody else had that much of a rough journey and they like that underdog sh*t. And the fact that she came close to them and didn’t turn on us, I am telling you she is going to win it. Josh – good! Paul – then we all walked away with something and that’s exactly what she wanted. She wanted like 20K to help her mom with her cabin. And she gets she stipend with America’s Favorite, so really she gets 45K. Josh – she gets even more being a figure. She comes out with more than us. Paul – you’re right. I didn’t think about that. So she will get similar to what second place gets. That’s dope. At lease all the homies come out with dough. Josh – that’s how it should be dude. We earned it. Paul – I didn’t even get that. Different. Josh – you didn’t. Paul – shakes his head no. Josh – you didn’t even fight it?! Paul – no. Big Brother tells them not to talk about production.

 Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 18th

September 18, 2017

 Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 18th
2:00 AM BBT The conversation in the Kitchen continues between Christmas and Paulthe BR, Josh is done showering. Christmas exits the Kitchen. Christmas is explaining to Paul how her day goes , what she does. Paul says she is very ambitious , he tells her what he does. Big Brother is telling Josh to stop singing and to put his mic on. Paul has gone to shower. Josh is in the Green Room gathering up his belongings. Christmas is sitting in the washroom while Paul showers. Christmas tells Josh to please flush the toilet if he pees in it. Josh says it isn’t me. Paul tells him it was. Big Brother tells Josh to put on his mic. They are reliving some of the moments that they had in the house. Paul is saying his pet peeve was when Matt and Raven would use his personal stuff. He is saying he caught Matt going into his drawer and getting his stuff out. Christmas said Raven used her makeup all the time. Christmas says she liked Kevin’s birthday dinner where everyone sat down together. Christmas is massaging Josh head and Paul is drying off from his shower.
2:15 AM BBT The Hgs are all in the washroom still. Paul asks What your favorite top 3 moments were. Josh says his first HOH Whistle-Nut’s letter from home, Christmas deciding to stay. Josh tells them about walking in on Whistle-Nut crying. Josh is telling them about the time he seen Jason cry. Big Brother tells Paul to put on his mic. Josh says Jason was in the moment when he was talking about his son. Christmas asks Paul What is 3 moments were. Paul says one was when he got everyone to throw the running comp to Christmas, as he does not have his mic on yet it is very hard to hear him. Christmas and Josh are commenting on how Paul brushes his hair. Josh says we are going to bed Do you really need to gas yourself up. Paul says I sleep next to someone so I want to not stink. Paul says he hasn’t really thought about his top 3 moments. Josh says his all time favorite moment is when Kevin walked out and he realized they were final 3. Paul says that should be in all their top 3. Christmas says she kept waiting for something to happen as in real life nothing ever goes exactly as planned. Josh asks Paul How much would we have to pay you to shave your beard. Paul says 20 g’s. Josh says Let’s go to bed, he also tells Paul to stop looking at himself in every mirror. Paul says that is what you do. They stop in the kitchen have another snack and get something to drink. Christmas is in the washroom doing her face.
2:30 AM BBT It looks like they are all heading into the Rose Room to prepare for bed. Josh is complaining that they touched his luggage and made a huge mess. Paul has turned out the light but is still teasing Josh. They ask for 3 songs for the wake up call. Paul says Josh get up in the morning and clean the kitchen. Josh tells Paul to get up and clean the kitchen. Christmas laughs and says you two sound like an old married couple. Paul is sneaking over to Josh’s bed to scare him. He jumps on Josh’s bed and asks for a kiss. Big Brother tells them to stop that. They have all returned to their own beds. They are still talking, Josh tells Paul he bored him to death. Christmas is trying to cuddle with Paul and moves closer to him in bed. Paul asks Josh to tell him who gassed him up the most on the 3rd eviction night. Josh does not answer. Paul says he is on empty, no gas left. Josh says you are annoying. Paul tells Josh he is annoying. Josh says Goodnight to Christmas but does not say Good Night to Paul. Paul tells him to try and talk to him tomorrow. Josh is trying to get comfy in his bed.
2:45 AM BBT All Hgs are in their beds trying to go to sleep.Josh starts singing You Got a Friend in me. Feeds go to fish. Feeds come back with all Hgs in their beds and trying to sleep.Christmas is awake and staring at Paul sleeping. Christmas is up out of bed and on the move.
3:00 AM BBT Christmas has headed outside slowly making her way to the hammock, where she curls up under the blanket she has brought out with her. She looks deep in thought. Josh is still tossing and turning in bed.
3:15 AM BBT Christmas is still on the hammock in the backyard deep in thought, every once in awhile her eyes close but there is no movement or talking from her. In the Rose Room Josh and Paul are in bed sleeping, Paul more deeply than Josh it seems as Josh has been tossing and turning.
3:25 AM BBT Christmas gets up from the hammock with her blanket and slowly makes her way inside where she heads into the Rose Room and back into bed. She snuggles into Paul.
3:30 AM BBT – 5:45 AM BBT All Hgs are in bed visiting dreamland.
6:00 AM BBT Paul gets a drink from the nightstand and rolls back over for sleep.
6:05 AM BBT – All HGs sleeping

Christmas talking to herself.

September 18, 2017

Christmas talking to herself.
Christmas – I know one of those get to secure a spot and I don’t because I sucked at that comp. I really did try and my best was not enough. I know I talk about successful failure and I will learn something. Josh bugs her and then heads back inside. Christmas – I came here with a broken heart, I’m leaving with a broken heart. Super disappointed in my performance. I would not be having a pity party if I hadn’t broken my foot. I don’t know if I should talk to both of them separately and tell them to bring the other to final 2 and I’ll just take third. I honestly don’t think anyone else would have stayed with a broken foot.. so does that exceptional or does that make me the girl that got carried through because she has a broken foot. Josh joins her again. Paul comes out to sit in the hammock with them soon after. They chat about random things. Paul comments on how they get sequestered for 6 days after. Big Brother blocks the feeds.

Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 17th

September 18, 2017

 Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 17th
7:15 PM BBT Josh cooks. Christmas and Paul nap. Josh tells the cameras that Raven has messed up their taste buds for taco seasoning and they don’t even want taco seasoning, they just want plain meat! Then Josh comments that if you have OCD, check it before you come into the Big Brother house, cause you’ll go nuts in here.
7:30 PM BBT Josh continues cooking, and Paul continues napping. Christmas has gotten up and come inside. They chat about cooking. They talk about how Raven use to put an entire pack of taco seasoning into the meat. She shows him how to cut an avocado. They get drinks. Outside in the BY, Paul is talking to the camera about happenings in the house over the season.
7:45 PM BBT Paul is talking about how great he is and how he fought his way to where he is now. Josh comes outside and Paul hollers at him that he has to help him with the awnings. Paul asks him what he made for dinner and he answers taco salad. They put down the awnings. Josh says he is ready to go to bed, and Paul asks what time it is. He is surprised when Josh says it is only 7 something. Christmas brings their bowls of salad outside. Josh sings one line of Hanuka Matata and production says, “Please stop singing”. They keep
saying jambalaya papaya and guy. Josh spins a fidget spinner on his finger. They are again asked to stop singing. Christmas is working on getting laundry out of the machines. Paul goes inside to the storage room, then to the green bedroom. Josh and Christmas start to eat in the outside sitting area. Paul comes back outside. They ‘cheers’ with their bowls and start to eat. Josh plays with the fidget spinner again.
8:00 PM BBT The three continue eating and chatting. They begin discussing Rocky Horror Picture Show. Christmas starts describing where she watched it in Richmond, VA. They discuss whether Richmond is a rough city. She talks about living in the Fan part of Richmond, which may not interest many of you, but as a Virginian, I find it interesting! 🙂 Josh drops his fidget spinner into his taco salad. They talk about whether or not Paul really is a potty mouth. Josh goes inside.
8:15 PM BBT Josh comes back out with chocolate for Christmas. They talk about Christmas’s Christmas party she throws every year. Josh and Paul continue playing with fidget spinners. Josh says to get the pool table ready. Heads in and uses the RR and adjusts his bandanna, Paul and Christmas express the hatred they had for spinners when they first came out but now they have nothing else to do.
8:30 PM BBT Paul keeps playing and learning new tricks while Josh is changing to go play pool. Josh hollers at himself in the mirror. Josh goes out to BY to tell them the time is 8:33. Paul tells Josh that he wants to show him a new trick. Josh walks away & goes to the hammock. He sings a few versus. Paul teases Josh by saying everything is rigged against Josh. Josh says yep. Paul continues teasing by saying the fidget spinners won’t work for Josh & that he was supposed to get the hex. Josh says yep again. Paul tries to convince Josh to come play pool with him. Paul goes over to the hammock & tackles Josh. He asks Josh why he is ignoring him. Paul asks why he won’t play pool. Josh says that he is full. They horse around some more on the hammock. Paul says some things to Josh in Spanish & Josh tells Paul that is why he got the name “Potty Mouth” in BB Comics. Paul turns the faucet on behind Josh. He plays around with Josh again on the hammock. Josh asks if Paul just came to bug him. Josh tells Paul that he is annoying & Paul responds with, “ I’m annoying? I’m annoying?” Josh says yes. Paul walks away. Josh attempts to situate himself in the hammock & Christmas has gone inside to the bathroom. Paul comes over, with a croquet mallet, & playfully acts like he is going to hit Josh with it. Paul then plays croquet by himself. He hits the balls holding the balls with one hand. Paul jokingly tells Josh that when the jury starts asking questions, they should pull out the fidget spinners. They both laugh.
8:45 PM BBT Josh asks Paul if he thinks he is A Rod. Paul asks who that is. Josh cannot believe that Paul has no idea who A Rod is. Josh tells him that he is a baseball player. Paul says that is why he has no idea who he is. Paul says he does not watch sports. Paul says that he cannot wait to get out of there. Josh is spinning his spinner hard again, says it’s worn out because he been doing it for 5hrs. Now he and Paul are having a competition to see who can spin the longest. Josh says they gave him a F@# up one because Paul keeps winning.Paul telling Josh if he wouldn’t have dropped his so many times it would work.Josh ask where is she.(Christmas) Josh says she’s hiding, Paul, Dude she loves us….She is stuck with us.. Josh starts singing Why did you do this to me,Why did you do this to me..(laughing) Paul ask Josh why he gets up so early if he would just sleep till 2pm, his day would be done, Josh says he just can’t when he hears the music his mind is just UP… Paul starts talking about, What kind of questions they are going to ask in the Final HOH. Josh says who knows… They switch to seeing their families in the audience, Josh says he’s just going to run straight to his Mother, Paul continues with wondering if their families will like each other. Josh laughs, Paul says of course they will.
9:00 PM BBT Paul’s starts talking about Christmas and how she has already made it on the outside, Paul thinks that everyone will vote for her for AFP, since he and josh will be in the F2, all of their fans will just cast their vote for her, because they will already be in the money.Josh said he wanted to just go to bed, Paul says they can’t and they will probably start DRing them about 11:15pm to keep them up.Christmas gets out of the shower, has a near full nip slip…Josh tells Paul You seem gassed, Paul says dude i’m tired and I’ve been sitting here staring at a fucking 2 dollar toy from China. Josh tells Paul dude I’m done I don’t know how you did this twice. Paul says Dude I’ve been in shock for at least half of the game, He says it doesn’t feel real right now and he feels like he’s dreaming. He goes on to talk about how he couldn’t believe he came back so fast, and how he came in second place last year. Josh ask him if he would do it again, He said yes but ONLY if it was all just VETS, like the top 3 Vets, he would only want to play against the best. Christmas is in the BR putting on her makeup, by herself. Josh just ask again where she was, He thinks he’s ready to get out of the house and get back to her life, because she had a moment last night.Earlier Paul told Josh that she had a moment just like they all had, And she was upset about her foot and that she had lost.
9:15 PM BBT Paul now goes back to talking about the questions for final HOH, He says what am I supposed to do sit here and contemplate what they are gonna ask. He said that last year the hardest thing wa sitting in the house knowing that his Mom was right next door, Josh said his mom is going to freak out…and ask Paul if they get to walk out together. (PRODUCTION CHRISTMAS GO TO THE DR) Paul says yes we do because WE won. Paul telling Josh how much fun they are going to have when they get out, That they are going to go some really dope places, And have money, Paul told Josh is gonna be a blast because I won’t be a BROKE BITCH. Paul is telling Josh how much inventory he made up and that he made 18 different new items before he came on the show, and hopes he didnt gas himself and the stuff sold. Josh thinks it’s crazy how when you out of the house how much people are going to know who you are, Paul tells him that the airport is the worst place at least 10 people approach him there, Josh can’t believe it and can’t wait for it to happen, So he can make someone’s day and be nice. Paul tells him you better be nice.Josh is talking about how he thinks people are reacting to him on the outside, Because when Bobby walked in he had the POTS AND PANS, AND JOSH THOUGHT OH SHIT, Josh says maybe I’m just overthinking it but…Josh is worried about what people think about him. Paul tells him that’s the way I felt last year and this year
9:27 PM BBT CHRISTMAS has an announcement from BB/POP.. She comes outside AND tells Josh and Paul she has an announcement, They all go into the living room, And she tells them that POP wants them to play a game, by answering questions from people on the outside..The 1st question was if it was easier to lose weight are gain weight in the BB house, They all agree that it is gain weight. 2nd question was to Paul asking Who was going to be the 1st person he was going to call when he gets out of the house, He says his GrandMa because his parents will be there.3rd question is to everyone, wanting to know what food they missed the most in the BB house, Christmas says her breakfast at her table looking out her window and grilling, Josh said basically everything Mexican,
9:30 PM BBT 4th question was to Josh asking him if he played instruments outside the house are was POTS AND PANS his 1st, Everyone laughs and Josh says that h has never played any instruments and hopes Paul will teach him how to play the guitar.another question was to Josh asking which was harder eating slop are sleeping on the spike bed, Josh says definitely eating slop, They all agree that slop is the worst. Someone ask what they all missed besides their families on the outside of the house, Paul says his car and his hairless cat..another question for all of them was which houseguests they would want to meet, Paul says Will and Evil Dick, and gives Dick a shout out, Christmas says oh the dentist you know who Im talking about, No One could remember his name (Johnny Mack) but Christmas says he was her favorite. Someone ask the 3 of them who was going to take Orwell the Owl home, Josh says definitely him because they have been tight and best friends since day one, and goes and gets him from the APPLE R.
9:45 PM BBT Someone ask them If they missed a pen and paper just to write stuff down, Paul says NO, Christmas said oh YES because she was a lister,Paul admits that he misses drawing, but that’s it. Someone ask them to give them a description of how bad the house smelled, They all agree that it doesn’t smell bad, are they are just too it.But none of them smell bad, Christmas says she smells nice but her sheets don’t smell nice and they probably should wash them, Paul says why we only have a few days let. Paul got a question of how long has he gone without shaving his beard, Christmas tells him that his beard is awful now, Paul said yes it has a mind of its own right now but it has been 5yrs. Since he has shaved. A question for everyone was How bad was it to share the shower with all the house guest, They all agree that Raven was the worst to share with that her hair was everywhere, Josh admits that he had it even up his ass, while he was showering, Christmas goes on to talk about the shower was bad but all the guys being on slop and using the bathroom was disgusting and Mark was the worst, Her name for him was ELEPHANT ASS..
10:00 PM BBT Paul gets question about his socks. He gets weird socks because he likes weird socks. Paul goes to get his sock to show what he is going to wear on finally night. On finally night I am wearing Mom Socks hopefully Mom will be there. Everyone how hard is to be without your phone? Josh says he cannot remember his password so it is going to b hard when he gets it back Paul says you learn to forget about it and enjoy everything around your. Drop the phone and enjoy your friends. Paul’s question, Who do you miss from last years show. Glen as they went to a baseball game. Corey, Paulie, Bridgett, Bronte and DaVonne. He isn’t going to throw friendship into their faces. Christmas What is the funniest joke about your name? The old man man in bar that said he never saw a White Christmas. lol. Josh says Paul was going to say a dirty joke about Christmas. For Christmas if you could have one celebrity sign your cast who would it be? She says Mark Walhberg. She doesn’t have cast but if he wants to sign it she will get a cast again just for him. Christmas jumps on top Josh and Paul is signing out of big brother for tonight. lol . Josh grabs Orwell and Theodore and buts them back. Christmas sits where Josh was sitting and says this seat is so warm and Josh says it is because I sat there. Thanks POP they all say. Christmas asks is it bedtime yet? Josh says no but he is putting them away for tonight and giving them aspirin as Christmas gave them a headache. Josh says lets go to hammock and Paul says let’s play a game of chess. BB Christmas PLEASE GO TO DR. Paul says thanks POP now the next question is about gaining weight I am getting some carbs. They have to give the cards back but Josh wants to give a shout out to those that asked his and Christmas does same and so does Paul then Christmas has to take the cards to DR. They all go into SR and Josh asks if the Moose track ice cream is any good . He is going to make a shake. Christmas looking for glasses in kitchen and says where did all of the glasses go to? Paul says why don’t you eat the french vanilla? Josh says WHY.Josh grabs the whip cream and Paul says I want some too Josh says there isn’t enough in here. Christmas says I want some too.
10:15 PM BBT Kitchen Paul and Josh shut the fuck up to each other. Josh goes running in SR to get more ice cream or cool whip not sure which one. Paul comes back into kitchen and says to Josh Was you born that ugly like it was a question from POP and then also how are you going to deal with all the weight gain Josh? Paul grabs the box of Wheat Chex and says the ants go a hold of this box and throws them in garbage. BB CHRISTMAS PLEASE GO TO DR. Christmas comes back in to go to DR and Josh gives her a taste of his ice cream mix. And Paul jumps up and tries to scare her. Christmas comes out of DR and Paul asks her was that all? Josh and Paul goes out back to hammock and Christmas goes into SR and then goes out back. Josh jumps into hammock and takes the middle and Christmas asks why are you in the middle. She says if I don’t get any covers you are in for it. Paul says you are GUMPY. They are all fighting for space on hammock and Paul says this is what she does every night when she comes to bed. Paul asks why does the bigger guy have to be in the middle? Josh says because I balance it out. BB JOSH PLEASE RE ATTACH YOUR MICROPHONE.
10:30 PM BBT Paul says two days and a wake up. Josh says he is going to grab the dick beat and tangle your beard to Paul. Josh says Paul wakes up grumpy GUMP every day and Paul says it is because the BB play The Finale Count Down every day and I don’t like it. Christmas says You Josh wake up GASSED everyday and Josh says it is because I am happy to be here. Paul says this might be the last time we get to have on the hammock. Josh says don’t say that. Josh says why would they not let us have it? Paul says because they have to close it down to make to comp for our finale comp. Josh is playing with is fidget spinner. BB PLEASE STOP WHISTLING. Josh complains about the ants again and says why did he not get a question about the ants. Paul asks Josh why he is crying and Josh says I am not crying it is because you all have been picking on me all day. Christmas puts her cold foot on Josh and Josh says says he is going to tickle her. Paul says she comes back from DR and she’s always cold. Paul says tell us things you like about girls? Josh says eyes feet and Paul says not the chootch? Paul says Her voices her smell and her touch. Josh says you said we cannot talk about that. Paul said not one girl but all girls. Paul says all girls have a smell to them you should get to know. Josh says a woman touch. I cannot wait to get home. Josh humming and BB says PLEASE STOP WHISTLING. Josh asks Christmas what she likes about men? Voice, Josh says give us 5 she can only say VOICE and their individual body odor. The talk goes to Paul saying that if you are attracted to a person’s smell then you are more likely to be attracted to them physically. Josh says give us more and she says if they make me feel protected. Josh says you just stole Paul’s. Josh says he misses this girl and cannot wait to kiss her and her her voice. Paul says are we not going away from this stuff we talked about this. Walk away from it and leave it.
10:45 PM BBT Josh says he can just feel her and before they came here he was suppose to go on a date and he didn’t. Paul tells him has to get over her just like he did before. If she holds that over your head that you didn’t get over it she is not for you you are wasting your time and hers. Christmas says the same thing MOVE on. Don’t make that mistake again move on. Josh sniffs and said did one of you fart? Paul says no it is just one of the smells outside. Josh is scared of being vulnerable again. He doesn’t want to get hurt. He doesn’t want to show himself Paul tells him he has to very apparent about his feeling and let them know. You have be open about your feeling and trust yourself. Josh asks him if he is going to take his own advice? Paul says of course he is and does. Paul gives advice about your feeling getting taken advantage of. Josh says he doesn’t mind sharing and being open and expressing his feeling. Christmas says that is when you need to be open and true with yourself.. Josh says he hasn’t found the one girl. Christmas says it is because you are still hung up on that one girl. She says let me guess you have dated more girls like her since? Josh says yes like Elena really like Elena. It was crazy. Josh says his mom saw Elena on TV and said probable said Oh MY that is his old girlfriend. Josh says that when Elena would be massaging Paul head you could tell that Mark would get mad you could smell it on him. Josh says that on day one Mark and Ew she would tell Mark what to do all the time like go and get this and get that. Josh says it must have been brutal in the DR for him. Josh said that everything that Mark would say would come back with it is Paul that is going to do it. BB CHRISTMAS PLEASE GO TO DR. Paul says why are they so horny for Christmas? Paul asks did she go in and Josh says yes. Paul says what did I say about her she needs to be cuddle and wants it. Pal says he is 7 years youngler than her. Paul says he hopes his girlfriend understands that all he is doing is being friends not to mash her. He has dreams every night about his girl friend. Josh tell shi not to come off too strong on her. Josh says Christmas is BEAUTIFUL she is a 10 man. Christmas comes back out and Josh says is it a comp. She says YES and goes back in. Both boys still spinning their spinners and talking about girls. Josh says in here we start to bond and I don’t know about you two and that I care about you two. Paul says he cares about your two also. We are the three best friends Josh signings. Paul saying that he can only think about his girl. Josh says it not all about looks as he has dated bomb shells and gets dump Paul says you have to like the girls too not just looks. Josh says it is about intention and stuff. Josh says he has to go out and meet some girls after this just meet girls. We can have Christmas come out with us she would be great to have out. She is like a woman from the movies. Josh says when he first came into the house he laid eyes on her then Elana but it was Christmas first.
11:15 PM BBT Josh says my dad would be a person that can read someone’s persona just by looking at then he would tell me to leave a friend that he knew was no good for you. Paul asks if Josh’s dad talks in english or spanish and Josh says he speaks in spanglish all the time and can jump back and forth between them. Paul says about Natalie was not his type and Josh WHAT she was pretty and Paul says just not my type. Josh says this year we had great ones this year. Paul said we had great looking girls this year Dom, Christmas, Elena . Not jessica and Josh says yes she was good looking but her attitude made it bad. Paul said one time he had to sleep between Elena and Christmas and it was so hard (Josh says yes HARD) Yes her leg would hit your junk and then things go from there. Paul says he hopes his mom did watch that one. Paul and Josh talking about their dads and how they are that they don’t care what others think about them. Josh says he never showed others how smart he is like others did. My intelligence has never been question before like it has been in this house.He says that he is way smarter than anyone in the house knows except them (Christmas and Paul)
11:30 PM BBT Josh is telling Paul about his family and how his Grandpa owns 2 gas stations and a car wash, Paul says owning a car wash is Back, He thinks that Josh and his family are very much alike. Paul says that he is a the risk taker in his family but no one else is they don’t do crazy stuff except his dad he gets the way he is from him. Josh says the being in the BB house has taught him to respect his parents a lot more and he can’t believe some of the house guest and their manners, farting and burping at the kitchen table, he says he would have gotten bet, he just wasn’t brought up they way a lot of the people in the house were. He didn’t understand the selfishness, with the hiding the food and necessities like mouthwash and stuff in the house when they restock every week. Paul agrees and goes on to tell Josh that he the same person inside the house as outside the house if you respect him and talk to him nicely then he will do the same, He will talk to you just like he does his friends outside the house. Paul starts in about Cody and his attitude towards him, He says he has no respect for him because Cody went toe to toe with him, and he didn’t care (Paul) what show he was on his feelings would be the same towards anyone that did that. Josh brings up Mark and when he threw the mustard and ketchup on him, Josh says that if he wouldn’t have been in the house he would have clocked him, but he knew if he would have in the house his mother would have died. Josh continues to say that because he was in the house he was just set on driving Mark crazy, with the pots and pans, since he couldn’t do anything to him physically he would circus him till he self evicted, He says that Cody and Mark got played, two grown ass men got schooled. Paul says to use the word man loosely.
11:45 PM BBT Josh continues to bring up altercations between he, Cody and Mark.Josh now going on about an argument between Jess and himself. Paul said yes she was mean but you were crazy. They are both making fun about Jess saying that she knew Justin Bieber, Josh says bitch you served him a wine bottle you don’t know him, your just a bottle thrower that doesn’t know anything because that’s all you (JESS) can do. Paul goes on to say if he wouldn’t acted like Josh did the 1st week he would have been gone then (laughs) Then says that he is proud of himself for what he has done, He is going to make F@ two years in a row and being the only vet, and for all the haters out there if they have anything to say they can go fill out an application.Paul tells Josh that he is done with this game now that it is over all he wants to do was sleep for the next two days, and all he is thinking about is his Mom,a joint,a 40, his guitar, the girl he likes, and that’s it. He said he has had to play the game hard since day one and he’s over it. Josh goes on to say that he never liked Kevin because the 1st day Kevin told everyone that “The Miami kid wants all the showmances out of the house.Josh swears that Jason and Alex were teamed up with Cody and Jess, because Jason went to Josh and said to vote out Christmas. He didn’t give a fuck what Paul wanted

12:00 AM BBT Josh & Paul is in the BY talking & Christmas is in the DR. Josh believes that Christmas will get AFP. Paul agrees with Josh that Christmas will get AFP. Paul is happy that his alliance is getting rewarded for getting top 3. Production chimes in & says “stop that.” Josh looks at Paul & says production always would do this when it was 15 people. Josh & Paul believes that Alex or Jason could had won BB. While Josh & Paul is talking out on the hammett Paul is spinning the BB toy with his thumb & also Josh is playing with the spinning toy. Pauls says to Josh what are we doing right now. Josh laughs because they are playing with a toy with their thumb. They both are anticipating finale night. Production announces “you’re not allowed to talk about production.” Full of laughs about the things they both have done to get on people’s nerves in the BB house. Paul wants to go to the Rose rm. Josh says in spanish “let’s go.” Josh gets up & follows Paul. Josh asked Paul “do we walk out with a bag or something.” Paul responds no. Josh laughs out loud & yells “you played yourself.”
12:15 AM BBT Both Josh & Paul keep asking each other did Christmas come out of the DR yet. Josh laughs & says he felt he was mean and petty in the BB house. Paul agrees that they acted like they were in college. Josh thinks everyone is gassed. They both are in the Kitchen snacking & laughing about the evicted HG they brawl with in arguments or getting called out. Production announces Josh please go to the DR. Paul says why is Christmas joy ignoring us. Christmas says she had to put her stuff up. Christmas ask Paul what were they doing & Paul replies stress eating. Paul tells Christmas that he wants to take a shower. Paul goes & gets his BB bag & goes to shower. Christmas goes in the BY by herself & lays on the hammock. Christmas starts venting to herself on the hammock and taking deep breaths. Josh is out of the DR.
12:30 AM BBT Christmas talks to herself & to America about her loss that is a successful failure. Josh goes to the BY window & ask if she wants company or to be alone. Paul says to Josh, Do you know who was gassed up. Josh says no & Paul says Meagan. Josh is snacking & leaves the conversation to go in the BY to meet Christmas. With popcorn in hand Josh & Christmas gets comfy together on the hammock. Paul intervenes Christmas & Josh one on one time and crashes their party preventing them from talking. Paul is tired and wants to lay down but asks Christmas why can’t they go lay down & Christmas responds because she needs to decompress & have a moment in the BY. Christmas also don’t want to share everything that she is thinking about. Paul keeps asking Christmas why she doesn’t want to share. Paul takes the conversation & makes it about them 3 not Christmas so se can get her mind off of what she is thinking. Josh wants to eat avocados tomorrow but Paul’s tells Josh that’s its only 1 left. Josh sings to cheer up Christmas. Production asks Josh to “please stop singing.”
12:45 AM BBT Josh likes to act like he’s at work working late & can’t wait to see his wife when he gets off of work. Paul keeps calling Christmas “gassed up” but Christmas denies that she is not gassed up. The F3 HG are discussing finale night in the BY. Josh wants to hear meditation music when he wakes up. Paul says he wakes up to yelling and cursing rock music. Josh laughs & says no he needs Catholic church music when he wakes up. Paul says the music he listens too is probably why he is gumpy. Josh says yes, you don’t need to hear yelling to start your day. Josh wants to go to bed. No one’s moves on the hammock. Josh says two days and a wake up & Paul says 1 day & a wake up. Christmas feels like she sliding off the hammock & tries to get more comfortable on it. Josh wants to know when the show is over how much will Paul & Christmas miss him.
1:00 AM BBT Josh is making fun of Paul’s voice. Christmas tells Josh to stop messing with her foot. It’s like a stare off between Paul & Christmas who are sitting next to each other & Josh is on the other end of the hammock acting silly to make Christmas laugh. Paul wonders how is Josh in real society. Josh says why. Paul looks & laughs at Josh. Pizza planet becomes a convo & inquiry of Paul’s who would like to go there to check it out. Christmas asks Josh what’s her song. Production asks Josh to “please stop singing.” Josh wants to go to bed. Then he say’s name that movie. Paul calls Christmas Raven and they all laugh in unison.
1:15 AM BBT Christmas has zoned out on the hammock with her hands cross behind her head. Josh wishes that he was from the 80’s. Paul agrees with Josh. Josh chants out loud again “let’s go to bed.” Paul tells Josh 5 minutes & not to be a baby wait 5 minutes. Christmas wants cereal & Paul says let’s get fat. Chipotle is the talk of good food, Christmas highly agrees. Josh is waiting to go in the BB house & out of the BY, he’s had enough of the hammock. Christmas calls Josh a cartoon character. Josh likes the comment & says he’ll take it. Josh tells Christmas she needs to watch Toy Story. Christmas says she went to the movie theater to see it. Josh says he went to see Toy Story 3, he was 18 and it was lit.
1:30 AM BBT Christmas wants to know why Josh wants to lay down because they don’t know if they’ll get the yard tomorrow. Josh says fine & lays back. Production announces HG “you’re not allowed to sleep in the BY.” Paul laughs at production that they are all quiet and enjoying the quiet silence & not sleep. Production calls out Paul, Christmas & Josh but no one responds to production & continue to lay on the hammock in silence. Production then announces “you’ve got to be kidding me.” Paul, Christmas, & Josh laughs at production & Paul says to production “your trippin homie.” Then it’s back to silence from the F3. Paul wants cereal & Josh wants to take a shower. F3 heads back into the BB house. Christmas goes in the SR to get a few things.
1:45 AM BBT Both Paul & Christmas are sitting at the table in the Kitchen eating cereal. Christmas is complaining why are they still on the show, and why it is being drawn out.”
Christmas asked Paul did he take his photo before BB because of the haircut & how much Pauls hair has grown. He admits his beard & hair has grown. Christmas agrees his hair has grown. Paul gets up & get another bowl of cereal. Christmas mentions Jessica & Dominiques hair being a weave. Pauls says he didn’t know that they had fake hair & doesn’t understand the hair extension trend & wants to know more about it. Christmas starts reflecting on a calm moment with herself as the sun was rising a story she tells Paul. Paul tells a sunrise story to Christmas. Paul yells it’s 2am. Christmas says it’s 2 am. They both laugh that they are eating breakfast so early in the morning. Paul goes to the BR, Josh is done showering. Christmas exits the Kitchen.

Big Brother tells them to go to the storage room

September 18, 2017

Big Brother tells them to go to the storage room. Paul and Josh head to the storage room. They find that big brother left them 2 (budget cuts) big brother fidget spinners. They head back out into the backyard. Josh comments on how he likes hanging out with them more than his siblings.

Josh comments on how he doesn’t like cuddling after ($ex). Christmas – so why don’t you just buy your wife because all you want is someone to f**k and have kids with. Josh – hey, hey, hey, no! Christmas – what kind of love are you giving a woman if you don’t want to cuddle and don’t want to touch her feet, don’t want her to work, won’t go get her tampons. Paul tells Josh to hit reverse. Christmas – what kind of girl do you want? Do you think good girls are going to tolerate that kind of bullsh*t? Hell no! Josh – he said it not me. Christmas – do you know who tolerates stuff like that? Trifling hoes because they’re stepping out on your a$$. They don’t need cuddles, they don’t need you to touch them, they don’t need you to rub them, they don’t even want you to love them. Josh – he set you up. He’s lying… of course I like to do that stuff but I have to love the girl. I have to really like the girl. Big Brother says you’ve got to be kidding! They all laugh. Josh – they’re already ganging up on me, you don’t need to too… so pipe down! Paul – you played yourself.
Christmas – I don’t know why Raven got the clown zing because you’re clowning yourself. Christmas – I want to know what you do for her?! You put your d**k in her mouth!? Josh gets under the backyard coffee table. Christmas – I bet you don’t even go down. Paul – sell it Josh – AHHHAHHAHHhahhhh! Why does Paul have to add the salt and pepper. Christmas – what do you do or woman? Josh runs and jumps in the pool. Josh – I don’t even want to date any more after this. Paul – its not a game, its real life and we’re trying to

 Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 17th

September 18, 2017

 Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 17th
2:15 PM BBT Paul is talks about wanting to go to law school when he was younger. He says that he added up the cost. That it was too much money & lengthy school time. He says that being an attorney would not allow him to live the life he wants. He says that he told his parents that the market was oversaturated with attorneys as is & he no longer wished to be one. Josh tells of having friends who do nothing other than party. Josh says that he likes hanging with people who are like minded as him. Paul says that he can party & not go to work at 9 in the morning. He says that when he parties he is also working. He won’t go home until all his business cards are passed out. Josh asks about Paul’s business now. He asks who runs his shop. Paul talks about phasing out of that shop & the possibility of opening a bar. Josh states that he wants to open a restaurant. Paul says that it is risky opening a restaurant now. He talks of also opening a hipster coffee bar. Josh says that he thought that opening an authentic Cuban restaurant in New York or L.A. would be awesome. Paul says that there really is no Cuban restaurants there now. Josh says that he wants to travel. Paul says that he has been to Canada a lot this past year. Christmas & Paul tells him that he cannot have anything on his record to travel to Canada. Josh says that he hit rock bottom at one point where he saw all his friends doing drugs & party all the time. He says he almost went that route, but he decided that he could not do that. He wanted to make something of himself. He says that he had to decide what he wanted to do with his life. Paul says that when he hit adulthood, he almost broke down. He says that he had to make that decision, but he was hit with what he wanted, what his family wanted him to do & what they expected. He did not know what he wanted until Dead Skull Apparel came along. Josh says that he likes that he is not working in an office. Paul says that his internships showed him that he never wanted to work for someone. Josh says that he does not do well with authority & Christmas says that is a surprise & laughs. Christmas says that she makes her people tell her 3 things that she can improve on. Paul says that it is a hard step though, that he cannot give all the responsibility out. That he knows that there are some things only he can do.
2:30 PM BBT Josh talks about going to Vegas. Paul talks about Amazon being on top. Paul says that Amazon is great for consumers, but for businesses it is hell. That they have to conform to Amazon rules. Paul says that most consumers feel Amazon is better than Ebay to order from. Josh sits up & looks out over the yard & asks where the action is. HOUSEGUESTS PLEASE CHECK THE STORAGE ROOM. They all get up & run to the SR. They find BB fidget spinners, but there are only 2. They argue over who will give one up to Christmas. She says that she does not want one. Christmas is in the bathroom. Paul says that the fidget spinner will keep them busy for like ten minutes. Josh says that he is gassed on his. He goes into the kitchen & plays with his new toy stating that he thinks that he is pro at it already. Paul tells Josh to make it jump & catch it. Josh keeps telling Paul that he cannot do what Josh is doing. Josh goes to the camera to show off tricks. Paul tells Josh that he is bad. Paul teases Josh about being annoying. Josh looks in the fridge & gets out pork chops that he made & tells the others that they do not like his pork chops because they did not eat any. Christmas hollers that Josh did not eat his own pork chop either. Josh & Christmas horse around. Josh hollers at Christmas for dumping his clothes in the floor. He jokes about Christmas mixing up his clean & dirty clothes. Paul heads back outside. He is playing with his fidget spinner. He says that he feels like a nerd. Christmas comes outside & says that Josh is going to f**k up her clothes. Paul says that Josh would be a good MMA fighter if he knew how to fight because Josh knows how to get under people’s skins. Christmas talks about how gross the laundry is. She asks if he has any comp stuff that needs to be washed. They talk about how Raven washed some shirts & ruined them by using the wrong setting. Paul brings her the comp stuff. Josh comes out & says that he was there first. She asks if he has comp stuff to wash. Josh heads inside & goes to the SR.
2:45 PM BBT Christmas says that she found shoe strings for the owls. She talks of hanging the owls up for Josh to see when he misbehaves. Christmas wonders if they will tell them when finale night is. Paul says he feels that he can ask & they will tell him. Josh comes back out & Christmas asks him where his comp stuff is. Josh goes back inside to the kitchen while Christmas figures out the washing machine. Christmas looks over to the pool & says that the one day she wants to get in the pool there are no floats. Paul says that BB gave them a lot of merchandise this year. He names off the cups, mugs, shirts, towels, pillows, & fidget spinners. She asks if they got this much last year. He says no. Josh comes out & rags on Christmas for drinking coffee this late. She says that she needs it to stay awake. Christmas asks if they can get Bertha(the giant pool float) back. Christmas says that she does not understand the fidget spinner craze. Paul says it is something to keep you calm. She inspects Josh’s fidget spinner & talks about how well it is made. She now wants one & asks why they were only given two. Josh wants to know who stole their towels. He says the word stoled” & Paul tells him it is “stole” & when he uses “stoled” he sounds stupid. Josh tells Christmas that he wants his fidget spinner back. She doesn’t give it back until he remembers his manners. He asks nicely to get it back & she gives it to him. The talk turns to guns & how North Carolina is about their gun laws. She talks about the gun shows & Paul says he will go to one with her.
3:00 PM BBT Paul asks Josh if he owns any guns. He & Christmas says no. Christmas says that she has a lot of guns & that they will have so much fun when they come to visit her. Paul asks Josh if he has ever done paintball. He says no. He says that he feels that people will target him only to see him in pain. Christmas laughs & agrees. Josh says that he spoke with someone else about paintballing. He thinks it was Jason. They talk about getting Raven with paint & how she would not go down. The feeds cut to fish. When the feeds come back up Christmas & Josh are heading into the house. The feeds cut to fish real quick as Paul gets up. When they come back, Josh & Christmas are in the Rose BR. They talk about not knowing which belts someone needs. Josh heads to the SR. CHRISTMAS, JOSH THANK YOU. They holler back you’re welcome. Christmas wonders where Paul is & wonders if he was called to the DR. Josh wants to know why he is eating so much junk food & Christmas says because they are bored.She tells him to bring snacks out. He says something about Paul not liking it & Paul comes out of DR asking what. They are all outside. They talk about Josh being the annoying little brother. Josh says he will Facetime them all the time.
3:15 PM BBT Josh says the fact that he likes hanging out with them more than his siblings is disturbing. Paul talks about Paul leaving cups all around. Josh freaks out over a bug. Christmas tells Josh that he would not last in North Carolina because they have bugs bigger than that. The talk turns to Jessica & Cody. Josh asks if America would rather have had them cower in a corner or stand up for myself. Then Christmas talks about how crazy Elena was at times. Christmas talks about having to be nice to people all summer. Christmas says that being in BB House she took her time putting on her makeup, but in the real world, if someone calls her, she can be ready in 45 minutes. Paul says that it takes him longer than that. Paul says that Josh’s siblings must be glad he is gone. Josh says they probably miss him. Christmas talks about getting a pedicure. Christmas says she would kill for a foot rub. Josh says that Paul can give her one & Paul says Josh can do it. He says that he does not do feet. Paul says that he does not do anything. Talk turns to Paul saying that Josh cannot drive & Josh says he told them about it. Josh asks about what happens after the live show. Christmas asks what they are talking about. Paul says that Josh is baiting him with questions so that Paul will get in trouble. Josh says no he is not. All is quiet for a moment. Josh starts playing around with the spinner. He then lays down on the couch outside & all is quiet again. Only sounds being heard are the planes that fly overhead. Paul looks over at Josh & tells him that he should get his ears pierced. Josh says that he had them done when he was younger, but they got infected & now they hurt. Paul says that he needs to see a piercer at a tattoo shop. He says they should go get Josh’s ears pierced when they leave. Josh asks why don’t they go get a tattoo.
3:30 PM BBT Josh talks about getting drunk. Paul says that he is not a sappy drunk. Paul tells Josh that if he is a fool when he takes him to where he hangs out, he won’t forgive him. Josh says that he is a fun drunk. He dances, gets a little loud. He just wants to have a good time. The talk turns to cuddling. Josh says that he does not like that either. Christmas gets onto Josh & says that he might as well buy a girlfriend/wife. That he doesn’t like to cuddle & won’t give a woman foot rubs. Josh says he will if he likes a girl. He has to really like her to do it. YOU.VE GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. Paul & Christmas laugh. Christmas asks Josh what he has to offer a woman. He does a funky dance & she says that won’t do. Josh blames Paul for getting ragged on. Paul says he had the pot ready he just put it on the stove. Josh starts screaming & takes his shirt off. He runs around the yard & jumps into & out of the pool. JOSH PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE. Christmas tells Paul that he needs to school Josh. Paul asks what more can he do. That Josh takes girls to the Cheesecake Factory & pulls their hair. Paul says that he just needs to find a girl who will put him in his place. Christmas & Paul both claim to have female friends that are ruthless. Christmas tells Josh that she cannot wait to have him meet her friends. He says no that they will eat him alive. She says he can either learn from the experience or not & be a f**k boy. Paul tells Josh that he needs to hang out with women not girls. Christmas says that Josh needs to hang out with her & her friends to see how they conduct themselves & how men act around them. Josh says that he is not a f**k boy. Christmas says she doesn’t think he is, but he acts like he is.
3:45 PM BBT Josh says that they have been ragging on him for an hour over a comment Paul made. Christmas says that she wants Josh to be willing to try new things & to find a good woman & not a trifling ho. Josh asks Paul to join him in the hot tub. Paul says that he will when it is hot, not lukewarm. Josh claims the water is heating up. Paul & Christmas tell Josh that they are not trying to be mean. They are trying to keep him from getting hurt & used when they leave the house. They want him to be prepared & do not want him to be taken advantage of. Christmas tells him that she has people that have been with her since before she got famous, that know her as she really is. They tell Josh what he will have to look out for. Paul says that he will want to be around the people who will still clown around with him. Paul says people will be coming around & asking him to pick up the tab. Christmas tells him people will come around to borrow money. People he hasn’t seen in a long time, will start coming around too. Paul says that the people that wished him Happy Birthday & came to say goodbye to him when he came back to the BB House are the ones he will keep around. The talk turns to having a barbeque. Paul says that they can have one at his house. Christmas says that the weather is perfect back home to have a barbeque. Christmas talks about her dad, her mom, & sisters. She says that they do not hold grudges. They get mad, but they are family.
4:00 PM BBT Josh says that after his mom would keep reacting immediately after fighting, she’d them say to think before you speak. Paul recommends to Josh to shave his sides of his hair to make a mohawk. Josh says no, so Paul says that he played himself. Josh tells Paul that the hot tub is heated now and to come in. Paul goes in. Josh says that he’s looking forward to going to a Whole Foods. Josh says that he has a new respect for life after this. Josh asks Paul where he’s going to go when he gets out, for his tour. Paul says Canada. Josh says that he doesn’t have a passport, but wants to travel, but school got in the way. Paul tells Josh that that’s what he should do. Christmas says that it’s good that school got in the way. Josh asks someone in his family to set him up a PO box. They continue to talk travel plans, including Disneyland.
4:15 PM BBT Josh says that he wants a bong rip. Paul says that he doesn’t need to be that extreme, saying that’s like saying you’re going to do a keg stand. They start talking about music, and Christmas mentions her friend’s band. They bring up Lollapalooza. Christmas says that a lot of fitness freaks go. Paul mentions a tattoo convention and says that he’ll have a booth there. Paul mentions that one of her good friends went to a tattoo convention, and they both didn’t know that they were going to be there. Josh considers when to go to Cuba, considering either January or another day. The convo goes to New Orleans. Christmas says that if you say it in a weird accent, you’ll get “yanked.” Josh says that someone needs to arrange travel plans, ‘cause he doesn’t know how to do that. Christmas says that she can do that. Paul says to Josh that when he tells Paul to get on a plane, to just listen to him without thinking. Paul says that he wants to go to a certain club in Berlin. Paul says that he needs to paint his face. Paul tells Josh that he’ll take him to a brothel.
4:30 PM BBT Josh asks BB to give them something tonight. BB says “I don’t think so.” Paul says that it’s good that they’re just destressing, not playing the game non-stop. They call past moments in the game. Paul asks Josh if he’s heard about a Mexican rapper called XXXTentacion, someone he’s just heard about before going into the house. Josh says that he doesn’t believe that there’s somewith that name. Josh goes to take a shower in the backyard.
4:45 PM BBT They’re all relaxing in the backyard, out of the pool (Christmas on the hammock, and Paul & Josh on the patio chairs). Paul goes to the bathroom. BB tells Josh to please put on his microphone. Paul asks what the weather would be like in Florida. Christmas says that it would be nice. Paul asks how Cuba would be. Christmas & Josh say that it would be warmer. They talk about Bold and the Beautiful. Josh says “they’re 100% getting Whistle (Jason).”
5:00 PM BBT They all go inside to get dressed. Christmas goes back outside to lay in the hammock. Paul brings her some chicken. Christmas jokingly says “now this is luxury.” Christmas says that it’s getting close. Paul says that that’s all he’s been thinking about and it’s been driving him crazy. Christmas says that she needs a hammock in the backyard. Josh joins Paul & Christmas in the hammock. Paul says that if they’re not “gased” (he says that it means “influxed with emotions”) that he’ll take them to Halloween Horror Nights. Josh says that they need to make that chicken again before they leave the house. Josh says that he wonders how long his family will stay in LA. Josh says that that’s all he wanted this summer, was all of them on the hammock together. He says that they never got to do it. Paul says that now they can. Josh says that if they were seen like that before (all 3 together in the hammock), they would’ve been screwed. Paul says “no kidding!” Josh asks Christmas what she’s thinking. Christmas says “my thoughts Josh says that he loves them two. Paul says to Josh that he probably knows them more than any of his friend.” She says that she had to think throughout the entire season, and now she doesn’t.
5:15 PM BBT. Josh says that he can tell what they’re feeling, just by looking at them. Josh says that he’ll look back at it and say to himself “when did I do that?” Paul says that he’s not going to look back on this. They joke that they’re going to look back on this 25 years later. Paul wonders when the finale is. Josh recalls how fast Alex & Kevin left. Christmas says that it’s good that Kevin just sat in the corner while everyone else was working. Josh says that it’s odd that it’s peace & calm and he’s going to come out to chaos. Paul says that he has no idea. He says that what you think you’re going to walk out to, multiply it by 100. Christmas jokes that Josh is going to run back inside when he goes on the stage. Christmas says she’s looking forward to getting a latte. They make arrangements on what they’re going to do the day after finale night. Paul mentions Bloomingdale’s and a certain barber, all before they go out. Paul says to not invite family, ‘cause that would be weird.
5:30 PM BBT Josh says that he doesn’t want to go clubbing. He says that he’d rather go sight-seeing. Josh says that the outside world is going to be so nice. Paul & Josh say that it’s going to be weird. Christmas says that Kevin would drive her crazy. Josh says that they get to see those crazies in a few days. Christmas says to Josh that she’s looking forward to seeing the episode when he grabbed the apple. Josh says that it’s going to be brutal in the beginning. Josh says that he was in danger. Christmas & Paul say that he wasn’t. Josh brings up how certain houseguests would stop talking when he entered a room. Paul says that they would stop talking ‘cause they know that he’s crazy. They talk about past events in the game. Paul says that some of the HGs didn’t play the game. Josh says that Jess had potential, but Cody screwed it up. They continue talking about past events in the game.
5:45 PM BBT Josh says that he’s glad that he had the balls to call people out. They continue to talk about past moments in the game. Christmas bring up her time in Iraq, mentioning how time can escape her. She says that it’s crazy that she went from touch-tone phones to cell phones during the 4 years she was there. She says that she’ll say yes to whatever. Christmas says that she looks forward to seeing her AT&T commercial, that she didn’t get to see it before she left.
6:00 PM BBT They start asking questions and talking about Christmas’s agent/business advisor. Paul compares his agent to Christmas’s. Christmas’s business advisor charges her a flat fee. They reflect on what he must have thought the day when she broke her foot. She starts telling them about the Sweat Cosmetics in which she has invested. Christmas shares about a show that she may be working on soon. It is kind of like a fitness MMA show, of which she is a host. Paul says that this is his year of exploring, and Josh says it is his year of blessings.
6:15 PM BBT Josh tells Christmas she is a very intelligent woman, and she says thank you. He says he hasn’t met a woman with her grind in a while, and she answered that there should be more of us! Christmas keeps telling business stories. She gives advice to Josh to always read her contracts, and he says she is sending them to her to read. She says that she has a team. They are discussing contracts they got with Big Brother when it goes to fish.
6:30 PM BBT Discussion turns to food. Everything goes quiet. Christmas closes her eyes. They all appear to be trying to nap.
6:45 PM BBT All 3 houseguests are napping in the hammock. Josh gets up and goes to the bathroom. “Houseguests, please raise the outside awnings.” Christmas and Paul don’t move in the BY. Josh washes his hands and examines his face in the mirror.
7:00 PM BBT Josh goes back to the kitchen and opens the fridge. He says some good nights to the camera. He goes into the bedrooms, then to the storage room. He goes back to the kitchen with his arm full of food to fix. He drinks a glass of water and comments that he is so hungry. He heads back out into the BY. Christmas asks what time it is, and Josh comments that they have to put up the awnings, sleepyheads, and they discuss what they are going to eat. He heads back into the kitchen to cook. Christmas closes her eyes again.

Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 17th

September 17, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 17th
3:45 AM-10:00 AM BBT All houseguests asleep
10:02 AM BBT Paul gets up just long enough to check time and use the bathroom. He crawls back into bed with Christmas.
10:15 AM BBT – 12:15 PM BBT HG sleeping Josh gets up at 10:57 checks the time on the kitchen oven, goes to the bathroom, and pauses to stare at the Memory Wall. He returns to bed. At 11:25 Christmas straightens the covers and lies back down; appears as if Paul puts his arm around her. Josh continues to move about in bed. Christmas gets out of bed and walks to the bathroom. She returns back to bed with Paul. Josh starts to get out of bed.
12:15 PM BBT Josh goes into storage room. Christmas and Paul still in bed asleep. Josh
says good morning amigos as he changes out his batteries. Josh leaves storage and goes walking into the kitchen. He says yes because the backyard is open. When he goes to peek out the door the cam that is on him looking outside goes to fish, then cuts back when he closes the door. He goes into the bathroom. He washes his face. Production says “Josh, Buenos Dias Houseguests”. Josh starts cheering and clapping. Feeds cut for wake up call.
12:43 PM BBT Feeds return, all houseguests out of bed and in kitchen. They are cooking. Paul waves at the camera. Paul goes into storage room. He comes back out and can’t find their avocados. Josh asks if they heard BB say Buenos Dias, they said yea, Paul says it is because Josh says it every morning. Paul says Mark’s obsession with rom coms really threw him off. He doesn’t know if it was to try to get girls or if he really liked them. Paul says he just wants to see heads cut off in movies. Christmas says she loves rom coms and drama. Paul says Netflix and Kill is what he does. Josh says Paul needs baptized. They are talking about the gym, Paul says you can’t talk to girls in the gym. Christmas says if you think she is blunt, these girls are worse and will chew you up and spit you out. Josh said he loved last nights dinner so much he dreamt about it.
1:00 PM BBT Christmas says she is sore from yesterday, she had to bend over and pick up a lot of balls. Paul said last year it was a carnival theme and they had to run through the line of a ride. In the middle of them talking all feeds switch to the bathroom. Then it shows Josh coming out of the stall, Paul and Christmas sitting outside talking. Paul is describing the R2 comp from last year. Christmas is freaking out and asking questions, so she obviously did not watch last year. Christmas said you have 10 balls you had to shoot and chase after them to pick up. Josh joins them outside. Christmas asks Paul what he will be for Halloween, they say he should be IT. Paul says no, maybe Michael Myers. They are talking about previous halloween costumes they have worn. Paul tells Josh he should be Cody. They are talking about getting their phones back.

1:15 PM BBT They are talking about memories, Christmas loved when she used her temptation, they agree Jessica blew the hex out of proportion. They are talking about how Christmas got screwed by Cody and they did not know why Cody said it that way. Josh says if he had not gotten the apple it would have been him, Christmas and Paul say no that everyone wanted Paul out. Paul is talking about how Jess said she was honored to play BB with Paul and how he laughed because he knew he would never work with her. They are talking about competitions from this year. They are talking about when Ramses was supposed to throw the veto but almost got it. They say if Alex would have been here for the final comps they would have lost.
1:30 PM BBT Josh says Alex studied the game and told him not to trust anyone including her. Paul said he told everyone simply, play with him or against him. Josh asks what they thought of him in the beginning, they said that he was crazy. They are talking about their lives back home with their families. They start talking about food they like. Now they are talking about their dogs.
1:45 PM BBT Josh says he does not know about going back to work after. Paul says it is no big deal. Christmas talking about her program. She says for work she is booked 8 months out. Christmas talking about her program and how it works, it counts macros and does more than a fitbit will do. Paul says he has a cool idea that he thought of before coming back but he can’t talk about it. He says the idea is innovative. He says it is an invention. Paul says he will tell them about it when the cameras are off. Christmas tells him to make people sign an NDA. Josh says she is smart.
2:00 PM BBT In the BY, the hg’s are talking about money. Josh says that his dad & him are the best at saving money. Christmas says that she is a hoarder with her money. She says she gives herself a certain amount of money to play with & the rest she doesn’t touch. Paul says he is the same except for his Gucci boots & his car. Josh says that whatever money he gets from this(BB) he will use to get a car & the rest will be to help his parents. Paul says that his car is more of an investment. Paul says that he does need to put a sound system in his car. He talks about all the switches & gadgets in his car now. Paul says that in the city driving is crazy. Josh says that he uses Uber. Paul says he prefers Lyft. That Lyft treats their drivers better. Josh tells of an Uber drive that was $200. Josh & Christmas talks about having to do laundry. Paul says that he is glad that they are letting them sleep in now. He says that he cannot wait to get out. Josh tells him that it doesn’t make sense, due to Paul saying that if CBS were to do OTT, then he is willing to go straight back in. Paul says if he is going to make money, he just might as well jump in. He says that now he has spent 6 months in the BB house. Paul asks Josh about his business & how much it costs. Josh says he started in debt due to purchasing merchandise. He used his father’s connections & he wanted to make sure he did not screw up & cost his father his reputation.

Midnight Paul and Josh

September 17, 2017

Chit chat..
Paul – I never wear hats
JOsh loves hats goes on about all his dad hats.

Josh – you know when I realized there was a lot of f*er liars in this house? when we were playing mobsters
Paul – dom thought she was good at figure out other people once I dropped mobsters I knew how everybody f*ing lied or didn’t lie
Paul – becuase I knew what they were
JOsh – I was like… what the f*
Paul – they all played themselves, fell into my trap
Paul – well I was like I know how you lie and you lie and you lie .. y’all gassed yourself

Paul – if I wasn’t around all you mother f*ers would have been bored as sh1t
Now JOsh is claiming that Paul would have been “bored as sh1t” if he wasn’t around
Paul says Jason “that fool” dropped some “major bombs this season”
Paul – I wa slike holy sh1t you’re f*ing up big time
JOsh – I tried to help him
Paul – that fool would say stuff that I was like
Paul – Cody would say shit too

JOsh says Cody was talking about killing people like it was normal like what are you having for dinner.
Josh – dude are you f*ing crazy

Josh – there was moment when if I didn’t have you guys I was going to lose it
Paul – yeah
Josh – I felt so attacked like I felt that I was like I never dealt with that ever (So josh is saying he felt attacked.. Hmmm)

Paul – now you have that experience
JOsh – when people address me like that I was … so you wanna fight
Josh brings up how Matt did sh1t
Paul says he doesn’t argue in his real life.
Josh says “mother f*ers” in the real world know not to f* with him
Josh – in school people knew not to f* with me
Paul says he doesn’t know what his mom and dad do when he’s not home.
Paul – like my sisters gumpy she doesn’t..
Josh – Don’t say that

Paul says one time his sister thought she was big and bad and she yelled at his mom so he made his sister cry.
Paul says he likes relationships he doesn’t like being single “it’s boring”
Josh – you haven’t been single for awhile huh
Paul – no, this is the longest I’ve been single for a long a$$ time..
Paul – i’ve been single now.. I mean I’ve dated a few girls in the meantime… but no commitment ..
Paul – f* fool… I broke up with my ex when I was 22, 6 months before the Big Brother house.. let me count it.. yeah 6 months.. then I turned 23 that year.. year and a half
Josh – you f*ing look like Jesus from here (you all treated him like jesus all season)
Paul – as of December it’ll be two years
Paul – 6 of those months i was in the BIg Brother house
Paul – during those 6 months what the f* would I do.. I’m sure as f* not getting into a showmance
Paul – f* that.. never in my life
Paul – so let’s say a year pretty much of my livable life I’ve been single and I hate it.. I love it and I hate it.. I feel lonely
Paul says the way he feels about “that girls” is the same he felt for his ex 5 years ago
JOSh – it’ll be fine bud she’ll be waiting
Paul says his girl is really classy she isn’t a “Insta hoe”

JOsh – the only people that sucked was Cody .. like sucks.. like bye
Josh says Cody should just book his flight and leave “don’t even come to the wrap”
Paul – I wonder if that Hommie’s still there
Josh – I think so. Do you think Matt and Jason got into it?
PAul – no
Paul says this year everyone in the house was a sissy “they didn’t do sh1t”
Paul – they wanted to act hard
Josh – god I wish people would have stepped up it would have been more fun
Paul – like who MArk? that fool… I’ve never seen a dude that siez
Josh – that f*ing goofy..
Paul – that wimpy
JOsh – yup… like real f*ing wimpy … like just own up to one thing you say dude please give me that at least
Paul – that fool stole a pillow from me when I was a have not and I was attached to groundhog day and we had to share a f*ing bed.. that fool had the audacity to steal a pillow. (what a jerk stole a pillow from jesus Paul)
Paul – I walked in and I immediately called it out it was the pillow on top and it was from groundhog days own bed
Josh goes on about how self centered people are in the house

 Final HOH Stats Update! 

September 17, 2017

 Final HOH Stats Update! 
🔹Josh Wins Part 2 & Advances To Part 3 To Face Paul!
🔹Xmas Will Now Wait & See If She's Taken To F2!

HOH Part 2 Results!

September 17, 2017

HOH Part 2 Results! “We won! Its done! It doesn’t matter who wins the final comp”

HOH Part 2 Winner:
HOH Part 3: Paul Vs Josh (Finale night Wednesday, Sept 20th)

Christmas – I hit Raven 5 f**king times and that b***H would not f**king go down. Josh – F**king Jillian wouldn’t go down. Christmas – I hit Jillian every single time. Paul – right now you guys sound like maniacs to me because I don’t even know. Christmas – there were three weapons that you had to use and three parts out there. You had to knock people down but leave the people that were applicable to the answer standing up. Paul – what if you accidently hit one? Christmas – that’s okay you could pull it back up. But if you pull one up that you had to knock down .. I did that with Elena and I was like what the f**k am I doing. I have to knock this b***h back down. There was a sling shot. Josh – a bow and arrow. Josh talks about how he lost it on Jillian because she wouldn’t go down. Paul asks what question 3 was? Christmas – how many house guests were on the block on eviction night three times or more times. Josh – Big Brother ruined me on that comp. Christmas – I would have beat you if I didn’t have to go get another round of ammo.

Paul to Josh – you motherf**ker! You almost gave me a heart attack. Good Job!

Big Brother, I need a bottle of wine! I’m mind f**ked! I’ll never be the same after that comp. My life is ruined from hitting card boards.
Paul asks Christmas if she is okay? Christmas – yeah. Paul hugs her and says you’ve only got one eye and one leg. Christmas laughs.

Paul heads back to the kitchen. Josh – is she okay? Paul – yeah, she’s just in her bag. Paul – we won! Its done! It doesn’t matter what happens. It doesn’t matter who wins the final comp now.

The final 3 sit down to eat. Christmas says grace. Josh – do you know what is cool about this.. we all come out winning. I don’t see anyone other than one of us winning AF (America’s favorite). And we all take way our friendship and you guys are stuck with me for life. Christmas – so what are we winning? Josh – all of this for the rest of your life.

Josh to Paul – Can I say I won (part 2)? Paul – yes. For the next few days I get to j@ckoff and do nothing.

Josh and Paul.
Paul – right now one of us is at least 50K richer. Dude we should just ball out for like a day. Josh – when we get paid.. when do we get paid? Is it instant? Go to the club and make it rain. Paul – its like 5 days. You have money in your account though to have fun right? Josh – yeah. Paul
Josh – I think she is going to get America. Josh – I didn’t think I was ever going to make it this far.

Live Feed Updates: Saturday, September 16th and Sunday, September 17th

September 16, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Saturday, September 16th and Sunday, September 17th

3:35 PM BBT – 9:45 PM BBT Feeds go down for part 2 of final HOH.
9:47 PM BBT Feeds return to Christmas, Josh, and Paul standing in the kitchen talking about the competition they just played. They had to use a slingshot to launch balls to knock down pictures of houseguests to answer a certain question each round. Josh says he beat Christmas by 7 minutes and she corrects him that it was 5 minutes. Josh jokes that she has a broken foot and pink eye and it was still close between them. Christmas yells at him, I don’t have pink eye, fool! Paul asks what each question was and gives them the answers for that question. Christmas says her butt is on fire from having to bend over so many times picking up the ammo because she couldn’t aim when she was trying to knock down the houseguests. Christmas says there were three different platforms that they used to shoot at the houseguests pictures with a slingshot and bow and arrow.
10:00 PM BBT Christmas says that she never felt like bad if she hadn’t had to go back to fix something. Josh says to BB that he needs a bottle of wine. He says that his body is ruined from hitting all that cardboard. Josh sings “finally!” Christmas says that it’s not yet. Paul whispers to Josh that he almost gave him a heart attack. He says that he put up 2 wrong people and that’s what screwed him up. Paul goes to the red room to hug Christmas. “It’s okay. You only have one leg.” Paul walks back to the kitchen. Josh asks if Christmas is okay. Paul says yeah. Paul whispers to Josh that they’re golden. Josh says that he’s going to request wine from BB. Josh says that he looks fucked up, saying that the comp fucked him up. Josh goes to the green room to ask if she wants beer or wine, then tells her that he’s so proud of her. In the kitchen, Paul tells Christmas that he can’t believe that she was off by 7 minutes. Paul tells Josh that he needs to do cardio. Josh says that he needs to take a month-break from cardio. Paul & Josh start to prepare dinner, even though Josh doesn’t want to. Christmas is in the shower.
10:15 PM BBT Josh says to Paul that he ruined the buffalo sauce, then says “you fucking ruin everything.” Josh puts cream in the sauce, then Paul says to Christmas that Josh ruined the sauce. Josh says that he wants the pool tomorrow, then says that BB should let them have it. Josh gets ready to prepare the salad, but Paul tells him to clean the bowl first. Josh puts down the bag of salad out of frustration and goes into the bathroom. Paul threatens to not cook, so Josh quickly forgives him.
10:30 PM BBT Christmas asks Paul “what’s happening in this kitchen?” Paul says “Josh.” Paul complains to Christmas about Josh, how he had to redo the sauce after Josh ruined it. Paul says that he can be home in 4 days, and says that it bugs him that the restaurants & cafes that he goes to are just 5 minutes away.
10:45 PM BBT Josh starts to sing, then BB says to please stop singing. Josh says that he did it because he misses BB’s voice. They finish cooking and set the table. Paul says that they have 2 days a 2 wake-ups left. Josh asks who’s going to say grace. Paul pours drinks, then asks if they’re waiting for him. Christmas says grace.
11:00 PM BBT They start to eat. Josh says that the salad is really good. Josh says that the coolest thing about this experience is that they’ll all walk out winners, and have their friendship. Paul asks if there was a time limit. Christmas says that there wasn’t any. Josh says that he could make cookies for them. Paul asks Josh if he knows how to make cookies. They talk about when they were picked up before going into the house. Christmas was picked up 3 days before. Paul is resting his head on the table. BB says “Houseguests, remember to enjoy yourselves today. These are the good ol’ days.” Josh says that was awesome and thanks BB.
11:15 PM BBT Josh says that he’s going to make cookies. Josh takes Paul’s plate, assuming that he was done. Josh looks into the camera and tells his family that he’s tired. Paul tells Josh to play chess. Josh says that he’s tired. Paul says that he has to stay up for DR. Paul says to Josh that he would’ve legit killed him if he wouldn’t have won that comp.
11:30 PM BBT Josh goes to lay down in the rose room. He says that he won Round 2 and Christmas gave him a run for his money and it was brutal. He says that he couldn’t be happier with Paul and Christmas, made friends with them and is going to miss them. “It’s been hell of a ride, but it’s worth it.” He says that he’s going run past the stage and run to his family. Josh says “I think we’re drained.” He says that he’s proud of Christmas and is a warrior. He says that there’s no words to describe the drive in Christmas. He says that he’s going to take the stuffed owls and says that he’s losing it ‘cause he’s talking to 2 stuffed owls. Paul enters and asks what to say to Christmas. Paul says that they’re guaranteed the $50k. They both agree that she’s a beast. Paul says that people are going to vote for her. Josh says that he’s going to say that he feels like he has a better chance against Paul. Josh says that she’s going to feel bad, wondering why they brought her to F3. Paul says that Christmas will understand, and will get America’s Favorite 100%. Paul says that the jury is going to grill them both. Paul says that he doesn’t know if she’s going to ask them. Paul says that she might try to convince him that she’s better to go with him to F2. Josh says to Paul that he hates it when he always questions him. Paul says that it’s final 2. Josh says that he freaked out when Paul slipped on the Round 1 comp.
11:45 PM BBT They talk about plans for Vegas. Paul says that if he wins, that he’ll tell her that he feels like he has a better chance with him (Josh). Paul says that no one was going to take him last year, so that’s why he had to win it. Josh says to Paul that if he switches up on him, he’s going to slap him. After they finish talking, Josh continues his chat. He says that he can’t wait to his family. Paul says that he can’t wait to see his family and his girl. Paul says that he needs to get a new phone. Josh says that it’s crazy that it’s crazy that they’re going to come out to a new iPhone. Josh jokingly says that he can’t believe that he got stuck with that crazy guy (Paul). Josh says to Paul that Mark was considering going after him if he hadn’t gotten that temptation. Josh says that there was a lot of sissy-footing and scared people this season. He says that there wasn’t any ballsy people and it worked to their advantage.

Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 17th
12:00 AM BBT Josh is excited that him & Paul are the F2. Paul is trying to keep Josh calm. Paul & Josh are talking outfits and what to wear finale night. Paul ask Josh did Christmas go to the DR. Josh says Yes. Josh just wants to listen to what Paul’s experience was finale night. Paul can’t believe that Josh did so well in his comp. Josh is panicking that he doesn’t have his Debit and credit card and hopes his mom bring his cards to him. Both Josh & Paul are in the Rose rm having discussion on outfits & finale night. Josh is feeling hot from all the exciting things to come next week. Josh is counselling Paul that he’s away for a business trip because Paul is worried about his relationship. Josh is telling Paul to stop worrying about the girl. All of a sudden Pauls says the “cookie fool.” Paul power walks to the kitchen & yells to Josh to get up & check his burnt cookies. Josh gets up & runs to the kitchen laughing & “saying oh my god.” Paul & Josh start doing the pot dance in the kitchen. Josh sits at the counter top in the kitchen while Paul is eating chips. Paul is telling Josh that he gets three guest tickets to attend finale night. Paul is laughing about Dominique & how she fell into his trap.
12:30 AM BBT Josh asks Paul, “do you think the cookies are done.” The cookies are done & not burnt. Paul is sitting at the bar in the kitchen while Josh is waiting for the microwave. Josh asks Paul are you expecting to get booed when you get out. Paul responds & says yes. Josh says good, cause he feels the same way. Josh says LA is nice people, & Miami people are rude compared to LA. Josh says for example the miami people in traffic are rude. Josh wishes for the BY tomorrow. Together bonding in the kitchen at the bar is Josh & Paul eating ice cream & cookies. Paul keeps bringing up the finale day from his season. Josh is concerned about the crowd. Paul keeps mentioning Cody’s name when finale comes. Josh wonders if Cody is going to be gassed up on finale night. Paul brings up Mark. Josh says he’s not worried about Mark. Josh breaks out of the conversation in the kitchen & travels to his Rose rm bed because he wants to go to sleep. Paul is left in the kitchen talking to himself about his speech to the HG. Paul is trying to get polish with a perfect speech he’s projecting in the Kitchen. In Paul’s speech he keeps calling himself “the odd man out.” On the other hand Josh is in the Rose rm yelling at the cameras & off & on panic attacks. Josh is talking to Production & tanks them for a good season. Production responds & it makes Josh happy. Josh gets up from laying down to join Paul in the kitchen.
12:45 AM BBT Paul mentions BBOTT and he would do it if BB gave him a week to regroup. Josh’s says no, it’s hard on him bonding with other HG. They both go to the Rose rm. Josh gets back in bed. Josh asks Paul to take his socks off & Paul does it. Paul returns back to the Kitchen. Josh is fake acting like a husband who has to take a nap & go to work. Josh & Orwell are bonding together. Paul goes back into the Rose rm. Paul keeps saying two days & a wake up. Josh says, why you keep saying that. Josh says he’s lost his mind. Paul has to walk from the Rose rm to the Kitchen to relax because he’s nervous about his speech finale night. Josh is talking to the camera guy in the Rose rm. As requested, Paul brings Josh a glass of water. Josh doesn’t want to DR but he wants to get it over with. Paul is looking for Christmas and why she is taking so long in DR. Paul complains that Christmas wraps herself around him likes he’s a snake. Josh says, he can’t snuggle like because he would get hot. Josh keeps whispering in Paul’s ear about Christmas. Paul’s keeps saying no he has a diamond waiting for him. Josh tells Paul he would rather have friendship with Christmas than have a relationship with Christmas. Paul tells Josh that Christmas is a cool girl but a 10 yr gap.
1:00 AM BBT Both Paul & Josh are talking about being the loud kids in their family. Paul calls his sister gumpy & Josh says don’t call her that, that’s your sister, you’ve called people in this house gumpy that’s not your sister. Paul tells Josh that girls call him daddy. Josh thinks that gross. Paul ask who is the pretty girls in the house. Josh says Elena & Christmas are the hot girls in his season hands down. Josh says he’s dated girls like Elena who drives him nuts. Josh don’t like ego girls. Paul says he like self made girls. Paul doesn’t like being single. Josh & Paul discusses relationships being single or coupled up. Paul’s mind is on a special lady when BB ends. Paul keeps calling the girl he likes a diamond & a good girl.
1:15 AM BBT In the Rose rm Josh & Paul are discussing finale night. Josh is worried that his life is about to change when he walk out of BB. Paul tells Josh to be careful taking drinks from people. Josh says, wow, “my life is about to change.” Paul asks Josh his connections in Miami & how hooked up Josh is out there. Josh says he has bottle service hook up. Paul can’t stand how long it is taking for Christmas to get out of the DR. Josh tells Paul he could hear Paul sometimes in DR. Josh mentions whistle-nut DR’s meaning Jason, and it must be good. Paul says “no, it probably wasn’t.” Production calls Josh & Paul out about talking about DR’s. Production says Josh names a few times & Josh laughs and gets very tickled from production calling out his name. Josh hated how production would do that to him & blow his spot up during the season. Paul says I followed the rules that’s why I never got called out. Production announces again, “you’re not allowed to talk about production.” Paul mentions Elena & how he had a good relationship with her. Paul’s mentions everyone was cool to him except Cody. Josh says Cody sucked to him & the other HG are ok with him. Josh asks Paul do you think Matt & Jason are fighting. Paul says no. Josh wishes people would had stepped up more. Josh says, “you ate the chocolates Mark? Paul says Mark stole a pillow from me.
1:30 AM BBT Lights are off in the Rose rm. Christmas is still in the DR. Josh & Paul are talking in the dark about getting new clothes. Paul mentions he needs some new tennis shoes. Josh tells Paul he likes how Paul’s dresses because it doesn’t look like the same clothes all summer. Paul really wants to bond with Josh outside the BB house. Both are reflecting on their needs before finale night & after finale night. Silence begins as Josh & Paul stops talking & falls asleep. Paul & Josh are on standby waiting for Christmas. Paul says watch we wake up & Christmas is gone. Josh laughs at Paul. Josh starts cranking on all the HG that have been evicted. Paul throws Mark under the bus during his evicted. Josh called a lot of the HG a bunch of bandwagon people. Josh’s says the HG followed the hype. Paul laugh to death at Josh.
1:45 AM BBT Production announces for Josh to go to the DR. Paul laughs at Josh. Paul says no, Christmas is coming & she’s going to put her ice sickles on me. Christmas is out of the DR & in the BR brushing her teeth. Christmas heads to the Rose rm and gets in bed with Paul. Paul yells “keep your ice sickles to yourself.” Christmas laughs so loud. Paul says “why were you gone for 4 hrs” Christmas says because they wanted to ask me everything. Paul tells Christmas that they burnt the cookies & did another batch. Production calls Christmas & Paul out for talking about DR’s. Paul can’t believe how late it is. Paul & Christmas both are talking about the finale & the party’s that come with finale night. Paul is happy that he lives in the area of BB and doesn’t have to travel to California like other HG that lived out of State or town. The conversation between Paul & Christmas picks up then dies out with silence.
2:00 AM BBT -2:15 AM BBT Paul & Christmas are in bed in the Rose rm. Josh is in the DR. Paul & Christmas move around to get more settled in bed. Paul is asleep & Christmas snuggles up to him.
2:30 AM BBT Christmas & Paul are in bed asleep. Josh remains in the DR. Paul moves a bit & wakes up enough to grab a cup & take a drink. Christmas wakes to drink from a bottle. Both close their eyes & Paul snuggles back up to Christmas
2:45 AM BBT Paul mumbles that it is hot in there. Christmas says something. Paul says that they are fluctuating the temperature instead of keeping it the same. He rolls onto his back & Christmas scoots closer to him. Both resume trying to sleep. Josh is still in the DR. Josh is out of the DR at 2:57 AM BBT. He goes to the bathroom to grab a shirt & then walks through the kitchen. Josh heads back into the DR.
3:00 AM BBT Christmas & Paul continues to sleep & Josh remains in the DR. 3:07 AM BBT Josh exits DR again. The sound of water is heard. He heads to the Rose BR & gets settled into bed. He takes a drink from his cup, adjusts his microphone, & puts on his sleep mask. The camera switches to the three apples on a table & back to the Rose BR.
3:15 AM BBT Christmas & Paul are asleep in their bed. Josh is sleeping in his bed & Orwell stands guard over Josh, ever vigilant in his duties to make sure his dancing partner gets sleep.
3:30 AM BBT Christmas wakes up takes a sip of soda and joins Paul and Josh back in dreamland.

Live Feed Updates: Saturday, September 16th

September 16, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Saturday, September 16th
12:00 PM BBT They feel Cody was a saboteur. There was no way he was like that in real life.They discuss all the stuff Cody did. Mark was the worst. He couldn’t argue to save his life. FISH. Feeds return to the 3 HGs in KT talking about the other HG.Cody was a bigger alpha male and Mark clung to him. Then when Cody left Mark was nothing. That when Mark was a bouncer he would be afraid of fights. They consider that Cody and Mark were brothers. Josh says Mark had a hard-on for Cody. They don’t understand why Mark stood up for Cody even when Cody was gone. They say the guy HGs, not savage. But the Women were were tough. Paul says he would love to see Big Meech and Josh together. That Big Meech will crack Josh. Pauley and Cody would be good too. Paul says everyone is different outside the house. But if you don’t like them you never have to talk to them again. Paul thinks Josea would be good with Cody. They discuss BB18. They feel Big Meech will tear anyone’s soul out then cry about it. Josh doesn’t think he would have a problem with Meech. Paul says he is just like her.
12:15 PM BBT Paul explains that even injury house production had to break up fights last season.Josh expected a lot more from the HGs this season. Like Elena. Paul says she had a good social game.Josh feels he had the biggest cojones this season. Paul says you cried all the time. Josh says he cried because he was mad.Josh says Mark and Elena thought they were safe. He never felt safe. They go on about Raven again. Paul says everything he said she had to one-up him. Josh was sick of Jason and Alex’s cockiness. Jason made a comment about Josh’s heaviness. Christmas talks about Alex. She told Paul she would get him out. Josh mentions Christmas going off on Josh. Paul tells him how he tried his patience also. Paul is excited to see today’s comp.setup. He thinks it will be tonight. They talk fan base in Florida. Paul says his fan base is big in Canada New York L.A. and Florida. They discuss a camping place to seclude themselves for awhile. Josh worries it will be cold. Christmas tells the guys some guy tips. Never give carnations to girls. Get them unique flowers ask the florist.
12:30 PM BBT Josh sniffs the flowers, never get babies breathe either. Josh wants to go color. Paul says no.Josh sings. FISH.Josh gets some food from SR. Christmas is figuring out what to do with herself. Paul breaks a glass. Josh suggests Avocado Toast. Christmas says they will save that for later when they need something to do. Christmas is in the Rose room saying gross. Josh and Paul bicker in KT. Josh wants to dance with Paul.You never dance with me. He says no I was busy playing the game.Paul asks if Josh is going to Coachella this year.They discuss renting a place there. Christmas heads to WR. Paul talks about camping for Coachella. Josh tells Paul book it. Paul says pay me when I do. Paul then talks about going to Europe. Josh and Christmas complain it’s cold.Paul says this is how much eggs Matt would eat at one time. Josh talks about when Kevin stomped outside and walked the yard dragging his feet. Paul says Kevin hated Alex.Paul says here’s your eggs Josh says let them sit a bit. Paul calls Josh a valley girl. They talk about hiking. That Josh will fall in love on this hike. The girls wear Make-up on this hike.
12:45 PM BBT Josh goes to SR for the 10th time. JOSH PLEASE ATTACH YOUR MIC.Paul tells Josh you take too long. You also drink before clinking. Paul tells Josh you played yourself. Josh keeps mumbling and Paul tells him to close the yearbook, Josh. They talk about Christmas time food.Josh is going to make them Spanish eggnog.Josh puts Paul’s food into the microwave. Complaining he doesn’t want 4th-degree burns. They discuss when the show will end. If the finale is Tuesday or Wednesday. They are surprised Julie didn’t give them an end date.Josh says it’s Wednesday. Paul says how would you know do you watch BB. Josh wonders what if Cody and Mark want to continue to fight. Christmas says to tell them to F off. Paul says you’re in the real world tell them to back the F off. Josh wonders when the family flies in for the show.Paul is really on Josh’s butt today. Josh wants to know who will come. Paul explains your immediate family is first. Josh tells Paul to stop picking on him.

1:00 PM BBT Josh makes a mumbled comment and Christmas says, Josh. BB says JOSH. Paul complains he has heard Josh’s name so much this season. Christmas heads to WR.Josh talks about his mom probably seeing him fight with Kevin. Josh can’t seem to keep quiet. Paul says you played yourself. Paul says that people subscribe to Live Feeds to see everything. The show is just a summary. Josh needs to wash his compression clothes. Paul says not in the KT sink. Paul tells him to clean them in the shower. Josh says they smell like balls. Paul says let’s play chess. Josh says no I want to sleep. Paul tells them no sleeping you have a comp. Josh heads to WR. Paul seems to enjoy the quiet, He heads to the mirror and picks his face, now he seems to pace the house. Paul heads to the Apple room. To drink his coffee. He mumbles about Josh. JOSH PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MIC. He talks about the final 2. Josh found him he asks if Paul was talking. Paul says no go set up the chess board. Paul sits silently in Apple room. Christmas is showering and Josh is off camera. Josh is back in Apple room. He mumbles really low.He sits with Paul. Paul wonders about the comp.Josh says let’s go play chess.
1:15 PM BBT They empty the trash first. Josh starts to sing. Paul says stop. They keep picking at each other. Moaning about whose cups are in the KT. Josh asks Paul to bring up Paper towels and spray. He says no I want your OCD to kill you. Paul tells him to stop whining. Josh tells Paul to stop acting spoiled. Josh cleans the board Paul says we aren’t selling it on QVC. Josh says take your cups Paul says no they’re yours. Paul heads downstairs. He asks Christmas what’s wrong with your eye woman. He checks for something in her eye. She has him squirt the stuff in her eye. It is not better.She changes clothes. Does Josh want to know what’s going on?Paul says she has something in her eye because of you.Paul starts the chess game with Josh. Paul munches on candy while playing. Christmas is still changing , her eye stills bother her.Paul shouts is it better? Go to the DR.
1:30 PM BBT She says it’s better but still scratchy. She heads to the DR.All cams are now on the chess game.Paul checks Josh. Paul wins. Now they switch colors. They wonder if Christmas has gone to the DR. They shout out for her. They burp.
1:45 PM BBT Christmas is in DR. Josh and Paul play chess.They whisper about the Game and Christmas”s chances. That she has gotten a lot of coverage. Paul says she is hot.Josh talks about her brand and fan base. They discuss Paul’s followers. They talk brands and advertisers.paul whispers so low you can’t hear. He says Christmas has the mentality of if I don’t win it I don’t deserve it. Josh says they have a better chance with each other. He says he is blessed no matter happens. Paul says he is in shock over being here twice. Paul heads down to see where Christmas is in the house.Josh asks if she is hiding from them. Paul says no she is in the DR. He hopes she is ok and has no glitter in her eye. It can F you up bad. Paul rejoins the game.He whispers about Christmas.
2:00 PM BBT Paul & Josh are on the Sky Bridge playing chess, They are whispering about Christmas & they talk about Alex. They are whispering low & then loud. They talk about when Josh was questioning someone’s actions. Josh says that it was his first time dealing with that situation. Josh says that he just wants to win the next part of the HOH so that he can finally sleep. They talk about how many times the hg’s have been on the block. They talk about the safety comps. They name all the special third nominees. Paul tells Josh that if he wins today, then one of them is walking out Wednesday with $50,000 & the other with $500,000. Paul tells Josh not to freak out when Christmas cuddles with him. He says it does not mean anything & does not mean that, if by chance Christmas wins this HOH & he wins final HOH, that Paul is not taking Josh. Paul says that he just knows that Christmas is lonely & he is only giving her companionship. Josh says ok. They are now not talking as they play their chess game. Paul tells Josh “check.” Josh asks why he would do that & Paul tells him not to worry. Josh now says “check.” He tells Paul check again & again. Josh then tells him “mate” & they discuss the game,
2:15 PM BBT Paul tells Josh congratulations for the win. Josh says that he hopes that Christmas is ok. Paul tells Josh that they will play another game & then head downstairs. This way they pass the time. Josh tells Paul he has to pee & he heads downstairs & tells Paul that he will be back. Christmas comes out of the DR & Paul asks if she is ok & if they took it out. Feeds go to fish for a moment. When they come back, Paul is heading down the stairs. Feeds cut to fish again @ 2:19-2:51 PPM BBT
2:51 PM BBT Josh & Paul are in the Rose BR. They are lying down & Josh is talking about a time in school when he had enough of being bullied. He thought he was getting arrested, but only the other kid got arrested. He asks Paul if he ever got in trouble when he was younger. Paul said that he never really did anything when he was younger. He says that he did crazy things, but nothing that would have gotten him in trouble. Paul says that the only thing he could think of was at one time in high school he had brass knuckles in his backpack. He had been at a show the night before, he was in a punk band & he had them for protection. He forgot that he had them. He said that he told the cops about it ahead of time when they came to do random searches. Josh talks about being “horny” & Paul tells him that in three days he can get what he wants. Josh asks if people are still watching the live feeds at this point. Paul says yes & Josh says what the F**k? Why? There is silence now.

3:00 PM BBT Paul & Josh are lying down in the Rose BR. Both appear to be taking a nap. Josh talks again & then quiet.
3:05-3:28 PM BBT Feeds cut to fish
3:28 PM BBT Feeds come back & Josh is up going to the bathroom. He washes his hands & now appears to be washing some bits of laundry in the bathroom sink.
3:30 PM BBT Josh is washing laundry & Paul is called to the DR. Josh says that it is time. Josh walks through the house into the Green BR. He is sorting clothes. He walks back out to the kitchen. He stops & stares at the memory wall. Paul can be heard coming out of DR saying that it is time for part 2. He messes up & starts again. 3:35-3:45 PM BBT Feeds go down for part 2 of final HOH.

Live Feed Updates: Saturday, September 16th

September 16, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Saturday, September 16th

7:15 AM BBT All HG are sleeping for the moment. But Paul seems to be restless.
7:30 AM BBT Nobody is awake.
7:45 AM BBT No sign of activity as all of the HG are sleeping.
8:00 AM BBT-9:21 AM BBT ZZZZZzzzz, While the aroma of the beautiful flowers in the kitchen fill the air. The kitchen lights turn on but bedroom lights are still out.
9:21 AM BBT Christmas gets up and leaves the rose room, heads to the kitchen to look at the time and then the WR. Washes her hands, takes a few pills, and hobbles back to bed.
9:25 AM BBT ALL HGs back in bed and the Silver Snake is looking for more prey.
9:45 AM BBT With minor movements to get comfortable here and there the Hgs are all still sleeping.
10:20 AM BBT Feeds return; a long than usual wake-up call (possibly additional instructions)
All HGs still in bed in the Rose Rm with lights out. Josh soon gets up and goes to bathroom after checking the kitchen clock. Feed shows the Memory Wall with the vase of red and white flowers on the kitchen table. Paul and Christmas still asleep. Josh returns to the round bed. Lights still off.
10:30 AM BBT All HGs are in bed; Josh and Paul occasionally moves.
10:45 AM BBT All HGs remain in bed. At 10:46 AM BB Announces: “Wakey, Wakey, Houseguests! Houseguest must be awake between the hours of 10AM to 10PM.” Paul mumbles, “Hi.” Josh responds with more mumbles. No movement by Christmas. Room lights remain off. Christmas and Paul repositions themselves in the bed…eyes go closed.
11:00 AM BBT All 3 HGs remain in bed with little movement from each of them.
11:15 AM BBT BB makes another announcement again trying to have them get up for the day. BB asks them to turn on the house lights. No reaction from the HGs. They remain in bed with the lights out. 11:22 AM “Wakey Wakey HGs…Please turn the lights on in the BR.” Christmas gets up enough to flip on the lights. “There are fresh batteries in the SR. What do you not understand about, Please, wake up!?!” Christmas makes a comment about being so mean. Josh is called out by name by BB; Paul chuckles and Josh tells BB Good Morning! Christmas gets up, changes or battery, and goes to the bathroom. Paul slowly follows her lead in getting up. BB tells Josh to rise and shine. Paul changes his battery in SR. Josh lies in bed reading a small orange book–Bible? Paul mentions to Christmas that they have been sleeping for 10 ½ hrs. BB again tells Josh a couple more times to change his battery. Christmas brushing her teeth. Paul leaves WR. Josh gets out of bed and leaves; Paul returns to the Rose Rm.

11:30 AM BBT Christmas and Josh in kitchen; Paul comes out announcing 3 days and a wake-up more! Josh sings going into WR and is called out by BB. Christmas making coffee. Paul gets a banana from the SR goes to kitchen with his feet propped up eating it. Josh also sitting eating a banana while Christmas cleaning some dishes. They talk about how long they will have been away from home–98 days–since they don’t go home immediately after. The decision is what they will have for breakfast. Paul wants to play the next comp just for fun…something for him to do. Paul says it will probably an individual comp where everyone will compete separately and not both at one time. Josh and Paul make up lyrics to a tune relating it to the game.
11:45 AM BBT They continue to make fun of the prior houseguests. Christmas is washing dishes while Paul and Josh sit at the counter laughing. Josh wants to eat. Paul suggests to sip coffee and have a nice morning chat first. They already had a banana. Paul goes to SR and Josh goes to his suitcase. Paul goes to kitchen to wash his mug. Paul continues to periodically imitate the words spoken by other HGs. He recalls the conversations they have had with Raven…such as family member on the Titanic. Christmas says that she was always an expert on any subject that she had no idea about. They bring up rough knee cap and her other ailments. Josh says there were a lot of crazy moments with her; Christmas said as soon as she started, she would drop her head and make noises in her head to drown her out. Christmas tells more Raven stories. Christmas worries Raven won’t be able to handle watching the show back. Paul tells Josh how crazy he was in the beginning and the first 2 episodes are probably all about him. Josh tries to explain why he was so crazy at the beginning. BB coming for him so early, a bad business deal and other things. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT PRODUCTION.

88 days have flown by, 14 have come & gone.  Only 3 remain & in 4 days it will end with one winning $500K!

September 16, 2017

88 days have flown by, 14 have come & gone. 
Only 3 remain & in 4 days it will end with one winning $500K!

Live Feed Updates: Saturday, September 16th
12:00 AM BBT Christmas asks what he’s nervous about. Josh says that it’s the attention. Josh says that both already have a fan base, and he doesn’t. Josh asks Christmas how she’s feeling. Christmas says that she’s just happy to be here. Josh says that he thought that he was going to be clipped. As Josh is cleaning up, and sees some of Raven’s hair in the sink. Josh recalls a convo he had with Kevin. Josh says that Kevin is probably not a fan of him and is bitter. Christmas says “Kevin didn’t give a fuck after Day 1.” Josh says that Kevin says that if he went to F2, he’d have $75k. Paul is up now and went to the restroom. Christmas is loosening Josh’s red bracelet for him. Paul was looking at his face and putting cream on. Josh said he needs to wash some clothing. Christmas asked Paul if they will get to use the washer anymore. He said maybe Sunday. Christmas asked Josh if he really thought it was 11:30 AM. Josh said he really did think it was 11:30 AM. He said he was having daytime dreams.
12:15 AM BBT Christmas said she was having weird dreams too about some girl that was in the house giving her her phone to use but Christmas didn’t know how to use it. Paul started to leave the bathroom and Josh asked him where he was going. Paul said, “You guys want to hang out in the bathroom? There are other places to hang out.” Josh asked him if he was going back to bed. Paul said, “Let’s hang out anywhere else in the house but not in here.” And he left the bathroom. He went into the kitchen and started getting snacks. Josh and Christmas decided to join Paul in the kitchen. Josh said he was hungry. Christmas said she wanted a cookie. Paul was eating hummus and chips. He said there was so much carbs in the chips and asked why. Christmas said there wasn’t in the hummus. She said she wants a bowl or cereal. Josh asked who made eggs. Paul said he did. Josh asked him why. He said because you didn’t make me dinner. Paul left the kitchen and went into the Rose bedroom. Josh yelled and asked him if he went to the SR. He did not get an answer so he said, “I guess not.” And he asked Christmas if she wanted anything from the SR and said he needs 1% milk. He left and went to the SR. Paul came out of the Rose bedroom and went into the Green bedroom and then into the SR. Josh came back and poured himself a bowl of cereal with coffee. Paul came back to the kitchen and continued to eat chips and hummus. Christmas asked him why he was putting coffee in his cereal like that. Josh said, “Because it’s good. Do you want to try it? She said no. Then she told Paul about it and asked why Josh was having coffee this late because it is 12:30 AM. Josh said he felt like a child in this house. He said he would not do it again unless they were there with him. He said that they will probably throw three Cody’s in there next time. Josh said they will never find anyone like him again. Paul asked Josh, “Why are you getting so gassed up right now?” Then Christmas told Josh not to bite his spoon. He asked her, “Why? Is it a pet peeve of yours or something?” She said her ex used to do that and she told him he will have to use plastic silverware if he was going to do that. Josh said one of his pet peeves was when he asks Christmas if she wants anything from the kitchen or any food and she says no. And then when he has something she asks for a bite. He said he had an ex girlfriend that used to do that and it was a pet peeve.
12:30 AM BBT Christmas said, “Ok. Noted. I won’t do it ever again then.” Paul said, “Don’t do that to him right now.” Josh said, “No. I was just saying that was one of my pet peeves.” He said, “I don’t mind if you want some just don’t say you don’t and then you do and eat mine.” Christmas said, “Noted.” Christmas got up to get some more cereal and Josh said he wanted a hug. Christmas said, “No. When I want one you won’t give me one.” Josh said, “I don’t want a creepy Christmas hug.” Paul got some cereal and then Josh said he want some hummus now. Paul said, “Get another from the SR then. And eat these pretzels all before you open a new bag.” Josh said, “Ok.” Josh said, “I wonder what good movies are out right now.” Paul said, “It.” Then he was saying he was wondering what he was going to do when he gets out of the house. Paul got up to get some more cereal. Christmas said, “Round three huh?” Paul said, “Shut up Christmas. It’s the same milk.” He said, “I don’t know why I’m eating so many carbs today.” Christmas said, “Because there is nothing else to do. We are bored and stressed and emotional eating.” Josh said he doesn’t eat any junk food at home. He said his mom is always making food. Paul said that is great. Christmas said she has a grill a bit bigger than the one outside and she does all of her prep food on it. She said she loves it. Josh said he eats bad when he goes out. Christmas said, “I stay home more than you guys do.” Paul was saying he hates when someone opens a new bag of food when another is already open. Josh said, “Yeah and when people waste food.” “Like when Raven threw out so much food.” Christmas said yeah and everything was like a salt lick. “There was so much salt on everything.”
12:45 AM BBT Paul said, “When I made muffins Raven said “Me and Paul made muffins.” “She made the icing.” Josh said, “Yeah I was going to make spaghetti and meatballs and then when I was going to do it she got up and made.” Josh said, “I wonder how they are liking Raven cooking in the jury house right now?” Paul said, “You don’t have to. Everything is given to you there.” Josh asked, “Even Chipotle?” Paul gave him a dirty look. Josh said, “Ok I’ll stop.” Paul said, “They give you everything.” Then Josh said, “Ok let’s go cuddle you all.” Christmas said, “Ok.” Josh said to Christmas, “You cuddle with him so nice and soft. You cuddle with me like a creep.” She said, “You’re calling me a creep now?” He said, “No. I just mean like creepy.” Then they started talking about Paul being so serious when he first came in the house. Paul said, “Are you serious? Because I was the only vet re-entering the game.” Then Josh said to Paul he still had glitter on him from the comp and he didn’t wash good.” Paul said, “So do you.” He said, “No I don’t.” Christmas said, “Yes you do. We all do.” Then they started talking about how bad comps were played. Paul asked Josh, “Why are you so gassed up fool?” Josh said, “I don’t know. Do you want to go play chess Paul?” Paul said, “No because I’m tired.” Josh said, “Ok. Let’s go cuddle then.” Paul said, “No because then you will wake us up and make us get up again.” Josh then asked Christmas if she wanted to play chess. She said, “No.” Christmas went to the bathroom and is brushing her teeth. Paul and Josh got up and started moving around. Josh said, “Ok let’s go to bed.” They started making their way to the Rose bedroom. Paul said, “Joy we’re going to the room.” She went to the restroom. Then Josh asked him about some game info. Christmas is cleaning her face. Paul went into the bathroom and gargled with mouthwash.
1:00 AM BBT Paul came back out of the bathroom and into the kitchen. He asked Josh what he was doing. Josh said, “Making popcorn.” Paul said, “Don’t make popcorn. We can do that tomorrow.” Then Josh got some water. They both went back to the Rose bedroom. Paul got in his bed. Josh went out and told Paul he was going to get the popcorn. And he went to the kitchen to get it. While he was out there he yelled into the bathroom and asked Christmas if she wanted anything. She told him, “No thank you.” He went back into the Rose bedroom and took the popcorn. Josh asked Paul if she was mad at him or something. Paul said, “Well you were all gassed up and she is tired. You are 24 and I am 23 and she is 35. She doesn’t like all that. She is 11 years older than us.” Josh then said he was going to put the popcorn out in the kitchen. Paul said, “What? Why don’t you just put it over there until later?” Josh said, “No. I will eat it all and I don’t want to.” He walked out and then Christmas was called to the DR. Paul said, “Are you guys horny?” “If they start calling us now to the Dr then I’m done.” Josh went to the bathroom and brushed his teeth. He went back to the Rose bedroom and got in the round bed. Paul told Josh he has to win tomorrow. He said he is going to try. They start studying. Then Paul told Josh, “She doesn’t know about tomorrow. I didn’t tell her about tomorrow.”
1:15 AM BBT They start studying again. Paul tells Josh they are going to ask you questions that pertain to multiple hgs. Paul said, “She doesn’t do well in mental comps.” Josh starts talking about him possibly coming back if asked. He said he wouldn’t come back without them two, preferably Paul. Paul said they wouldn’t bring him back because they wouldn’t like to see him again. Josh asked again if Christmas is mad at him. Paul said, “You were gassed up and came and woke us up. We were sleeping. And there is an age gap. She doesn’t get all gassed up like we do.” “And I’m so tired. I need to just check out.” Then Josh said they are going to call Paul to the DR tonight. He said, “I don’t know why they want to call us tonight.” Josh said, “I knew you had my back the whole time.” He asked Paul if he thinks the audience is going to be all gassed up too. Paul said, “Yes. They like the underdogs.” Paul asked Josh who told him to do the pots and pans like that? He asked, “Did I tell you to do that?” Josh said, “No. No one did.” He told a story about doing something like that with a college roommate that he didn’t get along with. Paul said he would kick his ass. Then Paul started talking about going to a Reality Show Awards event and meeting a chick and wanting to smoke a blunt and cameras went to the red phone and snake.
1:30 AM BBT Josh said that some of the hgs were flat and he doesn’t get why they chose them. He said, “Like Matt. I know you guys liked Matt and he had abs and my aunt would love him. But I just don’t get it. He was not good at comps and had no personality.” Josh starts talking about the way he would talk to Jason and call him a pussy and stuff. He said those are fightin words. Josh said they were obsessed with you and follow you everywhere. “I thought you had something with them. I really did. They literally did nothing unless someone told them.” Paul said, “I can’t wait to see their DRs to see if that was what they were doing.” Josh said, “My DRs are gassed dude.” Paul said, “Mine too.” They started talking about Kevin thinking he was going to get with Christmas and Jason too. Paul said, “She would rip Mark’s throat out.” Josh said, “I wouldn’t date Mark.” “You wouldn’t?” Paul asked. Josh said, “You would.” Paul said, “She is very attractive. I think she wants someone to be a little submissive to someone. I can see it. It’s just my opinion. I think she wants to be a little girly at times and she doesn’t get too often because she is a boss and has her businesses.” Then Josh started talking about Mark and Elena. Paul said, “Mark needs a man to make him submissive.” Paul said, “I hope they didn’t paint Cody and Jessica to be all innocent.” He said, “That fool got on my nerves so much.” Josh said, “You fool. With all the farting, burping, slamming doors and everything.” Paul said, “That fool was so bizzare.” Josh said, “Bizarre as f**k.”
1:45 AM BBT Christmas comes out of the DR and made her way into the Rose bedroom. Josh was called into the DR. Paul was asked if they are going to call them all in just as Josh was called. Christmas said she doesn’t know. She sat down and asked Paul to hand her he water cup. Then she laughed and Paul said, “You played yourself.” Then she asked Paul if he needed anything and if he wanted her to turn off the lights. He said, “When you come back.” She went out to the kitchen and got some more water. Then she went to the restroom. Paul called her, “Christmas!” She didn’t hear him calling her. He yelled again, “Christmas!” She still didn’t hear him. He did it over and over until she came into the Green bedroom and heard him finally. Then he asked, “Can you please bring me my jacket?” And he told her where it was at. She got it and brought it to him. She turned off the lights and got in bed. They didn’t have their mics on and were talking and production said, “PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONES.” They did put their mics on and were talking about Josh thinking about the chaos of when they get out of the house. Paul said, “He is going to freak the f**k out.” Paul said, “It is bizarre. I was literally getting yanked.” Christmas asked if families are allowed to come. Paul said he doesn’t know and she probably wouldn’t want them to come anyway. Paul said he can’t believe he made it to final 3 twice. He said it was terrifying and he just put himself back into the same spot again. He said, “I didn’t think I was ever going to come back ever again.” “Getting called back is rare.” “And it is shocking.” “I’m in shock.” She said she can said it’s a testament to how exceptional his is. He said yeah the energy you put out brings the same energy you get back. Josh came back into the house from the DR. And he went to the restroom. Paul was then called to the DR. He got up and said, “F**k me.” Christmas said, “Bye.” He said, “Bye.” She said, “Now I’m really cold.” He said, “Sorry. Here hold my jacket and threw it on the bed in her direction.” She said, “Thank you.”
2:00 AM BBT Josh came back to the Rose bedroom. Christmas said, “Hello.” Josh said hello back. Christmas asked if he had an easy DR. He said that yeah but things are going to drive him crazy. Josh asked her if she is tired. She said, “Yeah.” She asked, “Are you excited for us to get out of here and hang out together?” he said, “yeah. And I can’t wait to shut my brain off.” Christmas said, “We have another comp tomorrow.” He said yeah. She asked what he thinks it will be like. He said, “I think it will be like the Airline comp and another.” Josh said, “I just hate that we have to compete against people we love and we have gotten close to.” Josh said, “You are gonna be weirded out about my mom.” Christmas said, “No you are gonna be weirded out by my mom more.” Josh said, “I can’t believe we get to see our families. It’s so exciting.” Josh asked Christmas, “Do you know when I knew we were going to get top three?” Christmas asked him when. He said, “When we got everyone to throw the comp to you.” “Once we pulled that off I knew it was a wrap.” Paul came back from the DR. He asked what they were talking about. Josh said they were talking about when he knew they were going to get top three together. He said that he was telling Christmas that they were in rotation to each of them and in their ears.
2:15 AM BBT Josh said, “You know when I really sh*t my pants was?” They asked what? He said, “When Alex got HOH and put me on the block.” They said, “Oh yeah.” Josh laughed and said, “Sh*t my pants. I poop-e-did myself.” And then he laughed. Paul said, “I can’t wait til we get out. Animal fries everywhere. Double double. Fried onions.” Josh starts talking about who he hopes come to the aftershow. He said, “I think my aunt is our biggest fan I swear.” “She’s a teacher and she is probably making signs and said.” Paul asked what subject she teaches. He said, “She is a highschool teacher and teaches Math, Science and History I think.” Josh says, “Four days and a wake up or three days and a wake up.” Paul says, “Three days and a wake up.” Paul said, “We’re for sure going to Jamaican hot box.” Josh said, “For sure, for sure.” Paul starts laughing and then asks Josh if he has ever done that. Josh said, “No but I can’t wait. I can’t wait until unlimited alcohol.” Paul and Christmas said, “No why would you want to do that to yourself?” Josh said, “What do we call ourselves when we get out of here so I don’t look like a douche?” “What does your site say?” Christmas said, “Mine says “Public figure.” Paul said, “I think mine says “Public Figure.” Josh asked, “What about me?” They said, “You will probably be a reality personality.” Josh said, “F**k you. I’m going to be a Public Figure too!”
2:30 AM BBT They are chatting about Instagram and having their websites verified. Also, they are talking about how many followers they have etc. Paul said to Josh that his sister is going to want him to post with her. He said, “No way!” “I’m not going to hang with them two for a while.” Paul said, “I wonder if Cody is still around in the jury. I wouldn’t be surprised if he walked out of jury.” Christmas said, “No he wouldn’t because then he wouldn’t get paid.” Josh said, “I’m going to have to look over my Instagram before I make it public. I have some family and other stuff there.” “I’m not going to make my Facebook public.” Christmas said, “Oh no. You make a fanpage.” “How do I make a fanpage?” Christmas said, “Stay humble.” He said, “I just don’t want to be a douche.” Josh laughed and said, “I hope Elena made her numbers.” Paul said, “She is third jury so.” They got quiet and settled into bed.
2:45 AM BBT -3:45 AM BBT HGs are asleep. Josh is up. He walks into the kitchen. Messes with something on the counter. He then walks t o the bathroom. Josh comes out from using the toilet. He pulls out some dental floss. He then pops some zits on his face. He flosses for two seconds & heads out to the kitchen. He is just staring at the memory wall.
4:00 AM BBT Josh has returned to bed and trying to sleep.
4:15 AM BBT The HGs are asleep

 Josh talking to the live feeders.

September 16, 2017

 Josh talking to the live feeders.
Josh – I wouldn’t want to see anyone else win other than me, Paul or Christmas. We dealt with the most diversity, personal and business. The past 3 weeks have been hell for all of us. We were so stuck in this phase that we couldn’t shake off. And yesterday that all lifted. We get everyone out that we wanted to, in the order we wanted. We all did our parts. If we each didn’t help and protect each other we wouldn’t have made it here. I am just so thankful for my families support. I’ve seen a lot of people change because they wanted to win. The selfishness and greed, they changed who they were, they lied to people. My parents raised me with good morals and good principles to just be truthful. Just be honest, don’t be afraid to voice your opinion. Don’t be scare when you see something wrong, say it. Don’t be afraid to stand up for yourself and hold your ground. That’s honestly what got me this far in this game. Just being exactly who I am. Not changing for anybody. So many times I could have said alright I’m going to turn on Paul when the whole house was against him. So many times I could have turned on Christmas when everybody was annoyed with her and everybody wanted her out. I didn’t turn on her. I didn’t turn against Alex and Jason until I had to play against Alex and Jason. I stayed true to who I was and no matter what I can walk out knowing that I didn’t let 500K or 50K change anything. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever been through.
Josh – I think I have a better chance against Paul in the final 2 because they’ve been pissed off at the both of us. Whereas Christmas and Elena left on good terms. Mark, Kevin and Alex and her were good. Jason is going to feel guilty. Matt is going to vote for her. Raven is going to vote for her. Me taking out Paul would be that game changing move the would bring my game full circle. But I don’t know what I’m thinking. I am gunning for this next HOH. I think it is best to sit next to Paul in the final 2. This is the last one and I’m going to go ham. We’re going to be in here for 92 days.

Live Feed Updates: Friday, September 15th

September 16, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Friday, September 15th
3:45 PM BBT They are still talking about the type of girls Josh will date. Josh says that he doesn’t know if he is ready for a serious relationship until he gets there. Josh says that he’s been in a relationship since he was like 10-11. Just says that he dated off and on but didn’t have anything that was long. Christmas is just confused why he’d be with someone that he doesn’t want to be serious with. Just to waste his time on it. Christmas says that the girls he goes out with feel hurt but wants to have him tell them where he stands. He says he has been thinking about his ex a lot lately but says that she probably won’t for what he did to her.Josh says that his mind right now is to work and travel. HG’s are feeling tired.
4:00 PM BBT-4:22 PM BBT HG’s are resting in the Rose room. Orwell and Trejo appear to still be undisturbed.
4:22 PM BBT Josh gets up puts on his slippers and heads to the Wr and then comes back through kitchen stopping to look at the memory wall again. He finally heads back to the Rose room and into bed
3:45 PM BBT They are still talking about the type of girls Josh will date. Josh says that he doesn’t know if he is ready for a serious relationship until he gets there. Josh says that he’s been in a relationship since he was like 10-11. Just says that he dated off and on but didn’t have anything that was long. Christmas is just confused why he’d be with someone that he doesn’t want to be serious with. Just to waste his time on it. Christmas says that the girls he goes out with feel hurt but wants to have him tell them where he stands. He says he has been thinking about his ex a lot lately but says that she probably won’t for what he did to her.Josh says that his mind right now is to work and travel. HG’s are feeling tired.
4:00 PM BBT-4:22 PM BBT HG’s are resting in the Rose room. Orwell and Trejo appear to still be undisturbed.
4:22 PM BBT Josh gets up puts on his slippers and heads to the Wr and then comes back through kitchen stopping to look at the memory wall again. He finally heads back to the Rose room and into bed
4:30 PM BBT-5:00 PM BBT ALL HG are in bed The Silver Snake is eyeing its prey..Owell still sound asleep not a care in the world. Josh rolls around getting comfortable
5:09 PM BBT Christmas sits up and makes adjustments to her boot, then lays back down.
5:15 PM BBT- 5:45 PM BBT All the HG in bed sleeping Josh rolls around getting comfy again. Paul adjusts the blankets and back out. Josh moving around again. The snake seems to be on the lookout for live prey. Orwell is lying down. Probably exhausted from all his dancing with Josh. Paul lifts up his hat, peeks around & puts the hat back down. Then Paul sits up takes his hoodie off, looks at the camera, lays down, & rolls over, while pulling the covers over his head.
5:45 PM BBT All the HG’s are still asleep. Josh moves around in his sleep. Josh is very restless. Josh is up, stretching. He heads out of the Rose BR into the kitchen. He messes with his house shoes & then heads to the bathroom. Josh uses the bathroom. He washes his hands after messing with his hair. Back into the kitchen he goes, where he cannot seem to make up his mind on where or what he is doing. He finally goes into the fridge. He heads to the Apple Room. He says he wonders what is happening back home & he talks to his family. He tells them that he has been sleeping all day because yesterday was crazy. He says that he cannot believe that he is in the top three. He is grateful to God for this experience & for getting this far. He knows that being loud & crazy made him a target & still in shock he has made it this far. He says that it is crazy.. He says that he loves Christmas & Paul more than they know, but he is hungry for the grand prize. He wants to give the money to his parents. He says that it is surreal being this close to finale night. He says that he will fight his a** off in the next part of the final HOH. He wants to control his own destiny in the game. He says that Paul says that he will take him if he wins. He says that he has lived out a huge dream & has made new friends. He says that he has been underestimated all season & that has got him where he is now. Josh says that he is happy with who he is in the final three with.
6:00 PM BBT Josh is the only one awake & is talking to the cameras to his family. He says that it has been crazy & that Paul, Christmas, & him all worked together to get where they are now. He says that they needed each other to get this far in the game. He talks about his family being supportive & telling him to go do Big Brother. He says he never would have left to do this show if it was not for his parents. He says that he sees how this game changed who people were. He is glad that his parents raised him with morals. He says that he could have turned on Paul & Christmas, but he did not. He only turned on Alex & Jason when he had to play against them. He says that people have seen every single aspect of who Josh is He says that he has been himself the whole time. He says that he has no idea what to expect when he walks out those doors. He says if people hate him, then so be it. He knows that he was true to himself. He is thankful for Paul & Christmas who helped him more than anyone. They made him get out of his head. They comforted him, they made him laugh. He says that it has been hard for all three of them. He says Christmas broke her foot & hung on a wall for hours. Paul has had the house against him the whole time. He also states that he had people coming after him too because of who he is. He says that a lot of people are naive to think that it is only winning competitions to survive in that house. He says that the scenario that has happened in BB will only happen there. A girl with a broken foot hanging in. An underdog still in the game. He says that he has to win tomorrow. He says that he needs to secure his spot.. He says that if he wins he still does not who he will take to the final two. He does not know how the jury will feel about Paul. He knows that he has gotten into arguments with half the jurors. He says that he is equally responsible for all the people being in jury. He knows Paul has made people mad too. He says that he thinks that it will come down to a split second move. He is thinking that if he gets Paul out, that might be the move that gets him the grand prize. He says that he is playing for his family & he really needs to think about what the best move is. He believes that Matt, Alex, Jason, & Cody do not want to see a vet win. He says that he has time, but that he needs to get into competition mode. He says at the end, he will have been in the house for 92 days. He says he does not know if America loves him or hates him,
6:15 PM BBT Paul & Christmas are asleep. Josh is awake in the Apple Room talking to the cameras. He says that his mom better be in the audience. Paul is moving about in his sleep. Josh says that Paul, Christmas, & him said that they would get tickets to do world traveling. He is happy to take that trip with them. He says he will do that with them & then take his mom on a vacation when he returns. Josh asks if we know what is so funny? That a few weeks ago he was in the apple room celebrating with Orwell the stuffed owl because Jessica, Cody, Elena, and Mark thought he was going home that week. He laughs and says HA HA! YA PLAYED YOURSELF BOO BOO! Josh goes into the SR and is singing about how they got restocked. He says holy shit about the amount of food that production put into the SR. He says that you guys do know there are only three people here for five days. He goes into the rose room and is trying to wake up Paul and Christmas. He tells them it’s 7pm. He tells them to come on and make dinner with him. He tells them that he is lonely. Paul tells him no and he rolls over and cuddles up to Christmas. Josh goes back into the apple room. He is eating some hummus. He says that he is excited to eat some In and Out, Rosco’s, and that Paul is going to take him to some bougie places and then he really just wants to go to the Cheesecake Factory and Chipotle. He says that he misses his mom’s food so much. He says that Raven’s food sucked. He says that he is a mama’s boy and proud.

6:30 PM BBT Josh goes back into the rose room and tries to wake up Paul and Christmas. He lays on them and is like guys wake up! Josh goes into the kitchen is dancing around. Josh goes into the SR and is looking in the fridge. Josh has the stuffed Orwell and tells it that he guess it is just you in me buddy. He says that he is going to make some salad and steak. Josh goes into the bathroom and is talking about how much stuff all the girls had this season. He says that it was more of the girls bathroom than the guys. He goes back into the rose room. He tells Paul that he is going to make steak and potatoes. Paul tells him that he doesn’t know how to make steak and Josh says yes I do. Josh tells him that he should wake up and come make them then. Paul says five more mins. Josh tells him that they have been asleep for three hours. Josh tells Paul fine then I am going to fuck up the steaks and Christmas says just five more mins. Josh leaves. Christmas tells Paul that Josh wants them to go to sleep, wake up, eat, eat…..they are both annoyed with Josh. PLEASE STOP SINGING! Paul says I can’t with him (Josh) right now. They both go back to sleep.
6:45 PM BBT Josh is dancing with Orwell in the kitchen. PLEASE STOP SINGING! Josh asks why? BECAUSE….I ASKED…….NICELY. Josh has a hand mixer and goes into the rose room and puts it next to Paul and starts turning it. Christmas tells him that he is going to get hurt. Josh tells them what he is planning to make. Paul tells him to come get them when it’s ready and he says WHY!!!! And does the hand mixer next to him again. Christmas is stroking Pauls back. Josh is back in the kitchen making dinner. He has made bacon, salad, and has just started his steak. HUMMING IS THE SAME AS SINGING!
7:00 PM BBT Paul complains that Josh’s cooking smells like piss. Paul and Christmas are both awake and Paul is going into the kitchen. Christmas is checking out the food in the SR. Paul looks at Josh’s steak and tells him that he fucked it up. Josh is looking for Paul. He finds in the SR. Christmas comes back into the kitchen and asks Josh why he made so little of everything. Christmas tells Josh that this is the first time that they have been able to relax without the drama and whispering in the house. They start singing the thanksgiving song. Paul tries Josh’s steak while Josh makes Christmas a steak.
7:15 PM BBT Josh and Paul are playing around while Christmas makes her plate. Paul starts talking shit to Josh. They love to kid around. Paul asks Christmas is she is drinking coke! She says that she has lost at least ten pounds since she has come in the BB house. She says her abs are gone and she has a thigh gap. Paul walks over and drinks some of her coke. Christmas and Paul tell Josh not to be a follower. Christmas compares him to Raven. He storms off and acts like he is mad but he is laughing. He has his plate of food and is eating in the apple room with two stuffed owls. Josh takes his plate into the kitchen and Christmas says oh hey Raven! Paul says bye Raven! He gives them the finger. Paul runs into the apple room and starts tickling Josh. They are laughing so hard. Josh has the hand mixer and is telling Paul to beat it! I said beat it! Christmas and Paul discuss how they are not going to let Josh sleep if he tries to go to sleep.
7:30 PM BBT Josh takes both of the stuffed Orwell’s into the rose room and gets into bed. He says that this is what true friendship looks like with both owls on either arm. Christmas and Paul are complaining about Josh. Paul is complaining to Christmas about how he put the steak and bacon in the fridge. He didn’t wrap it up. Paul tells Christmas to get Josh out here to come clean up his mess. Christmas meets him in the living room. She tells him that she has something to show him. She asks him if he cares about her health. Josh takes Trejo and is trying to hide him from Paul. He takes him into the have not room and hides him under a cover. Paul comes in the have not room and is asking Josh where Trejo is. Josh tells him that he doesn’t know. Paul keeps asking him where Trejo is. Paul tries to damage Orwell. Paul manages to get both Orwell’s from Josh. Josh is trying to defend himself with the hand mixer. Paul starts hitting Josh with the Orwells. Josh tells him that he is going to put the hand mixer in his beard and tangle it in there. Paul tries to grab the mixer while Josh is turning it and hurts his hand. Paul manages to hit the mixer out of Josh’s hand with one of the Orwell’s. They start running around the house after each other. Christmas goes looking for Trejo. She takes a seat in the green room and is watching Paul and Josh argue. Josh won’t tell Paul where Trejo is. Josh goes and gets Trejo out of the have not room and Christmas hides one of the Orwell’s from Josh in plain site. She is holding one. Every time Paul hits Josh with the Orwell Josh screams. They exchange Trejo and Orwell at the same time like they are 6 years old. Josh tells Christmas and Paul that he made new friends with Orwell and Theodore. He says that he does not need either of them anymore. Paul breaks the hand mixer and Josh looks sad. Josh goes into the rose room and gets in bed. Paul comes in and tries to start tickling him. Christmas is holding the door open and laughing at them messing around.
7:45 PM BBT Paul takes Josh’s vaseline and is applying it to the outside of the rose room door. Josh can’t see him but knows Paul is up to something. Josh gets out of bed and take Trejo again and puts him back in the have not room. Paul comes into the have not room and grabs Trejo from Josh. They continue to horse around with a pillow. Paul grabs a brush and taps Josh with it. Josh grabs the lotion and is warning Paul that he is going to get him with it. Production tells them to stop horsing around. Paul hits Josh with a pillow again and Josh gets him with the lotion. Paul holds lotion over Josh’s clothes and then squirts him with it. Josh marches off into the bathroom to clean himself. Paul got lotion all over the floor in the green room. Josh takes a break to brush his teeth and wash his face. Paul is hiding behind the couch to scare Josh. Josh sees Paul in the mirror and laughs. They go into the rose room. Paul is annoying Josh. Paul tries to get Josh to go play chess. Paul then tries to get Josh to cuddle with him. Production tells them to stop horsing around. Christmas comes in the rose room and jumps on Josh. SAFETY FIRST! NO HORSING AROUND! She is holding Josh and forcing him to cuddle as he screams.
8:00 PM BBT Paul comes over and cuddles the other side of Josh as he screams. They are just pestering him. He says that he should never have woken them up. Josh starts screaming louder! He is not enjoying this cuddle session. Josh leaves the room and goes to the kitchen. Paul says let’s follow him. Christmas chases Josh around the kitchen asking for a hug. Big Brother tells Josh to exchange his mic with one in the storage room and Christmas blocks his path. Paul and Christmas hide outside the storage room door to scare him when he comes out. He runs to the rose bedroom and holds the door closed so they can’t get in. Paul and Christmas go back into the rose bedroom and lay down in bed. Josh looks around for his “pet owl Theodore”. Christmas goes to the bathroom to brush her teeth and Josh looks under her pillow and finds the owl. Josh says he’s claustrophobic and Paul says he didn’t touch his owl.
8:15 PM BBT Christmas comes back from the bathroom and jumps on top of Josh and tickles him. JOSH, PLEASE DO NOT OBSTRUCT YOUR MICROPHONE. Josh says what the heck she just attacked me and broke my foot, I can’t compete tomorrow. Christmas says she’s ready to go back to sleep. Christmas and Paul continue to tease Josh about his behavior today. Paul goes over and leans over Josh in his bed and pokes at him. Josh tells them to leave him alone, he’s cuddling with Theodore. Christmas comes back and jumps on Josh saying I thought you wanted to cuddle. Josh starts screaming again as she touches him. He says she scares him and he feels like a ghost is breathing on his neck.
8:30 PM BBT Christmas finally goes back to her own bed and Josh puts his eye mask on and tries to sleep but Paul keeps teasing him. Everyone starts to finally quiet down and fall asleep.
8:45 PM BBT Josh gets out of bed and Christmas asks if he’s feeling better. Josh dives on the bed and hugs Christmas and Paul. Josh grabs the other stuffed owl from Christmas and goes back to bed so that he has two stuffed owls to cuddle. Christmas says don’t make me regret voting out the wrong person. Josh lays back with his owls and his eye mask on. He says he’s turned into a 12-yr-old kid in this house. Josh asks if anyone has a story and Paul says he boned in a bathroom on Thanksgiving once while his girlfriend’s family was in the dining room. Paul says they probably filmed the jury round table today. Josh says instead of singing kumbaya they’re all singing where did we go wrong? Paul says Kevin is talking about how hard the game was for him. Paul says he can’t believe the arrogance of some of the players in the game thinking they played so well. Josh says Alex did well getting Dominique and Cody out and Paul says Alex didn’t do anything. Paul says Dominique got herself out and Cody went out because Christmas used the ring of replacement.
9:00 PM BBT Everyone is quiet again and laying in their beds silently.
9:15 PM BBT – 10:00 PM BBT All houseguests sleeping.
10:00 PM BBT All houseguests are still sleeping in the rose room. BB asks Josh to exchange his microphone. He doesn’t move and keeps sleeping.
10:15 PM BBT Paul wakes up, takes off his mic, and looks around the room, then turns off the lights, then lays back down and says goodnight. Christmas takes off her shirt, then lays back down.
10:30 PM – 11:30 PM BBT All houseguests are still sleeping in the rose room.
11:30 PM BBT Josh gets out of bed. Paul says something, and it freaks out Josh. Josh leaves the rose room, and Christmas tells him to keep the lights off. Josh looks at a clock at the clock and sees 11:30. He goes back to the rose room asking what time they went to bed. Christmas says 9pm. Josh says that it’s 11:30am. Christmas says that it’s not AM, or else they would’ve woken them up at 10am. Josh asks BB to play them 10 songs. After a while, Christmas asks if the clock said AM or PM. Josh says AM. Christmas says that it’s always been wrong. After a while, Josh goes into the DR to go ask. Paul says that he can’t wait to see his family. Christmas says that she’d like to see inside Josh’s brain for a moment. Josh comes back and says that it’s AM. Christmas says that he’s lying, or else he would’ve been more enthusiastic. After a while, Josh goes to take a shower. Paul talks about the Round 1 HoH comp. He says that he could see over the wall.
11:45 PM BBT Josh asks BB to turn on the hot water in the shower. He says thank you. Paul & Christmas are cuddling in bed. Josh jokingly wonders if Josh is making breakfast right now. Paul says that her & Josh compete in the next comp. Christmas says that her arm is “fucked.” Christmas says that she hopes that it’s something that she doesn’t have to slow down for. Christmas asks what Josh is doing. Paul thinks he’s in the APSR (Apple Room). Christmas goes to check, and asks Paul if he wants anything. He says no. Josh is finishing up in the shower. He goes to the green room to get dressed. Christmas asks Josh how he’s doing. Josh says that he doesn’t know what he’s going to walk out to. Christmas tells him that he’s just overthinking it.

 Live Feed Updates: Friday, September 15th (3)

September 16, 2017

 Live Feed Updates: Friday, September 15th (3)
Trejo and Orwell look beat they haven’t moved in hours. Christmas and Paul all bundled and cuddled up together, Josh wrapped up like a burrito in his blankets.
1:18 PM BBT -1:33 PM BBT BB WAKE UP CALL? We got Fish
1:33 PM BBT – feeds return to show Christmas and Paul still cuddled up, Trejo on the living room couch who still hasn’t moved and Orwell snoozing away himself. Josh is not in any Camera shot.
1:36 PM BBT Christmas tells about a dream she had and Josh begins to join the conversation he was still in the round bed. He suggests they make mimosas and have breakfast together. Josh says come on its afternoon and they say no its not 2 it’s like 11a . Josh heads out “ to go request champagne”. The lights are still out in the bedroom and we get more fish @ 1:39 PM BBT. Josh is back in the room saying he requested for Avocado toast and champagne. Christmas asks is it really 2 o ‘clock he says yea. RISE AND SHINE HG, THE BEDROOM LIGHTS MUST REMAIN ON DURING THE DAY, THERE ARE FRESH BATTERIES IN THE STORAGE ROOM. They say about arms and hands still numb and shot. They are talking about the comp and how long they all lasted. JOSH YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT YOUR DR SESSIONS WITH OTHER HG, TY FOR YOUR COOPERATION. They are still in the dark talking about the comp and conversations they had while the others were in the DR.
1:45 PM BBT Paul wants it to be 2 so he can get up have a good Brew and take over the world together in the house. Josh suggest a week together during the summer besides just world traveling. Christmas suggest a place, Paul asks if it’s cold in the house, josh says yes it’s freezing. They discuss the crazy messages they will get after being here. Josh says he knows he is going to be in shock when he leaves the house. Paul is up getting dressed and headed towards the lights in the house, he turns the bedroom lights on. He heads into the SR to get his battery, they others complain about the light and decide to just get up. Paul grabs a banana and Christmas enters the SR. as Josh enters the SR Paul says imma burst your bubble we have no avocados. Then heads to the WR, Josh tries to help Christmas untangle the mic cord. She takes the Bananas to the kitchen area. Josh is in the Kitchen, Paul heads there and ask For real what time is it? Josh says 1:54 Christmas fills the coffee pot with water to make coffee. The boys try and decided on a breakfast. Christmas says let’s clean the kitchen before we cook please. Paul wants Cereal but Christmas is trying to talk him out of it, he heads to the Rose room to grab shorts and pick at his face.. Josh is dancing in the Kitchen while complaining about cleaning and washing dishes. Christmas tries to help put dishes away but says he hand is F’ed, she tries to move something saving Paul’s diet. and tosses the milk across the Kitchen into the living room. She grabs used towels to clean it up, Paul helps her.
2:00 PM BBT Josh thinks that the house is going to smell like spoiled milk. Josh is wanting to throw away all the junk food. Christmas wants to clean the floor and asks Paul if they have anymore Swiffer pads. He says he’ll go look. Paul can’t find any. Paul comes out with spray cleaner and is spraying the floor. He is trying to help Christmas. Paul asks Josh why did BB say thank you and he said it was because Josh thanked them for a good dinner last night and BB says your welcome. Paul wonders if they are going to get restocked today. Josh is asking for steak. And saying that the fish stinks. Christmas is in the WR working on her face. Paul is eating cereal. Paul says he can’t believe it’s after 2pm. Josh still working on the dishes and asks for some cranberry juice. Josh says that he feels an ant on his penis. Christmas says she can’t believe they got to ride unicorns. Paul wonders who made the coffee and Christmas says she did and she asks if it was bad he says he hasn’t drank any yet. So he is fixing his cup. Josh says he hopes his sister comes so they can go hang out. Christmas rejoins the boys in the kitchen. An ant just bit Josh. And wonders why these ants keep getting in the house. Christmas asks Josh what does he want to make to eat. They are figuring it out.
2:15 PM BBT Christmas is trying to figure out what to fix. Paul says he can’t wait until his Halloween party to hang out. They are discussing the time zone in Raleigh Christmas says it’s 3 hour difference. Christmas asks Josh if he wants eggs and toast. He says yeah but English muffins. Josh asks Paul if BIG PAPA (BB) is going to give them something he hopes for beer. Christmas is cooking eggs. Paul wants to see a video of Josh and Christmas’ date together. Christmas says that he couldn’t handle her. Paul is talking about his friend. Feeds goes to fish for a short minute. Feeds comes back to Josh taking out the trash and Christmas saying that his mother will be so surprised to see the transformation he has made. Christmas hands him his eggs and he asks if it was seasoned and she says no you just asked for scrambled eggs and that was what she gave him. He says thank you. Christmas is missing Fran and Paul is missing Blair. Josh is singing and we have fish for a second. Comes back to Christmas asking Josh about how he was using 2 plates. Christmas offers Josh a bite of her eggs with peanut butter and he made a face. Then they discuss how he needs to try new things.
2:30 PM BBT Christmas is saying that her hand is numb.They are talking about how Alex threw some of the comps. And thinks that her and Jason had a side alliance with Mark. They are discussing how Alex really thought she was staying. They are talking about how Josh is biting his fork while eating and says that they are very annoyed by it. They are talking about how Alex bitched about every little thing. They are talking about how Kevin used a shout out to Tim Mcgraw song in his speech and was bugged by it. Christmas is wondering why everyone was working with Cody except them. BB announces that there’s Champagne in the SR. Josh just ran to go get it and came back and gets out the oj to make mimosas. BB says your welcome. They all shouted thank you. They cheers each other.
2:45 PM BBT They are drinking mimosas and telling stories about the recent comp. Josh thinks that Christmas will get asked to come back and she thinks that if she did she’d have a huge target Josh says he wouldn’t do it unless at least one of them come in with him. Josh says he’d come back just to host a comp but not just to play again. Paul is dumbfounded by how he is this close to the end and that he made it this far. Josh says that the week Alex slumped around he was very depressed. Josh says that he had to prove himself in the game. They are talking about the comp that Ramses was suppose to throw but looked like he wasn’t trying to. They are saying that Jessica was trying so hard to keep Ramses and how she was going to feel fully responsible for him leaving. Josh says that Elena was shocked when Josh won that HOH comp and put her on the block. They are talking about if some of them got to see the goodbye messages.
3:00 PM BBT They are drinking up the rest of the Champagne and they still talking about drinking outside of the house. They are talking about how the 3 of them has always said to the other HG’s not connecting the 3 of them together. And saying how big of an ego Alex had. Paul says that she played way to hard and was saying how she was trying to out right said she was wanting jury votes. Christmas is saying that she had a closer relationship with Alex then she did with Elena or anyone else. Christmas says that Alex has said that she really was petty outside the house. They keep forgetting that they are the only 3 in the house. Paul says hey where’s Kevin and it went quiet then he says JK. They said that Kevin said that he was working with Alex and Jason the whole time. Josh says that Kevin really thought that Josh was really going home but didn’t realize that it was him. Josh tells Paul that he really needs a haircut. And wonders if anyone asks to touch his beard and says yes.
3:15 PM BBT They are talking about how BB woke them up really early to DR. Paul is telling them what might be shown on the next 2 episodes. Josh thinks that he will trip out when he sees his mom. Convo goes to leg hair. Josh wants to go and take a nap now. Josh goes to the fridge and eats the cheesecake. Then dances in the kitchen. Christmas says that the 2 of them are her 2 little pigs. Josh is talking about how his dad use to get him up in the morning by slapping him on the bottom of the foot just to make him mad and get up. Then they talk about what is the first drink they will drink as soon as they get out. Christmas says that she will figure it out. They want BB to give them cards or games to do. Christmas says she needs to get an ice pack and Josh says that he’ll get it. He sings then we get fish for a sec. They come back to Christmas talking about Lindsay. Paul is making fun of Josh about him making the ice pack. He threw the empty ice tray at him and Paul says that Josh is gumpy and they are going back and forth with each other. Josh keeps singing and we get fished again. Christmas says that in all her DR’s she called him her little MEATBALL. Paul says he really hopes that Josh doesn’t hook up with anyone who has watched the show. Josh picks up Paul and says that that 1 bowl of cereal made him fat and heavy. They are all heading to the room to take a nap. Paul wants the salt and vinegar chips the sleep. They walk past the GR and Josh says hi to Kevin and then says that he played himself. Josh is trying to share the bed with all three of them. Christmas says that she needs to put her foot up.Cam 1 is showing Orwell Cam 2 is showing Trejo and Josh is wondering why Paul is starring at him.
3:30 PM BBT HGS are just hanging out in the Rose room chatting about how they are suppose to be healthy for when they get out so they can go out on dates. Josh sings and we have fish again.They come back to Christmas telling Josh that if someone is wanting something from him to dm him. They are talking about when they have freedom. Paul asks Christmas to tickle his back. But she wants her shoulder rubbed later. They are talking about how Josh hasn’t had a girlfriend in 3 years. Josh says he wants to find a good girl. Christmas keeps saying that he should find someone who use to be a stripper but has a good heart and good intentions. Josh says he doesn’t want to date a stripper but has nothing against them. He says that he wants someone with a good heart and goals. He says that he hopes to find her around age 30 but for now that he’s 23 he just wants to date and have fun. He says that he would date someone like Elena but knows that he wouldn’t stay for long. Paul says that he just ate cereal, Champagne and salt and vinegar chips and now he feels like crap.
3:45 PM BBT They are still talking about the type of girls Josh will date. Josh says that he doesn’t know if he is ready for a serious relationship until he gets there. Josh says that he’s been in a relationship since he was like 10-11. Just says that he dated off and on but didn’t have anything that was long. Christmas is just confused why he’d be with someone that he doesn’t want to be serious with. Just to waste his time on it. Christmas says that the girls he goes out with feel hurt but wants to have him tell them where he stands. He says he has been thinking about his ex a lot lately but says that she probably won’t for what he did to her.Josh says that his mind right now is to work and travel. HG’s are feeling tired.
4:00 PM BBT-4:22 PM BBT HG’s are resting in the Rose room. Orwell and Trejo appear to still be undisturbed.
4:22 PM BBT Josh gets up puts on his slippers and heads to the Wr and then comes back through kitchen stopping to look at the memory wall again. He finally heads back to the Rose room and into bed

 Live Feed Updates: Friday, September 15th

September 15, 2017

 Live Feed Updates: Friday, September 15th
4:30 AM BBT Paul claims that he was back stabbed last season more than this season. Lights are out in the Rose rm & Josh & Paul are reflecting on the beginning of the season to know. Paul has the round table on his mind. Josh mentions Kevin & how he must be drained from BB. Josh knows that the jury house is sour & mad at who’s left in the game. The lights are off in the Rose rm & pillow talk has begun between Paul & Josh. Paul eats in the bed with the lights off. Christmas is out of the DR & then production calls Josh to the DR & Josh freaks out saying he’s “gassed out.” Paul instantly lies to Christmas that he & Josh was sleep although they were up talking game. Christmas gets in bed with Paul & asks him if he’s comfortable & Paul responds “yes.” Josh goes to the DR & doesnt waste anytime getting there. Josh wants to be in & out so he can get some sleep because he’s overly excited about seeing his family.
4:45 AM BBT Both Paul & Christmas has fallen asleep. Josh is in the DR.
5:00 AM BBT All the HG are asleep & Josh is still in the DR. Josh is out of the DR and heads to the BR to relieve himself. .
5:15 AM BBT Josh quietly creeps back into the Rose rm & gets in his bed to go to sleep. Josh, Christmas, and Paul are all sleeping as a team in one room, with a one mind alliance in which Christmas thinks so.
5:30 AM BBT – HG Christmas, Paul & Josh are all asleep in the Rose rm.
5:45 AM BBT – 9:45 AM BBT Houseguest are all asleep in the Rose rm.
9:56 AM BBT Christmas is awake and heads to the bathroom, and heads back to bed.
10:00 AM BBT Cameras are back on Treyho and Orwell and sleeping house guests.
10:15 AM BBT HGs still sleeping. Josh is tossing around trying to get comfy.
10:30 AM BBT – 12:31 PM BBT HGs still sleeping.
12:31 PM BBT- Josh gets up and heads to the WR, he stretches in front of the mirror, washes his hands. Picks at his face, walks out looks at the memory wall for a bit, then heads back to bed in the Rose room.

Updates: Thursday, September 14th and Friday, September 15th

September 15, 2017

Updates: Thursday, September 14th and Friday, September 15th

3:23 PM BBT -9:15 BBT Feeds down for Live Show
9:23 PM BBT Kevin’s interview plays. While he is answering questions he says that he was most tightly aligned with Paul and Paul is running the house. He thanks us live feeders and says that he had a great time. He asks us to make sure we watch the finale.
9:30 PM BBT – feeds down for HOH Comp Round 1

Live Feed Updates: Friday, September 15th
12:00 AM BBT Feeds still down for HOH Comp Round 1
12:25AM BBT -The HoH comp is over PAUL WON ROUND 1. They are back in the house waiting for DR, Paul says if it went much longer he would have been out, Christmas says but it didn’t. Paul says congratulations to the others and that he wouldn’t want to be at the end with anyone else. Josh says that he never thought he would make it this far but he knew the others would make it to the end. It looks like Paul won the HoH comp. They all talk about how hard it was, josh asks how they think Elena would have did at this comp and Paul says that no girl would have beat Xmas at this comp. she talks about how hard she works out and has a lot of upper body strength. Xmas talks about her injuries and that is why she is retired from competitions. Josh asks about how he is gonna do cross fit when he gets out of the house and how he dropped early and that the other two told him to stay with it. Josh says that it was the hardest endurance comp this season. Paul talks about last year’s cats endurance comp. Paul talks about how he won and beat out James. Paul is called to the DR and the other two talk about how hard the comp was. Josh says that Saturday will be part 2 and he praises Xmas on hard she tried and broke her foot, healed it and still hung on the wall for over a hour. She says she was proud of herself and that Josh stayed up at least 30 minutes. Josh says that his mom and his aunt will be Xmas biggest fans. They talk about what family members will come to finale night. They talk about how happy they are to be at the end with each other and it would have been awkward to be there with someone else and how they have earned to be there.
12:45AM BBT Xmas says that she didn’t get to play in so many of the comps and this frustrates her. Josh says she would have been different and gunned for it all she says she would have not gone full throttle and put a bigger target on her back. They both agreed that things worked out the way they should have. Josh says that people underestimated her and how smart she was. They wonder what the jury members are thinking, josh says that they don’t know “what the fu*k”. Xmas says that it feels good to see so many black and white photos. Josh mentions some of the past houseguests. Paul comes out of the DR and they pick on him for tears. He says you guys don’t get how surreal this is for him and then we get fish. Paul talks about how he made it to the end with people that he genuinely likes and he is in literally in shock. Xmas says she is always been the outsiders and has never been a cool kid and josh says they were both outsiders. They mention getting some champagne or wine and going to sleep and get a good night’s sleep. Paul says stop talking about it that they said they would give them something. Paul mentions how POP will give them fun stuff to do this week and then the fish come out again. Xmas walking around the house from the rose room to the storage she grabs a makeup bag or toiletries and heads to the bathroom. She asks josh to bring her a chair. She gets ready to take a shower.
1:00AM BBT Xmas got glitter and paint all over her boot she asks BB to give them hot water, she says it’s lukewarm and wonders how she will get in like this with the water in and still having to undress. She hollers at production at having to take a cold shower, she feels like she is a have not. She says she has made it to top 3 and still has to take cold showers. She complains that the paint and glitter is not coming off. In the green room Josh and Paul are talking about Josh has to beat her in the next comp. The guys talk about the goodbye messages and how they have not been nice and really can’t afford to be sitting there with Xmas. Paul wants to know where a sweater is and Xmas says that she gave it to him. You can hear Josh in the kitchen eating. Paul says he is gonna start working out and that he wants to look good when he gets out of the house. Paul asks BB to please give them some hot water and Josh thinks it’s to mentally mess with them. Paul asks for some work out bands that he had and wonders if BB has taken them. Paul says he wants to shower after Xmas.
1:15AM BBT Josh asks Paul if he wants to study and if he thinks that the comp will be days? Paul says he needs to think about safety comps, have nots, on the blocks. Paul asks production for towel since they can’t h clothes and don’t have Kevin any longer. Josh lies on the bed dirty thinking about what Paul has said. Paul told josh he has to win that he is better at memorizing things and faster too. Xmas is out of the shower and is finding something to wear. She complains about her hand being numb and Paul asks how long would you have given Mark on that comp and they all laugh. Josh says he is so tired and Paul say you have to shower and if we are good we get some “boys”. Xmas complains about it being her hand hurting and it’s the nerves. Xmas asks Paul if the HOH room is open, he tells her he’s not gonna try because they are not allowed up there. Josh says he is gonna go nap in the APSR room, he talks into the camera at his family and Paul jumps into the shower. Josh gets quiet and looks to be trying to take a nap until he screams out lyrics to a song and we get fish. Back to him and he’s napping again
1:30AM BBT Paul talks about the HOH and shower but Xmas who is blow drying her hair says she can’t hear him. He says he doesn’t understand why they can’t have the HoH room and how they only have 4 more days in the house. Xmas is called into the diary room, she has to finish her hair but she tells production she will come. Xmas puts on some makeup before doing her DR and Paul is drying off from his shower.
1:45AM BBT Both Xmas and Paul tell Josh to shower so they can DR and then maybe get some sleep. Josh is asking Paul questions about the HoH and the answers to the questions. Josh makes the comment about production bringing Alex back another season and Paul says that they probably will and fish come on. Josh talks about people talking to the camera and in the beginning he thought it was funny but now he thinks it’s like your cell phone now. Josh finally gets into the shower and complains about how cold it is.

2:00AM BBT Paul said being the only vet was extremely uncomfortable they asked me questions about last year Paul said the game is not over yet and I still can lose Paul said I miss my family and my friends and pets and to all my fans from last year and this year thank you i can’t wait until i met you Paul was wondering how his band was Paul is hoping he can win this game Paul said i definitely wanted to show you a different part of my game play Paul said shout out to my BB18 family Paul whispered to Josh where is Christmas Josh please put on your microphone Paul said i can’t wait until to hang out with them the cast outside of the house Paul said it was a great cast Paul said the less stress we make it the better off you will be Paul said i didn’t play the comp Josh said she asked me what the comp was Josh said i do good in the physical Paul said you have 1 competition to beat Paul said i want to check out i had enough
2:15 AM BBT Christmas please go to the DR Christmas said i just left guys Paul said i am sure that i made my parents cry 3 days in a row Paul said i gave them something new that they never imaged it’s cool to do that for them Josh said my mom was an angel Josh said that my dad is very straight Josh said i can’t wait to meet your family Paul said that they are alike me and never let people take an advantage of you Paul please go to the DR josh said that he is tired Christmas asked Josh what he was doing Josh said i kinda want to eat Christmas said i am hungry do you want to put a pizza in
2:30 AM BBT Christmas asked Josh if he ever had a lobster tail before Josh said that he is tired and that he has to do the DR Josh asked do you want to drink Josh said that was fast Josh said that Paul said what Josh said that he has to change Paul asked what are you eating Josh said Potato and Steak Christmas said that she loves butter Christmas said that we are going to be up all night Josh said why did they tell you Christmas said that i have to do something with my hair Christmas please re attach your microphone
2:45 AM BBT Josh please go to the DR Paul said where is my steak Paul said you did a really good job today Christmas is talking about that she has had flash backs Paul and Christmas are talking Christmas said that Alex and Jason were trying to flip the votes that week Christmas said that she felt better after she ate
3:00 AM BBT Christmas said people call you friendship paul said tell them to go and F**k himself Paul said that was such a weird endurance comp Christmas said that she had to slowly get out of her crutches Paul said you’re going to need some body parts Paul said I am so ready to get out of here Christmas said I can’t believe how long my hair is Josh said I can hear you in the DR Paul said that she went into the dr with me Josh said we look like crazy people on the TV YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT YOUR DIARY SESSION Paul please go to the DR Christmas said do not microwave it Christmas said i am going to have to go and see a PT when I get back Christmas said we are totally screwed
3:15 AM BBT Christmas said I will stay awake all night Christmas said you don’t bounce back Christmas said to Josh that there is some coffee left Christmas said I heard something Josh said I will give him credit he did do a lot Josh said That Whistlenut kept his cool Christmas said said I have no idea but his team just walked thru the door Christmas said you shouldn’t have came after us Josh said i am going to go and lay down i am exhausted Christmas said i am going to go and lay down Josh said you could have waited for me Christmas said i am going to see you in less than 30 minutes
3:30 AM BBT Josh said why are you so mean i am tired right now Christmas said huh Josh said it’s freaking cold Christmas said i wish that we had lamps in here it’s going to be pretty overwhelming being outside of this house Christmas said there should be an decompression week josh said i am going to miss you guys Christmas said what are you thinking Josh said i can’t control anything Christmas said you’re going to love my mom she is sassy Christmas said that she is tough Josh said i love the way that you are so that nobody will F**k with you
3:45 AM BBT josh said that me and mark where cool i didn’t speak to Cody and Jessica until day 15 Josh said i was laying in bed next to you Christmas said that she threw the veto Christmas said that she would have know the dates Christmas please go to the DR Paul said we are lucky to be in this position
4:00 AM BBT Paul & Josh are excited about winning all the comps coming up today since Christmas was called to the DR. Paul thinks they should tell Christmas but Paul thinks that Josh is paranoid. Josh is securing his relationship with Paul telling Paul that he is focused & ready to go. Paul is happy Christmas is sitting in the right spot as far as comps so Paul can clip Christmas & go all the way with Josh to the F2. Josh & Paul are in the Rose room tag teaming what they have to do to get to the very end. Josh is prepared to argue with Cody. Josh & Paul are numb to be insulted by the other HG when the questions come their way finale night. Paul & Josh find it so funny how many fights they got into and then productions announces “you not allowed to talk about production.” Josh says he gonna miss hearing production call him out. Paul & Josh are laughing about clowning all the HG since day one. Everytime production calls Josh out for talking about his DR’s he gets excited because Josh knows it’s the end of the game & Josh is feeling really emotional and so is Paul discussing the evicted HG with major laughs.
4:15 AM BBT Josh tells Paul he looks like Jesus & laughs. Paul tells Josh to turn the lights & Josh tells him no he’s tired & turn the light off. Paul mentions Elena & she how he thinks that she drove her 500k into the wall. Josh & Paul is laughing at how Elena messed her game up in BB less than six days. Paul calls Elena pretty. Paul is wondering if Christmas came out of DR. Josh is emotional spent on BB & talking game. Josh wants to go to sleep but Paul keeps riding Josh’s coat tail about being ready for the next comp. Josh & Paul is whispering about Christmas and where she might be in her opinion about them in the game. Although Josh & Paul is talking strategy, Josh says “all I can think about is my family.” Josh asks Paul “why do you keeping zoning out,” Paul responds he’s “checked out.” Josh keeps saying in spanish & english to Paul please turn off the lights. Paul wonders if jury round table has happened today. Josh laughs at who is in jury due to blindsides. Paul laughs to & says he doesn’t care about them fools.

 Final HOH Stats Update! 

September 15, 2017

 Final HOH Stats Update! 
🔹Paul Wins Part 1 & Advances To Part 3!
🔹Xmas & Josh Will Now Compete In Part 2!

 Paul needs Josh to win Part 2 bc then he'll have a guarantee spot in Final 2 bc Josh will pull him up

September 15, 2017

 Paul needs Josh to win Part 2 bc then he'll have a guarantee spot in Final 2 bc Josh will pull him up!(That's not a guarantee) 
Paul tells the cam he won Part 1 "9 comp wins, 0 times on the block, fucking friendship" 
Paul tells josh that they have the best shot if they sit next to each other. Josh says you don't have to tell him that
Paul & Josh discussing that Christmas would probably beat them if they were next to her in F2! 
Paul telling Josh that he has to beat Christmas in part 2. Josh thinks he can beat her bc she takes time to think(mental comp)!
Final 3 competed in Part 1 in the the Final HOH Paul won!

Tonight's Show!

September 15, 2017

Tonight's Show!
Julie tells us four HGs remain, only three make it to finale night and one HGs will be sent packing tonight. Welcome to Big Brother!
Previously, on Big Brother, with only five HGs remaining everyone thought they were aligned with Paul. But Josh was having his doubts. After Josh got power, he contemplated a big move, but ultimately stayed true to his allies Paul and Christmas. After Weiner Woman, The Meatball, Potty mouth, and Merman clashed for the veto, the fa-la-la lunatic announced the heroic winner.

Alex felt confident in her alliance with Paul, but he instead gave her some heart breaking news.

At the veto meeting Paul followed through with his betrayal of Alex. At the live eviction, Paul threw Alex a sympathy vote but it was still game over for the gamer. With the HoH on the line Paul punched his ticket to the final three.

Tonight, the final four go to battle for most important veto of the summer. Things get Arkansassy in the jury house and another HGs dream of a half-million dollars will come to an end. All this live on Big Brother.

Tonight, after weeks of manipulating and blindsiding his housemates, Paul will make the final nominations of the season. Then, they battle it out for the final power of veto and the winner will have the opportunity to change the final nominations live and in the process will determine who will cast the sole vote to evict. So who will be headed to jury and who will join Paul in the final three? We'll find out tonight live. #Butfirst, one last nomination ceremony and one last HG being played.

We see the nomination ceremony where Paul is nominating two HGs for eviction. His first nominee is Josh. The next HG he has nominated is Kevin. He has nominated Josh and Kevin. He says the choices for nomination were pretty slim. The importance lies in the veto competition, and with that he wishes them all the best of luck. Kevin says thank you.

Paul says this HoH isn't so much about the nominations, it's really more so about the veto. Kevin is definitely his target this week. If Josh, Christmas, or him wins, Kevin is going home. He can't really blame Paul for that because whoever votes him out, it isn't going to be him.

Josh tells us the goal is simple, to win veto and take himself off the block and send Kevin to jury and from there, it's anybody's game. Kevin tells us this is his fourth straight time on the block in seven days. He feels like one of the new kids, but that's him and Paul are like this and he crosses his finger. They had a bond from day one and he gave Paul his word and Paul gave Kevin his word and he wants to take himself off the block so he hopes he wins veto.

Paul and Josh are playing chess and Christmas is watching and Paul tells Josh he put him up so he wouldn't have to make the decision. Christmas tells us this is the most important veto of the game. If Kevin wins and take himself off the block, then she's the only option to go up and Kevin gets to make the decision on who goes home, Christmas or Josh. This could absolutely ruin everything they worked so hard for.

Up next, we visit the jury house, Matt and Jason join the jury and Jason learns the truth about his blind side. Plus, the final veto is up for grabs and the winner decides who will cast the sole vote to evict.

As the jury grows, things get tense as true feelings about each other and the game are revealed.

Mark says it's one big happy family in the jury house. Cody enjoys his alone time and him and Elena get to spend time together.

We see a car pull up and Matt gets out as Elena and Mark are discussing who will be next. Matt walks in and Cody gives us the stare and says he just thinks Matt is a piece of bleep.

Matt tells us his eviction didn't come as a surprise to him. They watch the video of the HoH. Elena asks if he tried to campaign and Matt said he didn't say a word. Mark asks Matt what was the actual agenda and Matt says backdoor Kevin. Mark asks why would you backdoor Kevin? He hasn't won anything. Mark asks who Matt thinks is running the house. Matt says from a social standpoint and strategic standpoint Paul is absolutely running house, but from a competitive standpoint, Jason and Alex are running things.

Mark asks Cody if he wants to contribute and Cody says he doesn't want to get involved in it. Matt says you're on the show guy and Cody says they're just trying to start something and he leaves. [Not sure if Cody meant BB or the other jurors.]

Elena asks Matt who he thinks is joining them and he thinks Jason will be joining them. We see Jason get out of the car as Mark is saying he doesn't want to see Jason or Alex in the house because they are competing. Jason comes in and Mark says cowboy and gives him a hug. Jason says this is going to be brutal to watch.

Jason says they clearly planned it and he thinks Paul was the ring leader. Mark says Christmas wins this? Mark rolls his eyes and Cody gives the stare. Jason says Kevin was supposed to be on the block.

Elena says so you're still thinking there's a chance Kevin is going to be backdoored even though Christmas was very direct about her nomination speech to him? Cody is just staring at nothing.

Jason says he thought that she was trying to keep Kevin in the dark. We see the veto ceremony. Elena says so eviction night, you think votes are stacked. Jason says he thought the vote would be 4-0. Elena says to send Kevin out? Jason says yeah. Jason says yeah, play dumb Alex. Jason says he thought he could trust Alex, she knew it was coming and now he doesn't want her to win. Jason says nothing goes on in that house that those two don't know about. Jason exits to the studio and Cody remarks he liked Jason's exit and smiles. Jason says he should have walked across the damned table.

Julie tells up next Jason learns the truth when Raven and Alex join the jury. Then the most powerful veto of the summer is up for grabs. Who will join Paul in the Final Three?

Elena asks Jason who he thinks the next HGs joining them will be. Jason says Alex and Paul will be competing pretty hard so Kevin or Raven has a good chance of walking through the door. Matt tells us he does not want to see Raven or Paul.

Raven comes in. Raven tells us going out second in the double eviction wasn't fun. She was more hurt because she thought Christmas and Josh had her back and wanted to be final four, but she guesses not.

They watch the video. Raven says she really wanted to win HoH because she knew she was going on the block. They see the clip of the HoH and Alex saying that's for you Jason and he looks dumbfounded. Mark says she didn't know. Jason asks Raven who voted him out, did Paul and Alex know about it. Raven says Alex had no idea and she was blindsided, but everyone but Kevin knew and Alex was loyal to Jason from the get-go. Raven says she was so upset when Jason left and he didn't give her a hug. He feels ridiculous now thinking she had anything to do with it. He was honestly just sure she would have had to be in on it because she's so smart at the game.

Jason tells us he got a big lump in his throat because he was pretty hard on Alex when he got evicted. Elena asks if Alex ever found out about the plan and Raven says she has no idea.

They watch the clip of Alex making her nominations and Jason yells put Paul up. Raven says she wants Paul to go to the end and Cody looks dumbfounded and has a smile on his face. Jason asks why she wants Paul to go to the end and Raven says she's been working with Paul the entire time.

Elena says everyone has been working with Paul the entire time. Raven says her, Matt, and Paul had an alliance and Mark says we had the same alliance. Raven says we knew about all the alliances, but the one Paul cared about was me and Matt.

Jason asks then why are you two sitting her then? Raven says they said Alex was a puppet master, but they figured it was Raven and Paul. Jason's eyes are huge and Elena laughs. Raven says maybe not Paul, but I was pulling some strings and knew what was going on. Elena laughs some more and says this is hilarious.

Elena asks Jason who he thinks will join them next and Jason says hopefully not Alex. He tells us he's still confused about the whole thing. On one hand if he doesn't see her then she's still in the game and if she does come to the house then he'll know she had nothing to do with his blindside. Elena says Alex was the last HoH and she can't compete and if Paul is being true to Paul she's sure he'll make a shot at the last alliance member.

Alex comes in in her super-hero costume. They watch the video. Raven asks why she's wearing the costume and Alex says they missed out on BB comics week. Alex says they wanted Josh to win to take that shot. Mark says he is going to get second place. Mark says there wasn't a puppet master? Alex he literally told Paul he was her one shot at the game and he didn't care. He pulled her into a room and said if he brings her to the Final Two then he'll lose. Alex apologizes to Jason and he says it's not her fault. Jason tells us he found out Alex wasn't a part of his blindside.

Jason tells Alex he can't vote for that idiot and she says it's the game. Raven agrees. Jason tells Alex just so you know these two (Raven and Matt) claim to be the puppet masters. Alex says it seems they've been having fun without her. Jason says we'd be having fun if it wasn't for those two.

Raven wants to know what they did to Jason in the game. Jason laughs. Raven says we were in our little world and Jason agrees and Raven says ignoring your ass. So what did we do to you in the game? Mark says he's never heard someone say they were a puppet master and won nothing. Raven asks what Mark won besides throwing condiments on Josh. Mark says two vetoes and two safeties. Raven says he's here because all he wanted to do was fight in the house. Mark says all her and Matt did was play house. Raven says she played a great social game. Jason is laughing and Raven says why are you such a bleep, that's probably your middle name. Mark says Raven contributed nothing to the game and she says she helped Paul pull strings and Mark says everybody did. Cody says I didn't. Everyone laughs.

Up next, it's the final most crucial veto competition of the summer.

It's time to find out who will win the final veto. Hello HG, my name is Artie, the artificial intelligence that runs the Big Brother time machines. Statistically speaking, you only had a 23.5% chance of being here today. Congratulations. This competition will be played over several rounds.

In each round, I will give you an event that occurred in the Big Brother house. Utilizing the two time dials, it is your job to figure out what day the event happened. Rotate the silver dial to make the digits change by 10 days and the gold dial to make digits change by 1 day. Once you think you have the day, hit your launch button to see if you're correct. If you are incorrect, you must try again. The last player to answer incorrectly in each round will have power drained from their time machine. Finish last in three rounds, you will lose all of your power making your time machine inoperable eliminating you from the competition. The last player remaining in the game will earn the golden power of veto. So who is ready to play Back to the Veto.

Josh tells us Kevin cannot win this veto because if he does it basically seals his or Christmas's fate in the game and they are screwed. He hasn't played all season and it's about damned time they ship him to jury. Paul says he's already HoH so he's secure in the final three, but if he wins this veto he can keep nominations the same which would force Christmas to be the deciding vote to send Kevin out of the game and he doesn't have to get any blood on his hands. Kevin says Josh is a good kid, he played a different style of game and he thinks it's time for him to go. Christmas says this week is all about the veto and if Kevin wins then she goes up and her or Josh go home. There is no way they are going to let Kevin take this.

It is time for the first time jump.

Round 1: On what day did Jason receive his eX-tremitard.

Josh says he can't forget his man Jason being in the eXtremitard on day 53. Josh and Paul lock in quickly. Christmas struggles and is last and loses power. Two more miscalculations and she is out of the competition.

Round 2: On what day did Cameron appear on the memory wall in Inked and Evicted.

Kevin buzzes in wrong and he doesn't' remember Cameron being on the wall. Josh is first and is correct with Paul right behind. Christmas finally gets to day 36 and Kevin loses power. Two more miscalculations and he will be eliminated. Paul says boom! Kevin loses a round and Christmas is back in the game. They can't afford for Kevin to win this veto.

Round 3: On what day was the halting hex used?

Christmas is first, then Paul, then Josh. Kevin is last and he tells us he's in big trouble. He wants to win the veto but he trusts Paul, he's his partner, they'll see what happens. One more miscalculation and Kevin is out of the competition. Josh says come on Kevin one more screw-up and you are out of the game.

Round 4: On what day did Raven win a Never-Not pass.

Kevin remembers being the merman. Kevin is last and is out of the competition. Kevin tells us he doesn't want Josh to win the veto because he'll take himself off, he needs Paul to win. Josh tells us Kevin is out of the competition. Deuces buddy, you played yourself. Now all he has to do is win the veto and secure his spot in top 3.

Paul says Kevin is out but he still has work to do. He needs to secure the veto to keep nominations the same.

Round 5: On what day did Mark win his first veto?

Josh is first and then Paul. Christmas finished last and she lost power for a second time. One more miscalculation and she'll be out.

Round 6: On what day did they watch The Revengers trailer?

Paul thought he knew it because it was veto competition and he gets it wrong twice. Josh rings in first and Paul gets it second. Christmas is now eliminated from the game.

Josh and Paul are left and Kevin says Josh winning is the worst case scenario.

Round 7: On what day did they get zinged by Zingbot?

Paul is first and Josh loses power. Paul says he needs to push through and finish the rest of the game.

Round 8: On what day did Jillian appear as The Timeshare Tyrant in BB Comics?

Paul is first and Josh loses a second time. One more miscalculation and he'll be out. Josh tells us this sucks, he trusts his allies but when you're on the block you win the veto and get yourself off the block.

Round 9: On what day was the first unanimous eviction?

Paul just barely beats Josh. Paul has won the final veto of the summer. He controls the whole week and he gets to pave the path to the end of the game and hopefully straight to the final two children.

Kevin feels comfortable staying on the block even if Paul leaves the nominations the same.

We see Paul and Kevin talking and he's asking Paul if everything is OK, if it's still them in the Final Three with her. Paul says yeah.

Paul tells us he's telling Kevin what he wants to hear so he can lock up the jury vote.

Kevin tells him if he goes and it's Paul and Christmas in the Final Two, then he will vote for Christmas.

Paul tells us he's the veto holder this week and he has to think of all his options because he lost by one jury vote and he does not want to make the same mistake twice.

Kevin tells Paul once he gets Christmas he's going to win easily. The live veto meeting and eviction is next.

It's time for them to tell Paul why he should use veto.

Josh is first and says, Congratulations. He stayed true to his morals and his word and his loyalty, he'd like Paul to use but if not he respects that.

Kevin says he knows it's a burden and he'll respect the decision he makes on whether to use the veto or not and he's had a great time with them.

Julie tells Paul he can use the veto or not and he can stand and give the decision. Paul says they've all had to face extremely difficult decisions this season and he chooses not to use the power of veto.

Julie says the nominations are the same and finale night is less than a week away.

Julie gives them each a final chance to address Christmas before she casts the sole vote to evict.

Josh is first and he gives all glory to God for this blessing. He thanks his family and CBS. He says he's been a man of his word, he's played his heart out, and had to make big moves he hopes she respects his game play.

Kevin says he's been on the block so much he feels like one of the New Kids. He says he's had a great time he'll respect her decision whatever it is and he tells them to listen to Tim McGraw's Humble and Kind when they get out.

Julie reminds them the evicted HGs only has a moment to say their goodbyes and leave.

Julie tells Christmas it's time for her to cast her vote and to stand and face the nominees.

Christmas: This is a difficult decision because I've been close to both of them. Kevin is her house husband and Josh is her meatball. She says this isn't a personal, this is a game decision they both had different strategies and they aren't comparable. She has to think what the game is and it's a combination of social, competition, and strategy and she thinks the top three should have shared the burden of having to send someone home. She evicts Kevin.

Kevin hugs and kisses them all and tells them all good luck and have a good time and enjoy themselves. He says no animosity.

Kevin gets a huge round of applause. Julie says he's the sharpest dresser they've ever had. She says he came into the game only to get evicted on the final episode before finale. She asks if he's surprised and he says no.

Kevin says you have to win a few competitions and he won nothing. Julie asks who he was most loyal to in the game. Kevin says Paul. Julie says Paul was your guy and Kevin says yes. Julie says are you surprised Paul didn't use the veto and Kevin says no he understands Paul was trying to do the best for his game. He says he gets along with most of the HGs and he didn't think Paul wanted go to Final Two with him.

Julie shows the goodbye messages. Paul says if he's seeing this then he was right and Christmas went rogue. He says he has to fight this one out on his own. He can't to wait to walk the Mission Hills streets with him and find out how to become a true badass.

Christmas thanks him for all his efforts and making it more cozy and comfortable. She hopes he understands why what happened happened.

Josh says Kevin, he's been aligned with Christmas and Paul and their goal was to get to final three. He's so sorry, Kevin was the last target and after all the madness in the house just tell his family he's still coming over for Thanksgiving and they better save him a plate.

Julie asks what he thinks of what he just heard. Kevin says it's fine, it's how the game's played and they were always together and talking and he knew something was going on. He wasn't going to come out and cause a scene, well he did once.

🔹Kevin becomes the 8th Juror!

September 15, 2017

 🔹Kevin becomes the 8th Juror!

Game Stats & Jury Update! 

September 15, 2017

 Day 85-86)Game Stats & Jury Update! 
🔹Paul didn't use the VETO
🔹Xmas VTE Kevin(1-0)
🔹Kevin becomes the 8th Juror!

 Paul nominated josh and Kevin & has the PoV did not use it

September 15, 2017

 Paul nominated josh and Kevin & has the PoV did not use it, leaving Christmas to cast the sole vote to evict; she voted to evict Kevin.
The BB19 Final Three are: Christmas, Josh & Paul.

Here we go Folks the final 4 eviction episode.

September 15, 2017

Here we go Folks the final 4 eviction episode. Tomorrow is a special Friday episode where we’ll find out who wins the first of three part final HOH. Following that is the much awaited Season finale on the 20th. We’ll keep updating but with just 3 people in the house don’t expect some major game to go down.

Results from the show!

Paul nominates Josh and Kevin

Jury house.. Matt joins them and he’s a complete douche. Gets mad at Cody for not Participating in the show. (which is funny because matt didn’t participate all season)

Jason thinks Paul and Alex were in on his eviction.

Raven joins the Jury house.. Tells Jason that Alex didn’t know he was getting voted out. Says Paul, Shitmas, Her and JOsh knew. Raven says Alex has no idea that Paul was in on it.

Raven says she’s been working with Paul the entire time.
Raven says her and Paul were the puppet masters. then says maybe not Paul maybe Raven was the puppet master.
Raven – I was pulling some strings
Elena starts to laugh “this is hilarious”

Alex joins them. The Jury gets in a fight because Raven and Matt think they are the puppet master.. Everyone is laughing at Raven as she defends her “puppet master”

Raven says everyone was working with paul doing what he wants
Cody jumps in says he wasn’t

VEto is played. Paul wins it.

Paul doesn’t use the veto. Xmas evicts Kevin.

Kevin says he was the most loyal to Paul. (BOO)

Paul wins the final POV!

September 15, 2017

Paul wins the final POV!

What day was the 1st unanimous vote for eviction? Day 30. Paul locks in first and wins the Power of Veto!

What day did Jillian appear in BB Comics? Day 81. Josh is last again 
What day did they get zinged by zingbot? Day 60. Josh is last

What day did they watch the BB Revengers Trailer? Day 79. Christmas is out

What day did Mark win his first veto? Day 46. Christmas was last. One more and she's out

When did Raven win the Never Not pass? Day 10. Kevin is last again. He is out of the competition

What day was the Halting Hex used? Day 44. Kevin was last again. One more and he's out

What was the first day that Cameron appeared on the memory wall in "Inked and evicted" - Day 36. Kevin is last

First question is: What day did Jason get his extremitard? Answer is 53. Christmas answered last

The veto comp is the days comp - they have to use the dials to answer questions about specific days that things happened

Evan continues to think she pulled strings with Paul, Mark tells her they all helped him pull strings! Cody is quick to say he didn't!

Mark & Jason both expressed that Paul would get second place again & that he wouldn't get the votes!

Alex joins jury!

Raven joins jury! she let Jason know Alex had no part in his eviction!

Paul told josh he nominated him so he doesn't have to make another decision(noms stay the same Christmas casts the sole VTE!)

Moment Paul nominated Josh & Kevin for Eviction

Finally we get to see some jury action tonight!

"Four Houseguests left in the game but three make it to Finale night. Which means one HG will sent packing tonight"

Live Feed Updates: Thursday, September 14th (2)

September 14, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Thursday, September 14th (2)
1:20 PM BBT Lockdown over HG start to pack up their belongings. HN room Kevin is packing up his suitcase in case he is evicted tonight. Kitchen Josh is doing dishes. Josh ask Paul if he can request something from BB and Paul says NO. Josh says then don’t talk to me. Paul dumps stuff in sink while Josh is washing dishes and Josh comes unglued to him and says Why did you dump that while I am washing dishes? Paul is going through the Fridge and throwing everything away. Josh says How about closing fridge and reopen it when you need to. Paul tells Josh he is not cutting his hair today. Josh says Why? That is not friendship. Paul says remember the last time you did this. Josh just keeps saying NOPE NOPE … Kevin comes into kitchen and said he is packing up and josh says he has to pack up too. Josh then starts to scream he found and ant again. Josh says go ask for the clipper. Paul says I did not hear one single please this whole time. You played yourself again Paul says.
1:30 PM BBT RR Christmas is cleaning up for show. Kitchen Paul says he is not cutting your hair, you played yourself. Josh Why do you have to be so mean to Paul. Kevin saying he used to hear them say those things to each other and get so mad at them. Paul says you saying mean thing to mean and JOsh says what did I say? Josh says he is hungry. Josh trying to be nice to Paul to get his hair cut. Josh said not again another ant crawling on me again mother f***er. Kevin says he needs to get his hair cut (Josh) Josh asks Kevin if he will cut it. Kevin said yes he would. Josh says to Paul Why so ferrious. Paul tells Josh he does not now how to clean dishes all of the dishes are still dirty. Josh throws a glass and brakes it. They are both cursing and Josh sys why do we curse so much. Paul says you curse all the time to Josh. RR Christmas yells out to kitchen I heard that. Christmas goes out to kitchen and pops Josh with crutch for calling her cocowash BB says SAFETY FIRST NO WRESTLING AROUND. Paul and Josh wrestling around sink. Josh says he is over washing dishes. Paul calls Josh potty mouth and Josh says cut it out over and over. Christmas yells from RR to stop. Josh says everyone is ganging up on him so he is going to go and put his head in toilet. Paul says go do it then. The funny thing is YOu think you’re getting your hair cut to today to Josh. Josh says sorry America you will see me with a fresh haircut because my friend will not give me a haircut. Kevin helps dry off dishes and put them away.
1:45 PM BBT Kitchen no talking just doing dishes. Christmas in RR doing her hair. Christmas yells out to Josh that his stuff is here under the sink in RR. Kevin says to Paul that the SR is locked he tried to go in and get garbage bags but it is locked. Josh asks Kevin if he can request the clippers please. BB Attentions guest the SR is temporarily unavailable. BB the SR is now available. BB My Bad. Josh says that is a cool one. SR Kevin and Paul talking and Kevin says he is 4 or 5 votes in Jury . Don’t give it Josh I have your back. Don’t fall on it this time. Paul says thank you for that. Kevin says don’t let me leave here tonight. Paul says leave your shirt open just for me. Paul says just in case. Kevin says it on top of your stuff. Kevin goes back in to get garbage bags he forgot to get.
2:00 PM BBT Xmas is in the bathroom doing her makeup. Josh and Kevin are in the kitchen Josh is washing the dishes. Josh asked if today veto ceremony was going to be live. Kevin is sitting in the money room in a chair, and Paul is walking around. Kevin said he thinks he is going to go with the tie clip tonight. Paul is talking to Kevin about his game last year. Kevin is asking who was fourth. Paul said if Corey went to the end, he would have won. He said he is like a quiet Jason. Nobody disliked him and nobody had one bad thing to say about him. Paul is talking about his comp wins..(Corey). Paul said he is hanging out in Texas, and wants to do modeling. Paul said him and Nicole didn’t work out. Paul is saying that Corey wanted to be a baseball player, but he hurt his shoulder. Kevin asked how old he was he said 26 or 27 somewhere around there. Kevin said he is just a kid. Paul is talking about how James sent Corey out. Paul said at least with Nicole he took a chance , he didn’t think jury liked her. He thought his odds were better than taking James. Kevin says similar to me. Paul said he didn’t watch the show back. Paul says he doesn’t care that was last season and he is over it , he lost. No reason to cry over spilled milk. Paul says it was 99 days. Paul says at finale it will be 191 days in the bb house. Xmas is still doing her makeup in the bathroom, Kevin is sitting in the money room and Josh is washing dishes. Josh asked Paul to go and request hair clippers. Paul put in the request but is explaining to Josh why they probably won’t get them . Kevin is going in the kitchen to put the dishes away. Paul is getting something to drink in the fridge. Paul asked what Xmas joy is up too. Kevin asked Josh how he is doing. Kevin is asking Paul if he wants Captain Crunch. Kevin and Josh are talking about the expiration on the milk. Paul is in the money room working his legs out. Kevin thinks he doesn’t have cereal. Paul, Kevin and Josh are back in the kitchen. Paul is talking about how they might lock them up again.
2:15 PM BBT Paul says there will probably be a lockdown in an hour and half or two hours. Paul asked Xmas if she had tweezers. Kevin said he had one for Paul to use. Kevin is whispering to Paul that Xmas will win. He is going over chances with Paul. Paul says you got me all fucked up now, and if that happens you have to talk to me. Kevin is eating a bowl of cereal. Paul and Xmas are in the bathroom area. Paul asked Xmas if she was OK. She said yes, I am just bored. Paul asked her if she was ready. Xmas whispers..See ya later. She said her brain feels like it is melting. Xmas is brushing her teeth. Josh and Kevin are talking about Josh’s sunglasses. Josh said he is going to go pack. Kevin said if you need anything to iron put it by the board and he will iron it. Josh says thank you. Paul leaves the bathroom area. Paul handed Kevin back his tweezers. Kevin is telling Xmas she is a tough girl and she did it. Paul is sitting on Alex’s old bed. Kevin is sitting on his bed. Paul says I don’t know how you stayed on the bed. Kevin is talking about how he just chilled. Xmas is in the kitchen, Josh is packing. Paul said they are going to give him his suit case probably tomorrow. Kevin and Josh are talking about Josh’s underwear, Josh said they sent him a lot of them in the house. Kevin asked what size and Josh replied Xl. Kevin starts humming and feeds go down. Feeds are right back up. Kevin is talking about his belts. Xmas said they won’t let her in to get her suitcase. Paul says really? Production just said the storage room is temporary unavailable. Paul says why. Xmas says she organized her stuff yesterday. Kevin is talking about his sweater he got at a thrift store for 1.98. Xmas is laying on Jason’s old bed. Production said the storage room is not open. Kevin is ironing. All four house guests are in the bedroom. Paul told Josh let’s do chess when you are done packing.
2:30 PM BBT Xmas and Kevin are talking about clothing. Xmas is talking about her leather jacket. Xmas is talking about how she played by herself when she was a kid. She said a teacher complained about it. Xmas says Josh has two times the clothes she has. Josh said it is depressing packing and he feels like he could cry. Josh, Paul and Xmas are talking about Cameron. Josh said Cameron got fucked. They are talking about how it would be if Cameron came back. Paul is talking about the comp. Josh said it would have saved a lot of headaches if Cameron came back and not Cody. Xmas says you never know what Cameron could have been like. Xmas asked if it is weird that she really wants to wear the tu tu tonight. Paul said do it. Kevin is talking about his outfit. Paul says something just bit his nuts. He said a ant bite my nuts. Paul told Josh to just put it all in your bag, they are going to go through it anyways. Paul is talking about how he got his bag from Ross. Timberline. Paul is talking about how American Airlines damaged his bag. Josh said he is packing a bunch of swim trunks. Paul said you didn’t wear any of them. Xmas is in the rose bedroom packing her bags. Paul asked Josh if he wears bandanas in real life. Josh said no, he wears hats. Kevin said let me give you advice and tells Josh to cut down on hats, because he won’t have hair when he older. You need your head to breathe. Kevin stepped out of the room for a second and Josh asked Paul why he feels so wierd. Kevin said i guess i will take a shower. Paul said you might as well before we get locked up. Paul asked what is that noise. Kevin said that is all night long. Paul says wtf is that? Josh said it is Xmas with something, probably a floatie. Kevin is talking about how he had a great time. He said if you ask the question , would I do it again. He said no. Kevin is talking about throw life isn’t how it was in the 60 to and 80’s. He said you talk shit to someone in a bar, it;s not over. You need to carry a weapon with you.
2:45 PM BBT Kevin told Paul and Josh they are groovy. Feeds go down. 2:45 and right back up. Kevin is getting something out of his bag and says I will show you the fancy tie clip I am going to sport tonight. Kevin is showing Paul his cuff links and tie clips. Kevin asked what is going to happen next Thursday. Paul said it is going to be our cast party. Paul said once they are done there, he will take who ever wants to go with him, he will take them to his bar he likes, it is a 70’s bar. They play 70’s music. Josh is talking about Jason, and Paul says Jason has a wife and little kids. Josh said he needs to shower. Kevin asked do you want me to go shower now? Josh says no. Paul is talking about where the bar is, he says it is tucked away. Kevin asks Josh if he is ok, Josh says yes, I just hate packing. Paul asked Kevin if he had a black shirt, he said he did but they took it. Paul says after this he is going to splurge on himself and get a Gucci suit. Kevin says I can’t say to you and be honest that I am going to miss this corner. Xmas is all packed. Josh says you are already packed? Xmas put her bag in the storage room. Kevin asked Paul if he would trim his neck before he showers. Paul asked Xmas if the clippers were in there. Xmas is going to check. Xmas bring the clippers. Josh says yes, we got the clippers. Paul asks who gets cut. Kevin said he doesn’t think he needs it. Josh says he wants to wear all black. Paul is asking Josh what jeans he has that are not baggy. Josh is talking about how he had to go get clothes, he couldn’t take his clothes. Josh is talking about going shopping when they get out of the house. Paul said there is a place by his barber shop they can go. Xmas is back in the bedroom with them. She is laying on Jason’s old bed. Kevin is sitting on his bed, and Paul is laying on Alex’s old bed. Josh is still packing his suitcase. Paul is talking about the shops that are in the mall. Kevin is talking about how he wanted to move there, and he looked into a high school. Paul is asking him where. Kevin is telling him how to get there and he is talking about a mall he went to. Kevin said she wanted to work at a hospital near it.
3:00 PM BBT Paul and Xmas are talking about when she gets to take her boot off. Xmas says she can’t take it off until Oct. 15th and then she will get some old man shoe. She said her doctor said this is the worse break you can have, it is like a bomb going off in your foot. Josh is trying to shut his suitcase and Paul tells him to move and Paul sits on it. Xmas is talking about how when they travel, Josh is going to pack everything. Xmas said she is going to go through his bag before they travel, so they don’t have to go through this every time. Josh sits on his suitcase and starts rolling on it. Xmas said you are going to break the wheels. Xmas is talking about how she is digging her outfit. She said she is ready for more music. Xmas is reminding Josh to get his shoes from the corner. Josh says I need to shower. Josh said packing makes me sad. Paul said you are going to have pack anyways. Paul is asking Josh why he brought so many shoes. Paul says he only brought 2 pairs. Kevin asked Josh if he wants him to shower now, and Josh says yes. Paul says he will come clean his neck. Xmas asked if he is going to trim the sides, and Kevin says no I am going to comb it. Xmas asked Paul what he is going to do with his. Kevin is looking for his towel. Josh asked who wants a cliff bar, Paul said he will have a bite. He handed one to Xmas and Paul. Paul and Xmas said they can’t eat a whole one, Xmas says they are so filling. Xmas is reading out loud the ingredients. Josh asked why I feel sad? Paul says what is wrong with you fool. Josh said I am just sad. Paul says we are leaving dude. Josh says don’t say that. Kevin is in the bathroom area. Xmas is shocked on the amount of carbs. Xmas says it has more sugar than a kit kat. Kevin is in the shower. Josh said he is done packing. Paul says all your shoes are out. Xmas is pointing out what Josh has out. Xmas says she is sorry for being mean to Josh, it is how she copes. She says she knows she has been kinda mean today. Paul is telling Josh he could have brought less clothes and asked if he is cutting his hair or not. Josh said yes. Paul said he is going to go trim his neck. He tells Josh to bring the chair and clippers and they say bye to Xmas and leave the room. Kevin is in the shower and Paul shaved his neck. Josh is in the bathroom area too. Kevin and Josh are singing. Paul is in the bathroom. Kevin says no matter what happens stay classy stay cool. Paul is washing his hands. Josh is talking about how he has been going to the bathroom with his microphone on. Paul said he isn’t going to wait around for homeboy to shit, Paul said it is chilly in here. Paul is in the bathroom area waiting for Josh to get out of the restroom. Kevin and Paul are talking about the hot water upstairs.
3:15 PM BBT Paul says he wonders what he is going to wear today. Josh comes out and Paul asked if he sprayed it. Xmas is whispering to the cameras about the game. She is talking about how out of the four of them Kevin has not won anything. Josh comes in and Xmas stops talking. She said she was doing her speech. Josh is talking about his speech. Xmas told him to put a bullet point in your head and fill in. Xmas is telling him it is a good time to highlight what you have done in the game. Xmas said he won’t compare. Xmas is giving Josh a pep talk about what he has done in this game. Production calls Josh out for microphone. Xmas is whispering her speech. Josh, Paul and Kevin are back in the bathroom Kevin just got out of the shower, and Paul is cutting Josh’s hair. Kevin is blow drying his hair. 3:23 PM BBT Feeds are out till after live show.

3:23 PM BBT – Feeds down till after Live show tonight Have a great afternoon!

 Paul is the new HoH!

September 14, 2017

 Paul is the new HoH!
A week from tonight, the finale of Big Brother 19 airs at 8/7c!
24 hours from now is the next live eviction episode!

 Paul “My plan is to take Josh all the way to the end.” 

September 14, 2017

 Paul “My plan is to take Josh all the way to the end.” 
Well ladies and gentlemen, Hello! Hi! I made it! A few things, this season was super difficult. I enjoyed the fact that I was forced to play a different game. It pushed me to be… I had to be strategic. There was no other option. I couldn’t play the same game I played last year for many reasons. One, everyone already knew my game play. Two – I couldn’t constantly be in survival mode. What I mean by that is last year I was on the block so many times I had to be in survival more. I constantly had to think about 10 steps ahead. If somebody nipped me, it was already too late. If somebody caught me, it was already too late. I could never be caught. I always had to be steps ahead. I had people do my dirty work. I had people blow up. And I blamed people for certain things, I had to play a different game. Pretty much everything in this game I wanted to happen, happened. I had a good social game. I had millions of conversations. And it payed off. I don’t know how the jury feels but my plan is to take Josh all the way to the end. And hopefully its a clean sweep.
I have 8 competition wins. I won the last HOH and I won the last veto. Now I win Part 1 of the last HOH, that would put me at 9 and if I win the last one that’s 10. And I never touched the block. I went the entire season as the only vet and the biggest target and I never touched the block. That is f**king tight! I didn’t think I could do that. Its super bazaar, its crazy.. I miss my family, my friends, I miss my little burrito. I’ve spent over 6 months in the big brother house now. And I’ll make it to the end of this season and hopefully I win. That will be 191 days I’ve spent in the big brother house. That is F**King crazy! I am crazy. My brain is for sure ruined. To my fans that have supported me, I love you! I can’t believe I made it this far and I thought it was impossible. I have two more comps to win. That puts me at 10, that’s 3 more than last year. Hopefully the jury votes for me. I think Josh is my best bet to win. And if I don’t win I don’t know what else to do. Would I do it again… Yeah! I would! What the f**k Paul!? I love it! I’m a for sure psychopath.

Live Feed Updates: Thursday, September 14th

September 14, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Thursday, September 14th

9:55 AM BBT Christmas is up walking around with coffee, Josh is making eggs, Paul is up in HOH not getting up. Josh says when he got up to use the restroom he was so excited he couldn’t go back to sleep. FISH Christmas helps Josh make breakfast.
10:00 AM BBT Christmas and Josh made breakfast. Christmas goes into the WR. Paul still appears asleep in HOH bed. Cameras have not shown Kevin. BB reminds Paul that his microphone needs new batteries; Paul slowly gets up and moving. Josh can not find hot sauce; Christmas goes to awaken Kevin. Christmas and Josh sit at kitchen counter eating breakfast. Christmas says breakfast is her favorite meal of the day–it gets her started. Christmas says Elana was so selfish; she said she didn’t sleep well all night (when they were sleeping in the same bed) because she was worried about Christmas’ foot. Paul finally comes downstairs. Paul criticizes how Josh made the eggs and goes to SR to exchange his battery. Christmas asks Paul why he is so grumpy so early. Kevin remains in bed. Paul proceeds to get things out for breakfast.

10:15 AM BBT Josh says he will miss Paul and Christmas. Josh says he doesn’t know what it is about this house where he appears to be a baby; on the outside, he says he’s a big, tough guy. Paul and Christmas disagree. Christmas states for Josh to walk around the house with no shoes or socks is like walking around NYC barefoot. Josh runs to get socks; says hi to Kevin. Christmas tells Paul she froze last night. All (but Kevin) quiz each other on how many of what items are setting around the house–cigars, pencils, apples, etc. Josh hasn’t noticed things. Paul also asks him what word in the Living Rm is written in red? Josh doesn’t know any of the answers. Paul explains where and how the secret passageway was last season. He talks about a prior BB comp called “Know Your House”. They talk about past comps and how they fared.
10:30 AM BBT Kevin is still in bed. Paul, Christmas, and Josh continue to talk about the comps they participated in. Paul can not remember if the next comp will be tonight or tomorrow. Feeds periodically go to fish for short periods of time. Kevin still remain in bed. Josh goes to WR.
10:45 AM BBT Paul recalls his accomplishments last year including winning the trip to Paris. Josh forgot his microphone when he came out from the WR. Christmas made reference that this is his job. Paul says he would be a terrible employee and stated he had been fired from Quiznos. Paul would love to live a day in the shoes of Josh. Paul is called into the DR. Josh suggest to Christmas that they go be lazy. Josh wants BB to send in the cleaners/maids; he says they are over it. Josh makes it up to the HOH bed first; Christmas finally hobbles in. Christmas asks Josh about his speech. He wants to thanks his family, etc and then throw in something about being a misfit, but formed some good relationships… He feels as if he earned his spot and would like to continue. Christmas says many times she gets annoyed with the same type speech everyone gives. She says he will have to list some tangible things that he has actually done will help. Christmas can not believe they are still there! Josh feels as if they have had to work their butts off to still be there. Kevin is up and in the kitchen. He eventually just sits at the dining room table sipping coffee looking at the Memory Wall as Paul walks by coming out of the DR. Christmas does not doubt herself in many aspects of her life but feels as if this environment has messed with her mental state of being. She is constantly questioning herself. Josh says she has it and should not question herself. Josh thinks it will all become clear again once they are out of the house.
11:00 AM BBT Paul goes into HOH Rm and says he now has to do this–pointing to clothes on a chair. They question what he is talking about and BB comes on saying not to discuss with others their DR sessions. Paul proceeds to put on a shirt, vest, and cap and leaves the room. Christmas says Josh was not an easy person to reel-in and she is a hell of a motivator! She says it was not easy the time she blew up at him for walking away; Josh says that was not typical him during that incident. Josh recalls everyone who didn’t win anything. Josh says Christmas for most comps gave people a run for their money. Josh agrees they didn’t win many comps but did win the ones they needed to, and they always gave it their all. Paul returns to the HOH Rm again within 5-7 minutes. Christmas laughs saying they are just sitting there missing Raven; Paul says he knows that is not true. Kevin is called into the DR. Christmas wonders if they all are going to be called into the DR. Paul tells of when he saw Marilyn Manson at a rock show. Johnny Depp also came out; Marilyn Manson and Johnny Depp are really close friends. Josh remains snuggled in bed, Christmas sitting up stretched out on couch covered with a blanket; Paul sitting on couch listening to the ipod. Christmas wonders how Alex knew so many answers on one of the comps. Paul says Alex pretended she threw that comp to him; Alex also said she threw the comp to Jason that one time, too. People this season always said they threw the comps when actually they just couldn’t do it. Paul says he realized he needed to stop winning so threw a lot of comps. They talk about the fish as Christmas feeds them; they have named many of the fish.
11:15 AM BBT The three of them continue to talk about comps and the other houseguests. Josh names off all those who didn’t do anything. Feeds to to Fish. Josh leaves the room for the DR, and Paul asks why Josh was crying before he came in. Christmas chuckles and corrects him saying Josh was not crying. Paul, listening to music, tidying up the room. Kevin comes in saying they have Christmas’, Josh’s, and his bags all in the SR for packing since they don’t know who is will be leaving. Kevin says he did not sleep well last night. Paul complains BB shorted them on music this morning…only 2 songs were played. Kevin drinks coffee by the bed and Paul is in the HOH bathroom. Christmas is putting up her hair and getting dressed in the Green Rm. She puts a large red bow on one side of her hair and puts on a tulle skirt from the Rose Rm. No talk between Paul and Kevin in the HOH Rm; Paul is still in the bathroom and Kevin just sits. Christmas stands in the dining area looking at the Memory Wall. Kevin asks Paul questions about what now will be happening in the Jury. He doesn’t know for sure since he was never there last year, but he answers the best he can. Kevin assumes he will be voted out. He makes mention that for sure Paul and Christmas has made it to the top 17% of all the houseguests. Paul says he’s not sure what will happen but knows they have made it further in the game than he ever thought. Josh is out of the DR. Kevin and Paul sits in HOH Rm. Paul says one of them will have to win next. They will need to invest the money wisely.
11:30 AM BBT Paul makes his way back into the HOH bed. Josh says he will start crying once he starts packing. No one believes Josh has gone an entire day without crying; Kevin says he’s emotional and he is young. They are waiting for Christmas to come out of the DR. Christmas came out and goes into Rose Rm to put on more comfortable clothes and makes her way upstairs to the HOH Rm. The guys are talking about haircuts…going to Paul’s barber. Kevin wants them to remember to listen to “Humble and Kind” a Tim McGraw song that Kevin’s friend wrote. They are all in the HOH Rm and ask for the music to begin and also asks for the hair clippers. Christmas likes the tulle gray skirt and wants to wear it forever. Kevin and Paul are sitting; Josh and Christmas lying down. They are all quiet. Paul is listening and jamming to his ipod music. Paul mentions to Kevin confirming his daughter’s boyfriend playing drums. Paul goes back playing his air drums! They hear the door lock. They are on lockdown…but the feeds are still running. The HOH Rm is very quiet. Paul goes to check the door to make sure it is lock–yep!
11:45 AM BBT Paul also lies down on the couch. Kevin props his feet up on the bed while sitting in the chair. They wonder why no music….11:48 AM BBT FISH then the Animal Society. – HOH LOCK DOWN


Live Feed Updates: Wednesday, September 13th, and Thursday, September 14th

September 14, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Wednesday, September 13th, and Thursday, September 14th

9:03 AM BBT Tuesday-8:59PM Wednesday Feeds are Down for a Special Eviction
9:00 PM BBT Feeds Return Josh,Christmas and Paul are laying in the hoh bed Paul and Josh sleeping and Christmas is sitting up.Kevin goes downstairs and says there’s nothing for them to do and trys opening the outside door.Kevin is in the kitchen, fixed him some ice cream headed to the GREEN BR, shows his bowl to the cameras and kisses it, waves his hand as in to show the empty room. Kevin is getting ready for bed, fixing his hair looking in the mirror like he’s ready for the rocky movie.In the HOH room Christmas and Paul are still asleep in the HOH bed. Kevin is the only one awake in the house.
9:15 PM BBT He’s (Kevin) all tucked in reading The Bible. Josh is up moving around the HOH room while Paul and Christmas still sleeping, gets him a drink and goes back down on the sofa.and back to sleep.
9:30 PM BBT Kevin is by himself still in the GREEN BR reading The Bible, stops for a second to say HEY to his daughter Alayna.”PRODUCTION…KEVIN GO TO THE DR….Kevin gets up, goes to kitchen then BR to brush his hair and off to the DR. Paul is up and moving in the HOH room.Paul goes down to the kitchen for ice cream, Talking that a bowl of ice cream makes you less crazy takes a bite and says nope STILL CRAZY..
9:45 PM BBT Paul is headed to the APPLE ROOM for a FRIENDSHIP CHAT…He is saying that this season was very difficult, That he had to play a different game this year because everyone knew his game play, He said that he couldn’t play survivor mode this year like he did last year, he had to use people this year to do his dirty work. He is talking about how everything that he wanted to happen in the house has happened. He also said that he plans on taking Josh to F2, and hopefully it will be a clean sweep. Josh sticks his head in and leaves, Paul continues with how he has played this whole game without ever touching the block. He says his brain is ruined because he has been in the BB house for 6 mths. He looks at the camera and blows his fans a kiss and tells them thank you for believing and supporting him. He tells BB18 friends HEY, Josh comes back in to tell Paul that Kevin was sitting in his corner and leaves. Paul continues with how he was freaked out when he entered the house this year and there were no other vets and knew he was alone. He is saying that he thinks his best bet is to take Josh and if he doesn’t win he doesn’t know what else he could have done in the fu@# game, because he has won 10 comps this season 3 more than last year and just hopes that the jury isn’t mad and hating him.Paul says that this year has been fun and he is grateful for everything and he hopes he hasn’t let his family down again.He says that he has learned a lot about people and himself this year.
10:00 PM BBT Paul is talking about BB being an experience like no other, and if you think you have what it takes go do it, because he wouldn’t change anything and would do it again, He says that his emotions ran high this year for him, He has missed a lot that went on at home, His best friend got married, His dad had knee surgery and his sister started her new job as a doctor. He hopes it was all worth it because he was tired of letting people down.He goes on to say that as fans he doesn’t know what anyone expected of him and what they wanted him to do as a vet. He says really loud that he hopes he wins, and runs out the door to see if anyone was listening. In the HOH room Christmas is waking up, heading downstairs.Christmas comes in the APPLE Room with Paul asking where Josh was, she says that not thinking makes her brain hurt. She ask if she was interrupting him he says no, He was just talking because I didn’t have anything else to do.They are talking about how He was the only vet (again) Christmas tells him that she’s sure he is not hated because he came in the house with his back against the wall, and that people should be able to see that. They go on to talk about how this week played out just how they wanted it to, Christmas says that when Cody and Jess were still in the house is when they and Josh really started working together, Paul says yes and I told you one of us would win it.
10:15 PM BBT Paul is telling Christmas that last year was harder, because of Cory. That James didn’t know dates he needed him too cause he wanted to take him, that he knew he had to split up Nicole and Corey, similar situation as this year. Paul says that Kevin keeps asking him about the last final comps.Christmas is telling Paul that he told her he couldn’t see the colors and things in the Veto that he really tried, Christmas says she believes that he didn’t throw it.Paul said that Kevin keeps asking him about AFP. Paul says that he doesn’t believe that Kevin will be mad when he has to leave, because surely he understands the situation.Christmas says that she believes Kevin is just happy to have made it this far because he surely hasn’t done shit.Paul says that he can at least say that he made it that far twice, Christmas says that’s huge, He told her he was especially glad that he has won these last to, Because he now wouldn’t let her and Josh down.Paul says he is so dead, Christmas tell him he has just hit an emotional wall, Paul says yes, but now that the job is done I can breathe.Kevin comes in and Paul ask him where the hell he had been, He says the DR and then chilling, Paul ask him if he knew how many apples were on the wall in the room and how many lock boxes there were up stairs Christmas and Kevin got a different answer than Paul. Kevin said he was hoping to come down and find the backdoor would be open.
10:30 PM BBT Paul is now going over comps that were played last year that weren’t played this year.Christmas says that I’m sure they had to mix it up since they have been doing the same ones for awhile.Paul says that he really wanted to play OTEV 2yrs. In a row but didn’t get to. But he really liked Candy Crush, Christmas said that was her fav, she really enjoyed that one rolling around.Paul ask Kevin which was his fav, Kevin said that BB Weather was his, Christmas said yup, I really enjoyed staying up all night studying for it, Paul said yea right, She said well you don’t get it while y’all were having all the fun in the comps I was sitting on the sidelines. Paul ask her did you even play in a comp before you hurt your foot, She said yes and damn trapeze and I picked the wrong f@#ing apple…Paul leaves, Kevin Said boy this place is a fu@# mess, and they go on to say how comfortable the APPLE room is this year though, Christmas says they made it loungy so it was better for people to hang out….Now complete silence between them…..Kevin goes back to the GREEN BR, and Christmas heads to the kitchen to eat.
10:45 PM BBT Josh and Xmas in the kitchen eating cookies. Kevin is in the pantry looking for something to eat. He wanted a pizza but Paul told him not to eat that, he should eat some of the chicken left from dinner. Kevin gets some kind of medicine or ointment and back in the bedroom puts it on his inside thigh. Kevin lays back and lays quietly. In the kitchen Xmas talks about going to a amusement park and how she is afraid of heights and cannot do rides. Josh says he loves those kinds of things and wants to take her to a theme park and he would love to go bungee jumping. She says she can’t she will cry and everyone will laugh and make fun of her and after BB and her not being able to compete she doesn’t want to look weak. He tries to pressure her and she says she will have a panic attack and won’t be able to handle it. He laughs at her and says he will tell Paul and he will make her face this fear. She says that Paul already knows. She says she will go and do a little bit at a time but she has to be in control of this. Xmas says she is afraid of turbulence and josh agrees. She says she hates to fly. Josh says he as a child hated heights but he has gotten past it and has overcame it all. Josh says that tomorrow is going to be a fun day and that when they become final three they will get champagne right off the bat. Josh and Xmas talk about their final speeches and she is gonna push that Kevin not ever winning anything is why she will vote him out. Xmas says that Kevin realizes he will go tomorrow because he has been talking about AF. Josh says that Kevin always tells him how he has gone so far since he started this season. Xmas talks about how well she has done and all her obstacles she has endured during the season. She says that they flipped the house every time they wanted. Xmas says that with Cody and Mark josh checked them and then with Jason and Alex they checked them too. Josh says that Kevin played every angle in the house but he showed no loyalty.
11:00 PM BBT josh and Xmas go over everything they did game wise and how they read between the lines and ran the whole house. Xmas says that no one wanted to work with her even before she broke her foot and josh says that no one wanted to work with hIm either. They talk about how arrogant Jason and Cody were and that Mark was such a coward and liar and how he was so untrustworthy. Josh says that on a game level but on a personal level they both think that they could be friends with Mark, Dominique, and Alex. Xmas says that she and Dominique are similar in their presence and that people are intimidated by Xmas and that she is misjudged. And she feels like Dominique is perceived like this too. Josh talks about washing the dishes and Xmas says tomorrow they will do it together. She looks at the memory wall and says that most of them couldn’t check their egos and that was what sent them out. She talks about her coaching skills and how it took her a while to take and apply constructive criticism but she has learned to listen and apply what people have told her. She says that she has learned to teach through this and is good at it and trains this way. Xmas says she learns through repetition and she gets discouraged when she doesn’t get things quickly. Josh says she doesn’t it fast but she overthinks it. She says that her assistant hates that Xmas has so many plans in motion but she has so much going on and doesn’t stop. She says that her assistant says that she really has a serious drive.
11:15 PM BBT Josh says that her assistant needs a vacation and Xmas says that she spoils her and does so much for her. She says that she has build her and she has pushed and threw stuff at her to make her at what she is now. Josh wonders what has happened at his business, Xmas says that it has to be doing good. Xmas says that her and Jenny work good together and they are very similar. Josh talks about his business and he really wants to go see what’s been happening and what he needs to do to take it to the next step. She asks him how much average profit he gets for products and he says 60-70% and she try’s to break it down. They go over numbers and she says what her friend that can help I’ll go over the p and l and see if he wants to get in business with him.
11:30 PM BBT Josh talking with Xmas about dating and how she can’t date strangers and he talks about dating and getting to know people before being intimate and how she can’t give up and then the conversation turns to her friends and how much fun they are. She says she has so many stories that would blow his mind. She talks about the past and how some of the drinking and drugs that they did when her and her friends were in the early 20 s.
Paul comes out of the DR and they make fun of how long he was in there. He says it’s because he won veto and had lots to say. Josh says Paul need a haircut and a beard trim. Paul brags his barber is booked 3 weeks ahead of time. He says he Can bribe his way to the head of the line and sometimes the barber just pushes Paul up. Paul says that he wants some carbs and thinks about eating guac and chips. Paul and josh play a game where they have a mouth full of water and stare at each other and josh starts laughing and spits water all over Paul. Xmas goes to the rest room thinking she might pee herself from laughing so hard.
11:45 PM BBT Josh is called to the diary room,Xmas comes out of the bathroom and Paul jumps out at her and scares her. Paul and Xmas go to the HOH to hang out. Paul feeds the fish, and talks to the fish. Paul says that Kevin drank a beer with him and the next day Kevin told josh that he drank a few sips and then it was all. Paul says that it sounds weird. Paul says that maybe it was only a few sips but he drank it all. Xmas says that today was fun and she asks if he feels better. He says he’s happy that he went to final three with people he wants to be there with. Paul talks about how he has came two seasons and has not seen jury either season. He says that he has not seen the full big brother experience. But says that he is not bitter about that.

Live Feed Updates: Thursday, September 14th

12:00 AM BBT Paul talks about how he will eat tomorrow. Paul asks what she is looking forward to the most. He says he’s excited about seeing his family and she says they should be proud except for the potty mouth. He talks about his pets and his room and just hanging out in his room. He’s excited about his band, music, traveling , his grandparents. Xmas talks about her grandmother who lives in a senior home. He’s happy to hang out with his friends. They both talk about their friends and how they feel cheated because they don’t have as much time with them. Xmas says that when she gets out and people will come over and want a picture and her friends will have to deal with it and her real friends will but some won’t and will kinda fall out. Paul talks about his friends. He talks about some of his friends from like 10 years back invited him to a party and acted like Paul as something else because he was on tv. He says it made him very uncomfortable. Kevin was awake in the kitchen now he grabs his waist wrap and puts it on, he mouths to the cameras that he will see us in 6 more nights. He says that he is done and going. He rubs lotion on his body and talks about the others and how they talk shit all day.
12:15 AM BBT Josh is out of the DR and Xmas goes into it. Paul and josh talk about a comp that they had last season during the final comps. Josh he doesn’t believe it and he guesses that he believes it will be something that Xmas will be able to play. Paul says that they won’t alter the game because of her. Paul says that if they take her to the end that they will not win. Josh says that if he goes against Paul he thinks it will be fair. He says that even if he wins second place he will still be excited because he thought he would go home the second week. He says if they make it DL will be excited, because whoever that is told them if you go home week 1 do not say who cast you. The feeds go out and then when they come back Paul says that he’s worried that josh won’t win against Xmas. Josh says that he’s got it and that Xmas hasn’t made anyone mad and they need to get her out third. They both said that they swore on their families that they won’t mess up. They talk about meet and greets and Canada and josh asks do you think that they will take us together? Paul says yes, and then we get fish.
12:30 AM BBT Kevin is laying in the bed in the dark but he’s asleep. Josh and Paul talking about his followers. Paul says that he needs to keep it funny and don’t post stupid shit. Paul tells him to be careful when he goes crazy in a bar and like snap himself yak up in a bar. Josh says he doesn’t think that people will know him in Miami. Josh says he will trip out when he gets out and he’s famous. Josh asks Paul how gassed his fans are right now. Paul says he’s not sure how they liked him and his game play. Josh says he can’t get over how much everyone loves him. Josh says that if he came back again he would have to play like Paul. Josh says that if he would think if he was gonna work with someone it was like Paul or Victor type of guy. Paul says he never thought he would make it this far. He said he was the only vet in the game and be the first one out. Xmas comes back and makes fun of them talking about how they thought they would be sniped first. Xmas talks about it being the final night HOH is open. Josh wants to all sleep together. Paul says if he wants the bed he will go downstairs and josh says no he does not want to sleep alone. Xmas brings up that josh spit on Paul. Convo changes over to comps.
12:45 AM BBT Josh talks about the 3 going to Canada together and Paul say that should for sure will happen. Xmas lays in Paul’s lap and he rubs her head she says that is so relaxing. Josh is on the HoH bed and he says that he can’t believe that this time next week he won’t be there. Paul says that he should just stay for BOTT, he starts scream just to scream and says no. Paul tells him that he should have been named potty mouth. He tells him that the guy responsible for him has probably committed suicide because he is so over josh. Josh starts talking about a rash on his hand and Xmas says it’s ringworm.
1:00 AM BBT Josh tells Paul that the imposter Trejo is upset and how Paul is a lousy parent. He says that he popped him and got a counterfeit one and asks Paul what happened to Pablo this season. Josh talks again about the rash on his hand. Paul gets off the couch and jumps on Josh and wrestle around. Josh screams and tells him he is going to punch him. Paul gets up and go back over and wants to tickle him. Josh tells him to go shower and leave him alone, Paul comes back and again they play fight. Paul is just sitting on the bed and josh screams uncontrollably. Paul is back on the couch, you can hear josh saying something but he must have a bad mic or doesn’t have it on. Paul says he wants to cut Josh’s fingers off. Josh asks what kind of friendship is that.
1:15 AM BBT Xmas says she is going downstairs and Josh says to wait for me. Kevin is in the kitchen says he just came out of the DR and Paul is headed back in. Josh goes to the storage room, puts on Vaseline on his lips looks around and to the bathroom where he hugs Xmas and tells her goodnight. Kevin is in the kitchen making a English muffin for himself. Kevin looking in the mirror makes his “blue steel” look and checks out his abs. He takes his snack and heads back to bed. Josh back in the bathroom dancing around while cleaning his teeth. Josh stops in the kitchen and puts up the potatoes that Xmas made for dinner. He then heads to the bedroom that he sleeps in with Xmas. Out goes the light and these two settle in for the night.
1:30 AM BBT Everyone in bed except for Paul who is in the DR.
1:45 AM BBT everything still quiet.
2:00 AM BBT – All HGs sleeping

 Week 11(Day 85-86)Game Stats Update! 

September 14, 2017

 Week 11(Day 85-86)Game Stats Update! 
🔹Alex was evicted 2-1 becoming the 7th Juror!
🔹Paul won HOH locking a spot in Final 3!

Tonight's Show!

September 14, 2017

Tonight's Show!
Julie calls the HGs into the living room immediately for big news. She asks them to sit on the couches and not the nomination chairs. Julie tells them that eviction night has come early to the BB house. Tonight, one of them will be evicted and sent to the jury. Julie turns to the audience to welcome us to the surprise eviction episode of Big Brother.

Previously on Big Brother, Jalex was blindsided in the double eviction but Alex still continued to trust Paul. After Raven flew the coop, emotions were high for the final five. But when Paul revealed his tears were all for show, Josh questioned his friendship.
After watching the most epic trailer in the history of cinema, the HoH was on the line and Josh earned the super power! The meatball contemplated a big move, but ultimately decided to keep his alliance safe.

Tonight, will the Power of Veto save Kevin or Alex? Plus, someone is going home, because it's a surprise eviction, baby, and a new HoH will be crowned. All this right now on Big Brother!

Julie reminds us that it's a surprise eviction tonight. One of the final five will soon become juror #7 leaving the others in place as final four. The final four will battle against each other in a critical HoH competition. The winner will punch their ticket to finale night and be eligible to compete in the final and most important HoH competition of the summer? Who will survive the night and who will guarantee their spot in the final three? We'll find out before the hour is up, but first, Alex is on the block, on her own, and completely in the dark.

We pick up after the nomination ceremony. Josh reminds us that he nominated Alex and Kevin but notes that he is thinking of making a huge move and backdooring Paul. If he sits in final two with Paul, he doesn't think he will beat him and he's not sure he'll have another chance.

Kevin tells us that he personally thinks that if Alex doesn't win the PoV, he won't be going home. Then when he wins HoH, can he put Josh up twice?

Paul tells us he couldn't be happier. They need to get Alex out, so he would have done the same but now he doesn't have to get blood on his hands.

Josh finds Alex crying in the lounge. Alex tells him that the last person she trusted just stabbed her in the back. Alex tells us tearfully that she hasn't felt this betrayed in awhile. Her spot in the game is jeopardized and the only thing she can do at this point (her face changes to cold determination) is fake it. It's time to play dirty.

Alex guilts Josh telling him she would not have done that to him. She thought he was her friend. Josh encourages her, saying that she can play in the veto and so can he. They'll have a conversation when the time comes. He asks if she trusts him and she says she did.

Josh is frustrated as he tells that he's trying to help Alex. He can't tell her directly that she's targeting someone else without exposing his game. She can play in the veto. Win! How does she not get it? Josh leaves and Alex turns to the camera, points to her tears, and mouths the word "fake".

Josh is crying in the lounge as Christmas and Josh try to comfort him. He is tormented about betraying Alex. Paul tells Josh that Alex is a game player and that he is being duped. Christmas tells him that Alex is messing with Josh's head in order to weaken him for the next competition. She tells him that she and Alex are the same and sounds very threatening (she will murder families). Paul laughs at Christmas' extreme description and Christmas tells Josh to suck it up and lets' go eat.

In the lounge, Alex tells Paul that her fake crying is the last tool she has. She confides that Josh wants to talk to her after veto. She thinks Josh might pull her off if he wins veto, but then Alex is worried for Paul.

Paul tells us in DR that Alex needs to worry about herself... she's the target.

In the kitchen, Josh asks Christmas to promise him that the two of them will in final two. She tells him that she has not made that decision. He has a special place in her heart, but she doesn't want that decision.

Christmas tells us that she believes she would win against Josh in final two, but it disturbs her that she might have to choose between her two guys. They have both been her ride-or-dies the entire game.

Josh tells Christmas he is taking her, but she tells him that's not smart for her game.

Josh tells us that honestly he's heartbroken because the whole time he thought he would be going to final two with Christmas and she can't give that back to him. He feels like he just got cheated by his girlfriend. He just got played. At this point, who does he trust.

Josh tells Christmas he doesn't care. He's just worried that he is going to let his family down. Christmas hugs him and reassures him that his family is proud of him. Paul comes in the kitchen from the lounge and walks directly to Josh and slaps his face.

Josh asks "why?" and Paul tells him Alex just told Paul she could cry on command. Paul walks away telling Josh he's an idiot. Paul tells him what Alex told him and Christmas says "I told you so." Josh tells us that he's a robot and he doesn't need these guys to come and brainwash him. All he knows is that he needs to get in game mode and gun for that veto.

Julie tells us that it's BB Comics week, but this week's veto competition is no laughing matter. Everyone has a different agenda and everyone is gunning to win. We see flashes of different BB Comics... Jillian is the Timeshare Tyrant, Elena is a she-devil (Hellena Hath no Fury), Cody is the Starecrow.

Paul reads the card: BB Comics is about to release 16 new superheroes, but the world can't wait, so it's your job as a BB superfan to get the scoop on who they are. Because Christmas was not medically cleared, only four of the HGs will be competing.

Here's how it works. Hit the button to start your clock. Then fly down the zip line to peek inside the BB Comics studio. Grab the matching comics from your bin and place them on your computer so it exactly matches the BB Comics studio wall. Be aware there are decoy comics. When you think you have all 16 correct, hit your button. If incorrect a buzzer will sound, your clock will keep running and you must figure out what is wrong. They have 45 minutes. The player who matches in the shortest time will win the Power of Veto. Are you ready to play BB Comics?

Paul tells us that this veto is extremely important for his game. If he wins and keep nominations the same, he gets Alex out and he sets himself up for a relatively easier end game. The comic book covers have subtle differences. For example, Matt's comics have a Raven facing to the left and a Raven facing to the right. The difference between the decoy and matching cards for Kevin is a starfish vs. a shell on his "Mer-Man" crown.

Paul tells us the comics are bizarre...Josh is a meatball breaking down cities and Dominique the Dominator fighting off those snakes...he's surprised the snakes don't have beards and look exactly like him. Paul notes that his is PottyMouth...does his breath stink? (He checks his breath and BB adds a den cloud animation). It doesn't smell good, says Paul, but Potty mouth?

Paul hits his buzzer but still has four wrong. He makes changes and then is trying to figure out Jessica's Hex Symbol comic. He tells us he doesn't get it...oh wait... Jessica is actually reading a book. He hits the buzzer again and has all of the comics right.

Josh tells us that he wants to win because he wants to have the option to send Alex home or to take a shot at Paul. It might be his only chance to get Paul out. Josh comments on the comics... He's the meatball?? He doesn't get it. Mark and Cody are the meatballs! But Josh will take it. He thought he'd never have to see Cody against, but he's giving him the death stare...He's had enough (he slides down in his seat with his hands on his face) and he's done with the kid. Josh laughs at Christmas' comic.... "Fa-la-la Lunatic..." it looks just like creepy Christmas chasing him down in that scooter hunting him down to give him one of her hugs. It's hilarious!

Josh hits the buzzer and has four wrong. He makes changes... still one wrong. Josh tells us he goes back and looks at each one. It has to be Mark. He changes it and buzzes in. All correct.

Kevin tells us he has to win that veto. This is really important. He doesn't want to be left on the block. He wants to control his own destiny. He sees Cameron up there and remembers him as the skinny kid who came in and stripped the first night. He hits the buzzer and has four wrong. He's tells us it's killing him. He can't figure out which ones are right and which are wrong.

He's trying his best and he's huffing and puffing. As a young kid he didn't read many comics. He was down shining shoes at neighborhood bars and things like that. Kevin times out and his turn is over. He tells us "you gotta be kidding me!"

Alex is up. She tells us that she and Paul have this little secret alliance. She literally has been praying all day and night that she or Paul wins the veto so both of them are safe and she has someone to go to the end of the game with. She's not hitting the buzzer until she gets them all right and she knows what differences there are on each picture. She comments...enough with the wiener jokes (her comic is "Wiener Woman")!

Each time she goes down the zip line she makes sure to remember three or four comics at a time. Cody is the Starecrow, which is totally accurate... she gives her best stare impression and BB gives an assist with animated laser eyes. Now she has all the decoy cards figured out, it's time hit her buzzer... she has them all correct!

Christmas tells the HGs it's time to see how they did.

Alex finished with a time of 2:34...everyone says wow.

Paul tells us "woah!" He hopes he nerded out faster than Alex, and he can win the veto and not have to worry about this next week.

Kevin's time was 45 minutes... Kevin shrugs. Josh tells us he hopes he finished in a faster time so he can make a bigger move and back-door Paul.

Josh's time was 24:36. Alex is relieved and smiling.

Paul's time was 12:10. Paul wins the Power of Veto! Paul celebrates by running with his superhero cape flying out behind him.

Paul holds up the veto necklace telling us that now that he's won this veto, he can continue with his plan not to use it, leave Alex on the block and get her out this week. Alex tells us that it kind of sucks that she didn't win, but Paul wins it and it's even better because he can pull her off the block and they will both be safe. She's here for the week. Alex celebrates with fist pumps, shouting "Top 2, Top2!!!"

Josh tells us that his plan to back-door Paul is out the window. Back to plan A, and to get Alex, a beast of a competitor, out this week.

Julie notes that when you've gotten used to lying and deceiving, sometimes truth can be the hardest part of the game.

In the kitchen, Alex asks Paul who they are going to take to final three. Paul asks her to go to the lounge with him.

Paul tells us that when you develop a real friendship with someone, it's hard to take something away from them, but he really doesn't have a choice. He would rather be honest with her now than screw her over at the very end.

In the lounge, Paul tells Alex he trusts her and he's made an insane connection with her. He's going to tell her exactly what he's thinking. He describes the consequences of using the veto in terms of jury votes. If he uses it on her, he is throwing his game in the trash. Alex is shocked: "really?" Paul repeats that if he makes that move he is securing his loss in the game and Alex would win. He has family and friends watching who will say he made the same mistake again.

Alex swears. There's no way they will keep her. She listened to everything he said. She threw competitions to him... that's hard. She feels stupid and that she set herself up for it. Paul claims it isn't selfish and she says it feels like it is. She tells him she would still take him even if she knew she would lose.

Alex tells us that Paul can say whatever he wants, but if she was in that same position, she would not have screwed Paul ever. Friendship? NO. Gumpy? YES. She blows her nose loudly. She freaking held his hand through the whole game. He wouldn't be there without her and he shot her in the back. Alex declines a hug from Paul as their conversation wraps up.

Paul tells us that he actually respects and likes Alex, so it sucks. He doesn't want people to feel hurt by him. He goes up to the HoH room and is bawling. Christmas and Josh go over to comfort him with hugs. With tears in his eyes, Paul sadly tells us he has had to choose himself over everyone this entire game, because he knows that they wouldn't choose him over them. He wipes a tear. There's nothing he can do. He can't help everyone or save everyone. He has to strip someone else's chance of winning for his own.

Paul calls everyone inside for the veto meeting and they gather in the living room . Paul asks the nominees to tell him why he should use the veto on them.

Alex tells him that he is her last friend in the house, the only person she trusts, and her one chance at staying in this house. We all know that if he leaves her on the block, she's dead in the water. She knows he's worried about jury votes, but Alex honestly doesn't think these people would vote for her at the end, so she's asking one last time for him to use the PoV on her.

Kevin tells Paul it's been a long summer and tells him he'll live by whatever Paul decides.

Paul tells Alex that as difficult as this journey has been, this moment right now is probably THE most difficult. In order for him to have a fighting chance, he has to make this decision. He's sorry he let her down this week, but he chooses NOT to use the Power of Veto.

Alex shakes her head, looking incensed, and everyone is quiet. Paul adjourns the meeting.

In the DR, Alex is crying again, telling us that she never questioned anything Paul said and she let Paul lead her and Jason blindly. She basically sunk both of their ships because Paul used both of them to get ahead. Now when Paul can make a friendship move, he's not going to because he's worried about his OWN game, so instead he's going to make sure Alex wins nothing, which is NOT friendship. The mood is somber in the living room , and Paul is solemn as he brings the veto box back to the storage room.

Julie talks to the HGs in the living room . In just a few minutes, Paul and Christmas will cast their votes, but first the nominees can make their final plea. Kevin says good evening to Julie and asks how she's doing. He says hi to everyone back home. He misses everyone and thinks about them all the time. To the HGs, it's been a long summer. It's day 84. It's his third time for being a live eviction. He's been fighting as hard as he can to get there. When you grow up in Boston, you have to fight. That's just how it is. He wants to keep fighting and get through. They have all been great... they've done fantastic. He thanks Julie for a great summer and for being humble and kind. He shouts out to Boston, Mission Hill, Bridgewater stones...keep fighting.

Alex thanks Julie and CBS and says hi to her family....Mama, Papa, Drea, Eric, William, Boyd, Gwen and Travis...she loves them and hopes she made them proud. Her voice wavers with emotion and she apologizes... she didn't think she was going to cry. She pauses. She tells the HGs it's been an extremely awesome summer. From the beginning she's been fighting for her safety and it's led her here, from friendship bracelets to the trapeze, it's been a struggle. She tried to play the best mental, physical and social game, and that's what led her here. The best thing she can ask now... she asks live feeders to vote her for America's Favorite, and apologizes to Holly and Gatlin for failing Jason. She says happy birthday to her mom.

It's time to vote. Christmas is up first. Christmas respectfully and sadly votes to evict Alex. Paul is next. He votes to evict Kevin. It's a tie.

Julie announces the tie and calls on Josh to break the tie. He stands to cast his vote.

Josh tells them he loves all these guys and this has to be one of the hardest decisions he's made in this game. He tells Alex that only God knows how much he's appreciated her friendship. She's been nothing but good to him and has kept him strong in this game, but she's one of the strongest, if not THE strongest competitor in this game. Josh is near sobbing as he tells Alex that he doesn't see himself beating her in the end, so he's so sorry, from the bottom of his heart, but he votes to evict her.

Alex is silent as she gets up and picks up her things. She gives no hugs before leaving the house.

Alex enters the studio drinking a Coke to HUGE cheers and is smiling as she drops her things and greets Julie. She is excitedly waving to audience members.

Julie asks what went through her mind when Paul told her that he wasn't going to use the veto. Alex says that she wanted to choke him but this is national television so she can't. But that's what she wanted to do. She wanted to slap the crap out of him.

Julie asks how she feels about Paul right now, sitting here. She says Paul played a really shady game. She is emotional as she says that if Jason was here, he would have taken that bullet for her and would have made sure they both stayed even if he would have gotten second. She apologizes for crying. She regrets not taking Jason off the block.

Julie tells her she will be back one week from tonight on finale night when she and the others vote on who wins.

Julie tells us it's time for Kevin, Christmas and Paul to battle it out for HoH. At stake? A guaranteed spot in final three. Julie address the HGs who are in separate boxes in front of a "What the Bleep?" backdrop.

Julie tells them to get ready for one of the the most important HoH competitions of the summer. The winner is not only guaranteed a spot in the final three, but is also eligible to play in the final HoH competition of the season. As outgoing HoH, Josh is not competing.

Julie explains the BB classic "What the Bleep?" They will view seven videos containing statements made by their fellow HGs this summer. Each statement will contain a bleeped out word or phrase. Julie will then tell them what the bleeped out word or phrase MIGHT be. Their job is to determine if it's true or false. They get 1 point for each correct answer. The player with the most points after seven questions will be the new HoH.

The first clip is of Cody talking about Have-Nots. Julie asks "True or False, the bleeped word is "staying"". All players lock in "False". The bleeped word was "sleeping" so they all got it right.

The second clip is of Matt promising to do three things in his nomination speech. True or False? The bleeped word was "nap". Paul says False, but Kevin and Christmas say True. The word was "shower". Paul gets a point.

The third clip is of Dominique saying she doesn't deserve to be evicted her own team _____. Julie asks True or False, the bleeped word was "betrayed"? They all answer True. The word was "betrayed" and they all get it right.

The fourth clip is of Mark getting picked to play in the veto in his final week. Julie asks True or False, the bleeped word was "Play" Paul says false, while Kevin and Christmas say true. The word was "compete". Paul gets another point and is in the lead with 4, Christmas and Kevin each have two points.

The fifth clip is of Jason asking a nominee about using the PoV on them. True or False, the bleeped word was "align". Again, Paul says False while Kevin and Christmas say True. The bleeped word was "rally". Paul has 5 points, leading by three points over Kevin and Christmas.

With only two questions left, they can't beat him. Julie congratulates Paul on being the new HoH!

Julie joins the HGs in the living room and greets them with "hello final four!" Julie congratulates Paul for making it to final three and finale night for sure. She tells him they saw him looking very emotional out there and he still does. How does it feel. Paul's voice is quavery as he tells us words can't explain how bizarre and insane it is to be in this spot again for the second year in a row. He didn't think he could do it. Julie says "well you did."

Julie joins the HGs in the living room and greets them with "hello final four!" Julie congratulates Paul for making it to final three and finale night for sure. She tells him they saw him looking very emotional out there and he still does. How does it feel.

Paul's voice is quavery as he tells us words can't explain how bizarre and insane it is to be in this spot again for the second year in a row. He didn't think he could do it. Julie says "well you did."

Julie turns to Kevin, noting that he's been on the block three times. Kevin adds "in six days".

Julie asks him if he's surprised he survived again and that he made it to final four. He says he's not surprised, but apparently it's surprising with the age difference. It's been difficult but he's happy he's here with three other HGs who deserve to be there. Kevin is happy and excited.

Julie turns to Josh, noting that they saw a LOT of tears from him this week. Why was this week so emotional for him. Josh says that he's grown to love everyone that was left in the house. These are the people that have been with him since day one, so letting go of Alex was one of the hardest things. She's been nothing but a great friend. It's gotten to the point where it was just a game move. He loves her to death and hopes they can be friends outside of this.

Julie tells Christmas she is going to lighten the mood and asks Christmas what her favourite BB Comic character was this year. Christmas tells us they were all amazing but she loved the Meatball one because Josh calls everyone else Meatball but really he's the Meatball. She loves that they made her a lunatic... all of them were pretty spot on.

Julie asks Paul if he likes hearing that...he wasn't happy at all with his comic book character. Paul says "Gumpy". Julie asks what character he would rather have been. Paul suggests "Mr. Friendship" or "Motormouth squared" or "Gumpy". She asks if he thought Potty mouth wasn't accurate and he just says "welllll..." he can't deny it. Julie leaves it at that and says congratulations and goodnight to the final four.

Julie tells us that we are just one week away from crowning the winner, but a lot can happen in a week! Tune in tomorrow night at 9/8 Central for another live eviction episode. Who will Paul nominate for eviction, and who will win the final veto of the summer? Whose dream of winning it all will come to an end, leaving the final three in place?

Then Friday, join us for a special night of Big Brother as the battle for the final HoH begins. Then a week from tonight, on Wednesday September 20th, it's finale night where the final HoH will be crowned, the jury will return to cast their votes for the winner, and one HGs will walk out the front door with the half-million dollar grand prize. It all plays out live. For now, let's eavesdrop on the final four. Julie says goodnight.

Wednesday Eviction results!

September 11, 2017

Wednesday Eviction results!
Results from the show
BBComics Paul wins it..
Paul doesn’t use the Veto

Xmas votes out Alex
Paul votes to evict Kevin
Josh breaks the tie Alex is evicted

The crowd of CBS employees cheers
Alex says Paul played a shady game..

Next HOH winner Paul (he one this competition last year)

Final week of the show
We’re still here and updating :) Feeds change a bit for the final week it’s scattered conversations of 1 on 1 game followed by hours upon hours of Jenga.

When the feeds come back on 9:00pm PST we should know the POV winner, Nominations and POV Ceremony results. TOmorrow there will be a live eviction.

September 14th Last POV, POV ceremony, and eviction
September 15th Special episode showing first HOH winner
September 20th 8pm EST fina

Feeds are Down for a Special Eviction -They will resume tomorrow night after the Show.

September 11, 2017

Feeds are Down for a Special Eviction -They will resume tomorrow night after the Show.

8:00 AM BBT All the HG are asleep except Kevin who is laying in bed thinking. All of a sudden Kevin gets up to go to the SR to change his batteries, walks through the kitchen in his underwear and heads to the BR. Kevin is in a hurry to get back to his bed from the BR. Quietly Kevin slips back into bed for some more rest & his rosary.
8:15 AM BBT Although the houseguest are all in bed sleeping, Kevin is the only official HG that is up running plays in his head.
8:30AM BBT Kevin is on patrol in his bed acting as if he is sleep but he’s wide awake while the other HG are still sleeping with toss & turns from Christmas & Paul.
8:45 AM BBT Houseguest are all in bed sleeping except for Kevin. Kevin is up relaxing in his bed in the Green rm, thinking about BB sounds he can hear behind the walls & many yarns to give.
9:00 AM BBT All The HG are in bed sleeping except Kevin
9:03 AM BBT Feeds are Down for a Special Eviction -They will resume tomorrow night after the Show.

Backyard. Alex – that’s right, Mr. Friendship is afraid to go head to head and lose again because he doesn’t want to let down all his friends again.

September 11, 2017

Backyard. Alex – that’s right, Mr. Friendship is afraid to go head to head and lose again because he doesn’t want to let down all his friends again. But I think taking your friend to the end is worse. That’s not friendship, that’s not boys, that’s playing people. If you guys had seen me praying for him to win so that both of us could advance to first and second .. god you would hate Paul. But I don’t hate him, I’m actually going to give him a fair assessment. Out of Kevin, Christmas and Josh.. Paul is going to get my vote. I’m going to go to jury and I’m going to try and make sure everyone votes for him. Is he a Skeezebag? Yes! Is he a douche? Yes! Did he play me? Yes! And if you watch back you’ll see me not running during the comic book ones because I wanted him to catch up because he was going to pull me off. But he played me, absolutely played me. Whatever, hopefully you guys like me enough and see that I’ve played a good game so that you guys vote for me for America’s player. I’m going to try and get Jason to vote for you but I don’t think he will. You (Paul) say its not all about the money but you’re choosing the money over friendship. You greedy motherf**ker. Getting second place two seasons in a row is better than winning if its not all about the money.
someone has finally figured out Paul played her.
Alex – then he cries about it.. (Paul)
Alex – counterfeit sons of b1tches
Alex – oh we’re doing all these things when we get out.. no we’re not you’re probably lying about that too

The back yard get’s shutdown

Josh and Paul backyard

September 11, 2017

JJosh and Paul backyard
Paul – almost done dude.. 8 days..
Josh – I need to run at night to let go of all this junk.. all this energy..
Paul – I think I cried more yesterday than I have cried my entire life bro
Josh – I’ve cried more this season than I’ve cried my entire life..
Josh – I’m going to cry another 20 more times
JOsh – it’s hard we’re good people we have big hearts
Paul – how are you going to throw him off.. say he hasn’t done sh1t (Kevin)
JOsh – I’m going to call him fat, I’m going to call him old, I’m going to f* say he f*ing floated to final 5 (Good people with big hearts?)
Paul – you don’t have to call him fat and old
Josh – I don’t give a f* (Good people with big hearts?)
Paul – that fool really gets under your skin
Josh – we’ve been through so much.. I look back and see everything we’ve been through every one of us and he hasn’t done sh1t Paul
JOsh – he hasn’t pissed anybody off.. he’s secured that everybody loved him that is going to Jury LIke he’s been a shady fishy f* the whole time..
Josh – everybody f*ing loves him..
Josh – I have dealt with adversary, first moment I walked in.. Paul dealt with adversary shitmas broke her foot..
Josh – and homeboy just sat in his f*ing corner and shut the f* up and got to final 5 (well you guys were attacking him round the clock so he had to put up with that)
Josh – he just talked sh1t about everybody.. under the f*ing house.. under the roof.. I don’t respect that
JOsh thinks Kevin will win the game if he goes to the end because everybody will hate their guts

Josh – I’m upset about yesterday dude, JOy (xmas) told me some f* up sh1t
Paul – what she tell you
JOsh – she was just like Oh, you have a decision to make it’s either me or her, either you choose her or you choose me
Josh – you take her off the block, paul uses the veto you put me on the block or you have three options.. make your choose.
Josh – I’m like dude where at the end, why even think like that it just hurts me i’m going to have a moment you know
Paul – I told you she trips when you trip.. then you both trip and i’m like f* jesus christ

Josh – I’m like literally I’ve never crossed you two but know we’re in the end and I’m in my feels because it’s been a hard few days you’re going to think some wild sh1t
Josh – oh yeah let me go with Alex and Kevin f* you
Paul – why would she think I was going to use the veto..
Josh – she was like You can continue to cry about it or you have 3 options make your choice
Josh – I was like what the f* then she stormed out the room
Paul- she’s cut throat dude what Can I tell you

Josh – I’m just happy I stuck by you two..
Paul – me too
Paul- I had to play a crazy a$$ aggressive game.. but if they portray me as some crazy as f*
Josh – there was moment Paul was going HAM.. but you had no choice.. (right you guys had no choice to play the game you did)
Josh – I thought you were going to burn the f* out
Josh – who give a f* how you are portrayed you’ve preached this the whole season.. you had no choice..
Josh – you’re family loves you.. that girl if she’s not there the right one will come into your life..
JOsh – it’s a game you had no choice to play the game you played.. you wouldn’t have been here, I wouldn’t have been here, christmas wouldn’t have been here if we didn’t do what we had to do for each other and if we didn’t play the game that we played.
Josh – you had no choice and I’m 100% that they understand that (you people are delusional)
Josh – to be honest to you, between me and you.. I haven’t said this to anybody I see you taking it..

Live Feed Updates Tuesday, September 12th

September 11, 2017

Live Feed Updates Tuesday, September 12th
12:00 AM BBT Paul and Josh are in the HOH bedroom. Josh is trimming his nails and he said to Paul, “Fool my nails grow so fast in this house. I literally clip them like once a week.” Paul started the shower and got in. Josh put on the headphones to listen to music and continue clipping his fingernails. Meanwhile, Kevin and Christmas are chatting in the Green bedroom. Christmas asked Kevin if his arm feels better when he extends it. He said, “Much better. Thank you.” Kevin said, “I heard you guys telling stories in there last night.” Christmas said, “Yeah we were and Josh came down and said he didn’t have anything to do and he was lonely so he was telling stories to keep us awake until Josh came back from taking a shower. But he never came back.” Kevin said, will they have the comps all at once and on Wednesday or Thursday? Because football season started. Today was Monday night football.” Christmas said, “Probably, yeah.” He asked, “Do you think there is enough time? Yeah, there is.” Feeds went on and off briefly. Then Christmas asked Kevin if he saw her foot yet. Kevin said no. So she got up and moved closer to Kevin and took her boot and sock off to show him how it has healed up already. He said to her, “I missed this quality conversation like this Christmas.” She said, “I know. I had to lay low before all this though. She (Alex) thinks I stabbed her in the back and betrayed her. But I actually helped you.” Kevin asked her if he didn’t trust him or something. She said, “You were in Jason’s ear. He was like the girl in the middle.” “I never promised her anything.” Then Alex came out of her room. Christmas asked her if she wanted some of the cream. Then Alex said the wrap she had on was supposed to get warm within 30 minutes but it isn’t warm at all yet. Then Christmas asked if they had ice or something like that and Alex went to look for it. Then Christmas showed Kevin her foot and she said, “So I have ten screws, four plates and two pins and a turtle looking foot right now.” The camera zoomed in on her scars on the top of her foot. Alex came back and Christmas asked if she wanted her to rub some of that cream on her. Then she walked away. Then Christmas asked Kevin if her foot looks like a real foot. Then she lifted her leg and showed the cameras. She said she likes looking at it. Then Alex came back out and got some of the cream and put it on. They started talking about other creams that are good. Christmas said there is one called “Rock sauce” which is like a kinesiology tape.Then Alex thanked her and went back into the HN room. Christmas said something about her acting like that. Then Kevin said they need to have a class to teach the HGs how not to be bad sports when they are leaving the house. Christmas said she doesn’t think she would isolate herself like that. Kevin said, “You know it’s hard to deal with people’s personalities isn’t it? Especially when its adverse times. It’s easy when you are up in the penthouse and you’re feeding the fish and you’re having a beer and then everything’s cool, everything’s great. And then you come down to the outhouse and if you have to lie to deal with things trust me.” “How many HOHs are there left?” he asked. He said he doesn’t even know what happens. He asked how the comps were at the end, if there are physical or mental? She said they are both. He asked what she was going to do when she gets out of here. She said, “Have a drink and go to the wrap party.” Then it went to fish briefly. She said fans will be there and family will be there at the wrap parties. He asked if they will be able to go to the beach. She said she thinks so because they will have Thursday and Friday. Kevin said knowing his luck it will rain. He asked Christmas if she would do it again. She said, “With a good foot, I will.” “I would get kicked out within the first two weeks though.” Then he tells her she should learn from this year and how he thinks she should align herself and with who.
12:15 AM BBT She said that she thinks Josh would be invited to over the top. She tells Kevin that Paul was loud last season and calling everyone out and was a dick. Kevin asked her, “Really? Really?” He said Paul was cool and calm this season. Christmas starts telling Kevin what Over the Top is like and said Josh would be great for that show and maybe Jason and maybe Raven. He asked when that starts. Christmas said two weeks after this show ends. She said, “Nothing is ever guaranteed until you walk through that door.” “Sorry Cameron.” And she said it is half the time of this show and much more loud and all. Christmas said, “I’m going to go put on my jammas.” Kevin said, “Thank you for the arm.” She said, “You’re welcome.” He said, “It’s probably 12:30 right now huh?” She said probably. She said she wasn’t supposed to be walking around without her crutch until next week but she wanted to see what it was like. And she will probably get her crutch to go to bed. Kevin came out and and said something. Paul came down from the HOH bedroom and Kevin asked him to read something for him because he couldn’t read it. Then Kevin said he was going to go potty and go to bed to Paul. Christmas came into the kitchen and warmed up something in the microwave. Kevin told a quick story to Paul about putting 4 advil in his pocket for later and then he forgot they were there and he put some m&ms there too. And then he was walking around and reached in his pocket and threw some in his mouth and started chewing them up. And thought to himself, “Boy these m&ms taste awful.” And they were the advils. Then he went to the bathroom. Paul told Christmas, “Thank you. That was very important.” Then Paul left the kitchen and Christmas said, “Bye,” He said, “Bye.” Paul went into the Rose bedroom. He was looking in the mirror and doing something to his face for some time. Then Kevin came into the Rose bedroom. Paul said, “Get some good rest tonight because the next comp is more than likely physical.” Kevin asked if he really thought so. He said yes and he will probably beat Alex and Christmas. Kevin asked Paul if he thought Christmas would be petting him up on the block again or if he will. Paul told him not to worry about that right now just to get some good rest and be ready for the comp. Kevin said the kid has been up on the block already 3 times. Paul just told him to get rest. Kevin said goodnight and left the room. Paul came out shortly after Kevin left. He asked if he took one advil if it would do anything for him. Kevin said yeah and here they are. He took one and left the room. He went into the kitchen. Christmas came into the kitchen and Paul said, “He ain’t winning shit tomorrow.” Christmas asked him what he said. He said it again, “He ain’t winning shit tomorrow. He isn’t in the right mindset.”
12:30 AM BBT She smiled and went to the microwave and put something in there. Then went back over to Paul. Paul said, “Yeah and he said worse case scenario, you play veto and we win veto and we have the vote we’re fine. And I’m like, yeah, I’m just going to take it tomorrow. And he said, Yeah, you’ll smoke all of us tomorrow. And I’m like.” And he nods his head yes and smiles and walks away from Christmas. “Bye.” Christmas said, “Just keep letting him thinkin.” He said, “Yeah.” Christmas said, “You smell nice.” He said, “Thank you.” Then Paul asked where Alex was if she was inside. And Christmas said yeah she was in the room yeah. Paul said he was going to ask her tomorrow where she wants me to vote cause I technically don’t want to fight with her. He (Kevin) wants a split vote. Then Christmas said she was taking the heating pad to Alex for her shoulder because she asked and she is just taking care of er’body. He said ok. Then Christmas said that is how hot she wants her water in the shower to be. Then she took the heating pad into Alex and Alex was excited and said Thank you to her. Paul went into the Green bedroom and talk with Kevin again. Kevin told Paul he would never go against Paul. Then he was asking Paul about why they were asking him questions. He said they are asking you questions because you are the only one playing and they won’t ask me. Then Kevin said the things that he has been doing funny things in the camera like magic tricks and hiding behind the scarf. Then she came and asked him about his arm and said she saw him rubbing it. But that was like 12 hours ago. Cameras went to fish briefly. Feeds came back and Kevin said to Paul he didn’t have to worry. Paul said, “I’m not worried.” Then Christmas came out of the Rose bedroom changed into shorts and a t-shirt. Kevin said, “There ya go.” She went to the kitchen to get some water. Kevin and Paul were talking about the game again. Christmas came back and Paul asked if Josh was sleeping. She said she yelled for him and he didn’t respond. He said, “Maybe he’s in the shower.” She went back out there and up to the HOH bedroom. Kevin and Paul started talking about when he and Josh were fighting about him and the money. Christmas is coming back downstairs and she strolled by the cameras and did a little dance. Then she went into the SR. Christmas came out and into the Green room again. Paul asked about Josh f he was up and showering. She said yes he was up and showering and said he was going to come down in a minute.
12:45 AM BBT She went into the Rose bedroom and said, “Goodnight boys.” They told her goodnight back and Paul said, “I’m going to be sleeping soon.” Kevin said, “Skin” to Paul and did a handshake and told him again he would never go against him. And he said that Paul would have to navigate him through. Then he started telling Paul who would vote for him and against Josh. Paul went into the Rose room and Christmas asked if they were having a good time.
1:00 AM BBT Paul said, “He’s and idiot.” (about Kevin) Kevin told him that they are after you next you know that right? Paul said, “Yeah I know that. I’m not an idiot. Of course they are.” He said he didn’t want to tell me because he was afraid I would be mad at him. Josh was upstairs getting dressed and prepared for bed. Kevin was saying his prayers and preparing for bed. He turned out his light. Josh came down to the Rose bedroom and turned the light out and lay down in the round bed.
1:15 AM BBT All hgs are in bed and lights are out. Paul and Josh are chatting. Josh said he needed to get really stoned and go to the beach. Christmas said, “Why don’t you offer for Kevin to sleep in the HOH bed up there because you aren’t going to use it and he hasn’t been upstairs at all this season.” Josh said, “Should I?” Christmas told Paul she was sorry for interrupting him. Josh went out to the Green room and offered the room and bed to Kevin. He declined and said maybe tomorrow. Kevin was telling Josh he lost weight in the house and looks all cut up and the girls are going to go crazy for him. He said thanks and said Kevin should go up there and the bed is nice. Kevin said maybe tomorrow he will. They said their goodnights. Josh went to get some water. He came back and went to the Rose room. Kevin said, “Goodnight Josh.” Josh said, “Goodnight buddy.” He went back into the Rose room. Christmas was rubbing Paul’s back. Paul was talking about posting to his page to twice a week. And maybe Instagram and Twitter more often. Christmas said she was doing twice a day before she left. Josh and Paul said that was crazy. Paul said he was verified before he left. Christmas said there is no application process for Instagram just Facebook. Christmas said you don’t have to post a lot then because of that. She said she posts quotes and photos. Christmas said that Social Media is a lot of work. Josh said he snaps a lot daily. Christmas said she likes instadaily. Paul asks Josh to go get a drink. He said, “I just did.”
1:30 AM BBT Paul said then go pee. Josh said, “Ugh, I will go get a snack.” He got up and Paul said check if they black olives. He said ok. Josh left. Paul started talking about his website and what he was doing before he left and a photo shoot. Production said, “THE BEDROOM LIGHTS MUST REMAIN ON.” Paul said, “Why do they always do that when Josh leaves the room? We aren’t talking game.” Then Josh comes back into the bedroom with a can of black olives. He said they had them. Paul was all excited and he said to give them to him. Josh said, “You need to open them first.” Paul said, “They aren’t open? How am I supposed to do that? With my forehead? Did you really just bring me an unopened can to me?” Josh said, “Just come to the kitchen with me. You can’t eat them in here.” Paul said, “Just go open them please.” Josh went and left to the kitchen to eat them. Josh said, “You are going to spill them in the bed.” Paul said, “It’s just water just dump it out.” Then Paul and Christmas started talking about their websites and businesses again. Then Paul said, “What is taking Josh so long to open a can?” Christmas said, “He’s probably looking for the can opener and cussing at you and eating a cookie.” Then he came back to the room. Paul asked him if he got the can opened. Josh said, “No.” Paul said, “Are you serious? Just bring me the can fool.” He was already heading over to Paul with them. Paul and Christmas started eating the olives and saying this is so good. Josh said, “I can’t believe you guys are getting so gassed up about these olives right now. If it was Chipotle I could understand.” Paul said, “You are going to get out of this house and eat Chipotle and you are going to crap your brains out and regret it.” They start talking about making a burrito if he wants one.
1:45 AM BBT Josh said he wants friendship fries since you haven’t made them in a while. Paul said he can make those but he can make a burrito like Chipotle if he wants. Josh said, “I’m going to have the real thing in 8 days or so so please just make the fries please.” Paul is still trying to convince him he can make him a burrito with chicken in it. Josh said, “I’m not trying to gain 5 pounds fool, just make the friendship fries.” Josh said he can’t figure out the coffee at all. Christmas said, “Yeah your face this morning when you took a drink of your coffee. It was funny. You said “This is awful.” Christmas said, “I told you to put a little sugar on it.” Josh said, “No you didn’t.” She said yes she did. He said, “I swear I didn’t hear you.” Then Josh brought up the Vaseline in the coffee that Paul did to Cody. Paul said he got up when the music went off just to watch that kid get vaselined when he went to get his coffee. Josh said, “Yeah, Jessica yelled at me for all of the vaseline. She asked me when I was going to stop with all the vaseline. And I told her that it wasn’t me. And then the one time Cody came in the Rose room and wiped his hand off all over my bed. That was hilarious. That poor kid.” Then they all settled into their beds and became quiet.

2:00 AM BBT All Hgs are in bed they are tossing and turning

Live Feed Updates Monday, September 11th (3)

September 11, 2017

Live Feed Updates Monday, September 11th (3)
3:00 PM BBT Xmas says she needs to find out the down time for her next surgery so she can understand her schedule. Paul says he for sure needs a nap. Josh says me too. Xmas said it got so hot last night. Paul said I don’t think the air conditioner was working. Paul is talking about how he wants to get all the toxins out of his body, massage, weed. Paul is talking about going to Halloween horror nights. And how they are going to do the BBq at his house, and how they can fit a hike in. Paul is talking about the hike and how Xmas might be able to do it. Xmas said she don’t care she will do it. Paul is telling her how she can do half the hike, and wait for them. She said ok, if I feel I need to bitch out. All four cameras are on them in the money room. Josh is laying on the couch, Xmas and Paul are sitting near each other, and Kevin is sitting in the block chair. Xmas whispers to Paul. He says excuse me? She says I wonder if my dr. saw my veto. Feeds go down and come right back up. Josh said he wishes they had the yard so he could run. Paul said it’s either super elaborate that they need two days or it is going to be tonight. Paul is thinking maybe the veto ceremony Wednesday. Paul is talking about what days they will be doing hoh and veto. He believes last year the veto ceremony was live, but says he does not remember. He said if it was live, it could be tomorrow. He can see it happening today and tomorrow. Xmas says definitely not Wednesday and Paul says no, there is not enough time. Paul is talking about Tuesday they don’t do anything before the finale. Xmas was called to the diary room and Paul and Josh say goodbye to her.
3:15 PM BBT Kevin is talking about how stressful this is. He is talking about when the gave is over. Kevin is talking about how far they have come in this game. Kevin and paul are talking about Paul’s shoes. Paul said Xmas should be back here by 4:30. Kevin is talking about how hard it has been not seeing his family for 90 days. Kevin is telling them once you first born child is born, you think of your child every day. Kevin said he never thought this would be this stressful, Paul said it gets worse. Kevin said it is difficult. Paul said we know. Paul said 4 hours from now, it is his halfway mark 6 months in the bb house. Kevin reminds him it was 911. Paul and Kevin are doing shout outs to people of 911. They are sending positive vibes to America. Paul said he was in the third grade when that happened. Josh is talking about how they let him out of school early. Paul said he didn’t go to school, his mom kept him home and they watched the news. Josh is talking about all the smoke and fire. Josh is talking about how he saw it. Josh said it was really scary. Kevin said he is so anxious. Paul says he is too. Kevin said his heart is pounding like when he got married. Kevin asked how they liked the coffee and Josh said he made it very bitter. Kevin says sometimes you sit back and wonder why you worry. What is going to happen is going to happen. Kevin said thank god for Josh or else he is the one that they would be yelling at . (Production). Kevin is saying how weird it is, to be sitting with 2 guys that are his kids ages. Paul says he just wants a guitar. Kevin is going into the storage room. Paul acts like he is shooting himself in the head to Josh about Kevin. Paul said he doesn’t think he has been so bored in his life. He says he has bad anxiety and his chest hurts. Josh said don’t think about it. Kevin came back out and sat down in the chair. They are talking about chocolate. Kevin is making jokes to Josh. Paul lays down on the couch and puts his hat over his eyes. Kevin lays on both chairs. Josh is laying on the other couch. Room gets quiet. Production told the houseguests no napping. Kevin said what else do you want us to do, give us suggestions. Paul says he is wide awake just covering his eyes from the light. Paul asked Josh where is he going. He says upstairs to have a bowel movement.
3:30 PM BBT Paul asked Kevin what his best memory was. Josh is in the hoh room. Kevin is telling a story, and the feeds go in and out. All cameras switch to the hoh room. And now back to Kevin and Paul in the money room. Paul asks Kevin how he would describe his childhood. Kevin said you had to fight for everything. Kevin said at 12 he carried a knife with him walking to the store hoping he wouldn’t get into a fight. Kevin said he wishes he was on this show when he was Paul’s age. Kevin said he abused himself. He said it’s only been a few years since he stopped because he was tired of going to court. Feeds go down. 3:34. Feeds right back up and Kevin and Paul are still in the money room. Josh is in the hoh room. Kevin said after that new year’s eve everyone started to die. He is talking about some overdosed some hung themselves and some went to prison. Josh is coming downstairs from the hoh room. Alex is in the kitchen. Production told Josh to put on his microphone. He is headed back up to the hoh to get it. All cameras are on him putting it on . Josh is cleaning up the table in his hoh room. He is looking at the cameras in his room and using the remote. Josh is cleaning up all the garbage in the hoh room and throwing it in the trash can. Josh is talking to the camera. He said he is in a zone and he is ready to win. He said he is going to fight his ass off to get to the final 2. He is going to continue being himself to the end. He is hoping he comes out on top and he is the winner. Kevin and Paul are both laying on the couches in the money room. Paul asked Kevin if he used to skate. Kevin says ice skate. Paul says skate board. Kevin says no never. We lived on a hill. Kevin is telling him about a kid that got hit by a train because his brakes gave out on his bike. He said the mother was never the same ever. Josh is picking up trash near the chess table area. Alex is eating in the kitchen. Josh is coming downstairs. Alex is reading her coke can and eating. Josh is in the bathroom area washing his hands and looking at his teeth in the mirror.
3:45 PM BBT Alex is putting her food away in the fridge. Feeds go down 3:45. And right back up. Alex is washing her dishes. Kevin and Paul are still laying on the couch in the money room. Kevin starts to sing and he stops. Kevin is sitting up now. Alex is using the bathroom. Kevin asked Josh if he is going to shower and he says yes. Alex went back to her room. Josh went to the bathroom area and is headed up to the hoh room. Production is reminding them that sleeping is only permitted in the bedrooms. Paul said played yourself. Josh is coming downstairs. He is in the kitchen at the sink. Josh tells Kevin he can go shower if he want’s. Kevin said he will take him up on that. Kevin is talking to him about Justin Beeber and what songs Josh likes. Josh says he is real basic when it comes to music or the album. Kevin said there is nothing else to do, so he will go up and kill a half hour. Josh is talking about how he would slice up fruits for Dom. Kevin told Josh he is a good kid. Josh is drinking water. Kevin told Paul he is going to go up and take a shower, and says ok? Josh is doing dishes. Kevin said it may be 10 or 15 minutes. Josh said take your time, and Kevin said he might listen to some music. Kevin asked again what two songs Josh liked. Paul is laying on the couch in the money room. Only activity going on is Josh doing the dishes. Alex is in the have not room. She is doing her finger nails. She is sitting on the floor in the have not room.
4:00 PM BBT Josh is doing the dishes. Alex is in have not room and looks to be cleaning under her toenails. Alex is now picking at her face as well. Alex is hunkered over in the floor so you can barely see what she is doing, but it appears she is touching up her face as she is holding a mirror. Alex now picking at her cuticles with tweezers. She is sitting on a pillow in the floor filing her nails down. Josh is still washing dishes. Alex gets up and gets in the bed, is reading the bible.
4:15 PM BBT Kevin comes into the kitchen and walks through with his BB duffle bag. Looks like he is going to pack. Josh finishes with dishes and starts putting away kitchen supplies left out on the counter. Josh says f me while cleaning. He dropped some gummies on the floor and is picking them up. Cameras switch to living room to show Paul napping on the long couch. Alex laying in have not bed chewing her nails after she spent so long filing them. Josh now wiping down the counters. Josh asks Kevin to request epsom salt. Josh speculates to Kevin that the competition will be big because they have started building early. Kevin says every time they have guessed about something they have been wrong so far. Alex laying in bed playing with her hair and staring at the ceiling. Josh now mopping the floor. He is dancing while mopping.
4:30 PM BBT BB says to stop singing. Josh heads up to HOH bathroom. Feeds switch to Kevin laying in bed in green br. He is staring at the ceiling. Neither have said a word. Alex opens up a can of planters nuts and eats some. Kevin rubbing his inner arm profusely. Alex eats some more nuts. She is now reading the bible again.
4:45 PM BBT Kevin and Alex still laying in bed. Alex reading the bible. Kevin puts on his sunglasses. Alex finally gets up out of bed and puts her hat on. She goes in the bathroom. When she comes out she goes back to the have not room, stacks some pillows up on the floor, and starts doing crunches. Kevin takes his sunglasses off and is staring again. Alex gets up off the floor and is doing exercises using the bedside table. Kevin wraps his headband around his wrist. Alex exercising with water jugs now.
5:00 PM BBT Alex walks back to the kitchen. She gets a coke out and is drinking it while staring at herself in the reflective sliding doors. Kevin is folding up his bandana and wraps it around his head. Alex goes back in have not room and gets in the bed, then gets up and puts a unicorn horn on her head. She gets back in bed with it on and is spinning her head around. She goes back to reading the bible. Kevin puts his glasses on and starts filing his nails. Alex talking to the camera. She says there is nothing to do here and that is why she is reading the bible, she has never read it all the way through. She starts reading out loud. She said this is where her life is at right now. Alex puts on her sunglasses. Kevin gets up. Alex asking questions a loud about the bible.
5:15 PM BBT Kevin takes trash out to storage room. He walks around in kitchen drinking coffee. He returns to his bed. Cams switch to Josh who is cam talking in HOH. He said when he gets to F3 he is going for it and taking the shot. He says he has to stay calm cool and collected. Josh says if he wins on the scale, he has been thinking a lot about what he will say to jury. He says the people he aligned with ran the whole game, other than Jess and Cody. Josh said they are probably asking Cody questions now, he says thanks Cody, now I am in final four and you are in jury, you played yourself. He says he can’t beat Paul in the final 2 he thought, but he has played a straightforward game whereas Paul has played everyone. He says Paul has run the show and he sees what a great game he has played, but he wants to be a man and take him on to face him in the final 2.
5:30 PM BBT He says Paul has played the best game this season, then stops talking because he sees Paul is coming upstairs. Paul comes in and Josh says he is showering. Alex is again working out in the have not room. Alex seeing if she can fit into bedside end tables. She says she guesses she could have fit before climbing out. Alex trying to juggle. Josh tells Paul he has never been this bored in his life. Alex won’t talk to him, he does not want to talk to Kevin. Alex goes into green br and gets a bucket and brings it back to have not. She is throwing balls to see if they will land in the bucket. Josh says he is going to continue to mess with Kevin and say this is a hard comp coming up. Josh says besides Alex, Jess was a great competitor. Paul agrees and says she was mentally too. Josh says he was not threatened by Cody. They laugh that Cody did not make it to the wall comp. Josh says all they have to do is beat Kevin and they are good. Paul tells Josh he knows every detail of this house. Josh says he has not at all, he only knows how many apples are in the apple room. He says 300, Paul says no 369. Josh keeps telling Paul to quiz me, Paul says no because they probably won’t quiz on that, he tells Josh to ask him dates. Josh starts quizzing Paul. Alex is playing a game that correlates with her workout.
5:45 PM BBT Alex gets back in the bed and is talking about the scripture “an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”. Josh and Paul talking about their lives on the outside. Talking about working out and dieting. Josh and Christmas talking in the bathroom. Christmas is on one crutch. She says next week she will be walking. She walks upstairs to HOH. Paul complaining about his comic again as potty mouth. Josh says he is pretty sure he is not the only potty mouth because they all said horrible stuff all season. Josh says he was a meatball.
6:00 PM BBT Christmas, Paul, and Josh are in the HOH room. Josh is suggesting making shrimp for dinner. Paul tells him that he doesn’t like shrimp because he got sick when he was a kid. Alex is sitting by herself in the have not room. Josh is telling Paul and Christmas how he cleaned the HOH room. Kevin is hanging out in Kevin’s corner by himself. Alex is making herself some soup. Paul, Josh, and Christmas discuss how people this season isolate themselves when they know they are going next. They are watching Alex on the HOH monitor. They discuss what they want to do when they get out. Alex is talking to herself about how much she loves Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup with one teaspoon of Tabasco. She says that she cuts up the noodles so that there is a noodle in every single bite. She says that she thinks she is weird. Josh says that it is September 11th. Paul asks Christmas if she realized that. Christmas asked them if they remember what they were doing on Sept. 11th. Paul said he was in 3rd grade and Josh said he was in 1st grade. Josh says that he saw the planes hit. He says that he remembers the smoke and the second plane hitting. He said it was terrifying. Christmas tells them what she remembers.
6:15 PM BBT Josh tells Christmas and Paul that he failed Kindergarten because he couldn’t speak english. Josh and Paul talk about going to college. Josh says that he recommends college to everyone. Paul tries to tell him that not everyone can afford to go to college. Josh explains that he did work study, took out loans, and applied for scholarships. Alex burps so loud that Paul, Christmas, and Josh heard her in the HOH room. Paul keeps saying that he is over it and he is ready to get out of the house. Josh suggests that they each tell each other some things that they love about each other.

6:30 PM BBT Josh got Paul to smile with this conversation change. He tells Paul that he is friendship. He tells him that him not using the veto was boys. Josh says let’s get over it and go cook a steak because I am hungry. Paul says that he is mentally and emotionally drained. He says his brain is fried and he is over being in the house. Christmas tells Paul that Jason and Alex were targeting him and they deserve to leave. Josh keeps saying that he wants to smoke a fat ass blunt with Paul when they get out of the house. Paul starts talking about food and Josh jumps up and say that he can’t wait anymore. PLEASE STAND AWAY FROM THE SLIDING GLASS DOORS! Alex is still sitting in the have not room reading the Bible.
6:45 pm BBT Alex is now reading the Bible out loud. Josh, Christmas, and Paul discuss beer and going out. Alex starts tossing some red balls into a bucket in the have not room. STOP THAT! She says what else am I supposed to do? She bitches about how production let her do it earlier. She says that she can’t wait until the next crew comes in and calls them bitches. She goes back to reading the Bible and picking at her hair.
7:00 PM BBT Alex is still sitting alone in the HN room picking at her nails. Paul talks to Christmas about smoking weed back home. Christmas tells him that you can get in trouble where she lives for having weed. Paul tells her that he will give her a cartridge or something. Paul tells Christmas that her and Josh should get a medical card when they get out. Josh is in the kitchen cooking. Kevin walks in just to have someone to talk to. Paul and Christmas are talking about who they think will win the game.
7:15 PM BBT Paul says that he has been in the BB house for a total of six months of his life as of now. He says that he loves it but he is ready to go. Kevin compliments Josh’s cooking and tells him that he should open a restaurant. He tells him that he should call it Meatballs. Kevin tells Josh that he is going into the apple room to talk to his family. He asks Josh if he can talk into any camera and Josh says yes. Kevin is cleaning the bathroom and complaining. Josh is complaining about Kevin to Paul.
7:30 PM BBT Everyone loves Josh’s food. Everyone is enjoying the food except Alex. Kevin says that it seems like a year has passed since they came into the house.
7:45 PM BBT Alex looks super depressed in the have not room. She has secluded herself and is laying in the bed reading the house Bible. Kevin, Christmas, Paul, and Josh are in the kitchen eating dinner. Alex told Josh that she did not want to join. She told him that she already ate. Kevin is standing in the corner of the kitchen. Paul tells him to sit down. Kevin says that he doesn’t know how he can be tired when they have not been doing anything. Alex makes herself some more soup and takes it into the have not room to eat alone. She says that Dominique was right about Paul being a snake and she should have listened to her.
8:15 PM BBT Paul says that when Jessica came in she said that she wanted to make it to Jury. Paul says that she botched that plan when she put all her faith in Cody. Josh was sitting at the memory wall talking about the evicted guests. Christmas says that Jessica campaigned for her to go up. Josh tells Christmas that Cody and Jessica didn’t talk to him until weeks into the game.
8:30 PM BBT the camera cuts to Alex in the bedroom reading the bible. The camera cuts back to Josh, Christmas, Paul, and Kevin in the kitchen talking about having an eviction for Peppy. Josh puts whipped cream in his mouth. Paul says that one day late at night Josh is going to be drunk. Paul says that he plans on liking all of Christmas posts on social media. Paul is in the refrigerator. Paul walks out of the kitchen. He follows Christmas into rose room.
8:45 PM BBT Christmas is folding clothes. She is in the rose room going through clothes. Paul and Josh are sitting at the chess table playing chess. They are also singing and dancing. Now Kevin has joined them. There’s no talk about the Big Brother game. They are just playing chess. Every move that Josh makes Paul says checkmate. Josh continues to say that he quits. In the have not room Alex sites reading the bible by herself. Now Christmas is at the chess table with Paul, Josh, and Kevin.
9:00 PM BBT Paul and Josh continue to play chess as Christmas and Kevin watch. Kevin gets up to leave. He walks downstairs. Paul is still heating Josh in chess. Now they’re arguing over the game. Paul is coaching him on how to play the game. Downstairs Kevin is talking to the cameras. He mentions how he won the $25,000. He wants to stay so that he can possibly win more money. He says that he has learned throughout life that you can’t go around yelling at people. Kevin says that he is the most targeted one in the house next to Cody. He says that he’s been nominated for eviction three times in five days. He says that after tonight he has eight days left in the house. He tells someone to come to the hotel with his family once the show is over. He says that the competitions mean nothing. It’s about social game. He says that the best competitors are no longer in the house. He says that none of the people left in the house has won any physical competitions in the house. He begins to tell all of his family members that he loves them.
9:15 PM BBT He says that he doesn’t know if he’s the oldest person to make it this far. He feels like it’s a major deal to make it this far in the game at his age. He feels like at this point it should be everyone for themselves at this point. Back upstairs Christmas continues to watch Josh and Paul play chess. It’s quiet at the chess table there is no game talk. Kevin is in the bedroom making up his bed. He has tied his hair down for the night.
9:30 PM BBT Alex leaves from out of the have not room. She hands Kevin the bible. Alex is now putting on makeup in the two way mirror. She hasn’t said a word to Kevin. Kevin is packing up clothes. Josh, Paul, and Christmas are still upstairs playing chess. Kevin is watching Alex pack up her stuff. The house is quiet. Kevin is now reading the bible, while the others are upstairs playing chess.
9:45 PM BBT there is no game talk. Paul tells Josh that he’s lost the game. Kevin is still laying in the bed. Paul, Josh, and Christmas have left the chess game. They are walking to various parts of the house. Josh is yelling because one of the fish died. They are now looking at the fish. Paul points at one and says that it’s dead and that it’s Josh’s fault.

10:00 PM BBT HOH rm Josh has killed a fish in HOH. Josh saying I cannot face this I killed him we need to get him out and flush him down the toilet. Paul saying he did it killed one on his HOH he killed Kevin the fish. Josh cannot handle this. Look at this guy he is starving. This is all I needed was to have a fish die on me.Christmas saying how he is the only one to kill a fish while HOH calling him fish killer. Christmas says and they think I am weird look at you Josh. Why did Kevin the fish had to die on me Josh says. Oh My God over and over Josh keeps saying. This little one is going to die we need to feed him mouth to mout. You grab him and I will feed him mouth to mouth. I am fucken about to die Josh says. America please don;t think I did this as Christmas calls Josh Fish Fillet. Josh says the BB needs to call him to DR as give him medicine for the fish. Josh is freaking out. Paul says you killed that one. Josh says Christmas did this by only feeding them once a every other day. Josh says Christmas is the fish killer. Now they are saying Kevin killed Kevin. Josh wants to put his hand into the tank to grab the dead fish and CHristmas says that you oils will kill the rest of the fish. Josh keeps saying over and over Guy (to BB staff) we need fish meds for these fish. Josh saying they are people and Paul saying they are not people they are fish. Josh wants to give them mouth to mouth and Paul keeps reminding Josh they live in water not air. Christmas evil laughs. Josh goes to DR as Paul and CHristmas talk about how Josh might lose his mind over this. Kevin comes into HOH rm. Kevin says he used to count the fish and only getting 13 fish he didn’t think to look behind the black box for more. Josh goes to Kitchen and gets the kitchen tongs to remove the fish. Christmas says that you need to get gloves and Kevin asks are you going to flush him? Josh freaks out and goes to DR again. Christmas tells Kevin Josh is going to freak more tomorrow as his food for tomorrow is Salmon
10:15 PM BBT Kitchen Josh is laying on the floor saying all the fishes are going to die. I am going to have to look that fish in the eye and says I let you die. He keeps saying he needs medicine for the fish and Paul asks him how he is going to give it to the one fish without others getting it. Josh goes back up the HOH rm and says he is going to go outback and exercise to get this out of his mind. Christmas says you did everything you could by asking for meds and a net to get him out. Josh said that they BB would get it tomorrow and Josh says Homie doesn’t have a tomorrow. Paul and Josh come back into HOH rm and Christmas says do you want to have funeral service for his tomorrow. Josh starts to tap on glass and both Paul and Christmas says stop you are hurting the rest of the fish. JOsh says he doesn’t want to be HOH anymore. Josh looks in his bag and says are these clean or not and Christmas says no those are the close you forgot to send out to cleaner because you want it to be like your home. Paul looks at fish tank and says there are more fish dieing. Josh trying to convince Christmas she is the fish killer. She keeps reminding Josh that he keeps forgetting everything like when to put on his mic and stop singing lol. Christmas says how Josh is the fish killer Paul says how when he was HOH he feed and talked to the fish daily and never had a fish die. Josh is sitting on bench putting on socks and Christmas asks him if they are clean as she saw him wear them yesterday and didn’t wash them, he lifts them to his nose and smell them and then tries to toss them Christmas and she says don’t you dare. Christmas says that is what killed Kevin was your socks. She then tells him that when she was HOH she fed them every day even with the cast on when she wasn’t suppose to be climbing up and doing it because you Josh did not come up to help me with them. Living rm Paul and Josh working out. Pauls says he is going to do as many push up as he can and not to put a limit it on as Josh was suggesting to do reps.
10:30 PM BBT BB Kevin please put on your microphone. HN rm Alex talking to camera. Green rm Paul goes into talk to Kevin and then walks out (did not hear the question). HN rm Alex reading Bible. Says something about putting on the Coffee today. Living rm Paul and Josh working out. Josh saying he needs to stretch his F*ckin legs. Paul says to Josh why did you leave the stake wrapper on the sink now there are ants all over it again? Kevin comes out saying I heard you guys talking so I thought I would join you. All 4 cameras go to HN rm and Alex reading. Kevin sits on couch watching both Paul and Josh work out saying I am a proud daddy see how you two have changed since you have been in here. Kevin gives pointers. Tells Josh to walk around kitchen with his hand above his head to get more air into his lungs. Kevin tells Josh as he has to do when he gets home is jog or bike to get that baby fat off trust me. BB Josh please go to DR. Paul and Kevin whispering about is she going to do it or something like that. Paul says these two don;t know anything to Kevin.
10:45 PM BBT Living rm Josh comes out of DR and says they BB have to get him out of the HOH and Paul says when? Paul says to Kevin clear your mind. Kevin asks about are they going to clear the all the fish out of the tank and BB says you are not aloud to talk about your DR stuff to other HG’s. Kevin asks Paul about so there was a Doctor on here before? and Paul says yes he thinks he was on two seasons. Kevin yells to Paul the stuff is in the top draw it comes out fast. Paul comes back into living rm and Kevin asks him if he used some? Paul says not yet. Paul says that milkshake fucked me up no more junk food. Kevin leaves room and Paul starts to whisper to Josh (cannot hear it) You have to win something like that. Then he will know that pointing to Kevin. Josh picking his nose on camera real good job. Kevin goes to bathroom and Paul asks him if he’s going to bed? Kevin says no. Kevin walks back and asks about when are you going to the place to Paul and Josh after the show. Talking about going to Universal and then Disneyland . Josh goes into HN rm and talks to Alex and says he does not like not being able to talk to her, She says it is only for a few more day. She feels abandoned and left out you kicked out my friend and and in a few days I will be with my real friends. Josh asks her if they are all right and she says yes. Paul goes up to HOH and talks with Christmas and she says what’s up with Alex and Josh? Josh comes up and tells them he talked to Alex to see if she was alright? Paul says you need to go back and stay with him. Josh says yes we cannot leave Kevin and ALex alone. Kitchen Christmas come downstairs and Josh says he needs to get an Icy Hot for Kevin’s arm. Christmas says she will take it and fix his arms it is from the comp of holding onto the zipline. Asks him how many times did you go through it? Kevin says 45 minutes. Christmas says this is going to hurt but after it will feel better.
11:00 PM BBT Green rm Kevin asks Christmas how she is doing and she says I am ok just bored. She starts to rub his arms and he says how do you know how to do this? She says it is because I am an athlete is why. Kevin says you are tough and I compliment you for that girl. Kevin says you remember the night they yelled at me for not washing my hand and he starts yelling at me. Christmas. HOH rm Paul and Josh talking about what Alex told him about how Josh back stabbed her. Pauls says should I go talk to her? Josh says no then she will know I came and talk to you about it. But I think that with you everything will be fine. Paul says he feels her fate. Josh says he didn’t think she would be that way. The worst thing we could do would be to push on her. Paul ask should I ask her how I should vote or not? Josh says no. Alex talk Josh he does not need to check on her anymore. Paul says he does need to ask her Alex how she wants him to vote because she never told him. Josh says we need to pull Kevin up here to talk to him.
11:15 PM BBT Green rm Christmas and Kevin talking about the old days of MC Hammer. She has Kevin the feel it now it is softer now in his arms. Christmas says She used be a sweet girl when we first came in here. Kevin says he thinks she (Jessica) would like his girl. Christmas thinks/agrees that there are reasons to reach out to a few of the girls and maybe make a Dallas trip for them to meet Elena, or take them to NC to visit Christmas. Paul finishes up in the RR and heads back towards Josh. Josh says just give her ( Alex) time. He thinks he is F***. Paul says why I am more than you, everyone counted on me. He asks if the beige towel is his and they go back to the Idea of talking to Alex. Josh says she is actually really calm and then how she is whispering with Kevin and its odd. Josh asks what Paul is thinking, he says nothing Kevin is getting on his nerves. Josh says when he unloads he will attack his game nothing personal, they tickle the idea he has been studying fays but highly unlikely, Paul leaves the room and Josh asks for the time, he doesn’t respond so Josh goes to the door and asks, says OH SHIT and closes the door walking around listening to music. Meanwhile Paul has joined Christmas and Kevin in the Green room where she is rolling out Kevin’s arm muscles. He says they feel great he can move them so much better. Christmas says the stuff he is using is shitty, KEVIN PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE. He offers snacks of all sorts from his drawer. Kevin tells about his house and how he has extra protections around in case a break in. There is an Ax by every door and one in his room and his Car. Kevin asks do you remember the nights when everyone used to sit in here and tell stories. Christmas heads to get Cereal.
11:30 PM BBT Kevin tells Paul that he appreciated Christmas’s help, Paul tells him Xmas/Josh are a pair F2 so they gotta look out for each other. Paul says he thinks tomorrow is going to be physical. Paul says if he wins he has to figure it out the plan he might have to put up Kevin. Xmas is back with her bowl, Kevin thanks her, he says he misses them being down there and hanging out. He shows them something he found he is keeping for himself so he can give it to Jason himself. Paul says they may take it before hand. JOSH PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Kevin tells about a GUY named Martinez that renamed himself “?” and feels that he is an alien born on another planet and raised here. Kevin tells about a moment his Dad sold something to a bar and a fan being stolen, BB changes all cams to Alex in the HN room where she is silently reading the Bible. Kevin is telling about how close to the street the windows are. How they would sit in the window and watch the Car chases. Josh is out of the DR and joins them in the Green room. He says they are saving the Fish, Christmas is in the Kitchen dancing showing off how she is walking without a crutch. She comes back to the green room and gets comfortable. They discuss sheets for a bed, Kevin teases Paul about reading the ingredients on the cream bottle. Kevin asks what’s best Ice or Heat for the morning, she says Ice. she explains how rolling out his arm is going to help him not be sore tomorrow. Josh heads upstairs to Shower in the HOH. Paul gets up they ask what he is doing he says he is going to shower after Josh then get some sleep. Kevin says he cleaned out the toilet and the shower cleaned up in the WR. Upstairs Josh is talking to feeders about Alex, it’s breaking his heart she is isolated and not talking.
11:45 PM BBT He asks why the cam is looking at him touch, scratching himself. He grabs clothes and feed swaps the HN then quickly to the WR where Paul is cleaning his nose piercing. Heads to the Kt, where he grabs a nibble while Josh comes downstairs. Paul asks if he is showering, Josh tells him to go first he is going to cut his nails. Kevin continues the stories with Xmas, Paul talks to Josh briefly before heading into the WR and Paul grabbing more cereal to nibble. Paul heads towards the bedrooms then back for more cereal. Josh works on his nails in the WR. Paul heads into the WR and says let’s go upstairs. They both visit the Kitchen and then head upstairs. Josh feels like there is a nerve issue in his ear that’s bothering him, Paul says his ear has been plugged all season. They feel they need to chat up Kevin tomorrow so he isn’t studying. Paul says he threw Kevin off by telling him its physical, they talk about how Kevin has a small ego and thinks he isn’t the next target. They share how Kevin is feeding the double pairs for F4 and how they need to stand by each other and hold strong. Josh says he isn’t going to believe it as he has been with Paul from the start and the past is past. Josh feels Kevin will for sure talk shit once he is on the block and knows he is going home. They are surprised that Alex spoke to Kevin and told him study the days. ( or so Kevin has told Paul that she did) Paul prepares for a shower, Josh continues clipping his nails, while Xmas is down with Kevin chatting it up.

 Alex in the have nots reading the bible.

September 11, 2017

 Alex in the have nots reading the bible.
Paul – I can say something to you …
Alex – I don’t want to talk.. leave..
Paul – alright..
Paul leaves..
Alex – Jason was right..
Alex – counterfeit sons of bitches.
Paul again tries to talk to Alex
Alex – I don’t want to hear it..
Paul – I want to make two points
Alex- you’re selfish and I don’t care.. you made your choice to win that’s fine..
Paul – you don’t understand it..
Alex – yes I do, PAUL i don’t want to hear it
Paul – ok i’ll respect it

Josh and Paul backyard

September 11, 2017

Josh and Paul backyard
Paul – almost done dude.. 8 days..
Josh – I need to run at night to let go of all this junk.. all this energy..
Paul – I think I cried more yesterday than I have cried my entire life bro
Josh – I’ve cried more this season than I’ve cried my entire life..
Josh – I’m going to cry another 20 more times
JOsh – it’s hard we’re good people we have big hearts
Paul – how are you going to throw him off.. say he hasn’t done sh1t (Kevin)
JOsh – I’m going to call him fat, I’m going to call him old, I’m going to f* say he f*ing floated to final 5 (Good people with big hearts?)
Paul – you don’t have to call him fat and old
Josh – I don’t give a f* (Good people with big hearts?)
Paul – that fool really gets under your skin
Josh – we’ve been through so much.. I look back and see everything we’ve been through every one of us and he hasn’t done sh1t Paul
JOsh – he hasn’t pissed anybody off.. he’s secured that everybody loved him that is going to Jury LIke he’s been a shady fishy f* the whole time..
Josh – everybody f*ing loves him..
Josh – I have dealt with adversary, first moment I walked in.. Paul dealt with adversary shitmas broke her foot..
Josh – and homeboy just sat in his f*ing corner and shut the f* up and got to final 5 (well you guys were attacking him round the clock so he had to put up with that)
Josh – he just talked sh1t about everybody.. under the f*ing house.. under the roof.. I don’t respect that
JOsh thinks Kevin will win the game if he goes to the end because everybody will hate their guts

Josh – I’m upset about yesterday dude, JOy (xmas) told me some f* up sh1t
Paul – what she tell you
JOsh – she was just like Oh, you have a decision to make it’s either me or her, either you choose her or you choose me
Josh – you take her off the block, paul uses the veto you put me on the block or you have three options.. make your choose.
Josh – I’m like dude where at the end, why even think like that it just hurts me i’m going to have a moment you know
Paul – I told you she trips when you trip.. then you both trip and i’m like f* jesus christ

Josh – I’m like literally I’ve never crossed you two but know we’re in the end and I’m in my feels because it’s been a hard few days you’re going to think some wild sh1t
Josh – oh yeah let me go with Alex and Kevin f* you
Paul – why would she think I was going to use the veto..
Josh – she was like You can continue to cry about it or you have 3 options make your choice
Josh – I was like what the f* then she stormed out the room
Paul- she’s cut throat dude what Can I tell you

Josh – I’m just happy I stuck by you two..
Paul – me too
Paul- I had to play a crazy a$$ aggressive game.. but if they portray me as some crazy as f*
Josh – there was moment Paul was going HAM.. but you had no choice.. (right you guys had no choice to play the game you did)
Josh – I thought you were going to burn the f* out
Josh – who give a f* how you are portrayed you’ve preached this the whole season.. you had no choice..
Josh – you’re family loves you.. that girl if she’s not there the right one will come into your life..
JOsh – it’s a game you had no choice to play the game you played.. you wouldn’t have been here, I wouldn’t have been here, christmas wouldn’t have been here if we didn’t do what we had to do for each other and if we didn’t play the game that we played.
Josh – you had no choice and I’m 100% that they understand that (you people are delusional)
Josh – to be honest to you, between me and you.. I haven’t said this to anybody I see you taking it..

 Paul Xmas and Josh in the HOH

September 11, 2017

 Paul Xmas and Josh in the HOH
Josh is complaining about Kevin says he’s going to BLOW UP on him.
Paul is sad because Alex won’t forgive him for player her all season
Josh says Xmas will come up here soon and yell at them for “Being in their feels”
Xmas comes up and the retell delusions begin
JOsh – I’m going to destroy him.. I am going to destroy your life (Kevin)
Josh – You’re f*ing face look likes my wrinkled b@lls..
Josh – I have to let it out..
Paul says no one goes and watch the season right after the show is over.
Paul – I have not watched Big BRother 18, there’s no point why?
Josh – if I get a call back it’ll have to be in 2 years..
Josh says the only reason he would go back would be if shitmas and Paul also come back.. (I don’t see that happening)
Paul says of course it makes sense for Alex to go with Paul to the end because she will win against him. paul goes on about taking Alex out because she’s played such a good game and will have more jury votes. Adds that it’s easy for Alex to say she would have used the veto because.
Josh – she told me not to call her ninja.. she said call me Alex from now on..
Xmas – what the f* ever..
Xmas says Alex was arrogant and cocky had she played a humble game this would have been different
Xmas – she came here to play and to win.. that was her only objective in this game.. Period
Paul brings up that Alex told him “I’ve had it with CBS” she won’t do the “milkshake thing” with him
Feeds cut.
bitching about Kevin lying about never leaving Mission Hill. Josh says he’s been to cancun,
Paul sys Kevin’s been to LA..
Xmas – he’s washed up
Josh – no he’s smart.. he’s a intellectual human
Xmas- whatever entertainment career he had he’s washed up.. (I know another person that’s washed up this season)

Live Feed Updates Monday, September

September 11, 2017

12:00 AM BBT Alex is out in the BY hoola hooping and ranting and raving about everything that has happened in the house. She says, “There are nothing but a bunch of counterfeits in this house. Paul is such a liar he is crying and he is such a fake counterfeit. Production says, “HGS THIS IS A LOCKDOWN. EVERYONE GO INTO HOUSE AND CLOSE THE SLIDING GLASS DOORS!” Alex says, “Ok. They are still counterfeits though and she goes into the house and looks in the refrigerator for snacks. She then heads into the SR for an apple and leaves the SR. She then goes into the HN bedroom and grabs the bible and starts reading while eating her apple. She mumbled something about the HOH and the SOBs. Up in the HOH bedroom Paul and Josh are chatting. Paul tells Paul to stop freaking out and says, “We gotta win.” Josh says you gotta win HOH and Christmas has to win the other. Paul starts saying something about the plan and the feeds go to fish. Feeds come back on at 12:11 AM and Josh is the only one in the HOH bedroom now. He put the headphones on while saying, “Alright do I gotta go now? God, I’m gonna mis this. He says, “Why is she hopping so hard?” Camera goes down to the kitchen. Paul and Christmas are down there talking about the audio. Josh came out of the HOH and asked what happened. Paul said, “They kick us out of the BY.” “We played ourselves big time.” Then he asked Christmas where the blender was and she showed him. He told Josh he had to take that back to them too. Josh asked, “Are you serious?” Then he told Christmas he was going to shower and she held up her crutch and pointed it at him like it was a gun and she shot it at him and said he was dead. And she said ok.
12:15 AM BBT Paul came back around the corner from the DR and the camera showed him tugging on his private area. He said, “Oh that’s nice just pan around right at me when I am pulling on my penis. I played myself.” Christmas was heading in the bathroom and was laughing and said, “They caught you tugging huh?” He said, “Yeah. I played myself.” Then Christmas started brushing her teeth and asked him what time it was. But Paul never answered. Christmas put some styling product on her hair and left the bathroom. She stopped in the LR and looked at the pictures on the memory wall and held her crutch up like a gun again at the memory wall and made a shooting noise and gesture and pointed at it. Then she smiled and turned around and pointed upstairs and did the peace sign with her fingers. She walked on and entered the Rose room and got in her bed. She pulled her hair up and put it in a ponytail and laid down and covered up. She faced away from the camera briefly and then flipped back over looking in the direction of the camera. She begins talking to the camera. “So thinking about everything in this game and sometime I am a little ruthless, and I am. And I have said I will give you the benefit of the doubt until you cross me, which everyone has except Matt. He played a straight and honest game. He was just protecting Raven. Alex chose Jillian in the beginning and Josh chose me and Paul chose me. Then she kept me away from Jason. She never considered me a player just a pawn in her game. I have been a very productive player and socialized and been very choosy in who I wanted to get over when. I still like Alex and it bothers me that she has to go home. And in a few days you will see me break down more. I will definitely be having a mental breakdown after the show and you will not have to see it on live feeds. But I think I have definitely played a good game socially and have had to rely on my social game and have given enough. I had ten broken bones. I had to have other people’s bone placed in my foot. I have a Franken foot. I am proud of how I have played this game and made it this far.
12:30 AM BBT Then Paul came in and said, “Who are you talking to?” Christmas said, “Just myself. No dirty chochas” she said. Then Paul said, “I am going to say goodnight to Alex and she will probably bite my head off.” He headed out to the HN bedroom and said, “Go back to what you were doing.” Christmas said, “Alright guys. Thanks for chatting.. Have a good night.” And she blew a kiss to the cameras. Paul came back in and said, “She is not happy.” “Oh well….something garbled.” Then he turned out the light and laughed as he walked to the other side of the bed and got in bed. Christmas asked him if he had a banana. He said, “Yes.I’m just tired.” She asked, “Did the milkshake help?” He said, “Yeah but it didn’t help my abs.” She laughed and said, “You’ll work it off tomorrow.” he said, “I’m just ready to get out of this f**king place.” She said, “Almost there.” He said, “It’s just been so hard and so difficult and a lot f work.” She said, “I know. I’ve seen it.” They started talking about the jurors. He said he likes to think the worst about the situation. She said she would think they would be pissed. “They are they. We are here.” Paul asked, “Do you think they will be bitter?” She said, “I don’t know. Each of them are a different breed. I wouldn’t be bitter.” He said, “You have a totally different personality and outlook than those people.” She said, “I’ll take that as a compliment.” He said, “It is a compliment.” She said, “Aww.” He asked her to tickle his back a little bit. She said that they will see her as a gimp that skated her way into it.” He said, “No I think they will see you as pushing through at all odds.” Then he said, “I’ve always been on your side.” She tells him that maybe they will see it as he played the way he had to and as good game play.” She asked him why he is obsessing about it.” He said he is not. He is just thinking about it because it is close and he may have a shot. She said, “you should be thinking about how you will explain why he did what he did.” “You can say you were on constant fight and attack mode and it will show how you know the complexities of the game.” He said, “I appreciate that.” He said, “ I don’t know how I can take credit for the accomplishments that I have done though.” Christmas said, “Well you can’t take credit for them because you weren’t the front man that did them. But you have to explain how you did what you did t them.” Paul said, “I hope there is an eviction tomorrow.” She said, Me too. The air in the house is very heavy.” Then Tuesday can be veto and Wednesday can be eviction.” She says”It’s Sunday night.” He said, “I know. But Tuesday could be a surprise eviction or tomorrow.”
12:45 AM BBT Alex went back outside in the BY for a little while with the hula hoop again. Paul and Christmas are still chatting. Paul said that this time in the house last season was brutal. Paul said he is happy he was able to get this boost in his twenties. Not that he needed a boost in his twenties. He asked her if she knew what he meant. She said no. He said a lot of people don’t do nothing in their twenties. They just let it pass them by. And he is glad he hasn’t and he has had this experience in his life. Christmas said she doesn’t know why people in their twenties think they need to grow up and get a job and all that. She said she has had many adventures and started her business and done some work and she has had a great time. He said, “That’s good.” Then they said thank God Josh calmed down and didn’t keep going on because he would have been kicked out and wouldn’t have this experience.
1:00 AM BBT Paul said, “I don’t know.” Christmas said, “You don’t gotta know.” She said, “How much do you like that answer?” He said, “It’s the shittiest.” She said, “You don’t always gotta know.” Christmas said, “Can I ask you a question?” He said, “When” She said, “During that last eviction.” He asked, “The double eviction?” She said, “No. I saw your pulse in your neck.” He said, “During that last eviction. Yeah I just didn’t know what Josh was going to say. That’s all.” She said, “I don’t care who goes next as long as it is not you or me. But I have to wait and see what Josh has to say.” Paul said, “It’s going to be hard to choose.” Then Josh came into the bedroom. He turned the light on and they said, “Turn the light off.” He said, “Were you guys cuddling?” He turned off the light. Paul said, “No. We were just chatting.” Josh jumped into the bed on them. He said, “I’m lonely.” Paul said, “Fool. Then go get your stuff and come in here.” Josh got up and went to the door. They said, “Don’t turn on that light.” Josh said, “Ok. I’m going to go to take a shower.” Christmas said, “What.” He left the bedroom. Paul tells Christmas a story. He said one time he went to the post office. He always hates it when he is standing in a long line and there is an old lady in front of you and she is only there to by stamps. I think my packages are way more important and they are international. So then I went to the post office and I was in the long line. There was this little old lady that comes inside and is carrying a backpack. She starts asking everyone if someone left their bag outside. No one claims it. Then she goes up to the counter and she gives it to the guy. She said someone left it outside and they may come in and be looking for it. So then this guy in line behind me gets all crazy and starts yelling at the lady. He says, “Lady don’t you watch the new these days? There could be a bomb in there or something. Take it back outside.” And he keeps yelling at her. So I finally turn around and tell him, “If you are so worried about there being a bomb in there you take it outside yourself.” Then the little old lady told the guy he was going to hell in her Christian manner. They both laughed. Christmas then started telling a story about how her mother getting arrested.
1:15 AM BBT Paul then starts telling some other stories about standing in line at Target and telling off a lady behind him who was yelling at the cashier. He started telling another story about he went to Forever 21 before a dentist appointment and there was a lady standing outside stomping her foot on the ground getting mad looking at her wristwatch. She was said she was going to call the manager because they were supposed to be opened at 10:00 AM and it was 10:02. Then she tried to open up the grate but she didn’t get it open. She was trying to get me to engage and I wouldn’t even do it. Then a manager came over and told the woman that they were going to open in a minute but we can’t open until we have things together. She said she was going to call corporate and tell them because it is against the law and they are supposed to be opened when they are supposed to. Paul said that is not a law by the way. Then they opened the store and the lady ran right over to the manager and told her that no wonder she is a manager at a retail store because she is so stupid. She was being very cruel and mean to the manager. So he says he went in there and turned to the lady and said, “You are a complete cunt.” She said, “What did you say to me?” He said he called he a cunt again and said that the only ignorant person here is her and she has no right to be so mean to this lady. And he said he told her to leave the store right now. Then the girl thanked him for sticking up for her and gave him a super discount on anything he bought there. Then he tells her a story of two boys that were about to throw down on his way to BB. He said he stopped the car and got out and told them to stop it and make up. Then he tells a story about a waiter at a restaurant. Then another story about his drink not being made the way he likes it.
1:30 AM BBT Christmas then tells a story about them not getting her coffee drink right either and it is so simple. Paul said it’s a cortado.” She said, “They don’t know what that is though.” He said their mind will be blown. He said one time this one barista totally refused to make his drink. He said, “It’s just an iced cappuccino.” Christmas said they know all these other drinks and and the Unicorn drink but they can’t make my drink. He said his assistant is cut throat. He said Christmas would like his assistant. She said one time, “Can I f**king help you?” Paul tells a story about going to NY before here and saying that he had a mean person at a cafe there. He said he went to a Starbucks drive thru by his house and he didn’t realize there was a camera there. He said, “I drove up one time and said “Hi Paul.” And it freaked me out. And then said you want an iced cappuccino.” Christmas said, “Did you freak out? He said, “Yes. I was like, how does this b**ch know my man?” “And they knew my order and got it right.” Christmas said she doesn’t have a lot of stories in here because the house has made her very dull. She asked Paul if she can meet his assistant. He said, “Probably. Yes most likely.” She said, “You will like my mom. But she will probably grope you.” He said, “I’m down.” Then he said, “So Josh is not coming back down then?” Christmas said, “I guess not.”
1:45 AM BBT Paul said, “When he went to Pepperdine and was at Freshman orientation, he was in all black and tattoos and piercings and everyone else was all preppy and Malibu barbies and Malibu Kens. He said he was the only one there like that. She said, “You think.” He said, “All of the fathers were looking at me holding their daughters and I said, “I’m going to f**k your daughter and I am going to f**k your daughter. And they were like, “What is that?” He says stuff always happens to me wherever I go. Christmas said he always causes a commotion wherever he goes. He said he doesn’t. Paul asks her if he has ever told her about the crackhead that almost killed him when he went to get coffee one time. She said, “Nope.” He said, “Oops, did I hit your foot?” she said, “No it’s ok. I want to take my sock off. But I’ll do it later.” “It wasn’t my bad foot.” He said, “Oh ok.
2:00 AM BBT Christmas and Paul continue talking about general things. Christmas is telling him about someone who gives great massages. She says it was painful but every time he got to my thighs I’d pass out. Alex is in the HN Room reading the Bible by herself. Alex turns the light out and goes back to bed to try and sleep. Paul is snoring and Christmas has her eyes closed. Looks like all HGs are sleeping for the night. Both Christmas and Alex are restless in their respective beds. Alex is back out of bed , she is off camera and you can hear drawers opening. She is now heading to the washroom. She uses the washroom and heads back to bed in the HN Room.
2:15 AM BBT Cameras are on Alex in HN Room sleeping as well as on Paul and Christmas in Rose Room sleeping. We are assuming Josh is in HOH asleep and Kevin is in Green Room asleep.
2:30 AM BBT All HGs are sleeping ( 2:32 AM BBT) Alex is having a hard time sleeping do she turns the light back on and reads more of the Bible in bed.
2:45 AM BBT All HGs but Alex are asleep. She is still reading the Bible in the HN Room. (2:47 AM BBT ) Alex turns the light out and tries to sleep.
3:00 AM BBT – 6 :00 AM BBT All HGs are in bed asleep   Kevin gets up to go to the bathroom and goes to restroom then back to bed.
6:05 AM BBT –  9:00 AM BBT All HG’s are sleeping
9:01 AM BBT Feeds go to FISH
9:13 AM BBT Cams return to lights up in the have not room, but we’ve still got sleepy HGs. Up in the HoH room Josh is talking to his family telling them he’ll be home soon hopefully with some money. BB tells him to put on his mic. He moves into the bathroom to brush his teeth and get ready for the day, then pulls out his bible to read. Alex moves through the house to the bathroom downstairs to brush her teeth. Josh praying to bless the day, then heads down.
9:30 AM BBT Alex is in the shower, Josh moving around the kitchen making fresh coffee. Paul in storage with Christmas doing mics, as they come through they ask why the yard is open. Paul sees the time and says it’s only 9:30 F this I’m going back to sleep. Josh says good morning ninja to Alex, she looks angry and says call me Alex from now on. Paul goes to pop zits in the mirrored windows outside. Josh guess to tell him about what Alex said. Paul and Josh to separate bathrooms, one washed hands one didn’t. Alex is reading her bible in bed. Josh says he’s getting a little antsy and anxious, Paul says 8 days and a wake up. Josh says he’s cried more this season than he ever has in life, he says he’s not usually like this. He starts talking about how he’s going to call Kevin fat and old, how he hasn’t done anything this season. He says Kevin set in the corner talking crap about everybody.
9:45 AM BBT Josh and Paul continue to lay out on the lounger together. Josh is excited to see his family in 8 days! He wonders who may be there. He asks Paul if he thinks Alex will be bitter,Paul hoe not but sounds unconvinced. Josh talks about how it’s easy to get in a slump inside. Paul says he needs to get out of the house he’s over it, looks very depressed this morning. Josh reassures him he’s doing great. He mentions how Paul and Christmas have had some hard cuddles recently. Paul says he doesn’t give a F about Christmas cuddles, it’s more for her. Josh says he wants cuddles. Paul says he just misses his girl and family and real life. Josh reassuring Paul more that they are playing the game, he tells him he hadn’t told anyone but he sees Paul taking it. Paul says they all hate him.
10:00 AM BBT Josh is telling Paul that people like him. Paul keeps worrying about his comic being POTTYMOUTH, Josh asks him what is it that is bothering him so much because he thinks that Paul has played a great game and who cares what everyone thinks about whether or not he swore a lot says it didn’t matter because people looked up to him. Paul wished for the yard was closed and that way he could bottle everything and take it out on the eviction. Josh is thinking if he had hurt his mom by the things he has done or said. Josh says they can do a podcast or something. Josh says that if people doesn’t like him he says that he is over it and will go off on them. Paul is worried about the girl at home and if she still will be there when he gets back home. Josh says if she’s not then she wasn’t worth his time. Cams goes to Alex in the HN room reading the Bible.



10:53 AM BBT Feeds Back POV was NOT used  Paul is in the Kitchen getting Juice, Alex heads from the green room to wards the Kitchen then back to the HN room to read her bible, Kevin is making his bed. Alex makes a comment about reading 100 more chapters on this Shitty day. Paul comes in and asks “ Do you want me to Fuck off or can we talk, she says she doesn’t want to talk. He leaves and she calls him a Counterfeit son of a B. Paul and Josh in the Living area say they hope the show is tonight, Paul listens in and hears them building saying they are setting up now and talks to Production about his Laundry that’s left outside. Fish for a moment they return to Josh n Paul head up HOH Kevin follows them up. Kevin shakes Paul and Josh’s hand. He talks about being on the block at vote time and how he is a fighter this is 3 weeks evictions straight. They talk about the POV comp and how quickly Paul was able to do it. Josh leaves the room for a moment and then Kevin talks to Paul about his speech.
11:00 AM BBT Alex heads to the WR while the boys keep talking about Kevin’s speech. Alex stops at the memory wall on her way home. Josh is back in the conversation and they discuss how quickly they comp should be with only 3 playing. ALex grabs a sweater and her rosary, and heads into the HN room. Paul says they will all get Suitcases soon as they all need to pack. Kevin asks about why there are sayings on the snickers wrappers. KEVIN PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE. Paul and josh whisper and hand gestures about needing to get Kevin out while he is in the RR in the HOH. Josh compliments Paul’s speech at Pov ceremony. Alex continues praying and saying her hail mary’s. Christmas went to the DR after the ceremony, josh says it looked like she was about to have a moment. Paul heads downstairs says he will be right back, Kevin says he is going back down to his corner. Josh says sorry he isnt company he is in a funk. Kevin explains and talks about his speeches and how he is a fighter and 30 years older than everyone. Kevin heads out the HOH room. Paul tries to talk to Alex and she is shutting him down. He keeps trying and she goes back to prayers and he interrupts them again. “Paul I don’t want to hear it.” “ okay i’ll respect that”- Paul and he heads up to the HOH room again. He walks in and says Kevin is getting on my nerves, they vent to each other, about his speech.
11:15 AM BBT Josh asks Paul if he is okay, before she comes up and spazzes because we are in the feels, You did a great job. PLEASE STAND BACK AWAY FROM THE SLIDING GLASS DOORS. They go back to the conversation about the decision to send Alex out and Kevin still being there. Paul says please tell Christmas what Kevin is saying up here, they keep venting. Kevin is back in bed in the Green room, in his corner. Josh feels that Kevin is hiding something, they holler out JOY!!! Trying to figure out what she is doing gimping around. Christmas joins the HOH Crew, they ask what’s up why is she sad, Paul asks if she wants comedy. They tell her about the Kevin speech. Being on the block 3 times, I’m a fighter and 33 yrs older,.. They chuckle and talk about it. Christmas says “whatever FUCK HIM!!” they want the comp tonight. Christmas says that it’s Alex’s fault Kevin is here longer than her and Jason. Jason went rogue and didn’t go after Kevin in his HOH and wasn’t in her pocket like she thought, Christmas has a salty moment against Jason. She thinks he has a loose screw in his head. Paul asks her if his speech was okay she said it was perfect. Christmas has a rant moment about Alex and you can see all the Salty coming out. Kevin shit talking continues, Paul explains how Kevin thinks they are still a F2 and how he explained the comps and then beat him at pool with all his balls still on the table. Christmas says fun idea.. What about a split vote, reem Kevin, sorry Alex this is a Game, but Kevin will join you next. They like the idea but feel that they need to keep kevin really calm and then BAM blow it up.
11:30 AM BBT Christmas talks about using her Crutch as a rifle to shoot targets. Josh has finally come to the conclusion he can’t please everyone. Josh says he is not watching the season back. He needs 2 years before he will come back. HOH room goes back to discussing the speech from Alex and how her and Jason were on a power trip. Alex heads the Kitchen area with her bible to eat. Josh is worried about Alex’s rage is going to come. Christmas says Alex was arrogant and exposed her own game. Paul talks about how rude Alex was last night when he offered her to come join them for milkshakes. Feeds go out for a moment they return with Christmas telling about a pressure point to help relieve headaches. Alex still nibbling quietly reading in the kitchen. Paul tells about the game Golf with Cards that Nicole taught them last year. Christmas says it sounds fun if they get some cards. Paul hopes tonight is the eviction. Josh says the HOH is going to be Quick. Josh says he should have Ran this Morning.
11:45 AM BBT 8 days and a Wake up is what they have left in the house. Christmas can now put 70% weight on her foot. Alex Cleans up her lunch and puts it away. Christmas is excited for them to try her supplements. Josh talks about someone involved in Fashion week that lasts like a month. Josh says she wore her Petty hat i thought she was going to say some petty shit the others respond with SHE DID! He expected more. Alex cleans up her snacks and heads back to the SR room, Kevin exits the Dr heads towards the Kitchen. She calls them Counterfeit again. They are watching Kevin on the monitor making fun of him checking the slider door. You can tell he is stressing based on his rash. Alex back in the HN room. JOSH PLEASE DO NOT OBSTRUCT YOUR MICROPHONE. Alex talks about how everyone is “ hiding” upstairs. Upstairs they talk about kevin’s pool game and how he is insecure about losing. They keep talking Shit on Kevin and his stories he tells. They feel jason protected Kevin and the idea of Kevin being a Soap opera star. They fell he is a washed up entertainment star. When Kevin lost it in the yard they knew they had him beat. BB yells at Josh again about his Mic. Paul says stop I can’t anymore today. Josh reminisces about getting out of the house.
12:00 PM BBT Josh is getting jealous of Xmas and Paul’s cuddles. He says he is getting Cuddles tonight they are sharing the bed with him up in HOH. Xmas please do not obstruct your microphone. Paul just wants to drive his car. They talk about the possibility of an eviction today or tomorrow. Josh asks if they are a showmance and says he feels like a 3rd wheel.( loss of sound for a few moments) Josh wants to go make something to eat but the others aren’t hungry, they ask Why Orwell is in the room he says he slept with him. Alex completes Braiding her hair and back to her bible. Paul makes jokes about josh being Horny. Paul tells him to stop singing, Xmas says that the first 5 call outs are Josh for his mic or singing. Josh makes a call out for his sister. They quickly discuss it move onto another topic.
12:15 PM BBT They discuss where to sleep and hotels for plans after the show. They make jokes and play around with Orwell. They discuss the games they and others played this season. They eat string cheese, while Alex has put the bible down for a bit and is just laying in bed quietly. HOH room laughs about the way Josh uses words. They discuss Gumpy.  Josh thinks all girls this season wanted to Bone Paul. They discuss the showmances, Lex stretches, Paul says he is anti-showmance. Josh tries to say he is too. They call him out for trying to get into a lot of showmances. They believe they are all real as Fuck. Paul tells josh go cut Chicken and i’ll cook it, he says no I been doing it all season.
12:30 PM BBT They shit on Matt and how Salty Ravens food was and all the Cereal, they say he was shredded from the dehydration. Then about Cody and Mark and the 12 eggs for a single meal. They begin going over dates. Paul is on top of it and josh wasn’t ready. Josh continues to grill Paul, while xmas listens and soaks it in. Alex gets up and stretches on the HN floor. UP in HOH they are still studying up in HOH. the days, when evicted, names of comps, HOH reigns. Meanwhile Alex is back in bed ,lying on her side and reading the bible.
12:45 PM BBT Josh, Paul, and Xmas are in the hoh room. Alex is in her bed reading the bible. They are studying in the hoh room. Josh is asking Xmas and Paul questions. Paul says close the fridge Kevin. They are going over days. Alex is now just laying in her bed. Josh asked who was the 10th hoh..Paul says mother fucker I don’t know questions like that. Paul says I have not sat here and counted hoh’s like that. Josh says well you need too. Paul replies Jason was the 10th..Josh says and Xmas was 9. Josh says the 11th hoh was Xmas. Alex was 12th. And Josh is the 13th. Josh asked on day 37 who was evicted. Josh says he doesn’t really know how to ask the questions, but at least they know the hoh’s. Josh says the questions are easy as fuck, but the way they word them makes it harder than it should be. Alex is still laying on her bed. Josh said today is September 11th…Holy smokes. Josh and Xmas decide it is day 83 in the house. Josh is talking it will be over a 100 days that he will be away. Josh is laying in the hoh bed, petting the stuffed owl. Xmas is on the couch. Josh asked Xmas what is she thinking. Xmas says just going over dates and studying.
1:00 PM BBT Alex is lying in bed , reading the bible. Xmas and Josh are going over hoh’s and veto comps. Josh is stumped on the 7th veto. Xmas said didn’t Jason win the veto? Paul joined the conversation. Paul left the hoh room. Feeds go down 1:03. Feeds right back up. Paul comes back in the hoh room. Paul said he is cold. Alex put her hat on and left the room. She went into the bedroom where Kevin is, and asked what he is doing. She tells Kevin she can’t wait to watch TV. Alex is in the bathroom. Paul is explaining to Josh what the comp is going to be like. Paul says he knows he has to add shit. He said they do it different every year. He is explaining what he had to do last year. Alex grabbed some of her stuff from the bedroom and took it back to the have not room with her. She is doing her workout. Paul is talking about a comp that was individual and if you finish last you are fucked. Josh is talking it might be black box and Xmas gets upset, and says if it is she can’t do it. Josh said even veto. Paul said,,dude they are not going to let her crawl. Paul said it might be chicken coop which is fucked. It’s hand eye coordination. Paul says Kevin is color blind. Josh says I think that is bullshit. They are talking about how their vision is checked before they get in the house and the feeds briefly go down and come back up. Alex is laying on her bed in the have not room, eating a apple and reading the bible. Josh is laughing about the words Paul taught him. Josh and Paul are talking about the words they use that get played out. Like gumpy and meatball. Paul says it is only 1 o’clock so it could be today. Paul asked why Xmas is shaking her head. Xmas said it in not happening today. It’s going to be really twisted if they do another double.
1:15 PM BBT Paul is saying they have to film it do the hoh and noms and veto. Paul said Xmas is guessing. Paul said you are dipping on your timing. Josh said what the fuck are you guys talking about. Paul told Josh to shut up. He said I already tried to tell you and you didn’t get it. Paul and Xmas are going back and fourth in a vague conversation. Xmas says it makes me nervous. Xmas said she is blindfolded, hogtied and put in the trunk. Production said you are not allowed to talk about production. Alex is in the storage room. She grabbed something she said was frozen and went into the kitchen with it. Kevin is in the kitchen with Alex. Alex said thank to Kevin and is going back to her room. She told Kevin thanks. Alex is sitting on her floor reading her bible again eating an apple. Paul, Xmas and Josh are still trying to decide when they are doing the comps etc. Josh said we are just speculation. Paul said we are speculating because we are bored. Xmas said Monday night if football they wouldn’t do it. Paul is sitting on the couch playing with a plastic hanger. Xmas is saying why it won’t happen tonight it would tomorrow. So it won’t compete with other CBS channels. Paul said I just want it to be today. They are talking about how Alex told Xmas and Paul she didn’t want to talk to them Josh said he is hungry and what he really wants is avocado toast. Paul says you don’t make the bacon Josh. Josh asked why. Paul says your bacon suck , ask the bacon. Production told Josh not to obstruct his microphone. Xmas and Paul told production to tell him again cause he is still doing it. Production does. Josh doesn’t move. Xmas and Paul say one more time. Production told him again. Josh asked if production told him to fuck off, cause that is what he heard. He said that is so mean. Xmas said everyday you forget your microphone. Paul tells Josh it is all your fault. Xmas told Josh these are the rules you should not be breaking. This is your job, it is like showing up for you job without the tools you need. Production calls out Paul and Xmas and says thank you. They are all laughing and Josh said you are a big meanie. Xmas says you do this to yourself. She said every situation you make it worse for yourself.

1:30 PM BBT Paul is telling Josh and Xmas he wants some gouda. Some smoked gouda. He said the whole foods by his house, makes a Gouda dip. Paul says fuck my ass. Xmas says potty mouth. Xmas is telling him he is aggressive. Paul said it is another way of saying I will go fuck myself. Paul said my friends get it. Xmas says I get it, it’s just aggressive and potty mouth. Xmas said you are saying it like a dirty cunt. Paul said he got in trouble for saying cunt last year. Xmas said it is how you use it. Xmas said what is the official word for vagina. Xmas said so vagina , pussy, fuck hole. Paul tells Josh not to obstruct his microphone , he is still doing it. Paul said it is coming to Josh, Xmas said you’re talking shit to production, don;t be an Elena. Xmas said she was bad to them. They are talking about Cody. Paul says for sure we looked like the crazy ones, cause the fool doesn’t talk. Xmas says there were so many rules put in the handbook because of us that week. Xmas, Paul and Josh are watching the cameras, and are talking about Kevin freaking out. Paul says look. He is counting. Paul was just called to the diary room. Paul said I just played myself. Paul says watch his reaction on the camera when i open the door. Paul says he played himself. Xmas says how do you think I feel. This dude is talking about banging me. Xmas is saying that Kevin says she is going after a married man, and how he said him and Jason could bang her in jury. Josh said is he crazy, his family is watching. Xmas says he doesn’t care he is going to say it’s what he had to do, and he thinks they can’t hear him if he covers his microphone. Xmas says..Let’s go over dates. Josh and Xmas are going over dates. Alex is still sitting in her bed, in the have not room reading her bible. Xmas is going over dates. Josh says I’m sorry to interrupt you, but let’s go over everything. Xmas says that is too much for her brain. Josh and Xmas are laughing at Paul on the camera, Paul is acting like Kevin Josh says. Josh was just called to the diary room. Paul is coming back to hoh room. Xmas says that is obviously fast. Josh says that is fast and Paul says that’s what she said. Paul says he asked Kevin what he was looking at. Xmas says what did he say. Paul says he said No shit Paul, I have nothing else to look at. Xmas is eating a Kit Kat. She is telling Paul she likes them so much. Paul says the same. Paul is putting all the candy bars in the fridge. Xmas said number 1 ingredients is sugar. She is talking about carbs.
1:45 PM BBT Xmas and Paul are looking at the pictures on the camera. Xmas asked if his sister is going to go to the party. Paul said she will come. Xmas said she is not sure who will show up from her family, but they are all crazy. Paul said his sister would do terrible at this game. Paul said if they ever did that twist, nobody would know she is his sister. He said she would get played and she would never sign up. Paul said his mom would do it, and she would probably do well. Her social game, cooking cleaning. She would do well. Paul says they would never know she is my mom either, maybe because she has been interviewed a lot. Xmas said she apologized to her mom for putting her through hell. Alex was called to the diary room. Xmas and Paul are talking about the fish. Josh is back in the hoh room and says he is hungry, let go make some toast. PAul asked if you saw Alex. Josh said yes, and Paul asked if she was pissed. Kevin is laying on his bed in his bedroom. Paul is saying he lost a lot of weight and how it shorts don’t fit. Xmas says all 3 of us have. Josh said it’s not a good weight, it’s stress. Josh said Paul was chubby, Paul says chubby? Xmas said you lost mass. Paul said so I look skinny now? Paul asked who is that ? Xmas said Alex. Josh said I can’t call her tiger anymore. Josh aid I was a fucking meatball in my comic. Josh said I was just a round old meatball. Josh is yelling at production telling them they fucked it up, Mark is the meatball. Paul said they should just have called me Mr. Gumpy. Josh said we have literally been cursing all season. Paul said why didn’t Jason get potty mouth. That fool said shit. Xmas said cause they can’t air what he said. Xmas is talking about how Jason grabbed Alex face and straight skull fucked her in the living room. Paul is saying everything we said has been caught. Paul said it’s not ok to say somethings, referring to something Jason said. Josh’s aid one thing that really really bothered me, like the whole intelligent thing. Xmas says , you mean Cody and Jessica attacking you. Josh said that is why I shut her down, talking about how she didn’t have an education. Xmas said Jessica also shit on her mom. Josh says I am not the brightest bulb in the crayon box and starts laughing.
2:00 PM BBT Jason, Xmas and Josh are talking about how Raven called Paul fat. Xmas is talking about how she ate two plates of mashed potatoes. Paul said if you have knee problem you don’t jump on your knees on a bed. Josh is telling them how Raven over reacted and Matt had to carry her, and than the next day she is dancing around. Paul is talking about how she would mimic everything. Paul says she claims to be one person and she is not. He said she is not a terrible person, but he doesn’t know what she is trying to achieve. Josh thinks it’s because she is young and it’s the environment. Josh feels she felt she needed to fit in. Paul is talking about how she set the chess board up for him and Jason. Xmas said she had no idea what she was doing and was caught in a lye. Paul is talking about how Raven said she can play anything by ear on the piano. He said she said I don’t mean to toot my own horn. Paul said she is talking about how it;s not legal to make the piano anymore, and Raven said she has a stand up grand piano. Alex is still in her bed reading her bible. Xmas is talking about her remembering her whole experience etc, with her own mom, and if she finds out Raven lied about her mother having a terminal like breast cancer, it is not OK. Xmas says I hope she wasn’t lying. Xmas says she gets tested every 6 months. Xmas said she would not qualify for that kind of testing. Xmas said she gets one mammogram a year. Xmas vents and says but I couldn’t say shit. They are talking about Raven talking about security clearance. Raven is saying level 6. Xmas said she made that up by Alex talking about level 6 in the military. Josh is saying he knows she could talk about it. She didn’t even have to mention names. They are laughing about a brothel. Talking that Raven was laughing and clowning on Josh he didn’t know and she didn’t know.
2:15 PM BBT Paul is talking that Raven said she loves LP and she has never heard her before. Josh said I guess I excuse it as she is young. Paul said you are the same age, josh said but I am mature. Paul laughs. Josh said he tried to tell her to just be herself. Paul said every once in awhile the real Raven would come out and she is a sweet girl. Josh said all the extra shit she did clouded her. Paul is talking about how her accent would show up right after she said the word without the accent. They are talking about how she said she is gypsy because of Paul’s stories. Paul said Raven was mean. Paul said she started calling him fat. Paul said if she sees someone doing something to someone she would jump on. Josh said Raven argues like a baby. My weight, saying I am a moron. Xmas said she was mean. Josh said she went personal in fights. Paul is showing how Raven would bend over and pick things up showing her ass. Paul is now doing splits etc. He is acting like Raven. Paul said and then she would say that Jessica needed to cover up. Xmas said she would have a stronger game is she would have just stuck to who she is. Xmas said Kevin is coming up. Kevin comes into the hoh room and says did you hear what is happening and double flips them off. They all laugh. Kevin said I can only lay in that bed for so long. Paul is asking what time it it. They are all betting on time. Josh asked if we can go make toast. Paul is going to see what time it is. Kevin said he can’t see colors, and Xmas asks how is that possible and Kevin said I don’t know it happened when I got older, I couldn’t see Paul’s comic. Kevin and Xmas are talking about how it has been 83 days. Josh, Paul, Kevin and Xmas are in the kitchen. They are making avocado toast. Kevin asked if there was any speculation for today., Paul says either a eviction or not. Kevin says that is a good speculation. Kevin and Paul are in the storage room. Paul told Kevin Alex doesn’t want to talk about it. Xmas is in the bathroom area doing her makeup. Josh, Paul and Kevin are in the kitchen. Paul is telling Xmas he does not know how to do a egg. Paul told Josh you don’t need butter for bacon. Paul asked if that is the good bacon or the J/k bacon. Xmas said it is the good one. It’s pork. Paul said there are ants on the pan. Xmas asked Josh if he is busy. Xmas said will you do me a favor. He said no. Than he said yes and she said never mind. Paul asked Kevin what Alex is up to, does she feel better. Kevin said he didn’t ask. Josh went upstairs to the hoh room. Paul asking Kevin if she has been in the room all day. Paul is cooking bacon.
2:30 PM BBT Kevin, and Paul are in the kitchen. Paul is talking about how big the avocado is. Josh brings Xmas her bag and Paul tells him to start the toast. Josh asked Kevin if he wants toast and Kevin says sure. Josh and Kevin are sitting at the table and Paul is cooking. Paul is getting on Josh for eating sweets. Josh said he is stressed. Paul says we have one week, we can look fat or…Josh starts singing and feeds go out and come right back up. Paul said when they get out of the house, they will not be working out. He said he didn’t go to the gym until like 6 months after. Josh said 6 months? Paul said I went to the gym but he wasn’t committed. Josh told Paul he is burning the food. Paul is asking Josh where the plate is that he asked for. Josh is telling Xmas he fucked up the bacon. Production asked to clean the mirror above the bathroom sink. Xmas asked for a paper towel. Kevin says he has it. Paul asked Josh to bring a lime. Xmas is in the kitchen making eggs. She is asking Kevin how many he wants. Josh burned the toast. Paul says you couldn’t even make toast. Josh said it is perfect. Kevin is cleaning the mirror and the bathroom area. Kevin is back in the kitchen with Xmas, Paul and Josh. Xmas is asking how easy he wants his egg. Kevin said he likes his eggs hard. Paul doesn’t want them runny. Paul said they need to fatten Xmas up. Xmas says thicken me up. Alex is lying in her bed. Josh hummed and Paul told him he sounds like Homer Simpson when he does that. Xmas is asking for the next plate. A egg fell on the floor and Josh said iI don’t work well under pressure. Kevin said Xmas thank you very much. Paul is blaming Josh for the egg dropping and Josh is blaming Paul. Xmas asked why is everyone so grumpy today. Paul takes the plate to Xmas and says let’s try this again.
2:45 PM BBT Josh said this is exactly what I wanted, this is the money and that he loves those guys. Xmas says thanks guys. Paul, Xmas and Josh are sitting down eating. Kevin is standing by them eating. Xmas says the bacon is delicious. Josh said the one thing I am going to miss from the house is this. Xmas said you can make this at home. Xmas says he is going to ask his mom to make it. Kevin is now sitting with them at the table. Alex is still by herself in the have not bed. Josh again says thank you guys, that was really good. Josh said he will make dinner for them. He is going to make chicken, steak and potatoes. Josh said I played myself, i don’t know how to make potatoes and paul said chicken either. Paul said at least you don’t say axed anymore. If he did one thing this summer, and Xmas said he learned really fast. Paul took Xmas plate and put it in the sink. Paul asked who is doing dishes and Josh said he would do them. Paul said he isn’t doing them. Kevin is putting the clean dishes away. Josh is cracking his knuckles..He is sitting at the table watching Kevin put dishes away. Josh brings his plate to the sink. Josh tells Kevin I will wash those later. Josh asked Paul what he is doing. Paul is trying to un wrap the saran wrap. Now Josh is trying. Josh asked Kevin if he knows how. Josh figures it out. Josh said he is going up. He asked if Xmas is really leaving. Kevin said my stomach is fucking killing me, must be nerves. Paul said me too. Kevin says he is going to back to his corner. Kevin and Paul are in the living room, Kevin is telling Paul how he wouldn’t sit in the 2 chairs the first few weeks and now he is there 3 times . Paul is talking about how many times he was on the block. Kevin said I prided myself not being up there 79 days.Jos is talking to Xmas in the bedroom. Xmas handed Josh some snacks to put in the kitchen. Josh is talking about the ants. Kevin and Paul are sitting in the living room and it is quiet. Paul tells Kevin it doesn’t sound like they are doing much more outside anymore. Xmas is brushing her teeth. 2: 58 feed down. And they are right back up. Xmas, Paul, Josh and Kevin are sitting on the couch in the money room.


3:00 PM BBT Xmas says she needs to find out the down time for her next surgery so she can understand her schedule. Paul says he for sure needs a nap. Josh says me too. Xmas said it got so hot last night. Paul said I don’t think the air conditioner was working. Paul is talking about how he wants to get all the toxins out of his body, massage, weed. Paul is talking about going to Halloween horror nights. And how they are going to do the BBq at his house, and how they can fit a hike in. Paul is talking about the hike and how Xmas might be able to do it. Xmas said she don’t care she will do it. Paul is telling her how she can do half the hike, and wait for them. She said ok, if I feel I need to bitch out. All four cameras are on them in the money room. Josh is laying on the couch, Xmas and Paul are sitting near each other, and Kevin is sitting in the block chair. Xmas whispers to Paul. He says excuse me? She says I wonder if my dr. saw my veto. Feeds go down and come right back up. Josh said he wishes they had the yard so he could run. Paul said it’s either super elaborate that they need two days or it is going to be tonight. Paul is thinking maybe the veto ceremony Wednesday. Paul is talking about what days they will be doing hoh and veto. He believes last year the veto ceremony was live, but says he does not remember. He said if it was live, it could be tomorrow. He can see it happening today and tomorrow. Xmas says definitely not Wednesday and Paul says no, there is not enough time. Paul is talking about Tuesday they don’t do anything before the finale. Xmas was called to the diary room and Paul and Josh say goodbye to her.
3:15 PM BBT Kevin is talking about how stressful this is. He is talking about when the gave is over. Kevin is talking about how far they have come in this game. Kevin and paul are talking about Paul’s shoes. Paul said Xmas should be back here by 4:30. Kevin is talking about how hard it has been not seeing his family for 90 days. Kevin is telling them once you first born child is born, you think of your child every day. Kevin said he never thought this would be this stressful, Paul said it gets worse. Kevin said it is difficult. Paul said we know. Paul said 4 hours from now, it is his halfway mark 6 months in the bb house. Kevin reminds him it was 911. Paul and Kevin are doing shout outs to people of 911. They are sending positive vibes to America. Paul said he was in the third grade when that happened. Josh is talking about how they let him out of school early. Paul said he didn’t go to school, his mom kept him home and they watched the news. Josh is talking about all the smoke and fire. Josh is talking about how he saw it. Josh said it was really scary. Kevin said he is so anxious. Paul says he is too. Kevin said his heart is pounding like when he got married. Kevin asked how they liked the coffee and Josh said he made it very bitter. Kevin says sometimes you sit back and wonder why you worry. What is going to happen is going to happen. Kevin said thank god for Josh or else he is the one that they would be yelling at . (Production). Kevin is saying how weird it is, to be sitting with 2 guys that are his kids ages. Paul says he just wants a guitar. Kevin is going into the storage room. Paul acts like he is shooting himself in the head to Josh about Kevin. Paul said he doesn’t think he has been so bored in his life. He says he has bad anxiety and his chest hurts. Josh said don’t think about it. Kevin came back out and sat down in the chair. They are talking about chocolate. Kevin is making jokes to Josh. Paul lays down on the couch and puts his hat over his eyes. Kevin lays on both chairs. Josh is laying on the other couch. Room gets quiet. Production told the houseguests no napping. Kevin said what else do you want us to do, give us suggestions. Paul says he is wide awake just covering his eyes from the light. Paul asked Josh where is he going. He says upstairs to have a bowel movement.
3:30 PM BBT Paul asked Kevin what his best memory was. Josh is in the hoh room. Kevin is telling a story, and the feeds go in and out. All cameras switch to the hoh room. And now back to Kevin and Paul in the money room. Paul asks Kevin how he would describe his childhood. Kevin said you had to fight for everything. Kevin said at 12 he carried a knife with him walking to the store hoping he wouldn’t get into a fight. Kevin said he wishes he was on this show when he was Paul’s age. Kevin said he abused himself. He said it’s only been a few years since he stopped because he was tired of going to court. Feeds go down. 3:34. Feeds right back up and Kevin and Paul are still in the money room. Josh is in the hoh room. Kevin said after that new year’s eve everyone started to die. He is talking about some overdosed some hung themselves and some went to prison. Josh is coming downstairs from the hoh room. Alex is in the kitchen. Production told Josh to put on his microphone. He is headed back up to the hoh to get it. All cameras are on him putting it on . Josh is cleaning up the table in his hoh room. He is looking at the cameras in his room and using the remote. Josh is cleaning up all the garbage in the hoh room and throwing it in the trash can. Josh is talking to the camera. He said he is in a zone and he is ready to win. He said he is going to fight his ass off to get to the final 2. He is going to continue being himself to the end. He is hoping he comes out on top and he is the winner. Kevin and Paul are both laying on the couches in the money room. Paul asked Kevin if he used to skate. Kevin says ice skate. Paul says skate board. Kevin says no never. We lived on a hill. Kevin is telling him about a kid that got hit by a train because his brakes gave out on his bike. He said the mother was never the same ever. Josh is picking up trash near the chess table area. Alex is eating in the kitchen. Josh is coming downstairs. Alex is reading her coke can and eating. Josh is in the bathroom area washing his hands and looking at his teeth in the mirror.
3:45 PM BBT Alex is putting her food away in the fridge. Feeds go down 3:45. And right back up. Alex is washing her dishes. Kevin and Paul are still laying on the couch in the money room. Kevin starts to sing and he stops. Kevin is sitting up now. Alex is using the bathroom. Kevin asked Josh if he is going to shower and he says yes. Alex went back to her room. Josh went to the bathroom area and is headed up to the hoh room. Production is reminding them that sleeping is only permitted in the bedrooms. Paul said played yourself. Josh is coming downstairs. He is in the kitchen at the sink. Josh tells Kevin he can go shower if he want’s. Kevin said he will take him up on that. Kevin is talking to him about Justin Beeber and what songs Josh likes. Josh says he is real basic when it comes to music or the album. Kevin said there is nothing else to do, so he will go up and kill a half hour. Josh is talking about how he would slice up fruits for Dom. Kevin told Josh he is a good kid. Josh is drinking water. Kevin told Paul he is going to go up and take a shower, and says ok? Josh is doing dishes. Kevin said it may be 10 or 15 minutes. Josh said take your time, and Kevin said he might listen to some music. Kevin asked again what two songs Josh liked. Paul is laying on the couch in the money room. Only activity going on is Josh doing the dishes. Alex is in the have not room. She is doing her finger nails. She is sitting on the floor in the have not room.
4:00 PM BBT Josh is doing the dishes. Alex is in have not room and looks to be cleaning under her toenails. Alex is now picking at her face as well. Alex is hunkered over in the floor so you can barely see what she is doing, but it appears she is touching up her face as she is holding a mirror. Alex now picking at her cuticles with tweezers. She is sitting on a pillow in the floor filing her nails down. Josh is still washing dishes. Alex gets up and gets in the bed, is reading the bible.
4:15 PM BBT Kevin comes into the kitchen and walks through with his BB duffle bag. Looks like he is going to pack. Josh finishes with dishes and starts putting away kitchen supplies left out on the counter. Josh says f me while cleaning. He dropped some gummies on the floor and is picking them up. Cameras switch to living room to show Paul napping on the long couch. Alex laying in have not bed chewing her nails after she spent so long filing them. Josh now wiping down the counters. Josh asks Kevin to request epsom salt. Josh speculates to Kevin that the competition will be big because they have started building early. Kevin says every time they have guessed about something they have been wrong so far. Alex laying in bed playing with her hair and staring at the ceiling. Josh now mopping the floor. He is dancing while mopping.
4:30 PM BBT BB says to stop singing. Josh heads up to HOH bathroom. Feeds switch to Kevin laying in bed in green br. He is staring at the ceiling. Neither have said a word. Alex opens up a can of planters nuts and eats some. Kevin rubbing his inner arm profusely. Alex eats some more nuts. She is now reading the bible again.
4:45 PM BBT Kevin and Alex still laying in bed. Alex reading the bible. Kevin puts on his sunglasses. Alex finally gets up out of bed and puts her hat on. She goes in the bathroom. When she comes out she goes back to the have not room, stacks some pillows up on the floor, and starts doing crunches. Kevin takes his sunglasses off and is staring again. Alex gets up off the floor and is doing exercises using the bedside table. Kevin wraps his headband around his wrist. Alex exercising with water jugs now.
5:00 PM BBT Alex walks back to the kitchen. She gets a coke out and is drinking it while staring at herself in the reflective sliding doors. Kevin is folding up his bandana and wraps it around his head. Alex goes back in have not room and gets in the bed, then gets up and puts a unicorn horn on her head. She gets back in bed with it on and is spinning her head around. She goes back to reading the bible. Kevin puts his glasses on and starts filing his nails. Alex talking to the camera. She says there is nothing to do here and that is why she is reading the bible, she has never read it all the way through. She starts reading out loud. She said this is where her life is at right now. Alex puts on her sunglasses. Kevin gets up. Alex asking questions a loud about the bible.
5:15 PM BBT Kevin takes trash out to storage room. He walks around in kitchen drinking coffee. He returns to his bed. Cams switch to Josh who is cam talking in HOH. He said when he gets to F3 he is going for it and taking the shot. He says he has to stay calm cool and collected. Josh says if he wins on the scale, he has been thinking a lot about what he will say to jury. He says the people he aligned with ran the whole game, other than Jess and Cody. Josh said they are probably asking Cody questions now, he says thanks Cody, now I am in final four and you are in jury, you played yourself. He says he can’t beat Paul in the final 2 he thought, but he has played a straightforward game whereas Paul has played everyone. He says Paul has run the show and he sees what a great game he has played, but he wants to be a man and take him on to face him in the final 2.
5:30 PM BBT He says Paul has played the best game this season, then stops talking because he sees Paul is coming upstairs. Paul comes in and Josh says he is showering. Alex is again working out in the have not room. Alex seeing if she can fit into bedside end tables. She says she guesses she could have fit before climbing out. Alex trying to juggle. Josh tells Paul he has never been this bored in his life. Alex won’t talk to him, he does not want to talk to Kevin. Alex goes into green br and gets a bucket and brings it back to have not. She is throwing balls to see if they will land in the bucket. Josh says he is going to continue to mess with Kevin and say this is a hard comp coming up. Josh says besides Alex, Jess was a great competitor. Paul agrees and says she was mentally too. Josh says he was not threatened by Cody. They laugh that Cody did not make it to the wall comp. Josh says all they have to do is beat Kevin and they are good. Paul tells Josh he knows every detail of this house. Josh says he has not at all, he only knows how many apples are in the apple room. He says 300, Paul says no 369. Josh keeps telling Paul to quiz me, Paul says no because they probably won’t quiz on that, he tells Josh to ask him dates. Josh starts quizzing Paul. Alex is playing a game that correlates with her workout.
5:45 PM BBT Alex gets back in the bed and is talking about the scripture “an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”. Josh and Paul talking about their lives on the outside. Talking about working out and dieting. Josh and Christmas talking in the bathroom. Christmas is on one crutch. She says next week she will be walking. She walks upstairs to HOH. Paul complaining about his comic again as potty mouth. Josh says he is pretty sure he is not the only potty mouth because they all said horrible stuff all season. Josh says he was a meatball.
6:00 PM BBT Christmas, Paul, and Josh are in the HOH room. Josh is suggesting making shrimp for dinner. Paul tells him that he doesn’t like shrimp because he got sick when he was a kid. Alex is sitting by herself in the have not room. Josh is telling Paul and Christmas how he cleaned the HOH room. Kevin is hanging out in Kevin’s corner by himself. Alex is making herself some soup. Paul, Josh, and Christmas discuss how people this season isolate themselves when they know they are going next. They are watching Alex on the HOH monitor. They discuss what they want to do when they get out. Alex is talking to herself about how much she loves Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup with one teaspoon of Tabasco. She says that she cuts up the noodles so that there is a noodle in every single bite. She says that she thinks she is weird. Josh says that it is September 11th. Paul asks Christmas if she realized that. Christmas asked them if they remember what they were doing on Sept. 11th. Paul said he was in 3rd grade and Josh said he was in 1st grade. Josh says that he saw the planes hit. He says that he remembers the smoke and the second plane hitting. He said it was terrifying. Christmas tells them what she remembers.
6:15 PM BBT Josh tells Christmas and Paul that he failed Kindergarten because he couldn’t speak english. Josh and Paul talk about going to college. Josh says that he recommends college to everyone. Paul tries to tell him that not everyone can afford to go to college. Josh explains that he did work study, took out loans, and applied for scholarships. Alex burps so loud that Paul, Christmas, and Josh heard her in the HOH room. Paul keeps saying that he is over it and he is ready to get out of the house. Josh suggests that they each tell each other some things that they love about each other.

6:30 PM BBT Josh got Paul to smile with this conversation change. He tells Paul that he is friendship. He tells him that him not using the veto was boys. Josh says let’s get over it and go cook a steak because I am hungry. Paul says that he is mentally and emotionally drained. He says his brain is fried and he is over being in the house. Christmas tells Paul that Jason and Alex were targeting him and they deserve to leave. Josh keeps saying that he wants to smoke a fat ass blunt with Paul when they get out of the house. Paul starts talking about food and Josh jumps up and say that he can’t wait anymore. PLEASE STAND AWAY FROM THE SLIDING GLASS DOORS! Alex is still sitting in the have not room reading the Bible.
6:45 pm BBT Alex is now reading the Bible out loud. Josh, Christmas, and Paul discuss beer and going out. Alex starts tossing some red balls into a bucket in the have not room. STOP THAT! She says what else am I supposed to do? She bitches about how production let her do it earlier. She says that she can’t wait until the next crew comes in and calls them bitches. She goes back to reading the Bible and picking at her hair.
7:00 PM BBT Alex is still sitting alone in the HN room picking at her nails. Paul talks to Christmas about smoking weed back home. Christmas tells him that you can get in trouble where she lives for having weed. Paul tells her that he will give her a cartridge or something. Paul tells Christmas that her and Josh should get a medical card when they get out. Josh is in the kitchen cooking. Kevin walks in just to have someone to talk to. Paul and Christmas are talking about who they think will win the game.
7:15 PM BBT Paul says that he has been in the BB house for a total of six months of his life as of now. He says that he loves it but he is ready to go. Kevin compliments Josh’s cooking and tells him that he should open a restaurant. He tells him that he should call it Meatballs. Kevin tells Josh that he is going into the apple room to talk to his family. He asks Josh if he can talk into any camera and Josh says yes. Kevin is cleaning the bathroom and complaining. Josh is complaining about Kevin to Paul.
7:30 PM BBT Everyone loves Josh’s food. Everyone is enjoying the food except Alex. Kevin says that it seems like a year has passed since they came into the house.
7:45 PM BBT Alex looks super depressed in the have not room. She has secluded herself and is laying in the bed reading the house Bible. Kevin, Christmas, Paul, and Josh are in the kitchen eating dinner. Alex told Josh that she did not want to join. She told him that she already ate. Kevin is standing in the corner of the kitchen. Paul tells him to sit down. Kevin says that he doesn’t know how he can be tired when they have not been doing anything. Alex makes herself some more soup and takes it into the have not room to eat alone. She says that Dominique was right about Paul being a snake and she should have listened to her.
8:00 PM BBT Josh is talking to Christmas about how she feels about the food. He asks her if something left a sour taste in her mouth. Paul says it’s his six month anniversary of being in the house. He says it’s been 182 and a half days in the house. Christmas tells Josh that Paul has twice as many days as him in the house. Josh says that Matthew talked about Dr. Will all the time. Josh says that a lot of season sixteen people have came to the house. Josh says that he feels that there was a lot of drama and showmances on the show this season. They talk about Megan’s sexuality. Christmas says that Dominique wanted to be a kept housewife. They’re saying that they hope that the returning house guests will be happy to come back.
8:15 PM BBT Paul says that when Jessica came in she said that she wanted to make it to Jury. Paul says that she botched that plan when she put all her faith in Cody. Josh was sitting at the memory wall talking about the evicted guests. Christmas says that Jessica campaigned for her to go up. Josh tells Christmas that Cody and Jessica didn’t talk to him until weeks into the game.
8:30 PM BBT the camera cuts to Alex in the bedroom reading the bible. The camera cuts back to Josh, Christmas, Paul, and Kevin in the kitchen talking about having an eviction for Peppy. Josh puts whipped cream in his mouth. Paul says that one day late at night Josh is going to be drunk. Paul says that he plans on liking all of Christmas posts on social media. Paul is in the refrigerator. Paul walks out of the kitchen. He follows Christmas into rose room.
8:45 PM BBT Christmas is folding clothes. She is in the rose room going through clothes. Paul and Josh are sitting at the chess table playing chess. They are also singing and dancing. Now Kevin has joined them. There’s no talk about the Big Brother game. They are just playing chess. Every move that Josh makes Paul says checkmate. Josh continues to say that he quits. In the have not room Alex sites reading the bible by herself. Now Christmas is at the chess table with Paul, Josh, and Kevin.
9:00 PM BBT Paul and Josh continue to play chess as Christmas and Kevin watch. Kevin gets up to leave. He walks downstairs. Paul is still heating Josh in chess. Now they’re arguing over the game. Paul is coaching him on how to play the game. Downstairs Kevin is talking to the cameras. He mentions how he won the $25,000. He wants to stay so that he can possibly win more money. He says that he has learned throughout life that you can’t go around yelling at people. Kevin says that he is the most targeted one in the house next to Cody. He says that he’s been nominated for eviction three times in five days. He says that after tonight he has eight days left in the house. He tells someone to come to the hotel with his family once the show is over. He says that the competitions mean nothing. It’s about social game. He says that the best competitors are no longer in the house. He says that none of the people left in the house has won any physical competitions in the house. He begins to tell all of his family members that he loves them.
9:15 PM BBT He says that he doesn’t know if he’s the oldest person to make it this far. He feels like it’s a major deal to make it this far in the game at his age. He feels like at this point it should be everyone for themselves at this point. Back upstairs Christmas continues to watch Josh and Paul play chess. It’s quiet at the chess table there is no game talk. Kevin is in the bedroom making up his bed. He has tied his hair down for the night.
9:30 PM BBT Alex leaves from out of the have not room. She hands Kevin the bible. Alex is now putting on makeup in the two way mirror. She hasn’t said a word to Kevin. Kevin is packing up clothes. Josh, Paul, and Christmas are still upstairs playing chess. Kevin is watching Alex pack up her stuff. The house is quiet. Kevin is now reading the bible, while the others are upstairs playing chess.
9:45 PM BBT there is no game talk. Paul tells Josh that he’s lost the game. Kevin is still laying in the bed. Paul, Josh, and Christmas have left the chess game. They are walking to various parts of the house. Josh is yelling because one of the fish died. They are now looking at the fish. Paul points at one and says that it’s dead and that it’s Josh’s fault.
10:00 PM BBT HOH rm Josh has killed a fish in HOH. Josh saying I cannot face this I killed him we need to get him out and flush him down the toilet. Paul saying he did it killed one on his HOH he killed Kevin the fish. Josh cannot handle this. Look at this guy he is starving. This is all I needed was to have a fish die on me.Christmas saying how he is the only one to kill a fish while HOH calling him fish killer. Christmas says and they think I am weird look at you Josh. Why did Kevin the fish had to die on me Josh says. Oh My God over and over Josh keeps saying. This little one is going to die we need to feed him mouth to mout. You grab him and I will feed him mouth to mouth. I am fucken about to die Josh says. America please don;t think I did this as Christmas calls Josh Fish Fillet. Josh says the BB needs to call him to DR as give him medicine for the fish. Josh is freaking out. Paul says you killed that one. Josh says Christmas did this by only feeding them once a every other day. Josh says Christmas is the fish killer. Now they are saying Kevin killed Kevin. Josh wants to put his hand into the tank to grab the dead fish and CHristmas says that you oils will kill the rest of the fish. Josh keeps saying over and over Guy (to BB staff) we need fish meds for these fish. Josh saying they are people and Paul saying they are not people they are fish. Josh wants to give them mouth to mouth and Paul keeps reminding Josh they live in water not air. Christmas evil laughs. Josh goes to DR as Paul and CHristmas talk about how Josh might lose his mind over this. Kevin comes into HOH rm. Kevin says he used to count the fish and only getting 13 fish he didn’t think to look behind the black box for more. Josh goes to Kitchen and gets the kitchen tongs to remove the fish. Christmas says that you need to get gloves and Kevin asks are you going to flush him? Josh freaks out and goes to DR again. Christmas tells Kevin Josh is going to freak more tomorrow as his food for tomorrow is Salmon
10:15 PM BBT Kitchen Josh is laying on the floor saying all the fishes are going to die. I am going to have to look that fish in the eye and says I let you die. He keeps saying he needs medicine for the fish and Paul asks him how he is going to give it to the one fish without others getting it. Josh goes back up the HOH rm and says he is going to go outback and exercise to get this out of his mind. Christmas says you did everything you could by asking for meds and a net to get him out. Josh said that they BB would get it tomorrow and Josh says Homie doesn’t have a tomorrow. Paul and Josh come back into HOH rm and Christmas says do you want to have funeral service for his tomorrow. Josh starts to tap on glass and both Paul and Christmas says stop you are hurting the rest of the fish. JOsh says he doesn’t want to be HOH anymore. Josh looks in his bag and says are these clean or not and Christmas says no those are the close you forgot to send out to cleaner because you want it to be like your home. Paul looks at fish tank and says there are more fish dieing. Josh trying to convince Christmas she is the fish killer. She keeps reminding Josh that he keeps forgetting everything like when to put on his mic and stop singing lol. Christmas says how Josh is the fish killer Paul says how when he was HOH he feed and talked to the fish daily and never had a fish die. Josh is sitting on bench putting on socks and Christmas asks him if they are clean as she saw him wear them yesterday and didn’t wash them, he lifts them to his nose and smell them and then tries to toss them Christmas and she says don’t you dare. Christmas says that is what killed Kevin was your socks. She then tells him that when she was HOH she fed them every day even with the cast on when she wasn’t suppose to be climbing up and doing it because you Josh did not come up to help me with them. Living rm Paul and Josh working out. Pauls says he is going to do as many push up as he can and not to put a limit it on as Josh was suggesting to do reps.
10:30 PM BBT BB Kevin please put on your microphone. HN rm Alex talking to camera. Green rm Paul goes into talk to Kevin and then walks out (did not hear the question). HN rm Alex reading Bible. Says something about putting on the Coffee today. Living rm Paul and Josh working out. Josh saying he needs to stretch his F*ckin legs. Paul says to Josh why did you leave the stake wrapper on the sink now there are ants all over it again? Kevin comes out saying I heard you guys talking so I thought I would join you. All 4 cameras go to HN rm and Alex reading. Kevin sits on couch watching both Paul and Josh work out saying I am a proud daddy see how you two have changed since you have been in here. Kevin gives pointers. Tells Josh to walk around kitchen with his hand above his head to get more air into his lungs. Kevin tells Josh as he has to do when he gets home is jog or bike to get that baby fat off trust me. BB Josh please go to DR. Paul and Kevin whispering about is she going to do it or something like that. Paul says these two don;t know anything to Kevin.
10:45 PM BBT Living rm Josh comes out of DR and says they BB have to get him out of the HOH and Paul says when? Paul says to Kevin clear your mind. Kevin asks about are they going to clear the all the fish out of the tank and BB says you are not aloud to talk about your DR stuff to other HG’s. Kevin asks Paul about so there was a Doctor on here before? and Paul says yes he thinks he was on two seasons. Kevin yells to Paul the stuff is in the top draw it comes out fast. Paul comes back into living rm and Kevin asks him if he used some? Paul says not yet. Paul says that milkshake fucked me up no more junk food. Kevin leaves room and Paul starts to whisper to Josh (cannot hear it) You have to win something like that. Then he will know that pointing to Kevin. Josh picking his nose on camera real good job. Kevin goes to bathroom and Paul asks him if he’s going to bed? Kevin says no. Kevin walks back and asks about when are you going to the place to Paul and Josh after the show. Talking about going to Universal and then Disneyland . Josh goes into HN rm and talks to Alex and says he does not like not being able to talk to her, She says it is only for a few more day. She feels abandoned and left out you kicked out my friend and and in a few days I will be with my real friends. Josh asks her if they are all right and she says yes. Paul goes up to HOH and talks with Christmas and she says what’s up with Alex and Josh? Josh comes up and tells them he talked to Alex to see if she was alright? Paul says you need to go back and stay with him. Josh says yes we cannot leave Kevin and ALex alone. Kitchen Christmas come downstairs and Josh says he needs to get an Icy Hot for Kevin’s arm. Christmas says she will take it and fix his arms it is from the comp of holding onto the zipline. Asks him how many times did you go through it? Kevin says 45 minutes. Christmas says this is going to hurt but after it will feel better.
11:00 PM BBT Green rm Kevin asks Christmas how she is doing and she says I am ok just bored. She starts to rub his arms and he says how do you know how to do this? She says it is because I am an athlete is why. Kevin says you are tough and I compliment you for that girl. Kevin says you remember the night they yelled at me for not washing my hand and he starts yelling at me. Christmas. HOH rm Paul and Josh talking about what Alex told him about how Josh back stabbed her. Pauls says should I go talk to her? Josh says no then she will know I came and talk to you about it. But I think that with you everything will be fine. Paul says he feels her fate. Josh says he didn’t think she would be that way. The worst thing we could do would be to push on her. Paul ask should I ask her how I should vote or not? Josh says no. Alex talk Josh he does not need to check on her anymore. Paul says he does need to ask her Alex how she wants him to vote because she never told him. Josh says we need to pull Kevin up here to talk to him.
11:15 PM BBT Green rm Christmas and Kevin talking about the old days of MC Hammer. She has Kevin the feel it now it is softer now in his arms. Christmas says She used be a sweet girl when we first came in here. Kevin says he thinks she (Jessica) would like his girl. Christmas thinks/agrees that there are reasons to reach out to a few of the girls and maybe make a Dallas trip for them to meet Elena, or take them to NC to visit Christmas. Paul finishes up in the RR and heads back towards Josh. Josh says just give her ( Alex) time. He thinks he is F***. Paul says why I am more than you, everyone counted on me. He asks if the beige towel is his and they go back to the Idea of talking to Alex. Josh says she is actually really calm and then how she is whispering with Kevin and its odd. Josh asks what Paul is thinking, he says nothing Kevin is getting on his nerves. Josh says when he unloads he will attack his game nothing personal, they tickle the idea he has been studying fays but highly unlikely, Paul leaves the room and Josh asks for the time, he doesn’t respond so Josh goes to the door and asks, says OH SHIT and closes the door walking around listening to music. Meanwhile Paul has joined Christmas and Kevin in the Green room where she is rolling out Kevin’s arm muscles. He says they feel great he can move them so much better. Christmas says the stuff he is using is shitty, KEVIN PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE. He offers snacks of all sorts from his drawer. Kevin tells about his house and how he has extra protections around in case a break in. There is an Ax by every door and one in his room and his Car. Kevin asks do you remember the nights when everyone used to sit in here and tell stories. Christmas heads to get Cereal.
11:30 PM BBT Kevin tells Paul that he appreciated Christmas’s help, Paul tells him Xmas/Josh are a pair F2 so they gotta look out for each other. Paul says he thinks tomorrow is going to be physical. Paul says if he wins he has to figure it out the plan he might have to put up Kevin. Xmas is back with her bowl, Kevin thanks her, he says he misses them being down there and hanging out. He shows them something he found he is keeping for himself so he can give it to Jason himself. Paul says they may take it before hand. JOSH PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Kevin tells about a GUY named Martinez that renamed himself “?” and feels that he is an alien born on another planet and raised here. Kevin tells about a moment his Dad sold something to a bar and a fan being stolen, BB changes all cams to Alex in the HN room where she is silently reading the Bible. Kevin is telling about how close to the street the windows are. How they would sit in the window and watch the Car chases. Josh is out of the DR and joins them in the Green room. He says they are saving the Fish, Christmas is in the Kitchen dancing showing off how she is walking without a crutch. She comes back to the green room and gets comfortable. They discuss sheets for a bed, Kevin teases Paul about reading the ingredients on the cream bottle. Kevin asks what’s best Ice or Heat for the morning, she says Ice. she explains how rolling out his arm is going to help him not be sore tomorrow. Josh heads upstairs to Shower in the HOH. Paul gets up they ask what he is doing he says he is going to shower after Josh then get some sleep. Kevin says he cleaned out the toilet and the shower cleaned up in the WR. Upstairs Josh is talking to feeders about Alex, it’s breaking his heart she is isolated and not talking.
11:45 PM BBT He asks why the cam is looking at him touch, scratching himself. He grabs clothes and feed swaps the HN then quickly to the WR where Paul is cleaning his nose piercing. Heads to the Kt, where he grabs a nibble while Josh comes downstairs. Paul asks if he is showering, Josh tells him to go first he is going to cut his nails. Kevin continues the stories with Xmas, Paul talks to Josh briefly before heading into the WR and Paul grabbing more cereal to nibble. Paul heads towards the bedrooms then back for more cereal. Josh works on his nails in the WR. Paul heads into the WR and says let’s go upstairs. They both visit the Kitchen and then head upstairs. Josh feels like there is a nerve issue in his ear that’s bothering him, Paul says his ear has been plugged all season. They feel they need to chat up Kevin tomorrow so he isn’t studying. Paul says he threw Kevin off by telling him its physical, they talk about how Kevin has a small ego and thinks he isn’t the next target. They share how Kevin is feeding the double pairs for F4 and how they need to stand by each other and hold strong. Josh says he isn’t going to believe it as he has been with Paul from the start and the past is past. Josh feels Kevin will for sure talk shit once he is on the block and knows he is going home. They are surprised that Alex spoke to Kevin and told him study the days. ( or so Kevin has told Paul that she did) Paul prepares for a shower, Josh continues clipping his nails, while Xmas is down with Kevin chatting it up.

Backyard. Alex – that’s right, Mr. Friendship is afraid to go head to head and lose again because he doesn’t want to let down all his friends again.

September 11, 2017

Backyard. Alex – that’s right, Mr. Friendship is afraid to go head to head and lose again because he doesn’t want to let down all his friends again. But I think taking your friend to the end is worse. That’s not friendship, that’s not boys, that’s playing people. If you guys had seen me praying for him to win so that both of us could advance to first and second .. god you would hate Paul. But I don’t hate him, I’m actually going to give him a fair assessment. Out of Kevin, Christmas and Josh.. Paul is going to get my vote. I’m going to go to jury and I’m going to try and make sure everyone votes for him. Is he a Skeezebag? Yes! Is he a douche? Yes! Did he play me? Yes! And if you watch back you’ll see me not running during the comic book ones because I wanted him to catch up because he was going to pull me off. But he played me, absolutely played me. Whatever, hopefully you guys like me enough and see that I’ve played a good game so that you guys vote for me for America’s player. I’m going to try and get Jason to vote for you but I don’t think he will. You (Paul) say its not all about the money but you’re choosing the money over friendship. You greedy motherf**ker. Getting second place two seasons in a row is better than winning if its not all about the money.
someone has finally figured out Paul played her.
Alex – then he cries about it.. (Paul)
Alex – counterfeit sons of b1tches
Alex – oh we’re doing all these things when we get out.. no we’re not you’re probably lying about that too

The back yard get’s shutdown

Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 10th (2) and Monday, September 11th

September 11, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 10th (2) and Monday, September 11th

9:15PM BBT Xmas says that she didn’t think that there was an bigger person to bring to the end to snipe. The three talk about the language this season and Xmas says that Paul,Alex and Jason were horrible with the language. Josh brags about who cares what the jury thinks because they played themselves and how they ruined the Americas sweethearts. Paul asks if he should wear her cat ears or her petty hat during their final goodbyes. Josh wonders what Alex will say at jury and they all say that they don’t care what they say or think about them. Josh says one of them will win and he doesn’t care if they hate him when they get out. Xmas says that Kevin will be forgotten about and that he is nothing and no one will care about him. Paul says he is for sure drained. Josh says he needs a beer, blunt and some girl. Xmas says that she needs not a girl she needs a man, with her beer and blunt. Josh says he wants to watch Lion King and Toy Story. Josh says that they are gonna have a party the rest of the week and terrorize Kevin, Xmas says that they might have a eviction this Wednesday and Thursday. Paul says no that they aren’t and he knows everything. He believes they are having an eviction either Monday or Tuesday.
9:30PM BBT Xmas asks what happens to the F3 evictee and Paul tells them about what happens on the final show. Paul asks where Kevin is and Xmas laughs and says that he is camping outside the door. Josh says that they should start crap and maybe a food fight. Xmas that they should hold off till it’s the final 3 because they don’t wanna look or sound arrogant. Paul mentions his friendship with Victor and josh asks if they are close. Paul says you will meet him, he is a cool dude. They talk about how Alex is acting and that she will possibly calm down and wanna talk tomorrow or the next day. Xmas says she hopes that she leaves soon so that they can get the show on the road. Xmas shows her foot and the guys get grossed out. Josh lays in the bed and asks if anyone wants to cuddle, Xmas gets in the shower and Paul and josh go downstairs to check the laundry.
9:45PM BBT Josh is concerned with the laundry sheets says he is not a seventh generation fan and he likes tide. Paul says to rack the balls he will play one more. Josh is in the kitchen trying to dance and Paul is looking for something to eat. Kevin and Paul get ready to play, Alex still in the HN reading. Kevin asks if Alex and Josh are in a better mood, Paul says it takes a toll on him. Kevin says that they only thing I can say is that she would have definitely done it to you. Kevin asks if she is talking to Paul yet and he says she is upset but at least she is talking to me.
10:00 PM BBT Backyard Paul and Kevin shooting pool. Kevin saying he is not sure of what is going on with his shooting. Neither of them are playing good tonight. Both just shooting whatever they can and not making any shots. Paul says I f ed up and gave you the shot and present. Kevin says if you make this then I get 7 shots to your one. I can’t believe this Kevin says good thing there are no cameras working here. Kevin says take the pool table out of the yard it is over now. 7 balls to none Kevin tells Josh that he got whooped on. Worst game all summer. Josh laying on the hammock Paul and Kevin go back and talk to him. Paul walking around the back wall and hits his head on the frame for the windows covers. Josh says to production Ok BB how about a joke and BB says Josh. Kevin says he never heard them tell any jokes. Josh telling Paul to hold his shoulders back and don’t hump and Kevin says that is what he told Elena too. Paul looking the corner of the backyard and Josh says here is Paul staring into the corner. Paul says wouldn’t it have been good if he came out here every day and did this and see what others thought. Kevin is spinning the Hula hoop and tossing it out and having it roll back to him and Josh is just amazed that he can do that. Josh says he has a magnet in his hand and it is coming back to the magnet. Kevin shows his how it is done and Josh says he cannot do that. Paul tried it and cannot make the hoop come back to him it rolls to the pool end. Josh is just amazed that Kevin can do that with the hoop. Kevin and Paul tossing it back and forth. Kevin says there is nothing to do but throw a hula hoop back and forth. Kevin says OK now a Hula Hoop contest with Paul. HN room Alex is trying to go to sleep with lights out. Backyard Kevin and Paul playing Hula hoop comeback game and Josh doing the circus music for them as they play. BB Josh please go to DR. Josh says WHY I don’t want to. Kevin asks Paul what night do you think we are going to play the double eviction. Paul says Tuesday or Wednesday. Kevin asks what happens after the comp Paul says it will be three and you got to win or that is it. Kevin asks if it physical thing or not? Paul then says it will be endurance type of comp.
10:15 PM BBT Backyard Paul and Kevin still shooting pool Alex in bed trying to sleep in HN room Christmas is in HOH room showering. Kevin asks what next? Paul says they get a brunch made for the final three Kevin says what did you get and Paul says Bacon and egg waffles.. Josh comes to back door and tell Kevin and Paul he has a message to give them and calls them inside. Josh goes to get Alex and Christmas in the HOH room still showering. Josh says he feels bad that Alex is sleeping in the HN room and wanted Christmas to tell her she can sleep in the other room. He has a paper to read and it has something to do with fun. Living room all HG present except Christmas she is slow. Paul asks if he can eat it and Josh says something and BB says JOSH. Christmas comes in We got a message from POP You have been working the season hard now make a UNICORN milk shake. We are having a Milkshake part Thanks POP Paul says. Paul says that Orwell as Paul brings out a good bag from SR they have been hooked up with all kinds of good stuff. We are going to have the best milkshakes ever Josh says. Alex is not coming out and Paul asks isn’t she coming out. Christmas says can we keep this blender for smoothies tomorrow?
10:30 PM BBT They are all wearing Unicorn hats Josh has two on since Alex is not out there with them.Each of them is making their own milkshakes and Paul says Thanks POPS for this. Christmas says we get to make smoothies now with protein and all. Paul says can you read this to me. Kevin reads it SPRINKLES. Josh says they gave us instructions for this and picks up a card that says “Mix ice cream and ingredients.” Paul says put the strawberries in the Christmas you are not doing it right. Josh says Christmas broke our milkshake machine. Christmas says it is perfect milkshake. Paul says she played herself. Paul says you for sure played me. Christmas says she it is perfect here I did not want strawberry. Christmas says she is going to do a vanilla shake and Paul says he wants to microwave something. Josh says this will not bring the boys outback this time. Christmas asks if Kevin wants some and Kevin says he wants to try some of everything. Christmas says she needs to to hurry as these boys are getting horny and Paul yells horny. Paul sprays some whipped cream into his mouth. Josh holds his shake up to the camera and says this is how you make a shake. Christmas says this is why we all exercised earlier. Christmas asks what are these dots and Kevin says food coloring.Paul says these are not good and Christmas points out that you have ice cream all over your beard how can you deny they are not good.. They all complain about the paper straws. Josh says they must have contacted POP all the way in LA and said Josh needs something and they POP said we will send this to him. Josh starts to sing “we have a friend” and BB says JOSH. BB Please stop singing to Josh. Josh is playing with the Owl on table. Paul asks Josh why are you gassing yourself up? Alex in HN room reading Bible. Kitchen Kevin Paul Josh and Christmas enjoying the milkshakes.
10:45 PM BBT Christmas says now we have more junk food to eat Kevin says if we are done then I will start to put the rest away. Paul having trouble opening some of the candies. Christmas asks if that went as good as PO wanted it to go? Paul asks how did you corner the market on these napkins and Christmas tells him they ordered. They are all getting sick from too much sweets. Josh tells Paul you have milkshake on your beard clean it. Paul says I don’t feel too good POP and Josh says same thing here my stomach hurts. Josh hurts himself running away from Paul and Christmas says you did that to yourself and Paul says he Played himself. Josh says that was and Awesome milkshake party and something about having a party with owl and Christmas and Paul says WHAT? He is weird and he will see that someday. Paul asks what do you do with this stuff holding a bottle and Christmas says eat it and poop colors for a week. Paul says milkshakes brings boys to the yard. Christmas talking to camera and says you guys must feel like we do. No Janga Christmas says. Pauls says Thanks PoP you make fat one day at a time. Backyard sitting in Hammock talking to camera about how everyone had their “ride or Die” but he had the best one he had Orwell the Owl just see run that clip. As he is hugging Orwell on hammock. Paul looks out the door and Josh says me and Orwell are having a talk about you. Paul asks did you take your laundry out? Josh says NO. JOsh says that milkshake has messed him all up. Telling Orwell that he has friends for him at home his dogs. Paul tells him he cannot take it home it is part of the house. Josh says he has too as this thing for telling Orwell everything. Paul walks by back wall and hits his head on the shower handle again and says if he does this again. Paul asks Josh if he has had the Captain Crunch Cappuccino before he has to try it. It tastes just like Captain Crunch
11:00 PM BBT Backyard Josh is going crazy saying that the milkshakes must have something in them as they were all being sad before but now they are happy as he yells WHY and there must have been drugs in the milkshakes. Paul says now we cannot give him alcohol or milkshakes now it is too hard for him. Christmas comes out and hula hoops and Paul says to Josh to put is stuff away and josh says can you see everything and Christmas says if he can everyone can see it. Josh asks BB if he can keep Orwell and Paul grabs Orwell and runs away with it from Josh. Paul jumps in the pool on the Pink Flamingo. Josh is losing it . Josh says give me Orwell and Paul says no why should I. Josh says because Orwell has been my buddy this whole summer. Josh says they get to beat me up all summer and I get called out every time lol. Christmas is throwing the hula hoop and having it return to her and Josh says do it again and she throws it at him. Paul says he is gassed and going to bed. Christmas hula hooping . Josh says about calling him things and Pauls says if he hears about potty mouth one more time. Paul says he is going to wake Josh up after he goes to sleep. Paul says eight day and a wake up. Josh says he was having a good night in the hammock and you came along and f ed it up. Josh says the milkshake was a bad idea my sugar levels are all messed up. Paul says he is in a sugar coma. You played yourself Josh Paul says. They fure sure put drugs in the milkshakes Josh says I feel like a meatball and Paul says you look like a meatball. Paul says I am going to put your close on the ground Josh say put it in the white bag there. Josh rubbing the horn hat on his head says this feels good and CHristmas says just image how good that massage is going to feel. Josh ask Kevin if he enjoyed his milkshake or not Kevin says yes he did.
11:15 PM BBT Backyard Christmas riding stationary bike and Josh still rubbing his head with the horn hat and saying this feels so good.Kevin asks Christmas if she falls to sleep real fast when she goes to bed or not? She says sometimes. Pal says he is going to bed and Kevin says he is going in to read then go to sleep too. Christmas is going Josh on hammock. Christmas says you have increased your social skills in here. Josh asks Why ? Is it because I held the hammock for you? She yes that is it. Josh says he is going to work out in the morning and CHristmas says yes you will need to as Alex will not be social for the rest of the time in here. They are talking about what day it is and Josh said today is the 10th and tomorrow in the 11th and they both realise that tomorrow in 9-11 Josh says he wonders if they will give them a time for memorial and Christmas says probably not but they can go into the Apple room and talk about where they were and what they was doing then. They Josh and CHristmas switch the talk to how Christmas did so good after her foot and how she has fought the way through it all. She says that no one else would have been able to stay after they broke it like she did folding it in half and shattering it so badly. Paul walks back out the back yard and Josh calls him Puta.. something and Paul call him back the same and Josh says you have called me that the whole summer and Paul says You taught me that fraise. Josh tells Paul to sit down and Paul says he cannot as his shorts are wet. Josh says we have to get together as CHristmas will be there in New York and so will you so we need to go see the tree.
11:30 PM BBT Paul says about taking them to a great bar where they wear lab coats and mix great drinks. Paul asks them if they like snails? Christmas says yes but Josh says NO. Paul goes to sit on hammock and Christmas says are going to sit on my face? Paul says yes. They start to talk about the Comic and how Paul need to be Gumpy and Josh is Potty mouth. Josh says he was Meatball not Potty mouth. Start talking about how they cannot wait to see the cuts of how they ruined the great relationship with Cody and Jessica. Things goes wild and screaming about and making fun about how she talked. Paul tells about how when they first was talking about he friendship and what Jessica like in a man as she was sitting on his lap she said Tall blonde hair and Paul just thought that is everything he is not. Teasing about how Cody just wanted to take her to Texas Road House after the show. Then how Mark was in the Jury house and every week someone comes in and Mark asks what? Christmas says she was never a villain before she came into BB house. BB Christmas please go to DR. Josh grabs Orwell and says OK milkshake party is over now and they all walk into house. Kevin follows them in. HN room ALex says these mother fuckers cannot look at me is because they are such cowards. The goes back to reading the bible. Bathroom Christmas says goodnight to Kevin and then yells out goodnight again. HOH room Josh comes into the room and hears Paul in shower and thinks Paul is there to scare him Paul says not just turn off the lights. Josh asks if we feed the fish or not. Kevin in Green BR reading.
11:45 PM BBT House is dark now everyone going to bed. Paul still in shower in HOH RM. Backyard Alex came outside to play with the Hula Hoop by herself. Cannot wait till I can play Survivor and beat people Alex says. All of the them son of bitches . I should have listened to Jason. The three are all shady Paul is a total boner I guess I got played at least my friendship card in intack . Thank you POP for the milkshake. Paul is afraid of me. I don’t hate Paul he is going to get my vote he is a douche but he gets my vote. SHe has never seen a bigger bunch of pussies. Don’t be a bitch.I should have listens to Jason Paul played me I guess his friendship is not that important to him after all. Paul is not standing up to what he says all along. That Stupid bitch stole 5k from me in the comp. She says she is sorry for going on it is because this is all she has to do until Thursday. When Paul cried to me it was a bunch of fake bullshit. Christmas is a liar saying my foot hurts so much. I am sorry I am being so salty she says. Douche bags I cannot do anything because of you all.

Monday, September 11th
12:00 AM BBT Alex is out in the BY hoola hooping and ranting and raving about everything that has happened in the house. She says, “There are nothing but a bunch of counterfeits in this house. Paul is such a liar he is crying and he is such a fake counterfeit. Production says, “HGS THIS IS A LOCKDOWN. EVERYONE GO INTO HOUSE AND CLOSE THE SLIDING GLASS DOORS!” Alex says, “Ok. They are still counterfeits though and she goes into the house and looks in the refrigerator for snacks. She then heads into the SR for an apple and leaves the SR. She then goes into the HN bedroom and grabs the bible and starts reading while eating her apple. She mumbled something about the HOH and the SOBs. Up in the HOH bedroom Paul and Josh are chatting. Paul tells Paul to stop freaking out and says, “We gotta win.” Josh says you gotta win HOH and Christmas has to win the other. Paul starts saying something about the plan and the feeds go to fish. Feeds come back on at 12:11 AM and Josh is the only one in the HOH bedroom now. He put the headphones on while saying, “Alright do I gotta go now? God, I’m gonna mis this. He says, “Why is she hopping so hard?” Camera goes down to the kitchen. Paul and Christmas are down there talking about the audio. Josh came out of the HOH and asked what happened. Paul said, “They kick us out of the BY.” “We played ourselves big time.” Then he asked Christmas where the blender was and she showed him. He told Josh he had to take that back to them too. Josh asked, “Are you serious?” Then he told Christmas he was going to shower and she held up her crutch and pointed it at him like it was a gun and she shot it at him and said he was dead. And she said ok.
12:15 AM BBT Paul came back around the corner from the DR and the camera showed him tugging on his private area. He said, “Oh that’s nice just pan around right at me when I am pulling on my penis. I played myself.” Christmas was heading in the bathroom and was laughing and said, “They caught you tugging huh?” He said, “Yeah. I played myself.” Then Christmas started brushing her teeth and asked him what time it was. But Paul never answered. Christmas put some styling product on her hair and left the bathroom. She stopped in the LR and looked at the pictures on the memory wall and held her crutch up like a gun again at the memory wall and made a shooting noise and gesture and pointed at it. Then she smiled and turned around and pointed upstairs and did the peace sign with her fingers. She walked on and entered the Rose room and got in her bed. She pulled her hair up and put it in a ponytail and laid down and covered up. She faced away from the camera briefly and then flipped back over looking in the direction of the camera. She begins talking to the camera. “So thinking about everything in this game and sometime I am a little ruthless, and I am. And I have said I will give you the benefit of the doubt until you cross me, which everyone has except Matt. He played a straight and honest game. He was just protecting Raven. Alex chose Jillian in the beginning and Josh chose me and Paul chose me. Then she kept me away from Jason. She never considered me a player just a pawn in her game. I have been a very productive player and socialized and been very choosy in who I wanted to get over when. I still like Alex and it bothers me that she has to go home. And in a few days you will see me break down more. I will definitely be having a mental breakdown after the show and you will not have to see it on live feeds. But I think I have definitely played a good game socially and have had to rely on my social game and have given enough. I had ten broken bones. I had to have other people’s bone placed in my foot. I have a Franken foot. I am proud of how I have played this game and made it this far.
12:30 AM BBT Then Paul came in and said, “Who are you talking to?” Christmas said, “Just myself. No dirty chochas” she said. Then Paul said, “I am going to say goodnight to Alex and she will probably bite my head off.” He headed out to the HN bedroom and said, “Go back to what you were doing.” Christmas said, “Alright guys. Thanks for chatting.. Have a good night.” And she blew a kiss to the cameras. Paul came back in and said, “She is not happy.” “Oh well….something garbled.” Then he turned out the light and laughed as he walked to the other side of the bed and got in bed. Christmas asked him if he had a banana. He said, “Yes.I’m just tired.” She asked, “Did the milkshake help?” He said, “Yeah but it didn’t help my abs.” She laughed and said, “You’ll work it off tomorrow.” he said, “I’m just ready to get out of this f**king place.” She said, “Almost there.” He said, “It’s just been so hard and so difficult and a lot f work.” She said, “I know. I’ve seen it.” They started talking about the jurors. He said he likes to think the worst about the situation. She said she would think they would be pissed. “They are they. We are here.” Paul asked, “Do you think they will be bitter?” She said, “I don’t know. Each of them are a different breed. I wouldn’t be bitter.” He said, “You have a totally different personality and outlook than those people.” She said, “I’ll take that as a compliment.” He said, “It is a compliment.” She said, “Aww.” He asked her to tickle his back a little bit. She said that they will see her as a gimp that skated her way into it.” He said, “No I think they will see you as pushing through at all odds.” Then he said, “I’ve always been on your side.” She tells him that maybe they will see it as he played the way he had to and as good game play.” She asked him why he is obsessing about it.” He said he is not. He is just thinking about it because it is close and he may have a shot. She said, “you should be thinking about how you will explain why he did what he did.” “You can say you were on constant fight and attack mode and it will show how you know the complexities of the game.” He said, “I appreciate that.” He said, “ I don’t know how I can take credit for the accomplishments that I have done though.” Christmas said, “Well you can’t take credit for them because you weren’t the front man that did them. But you have to explain how you did what you did t them.” Paul said, “I hope there is an eviction tomorrow.” She said, Me too. The air in the house is very heavy.” Then Tuesday can be veto and Wednesday can be eviction.” She says”It’s Sunday night.” He said, “I know. But Tuesday could be a surprise eviction or tomorrow.”
12:45 AM BBT Alex went back outside in the BY for a little while with the hula hoop again. Paul and Christmas are still chatting. Paul said that this time in the house last season was brutal. Paul said he is happy he was able to get this boost in his twenties. Not that he needed a boost in his twenties. He asked her if she knew what he meant. She said no. He said a lot of people don’t do nothing in their twenties. They just let it pass them by. And he is glad he hasn’t and he has had this experience in his life. Christmas said she doesn’t know why people in their twenties think they need to grow up and get a job and all that. She said she has had many adventures and started her business and done some work and she has had a great time. He said, “That’s good.” Then they said thank God Josh calmed down and didn’t keep going on because he would have been kicked out and wouldn’t have this experience.
1:00 AM BBT Paul said, “I don’t know.” Christmas said, “You don’t gotta know.” She said, “How much do you like that answer?” He said, “It’s the shittiest.” She said, “You don’t always gotta know.” Christmas said, “Can I ask you a question?” He said, “When” She said, “During that last eviction.” He asked, “The double eviction?” She said, “No. I saw your pulse in your neck.” He said, “During that last eviction. Yeah I just didn’t know what Josh was going to say. That’s all.” She said, “I don’t care who goes next as long as it is not you or me. But I have to wait and see what Josh has to say.” Paul said, “It’s going to be hard to choose.” Then Josh came into the bedroom. He turned the light on and they said, “Turn the light off.” He said, “Were you guys cuddling?” He turned off the light. Paul said, “No. We were just chatting.” Josh jumped into the bed on them. He said, “I’m lonely.” Paul said, “Fool. Then go get your stuff and come in here.” Josh got up and went to the door. They said, “Don’t turn on that light.” Josh said, “Ok. I’m going to go to take a shower.” Christmas said, “What.” He left the bedroom. Paul tells Christmas a story. He said one time he went to the post office. He always hates it when he is standing in a long line and there is an old lady in front of you and she is only there to by stamps. I think my packages are way more important and they are international. So then I went to the post office and I was in the long line. There was this little old lady that comes inside and is carrying a backpack. She starts asking everyone if someone left their bag outside. No one claims it. Then she goes up to the counter and she gives it to the guy. She said someone left it outside and they may come in and be looking for it. So then this guy in line behind me gets all crazy and starts yelling at the lady. He says, “Lady don’t you watch the new these days? There could be a bomb in there or something. Take it back outside.” And he keeps yelling at her. So I finally turn around and tell him, “If you are so worried about there being a bomb in there you take it outside yourself.” Then the little old lady told the guy he was going to hell in her Christian manner. They both laughed. Christmas then started telling a story about how her mother getting arrested.
1:15 AM BBT Paul then starts telling some other stories about standing in line at Target and telling off a lady behind him who was yelling at the cashier. He started telling another story about he went to Forever 21 before a dentist appointment and there was a lady standing outside stomping her foot on the ground getting mad looking at her wristwatch. She was said she was going to call the manager because they were supposed to be opened at 10:00 AM and it was 10:02. Then she tried to open up the grate but she didn’t get it open. She was trying to get me to engage and I wouldn’t even do it. Then a manager came over and told the woman that they were going to open in a minute but we can’t open until we have things together. She said she was going to call corporate and tell them because it is against the law and they are supposed to be opened when they are supposed to. Paul said that is not a law by the way. Then they opened the store and the lady ran right over to the manager and told her that no wonder she is a manager at a retail store because she is so stupid. She was being very cruel and mean to the manager. So he says he went in there and turned to the lady and said, “You are a complete cunt.” She said, “What did you say to me?” He said he called he a cunt again and said that the only ignorant person here is her and she has no right to be so mean to this lady. And he said he told her to leave the store right now. Then the girl thanked him for sticking up for her and gave him a super discount on anything he bought there. Then he tells her a story of two boys that were about to throw down on his way to BB. He said he stopped the car and got out and told them to stop it and make up. Then he tells a story about a waiter at a restaurant. Then another story about his drink not being made the way he likes it.
1:30 AM BBT Christmas then tells a story about them not getting her coffee drink right either and it is so simple. Paul said it’s a cortado.” She said, “They don’t know what that is though.” He said their mind will be blown. He said one time this one barista totally refused to make his drink. He said, “It’s just an iced cappuccino.” Christmas said they know all these other drinks and and the Unicorn drink but they can’t make my drink. He said his assistant is cut throat. He said Christmas would like his assistant. She said one time, “Can I f**king help you?” Paul tells a story about going to NY before here and saying that he had a mean person at a cafe there. He said he went to a Starbucks drive thru by his house and he didn’t realize there was a camera there. He said, “I drove up one time and said “Hi Paul.” And it freaked me out. And then said you want an iced cappuccino.” Christmas said, “Did you freak out? He said, “Yes. I was like, how does this b**ch know my man?” “And they knew my order and got it right.” Christmas said she doesn’t have a lot of stories in here because the house has made her very dull. She asked Paul if she can meet his assistant. He said, “Probably. Yes most likely.” She said, “You will like my mom. But she will probably grope you.” He said, “I’m down.” Then he said, “So Josh is not coming back down then?” Christmas said, “I guess not.”
1:45 AM BBT Paul said, “When he went to Pepperdine and was at Freshman orientation, he was in all black and tattoos and piercings and everyone else was all preppy and Malibu barbies and Malibu Kens. He said he was the only one there like that. She said, “You think.” He said, “All of the fathers were looking at me holding their daughters and I said, “I’m going to f**k your daughter and I am going to f**k your daughter. And they were like, “What is that?” He says stuff always happens to me wherever I go. Christmas said he always causes a commotion wherever he goes. He said he doesn’t. Paul asks her if he has ever told her about the crackhead that almost killed him when he went to get coffee one time. She said, “Nope.” He said, “Oops, did I hit your foot?” she said, “No it’s ok. I want to take my sock off. But I’ll do it later.” “It wasn’t my bad foot.” He said, “Oh ok.
2:00 AM BBT Christmas and Paul continue talking about general things. Christmas is telling him about someone who gives great massages. She says it was painful but every time he got to my thighs I’d pass out. Alex is in the HN Room reading the Bible by herself. Alex turns the light out and goes back to bed to try and sleep. Paul is snoring and Christmas has her eyes closed. Looks like all HGs are sleeping for the night. Both Christmas and Alex are restless in their respective beds. Alex is back out of bed , she is off camera and you can hear drawers opening. She is now heading to the washroom. She uses the washroom and heads back to bed in the HN Room.
2:15 AM BBT Cameras are on Alex in HN Room sleeping as well as on Paul and Christmas in Rose Room sleeping. We are assuming Josh is in HOH asleep and Kevin is in Green Room asleep.
2:30 AM BBT All HGs are sleeping ( 2:32 AM BBT) Alex is having a hard time sleeping do she turns the light back on and reads more of the Bible in bed.
2:45 AM BBT All HGs but Alex are asleep. She is still reading the Bible in the HN Room. (2:47 AM BBT ) Alex turns the light out and tries to sleep.
3:00 AM BBT – All HGs are in bed asleep

Kitchen. Paul and Alex.

September 11, 2017

Kitchen. Paul and Alex.
Paul – if I win everything from here on out, that’s 10 comp wins and having never been on the block. Biggest target from the beginning coming into the game. What more can I do?! If I can control it to the end. I don’t know homie?! I’ll do my best. Alex – I’m not going to hug any of you when I leave, just be prepared. Paul – okay. Alex – I’m not doing anything with Josh after this… he’s been a cry baby this whole game and I’m over it. Cry baby bullsh*t. You can’t cry when you’re going to make a power move. You can’t cry when you hurt someone’s feeling. Why are you crying because you hurt someone’s feelings. I’m mad at Christmas too because she can’t compete. She couldn’t compete in the last veto and she thinks she’s going to win this… NO! So there are a lot of people that don’t want your friendship after this .. the only person I know for sure is Jason Dent. Counterfeits! He was right, god dammit! I think you could sweep them in the comps but Josh is getting better. Paul – I’m not worried about him. Especially with mental and physical comps. Alex – I hope we have a surprise eviction tomorrow. Paul heads outside. Alex tells America that she is getting boned and hopes they vote her for America’s favorite.

Josh and Christmas studying.
Christmas – Paul and I will be gunning for HOH. Josh – And I’ll be gunning for the veto. Christmas – I’m going to be leaning on you guys to win it. We need to pull through for Paul .. he’s been winning a lot of competitions. Christmas – I’m ready for us to be in the top three and to have a good time with this.. And yes, we’re going to have to make some hard decisions but I’m not thinking about sh*t until we get there. We’ll just let the competitions play the f**k out. One thing I know for sure is we will all three be friends after this. 100% friends. One of us is going to win, one of us is going to get second place and one of us is going to get America’s f**king favorite! And if that doesn’t happen, then we all get to tour the world together. Josh – I love you guys. Christmas – what do you want people to know about what you did in the game so far strategically-wise. That you have taken the most honorable route possible.

Alex and Paul in the havenot room. 

September 11, 2017

Alex and Paul in the havenot room. 
Paul – did you have any luck? Alex – I told josh to get the f**k away from me. They’re sending me out because they know I’m better than then and they want to just coast by. I want you to take Jason to the Me, Myself and I. Paul – I’m going to figure out a way to give both of mine to you two. I’m super sorry I let you down. Alex tells Paul that she doesn’t want to be his friend after. Paul – its a game. Alex – I will give you my vote and I will try and convince Jason to give you his too. You’re going to win it.

Lounge room. Josh comes through the kitchen. Christmas tells him she needs to talk to him for a second. They go into the lounge room. Christmas – do you want me to go home? Josh – no. Christmas – because we can make it so she stays. Josh – no. Christmas – here are your three options. Josh – she is leaving. Christmas – let me talk. We have three options. One, we leave things the way they are. Two, Paul uses the veto and I go up. You’ll be the split decision and Kevin or I will go home. Three, Paul uses the veto and I am the split decision. Thank about that and tell me what the f**k you want to do! Make a decision and stick to it. Christmas leaves. Christmas comes back to talk to Josh and tells him to give her (Alex) her space. Let her come back around. Paul comes in and tells Josh that he f**ked up. She is pissed at all of us. I told you if you’re HOH you need to make a decision and stick to it. She would respect that more than crying. I gave her no hope and you just gave her a little bit of hope. Josh – I needed to have a conversation with her. Paul – no you didn’t. Now she is looking at me to remedy the situation. Josh – do whatever the f**k you want at this point .. do a split vote and I will send her home. Paul – I tell you not to do something and then you go and do it. You just made this situation worse. Josh – do a split vote and I’ll vote her out. Send me out next week. Paul and Christmas – no! Josh – if I f**ked everything up, then send me out next week. Paul – she is going to go to jury and f**k everything up.

Paul and Alex. 
Alex – this is the way I see it, we’re friends and you’re f**king me right now. I don’t want to talk about this any more. You can’t have it both ways. Paul – I am sorry for letting you down. I am going to try and win because I think I have a chance. Do you want me to leave you alone all week and then we can get stoned? Alex – I don’t want to get stoned. Paul – do you want me to try with the split? Alex – its not going to work. They’re wanting to go with you because at least they get second and that’s what they’re all aiming for.

Josh – we’re done, we’ve got one more person to go. Paul – I am telling you that its going to be me and you on the balance beam. You’ve got to win the veto. Josh – I’m going to bring out the pots and pans as soon as Thursday drops. Paul – you’ve got to bring out more than that. Josh – it can’t be anything personal. I wouldn’t feel good about that. Paul – talk about his game. Sh*tty game. I am not going to trip any more. I’m going into the zone!

Paul talking to Christmas

September 11, 2017

Paul talking to Christmas – I can’t win either way. I didn’t even think I would make it this far. Christmas – you’ve done everything that you can do. You’re not blindsiding her. I’m taking it away from her.

Christmas – I am having a really hard time seeing his perspective. Everyone is having a hard time. I really wish I had taken the HOH. I can have hard times but I wouldn’t question my position. But then again it would have left him making that vote… and I would have been the tie breaker. I don’t think he processes emotional trauma very well or at all. Paul – I don’t see why he needs to talk to Alex. Christmas – its like when you guy goof off and hit each other .. he always has to be the one to have the last hit.

Josh – you guys will never understand how much you’ve helped me. Its hard because I don’t want to go against me. I just want you to know from the bottom of my heart I just really do love you and I appreciate your friendship. I a really sorry tiger. I think when you get out you will see. I have been honest and I am in a really f**ked up position. Alex – you guys don’t need to cry. I’m the one that should be crying. You guys want me out. Alex starts crying and leaves the room. Josh starts crying. (OMG what a bunch of cry babies! This is a game!!) Alex heads into the havenot room. Josh follows her and says I’m sorry. Alex – stop crying, you don’t need to cry. Josh – I really do love me. Alex – it doesn’t matter you guys are not our friends. Jason and I trusted you and you f**ked us. I will give you a fair vote. I don’t want to talk to you any more. Alex – do you go to the Olympics to play the sh*ttiest players .. no! Just vote me out. I don’t want to talk to you guys any more. Just go! Alex continues to cry. You guys have all shown me what kind of people you are and I don’t like it. Just focus on winning. You can win against them.

Christmas and Josh. 

September 11, 2017

Christmas and Josh. 
Christmas warns Josh that Paul is telling Alex that he is not using he veto on her. If she talks, just let her talk.. don’t talk back. Josh – we have to win next week. Christmas – I know and all we need to do is beat Kevin. I hope it is something that I can fully contribute to. If I have to sit out and watch you and Paul beat Kevin again .. Josh – I am going to mentally break him. He has literally done anything and for him to say now is the time to turn it up .. dude you floated to final 4. I am going to f**king crack him and be like you haven’t done sh*t all season. You don’t have any blood… you think someone is going to give you 500k? You f**king played yourself. And they will give it to his a$$ and that’s the scary part. Christmas – I know because he hasn’t pissed off anyone. Pots and Pans.. I’m bringing those motherf**kers out. I am not going to let him.. Christmas – expect her to come up here raging. Josh – he needs to make it seem like he is going to take a shot at me next week to Kevin so that Kevin throws it and then we will secure top 3.

HOH room. Josh, Paul and Christmas.
Paul comes up after his conversation with Alex crying. Paul – I took all the heat for it but I told her I would try and convince you guys to keep her. And she said there is no way they will keep me. And I said I would try. Josh – why would you take all the heat? Paul – because what the f**k else am I going to say to her. I lose if I keep her. As much as I would like to see you (Alex) win I can’t keep her. She called me selfish but she doesn’t know I am protecting you two. You guys have to give her a straight f**king no and not give her any hope .. because that will hurt her even more. (lol Paul is such a great guy he took all the heat for two seconds and then transferred to back to Josh and Christmas.) The way that I made it, I don’t think she will even ask you. I made it my decision. She said if you make this move you’re the one sending me out. And there is no way I am not making this move (To not use the veto). I said if I make this move (use the veto to save Alex) I am losing 3 jury votes. That was tough dude. That was tough. Paul – it hurts because she’s not my enemy. Josh – she’s not mine either. Paul – basically we have to say that get Kevin out next week will be easy and getting her out won’t be.

HOH room. Josh talking to the camera.
Josh – they want to keep playing selfish, I might just ask for a split vote and keep f**king Alex. Keep being selfish I’ll flip this f**king house up side down in 9 days. I’ll tell them in front of Alex, make it a split vote… I’ll send Kevin out. F**king selfish. I play for these people the whole f**king game and they want to be selfish. I am going to blow everything up. She is taking Paul because she won’t beat me. Paul is taking me because he will beat me. I’m taking her because I want to beat her. She is not

Paul and Alex 

September 11, 2017

Paul and Alex 
Paul – alright .. I’m in a little bit of a pickle. ..So I think that if I use the veto on you I am pretty much throwing my game in the trash. Just listen to me real quick because I want to exhaust all options. I trust you. I’ve made an insane connection with you in this game and I don’t want to compromise that. Josh nominated tto get one of us out this week. I’ve talked to Josh telling him I am taking him to final s… obviously I am not. If I pull you off, then I lose their jury veto. We sweep and go to the end and I loose their jury veto. If you had won the veto and used it then I would have gone up and gone to jury. I never thought Friends and family are watching and they would be disappointed if I made the same mistake. I am not going to blindside you. I don’t know what to do. You have jury votes already. I would vote for you. The more I see these motherf**kers walking around and smiling .. it f**king pisses me off. Its been a really rough, tough journey for me. You would beat me. Mark and Cody are not voting for me over you. As much as I want to use it on your and sweep, I secure my loss. I think that I actually have a chance to win this year. If I did this I would be the next target. If you can work Christmas and Josh then we can send Kevin out.

Alex – to be honest I didn’t want to throw that other competition to you. It secured you and I but I was going to save Jason. I was going to win that and pull Jason off. I put you before Jason. That’s what’s been killing me and why I’ve been so upset. ALex – we should have sent Kevin home that other one too. Paul – I hope you don’t think I’m trying to screw you because I am not. If I make this move then I am screwed. I’ve talked to them and they’re not going to budge. Alex – if one of them make it to the final 2 they’re going to win. You do what you need to do.. outside the game we are cool but inside this game this is sh*tty. Paul – I am torn between myself and the situation. If I take Josh to the end I think I could win. Alex – that is exactly what Cody said he would do. Paul – Cody isn’t a mind reader because even I didn’t know I was going to do that. Paul – I could take kevin but he doesn’t deserve to be there in the final 2. The only people that deserve it are you and I. Alex – if things were reversed I would have saved you. Paul – I’ve just been mulling it over and its killing me. I wasn’t just going to do it and take the coward route out .. you’re my friend. I’m torn because I would lose 3 votes automatically. Paul – they don’t want me to use the veto. Alex – they said it? My problem is that one of them are going to win second place over me. Paul – we allowed them to get as far as they got. They don’t know they didnt do it on their own. Alex – I want you to know that if the situation was reversed I would still take you even if I was going to lose. Paul – I am going to see what I can do and see if I can get in their heads and somehow convince them to keep you.

 Paul and Christmas. 

September 11, 2017

 Paul and Christmas. 
Paul – I talked to Josh.. to be sturdy. I don’t want to prolong it. Christmas – then talk to her whenever you need to. It’s going to affect you either way. We’re going to have to deal with some backlash and somethings that aren’t true. And have to continuously try and find a way to make it work. Paul – do you think Josh is ready for that. Christmas – I don’t believe anything. It’s like he knows what she’s doing. Listen to her and then believe her and be conflicted. Now Kevin is being nice and she is being nice. Paul – they suck! Christmas – super suck. If it feels best, then go ahead and do it. Paul – I am definitely going to say that I talked to everybody and thought about it… and I think this is the best move for me because had you won, I wouldn’t expect you to pull your self off. I would never ask that of you. Which means that I would have gone up and I would have gone home. She was like if you had gone up we would have campaigned and I would have tried to make you stay. I’m like okay we can try that route. I’m not going to use the veto and you’ll be up there with Kevin. Go see what you can do. And I’m not going to make it a tie because then I’m sh*tting in my own bed. Christmas – and my position is that I cannot beat you collectively. With all of our games we’re not hying. Were being straight forward. We’re not making it personal at all. Paul – I’m just going to go tell her.

Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 10th

September 10, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 10th
8:59 AM BBT Christmas gets up, peaks briefly outside the patio doors, and proceeds to the bathroom. She goes back to bed in the Rose Rm with Paul. All other HGs are asleep. Around 9:05 Paul raises up, takes a sip of water, and lies back down.
9:15 AM BBT All HGs are still in bed. Paul keeps moving a little. All others appear asleep.
9:30 AM BBT – 10:00 AM BBT All HGs are sleeping.
10:04 AM BBT Fish. Wakey, wakey houseguests.
10:15 AM BBT Feeds return to still sleeping Kevin In HOH lights still off but Josh is moving around in bed.PAUL XMAS THERE ARE FRESH BATTERIES IN THE SR. Josh jumps on Alex and Paul. Josh says no more sleeping lets go outside. THE LIGHTS MUST REMAIN ON DURING THE DAY. Josh dances around in KT. He says hi to his family on cam. Kevin is gathering laundry to do outside.KEVIN PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MIC.JOSH dances out the door singing and FISH flash. Paul Xmas and Alex still in bed.
10:30 AM BBT Kevin walks the BY. Josh goes upstairs.THE BEDROOM LIGHTS MUST REMAIN ON DURING THE DAY. Josh flips on the HOH lights checks out where everyone is on the TV.Josh now burrows down in bed and Kevin walks the yard. Kevin goes to WR. He is shaving.
10:45 AM BBT He grabs a few items from his bed. Grabs some paper towels and holds the broken coffee pot to pour some coffee. He talks to BB through his mic that the washer isn’t working correctly. He grabs a yogurt his coffee his clothes and heads back out to laundry.Kevin sits in BY eating his yogurt. All the other HGs are in bed. HGS THIS IS A LOCKDOWN PLEASE GO INSIDE AND LOCK THE SLIDING GLASS DOOR. KEVIN PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MIC.
11:00 AM BBT Kevin bitches because there is no one around him so why does he need a mic. So he goes back to bed. Everyone is in bed.
11:11 AM BBT HGS THE LOCKDOWN IS NOW OVER. Kevin jumps out of bed oils himself up and heads back outside.KEVIN PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MIC. Kevin gripes about everything the sleeping all day is his current topic. That’s why they want the mic on him.
11:15 AM BBT Kevin in BY. Everyone else in bed.NO NAPPING HGs. Josh says he isn’t napping he is sleeping.I ASKED NICELY HGS ARE NOT TO NAP DURING DAYTIME HOURS. Josh says I’m not napping I’m thinking.WAKE UP!!!!!. Josh says that was really mean. Mean and scary. He says I thought we were friends BB why the attitude? Pump the brakes BB. Paul and Xmas start to move. Xmas tells Paul about her dream, Paul sings and we get FISH.Josh says someone cleaned the WR and it wasn’t him.
11:30 AM BBT Paul says if Josh cleans a pot he will make breakfast. Alex remains in the bed.Josh says today I run.Kevin comes in and asks how everyone is. He tells everyone that he is going to do laundry. The lockdown was to fix the washer. Alex says quit fing singing Because Josh keeps bursting into song. And BB keeps telling them to stop. Paul says he will kill Josh. Xmas Josh and Alex sit on couch outside. Josh wants good talk not crappy talk. Xmas says a nice comment about Matt, Is that what you mean josh. Xmas gives Josh life facts. How to handle the fame and Fans. BB says PAUL. He says what? BB says SORRY. Xmas tells Josh how to deal with women after the show. Paul and Kevin discuss the eggs, Kevin gripes to Paul. Paul tells them go eat.

11:45 AM BBT Alex says she is going to be petty as F today. Josh says Tiger be nice. Alex is having eye troubles today. Xmas asks Paul if he is grumpy today. He says no I’m sore. And tired. PLEASE STOP SINGING. Paul says he is going to put his fist down Josh’s throat.Alex has negative thoughts. Paul tells her to stop saying SH#$$% things. They all sit outside.
12:00 PM BBT Kevin has two of his shirts hanging on the window ledges to dry in the sun and Big Brother says KEVIN, STOP THAT. He removes the shirts. THANK YOU. Alex and Christmas tell Josh and Paul about Raven moving up to the HOH room with Cody the first night and then got upset when he was spending time with Jessica. Josh says it’s crazy that these people came into the house and immediately went for a showmance, Raven even brought two matching bracelets into the house with her so she could give the other to her showmance. Paul says he didn’t even plan ahead to bring enough socks, he can’t believe she had the forethought to plan something like that. Josh talks about how Jessica’s behavior immediately changed when Cody walked back in the house. He says he didn’t like that Jessica was involving herself in men’s fights. Alex and Christmas jump on him immediately about his sexist wording. Josh says that even though Jessica has a bitchy side that she showed a lot in the house, he thinks she does have a good heart. Big Brother tells Josh to PLEASE STOP SINGING. He says he knows what song he can sing and starts singing his pots and pans song. THAT IS REALLY ANNOYING. He apologizes to Big Brother for being annoying. Christmas tells the group about a fitness competition that she’s going to take them to and how fun it is.
12:15 PM BBT Christmas tells Josh and Paul about one of her sponsors that sells a supplement and how much the company have grown over recent years. She says instead of being paid she requested shares in the company which have grown exponentially since she started the investment. Kevin goes to the bathroom and washes his hands. He can’t find a towel anywhere to dry his hands, and then finds a blanket in the cabinet under the sink and uses it to wipe down the counter. Christmas says she can’t wait to have a really good sushi meal once they get out of the house. Josh says he’s going to shower and Alex says it’s weird that everyone always tells us throughout the day what they’re doing. Christmas says it’s because they’ve been programmed all summer to tell people what they’re doing so that they’re not suspicious. Josh goes up to HOH and Paul is in there. Paul says Christmas and Kevin on the block next week. They laugh that Kevin said now it’s time to turn it up and he’s going to win HOH next week. They can’t believe they actually pulled it off and they’re making it to the end together. Paul says he’s going to get coffee and will be back later. He leaves Josh and goes back outside to Christmas and Alex.
12:30 PM BBT Alex and Christmas talk about their trips to Thailand. Alex says next time she goes she’ll take more hand sanitizer since you poop in a hole and there’s no water to wash your hands. Kevin starts another load of laundry in the washer and then lays out clothes on the pool table to dry in the sun.
12:45 PM BBT Alex goes inside to finish her prayers for the day. Outside Paul tells Christmas that he wants to talk to Alex and not prolong it anymore. He wants to give her a heads up that she’s going home this week. Christmas tells him he should talk to her whenever he feels he needs to. She says they need to be prepared for some backlash from her and the potential that she might say some things that aren’t true. Paul asks if Josh is ready for the backlash from Alex. Paul says they can just explain to her the game reasons behind why they have to make this move. Christmas says before this week Alex asked them not to blindside her during a vote, she would rather know ahead of time if she is going. Paul asks Christmas to go inside and talk to Josh while he talks to Alex to prepare him for the backlash and tell him not to believe anything Alex says when she is angry. Paul calls Alex into the apple room to talk to her. He says he’s in a pickle because he thinks if he uses the veto on her he is going to throw his game into the trash. Christmas tells Josh she is going to feel bad if she isn’t cleared to compete because then she has to rely on Josh and Paul to beat Kevin twice in the next two competitions. Josh says it doesn’t matter because he will break Kevin mentally because he hasn’t done anything this whole summer. Paul tells Alex that he knows he and Alex could easily go to the end together but he would never win the game in the votes against her so he is torn between being loyal and losing against her, or getting her out and having a better chance of winning against someone else.
1:00 PM BBT Alex tells Paul he has to do what’s best for his game, that’s the right decision to make. Josh says to Christmas he feels Alex will be bitter towards him more than Christmas and Paul. Alex tells Paul that she didn’t want to throw the veto last week to Paul because she was going to win and pull Jason off the block. She could have won and chose to throw it to Paul thinking that he was going to save Jason. She’s been feeling guilty about choosing Paul over Jason in the game. She says she feels that she’s the only person playing a straight game and she’s getting screwed left and right. Paul tells Alex that if she thinks she can convince Christmas and Josh to keep her then he is open to it but he doesn’t think they will budge because they have been hostile every time he has tried to bring it up to them. Alex says it sucks because one of them is going to end up going to the final two and may end up winning and she doesn’t feel they deserve to be in the final two. Paul asks her if she thinks he can get to the final two on his own and she says yes probably. He tells her outside of the game they are going to be close friends because they are so much alike, but in the game he doesn’t think he can keep her because he will lose to her by a landslide. Alex says she knows if Paul does not use the veto she will go home because she has already tried to talk to Christmas and she told her she played a good game. Paul says it sucks for him to make this decision, but he can’t let himself make the same mistake he did last year and come in second place twice in a row.
1:15 PM BBT Alex asks Paul why he doesn’t split the vote and have Josh decide. Paul says he will do it if she thinks she can convince Josh but he doesn’t want Josh to be mad at him for making him decide. Alex says she’s annoyed because every competition she’s won it was because no one else knew the answers and the one’s that Josh and Christmas have won it was because she threw the competitions to them. Josh goes outside and says to himself that he keeps getting screwed in this game. Alex isn’t happy about losing to Josh, Christmas, and Kevin because she doesn’t feel they are deserving. Christmas comes outside to work out and Kevin is sunbathing. Alex says it sucks because she could have won the last several competitions and threw them because Paul told her to and now she has screwed herself because Paul was setting up the game to allow him to easily go to the end with Kevin, Josh, and Christmas left and she is leaving. She understands why Paul is doing it because it’s the best thing for his game in order for him to win the game, but she’s mad at the situation because things could have been different if she hadn’t believed Paul the last few weeks.

1:30 PM BBT Alex says she wished Paul had talked about this to her before because if she had known she could have won competitions and changed her own fate. She says even on this last veto she was walking when she could have won because she wanted to make sure Paul won the veto. She’s mad at herself for doing that because she thought be letting Paul win she was saving them both and guaranteeing that Kevin goes. She tells him she gets it, and they don’t need to keep talking about it, but she wants him to know that if the situation were flipped, she would have still taken Paul to the end. Alex says it’s not all Paul’s fault either because she set herself up for this too and knew that they should have gotten Christmas and Kevin out earlier but went along with what other people wanted to do. Paul tells Alex she is not his enemy and he didn’t want to hurt her so he wasn’t going to blindside her by not talking to her about it ahead of time. Alex tells Paul that she doesn’t want to make him feel worse, but she wants him to understand that him doing this is guaranteeing that she loses at least $40k. Paul tells Alex he will try and talk to Christmas and see if there is something he can promise her to make her keep Alex. Christmas goes inside to the HOH room to study with Josh.
1:45 PM BBT Paul tells Alex even though everyone was telling Alex that they wanted Kevin out, they never did. They were always planning on getting Raven out because everyone dislikes Kevin but no one is afraid of his game play. He asks her if she thinks he can do it. Alex says yes, Paul will win because she will vote for him and will convince others in the jury to vote for him as well. Alex and Paul end their conversation and she tells him she doesn’t want to hug because she will start crying. Alex goes in the bathroom and Paul starts crying. He stays downstairs to make sure Alex sees him crying before going upstairs. Kevin comes in the kitchen and asks Paul if he’s ok. He goes upstairs and Christmas and Josh comfort him as he’s crying. Alex goes outside to finish her prayers. Paul tells Christmas and Josh what he and Alex talked about and how he told her if he takes her off the block and they go to the end, he won’t win. Josh asks if Alex is ok and Paul says she thanked him for being honest. He tells Josh and Christmas they can’t give Alex any hope when she comes to them; they have to give her a straight no.
2:00 PM BBT Paul says to Christmas & Josh that they can’t act any different when they’re around Alex & Kevin. Christmas says to Josh that when he leaves the HoH room, he needs to act how he was before, all happy. Paul says that Alex tried to tell him that she threw the veto to him ‘cause she walked during the comp. Paul says that he doesn’t believe that, considering her time. Josh says that he’s never playing again. Paul says that he was honest with Alex. Christmas asks if he told Alex he talked to them about not using the veto. Paul says “not really. I said based off the vibe.”
2:15 PM BBT Josh leaves the HoH to look for Alex. Christmas is concerned. Paul tells Christmas to “trail him.” Josh goes into the Apple Room. He says that it’s pissing him off that people are being manipulative, and hates that he can’t be honest. He says that it’s so fucked up. He wonders why they can’t show that they’re working together to share the blood. Christmas checks in on him. Josh says that he just needs a minute. Christmas says okay. “The way it’s being done is not fair.” Paul enters. Josh says that he needs a minute. Paul asks why he’s tripping. Josh says that he needs a Josh says that he didn’t go against people’s back and was honest with them. Josh says that he’s being honest. He says that he’s going to lose this game ‘cause he looks like the dickhead and Paul’s innocent. Josh says that everyone’s protecting their game, but when Josh tries to protect his game, he gets in trouble. Christmas tries to cheer him up, then leaves. Josh says that he feels heartbroken. Josh says that he doesn’t like hurting people he loves, and it sucks that he doesn’t have control. Josh says that he wants to be honest with Alex, but that’ll just ruin his game. He says that he’s been getting all the blood because of Paul, and is hurting another friend. Josh says that he doesn’t get it. Paul enters the Apple Room and asks what’s wrong. Paul says that he had a rough conversation with Alex.
2:30 PM BBT Paul says that Alex has worked harder than Kevin. Josh says that he’s all numb to everything. Paul says that he said that it’s going to get harder in the end. Paul says to Josh that he can’t just leave like that, or else Christmas starts trippin’. Paul says that he wonders who she’s going to hate the most. Josh says that’ll be him (Josh). Paul disagrees and says that it’s going to be him. Josh says that it’s harder in the end. Josh says that he doesn’t know how to explain this game. Paul asks Josh why he’s stressed, saying that he’s the one that should be stressing out. Paul says that Alex might leave ‘cause she hates Kevin. Paul asks Josh what he’s calling. Paul jokingly says to Josh that he needs a straightjacket, and to let it go, saying that the outside is going to be harder. Josh says that he hates it that he’s hurting his friends. Paul says that no one sacrificed their game for others. Josh says that he just wants to turn off his brain. Paul says that he’s wanted to turn his off. Josh says that he’s not going to play the game again, and knew that getting attached to the HGs would screw him up. Paul says everyone’s gonna go back to their own life. Paul is called to the DR. Paul tells Josh to just tell everyone that he needs a minute, so he doesn’t have a mental breakdown. Paul leaves the Apple Room. Josh lays there for a while.
2:45 PM BBT Josh asks himself “why didn’t I keep Jason?” He leaves and goes to the kitchen to join Alex. Alex says that Paul said that he’s not going to use the veto on her. Paul asks to talk. Alex says that she doesn’t want to cry again, and walks away. Josh starts to cry. He goes up to HoH to cry under the covers. He stays under the covers for a while. Alex does laundry.
3:00 PM BBT Christmas shows Alex the progress on her foot surgery. Josh says that he doesn’t know what to do. He says Christmas is so naive into buying into Paul’s shit. “Do I ruin my game and ruin the misfits to her (Alex)?” Josh says that it’s not fair that one person (Paul) is just protecting his game (Paul’s). “He has convinced everyone that he hasn’t done anything. All the attention has been on me and Christmas.” Kevin enters the kitchen, joining Josh, asking him what he’s eating. Josh says “cereal.”
3:15 PM BBT Josh is on the hammock in the backyard. He asks God for strength. “I only have 9 more days left of this shit. 9 days.” “This girl (Christmas) ain’t taking me to the end.” Josh goes back inside, up to HoH. “I fucking hate this shit.” Josh says that Christmas is taking Paul to F2, saying that’s why she’s letting him do all this. “They want to keep being selfish, I’ll fucking flip this house in 9 days. I’ll tell them in front of Alex to make it a split vote and I’ll send out Kevin.” “God, give me patience. I’m gonna blow everything up.” Josh says that he’s taking her to F2 ‘cause he’s gonna beat her. Josh says that Paul’s not taking Christmas ‘cause he knows that he can beat him (Josh).
3:30 PM BBT Josh tells himself that it’s Sunday and to “calm the fuck down.” “They think that they’re gonna keep him silent.” Josh asks God to give him strength and to let everything work out in his favor. Christmas is in the backyard taking out her stitches. She says that the doctor did a good job.
3:45 PM BBT Paul enters HoH. He says that was fucked up, then feeds cut. Paul asks Josh if he’s good. Paul thanks him for being there when he needed him. He joins Christmas in the backyard. Paul says that he feels bad ‘cause he let everyone down. He says that he had to take away someone’s BB experience. Paul says that he let’s someone down, no matter what he does. He says that it sucks making those hard-hitting decisions. He asks himself if it’s all worth it? Paul doubts that he can win, says that it wasn’t worth it. Christmas comforts him. She says that Alex might not like the decision, but respects it.
4:00 PM BBT Christmas says that she wishes that she could’ve won that veto for him. Paul says hopefully him or Christmas win next week, saying that he’s done nothing, and it’ll blow up on him. Alex appears to be cleaning up the green BR. She is packing things up as well. Christmas says they haven’t played a dirty game. Paul says that he hopes not, but he doesn’t know which way he has been portrayed. Christmas reminds him that he can’t control that anyway, and that he didn’t break any promises to her, that he hadn’t promised her final 2, 3, 5….that she will look back at your conversations and realize that you didn’t break any promises. Paul comments that he doesn’t know why Josh is so emotionally drained and upset. Christmas says that apparently, according to Alex, he is still trying to get her to talk. Christmas says she is having a really hard time seeing his perspective in relation to how he is feeling right now. She says that she wishes now that she had taken the HOH because she knows she has moments, but that she wouldn’t question her position, and then again, it would have fallen on him to make that vote, and that she would have been ok to have to be a tiebreaker. She says that she thinks it makes it much harder because last week was so chill and they were having such a good time, and within a matter of days, it flipped. She says that she doesn’t think he processes emotional trauma well. Paul says that he doesn’t know why Josh wants to talk to Alex and why he can’t let it go. Christmas says she thinks he wants to be the peacekeeper, and if Alex isn’t giving him that chance, that he isn’t going to be ok until he gets it. Christmas goes into the kitchen. Alex went outside and folded some clothes, and then went back to the green BR.
4:15 PM BBT It looks like Christmas is preparing to wash dishes. Alex continues to pack things up. Cameras go to Josh going into the storage room and applying deodorant and Paul lying in the seating area outside. Josh goes into the kitchen and asks Christmas what she is doing. She answers that she is washing dishes. They start whispering. Josh says that he told Alex that Paul is not using the veto and he asked Alex if she wanted to talk, and she answered no. Christmas asks what is wrong with him right now, and he says he just needs a minute, and that he will talk to her (Christmas) when he is ready. Josh goes back in the rose BR and asks Alex if she will talk to him. She says that she doesn’t want to talk game but will talk about anything else. He tells her that he feels like he is hurting her. He says it is really hard, that he never wanted to have to go against her or Jason, and that she would pray for him and his family, and that he wants her to know from the bottom of his heart that he loves her and that he appreciates her friendship and everything she has done for him. He says that he is really sorry, and she nods. He tells her that he has been honest and that he is in a really ‘fucked up’ position. Alex says you all need to stop crying, I should be the one crying. You guys want me out, I’m going out. I don’t want to talk about it, and she leaves the room. Josh says, “I fucking hate this place,” and starts sobbing. Paul is sitting alone in the Apple room. Christmas continues washing dishes in the kitchen.

4:30 PM BBT Alex goes back into the green BR. Josh: Tiger, please talk to me Alex: Josh, it’s not gonna help, I don’t wanna talk, it is only gonna make things worse. Josh: Tiger, I love you….I’m so sorry Alex: I’m tired of it! Me and Jason trusted you guys, and you guys…I’m tired of it. Alex goes to the Have Not room. He tells her he is sorry again and she tells him to stop crying, that you don’t need to cry. They both cry. He says he really does love her, and she says it doesn’t matter anymore, you guys are not really our friends, we trusted you guys and you fucked us, Jason’s my only friend and I got him out. She again asks him to leave her alone. She says she will give him a fair vote. Josh says that he doesn’t care about her vote, that he wants her friendship. She says that she won’t be his friend. She says that Kevin should be leaving, not her. She says that they kicked out a really good man, and she is sick of their tears and shit. She says she doesn’t want to talk to them, she just wants to get out of there. She says the only person who won’t get her vote is Kevin. She asks him to just go, that she needs a minute. He asks for a hug and she says no. She says she doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. She says she will go to jury with Jason and will talk him down, and that if he is the best person for it, they will vote for him. She says she is sorry that he feels bad, but now is the time for him to buck up, because he needs to win it. It is a game, she says, but you all have shown me the kind of people they are. He says that she doesn’t understand, and she says that yes, she does. She tells him to focus on winning, that he can win against them. He says thank you for everything else. She says she doesn’t want to hear it, but just to win. Christmas pulls Josh into the apple room and asks him if he wants her to go home. She says that he has three options: 1. We stay with what it is, she goes home. 2. Paul uses the veto. I go up there. You’ll be the split decision and decide who goes home. 3. Paul uses the veto. You go up there. I decide who goes home. She says, I’m telling you: make a decision and stick to it! Paul asks Christmas what happened, she says she told Josh he had three options, and that he tried to talk and she told him to think about it. She goes back to washing dishes. Alex is lying alone in the Have Not room. Josh comes in and asks Christmas why she is acting like this, Christmas tells him he said that he could handle this position, so handle it. He offers to help Christmas with the dishes and she refuses. She fusses at him for chasing Alex around. She says this is like a messy breakup. He says he is dealing with it. Christmas answers you deal with it your way, I’ll deal with it mine. She says it feels like Josh wants her (Christmas) out. She takes it to the Apple room.
4:45 PM BBT Josh tells her to calm down. Christmas tells him to pull his shit together. She says that this is a ploy. He says that he knows that. She says to let Alex be herself. She says that Josh is making it about him by moping around. Christmas says to leave her alone. Paul is in talking to Alex. He asks Alex why Josh is crying about it, and Alex explains that Josh says that they (Alex and Jason) are his friends, too. She says she wishes she could go home today. Paul says that he let her down and that he is sorry, that there are no excuses, that he fucked up. Alex says that is fine, but that she doesn’t want to talk anymore, that she doesn’t want to be a part of this. Paul apologizes again for letting her down. He says if the situation had been different and they were in the position to steamroll, that he would take her to the end. She says that she doesn’t want to make him feel bad about it and that is why she doesn’t want to talk about it anymore. He asks if she wants him to go talk to Josh, and she says that it doesn’t even matter anymore. She says you guys couldn’t even vote Kevin out for me. Alex says that Josh told him in the storage room that he wanted Kevin out. He asks with you there? And she says yes. Paul says they wanted bigger threats out, and she answers I know they did. Paul leaves the room and goes to the apple room. Alex says, I’m sorry Jason. Paul says that Alex is pissed and that he is jeopardizing all of their games. Fish. Josh: what, do you all want me to just shut up and go hide all week? Paul says that she is sobbing, and that she is magnifying that Paul is turning on her. Now she is bringing up why didn’t they vote Kevin out. Josh says that he just had to have a conversation with her. Paul and Christmas say that he didn’t. Paul asks how they are going to vote now. He says she mentioned it being a split vote and maybe they could convince Josh. Josh says do a split vote and I will send her home. Paul: your attitude toward the game right now is not what it should be. Josh says that he can’t help that he feels the way he feels. Paul says that Josh has questioned everything, and that now he is going sideways and that he just made the situation worse. Josh again says to do the split vote. Christmas says that he is jeopardizing them because before she could have respected their decisions but because he went crying to her, Alex is putting two and two together and inferring why he is upset. Paul says that his reactions are fucking up their game. They talk about the split vote again. Josh says to do it. Paul says he isn’t sure he can trust him. They say that this is why they doubted him taking the HOH this week: because of his emotions. Paul says I have done everything to help you and you just messed it all up. Josh again says that he didn’t say their names and they again say it isn’t what he said it was his reactions. He says for them to send him out next week if he has fucked everything up. Paul says that now she is going to go to jury and fuck everything up.
5:00 PM BBT They continue arguing the same points over and over. They discuss splitting the vote again and Paul again says that he isn’t sure he can trust him. Josh asks when he has said he was going to do something and hasn’t done it. Paul tells Josh that he is throwing them under the bus. Christmas says that he is not doing it intentionally. Josh says to go to have a conversation with her. Paul says he isn’t throwing them under the bus purposefully but that his crying is doing it. Paul says he doesn’t get what is upsetting Josh so much. Christmas says that they know it isn’t intentional and they know that his loyalty is there, but there is no room for mistakes at this point in the game. Christmas says that she gave him those options because Josh keeps kind of going off on his own. Josh calls this horse shit, that all he did was have a conversation with Alex. Josh says that the conversation started by Alex telling him that Paul was not going to use the veto, and that it went from there. In the meantime, Alex continues packing in the green BR. She heads outside to get clothes from the dryer. Kevin is sitting across the BY alone. Back in the apple room, they are still rehashing the same conversation. Josh says that he will send Kevin home and keep Alex so that she can go after the two of them.
5:15 PM BBT Christmas says that she knows because his heart is so big, this is hard on him. She says that he can argue well and that no one can argue against him and that is why they start personally attacking him. Paul says all his emotions spit out in one day went to waste and now they have to pivot. Alex goes back to the green BR and packs. Paul reiterates that they aren’t doubting him, but that his actions are making them wonder what is going on. Josh says that they need to do what they need to do, and that he will vote her out. Paul says that Josh is tripping because he is in his own head just like week one and that he is not taking his advice. He says it will mess everything up if he doesn’t quit. Josh says he is sorry, Paul says it is fine, that he gets that it is hard, but that he is the one making it hard for himself. Kevin goes to the green BR and lies down. Christmas says that Alex is alone and that she doesn’t want to talk to any of them, she wants to go to jury and talk to Jason. Paul says he knows how she works because he has been there with her gameplay and that Josh is getting duped by her. Alex is sitting alone in the BY sitting area working on her nails. Paul leaves the room and goes outside with Alex. Paul tells her that the split vote might work. She says she is just done. Paul says that he thinks that there is a chance. Alex counters that Christmas isn’t going to keep her because she wants to win.
5:30 PM BBT Paul says that he thinks it could be a tie. Alex doesn’t agree. Paul asks if when Josh was talking to her, he was just crying, and she says yes, and goes back over what he says, and says that she is tired of seeing his tears. Alex says that she doesn’t know if Josh would take Paul to the end. Paul says that he doesn’t think any of them would take him to the end. Alex says that she thinks Kevin would take him, and Paul says that he doubts that. In the Apple room, Josh says that he feels like he messed up, and Christmas says yes, a little bit, but that nothing that isn’t repairable because they still have the power. Christmas says that she is worried that Alex is going to guilt him all week. She says that he can’t cry because him crying gives her hope. She tells him that he can’t explain anything further, and that this is the only way that this can be remedied. Christmas and Josh go to the kitchen. They see that Alex and Paul are in the BY and start talking about food. Paul gets up and tells Alex that he will leave her alone, and she says thanks. He goes into the kitchen. Josh apologizes again. Paul says that he genuinely doesn’t know what to do, that it is the crying that is upsetting Alex. Josh is called to the DR. Kevin comes through and Paul asks him if he is feeling better. He says yes.
5:45 PM BBT Paul and Christmas begin cooking. Paul says, “It blows my mind!” referring to Josh. Alex is putting on makeup outside in the BY. Christmas asks what Kevin is moping around for. Paul answers, I don’t know, he just wants to be mopy. Kevin is lying on a lounge chair in the BY. Alex gets up from where she was sitting, but it wasn’t shown where she goes. Paul and Christmas continue cooking. Paul goes to the storage room. Alex is in the BY working on laundry again. Josh comes out of the DR and into the kitchen and starts working on cooking with Christmas and Paul.
6:00 PM BBT Alex folds clothes on the pool table, then plucks her brows. Paul and Josh nibble the guacamole. Christmas makes one more sandwich for Alex, she knows she won’t ask but likes them. Josh n Paul head to the Apple room, Paul says he is concerned for Josh the way he is acting and tripping out. They don’t understand why he is acting like this. He tells Paul he didn’t tell her anything he just wanted to apologize, Paul says she is getting in her head and tripping out she doesn’t want to talk to anyone she is checked out. Paul asks what happens if we make it a split vote and it’s up to Josh. Paul doesn’t know what to do to calm her down. Josh tries to talk out how he feels when Christmas and Paul get on him and ask him what he is doing? Paul says he isn’t getting mad at Josh he knows he isn’t trying to mess it up he is upset at the situation. Paul says Alex blames him for the Kevin/Raven vote. Josh says tell her it was me and Paul says it doesn’t matter, they speculate about how the Jury members head to Jury Pissed and how to fix it. Paul is concerned that when ALex goes in Raven will expose everything and it will lose votes for all of them. Josh says talking about it F***s him up, he is done talking about it. Christmas heads out to Alex, Ales says a few questions, “who or why did you vote out Raven, who are you voting out this week.?”

6:15 PM BBT Christmas explains that Raven is a stronger competitor than Kevin, and so it Alex, she wishes it wasn’t this way she doesn’t feel Kevin deserves to be here, but this is what it is. ALex asks if Xmas would hold it against paul if he used veto to save her and Xmas went up. Then they could vote out Kevin. Christmas explains that it was not personal voting out jason and she hopes he knows and understands that, Alex says that’s it i just wanted to know. Christmas tells her the sandwich is in there. She heads back inside and Alex puts glasses on again and sits quietly. Christmas goes in to tell the boys the conversation she just had. She tells Josh that his job is to Check his heart and calmly and confidently tell her the same thing if and only if she asks him. Paul tells her just how Pissed it made Alex when Josh cried in front of her. Christmas heads back to the Kitchen the boys go back to their discussion. Paul explains more of the Kevin/Raven vote and how close Raven was coming and it was the one opportunity to get her out. Josh offers that Paul say that Josh and Raven were possibly working together. Christmas heads out the Hammock eating ice cream. The boys are still in Apple room and Paul suggest saying that Josh panicked and it will be better. Josh thinks if Paul gives a little space and let her calm down she will come around he thinks she’s fiery just like them. Josh says he was questioned by Alex about the Vote before Jason left. Paul says that it will be them in F3 but you can’t spaze out on me. One of them has to win Veto next week. Josh says that he wants to bring out Pots n Pans as soon as Thursday drops. He needs to think of what to say not to offend Kevin, they go over what F3 would be, Endurance, Physical/Mental, Luck to determine final HOH. Paul asks has Christmas mentioned a F2 they both say not directly.
6:30 PM BBT Alex went to the SR to get supplies and then the green room where Kevin is but didn’t speak a word. She heads to the Kitchen to make some food. Kevin walks through to read the time. Kevin asks about making bacon again in a pan. Meanwhile in the Apple room the boys are still discussing votes and Final 3. Josh says he is just Pissed he got really upset while they were talking. Josh notices a tat and geeks out for a moment. They continue to strategize how to calm Alex down, maybe a split vote. Paul tells him to hurry up and go Blog he says he doesn’t want to, they are going to make you, Josh says they told him they would give him time. Josh says you better believe he is going into a zone and not trip out. Paul jokes with Josh about being an undercover cop which transitions into what kind of bomb is Kevin going to drop on them. Josh says that he thinks Kevin is an actor or something with how much he talks about soap operas. Paul goes into the kitchen with Alex. Paul tells Alex to let him know how she wants him to vote and he will do what he can to help her however he can. Alex tells Paul that Christmas is going to take Josh to the final two. Kevin is laying on a chair by the pool and Christmas is relaxing in the hammock. Paul asks Alex if she thinks his best bet is to take Josh to final two? She tells him that she doesn’t know how everyone will vote.
6:45 PM BBT Paul and Alex start discussing what Alex can do for him as far as jury votes go. Josh, Kevin and Christmas are lowering the awnings outside. Kevin and Josh start playing toss. Alex tries to tell Paul that the other HGs are coming for him. She tells him that he has to win the next HOH or he will be the next to go. Paul asks her what she thinks the jury will think about him winning the next HOH because that will mean he will have never been on the block. Christmas discusses why she was being so stern with him last night. She tells him that she did not mean anything bad by it. Josh tells her that Alex is talking to Paul inside. Christmas tells him that is okay because Alex feels closer to Paul.
7:00 PM BBT Christmas tells Josh that sometimes she comes across as a cold hearted bitch but she really has a lot of feelings. She says that she just has to be tough sometimes. Paul and Alex discuss how Alex thinks the jury will vote. Alex is telling Paul where she thinks the jury votes will lie on finale night. Christmas is studying days in the BY with Josh. Paul tells Alex what he thinks about the jury votes. They discuss what each remaining HGs could argue on finale night of why they should win. Josh tells Christmas that he has not done his HOH blog yet because everyone is mad at him. Kevin walks into the kitchen and tells Paul that the water downstairs is not very hot, just lukewarm. Christmas tells Josh that she is ready for it to be top 3.
7:15 PM BBT Alex thinks there will be a surprise eviction tomorrow. Paul tells her that it might be Tuesday and she tells him that is good because she is tired of moping around. She tells him that she is done with all these counterfeits. Paul leaves the kitchen. Alex starts talking to America. She tells us that she is getting the short end of the stick and boned. She tells us that she would love to be America’s Favorite Player. Alex walks outside and gets some bedding out of the dryer and walks outside. Christmas tells Josh that Alex has checked out and that he needs to let her be pissy. Josh tells Christmas that Alex thinks she carried him to the end of the game. Christmas tells him that is not true and that he got himself through the game by winning and calling people out. Christmas tells him that she wants to study dates. Paul is working out and he tells Josh that Alex has checked out. He tells Josh that everything is Gucci. Josh goes inside. Alex is talking to herself in the have not room where she is making a bed. She says that everyone left in the house is counterfeit and not to worry Jason because she will see him soon.
7:30 PM BBT Kevin asks Paul why no one is talking to him. Paul says that everyone is just mad. Kevin says that he has not done anything and that he didn’t even put anyone on the block so he doesn’t know why anyone would be mad at him. Paul asks Kevin if it is anything new that no one is talk to him. Kevin says no it isn’t and that this game sure is weird. Paul tells him that if he hasn’t done anything then there is no reason for him to think that is why no one is talking to him. Paul goes back to working out. He tells Kevin that he will play pool with him after he is done. Alex is complaining inside that if there is not an eviction tonight that the next four days are going to be miserable. Christmas is also working out. She is on the bike. Alex is doing some stretching in the living room. She keeps calling the other HGs counterfeit little bitches. She says so much for friendship. She says that she is going to keep it classy and isn’t going to blow up anyone’s game. Alex says that she was praying Paul would win the veto and clearly she should have been praying that she would win. She calls Paul a coward and says that he is pulling a coward move right now. Kevin walks in and Alex asks him if he has the Bible. He goes and gets it for her and tells her that he would like to read it when she is done. He tells her that he reads the same parts every time as he is trying to remember it all. Kevin says that he reads the part from where Judas betrayed Jesus through His crucifixion. Alex talks under her breath that she wants to read about Cain and Abel. She continues talking to herself. She gets the Bible and goes into the have not room and starts reading. Christmas is killing her workout and Paul is too. She tells Paul that she is not eating anymore ice cream. Alex complains that this is boring and she says that she guesses this is what it feels like to be backdoored….even though she is going through the front door. She had a chance to save herself.
7:45 PM BBT Christmas is still working out. Kevin asks Paul to do him a solid and put some cream on his back. Paul says that he wants to use a paper towel. Kevin tells him that he is a good man for him to help him out. Paul asks Kevin what Alex is doing. Kevin tells Paul that Alex said she was going to read about Cain and Abel. Paul acts as if he is not familiar with the Bible and asks Kevin what the story is about. Kevin tells him that Cain killed Abel. It was like a backstabbing type incidence. Paul goes into the have not room and asks Alex if Kevin has amped up his ass kissing towards her and she tells him that he has just been nice. She tells Paul that Kevin is still not getting her jury vote. Paul claims that Kevin is worried about him coming in and talking to her and Alex says that everyone is. Paul goes outside and tells Christmas that Kevin is for sure trying to kiss up to Alex. He says that Kevin is being extra nice to her.
8:00 PM BBT Christmas says that Kevin observed the disconnect that happened earlier today and is just trying to secure a jury vote in case he gets to the finale. Alex is reading the Bible about how long some of the people lived, 815 years etc and is shocked. She is reading the Old Testament. Christmas is still working out. Paul is back to running back and forth in the BY. Paul is sitting on some exercise equipment whispering to Xmas while Kevin is sitting in a lounger butt the pool. Paul is told by production to put his mic on, he took it off so he could work out but Xmas trying to talk to him made him talk back and production wants to hear what is said. Paul walks away and continues working out.
8:15PM BBT No talk in the BY and Alex still alone in the have not room reading. Alex goes to the restroom and finally Kevin talks to Paul about the moon and Paul kicking the ball around the BY. Alex back to the room to read and paul is asked again to wear his mic.
8:30PM BBT Paul says he was 23 before coming in the house and Kevin says he is a different mentality than josh. Paul says for sure but that josh is a good kid that he just needs to move out on his own and travel a bit. Kevin talks about the music that was played this morning. Paul continues to run around the yard playing ball. Kevin continues to talk about Hockey and different players, he says that he has never watched soccer. Kevin starts talking about different soccer players, Paul asks if josh is still blogging. Paul asks Kevin if he would Ike to play pool, they try to level the table but first Paul goes inside for a minute, he comes back with some sort of towel to put under the leg.
8:45PM BBT Paul and Kevin playing pool, josh is out of the DR and Paul tells him to go ahead and do his laundry, he tells him he will do his later because he has to get something out of the HOH. . Josh goes over to where Xmas is and he goes over and asks her what’s up. He says he loves Xmas and she says the same and that she is sorry for being so hard on him. Paul says he is going to the potty and he goes to the HOh and asks if the room is open yet. He pushes the doorbell and waits and no answer. In the BY, Josh and Xmas talk about how important of a game move it is to send Alex home. Josh says he is gonna chill and he won’t talk to Alex anymore. Josh excuses himself and he says he is gonna go see what Paul is doing. He finds Paul in the kitchen and he tells josh that Alex is pulling a Cody. Paul says that she said she isn’t mad anymore she just wants to go. Josh says maybe she will be over it and won’t bad mouth us in jury. Paul says he wants to poop and eat some dark chocolate. He says it’s only 9 and they haven’t even DR us. Paul says that for sure “they hate him “ this summer. Xmas in the kitchen with Josh and they talk about the new coffee pot. Paul is in the bathroom and josh follows behind and asks him if he’s pooping. He just told him that is what he needed to do. Josh starts to sing and walks around nervously in the room. Josh talks about eating junk food for the last two days. Josh says he doesn’t understand why they gave him so little snacks. He starts eating guacamole and chips.
9:00PM BBT Kevin again sitting outside completely alone. He finally goes inside to use the restroom and josh goes into the kitchen to get a trash bag so he can throw out some trash. Kevin sees josh and asks if he would like to shoot pool and he says maybe later. Xmas says she is going to shower and then will do her laundry. Josh says that he needs to feed the fish because if he has one die on his watch all of America will hate him. Josh says that he is so lucky and grateful he had all of them and he had a great experience. Paul says he is upset because he feels like he was forced to play a different game and now he thinks all of America hates him for it. Josh says who cares what they all think, but Paul says that he had no choice. Xmas says they will only see that you went against the bad people and you can’t help if we want her out it’s not your fault. Josh says they had no choice because we didn’t coward down against all the bullies. Josh says that he is grateful he found two real friends and that they clipped all the crap fake people. Xmas says she has real feelings for Alex friendship but has to wait till they’re out of the house because if not she will win. Josh says do you want me to do the split vote and Xmas says just do it don’t make her feel like she has a split second of hope. She says that she has came to terms with it so let her go. Josh asks what the beaches are like and Paul says that they are beautiful and he will take them after it’s over. They talk about what they will wear on finale night. Paul says he will go naked and she says her dress is almost that. They talk about the BB comics and going from hero to villain.

Backyard Open

September 10, 2017

Backyard Open

Kevin wants to win the next HOH.

Kevin – I don’t care if it’s me you and you win I’m happy… I want to see my kids

Paul – we have 9 days..

Kevin says Alex offered him a Soda and Cereal, “I was shocked.. What the f*”

Kevin says if Alex has the chance she would take a shot at Xmas and Paul.


Paul says he never voted Jason out

Kevin – you voted me out

Paul – you’re still here

Kevin – my kids are going to kill you

Kevin – who’s the biggest threat in the house right now

Paul – I know (Alex)

Kevin – tell shitmas that


Kevin – you’re the best player that has ever played the game..

Kevin – you’re good at the game of life..


Kevin – how come Josh is talking to me now.. Came in told me he loves my.. What the f*

Paul – everyone is getting crazy.. Getting close to the end..

Paul – what he say

Kevin – you’re the nicest coolest guy I’ve met . bullshit like that we never talked Game

Kevin – oh we did he asked me if I threw it.. Yeah I threw it Josh i’m on the block..


Kevin says Alex is the most manipulative person..

Kevin – she made a fool of me for no reason..


Kevin says if they make it to the end he’ll tell the jury Paul is the better of the two players.


Kevin and Josh

Joking around..

Kevin mentions how bad he did in the POV compared to the rest of them. Apparently Paul did awesome, Kevin jokes that Paul has that BB Comics game at home he plays it daily.


Kevin says he never cooks at him, HIs wife or Daughters do. He adds that he does a lot of cleaning however.

Paul, Xmas and Josh

September 10, 2017

Paul, Xmas and Josh

Paul is telling them that Alex thinks Paul will use the veto and Xmas will go home.
JOSh – I’m drained
Paul – when I drop that Bomb on her you have to be firm..

Paul – stop thinking about jury votes stop thinking about jury.. 7 jury members are already gone.. they’ve all been talking they’ve all been comparing notes it doesn’t matter anymore..
Paul says nobody is onto them yet.
JOsh – I think Whistle caught f*ing wind..
Paul – that’s the beauty of sending Kevin out next week.. he has no time in Jury..
Paul – the only person that can f* us is raven

They go into a talk about jury votes..
Josh doesn’t think MAtt will vote for him
Xmas says Matt was “so impressed with Josh’s progress”

Paul says Alex is playing Josh right now.
Paul says once he tells Alex he won’t use the veto she’s going to be all over Josh.
Paul – she’s a f*ing game player fool and you’re letting her manipulate you.. that’s why I slapped you .. snap outta it

Paul is basically trying to hide that the three of them have been working together because it protects his jury votes. He doesn’t want Alex to go to Jury and connect the dots. With Raven in JUry if they start talking everything will be exposed.

Paul – I called a girl a c* last year and everybody sh1t their pants.. I never called anyone a c*t this year
Xmas – I did.. Jessica..

Paul – Kevin came in here and told me to my face he had the best social game in here..
Josh – she said that to me..

Paul says Kevin is “beating everybody’s d1ck” to get to the end.
Josh thinks Kevin would win the game if he got to the end
Xm as- he’s going home next week
Josh says he’s going to “F*” with Kevin
Paul says Kevin told him he’s putting up Josh and shitmas
Josh – I don’t even want to have a conversation with im
Xmas – don’t waste your energy.. just don’t talk to him you don’t need to
Josh – you know what’s sad in 10 days I won’t be next to you guys like this
Josh – whoever wins we’re doing the world thing.. they pick up the tab
Xmas – 10 stops pretty cheap.. less than 5 each..
Paul – done
Xmas says if the guys don’t mind she wants to do some seminars along the way to make some cash. (sounds like a great vacation)
They talk about going to Canada (Please don’t)
They talk about getting tickets..
Xmas – I got my super fast ticket it was like 80 in a 45.. I should have gotten arrested.. it was super aggressive on the spot and I was a really big d1ck to the cop (hmm hard to imagine seems out of character to you)
Xmas – I was having a really bad day
Xmas says she has a personal lawyer and a business lawyer so she called her personal lawyer.
Xmas – so I have a little bit of a problem I have to email you a picture of this ticket that I got.
her Lawyer said “what the f* shitmas what were you doing ”
Xmas – I was just having a really bad day
Xmas – he was like I know a guy just don’t ask anything I know a guy
Xmas – 2 weeks later he called me and said don’t get another ticket for a year

Paul and Alex 

September 10, 2017

Paul and Alex 
Alex – Xmas has been saucey today
Paul – they’re both being very weird
Alex- oh my god Kevin is being so nice to me today
Alex says Shitmas was being “aggressive” but after they talked for awhile she stopped being weird.
Alex – Kevin threw the comp and is being super nice
Paul – something’s up
Alex talking about missing jason(Good thing you got revenge on the people that were responsible for getting Jason out)

Xmas and Paul

Paul is asking why Josh is tripping so hard
Xmas – he thinks everybody in jury hates him
Paul – everybody in jury hates all of us.. Are you kidding me
Paul – I don’t know why he’s so focussed on Juty that’s said and done..

Paul claims “pui$$y” footing around jury is not in his character.
Paul – what are you doing Josh.. I don’t know why you’re worried about being nice all of a sudden..

Paul goes on about Evel Dick being ruthless..

Paul says he’s going to have a long talk with Josh.
Xmas – he needs to know the why not just the how.. He’s got a fish memory

Xmas – he has teo see the butterfly effect psychologically.. He needs you to pull him thru the maze in your head.. You just need to sit down and talk to him in a way that’s just not game it has the emotional impact of the decisions..
Xmas – he’s a very.. It’s just like he just doesn’t listen 1/2 the time and just agrees.. (Pain pills)

Paul – when he doesn’t make a confident decision people see that and say you’re weak

Xmas says it takes 3 different explanations for Josh to “catch it” if you tell him 3 different ways he’ll catch one of them.

Xmas says Josh wants to send Kevin home.

Paul – I really don’t know what he’ll do in final 3
Paul doesn’t know what Josh’s “mental stability” will be like in final 3
Xmas – it makes me nauseated.. (like you make me)
Paul – I fear for him, he needs to pull it together.. I don’t know why he doesn’t listen to me I’ve done it

Josh thinks Matt and raven “America’s sweetheart couple”
They start b1tching about Cody and Jessica…

Sunday, September 10th

September 10, 2017

12:15 AM BBT Paul and Kevin continue their pool game and Kevin says he is going to continue to act nervous, wear his suit during eviction night and thank his kid. Paul says he has been working hard and Kevin says he is the best Big Brother player. Kevin says he doesn’t know how good this feels because he has been in the bed for four straight days. Kevin asks Paul if everything is all set and he doesn’t have to say anything? Paul seems to agree and Kevin says good, He mentions the last HOH being the most important. Kevin says that even Josh is talking to him and asked to talk with him which he was shocked about. Paul asks what he said he he said he didn’t talk game but just talked about family and how much Josh loved Kevin. He said Josh did ask him if he through the competition and Kevin says he didn’t. He sarcastically says yeah, I threw the competition while I am sitting on the block. Kevin continues talking about going to final three with Paul. Kevin says Paul is the best player and in his speech he would never speak a bad thing about him and tell the jury to vote honestly. They end their pool game and proceed to work out. Paul says he is going in to use the bathroom and tell the other houseguest to come outside. He then says nevermind he won’t tell them to come out. While Paul has gone to the bathroom, Kevin gets some Gatorade and sit on the lounge chair. In the Rose room, it appears Alex and Christmas are getting up to leave while having casual chit chat with Paul. They all proceed to walk out to the backyard. Paul says he is going to lift for 15 minutes and then shower. Alex and Paul have a quick chat in the bathroom about some of the other houseguest being weird. Paul says something it up. Alex goes to the bathroom and Pail quickly leaves. After Alex leaves the bathroom, she quickly runs to her room to look for warmer clothing.
12:30 AM BBT Back outside, all the houseguest appear to be there. Kevin is standing around as Alex and Paul workout. Josh may be in the DR. Christmas and Alex make casual chit chat about a TV show. Christmas is laying on the hammock. Alex asks Kevin is he has ever played soccer and he says no. Paul kicks the ball in the backyard. Kevin finds Hula hoops on the side of the washer and Dryer and Alex proceeds to use one. Paul and Kevin are kicking the ball back and forth. Christmas is still lounging on the hammock. Alex goes back to talking to Christmas about her foot. Alex tells Christmas her foot is looking good as she has seen a lot of broken foot in her life.
12:45 AM BBT All the houseguest except for Josh are outside. Kevin appears to be lounging on one of the workout machines while Paul runs back and forth across the yard also working out. Alex and Christmas are still having casual chit chat. Not much is happening at the moment other than a lot of working out and lounging. Alex is not playing with the hulahoop as well as Christmas looks on. Not much talking is going on.
1:00 AM BBT All the houseguest except Josh are outside. Paul and Kevin are still working out, Alex is Hula Hooping and Christmas is lounging on the hammock. Alex appears to go in for a break and take her medicine. Paul is now laying on the hammock next to Christmas but he gets up to put on his microphone and returns to the hammock. Paul talks to Christmas saying Alex told him that Christmas was acting like she was going home tomorrow. Christmas is having a hard time hearing him and Paul says he will tell her later. He quietly repeats what he said again and Christmas tells him that he hasn’t said anything. Paul says Alex told him that Kevin is being weird along with Christmas. Paul says he doesn’t know what Alex is trying to do. Christmas says she hasn’t been weird with her but kind of quiet. Paul says Alex said Christmas verbally said something like she was going to see Raven in the jury room. Christmas says why would she say that. Paul says he isn’t questioning her he is just relaying information. Christmas says that she knows what Alex is trying to do. Christmas says Alex has been saying things that are super disturbing. Paul mentions that Alex even mentioned that Kevin is being super nice to her. Christmas agrees that Kevin is being super nice to her. Paul thinks that Alex is under the impression that Paul is pulling her off for them to put Christmas up. Paul and Christmas agree that Alex is threatened by Christmas. They also mention Kevin is being super chummy and Paul is on the verge of getting Kevin to throw the HOH. Christmas says she doesn’t know how Paul does the things he does. Christmas says Kevin want to go all the way but now win anything. Paul says he rather not make things ugly with Alex since he isn’t using the veto. Christmas says Alex will have private conversations and make things aggressive. Paul says the only one he is worried about is Josh.
1:15 AM BBT Christmas says Josh can’t be around Alex. Paul says they may have to keep Josh out of it. Christmas thinks that Alex would be spiteful when she is on the way out the door. Paul says he is not wanting to make things aggressive with her. Christmas say that Alex is petty though. Alex says whenever Alex is up against someone she goes a subtly talk crap about them. Christmas says she is trying to be really patient with Kevin because Kevin is implying to the world that she is trying to pursue Jason (a married man with a kid on the way). Talk turns to a song by a band and Christmas says she is excited to hear Paul’s band. Talk turns back to game. Paul says he never promised Alex a final two. Christmas says she has a few different approaches she can take. She says her angle is she doesn’t think Alex will take her to final two. Paul says just use his angle of he doesn’t think he can beat her in final two. Paul says he wonders if he can use the ultimatum of if he doesn’t use it they can battle it out. Christmas says she doesn’t mind but she doesn’t think Josh will like it. Paul says he doesn’t understand why Josh is so worried about the jury votes when it is all said and done. Paul says he think he needs to have a talk with Josh saying his fate was decided when we walked in the house. Christmas says Paul needs to talk with Josh emotionally. Christmas says Josh makes a decision before he should. Paul says Josh needs to be confidant in his decisions. Christmas says just talk to him and let him ask questions.
1:30 AM BBT Christmas and Paul are still talking about Josh on the hammock. Christmas says what happens if she can’t perform in Veto next week, Paul says put all your energy into me and Josh. Christmas says that it makes her feel like the is freeloading. Paul ask how is she freeloading? She has done all she can do in her situation. Christmas say Paul performed amazing in the Veto. Paul says he doesn’t know what Josh’s mental stability will be like when they get down to final three. He says Josh choosing between Jason and Alex was hard what is he going to do when it is between Paul and Christmas. Paul says Josh need to pull it together. He says he doesn’t know why Josh won’t listen to him when he has played this game before. Paul says he fears for Raven’s possible jury question to him. Inside Alex says goodnight to Josh. Josh is now in the kitchen putting on his microphone. He gets a drink of water and heads outside. BB calls Kevin to the diary room. Josh walks up to the hammock. Josh says that he checked Kevin and asked if he threw the Veto. He says Kevin told him that he was color blind. The fill Josh in on how Alex thinks that Christmas is probably going home tomorrow because Christmas has been implying it. Josh goes to get sit down. Josh says this is strange and feels drained. Paul says snap out of it. Paul says Josh as to be firm. Paul says that Josh has to stop thinking about the jury because their minds are already made up. Christmas says that they aren’t going to connect them three together. Josh says he thinks Jason had caught wind. He tried to explain the relationship between Jason and Kevin. Paul says that doesn’t matter because they are sending Kevin out last he won’t have time to get into any ones ear because he is walking into Dr. Wills segment.
1:45 AM BBT Paul, Josh and Christmas continue talking by the hammock about how jury is feeling about them. They think because they are sending Alex out next, Raven won’t be as mad at them. Josh doubts the jury won’t be mad at him. Christmas says that Matt was impressed with Josh’s improvement. Paul tells Josh he needs to stop thinking about the jury. Paul says for example Alex thinks he is weak and she is playing him by using her tears. Paul says Alex probably will start talking to Josh when he doesn’t use veto. Paul says Alex is a game player and she is using him. Paul says Josh has to be firm with her. Paul says he is mad that Josh isn’t confident in himself. Josh says he is confident. Josh seems very confused about where this conversation is coming from. Paul explains his reasoning for clipping Alex. Alex says Alex is a game player. Paul says he promised them if they get him to five he would get them to three. Paul continues to tell Josh he needs to get it together. Josh seems to agree and says he is drained from his DR session.
2:00 AM BBT The conversation on the hammock continues between Josh Christmas and Paul. Josh says Kevin told him he is going to win HOH next week. Paul says he told him that he was going to win and put Christmas and Josh up. Josh says I feel bad for him. Paul says you feel sorry for everyone and no one feels sorry for you. Do I need to slap you again.? Josh says I am going to miss being like this with you guys. Josh says Did you tell Paul our promise? Christmas says No. Josh tells him the winner is taking us on a world trip. Paul says he is down for it. Christmas says she will try and book something. Paul says we all will go to Canada. Paul gives a shout out to Canada. He says to Josh they may not let you in because you thought was a state. Paul asks Josh if he has a CR. Josh says no just a speeding ticket. Christmas tells them about a ticket she got. Paul says he is going for go get chicken. Josh asks him to bring some for him Christmas asks for water. Paul says Josh come with me. They are in the kitchen making snacks. Paul says the time. Josh says I haven’t worked out today and I have been stress eating. Paul says I don’t like hot food. Josh says I only like cold pizza. Paul is asking Josh Why would Alex say Christmas was acting like she was going home. Paul tells Josh that he thinks Christmas is protecting her own game. Josh says I only gave my word to 2 people. Paul tells him if it is his choice he will take him. Paul tells him if he gets upset after the game he wants Josh to call him every day if he has to.
2:15 AM BBT Josh is taking water out to Christmas who is working out on the bike. Paul is going to have a bowl of cereal. Christmas said she was scared that Alex would grab you on your way out. Josh says No she just told me you were outside as she was going to bed. Josh says he can’t wait til they are out of the house and sitting at a bar. The conversation continues over the size of the evicted HGs ego. Josh thinks that Matt and Raven will get the America Sweetheart Award. Paul says Matt was the only guy who went before his girl. They are talking about things that the evicted HGs have said to them . Kevin comes out to join them. Josh says you DR’ed already. Paul is asking any fans he has left to please respond to every hate tweet about him with Quay. Kevin is walking the yard. Josh asks if they believe in UFOs. Kevin says there is over 7 trillion people in the world and you think we are going to see a UFO over LA. Kevin tells Josh about Roswell New Mexico and the fact that an UFO landed there. Paul says he believes in UFOs. Josh says we aren’t the only planet in the universe that has life. Paul asks Christmas if she has been called to DR. She says no. Paul says you throw a paper ball at her she throws a cinder block at you. They are talking about how Raven went after Jessica. Paul says I thought Raven was going to call her out for throwing her under the bus, but it got out of hand.

2:30 AM BBT They agree Raven went for below the belt. Kevin says he is going to bed. The conversation stops while Kevin is still there. The conversation continues how mean Raven was to most of them. Paul says he was so over her telling Matt to go shut your dick in a door. Christmas says she never heard it say that, Paul says she said it all the time. Josh says if I hadn’t been here you would have been stuck in the house with cornballs. Christmas says you are a cornball. Paul brings it to Megan. They agree that she would not have been able to handle some of the fights that have been going on in the house. Josh says he enjoys not having forced conversations. Josh says he has had good conversations with you 2, Jason Elena. Paul says he had nothing to talk to Matt about because Matt was into sports and I’m not. Josh says I want to get into crossfit but I have a bad lower back. Christmas says just like every other excuse. Paul tells him to wear a belt. Paul says 9 more wake ups. Josh says there are times he wanted to tell Raven to shut up for an hour. Christmas says I did it. Josh says we look like a bunch of cats on catnip. The conversation is on general topics. Josh says I miss my siblings but you guys are like my family. Josh and Paul are making sounds with their hands . Christmas says I spent 4 years in Iraq 3 months here please send me back to Iraq. The conversation goes to fans and what is going to happen. Paul asks if they can sleep. Josh asks them if they can sleep upstairs with him. Paul says if this goes on til Thursday they are doing a 4 special. If they do a Sunday or Monday. Paul is trying to figure out how the next week is going to play out.
2:45 AM BBT Christmas says What if it is a double next Thursday. Paul says When we make Final 3 they give us a brunch. Paul says POP gives us stuff to do. Paul says he doesn’t know of a Final 3 that was this close. Paul says last year he was on the outside. Paul says he needs to shower. They all get up to head inside. Paul asks if Kevin was crying when he came out here. Christmas says he didn’t look well and his eyes were red. Josh says he did not realize Kevin was crying. Josh and Christmas look at the memory wall. Christmas is saying tic tac toe. She is waving bye to the evicted Hgs. Christmas says she wishes she could have played in the POV Comp, she says she is good at matching stuff. They hug and tell each other they love each other. Josh is heading upstairs, he returns the milk to the fridge. Josh asks if Paul is showering downstairs or up here. Paul says When have I showered downstairs, I even showered upstairs on Jessica’s HOH when I flipped the house. Josh says he has to remove the garbage from here. Paul says he has been looking for his brush all day and it has been here. Paul is having some of Josh’s snacks. Paul says if the yard is closed tomorrow we drop the bomb on her.
3:00 AM BBT Paul is telling Josh he just has to say that You are a strong player and you can’t beat her. The conversation goes to what Alex told him about Christmas thinking she was going on the block and going home. Josh says he gassed out on the comp, he said he did 15 to 20 trips. Josh says he wants to shut the lights. Paul asks him to wait til he gets a towel. Josh has been called to the DR. He says You told me I was done I could go to bed. Christmas asks him what are you doing. Josh tells her they just DRed me. Paul is showering in the HOH Alex and Kevin are in bed. Christmas is in the kitchen. She starts to head to bed then goes back into the washroom . She puts some perfume on to go to bed. She tells Kevin to sleep well, says goodnight and heads into the Rose Room. Kevin is awake and in deep thought. Josh has left Dr and heads back up to the HOH Room, where Paul is still in the shower. Paul says he really hopes that tomorrow is the eviction.
3:15 AM BBT Paul says if we straight up tell her NO NO NO what is she going to do about it? Josh says I like her as a friend, Josh says just don’t make it seem like I forced you. Paul says No I am going to tell her that I talked to you 2 and you told me I was next so I made the decision to use it. Josh says you used a lot of spray. Paul says they already told me I had potty mouth so I at least want to smell nice. Kevin got up to use the washroom and heads back into bed. Paul rinses his mouth out spits in the sink but does not rinse out the sink. He says good night to Josh and heads downstairs. Josh is in bed listening to his music. Josh says his prayers and lies down. Paul has gone into the Rose Room and crawled into bed next to Christmas. It looks like all HGs have finally settled down for the night.
3:30 AM BBT All HGs are in dreamland except Christmas and Paul who are whispering to each other in bed. Christmas is massaging Paul’s head
3:45 AM BBT All HGs are in bed. It looks like Christmas is stroking Paul lightly but we are unable to know for sure, just going on Christmas’s hand position in bed.
4:00 AM BBT- All HGs Sleeping

 Power Of Veto WINNER: PAUL

September 10, 2017

 Power Of Veto WINNER: PAUL
Paul has the veto around his neck. The veto competition was the BB Comics comp. Paul – Potty mouth?! For sure my mom is pissed!! I feel like you guys cussed way more than me this year. Josh – I am pissed how I f**ked up on Mark’s. Paul – you’re stupid you should have done everything except for Mark and then hit the buzzer, switched it, hit the buzzer one after another. Josh – that’s what I did at the end.
Paul does a happy gnome dance in the bed room. He heads back to the kitchen. Paul – for sure I’m being portrayed as the villain. Alex – I liked mine. Josh – I didn’t like mine. I’m not the meatball. Mark is the meat ball. Christmas – you weren’t crying. Josh – Jess had a good one. Paul – the hex-appeal. Jason’s suit was made out of nuts. It said Whistle-Nut and Ollie. Alex – Raven’s didn’t make sense. Paul – Arkan-sassy. Alex – her name made sense but the comic didn’t. Her comic was way cooler than she actually was, it didn’t look like her. Paul – she had claws dude! Her nails were long as sh*t and she popped pimples.

Josh joins Paul and Christmas in the lounge room.

September 10, 2017

Josh joins Paul and Christmas in the lounge room. They start studying the days / events of the season. Josh – he (Kevin) isn’t going to survive this lock down. Paul – you need to say things that are going to unearth him. Josh – I’m going to pots and pans this motherf**ker. Paul – more than pots and pans you’ve got to attach his character and sh*t. Christmas – I am telling you, if I start this.. Josh – then you can finish it. Paul – you’ve got to add the cherry on top. Christmas – when you plug in, he will turn bright f**king red. Paul – and I’ll be in the corner just doing pushups and he’ll be like (staring at him). Christmas – what I have to say will strike a nerve faster and harder than you attacking him first. Paul – and since he is already on edge.. Paul – then you come in and.. Christmas – follow through. Does that make sense? He won’t be able to retaliate against me and it will get him more pissed off. He won’t get to say anything that he really wants to say. He will be boiling inside. Then you say something and he will blow his f**king cool.
I’ll set him up and call him out for being the old man pervert. Paul – we can do this guys … we’re there. Its literally me, you, him and Kevin. This is what we’ve wanted fool and we got it. No skimping out now. Christmas – you have to put me up beside him so that his ego will shatter when I stay over him. Paul – okay. Josh – laughs. Who am I working with?! Paul – or do you (Christmas) want to be the one to put him up. Josh – what? Paul – because if I win, one of you have to go up. Christmas – yeah it will be me. Paul – but one person is the deciding vote. Josh – whatever. If I’m the deciding vote I’m going to say we’ve busted our a$$ to be here and you (kevin) literally did nothing but hide under people, float to get here and you played it safe. I just don’t respect that. This season people played with balls and you left yours the f**k home. Christmas – “Kevin, the bank called and said they’re collecting on some debts youre outstanding of your f**king di*kery, have fun with your 25k motherf**ker!” Christmas – we swept the f**k out of this house. BB should put this in the play book .. the apple snatcher (Josh), miss boot girl (Christmas) and don’t even know what to call you .. the grimelin (Paul). Christmas – I hope they do ask me to come back next year because I will be unleashed .. not quiet in the corner.

Christmas and Alex leave the HOH. Josh talks to the camera again. Josh – Alex is a beast of a competitor but she has always protected me. She has played a straight forward, truthful game with me. Jason was her ride or die but Alex has never crossed me in the game. And Alex isn’t trying to pull all this shaddy sh*t. Alex is trying to go to the end against good competitors and win, you get me? She wants to win and I know she will pull a shot. Oh god I am so mind f**ked! If I were to tell Alex everything she would wake up… it would click and then I would turn on these two (Paul & Christmas). I feel bad because I see Alex’s heart and the woman she is and the type of friend she’s been. In my nomination speech I’ve been straight forward with her but she thinks I’m crossing her when in reality its just a game move. The way that Paul wants to paint it, it looks really shaddy on me. She is a great person with a great heart. She’s played a great game. She’s played a straight forward game. Paul has played the f**k out of her.

Paul and Alex.

September 10, 2017

Paul and Alex.
Alex – are we taking him to the end? Paul – who? Alex – Kevin? Paul – f**k no! Alex – who are we picking then? Paul – I don’t know fool. I have to reevaluate. Did he throw that or what? Paul – he 100% threw it. Alex – did you ask him to?
Paul – no he didn’t throw that for us. He did that because he knew he would go home. I don’t know what his plan was. I don’t know why he did that. Alex leaves. Christmas joins Paul. Paul – I want to punch Kevin in the face! Christmas – what the f**k!?! I am equally sad and excited. Paul – I don’t know what to say to Alex. Paul – she just came in here and asked, you’re not going to f**k me are you? I was like no.. so I really don’t know what to do. I am obviously not going to use it. 
Christmas – we’ll pow wow and come up with some options. Paul – its hard because she tired and he (Kevin) didn’t. This sucks .. but for the greater good. They head out of the storage room.

Paul talks to Kevin about what he will say to Alex. If I do use it on her, you would go home. I could say that I’ll loose Kevin’s vote in the end. Kevin – yeah don’t say it until it comes up. Don’t bring it up tonight .. she would be f**king miserable. She’ll kill you if you do. Tell her tomorrow.

Paul talks to Kevin about what he will say to Alex. If I do use it on her, you would go home. I could say that I’ll loose Kevin’s vote in the end. Kevin – yeah don’t say it until it comes up. Don’t bring it up tonight .. she would be f**king miserable. She’ll kill you if you do. Tell her tomorrow.

Bedroom – Christmas and Paul. 

September 10, 2017

Bedroom – Christmas and Paul. 
Christmas – it would be a lot more challenging …but you keep your promise and you use your veto on Alex. This is nothing but thinking through options. Then Josh has to put me up. You guys vote out Kevin and we battle it out for three. Paul – HHHmmmm .. I might lose to her. And then you guys aren’t beating her in that veto and one of you gets clipped for sure. Paul – I am not saving her, that’s not an option but there must be some way to distribute the blame so she doesn’t hate me. Christmas – she understands game play. Paul – this is what I am thinking .. that I was in a position this week that if I didn’t win the veto.. I was going. Now that I won it pretty much you three told me that if I use it I don’t have your jury vote. None of you are going to vote for me so I would loose anyway. What do you think about that? Christmas – she needs to know why? Paul – I would say if I use this veto on you I forfeit me jury votes. Alex joins them and the conversation ends. Christmas – her attitude now is so different. It pisses me off. Paul – I tell her if I use it either Christmas goes on the block and I loose two or three jury votes. That’s the only thing I can think of. And that I can’t beat her in the end. Christmas – and if you don’t use it.. you would be the next target. Paul – ya that’s what I was thinking..
Paul – I mean she (Alex) is going to be mad either way but at least this way maybe a little less. Paul – I knew I had to beat her… Josh wasn’t going to beat her and Kevin wasn’t going to. If I didn’t win it, then one of us gets clipped next week. When do I tell her? Christmas – Do you think we’re going to have a Sunday afternoon eviction? Paul – I had another I idea… no that throws you and Josh under the bus. If I said that you and Josh have had my back since the beginning … just like she had Jason’s back. Christmas – but why would that throw us under the bus if we agreed to it? She’ll argue that you and I and her have worked together. Paul – we have but just like her and Jason worked together and I was in the picture. Same thing. Christmas – lets consider the backlash of that .. would she consider you played her the whole game? Paul – maybe. Then I guess I have to go with option A. Christmas – you could go the approach of how you were able to work along side her .. she had her crew and you and your crew. Paul – I don’t know how she will take that or the other. Christmas – well she has a huge understanding of campaigning for jury votes so she might understand the game side of it. Paul – I won the veto and I’m not going to use it and I am going to tell her straight up I can’t use it for my game. She’s going to give me the argument of they’re going to beat you. But I’ll say I have a better chance of not protecting two people.
Josh joins them. Paul tells him he is going to have to tell Alex he is not using the veto on her. Paul tells Josh the plan of what he will say to her about losing Josh and Christmas’s jury votes. And two – I forfeit my game to you (Alex) because I can’t beat you. Even if I went to the end with you I would loose. Paul – you wouldn’t mind saying I wouldn’t have you vote if I used it? Josh – Do whatever you have to do to protect yourself. Paul – or I expose all of us and say that we’ve been working together so I can’t use it. Would you tell her I would lose your vote if I used it? Josh – no I don’t want to do that. Paul – then I have to expose all of us and tell her the truth. Josh – she’ll blow up. Paul – she’ll understand its a game move. Josh – why would we pull her off. Do whatever you feel comfortable with. Paul – then I have to explain why I am not using it. Josh – if he (Kevin) wins .. Paul – he won’t .. but I need you to blow up on him. I will win the next HOH. Josh – at this point I’ve come to terms with not making everyone happy. The only people I’ve made a promise to is you two. Christmas – I think she is going to blow up. We have to be prepared for what she is going to do. I think Josh and I need to have a solid explanation for why we would retract our vote.

Live Feed Updates: Saturday, September 9th (2)

September 10, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Saturday, September 9th (2)
8:00 AM BBT – 9:00 AM BBT All HGs continuing to snooze. Kevin gets up to go to the bathroom, and then goes straight back to bed.
9:15 AM BBT HGs are sleeping the morning away! Fish, then back to sleeping house guests. Josh and Christmas are told that there are fresh batteries in the storage room twice.
9:30 AM BBT HGs continue to sleep. Production announces that the bedroom lights must stay on during the day. Kevin turns on the lights in the green BR. Production thanks Kevin, and says, “Good morning, house guests. It’s time to get up for the day!” Christmas gets up and leaves the rose BR. Josh is told again that there are fresh batteries in the storage room and to please change his batteries. Christmas goes to the bathroom. Josh gets up and goes to the storage room. Christmas turns on the lights in the rose BR and goes back to bed. All cameras are on sleeping house guests.

9:45 AM BBT HGs continue to sleep despite production telling them it is time to get up.
10:00 AM BBT HGs are still sleeping they are moving around The announcement came on that HG must be awake between the hours of 10 AM until 10 PM Alex please go to the DR
10:15 AM BBT All hgs minus Alex are all sleeping Wakey wakey HG Christmas please go to the DR Christmas asked what time it was Alex said when they woke me up it was 9:18 AM Paul is talking about his dream that he had last night Paul please go to the DR Paul said you guys are high you called me for the second time already Alex said if you check the time can you let me know what time it is to Paul
10:30 AM BBT all the HG are sleeping minus Paul Paul said why are you guys horney today Christmas please go to the Dr Paul said some d***k head was going to pop thru the doors Paul said to Alex can i borrow your tweezers Paul said that catlin was in his dream and she was mean and James was in his dream as well Paul walks into the Bathroom
10:45 AM BBT Josh is pouring peroxide out he is trying to clean it while it’s in Alex is doing her makeup Alex and Paul are talking about the bb comics how they were on his season he said he doesn’t know if they were going to do it different Paul said he can’t even sing his song Paul said i don’t know what to do right now Paul said why are you h****y right now Paul said where are we going first are we going to Canada Paul said i like this season alike
11:00 AM BBT Josh please go to the DR Alex was asking if she was sleep talking Christmas please put on your microphone Josh is walking back up to his HOH Room Alex and paul are talking about the hustle Paul said you finished already Paul said it’s cold Christmas said it makes me think that Winter is coming paul said i don’t think Matt really cared about the game Paul said Nicotine is gumpy Paul said that Elena had a good social skills Paul said that Elena is not afraid to change in front of the cameras i saw her naked Paul said i hope that they are not all miserable and salty at jury
11:15 AM BBT Paul is talking about his tattoo that he wants to get. Paul said that somebody was telling him about their mom and that there mom goes to college. Paul said I had no idea who pedro was. Christmas said leave it to beaver. Paul said big Meech I wish you were in this season. Paul said she would hit you where it hurts and then cry she is cool. She is funny. Paul said I still talk to a lot of them before I came on this season. Kevin is waking up. Christmas said he told me afterwards that’s how he was in real life. Paul said what’s up pale mouthwash.
11:30 AM BBT Paul said he doesn’t care s**t about my birthday. Paul and Alex were talking about the JW that they don’t celebrate birthdays or holidays. Christmas said that she loves Ellen. Christmas said that the guy that she dated. He took her to the prom. Paul said to Christmas that you should be a broken foot for Halloween. Christmas said that she would have her boot off by Halloween. Paul said don’t old people call whipper snapper. Christmas tells Josh to be careful of the coffee pot handle because it’s broken. Josh said it smells like steak. Alex said it’s probably the steak pan from last night. Josh asked where is the coffee. KEVIN! PLEASE RE-ATTACH YOUR MICROPHONE! KEVIN PLEASE PUT YOUR MICROPHONE ON YOUR SHIRT! Josh is yawning. Paul said I don’t like taking photos unless it’s a photo shoot. PLEASE STOP SINGING!
11:45 AM BBT Paul said hook your boy up! Josh asked if anyone had breakfast. Christmas said you did three workouts yesterday. Paul said I will take you to the run young cannon. Christmas said I really like kenny program. He is back and has a new baby. Paul said he is not too happy he didn’t get no Slip Knot this year. Paul is talking about the hard core bands that donated money. Paul is talking about the ghost in cycles and how they were limb. He talks about how they were in the hospital for 6 months and haven’t seen each other in a while. Paul is hoping that there new song is out.
12:00 PM BBT Paul and Alex are talking about music while Christmas listens in. Josh is cooking. Kevin is in the apple room. Josh made Christmas and Paul’s plate. Christmas tells Josh thank you! She tells him that lunch looks amazing. Josh drops the coffee pot and coffee goes everywhere. Christmas says that she thought the whole pot was going to break. She tells Josh that is why she tried to tell him that the handle was broken. Kevin is in the bathroom shaving his face and armpits. Christmas and Josh are cleaning up the mess together. Josh tells Christmas to go eat. He tells her that he will clean it up and they argue about who should go eat and who should clean. Josh convinces her to go eat. Paul starts singing the Granny Shirley Caesar song about Thanksgiving. “Greens, beans, potatoes, tomatoes…” Christmas tells Josh to stop cleaning and come eat his food before it gets cold. PLEASE CLEAN THE MIRROR ABOVE THE STOVE! Paul says okay mom! Alex says that she doesn’t think production likes that.
12:15 PM BBT Paul asks how much more HD do you guys need! They start discussing voice acting. Kevin is sitting alone in the green room. Paul starts talking about his human skulls that he has. Alex asks him not to talk about dead things while she is trying to eat because it makes her sick. Paul starts talking about bartering with his tattoo artists for oddities. Josh tells Paul, Alex, and Christmas that he is going to sleep downstairs tonight because it is so lonely upstairs in the HOH room. PAUL! PLEASE GO TO THE DIARY ROOM! Paul says that this is his third time to the DR today. Josh, Alex, and Christmas discuss who all will be at the finale. They still have not played the veto yet so they are still on lockdown. Alex walks into the SR. Christmas whispers to Josh that he needs to just let things between him and Alex be the way they are. She advises him to stop asking Alex how she is feeling. Christmas tells Josh that Alex was acting just fine until he came into the kitchen. They start talking about BB Comics comp that is coming up or so they think. Alex comes out of the SR with an apple.
12:30 PM BBT Josh says he is going to request a new coffee pot. A bell starts ringing, it sounds like a bell that would on a counter in a store to get the cashier’s attention. It keeps ringing and Christmas, Josh, and Alex start looking for where it is coming from. Feeds cut to fish. Feeds come back and Josh is back cleaning up the coffee mess. Christmas discusses with Josh what she thought the noise was. Kevin walks into the kitchen and Christmas asks him if he heard the bell. Kevin says no. Christmas tells him it was a fuck up anyways. Alex makes a comment about how Kevin didn’t use any soap when he washed his cup. Josh gets the swiffer ready so he can clean the floor from the coffee. Christmas tells them to just put their dishes in the sink and she will wash them later for them.
12:45 PM BBT Christmas is cleaning up the rose room. Alex is sitting in an eviction chair praying. Josh is cleaning up too. Paul comes out of the DR and Alex informs him where everyone is in the house. Alex tells Paul about the bell. She tells him that they all went looking for the sound and production came on the speaker and said it was a technical difficulty. Paul tells her that while he was in the DR that everyone in production disappeared. He said they came back and apologized saying it was a technical difficulty. Alex and Paul start talking about being friends outside of the house. Alex tells him that even if she gets evicted she is proud that she made it so far. Josh is doing push ups in the HOH room. Paul discusses with Alex about meeting fans. Alex says that she wants to go get a new iPhone when she gets out. Josh is talking to Cam 3 saying hola to his family.

1:00 PM BBT Paul and Alex talk about how much money is in their accounts. Paul tells her that he invested everything into his company. Josh tells Jason’s wife that he is sorry. He tells us that he is thinking about backdooring Paul if he gets the chance this week. He says that he could align with Alex but that then Christmas will target him for getting Paul out. He tells us that he is not a coward and will take a risk. Paul is on a total soapbox right now and talking all about himself. Josh is still talking in the HOH camera saying that he is going to see how things play out this week. ALEX! PLEASE GO TO THE DIARY ROOM! Josh walks out of the HOH and Paul tells him to come downstairs. Josh asks him if he wants to play chess and Paul tells him to set it up. Alex comes out and is excited to have her glasses back. She left them outside. Production had to go outside and find them for her. Paul goes back on his soapbox about his life. Alex agrees with him and say that she feels the same way as him. Paul says that people say he is an old soul.
1:15 PM BBT Paul is telling Alex all about what has changed his life (i.e. a near death experience). He says that he is waiting for someone close to him to die. He says that death trumps everything and is a powerful thing that people don’t control. He tells her that it freaks him out. Josh finishes his prayer and heads out of the HOH to the landing looking and listening to the conversation between Paul n Alex. Alex asks if you could bring back one person from the Dead would you and who would you. Paul says no they would grow up a different person with new music, movies, friends and influences. He believes that the spirit does not stay trapped in your body when you pass. His biggest fear is lack of consciousness. Josh is back in his HOH room looking at his photos. Josh begins to talk to the Camera but audio issues in the beginning he says he is just doing the best he can, he wants to win and pay them back. Josh says that this week is crucial for his game as far as who is going to be evicted this week.
1:15 PM BBT Paul and Alex talk more philosophy. Josh is talking to camera 3 in the HOH room.
1:30 PM BBT Josh is worried that jury is going vote Paul to win if he is in final two. He compares Paul’s game to Vanessa’s. Josh says that he sees the game that Paul has been playing this whole time now. Josh says that he has a feeling the fans want him to take a shot at Paul. Paul is talking about religion now with Alex. Kevin is just laying in the bed in the green room listening to Alex and Paul talking in the living room. Paul says that he thinks Jesus was just a philosopher and that is where Christianity came from. He says that is where he thinks all religions came from. Paul tells us to go read “The Universe Does Not Give a Flying Fuck About You.”
1:45 PM BBT Kevin is just listening to Paul go on and on about how people need to find happiness. Christmas and Alex are enthralled in Paul’s conversation about happiness. Christmas says that she puts goals on her mirror and that it works for her. Christmas says that she thinks people forget about the goals they have attained. She says that people focus on the goal and not on the process. Paul says that is why he has a skull on his bookshelf to remind himself that he is going to die. Alex walks into the green room and grabs a blanket. She doesn’t even say anything to Kevin who is still sitting alone. He looks like he could cry. Paul is talking about how money and love only go so far. He says that money is unlimited, but time is limited and the most valuable thing we can share with others. Josh walks through the living room into the green room. He says what’s up to Kevin. Josh goes into the living room. Christmas is now talking about her first competition in Crossfit.
2:00 PM BBT Christmas is saying that she doesn’t think that she is athletic as she looks. She says she wanted to be at least the top 50% of her weight regions. Saying that she was picked up by another team because they saw her training techniques. She just didn’t feel like she’d be able to keep it up. She is calling it her BABY MONSTER. Of her being a competitor. She says she didn’t think that she was capable of doing it before she tried it herself. She says that she this opened up many doors for her to do things like Nascar. Crossfit, opening up her gym, being on BB. etc. She says that she tries to be a motivational as much as she can and give everything that she can just from her experience.
2:30 PM BBT-6:41 PM BBT Feeds down for pov (WINNER: Paul)
Feeds return with Paul wearing veto necklace. Paul tells the other houseguests his strategy was to line up all the comics first then look at them to see what was different between the options, then he went and checked the comics on the wall two at a time. Paul goes into rose bedroom and does a victory dance while he’s getting his hat. Paul says his comic character was “Potty-Mouth”. He says he thinks he’s being portrayed as a villain this season. Josh says the villain this season is “Hell-ena”, which was Elena’s comic character. Josh says he doesn’t get his because it was “Meatball”. He says he’s not the meatball, Mark is. Paul tells him he played himself thinking he wasn’t the meatball all along. Jessica’s character was “Hex-appeal”.
6:45 PM BBT Alex says she’s didn’t get Raven’s and Paul says she kept calling herself “Arkan-sassy” so that’s why that was her comic character. Alex goes in the storage room and says to herself “You played yourself.” Josh asks Kevin what messed up him up so bad in the competition to give him such a bad time. Kevin says he missed the different colored smoke on Paul’s comic and kept changing all of the others thinking Paul’s was right. Paul says his mom is probably pissed at him for being “Potty-Mouth”. Kevin says his comic character was “Mer-Man”. Josh says Alex got the best comic because she was a superhero while the rest of the them were villains. Paul says he’s surprised Cody’s comic character was the “Stare-Crow” since there were a lot of other things they could have called him. Paul says his comic character is going to bother him all night. Alex says her tagline was “serving up justice, one wiener at a time.” Alex and Paul start cooking dinner while Josh is doing the dishes while Kevin sits at the bar and Christmas cleans up clutter around the house. Paul says he’s glad Cameron got a comic and Megan wasn’t involved in the comics since she quit.
7:00 PM BBT Alex says Jason got a good comic book cover and Ole was in the picture with him. Josh talks to production and tells them that he’s not the meatball, Cody and Mark are the meatballs. He’s not sure if they understood that, but he’s still happy to have a comic. Christmas asks Josh to let her finish the dishes, but he insists on finishing them himself. Josh starts counting all of the cups that he’s washing that were used by Paul. Josh and Alex start counting “Paul, Paul, Paul”. Then Big Brother says PAUL. Paul says maybe I’m just gumpy and I don’t know. He waits for Big Brother to say yes he is and Big Brother says, PAUL, NO. Paul celebrates that Big Brother said he’s not gumpy. Paul tells the group that once you exit the house, everything that happened in the game is irrelevant and you don’t care anymore.
7:15 PM BBT Christmas and Alex talk about how they are both customers of USAA and the good customer service they have received. Paul says Christmas’ comic character was “Fa-La-La-Lunatic”. Christmas says, well I’m definitely a lunatic. Kevin is putting away dishes and accidentally breaks one of the glass cups. Paul says he played himself and then continues his conversation with Alex and Christmas. Josh asks Paul if it annoyed him when Matt and Raven would always hide his stuff. He says yes it was pretty annoying because at a certain point he just wanted to know where it was, it wasn’t funny anymore. Alex and Paul go into the storage room and high five over Paul’s veto win. Alex asks him who they are taking to the end and if it’s Kevin. Paul says no, definitely not Kevin. She asks him if Kevin threw the veto competition, and Paul says yes he definitely did but he doesn’t know why. Alex leaves and Christmas comes in and tells Paul that she’s sad and excited. She feels bad about voting out Alex when she tried to win the competition and Kevin did nothing. They both say they don’t know what he was doing in the veto competition but he completely messed up. Paul tells Christmas he needs their help with what to say to Alex because he feels bad. They go back into the kitchen to continue cooking. Paul asks what everyone thinks Raven and Jason are saying to each other. Alex says Raven is probably calling Jason a counterfeit because she would always use his words against him. Alex says if she got Matt out, she wouldn’t want to be in jury with Raven right now because she would keep talking about it. Paul says by now Mark, Elena, and Cody are probably over talking about the game.
7:30 PM BBT Josh says Mark is going to hate his comic, and Paul says well he shouldn’t have cried so much. Alex starts trying to cook steak the way Jason made it and Paul and Josh both try to take over and she tells them to get away and let her do it. Kevin waits until Christmas asks him if he’s going to eat and then gets a plate and thanks her and Paul for cooking. Josh and Paul take over cooking the steak and Alex goes to sit down and eat. Josh dances while he cooks.
7:45 PM BBT Christmas tells Alex that she can’t wait to meet her whole family. Alex tells a story about her Dad trying to yell at her and her sister but they were laughing at him because his fly was down. Christmas says she was so sad that she couldn’t do the comic veto competition and she wasn’t given any music to listen to while she waited. Christmas tells Alex that she has a friend that was on Desperate Housewives but she can’t remember his name. Josh finishes the steak and Christmas comments on how delicious it is and says it’s the best steak to date. Christmas says another pair of her workout pants is now missing and Elena took three other pairs of hers so now she only has one pair of workout pants left. Kevin leaves the kitchen and Alex whispers that Kevin definitely threw the competition.
8:00 PM BBT Josh heads upstairs to shower in the HOH bathroom. Josh says hi to his family in the HOH room and tells them they will die when they see his comic book cover. Josh puts on his headphones and starts dancing around the HOH room. Josh’s music can be heard on his mic through his headphones. JOSH, PLEASE TURN YOUR MUSIC DOWN. Kevin tells Paul that it’s his turn to win HOH next week and he will put up Josh and Christmas and then Paul will end up winning. He says he will leave the house before he lets Paul get evicted. Paul goes into the Rose room and lays on the bed and starts dancing. Alex walks in and asks Paul who fixed all the beds and Paul says Christmas. Kevin tells Christmas to tell Paul that he requested a deck of cards in the DR. He says that production would look into it.
8:15 PM BBT Christmas walks into the rose room and asks Paul to get up please. She is going to pluck some of his back hairs. Paul says that Kevin is an asshole. Christmas tells Paul that she is going to “blue sky” for a few mins. Paul doesn’t understand what she means and she says just talk about all the options. Paul tells her to talk really low because Kevin or Alex could be listening from the green room. Christmas suggests that Paul use the veto and take down Alex and Josh can put her up so they can vote out Kevin. Paul says no because he may lose the next HOH to Alex and then there is no way they will beat her in the next veto. He tells Christmas that he is not going to be using the veto on Alex. He says that there is no way he is going to do that and there has to be some way to distribute the blame so that Alex doesn’t hate him. Kevin is going to shower. He stops in the apple room to talk to the cameras. He says hello and he tells his family that he misses them. Alex walks into the rose room and tells Christmas and Paul that Kevin wants everyone to know that he is taking a shower downstairs. She leaves. Paul and Christmas go back to talking about Alex. Paul tells Christmas that he plans to tell Alex that he can’t use the veto on her because then he is going to piss off everyone. He plans to tell Alex that Christmas will be the replacement nominee and then Kevin or Christmas will go to jury. He says that is will say that then Josh will be pissed at him. He says that he is going to tell Alex that then he will lose like three jury votes for sure. They discuss that maybe Paul should just tell her that he can’t beat her in the comps or in the end with jury votes. They talk about how Alex is going to be made either way so. Christmas continues to search for back hairs on Paul. She tells him that she is sorry he had to win the veto. He tells her that he had to and he knew he was going to have to win that one. Paul says that he has another idea. Alex is talking to herself in the living room. She says that she can’t wait to play video games and that she wants to play the Sims 4. She says that she wants to build a house like the BB house and eliminate people by death. She laughs. Christmas and Paul continue to talk about how to handle the veto ceremony. Paul says that he is going to tell Alex that if he saves her that he might as well give her his game. Josh walks into the rose room. Josh says that he has tried to be straightforward with Alex. Paul tells Josh that he plans to tell Alex.
8:30 PM BBT Josh starts freaking out saying he feels like something is crawling in his ear. Paul looks and tells him that nothing is there. Josh says that it must be some kind of nerve. Paul asks Josh if he is okay with him saying that he won’t vote for him if he uses the veto. Josh says that he doesn’t want to do that. Alex moves into the green room and is trying to listen to them talking. Paul says that he will have to explain why he isn’t going to use the veto on Alex to her. Josh catches on and says that duh we are not using the veto and Alex is going this week. Paul tells him that Alex wants him to use the veto on her. Josh says that he will go along with what Christmas and Paul want to tell her. Paul feels like this is the least damaging to everyone’s game. He is worried Alex will go to jury and tell everyone that Christmas, him and Josh have been fucking everyone over for a while. Paul tells Josh that Kevin is an asshole and that he thinks he threw the comp. Paul tells Josh and Christmas what Kevin told him about him saying he was going to win HOH this next week and nominate Christmas and Josh. Paul tells Josh that he needs to go off on Kevin after the eviction to throw him off his game. Paul tells Josh to go upstairs or something. Alex talks to Josh about Kevin trying to put stuff on Jason’s bed. Josh tells Alex that he wants to friends with everyone outside of the house and he says that they really have no options. Alex tells him that they do have a plan and they need to stick to it. Alex says that she thinks Kevin threw the comp. Christmas tells Paul that Alex is going to take it bad either way and that they need to prepare themselves for Alex blowing up. She says that her and Josh need to have a solid explanation of why they would vote for Paul over Alex if they were final two. Paul explains that he means that Josh and Christmas will vote him out to jury then. Kevin walks back into the green room. Alex asks Kevin which was his favorite comic? He tells her that he liked all of them. KEVIN! PLEASE DO NOT OBSTRUCT YOUR MICROPHONE! Kevin tells production sorry. Christmas complains to Paul about how Josh can’t help make a decision and just says he will go with whatever. She says that then Josh gets mad about the plan.
8:45 PM BBT Paul tells Christmas that as long as her and Josh don’t mind if he tells Alex that he will lose their jury vote then that is a good explanation. Christmas says that as long as she can get her explanation down then that is fine with her. Christmas tells Paul that maybe she should also tell Alex that she thinks she has a better chance of beating Paul in a final two then her. Christmas and Paul decide to go talk to Alex and Josh separately. Paul says that he is going to tell Alex that this is just a game move and not personal. Paul and Christmas leave the rose room. Christmas gives Alex back her tweezers. Paul goes upstairs to the HOH room. Alex asks Josh and Kevin what is the first thing they want to do when they get out. Alex says that she wants to get the new iPhone. Josh says he wants to go out and get drunk. Kevin says that he wants everyone to meet his family. Paul calls Josh and asks him if he fed the fish yet. Josh tells Kevin and Alex that he is going to go upstairs. Christmas and Paul are waiting for Josh to come upstairs. All of the HGs are discussing if there is going to be a Sunday eviction. Alex goes upstairs to shower in the HOH room. Paul hurries and puts on Josh’s headphones. Josh tells Kevin that he is going to go upstairs and he invites Kevin to come up. Josh stops in the bathroom downstairs. He goes upstairs to the HOH room. Alex is sitting on the couch. They all discuss why Kevin botched the comp. Paul tells them that he thinks he remembers Kevin telling him he was colorblind. They discuss how most of the comp was about color and that is why Kevin lost. We can hear Josh’s music, “Sorry” by Justin Bieber.

9:00 PM BBT Paul goes downstairs. Alex starts telling Christmas and Josh about how she had a partner in school that was colorblind. Paul goes into the green room and starts talking to Kevin. Paul tells Kevin that he is going to have to tell Alex that he is not going to use the veto. Kevin asks Paul what he wants him to say during the veto speech. Kevin advises him not to say anything to Alex tonight that he needs to wait until the last possible minute so that they don’t make her miserable. Paul tells him that he is going to tell Alex that if he uses the veto on her that then Kevin will go to jury and he will lose his vote. Paul and Christmas go into the apple room. They are talking about what to tell Alex and how the jury will vote if Alex is in final two. Josh leaves the HOH room and goes downstairs. Paul says something about Alex trying to get Christmas to tie up the vote and make Josh decide. Josh pops into the apple room and Paul asks if Alex is in the shower like in the water. Paul and Christmas tell Josh that they are all going to have to tell Alex why they want her out this week. They tell him that they are worried that Alex is going to go to jury and tell everyone there about the scheming that went on this season. Paul tells them that they need to explain that if they don’t get her out this week then they are all going to lose the game to Alex. Josh tells them what Alex said about how the plan this week is to get Kevin out and how she still thinks that is still the plan. Josh tells them that he is not down with blindsiding Alex this week. Josh starts talking about how Kevin threw the veto comp and Christmas gets pissy. She tells Josh that she doesn’t want to talk about Kevin right now. She says that they need to talk about a solution with this veto before Alex gets out of the shower. Christmas tells Paul that she doesn’t think he should mention the jury votes unless he is okay with them not admitting they said that to him.
9:15 PM BBT Christmas looks at Josh and tells him that she is going to have a serious moment with him right now. She tells him that she wants him to make a commitment right now and that if he says he is fine with whatever that she is going to light his ass up. She asks him if he understands or if he is just staring at her. He says that he understands. Josh makes a point that Alex thinks that Kevin threw the comp and is fishy about it. Kevin finds an ant in his hair and sits up in the bed and starts hitting his blankets. He gets up and leaves the room. He goes into the SR and walks back out. He is making fun of production by saying, “kevin stop that. Kevin stop that.” Christmas is mad at Josh because he voted for Kevin last week. He tells Christmas that he apologized to her for that and he knows that he fucked up. Paul tells Josh that Alex is going to fake cry to him and try to get him to flip. Paul tells Josh that he needs to keep acting like he wants him out. Kevin is showing us his ice cream. He takes it into his bed. No wonder he has ants. They start talking about their goodbye messages to everyone in jury.
9:30 PM BBT Christmas and Paul talk to Josh about how he is being so emotional right now. Paul keeps telling Josh that he needs to blow up on Kevin next week so he will lose the HOH. They go over what they are going to tell Alex again. Christmas looks so spent and Josh too. Kevin is sitting all alone as usual in the green room. They discuss how many days they have left. Josh leaves the apple room. Kevin is brushing his teeth in the bathroom. Christmas and Paul discuss how Josh is not ready. Josh is in the SR. He says that Christmas is such a fool and he shakes his head. Christmas tells Paul that she has only made it this far because of Josh and Paul. Josh goes into the HOH room. Alex asks him what everyone is doing. Christmas asks Paul why he didn’t play a different game if he thought he was not going to win and Paul tells her that he wanted to go as far as he could in the game.
9:45 PM BBT Christmas is stroking Paul’s ego and telling him that everyone in the jury respects his game. She thinks that Paul will win if he is in final two. Josh is in HOH by himself. Alex went to the DR. Josh is thinking a lot about what Christmas and Paul were just telling him. He says that Paul is putting all the blood on him and Christmas this whole game. Josh is not happy about the convo that just happened in the apple room. He is bummed that he can’t get his shot out on Paul this week since he just won the veto. Josh says that Paul thinks that he is going to go out with his hands clean and he says that he might just have to blow this house up. He says that Christmas and Paul think he is so stupid. He says that he knows that Paul told Kevin to throw that veto comp so that it would look like him, Christmas and Kevin were working together. Josh says that Paul is forcing him to turn on him. He talks about his goodbye message to Jason and how he told him that him and Christmas have a final three with Paul. He says that Jason is spreading that shit like wildfire in the jury house right now. He says that Paul is trying to taint his game. Josh says that he is in a house with a bunch of snakes. He says that he is not willing to throw shit on anyone on his way to the top. He says that is not his style. Christmas and Paul are still talking in the apple room. Josh says that Paul is playing Christmas. He says that if he makes it to the scale and wins that he is taking Paul out. He says that he will go to final three but Paul or Christmas better beat him. He says that in his speech he is going to expose their game. Josh is over it. He says that if the jury can’t see his loyal game then screw them too. He says that he doesn’t care anymore. He says that he didn’t ruin his game but he can thank his allies for that. Josh is super salty. He leaves the HOH and goes downstairs. Josh goes into the apple room. Paul asks him about something that he thinks will be in the next comp. Christmas, Josh, and Paul discuss the days and are going over what has happened for a comp they think may be coming up.
10:00 PM BBT They continue discussing the days for the “Days comp.” Kevin is sitting alone still in the green room. There’s confusion between the early days. Paul is quizzing Josh. Josh says that he needs to bug Kevin, suggesting to pots & pans him. Paul agrees. Christmas says that she can make him boil inside. Christmas says to Paul to put her up beside him ‘cause his ego will shatter. Josh says that Kevin has been floating and that other people had the balls to get that far. They talk about the comics. Christmas says that she likes her. Paul says that they called him a potty mouth but doesn’t understand it. Josh says that his mom is gonna be pissed at his.
10:15 PM BBT Josh says that he’s not going to want his family to talk to him about Big Brother when he gets out. Josh says that he found it odd that all of them were villains except for Alex. Josh is curious how they’re portrayed on TV. Paul brings up Dominique calling him a snake. Josh says that Dom told him that in that same room (the Apple Room). Paul says that Dom was a liar, but likes her out of the house. Josh wonders why she was called Dominique The Dominator. Paul wonders why, considering that “she dipped” (gave up). Christmas says that she didn’t do anything. They continue talking about the other comics. They bring up Elena and how she was disrespectful to production. Josh says that they’re so nice in the DR. Paul says that that’s their job.
10:30 PM BBT They talk about the comics comp more. Josh says that he quickly went through the zipline because of his weight bringing him to the wall quicker. Josh says that they paused the timer ‘cause something broke during his time. Paul says that they’re probably the dickheads of the season 100%. He says that he’s probably been getting death threats on Twitter. Paul again brings up that he was called a potty-head.
10:45 PM BBT Christmas says that she hopes that she’s asked to be brought back next year, saying that she won’t be hiding in a corner anymore. Paul asks BB to make him another comic. Josh asks BB to redo his also. Paul keeps going on about why he was called a pottymouth, considering that maybe on the show they just showed Cody & Jess walking out of Paul’s HoH room after the fight (after he nominated them both, the week she used the hex). Paul & Josh leave to get some food.

11:00 PM BBT Paul enters the apple room, hiding behind the door to scare Josh. Josh enters and scares him. They’re surprised at how long Alex has been in the DR. Josh says that he’s going to miss this time in the house, and is glad that he didn’t leave when he wanted to in Week 1. Christmas says that she’s glad he didn’t. Josh carries Paul out of the apple room. Alex gets out of DR. She was in there for about 2 hours. Christmas & Josh go up to HoH. Christmas says that she’s glad that Alex will be gone soon. Christmas talks to her about the plan. Josh sees that Alex is walking up, so he puts on his headphones. Christmas isn’t happy.
11:15 PM BBT When Alex leaves for a moment, Christmas says to Josh that she needs to study tomorrow in the APSR. Josh wonders if Kevin threw that last comp. Christmas says probably, and that she’ll call him out on it, and that they can’t find out that they’re (Christmas, Josh, Kevin) working together. Alex enters. Christmas asks if she saw Kevin. Alex says that Kevin was super nice. She says that Jason wouldn’t talk to her in his last week, and now Kevin’s being nice, so she doesn’t know what’s up. Christmas says that she doesn’t know why Kevin would try to be nice to her (Alex) now. Alex says that it’s not going to help his game any ‘cause she hates him. Josh says “hate is not a nice word, Tiger.” Alex says that she hates him in the game. “In real life, I don’t hate anyone.” Alex says that she thinks that Kevin knows that he’s next and doesn’t want to cause any problems because “he doesn’t want to have a blowout.”
11:30 PM BBT Christmas & Alex leave HoH. Josh, alone, talks to the camera. He says that Alex has played a truthful game and has been good to him. Josh says that if he told Alex everything, she’s turn. He says that Alex thinks that he’s crossing her, but that’s Paul doing that. Josh says that he feels really bad and has played a great game. He says that he had to align with Christmas and Paul from the beginning and hopes Alex respects his game move. He says that he’s not losing weight ‘cause he’s stress-eating. He says that Paul’s protecting his game, and he (Josh) needs to protect his. He’s going to be straight-up with Alex. “Homeboy has had no blood on his hands.” He goes downstairs. Josh asks Kevin if he threw the comp. Kevin says no, saying he couldn’t see the colors. He says that he’s mostly been working on his social game ‘cause his physical game isn’t great.
11:45 PM BBT After a while, Josh says that he’s gotten attached to all of them over time. Kevin says that he’s never seen the show before and thought that he’d be looking at actual comic books. Josh tells Kevin that he’ll (Kevin) be able to see his family in 10 days. They both go to the Apple Room. Kevin says how bad he did. Kevin then brings up how bad he did on a zipline in Mexico, saying that he hit his head. Kevin says to the camera that Josh’s social game has advanced more than anyone in the house. Kevin says that it’s due time that he wins an HoH. Josh jokingly says that he’s going to nominate him (Kevin). Josh offers to let Kevin have his HoH room for the night.

Live Feed Updates: Saturday, September 9th

September 09, 2017

 12:00 AM BBT Christmas and Josh are in the HOH bedroom talking game. Christmas said they need to gun for the VETO but best scenario is for Kevin to win it. Josh said he is going to gun it and win and leave noms the same. Christmas said, “Cruz, did you just show up for the game?” He said that he can’t believe what others have done in this game and said to him. She said you just have a big heart and others saw that they could attack that, but you should have a big heart. Josh asked, “Can we just talk about something else?” Christmas said yes. “What else do you want to talk about? You want to talk about the stupid fish on my foot?” Josh asked, “What did you and Paul talk about up here earlier?” She said, “He was just talking about how some people didn’t do anything in the game and what others have done. And he was saying that he has had to play a different game this season. He said he played an evil game last season, And he said that Elena was gunning after me early on in the game and was having Mark go after me.” Josh said, “Woah. Did he say that?” She said, “No he knew it because Elena was talking to Mark about it right in front of him.” Kevin is in the Green bedroom getting ready for bed but he is performing a silent movie for the camera. He was kissing his hand and then he blew kisses and turned off the lights and went to bed (at 12:09 am on feeds). He got in his bed and under the covers and wrapped his scarf for his eyes around his hand. Feeds go to the Rose bedroom where Alex is in the Round bed with yellow glasses on and under the covers just laying there. Back upstairs to the HOH bedroom, Christmas and Josh are still talking game. She said he doesn’t compete next but all he (Josh) has to do is sit there and talk crap. Josh said, “I can do that.” Christmas said that she knows it’s hard but she doesn’t like it that he said I was bangable in jury. Josh said, “What?” “He doesn’t deserve to win this game.” Christmas said, “No he doesn’t. And he already has $25,000.” “He is really a misogynist pig.” Then Christmas starts dunning down the different hgs and why they do not deserve to win and she told Josh that he does deserve to win this game because he has been loyal and he doesn’t do personal attacks. She said, “You have an amazing ability to break down others when you want. And you say just the facts.” Chirstmas said that Jason blindsided himself.
12:15 AM BBT And Raven she jumped on whatever bandwagon she wanted at the time. “You have to be pleased with your performance in this house. You should be proud.” Josh said, “Thank you for that. But you have been a badass in this game and crushed comps.” She said, “I have a broken foot.” He said, “You a a f**king badass!” Christmas said, “Yeah you should be proud. But no more going rogue though.” He said, “No I won’t.” He explained and said at least he was honest about it and didn’t use the Veto.” “I’m sorry about that. I really am.” Christmas said, “You see how she played you though right then.” He said, “Yeah. Are you still mad?” She said, “No. I don’t hold grudges. I need to feel it and then work through it and figure out what I need to do.” She said, “Tomorrow if we don’t win the Veto one of us is going home for sure.” She said, “I hope that I can play the comp tomorrow.” He said, “Me and Paul got this comp don’t worry about it.” He said, “It depends what it is because I can’t see if it far though.” Christmas asked, “Do you have glasses?” He said he does. Christmas said, “We are top four.” Josh said, “I know. I can’t believe it.” She said, “I know. We are at top four.” And they high five. Josh asked her, “What if you guys picked Mark instead of me?” Christmas said, “No way. I had him pegged from day one. He’s a douche.” Josh asked, “Why? What did he do?” She said just his character and he told me how pretty I was and I was just like, “He’s a douche!”
12:30 AM BBT Then she started picking at the tape on her foot. Joshed asked, “Do you have any more of that tape?” Christmas said, “No.” He asked, “What are you taking it off for then?” He looked closer at her scar. He said, “They did such a good job. It looks good.” She said, “I had a really great surgeon.” Christmas said, “I had such a good time yesterday.” Josh said, “You did? I was so worried for you in that comp. When you started to go down those stairs and then threw your crutch I know it was on.” She said, “Yeah. I was like #f**kthecrutch!” She said, “I’ve been calling our team the team of the misfits.” Josh said, “You have? Should I call us that too?” She said, “You can. Yeah you can tweet that.” He asked if Paul calls us that too. Christmas said, “I told him about it.” Paul comes out of the DR downstairs. He goes into the kitchen and eats some food out of the pan. Then he grabs a knife and the Tajin and goes to the SR. He grabs a lime from there and puts some avocados in the refrigerator. Then he went upstairs. He walked into the HOH room and said, “I grabbed you a lime and the Tajin bro.” Christmas told Paul that they were doing a recap of how the others game play was bad and stuff. And I was telling Josh how good he did. Josh said, “I was straight forward with my GBMs.” Paul said, “You think you were straight forward? Last season I made fun of all the hgs in the DRs and I have basically been so straight forward in my GBMs.”
12:45 AM BBT Paul told Josh to hurry up and go take a shower so he can beat off and go to bed. He laughed. Christmas said, “I’m just trying to get some guacamole. I don’t have the luxury you guys do.” Josh said, “I don’t want to sleep up here by myself.” Paul said, “Then come downstairs.” He said, “Ok.” Then Paul said, “Kevin told me to throw the HOH to him next week. I said to win it. He told me he has trying to.” “I was saying to myself, “WTF dude, Are you high? I don’t think so!” Josh said, “I just want to know why Raven had a hard on to get me out of the house.” Christmas said, “She holds grudges for sure. She didn’t like Cody because she rejected him in the beginning of the game.” Paul asked, “That’s what happened right?” She said, “I think so.” Christmas said, “I need a shower and I need some lovin in my laugh.” Paul was doing push ups on the floor. Paul told Josh that he should put the chocolate in the refrigerator because chocolate is the best cold. The he took some for Christmas. She said, “You saw me eyeballing that didn’t you?” He said, “Yeah that is why I grabbed it.” Christmas started up the shower and then asked Josh if she can use one of the towels there. He said yes. She got in the shower. Paul started looking at the pictures of Josh and his family he got as HOH. Josh said, “Please don’t. Those are some of the worst pictures of me.” Paul laughed. Then he started working out more. Joshed asked, “Was Kevin sleeping already?” Paul said, “I don’t know what that a**hole is doing and I don’t care.” Then Paul got his towel and some shorts and put them up on the side of the shower and told Christmas not to be scared and what he was doing. Then Paul told Josh he was going to go down and pt the potatoes away so they can have them for breakfast. He started walking out and Josh started saying something and he came back. Josh asked, “I wonder if we have any turkey down there.” Paul said, “WTF dude?” Then they both went downstairs together.
1:00 AM BBT Paul started putting the potatoes away. He said, “Man these f**king ants bro. Can you guys give us some nontoxic ant spray or something. I’m going to Febreeze them.” He sprayed the Febreeze on them. Paul asked Josh if he told Alex he was going to get me out. Paul said, “She told me that you said you wanted to get strong competitors out and if you couldn’t get her then you were going to get me.” Josh said, “I did not say that. I swear on my life.” Paul said, “That’s sketch.” Josh said, “No and I am going to ask her tomorrow why she would say that.” Paul said, “No wait until after.” “Josh said, I can’t let someone say that and get away with it.” Paul said, “I know but wait until after.” Then Paul left the kitchen and started working out more. Then he said, “My arms are starting to get big again.” Josh said, “Yeah you are getting more built.” Paul said, “I don’t want to go out of her fat. If my girlfriend is still waiting for me I don’t want to go out of here a chunk.” Christmas came out of the HOH bedroom and Paul looked up and asked her if she was done showering. She said, “No.” And she laughed and he laughed. She came downstairs. She said, “I don’t think I need to use my crutch anymore.” Josh said, “I’m tired. I think I’m going to go to bed.” He asked Christmas, “Are you going to bed?” She said, “Not yet. I still have to put lotion on and brush my teeth.” He asked her if she was going to come upstairs. And she said she will think about it, she is not sure. Paul washed out his cup and a glass and got some water. Then he went upstairs. Kevin came out of his bedroom and went to the bathroom. He saw Paul and asked him, “You’re still up?” Paul said yeah but he was going to go take a shower and go to sleep. Kevin went into the bathroom to go to the restroom. Christmas was in there brushing her teeth.
1:15 AM BBT Paul entered the HOH bedroom and went to get in the shower. Josh asked him if he was going to turn on the light. He said no. Josh asked why. Paul said, “Because it’s peaceful.” Then feeds went to fish. Feeds came back on at 1:19 am. Christmas is still in the bathroom washing her face and stuff. Alex came to the bathroom and she said hi to Christmas. Christmas said, “Hi. The water is not getting hot here or upstairs in the HOH room.” Then Christmas was called to the DR. She said, “Really?” “I think they do this on purpose.” Alex came out of the restroom and was washing her hands and said, “What? Call you to the DR when you have already taken your makeup off?” She said, “Yes. Ok. Two seconds guys.” Alex walked out of the bathroom and said goodnight to Christmas. On her way back to the Rose bedroom she looked at the clock and said, “1:20, I need to get some sleep.” She entered the Rose bedroom and pulled her hair back and got in bed. She put her eye mask over her eyes and pulled her blankets up. Her bedroom light is still on. Meanwhile, up in the HOH bedroom, Josh is in his bed with the headphones on and his eye mask over his eyes. Paul is in the shower.
1:30 AM BBT Paul is still in the HOH shower. Christmas is still in the DR. All other hgs are in bed. Christmas is out of the DR and in the kitchen getting some water. She has her sunglasses on and is looking around the kitchen and LR areas. She finished drinking her water and washed the glass. She then went to the bathroom. Christmas was looking around the bathroom for something and then said, “You’ve got to be kidding me.” Production called Paul to the DR. Paul went into the Rose bedroom to get some clothes and come his hair. He said there is only 10 more days left in the house. Alex said, “That’s too long.” She asked Paul what Christmas and Josh were doing. He said that Josh was sleeping and he thought Christmas is in the DR but they just called me. “So I don’t know.” Alex said, “Does your beard get tangled?” He said, “No.” Alex said, “I would rather watch you comb your beard than anything right now.” Christmas then entered the Rose bedroom. Alex said, “I’m bored.” Paul asked, “Where is my red brush? Raven jacked it man. Oh wait. No she didn’t. We packed for her. I played myself.” Alex said, “I’m tired but I’m not tired.” “I’m bored.” Paul left the room.
1:45 AM BBT Alex and Christmas are in the Rose Room Christmas is asking Alex if Paul says it moves fast now that we are down this low. Paul has entered the room asking Why they are so jazzed. Paul says he feels uneven they tell him his right shoulder go down. He turns out the lights and says they may let us have a good night chat. Alex says she is bored and can’t sleep. Paul says you will sleep I’ll tell you too a story. Paul jumps into bed and tries to think of a story. Paul asks them if he told them about his stories. He finally started a story about when he was in high school and a football player named Tim. He is telling them about what him and another kid did to his classmate Tim.
2:00 AM BBT He then tells a story about a teacher who got fired and what his friend Tim did to the teacher. He says he recently touched base with his friend Tim. He starts talking about another teacher and the cameras move to Kevin who is asleep in the Green Room. Kevin seems to be having another restless night tossing and turning. You can hear Alex Christmas and Paul talking thru the walls but can’t make out what they are saying. Kevin is up and going to the washroom, he checks the time on his way by. He heads back to bed, he is really having a hard time sleeping. You can still hear Paul talking thru the walls but the cameras are still on Kevin sleeping.
2:15 AM BBT You can hear Alex and Christmas laughing at what Paul is saying but you can’t make out what he is saying. It sounds like Paul is still telling stories about his high school days. Paul seems to be talking louder as you can make out some of his stories. He is talking about being at some type of magic show. Kevin is still trying to sleep in the Green Room by himself. Josh is in the HOH Room visiting dreamland.
2:30 AM BBT All cameras are on Kevin in the Green Room who is still trying to get some sleep. You can still hear Paul talking in the Rose Room but still have a hard time making out what he is saying. Josh is asleep in the HOH Room or was last time we could check.
2:45 AM BBT All cameras are still on Kevin in the Green Room who looks like he may finally be asleep. You can still hear Paul talking in the Rose Room but no cameras are showing us that room so we can’t understand what he is talking about, it is still just mumbled words we hear thru the wall. Last time the cameras were in the HOH Room Josh was sawing logs in dreamland. Kevin is asleep as he is snoring very loudly.
3:00 AM BBT Christmas is up and heading to the washroom, all cameras go back to a sleeping Kevin. She heads back to the Rose Room. The cameras finally go back to the Rose Room where Alex Christmas and Paul are. It looks like they are finally going to sleep. Paul and Christmas are whispering in bed.
3:15 AM BBT – All HGS are in dreamland

HOH Xmas and Josh

September 08, 2017

HOH Xmas and Josh

I don’t Study with Paul.. he doesn’t win with anyone
They agree Kevin needs to win it but if he’s got no chance….
Josh – should I throw the veto –
Xmas – no we gun for it… If Kevin comes off you put me up… it’ll be a 2-0 vote it won’t be a split decisions.. you put me up and say I’m one of the weak competitors.
Xmas – just Alex can’t anybody else but Alex, Best case scenario is Kevin
X – you have to put me up
J – I don’t want to put you guys up
X – we’re in a win win situation
J – so I would rather gun for it, Keep noms the same and you guys vote out Alex..
Josh – we’re playing a game here..
X – that’s the second best scenario
J – it’s hard… people saying crazy sh1t left and right

Xmas claims that Josh has had people yell at him “the whole time” (pain pills)
J – that’s what hit me.. I’m like everybody is always game .. Xmas deals with Game… Paul deals with Game
J – it instantly becomes a personal thing with me every time somebody addresses me
J – I don’t know what i’ve done
Xmas – they know you’re a good heart
Xmas – they looked at me they thought that bitch is bad (bad at being a decent person)
Xmas – they looked at Paul they knew his game from last year
Xmas – they looked at you and saw I want to be friends with you all afterwards and they knew where to hit him
Xmas – you have a big open heart… They see that as a targets.. you should find some piece in it that you have a good heart and they need to attack it (pain pills)
Xmas – they can’t get to you any other way
Josh – let’s talk about something else…
X – we need to do three f*ing things
J – Veto, HOH Veto
X – three competition away
X – tomorrow we have to make sure anybody but Alex wins..
X – then it’s 3 against 1 … 2 against 1
J – if you can compete lock it the f* down
X – I promise
J – Alex is going to be gone
X – don’t get so confident
X – until we win that Veto she is not gone
J – i’m going to win that HOH tomorrow
X – good, then all we have is one HOH and Veto.. and all we have to do is POKE AT KEVIN
Xmas – Paul’s right, that mother f*er will melt down, he won’t be able to think straight if that’s a mental comp he’ll be losing his mind
X – all we have to do is F* him up in the beginning and then we can take it and it doesn’t f*ing matter
X – you don’t need to compete.. you can just be there talking smack
X – I know we don’t like it… it’s not easy..
j – i’ll do it..
X – how do you think I feel when he’s talking about whether or not him or jason would bang me in jury
X – do you think I felt good about that
Josh – who told you that
Xmas – Jason
Xmas says it happened when Jason was “sitting on the f*ing block” with Kevin
X – Kevin said to jason that I was bangable.. and asking about things and how they happen in jury
X – simultaneously when he got crazy I told you he was trying to make me out as a home wrecker (Pain pills)
Josh – what the f* .. Oh my god what’s wrong with this guy
J – Kevin is a nut case
Xmas – Kevin is a old man perv That’s a misogynist pig and Truly doesn’t deserve to be here…
J – no he doesn’t
Xmas – He’s walking out with no respect, so I hope that freaking money was worth it

Josh – whatever happens I’m grateful for god and grateful you guys had my back
Xmas – you’ve played a respectable game
Xmas goes on to list off all the players in the jury and how Josh played a morally better game than them. Says that Jason and Kevin are talking about banging her in the jury, Elena is playing the s4x card
Xmas – Alex has been the puppet master Playing everybody in the house (this is pain pills)
Xmas – raven and matt really didn’t do anything deceitful
Xmas now says that Raven was always wanting to get Josh on the block
Xmas claims that Jason threw his ride or die under the bus by “not believing her”
Xmas goes on and on about how Josh never threw anyone under the bus.. .

X – Matt did nothing.. why the f* did he show the f* up (I fully support X on this)

 Lounge room – Alex and Paul. 

September 08, 2017

 Lounge room – Alex and Paul. 
Alex – he wants to talk to me but I think he wants to win the veto and pull me off but then I’m worried about you. So if its BB comics, we’re f**ked. Paul – worst case scenario is its you and I on the block. Alex – he says Kevin is is his target but I don’t believe him. I think if he pulls me off, he will backdoor you. He says he wants to talk to me about the veto. We should both be practicing dates because it might be this next Thursday. Alex – I’m going to create some distance between me and Josh. We need to somehow convince him that he needs us for top three.. both of us. Paul – I don’t think he is ever going to ever put up Christmas. Alex – no. And do you know what, now that she is here.. I think we really f**ked up. I think she is trying to win now .. and she might. Out of those three people that are left one of them is going to win if we don’t do something. If you don’t win that veto tomorrow, one of them is going to win. If its a split vote he might send me home. He might send Kevin out but he isn’t thinking the way he used to. He is thinking game. He’s learned how to focus. We’re in very grave danger right now. Paul – alright. Alex – I don’t think we can even phase him at this point. The last ditch effort is we make him feel bad.. and I don’t even think that will work. Paul – does Kevin know the dates? Alex – I don’t know. Paul leaves to start making dinner.

Kitchen. Christmas and Josh.

September 08, 2017

Kitchen. Christmas and Josh.
Christmas – are you okay? She slaps his arm and says I know you’re okay. Its hard, its not easy. Josh – I just feel evil. Christmas – you’ve seen Big Brother before. You know how this game is played. Would you rather walk out of here and have gained friends.. knowing you played the best that you can or had nothing but enemies and played the best that you can. Which would you rather. Josh – friends. Christmas – I believe afterwards she will be fine but she is playing psychological warfare for Jason for gods sake. Didn’t Jason tell you that. That she is playing psychological warfare. She is playing a different game. Jason was straight forward, he didn’t know how to filter himself, that’s why he needed her. And she never said she had your back until she was on the block. You made it to final 4. Josh asks Christmas if will promise final two. Christmas – I will be honest, I have not made that decision. That could backfire me right now. I’ve been thinking about it and tormenting myself about it. You have a very special place in my heart. You have been and amazing game player, you’ve grown and I love you so much. I truthfully, don’t want that decision. I’m not going to throw it but I don’t want that decision. I think it would be smartest to take Paul. Josh – no. Christmas – yes, I do. Josh – I am taking you. I would rather loose to you. I know that I would loose but I would rather loose to you. Christmas – I think you would be better to take Paul (Who says that?! Don’t take me?! WTF?!) I will tell you why.. 1. I can only compete in half the stuff. It would be like a f**king joke. If I can’t do that competitions, then what the f**k!? 2. I am probably in okay standing with most of the jury right now. Josh – I don’t care. Christmas – at least with Paul you would have a good fighting chance. Josh – if it comes down to me, I am taking you. Christmas – its not smart for your game though. Josh – I don’t care. Don’t say that. Christmas – vault. I can’t lie to you I don’t know what my decision would be. Josh – I know that I am going to lose but I don’t want to lose to him. Christmas – you’ve done amazing. Josh – thank you. Josh starts crying.

Paul and Josh
Paul – do you know what she just said to me? Josh – what? Paul – did I ever tell you that I can cry on demand. You f**king idiot. Paul – Verbatim quote. Lets say you’re me and I’m Alex. “You and I are f**ked. One of those two are going to win this game. My last ditch effort is to cry and make Josh feel bad.” I swear on everything that I stand by my life. I swear on all my bets. On my entire existence of my life. That is the conversation I just had. Paul – she said that its not even Josh anymore, he’s starting to focus so my last ditch effort is to cry and make him feel bad. Josh wipes the tears from his eyes. Josh goes to the bathroom. Christmas – he’s fine. He gets upset whenever he gets a family letter. Paul – and she (Alex) also doesn’t like you (Christmas). She said we f**ked up by letting Christmas win that one because now you’re actually trying to win the game. She was joking .. oh keep me I just want to be a shield. The way she just talked to me in there, I was like you’re a f**king b***h! Like I am shocked.

Lounge room. Josh joins Alex.
Josh – are you okay? Alex – yeah, I’m fine. Just thinking. Josh – do you hate me? Alex – do I hate you? No. I’m just sad. Josh – I’m going to go up. You should come up. Alex – okay. Josh leaves. Christmas joins Alex. Christmas – hows it going? Alex – the game is good its just on a personal level Josh is sad. I’ve protected him a lot in this game. Like yesterday I had the opportunity to put him up and I didn’t. And sending home Jason, that really hurt. Game I understand it but personal-wise its just too much. Everything that I’ve won, I’ve done it on my own. Being put up next to Kevin who has done nothing sucks. Christmas – but he’s not going to be good in the veto. Alex – but then you or Paul would be put up and that sucks. Hopefully one of you guys win it and keep noms the same and send Kevin home. I’ve tried to play a fair game. Alex talks about why she doesn’t like Kevin. He’s mean. He makes fun of me, Josh and Paul. He got that 25K and said that he would make around 40K with the stipend. He said that if I made it to the final 2 he would make sure the jury didn’t vote for me and post show he said he would rub it in my face that he made more than I did.

 Paul and Josh

September 09, 2017

 Paul and Josh. 
Paul – you just can’t f**king crack on me fool. You have to keep your head on straight so we can get there. Because that’s what’s dope.. I’m looking for that clip of the hand shake and then the end. Josh – I don’t know if the caught that. Paul – fool, they catch everything. I know they caught it. Josh – you think so? Paul – I know they caught it. I know they caught it. Its important to me for that to come full circle. That’s friendship. I don’t think Christmas would be upset in that scenario. Josh – I don’t think she would care. Paul – I really don’t think she would care, she would hug both of us and say good luck.
Paul – we’ve got to win this veto and send Alex out. If Christmas Joy is really okay with going on the block… I’m fine but I would rather not because at this point its scary. Even though it is the same scenario back and forth it just sets up differently for how the votes will lie. If Christmas is up there and Kevin is out.. Christmas doesn’t vote for Alex. She doesn’t have to get that blood on her hands. Kevin is not going to vote against Christmas. Alex just said down there that she thinks Christmas and Kevin have something going on. She said Josh has gone rogue. That means you’ve gone nuts. If you or me don’t win .. the gimpy girl, Josh or Kevin. She is a f**king savage dog. She doesn’t give a f**k. Paul goes through scenarios of what happens if so and so wins veto. Josh – I Kevin wins next week, I am f**Ked. Paul – it doesn’t matter, there’s still the veto. One person votes next week. If I win HOH and he (Kevin) wins veto .. one of us is going home. We’re f**ked. Josh – come veto I am going to go HAM! And I’m going to throw him off too. Paul – for the HOH you need to throw him the f**k off. When he is agitated he is not good under pressure. Josh – I think he just sucks. Paul – She (Alex) is trying to make you feel bad. She is playing a game and you’re playing with your heart. You’re either going to be 50K richer or 500K richer .. unless we f**k up.

Josh won HOH!

September 08, 2017

 🔹Josh won HOH!
🔹He nominated Alex & Kevin for eviction!

Alex crying 

September 08, 2017

Alex crying 
Alex – I know it’a game dude.. but you’re my friend dude
Josh – I’m you’re friend Alex.. please don’t say that..
Alex – I could have thrown up anyone dude.. you’re the only person I trusted..
Josh – don’t talk game to anyone but me ok…
Josh – you’re my friend that’s never going to change..
And of course now Josh is crying…
Paul is telling Josh that Alex is “duping him”
PAul – you have a s oft heart and people are taking advantage of you
Paul – when people have their backs against the wall they will do and say anything to stay in this game..
Xmas – I love Alex, me and her are bros (die)
Josh says Alex told him she’s lost her and Jason’s vote. he Brings up her telling him that there’s no way he can win it’s not about competition wins it’s about blood on your hands.

Paul says the Jury will break down game play
Josh says he’s hurt Alex and Jason he’s worried about that.

Live Feed Updates: Friday, September 8th

September 08, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Friday, September 8th

12:00AM BBT – In the Rose room, Josh and Paul are laying down having a little casual talk about life after the show. Josh tells Paul do you know how heated all these people are that we’ve made it this far? Paul says they played themselves big time. Josh asks Paul what he is thinking and Paul says the end. Josh says two weeks. Josh mentioned that he hopes he made his family proud. Paul tells him that he did. Kevin walks in the Rose room telling Paul and Josh how he found Maven’s condoms. Kevin says they can hide a veto but they can’t hide their condoms. Kevin, Josh and Paul go on to talk about how the audience was initially silently with the walk out last night. They mention the audience was probably shocked. Josh says it is pretty sad that you spend 80 something days for them to just walk out so angry like that. Josh think they will still be mad at them because it is just 2 weeks before the game ends. Paul tries to explain that it will be okay and to stop worrying. Kevin eventually walks out and Paul flicks him off. Paul says if anything the evicted houseguest probably hate him now Josh asks why and he says because he played more serious. In the Green room Kevin and Christmas are talking. Kevin tells her you actually get your own bed now. CHristmas says she doesn’t mean to be distant but Kevin says he understands that and knows Alex is going. She tells him he looked really sharp tonight and goes back to the Rose room to join the boys. Back in the Rose room, Christmas is lays down next to Paul. Josh says they have dominated for the past month and a half. Josh says this is unreal. Paul talks about worst case scenario Alex pulls herself off and Christmas says they have to put her up then. Paul says he feels bad asking her to do that.

12:15AM BBT Josh, Raven and Paul talk about scenarios of what happens if Alex wins the veto. Josh says he doesn’t think she will win. Josh says regardless one of them are going home. Christmas say it doesn’t matter who goes home because they rule the house now. Josh asks Paul what he is thinking. Paul says who should be the replacement nomination is Alex wins. He continues thinking and says he actually doesn’t want to think about it right now. Josh tells them just to think about it. Christmas says it is fine just put her up. Paul says it doesn’t matter because they will win the veto. Josh says this i crazy because he thought he was going hom week one. Paul says in the beginning he literally came to him asking why he was so paranoid. In the beginning Paul says Christmas was the most intimidating person. Josh agrees that she was a dominate woman. Christmas said she thought she was chill. Paul says he knew about 6 of the houseguest have been gunning for him and there was a pecking order to get them out. Christmas says she told Kevin that Josh didn’t know that she was supposed to take HOH. They continue whispering but it is hard to make out what is being said. Paul opens Christmas drawer to find her goodies stashed. They have some sine candy and Paul leaves to changes. Christmas asks if he is done freaking out and he says yes. Christmas says they need to study and he agrees. Josh mentions he can’t tonight and he is going to drink and go to sleep. Christmas says Josh is guaranteed 4 and Josh says so is she. They both dance around in the bed. Talk turns to Raven and how they got into it. She said Raven was all over her saying she had he back. Christmas says that she told her to back off and it wasn’t about her for a moment. Christmas says she snapped. Josh says every time a fight goes down she blacks out. Christmas says Josh had a good speech. Josh says Raven was trying to get him out eventually to (at 5).

12:30AM BBT Christmas and Josh continue talking and Christmas says that she does feel bad that She snapped on Raven so much. Christmas says the only reason she went of is because Raven was getting on her nerves for the last time. Christmas says when she kept coming up to her she went off. In the Apple room Paul is talking to the camera saying he can’t mess up next week and he has to win. He leaves the apple room and goes back into the Rose room. Kevin asks Paul what he has on as Paul passes him. Back in the Rose room, Josh says he had to tell himself it was just a game. Josh says it was back to back cold shoulders. Josh talk about how surprise he is that he is still there. Josh says he thought he was going to be a pawn all season. Paul tells him remember when I put you up I pulled you off the block. Josh says he knows and he trusts him. Josh goes back to feeling bad for Jason. Paul tried to get him to understand that everything will be okay. Kevin says he cleaned the bathroom and it look really nice. They all agree that it was all Raven’s junk and it will be a lot nicer since she has left. Josh says you guys want to know something funny. It is hard to hear what they are saying but Kevin says him and Josh slept together the first 4 nights.

12:45AM BBT Christmas, Josh, Paul and Kevin are still talking in the Rose room. Kevin asks about his speech and if he mentioned certain things. They say he did and Christmas say his speech was nice. They talk about the DR schedule and Christmas they are going to DR Josh before he does to his room.Talk turns to Raven and Kevin says she never talked to him and she guesses that is good because she never had a chance to say anything. Christmas says Kevin was the only one that got a hug. Cut to Fish. Feeds return for a second and Cut to Fish again. Feeds return and everyone gathers in the living room as Alex goes through her HOH basket. Alex opens her letter from her sister and reads it to the houseguest. The houseguest clap for her. Alex says she hates popcorn and doesn’t understand why they put it in her basket. Josh says he hopes he gets a goofy letter like Alex’s. Paul put Alex’s drink in the fridge. All the houseguest are still hanging in the living room having casual talk

1:00AM BBT As Alex goes through her stuff with the other houseguest, production calls Josh to the diary room. Alex says no more dried blueberries which was in her basket. Alex says it isn’t even blueberry but blueberry flavoring. They continue to check the ingredients in her HOH basket. Alex says Coca-Cola is good for you. Alex then mentions she didn’t get any pictures. Alex wonders if her HOH letter is a secret message to her. And feeds cut for a minute. Feeds return and BB says Alex please go to the storage room. She comes back with her picture. She has one photo and shows the houseguest. The houseguest continue to have casual chit chat while Josh is still in the DR. In the Apple room, Paul appears to be counting something in his head quietly. It looks like he may be counting the Apples on the wall.

1:15AM BBT Paul is still in the Apple room counting something quietly. Paul does his math over again and doesn’t understand why he is tripping. He seems to not be getting the math right. In the living room, Christmas and Kevin are still lounging looking at Alex’s stuff. Alex heads to the bathroom while Paul continues to count and lounge in the Apple room. Christmas and Kevin grow quiet in the living room and continue to lounge. Kevin asks Christmas if he would have guessed them 5 in the end. Christmas says she didn’t have he thought to think that far. Christmas says she had a rough start.Alex returns and Kevin asks Alex about Paul’s whereabouts. She tells Kevin he is lounging in the Apple room. ALex takes her HOH basket to her room. Christmas asks is she needs help and she says no. ALex says as long as no one eat my cereal. SHe says Cody is a tool. Alex starts to tidy and Christmas says we can actually keep the house clean now. In the Apple room, Paul is still lounging and Kevin sit with him as well. Paul tells Kevin two more weeks and he feels bad that Jason is gone. Paul says jason was a good dude. Kevin leaves and Paul asks if he minds shutting the door. He shuts the door and cameras follow Paul as he counts the Apples on the wall. In the Kitchen, Alex is changing the trash as Christmas appears to be tidying.

1:30AM BBT Christmas sits down to have cereal. Alex and her start to talk about Raven. Alex says the veto is something that Raven needed to win as she continues to clean. Alex says Raven is a sweet girl but she doesn’t think Raven was ever really herself with Matt. Christmas says Matt continued to call Raven and friend but Raven kept thinking they would date outside of the house. Christmas ask Alex if she cleans when she is stressed. Alex says right now there is not that much stress but she is sad. Alex says Raven was driving her nuts with a lack of cleanliness. Paul asks Christmas if Kevin is asleep and she says yes. She says he probably won’t come up to HOH. Alex, Paul and Christmas now go over the remaining house schedule. They continue having casual chit chat about how Paul weight lifted with someone from BB17 prior to being on the show. Talk turns back to Raven and Matt. They question if they would be together after the show. Christmas says she told her (Raven) that she might need to go home and see her mom after the show instead of staying out in LA.

1:45AM BBT Paul, Alex and Christmas continue talking and Paul says Raven told him that Her, Matt and her friend were going to get a house in LA. They talk about how wishy washy her stories are. They discuss how her stories don’t line up with her schooling and business. Paul says that Raven even told her that she plays the piano. They go over a story where Raven pretended to know something that he really doesn’t’ know. Paul says you don’t have to know everything. Feeds cut because Alex starts talking about her ex boyfriend who she is comparing to Raven. Feeds come back but Alex continues to talk about her Ex boyfriend and feeds cut again. Feeds come back and Paul says he was really confused by the actions of Raven.

2:00 AM BBT Feeds are still down .Feeds come back with Christmas talking about people who cut up their pictures so they look totally different than what they are. Alex says she will play with the colors of her pictures. Christmas is telling Josh to hurry up in DR. Alex says she wished they gave her hooker boots to go with her costume. Paul is saying that Jessica is going to book a party for them at some club. Alex says she thinks they should hire a party bus. Paul suggests they hire 2 uber drivers. They are all waiting for Josh to come out so they can see his HOH Room. The conversation is about trips they are going to take after BB. ( 2:11 AM BBT ) Josh comes out of the DR and they all head upstairs. Josh goes right to the pictures saying he looks awful in every picture. Josh gets a letter from his sister. Josh wants to read his letter but Paul and Christmas are still looking at his pictures. He tries to read his letter but Christmas keeps interrupting him.

2:15 AM BBT Josh reads his letter from his sister. Paul is helping himself to treats out of Josh’s basket. Josh is looking at the clothes in his basket. Paul starts singing a song and feeds cut. Kevin is sitting there not talking to anyone. Josh says Raven grabbed his last bag of chips and ate them all. Christmas says she ate all her popcorn. Josh says he is wasted in all the pictures that are there, he doesn’t like any of them. Paul asks questions about Josh’s brother and the feeds cut. Josh says they hooked him up with good music. Josh says he doesn’t like sleeping up here so whoever wants to sleep up here after tonight are welcome to. He says he wants to shower. Paul says isn’t it strange that we get excited over things like cereal. Alex says yes like pack animals.


2:30 AM BBT They are having a general conversation about things in their lives. The conversation goes to Raven and how she would hurt when she rubbed people’s back. Josh is talking about his brother and sister with Alex. Christmas is running her nails over Paul’s back. Kevin is sitting just watching everyone not talking. Alex and Josh are saying now that Raven is gone the stuff they got in their HOH baskets will not be messed up. Paul says we have 12 days left. Paul says to the viewers is it 2 weeks to us it is 12 days, no one else is counting days like us unless they are in prison. There is no conversations going on as all HGS are lost in their own thoughts. Everyone is leaving, on her way out Alex says I have a question for you. Josh tells her they can talk. Paul has been called to DR. Kevin is going to bed. Josh asks if they can let Paul out fast so they can drink a beer. Christmas is trying to figure out the percentage of booze each of them can have drinking the beer. Alex is saying she doesn’t want Kevin to get any of their beer. Alex says this is the first time we can come up here and be ourselves. They are trying to figure out how to work the remote. Kevin is in bed in the Green Room saying his Rosary. They are asking production to allow Paul to come up for 20 minutes to have a beer. Alex wonders if Jason is over being evicted, she also wonders if Raven told him she didn’t know he was the target. Christmas says she thinks Raven is still mad. Josh says at the beginning it was easy to vote people out but now it is hard because you actually like them. They are talking about the HOH Comp which was about BB Comics and past hgs from other seasons. Josh says in 2 weeks we can go to bed and sleep for a week. Alex says she forgot to pay 2 bills so she hopes BB told her ex boyfriend to pay them as she had requested. She says she didn’t know that they could borrow money from BB to take care of things, if she had known she would have asked for 2 weeks. The conversation goes to Josh’s dad who does not speak good english. Josh says he understands it but can’t speak it well. The conversation goes to what they want to do when they get out of the house. Christmas says she had crazy dreams when she comes into the house. Alex says she can’t remember her dreams. Alex says Elena did not try to win comps. Christmas says she tried at first but she also threw a lot of comps. They wonder what Jason is going to say when he walks into the jury house. Josh says Jason is a good man, he says Jason was not used to being around people like us. Alex says she wishes she had more one on one time with him before he left. Alex says if Raven had won the Veto she would of had to put Christmas up because there was no one else. Alex says she can’t feel bad that Raven is gone because she never tried to win Christmas said in her mind she thinks she played a great game. Christmas says she was surprised when Raven found Matt’s veto chip. Christmas says she thinks Matt told her where it was.

3:00 AM BBT The conversation goes to Alex saying she doesn’t know how we competed against football on Thursday night. Alex thinks if there is a Sunday eviction this week that they could Dr us all during the day but they will do it all tonight. Alex says they for sure have to do a Sunday eviction this week . Alex says we didn’t do the ball one the black box veto comps. Christmas says but we did new ones. Josh is asking them to call Kevin next so they can have a beer together. Alex is talking about her sign language class she took. Alex says she was pissed with Raven because she had to get signed off by her dean to take 21 credits and go to school in the summer. She is saying she had to do it so she could walk in the spring. She said her advisor told her that she was setting herself up for failure. She said she got A’s in all the courses. Kevin is in the Green Room by himself. He has turned out the light and crawled into bed. In the HOH Room Alex is still talking about her advisor in college. She says she never cried so much in her life. Alex says one of her friend’s is $80,00 in debt for her education and she isn’t finished yet. Alex says I am tired but want to have a beer without Kevin. Alex is going to get her beer out of the downstairs fridge. Josh has gone with her. Alex is looking at herself in the kitchen mirror saying she looks super curvy in this costume. Kevin walks thru asks her the time. She tells him they are still up waiting for their DRs. Kevin heads back to bed. In the HOH Room Alex is saying they edit the letters so some of them are short. Christmas is saying that she wonders if her Mom is watching her, so they joke around about her mom thinking she is away with her company. Christmas says her dad is an ex biker with old tattoos she hopes they get him for the wrap party. Alex asks if he was with Hells Angels she tells her no.

3:15 AM BBT Alex says it is funny that we are both middle children. Alex says she works hard for stuff but also believes in fate and God. She says if something is going to happen it will. Christmas is saying you have to focus on the positive, not what you can’t have. They are now talking about Raven and Christmas when Jason left. Christmas says Raven grabbed her and started bugging her about having her back. Christmas says she asked her to back off but Raven didn’t so when Raven came back at her Christmas says that is when she lost it she said she told her it wasn’t about her to stop playing the victim. Alex is explaining how she felt when the HOH for the double was played. She said she was having trouble breathing, but she knew she could not let Raven or Kevin win. Christmas says she felt that if Kevin had won he would have put up 2 women and she would have been evicted. Josh says she told me where all her stuff is. Alex thinks she faked being sick today so she could use that for not winning. Josh said he had patience for her as he has been around people who have copied everyone because she wanted to fit in. They all agree that Raven craves attention. Paul has come out of the DR and him and Kevin are talking. Paul is telling Kevin he needs to win the veto. Kevin gets called out for not having his mic on. Paul heads upstairs to the HOH Room. Paul says they just called Kevin to the DR. In the HOH Room Paul tells Josh to chill out or they will come take their beer. They all open a beer cheer each other and say Happy 5. They all chug their beers. Paul is telling them that Kevin is pissed about not sharing her beers. Alex says he can come ask her she will tell him why, she just doesn’t care anymore. Paul says he wants to get a buzz. He says he wants to chug an IPA beer now. They are all in agreement that they have given Kevin so many beers. Paul says this isn’t an IPA but is a pale ale. The feeds go down with Paul telling Josh to stop trying to open the beer he has.

3:30 AM BBT Feeds come back with Paul telling them about last year when he drank a lot of beer and 2 glasses of wine. Alex is saying Josh there is no way the beer hit you yet. He says no I am smiling because I am having a good time. Paul has turned the conversation to a time he was drunk trying to play with his band while drunk. Paul is asking who hasn’t has 2 beer.

3:45 AM BBT Paul says he is trying to keep this party going, the girls are talking about what day their birthdays fall on. Josh says this is my favorite moment in the house Day 80. They cheered Jessica as they felt that her and Cody must be pissed as the 4 people they wanted out are still there. Paul says he can’t believe they hooked up on Day 6 in the house, he was still trying to adjust. The conversation is on general topics. Paul is controlling the conversation about his fan and snapchat. Josh is laughing and talking loudly. Christmas tells him to bring it 2 notches down. Josh is telling Alex to chug her beer. Paul says I am half of you, you weigh what 240 pounds. Christmas and Paul are trying to have a conversation at the same time Alex and Josh are trying so they are yelling over each other. Paul finally brings the conversation back under his control.

4:00 AM BBT Christmas, Josh, Paul and Alex still in the HoH room, sharing beer and stories. Josh says this is the best moment he’s had in the house; they all toast that. Kevin out of DR and into bed. Christmas called to the DR. Josh wants to know why BB is harshing their vibe. Feeds cut to fish.

4:08 AM BBT Feeds back. Christmas gone to DR; Paul, Josh and Alex still talking in the HoH room; Kevin in bed. Paul comments that he hopes Kevin doesn’t come up and join them. Paul says that he should pour some of his beer out for Jason. Josh is still upset about voting him out; Paul says he can make it up to him by going inside his barrel and letting the bull knock him over. They think Christmas has bailed on them; have they forgotten already she got called to the DR? Paul asks Josh if he’s going to sleep up in the HoH room alone. Josh suggests someone can sleep with him. Talk turns to their planned trip to DisneyLand. Paul suggests that people can stay with him after the show, if needed; he has a queen-size bed in the guestroom, and his sister won’t be there so there’s a second one available. Paul says he cried in Christmas’ lap today; he has friends in the rw who have never seen him cry, but the HGs have. Paul says he can’t wait to get stoned with them. Alex says Cheesecake Factory is her fav restaurant and Josh says it’s his too. Josh teaches Alex how to say “I was making fun of you” in Spanish.

4:20 AM BBT Feeds cut to fish briefly as Paul and Josh start singing. Josh asking BB for more alcohol. Paul says this will be the last time they drink together. Paul starts talking about how horrible they’ve been as a cast this year, and that’s why they didn’t get alcohol this year. Paul says last year they didn’t misbehave at all; this year they’ve been horrible. Alex heads into the washroom, complaining that the costume she’s wearing will make it take so long. Josh and Paul talking about drinking once they’re out. Paul tells Josh he misses his girl; if he texts her and doesn’t hear back he’ll be devastated. Paul suggests they play 2 truths and a lie. Paul goes first. His lie was that he skipped out on prom. Paul changes the game to Never Have I Ever.

4:30 AM BBT Paul: “Never have I ever done blow.” Alex and Josh lose a finger. Alex: “Never have I ever had sex with a woman.” Paul and Josh lose a finger. Josh: “Never have I ever had a threesome.”

Paul: “Never have I ever had a car accident that was my fault.” Alex: “Never have I ever been to ultra.” Josh is down to two fingers. Josh: “Never have I ever smoked three blunts in a row.” Alex and Paul each lose another finger. Paul: “Never have I ever had an STD.” Everyone maintains. Alex: “Never have I ever killed an animal.” (Paul supplies the question for Alex because her brain isn’t functioning.) Josh down to one finger due to fishing. Alex screams out “Never have I ever been to Mexico!” putting Josh out of the game. Alex announces she has to pee again and heads off to the WR. Josh tells Paul about taking a girl to the movies he really liked. He went to kiss her and sprayed soda out of his nose. Josh says he hasn’t been with a lot of girls; he speaks to the same girls all the time. Josh says he’s been in 4 relationships. Paul tells a story about meeting ‘a chick’ at Pepperdine. She was a good girl, quiet, goody-two-shoes but he didn’t give a damn, he was just scoping. Every time he’d ask a question in class, she’s answer or add to it. He figured she wanted friendship, so he gave it to her.

4:40 AM BBT Alex back from the WR. Paul still talking about the girl. He says he backed off because he didn’t want to taint her life. She came over to watch a movie at his apartment one night; she ended up naked he told her to put her clothes back on because his roommates were home. She did and then it got strange. Josh breaks in to talk about his college dorm.


4:45 AM BBT Paul talks about how he lived in London, and Josh says that he wishes he had studied abroad. Josh wants Alex to talk about her dating life. Alex says she uses dating sites; she and her ex broke up on a Friday and she was boning someone else on Saturday. Alex says when she’s in a relationship, she’s in 100% though. Josh says that he’s going to know who ‘the one’ is when he meets her. Paul moaning that he played himself with the girl he met just before going into the house. Alex says it’s time for bed, and she goes out to check the time. Josh tells Alex she can’t leave him, she says that they have a job to do tomorrow. Paul comes out of the WR and says he’s going to bed because he’s trashed. First he opens some of Josh’s snacks to eat because he’s got the munchies. Josh says he misses Whistle. Paul asks what they figure Kevin’s doing, Alex says he’s definitely hating her. Josh is worried about them all drinking at the afterparty. Alex sprawled on the HoH bed, Paul says he’s a baked ham right now. Josh asks them not to make him trip out when they smoke together. Josh and Alex called out for obstructing their mics. Paul tells Alex it’s time to go. He wants them to act sober around Kevin.

5:00 AM BBT Alex, Paul and Josh leave the HoH room. Alex announces she needs to pee…again. They reach the kitchen and Paul whispers it’s 5. Alex heads to the WR. Paul heads to the SR and uses mouthwash. Christmas out of DR. Alex tells Christmas the party is over, she’s upset they didn’t save her more beer. Paul is already in bed in the rose room. Alex wants to go to sleep, Christmas wants to rage. Christmas uses mouthwash and spits it all over the bathroom sink to anger Kevin. They make their way to the bedrooms where Alex grabs her blankets and moves to the rose room. Christmas is bugging Paul, and he says not to. Paul tells them Josh went to the DR.

5:10 AM BBT Alex and Paul in bed, Christmas still raging that they partied an hour longer than she did. Christmas getting ready for bed. Josh comes into the RR and admires Alex’s picture of William. Alex announces she has to pee again but will wait. Josh hugs everyone and says he loves them. He turns off the light on his way out, and makes his way to the HoH room.

5:15 AM BBT Josh turns out the light in the HoH room and then makes his way to the WR area to drop off the stuff he brought from downstairs. He has a couple of mouthfuls of snacks and camtalks that he’s top 4 and wishes his family a good night. He strips off his shorts and goes to the WR. All cams on sleeping HG downstairs. Alex heads to the WR, and directly back to bed. Small-talk between Alex and Christmas about Alex being in the RR.

5:30 AM BBT All HGs Sleeping

5:45 AM BBT Josh in the kitchen for a snack; taking a page out of Matt’s book he makes himself a bowl of cereal. He heads to the WR before eating it. He comes out of the stall and notices baby powder on his back. He asks America not to judge him for putting baby powder in his butt. He washes his hands, combs his hair and heads to the kitchen to eat his cereal. After looking at the photo wall, he finishes his cereal and heads to bed. He puts headphones on. He grabs his letter from home and is laughing while he reads it.

6:00 AM BBT – He talks out loud telling people that he misses them. He is talking to his family telling them he hopes he is making them proud. He says if he wins or loses, he tried his best. He says he could read his letter a million times. He says his letter smells like home. He just continues to read his letter with a big smile on his face giggling from time to time. All other HG are in bed asleep. At 6:08 AM BBT – Josh puts his letter back in the envelope, gives it a kiss and rolls over to go to bed saying “Thank You God”.

6:15 AM BBT – 9:00 AM BBT All HG are asleep.

9:13 AM BBT Paul gets up and goes to kitchen, moves around getting a drink. Goes to bathroom. Christmas wakes up and moves around, so does Paul.

9:30 AM BBT Feeds go to FISH

9:47 AM BBT Cams return to the house alight but showing sleeping HGS with their eyes covered. Everything is quiet. Christmas walks through Kevin’s room and he waves, she goes into the Rose room to bed with Paul. BB says HGs must be awake from 10 am to 10 pm. BB is trying to get them up. Paul says WHY.

10:00 AM BBT The houseguests are quiet this morning. All still in bed.Josh is up comes downstairs and goes into the SR to change his battery. He leaves the SR goes past the GR and opens the door to the Rose room peeks in and closes the door says good morning to Kevin and heads back upstairs. BB says it’s time to get up. Josh says you’re trippin’ , Kevin says for what. Josh goes to the bathroom and then back to bed. BB tells Josh the lights must be on during the day. Alex’s eyes are open. Off camera BB tells Josh about the lights he gets up says you’re trippin’ today. Turns them on and BB thanks him. Paul gives a thumbs up to the cameras and then BB makes another wake up call.

10:15 AM BBT Everyone is still in bed. BB is still trying many attempts to wake them up.

10:30 AM BBT HG’s still in bed. Christmas looks over at Paul who has his thumb up in the air. BB says thank you for your cooperation. Paul asks where is Josh. Christmas says she is surprised he was not down there. BB tries again to wake them up and Alex says why? Christmas wonders for what reason do they need to get up. Alex gets up out of bed leaves the Rose room heads into the bathroom. Camera to HOH Josh is still sleeping. Alex washes her hands. Paul and Christmas are awake wondering who else is awake.

10:45 AM BBT Alex heads into the Kitchen. Grabs something to drink and stops to look at the memory wall pictures. Paul gets out of bed. Puts on Trejo. And his shoes, his microphone. Grabs a comb and combs his hair in the mirror. Heads out of the room. Goes into the Kitchen asks Alex if she was going to throw up. They both said no, just don’t feel good. Paul thinks he will be put up on the block and get voted out. They are talking about Kevin. Alex says BB played Wanted Dead or Alive for Jason. Paul is spraying the ants. Alex is making tea. Kevin is awake and goes into the Kitchen looks in the fridge. And stands by the counter just starring. Walks over looks at the memory wall then sits on the stool in the kitchen. Christmas leaves the Rose room and heads into to Kitchen. Paul is trying to pour water into the coffee pot and the top falls off. They laugh about it. Kevin is talking about the music they played and Paul says there’s ants on the coffee maker. Says they won’t make it through the 2 week stint. Kevin asks what time they came down to bed. Paul is saying it was because of them being DR’D. Alex is in the GR finds Cowboy’s hat. She is talking to herself. Kevin says he’s going to go put pants on because he is cold.

11:00 AM BBT Kevin asks Paul if he was cold, he says he’ll be cold when he dies. Paul is telling Christmas that he wanted to throw up last night but says it came out both ends. Saying how Alex needed to go to the bathroom last night she went upstairs and Josh had locked the door. Alex is in the GR praying. Christmas is saying her foot hurts. Her and Paul are talking about the ants. Paul is going upstairs to see what Josh is doing. Paul tells Josh he almost yacked last night. Paul asks Josh if he has over been to the Vatican he says no. Paul starts to leave Josh asks if he was leaving Paul wants to listen to JB. Paul is asking Josh about when he was crying. BB asks Josh to put on his mic. Kevin is shaving. Christmas comes out of the bathroom. Paul is wondering if Josh is nervous. Josh says he has a hangover. Paul tells him to drink lots of water. Josh says he feels dehydrated. Josh is saying something about his DR session BB says stop talking about it. Josh is wanting to talk to Alex before noms. Paul tells him he is technically allowed to do that that is why they have noms first then talk about it afterwards. Josh says he doesn’t want to talk to Kevin. Paul wonders why Jason didn’t get cheers when he left. Josh says maybe it’s because of the way he was shocked. They are talking about how he left. Paul says he swore on Live TV during the comp when he dropped the ball. Alex is taking her makeup off. Christmas says she wants to rest her foot. Paul goes downstairs to find out where everyone was at. Alex goes into the Rose room with her letter and is talking to Christmas about it. Paul asks Kevin if there was something on the TV about noms then goes into the bathroom.


11:15 AM BBT Kevin tells Paul nothing yet on the TV. Then sits back down to eat. Paul sneezes. Heads back to the rooms. Goes into the Rose room. Camera goes back to Kevin eating. In the Rose room Alex is going over her letter. They are talking about how much of a light weight they all are. They are asking if Josh was still in bed. And if he was ok. Alex is talking about how she had to go to the bathroom and Paul was in the downstairs and how she was trying to get Josh to wake up. They are talking about the comp.Kevin goes back into the GR. Kevin lays in his bed alone. Alex and Christmas are talking about the stairs in the comp that made her out of breath. Christmas says it was all she could do to not fall down and break her neck. They are talking about how tough it was to get the balls in. They are saying it was about time how Raven was really trying to win that comp.

11:30 AM BBT Alex is talking about game move others made. Jessica, Elena. ETC. Alex is telling them about the things Cody said to her. Trying to keep him and Jess. Alex is wondering about her water for her tea. She heads to the kitchen. Paul and Christmas are talking about beer. Alex comes back to the room and says that she swears the time was off. They are talking about Kevin. They are talking about their DR’s from last night. Alex is talking about her family. How they had money, plains, then cameras goes to Kevin still in the GR alone in his bed. Alex is talking about her mom and dad and how they fell in love with each other. BB calls Josh to go to the DR.

11:45 AM BBT Alex is telling home stories.Xmas tells family cancer stories. Alex is talking about her grandma. And going to hospice in Hawaii. She is saying that the cancer didn’t kill her grandma it was not eating anything. Christmas is saying that she ordered her food so that it was brought to them so she didn’t have to cook. Alex says that it’s like Sex in the City Christmas says it sounds like what her mom did. Alex’s grandma wouldn’t take drugs along with the chemo. Xmas and Alex talk about Raven’s claims. Alex has been praying for Raven for 8 days. Alex tells America if Raven was lying she will be really mad. SHe has been praying really hard for raven and her family. Xmas said Raven would set up a story line and repeat it the next day as fact. They argue of secret clearance and Ranking because Raven brought it up.

12:00 PM BBT Xmas has filled clearance forms. They are like books. Kevin still sits alone in the Green room. Alex talks about making a family tree and because of it her Dad had trouble getting clearance. They speak about Jason not understanding things. That Jason isn’t very far in his business plan.Alex says she learned nothing in college to help her in the world. They think our education system needs to work on Real world needs.How to look someone in the eye. Alex went to world school it really helped. Learning what was offensive to other cultures. Be open minded.Alex had wanted to be a dentist. Xmas Talks her education and her business. Xmas has no college degree.

12:15 PM BBT For so many years athletics took up most of Xmas’s time. Now she wants to mentor and she now has injuries that keep her out of competition. Kevin still lays silent in his bed.Alex has nothing tying her down right now. Kevin gets up! He wanders to WR. Xmas compliments Alex on her future plans.FISH.Alex says she can always rely on her family if needed. Xmas gives Jess props for having her rent paid thru November. Kevin throws a ball all the way back to bed. Xmas says Elena would go into overdraft to pay rent. Elena had no future plans ready. They discuss some of Elena’s lies.They discuss followers. Xmas had thought BB put together athletes this year. She thought Alex was in the same field she was. Alex says 123 followers is all the people she knows. Xmas has a company keeping ghost accounts out of her feeds. Paul is sleeping next to Xmas, Well he is listening with his blindfold on. They continue to talk about followers and social media. Xmas leaves room to make food. Paul asks the time because they should do noms soon. Josh hasn’t been on FEEDS he may still be in DR. Alex heads to KT.

12:30 PM BBT Alex makes soup. Alex and Xmas poke fun at a comment Raven had made about needing canned water to go in her canned soup. Xmas heads back to bed with Paul. Alex dances in KT. Kevin had a yogurt earlier.Xmas gets back out of bed. Alex finds some OJ. Xmas gets on a sweater. ALex mumbles it sure is getting lonely around here. Xmas goes to the SR.Alex eats her soup. Or just plays with it.She mumbles to herself. Xmas has gathered up something and heads to KT to cook it. Kevin lays on bed. Alex and Xmas chat in KT. They talk about ziplining.Alex bangs a coffee can and cleans it out. Xmas talks vines, Australia and Aborigines burying their dead in dead trees. Alex and Xmas head to SR and find they have no sugar Alex found sugar..Alex made a fruit fly trap.The HGs mix sugar in their coffee grounds now. They discuss the Math part of the last comp.

12:45 PM BBT Alex talks about past HGs and the fact the only ones who really hold grudges are in the jury house.Alex brings up Matt making a comment about a concert pianist in the house. . Xmas says who the hell do we really have in this house.They discuss child prodigies Kevin continues to lay in bed. Josh is out of the DR. Alex tells him how she tried to wake him up this morning. That Josh answered the door naked. Josh asks where Paul is.PAUL PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Kevin and Josh chat. Kevin says he is chilling. The other HGs are younger go do what you do. He tells Kevin he can shower upstairs. FISH. FEEDS return. Alex and Xmas make comments in the KT.Alex and Xmas discuss what’s up after the show. Xmas going to check on home first and have a BBQ. The feeds and the memory wall go black. The feeds return and Alex and Xmas yell at the memory wall to come back. It does they were scared of a new twist. They discuss Jess trying to get Alex out.Mark wanting to vote for everyone in house Xmas says not me.They discuss beds Mark and Elena. How Elena played Mark.

1:00 PM BBT Josh in HOH screaming into cam he is in final four. JOSH PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MIC.Alex and Xmas keep talking about Elena and her lies. Josh prays giving thanks.Josh talks about putting up Alex. He would love to get out Kevin but he can beat Kevin. How making a big move may affect Xmas game. That he would need to get VETO. But what if he messes up and hurts Xmas’s game. With Paul he can go to final three and see what happens. He isn’t sure what will happen with him and Xmas against Alex and Paul. That if he takes a wild shot Xmas will be against him. He tells America he loves Paul.

Paul has played the best game since Derrick. If he goes up against Paul the jury hates him now. So going up against Paul now or later he isn’t sure. If he goes up against Paul the jury hates him now. So going up against Paul now or later he isn’t sure Josh feels people came into house looking for showmances. Alex isn’t sure who had sex in the house.Xmas says that after Zingbot Matt and Raven may have done it. They think raven is spreading tales in jury house.They look at memory wall and go over jury members.That everyone in jury house hates everyone in house. Josh wants to complain about Raven. He asks when is this nom thing.

1:15 PM BBT They keep telling Josh he is burning his eggs. Josh wants to talk to the three of them later. Alex plans only to eat all day. She asks who do you think is maddest in the jury. They think once Raven gets there Matt will freak. Kevin joins them in KT. Josh gripes about Ravens spicy tacos. They discuss days. Xmas is in WR. Alex and Josh whisper in KT. They talk about Dominique not being genuine. Josh wants to be in bed. So he invites the girls to come upstairs. Josh tells Xmas she had a good buzz on last night. Josh goes to shower. Alex wants a lasso of truth in the house. Alex eats Xmas cleans up in WR. Paul in DR.Josh showers and Kevin is in bed.

1:30 PM BBT Alex goes to Apple room to count the days.She says she doesn’t have Jason to do them with her anymore.Xmas does her make-up. Paul is out of DR. Alex tells him Josh wants to talk to them. Paul asks if Josh fed the fish. Xmas has joined the HOH room. Alex says Kevin won’t look at him Paul is hungry. He asks Josh when he’ll be done. Xmas says Josh ate. Kevin is in WR.

1:45 PM BBT They wait for Josh to finish showering. Alex says she wishes there was a button to push. Paul says if a button appears nobody touch it. Paul is rooting through Josh’s food. FISH.We are quickly back. Josh gets into bed. Xmas makes a joke about not leaving the room you will get locked out. Josh says Kevin told him he doesn’t like Alex.Alex asks what are we doing today guys. Josh says we are having steak and potatoes. They complain about BB waking them today at 9:30. Josh asks if anyone else has the beer poops today. Xmas refuses to talk about pooping with the guys. FISH flash. They talk about their dreams. Xmas asks about Ravens bruise from the hot tub intake valve. Josh has a rash.Alex scares him about it being ringworm. Paul, Alex and Xmas are talking about Raven. Xmas said that production needs to check her for ringworm before she goes to the jury house. Josh went downstairs to get his rash checked out.

2:00 PM BBT Kevin is sitting on his bed. Josh came back into the hoh room and said it is not ringworm. Paul, Alex, and Josh are all in the hoh room. Josh and Xmas are laying in the bed. Paul is on the couch and Alex is sitting in the chair. Paul is telling Josh Beeber is gumpy. Josh asks Paul if he wants to play chess. Paul said in a little bit, I feel like shit. Josh said me too. Paul asked Xmas to tweeze the black hairs off his back today and she said yes. Paul asked Alex if she had tweezers. Alex said yes. They are talking about how one of the girls must have taken a pair. Alex is saying she brought 6 of them. Alex is talking about how they went threw her bags and the feeds go down. 2:02. Feeds come right back on, and Josh is laughing. Xmas said the fish are so mean. Kevin is still laying on his bed with sunglasses on. Josh keeps singing. Paul tells him to stop. Paul said he needs a fucking banana. Xmas said she will go downstairs grab a banana water and tweezers and asks if they need anything else. Josh is laughing at Xmas saying she is ticklish. Xmas said you do not tickle girls that hit. She doesn’t like it. Josh said Xmas needs to go to timeout. Josh said he needs nose strips. Alex is listening to music. Josh tells Xmas he is sorry. Xmas said where did I hit you. Josh said you wacked the fuck out of me. Xmas says they should just pull that one fish out. Make it a fish eviction today. Xmas tells Josh she is sorry again. He said it’s ok. Paul says he feels like shit today. Xmas is getting ready to go downstairs. She is asking Alex where the tweezers are. Paul asks Xmas if she needs help and she says she is good. Josh asked Paul to get the sun chips and Paul says you don’t need them. Josh says ok, hand me the goldfish. Xmas is in the bedroom where Kevin is. She is looking for tweezers. Kevin is asking her if it is going to be an ordinary week. Xmas says she is not sure, they could do another double next Thursday. She is telling him she didn’t see this one coming and Kevin says me either. Xmas is still looking for the tweezers, she can’t find them. Paul is laying on the couch eating goldfish. Josh is saying how his sister picked all those pictures because she looks good in all of them and he doesn’t. Xmas went into the other bedroom to look for the tweezers. Paul just asked if Alex and Josh wanted goldfish. They said no. Production told Alex to clip her microphone to her shirt. She said you guys are such wieners.

2:15 PM BBT Kevin is still in his bed. Paul, Alex and Josh are still in the hoh room. Alex said this is going to be a long 2 weeks. Josh said this is going to be the longest 12 days of our life. Alex is asking Josh if that is his bible. He said it is , but it smells like storage. Josh is reading the bible. Paul asked if Xmas died. Alex said she is right there. Josh is reading out loud. Kevin is laying on his bed playing with a ball. Production told Paul to stop ..and Josh says singing. Xmas is back in the hoh room and says she can’t find the tweezers. They are restocking the bananas. Production told Paul to turn the music down. He is like wtf? Paul asked Xmas if she got the tweezers. Alex says did you just miss that whole conversation. Alex said she will do down and get them. Paul asked Alex to grab the advil when she does downstairs. Paul says he is not in pain he just feels like ass. Production told Josh to put on his microphone. Josh is getting in the fridge, and is asking if anyone wants a cheese stick. He is complaining he didn’t get ice cream. Production told Alex not to move the furniture. So she moved the chair back. Production told her thank you very much. Xmas and Josh are eating cheese sticks. Paul and Alex are on the couch. Production told Josh to not obstruct his microphone. Paul yells holy fuck. Xmas said Kevin is going to let them know when they get restocked. Alex says he thinks he is useful. He takes out the trash. Alex says she wonders if he is really married, because if he were her husband he would drive her insane. Josh and Xmas are talking about how good the cheese is, and Xmas says she loves eating them at home. Josh says you know what would be nice right now. Xmas said a few things. Josh said I was thinking a doorbell. It would give us something to do. Josh said the comforter smells like Jason, He doesn’t think they wash them. Kevin is still by himself in his bed. Xmas said she is excited for Alex’s bikinis. Xmas crawled into the bed with Josh. Josh put the pillow over his head, and production says no napping house guests. Xmas said we are just chilling out, it’s all good we are sharing thoughts in our head. Production said it will ask nicely again to not nap. Pretty please. Kevin is now sitting on his bed. Xmas says they have not Dr’d Kevin. Xmas says that is not fair. Than she says sometimes they do it to us. No biggie.

2:30 PM BBT Kevin is still on his bed. Josh and Xmas are in the bed in the hoh room. Alex and Paul are on the couch in the hoh room. Everyone is pretty quiet. You can tell they are all tired but production keeps reminding them of the hours to be awake. Josh says they had a long night of drinking. Kevin is in his bed thinking. Everyone in the hoh room is quiet. Production says no napping house guests. Paul wiggle his toes but no one moves. Paul takes off the music, says he is going to go get Advil. Xmas says she is sorry she didn’t get him that. Alex says production is gumpy, they are not even sleeping. Production reminds them of being awake hours. Alex said we are just not talking. Xmas asks for more games and they will perform for them if they give them little treats. She said we are like pets. Paul is downstairs talking to Kevin. Kevin told Paul he can tell Paul drank last night. Paul is telling Kevin that Alex said she wasn’t going to give Kevin a beer. Kevin says why. That is mean. Kevin is talking about how he put some things on Jason’s bed and Alex moved it and put it back on his bed. Kevin is telling Paul he doesn’t mind being by himself. Kevin said this is what I am supposed to do right? Kevin asked Paul to look and see if they stocked it yet. Kevin said I need to eat. Kevin asked Paul if Xmas would go for it. Paul says what, he says going up. He has done it twice. Kevin says you do realize I could have won that last night. Paul says it makes no sense. Kevin says it is good I didn’t ask her for a beer so she could tell me no. Kevin said it is mean. You can see it on camera. Kevin says if you guys have dinner please make me something. Kevin asked who showered up in the hoh room. Kevin asked who was napping and Paul said all of them, I was just listening to music. Kevin tells Paul bye see ya later. Paul is talking about how he needs a banana. Kevin asked is it open? Kevin is still on his bed. Josh, Xmas and Alex are all quiet in the hoh room. Kevin is on his bed thinking. Playing with his sun glasses. Still quiet in the hoh room.

2:45 PM BBT Josh, Xmas and Alex are in the hoh room. The room is quiet, as they appear to be napping. Paul is downstairs with his floatie on. He is counting apples downstairs in the rooms. He is also looking at what different kinds of apples there is. He is counting mirrors in the bathroom and different kinds they have. Paul goes into the green apple room and closes the door. He says it is time to fucking study. He sits on the couch. He is talking to the camera about how all his plans worked. He is walking us through it. He is talking about how he had everyone throw the hoh comp. He told Xmas who to nominate and she did. He won the veto, he blindsided Jason and Alex. He pulled Alex off and Kevin up. He told Josh and Raven who to vote for so that Xmas had to be the tie breaker vote. He is talking they had a fake fight with Josh. Paul thinks that Raven thinks he was the one vote to save her. Paul is talking about how he didn’t want to win that veto because it would have fucked him. Paul is talking how he convinced Kevin to throw it and he did. Paul said it would have looked better if Kevin won the hoh , but he didn’t know who he would put up. He says he needs to beat Kevin next week. Paul said he is in the final four. He knows Josh wouldn’t put him up. Paul is talking about how he may make the whole season without touching the block once. He feels that will help him win. Paul is not sure if he want’s to win this veto or not, because he is fucked if he doesn’t pull Alex off if he wins. He says put Xmas up, vote Kevin out and then it is going to be weird. Paul said I will figure it out. He is going through different scenarios in his head. Paul says…Yeh dude. It is getting down to the wire and shakes his head. He says Fuck. Now Paul is studying out loud about the apples and mirrors and the tree in the houses. He is talking about the temptations that are on the tree. Everyone in the hoh room appear to be napping. Alex is on the couch, and Josh and Xmas are in the hoh bed. Paul is studying out loud about mirrors etc and colors they are. Now he is going over days


3:00 PM BBT Paul is in the green apple room studying out loud by himself. Josh, Xmas, and Alex are in the hoh room and appear to be napping. Paul is going over days, he is using his fingers to count them. He is trying to decide if it was day 3 or day 5 for noms. He is studying days. Alex, Xmas and Josh still appear to be napping in the hoh room. Paul continues to study in the green apple room. Paul is now going over temptations. He is going over the dates when they had people come in like Derick, Bobby, and Zingbot.

3:15 PM BBT Paul is still in the green apple room studying out loud. Josh, Alex and Xmas appear to be napping in the hoh room. House seems to be very quiet. Paul continues to study days. He is going over days and who won hoh’s. He is trying to decide if it was day 2 or 3 Cody won hoh. He is now studying vetos. Alex, Josh and Xmas are still napping in the hoh room. Paul leaves the green apple room and is studying things in the house. He asks Kevin if the storage is open. Paul is in the storage room and gets a banana. And puts the lettuce in the fridge. Paul is headed upstairs to the hoh room. Kevin is still laying on his bed. Paul gave Xmas a banana. Alex asked what Kevin is doing. Paul said laying in his fucking bed.

3:30 PM BBT Paul says you guys are boring. Alex said yes. Xmas said she was so cozy. Xmas asked for the peanut butter and Paul handed it to her. Production told Paul to stop it. Pauls said I have played with this thing all season and you are being gumpy. He said they are all horny and they can’t touch anything. Xmas said she feels like a little Deva right now, laying in bed eating with her fingers. Paul is talking about getting a get away place with Xmas and Alex. Xmas said as long as it is in a cool area where we can walk to like a coffee shop. Paul said ideally you don’t want to have a car. Xmas is talking about Uber. Xmas is talking about Richmond and how sketchy is it. She is talking about how her roommate was held up at gunpoint. She asked Paul if he had ever been to Richmond and he said no. Xmas is talking about Fargo, North Dakota. She is talking about the movie. And how it snows there. She is talking about Shark Tank and Mr. Wonderful. She is talking about how she was on shark tank and she went to Fargo with them and went ice fishing. She is explaining ice fishing to Paul. She said she has never saw anything like this in her life. She is talking about the house that was on the lake. It is a single wide trailer. She is talking about when you walk on the ice you can hear it cracking. This trailer was made for ice fishing. She said they fished and drank moonshine. She is talking about a kid that was there, and she asked if she could take a picture with him. She is telling Paul that Mr, Wonderful showed up the next day. Kevin is in the bathroom area.

3:45 PM BBT Xmas said the people in Fargo love you. They went crazy. Biggest turn out for a meet and greet she has ever had. She said she donated all the money to charity. Xmas does a shout out to Fargo. Paul says he has never gone fishing, let alone ice fishing. Xmas said fishing is fun. Paul said he could catch and release is cool, but he can not hurt animals. He can not kill an animal , it is not in him. Xmas is talking about how she went fishing since she was little. She said her grandma and grandpa fished. Paul says what a boring day. It doesn’t even say nominations yet. Paul says maybe we are going to do the veto today too. Xmas thinks noms will be today. Paul and Xmas are trying to decide if the show ends on day 92. Paul doesn’t think they will do a final four this year. Paul feels this is a special Sunday eviction. Paul says that in the final three there is 5 to 6 days. Paul is telling Christmas about Kevin asking if he got a beer last night. Paul says that he told him Alex gave him one. He says Kevin was upset, & he told Kevin that they were Alex’s beers so he can’t say who she gives them to. Christmas talks about travel & Paul tells her Quebec is nice. Christmas says that she hopes some friends of hers have not gotten married yet. She wants to go to the wedding. Christmas states that it has been a bizarre summer. They both admit it was fun though. NO NAPPING HOUSEGUESTS. They tell Josh to wake up. They speculate how much time they have left in the house. HOUSEGUESTS MUST BE AWAKE BETWEEN THE HOURS OF 10 A.M. & 10 P.M. Josh says he is awake. Paul teases Production about letting Josh sleep. That he worked hard. They talk about if the SR is open. They talk about not getting fish.

4:00 PM BBT The talk in the HOH is about what fish they have received. How some was bad, so they told Production no more fish, & now they cannot get good fish. They notice Kevin is sitting in the Green BR & say that he is dreaming about winning that money. Alex is there stretching & eating snacks. Christmas talks about crossfit & who may have won. She also offers to assist Alex with her costume. Christmas asks Paul how long he was downstairs. Christmas asks Paul can he imagine how people sit at home all day & do nothing except watch TV. He asks if people do that & if so how they live. She says she does not know. The talk goes to pressing a button. Alex & Christmas say that they are going downstairs to see what they have to eat now. Paul says that he does not know why Kevin feels like he is obligated to get a beer. Alex says that they should tell Kevin that there is going to be a party. Alex exits the room. NO NAPPING HOUSEGUESTS. Paul asks Josh to wake up so that they can talk. Josh asks where Alex is. Paul says she is gone, that is why he wants to talk to him. Josh says that he wants to talk to Alex before noms. He says that he won’t tell her that she is the target, but he feels that he needs to tell her that she is going to be nominated because of them blindsiding Jason. Paul says he should wait until afterwards, but that it is Josh’s decision, then he says that Josh needs to get his head in the game before he ends up going out. They talk about how Kevin will gun for the Veto. JOSH PLEASE DO NOT OBSTRUCT YOUR MICROPHONE. Christmas sees Kevin on the monitor & says he will come upstairs now that Alex is downstairs. Josh wants Paul to make Kevin think that Kevin & Paul are going to final 2. Paul says he has already done that. That he hates Alex & that he wants her gone. Christmas says that they need not to be so confident right now or they will get knocked down. They say it is their best case scenario if Kevin wins veto. Paul says that Kevin will vote for Alex to go. They talk about how Raven wanted to clip Josh at final 5. Paul says that Josh should not feel bad for not using that Veto.

4:15 PM BBT Josh, Christmas, & Christmas in the HOH talk about the Veto. How hard it was & that they are glad he did not use. They talk about the fact that the downstairs is silent. They talk about how they do not want Alex in the final 4 because then they may not have it be all them in the final 3. They talk about how Kevin is gunning for everything. Josh talks about distracting Kevin during next HOH. They talk about all the comps that they have not done & what possible ones that they can be performing since they are down in numbers. Josh talks about liking Alex. Paul says that he liked Jason too as well as others that have left. Paul says that Alex’s attitude has changed. Christmas tells what Alex says about how she is in real life & she has proven that by the way she treats Kevin. Paul talks scenarios. Christmas asks where Alex went as Alex is climbing the stairs. When Alex enters the room, she says that the sign is up that says nominations are today. Christmas asks if they have tuna. Alex says no. They talk about making shrimp & steak. They talk about getting a deck of cards or dominoes. Paul says that last year at this time, they gave them that during Victor’s HOH. They talk about the games they could play.

4:30 PM BBT Paul is telling of a game Nicole taught them. Josh says he is going to see if they have steaks. Kevin is still by himself in the Green BR. Christmas asks Josh to bring her back some water. The talk turns to sparkling water. JOSH PLEASE GO TO THE DIARY ROOM. 4:33 PM BBT – 5:40 PM BBT Feeds down for nomination ceremony.

5:40 PM BBT Feeds come back up, Alex & Josh are in the Apple Room. Alex is crying. Paul enters to see about steak, Josh asks that they be left alone. Alex says save her a steak. That she is hungry. She tells Josh that he was the last person that she trusted. Christmas comes in. Alex says that she is not ready to talk, but that she will play for the veto & that she will play the rest of the game. Alex says that she knows it is a game, but that Josh is her friend. He says that she will always been his friend. He cautions Alex not to talk game to the rest of them, to please come to him. He asks if she trusts him. She replies that she did. He tells her that he needs to talk to her & he will give her a moment. He gets up & hugs her. Asks if she wants him to bring him a soda. She says no thank you. He exits the room.

5:45 PM BBT Alex gets up dries her tears. ALEX PLEASE GO TO THE DIARY ROOM. Paul is in the SR getting food. Back in the Apple Room Christmas is hugging Josh & telling him that it will all be ok. Paul comes in & Josh says that he feels like he is an awful person. Paul asks why. Josh says that he feels bad for nominating Alex. Paul reminds him that it is a game & that Alex is taking advantage of him because of his big heart. Paul tells Josh that they are still friends. He reminds Josh that Alex never talked to him about anything other than the top 5. She wanted to clip him. Paul reminds Josh that Dr. Will will host the round table & he makes it about gameplay. Paul reminds Josh that his friends voted against him & those he thought would be petty, voted for him. Paul tells him to get to the end. He reminds Josh that Alex is thinking about the game until the end. Paul tells him not to worry about Jury votes. Paul says that this is just a game. Paul tells him that outside of the game no one will mention the game. Christmas says that the people that will be there for him after the game will understand & those that don’t are not his friends. Paul says that him & Christmas do not question Josh, they just worry for him. They advise that Josh not talk to Alex again. Christmas says that Alex is making it personal. Paul says to bottle the energy & use it against Kevin next week. Paul tells Josh that when Victor left, he cried for a whole week & that Victor told him he was not mad when they saw each other again. Paul tells Josh that the only people judging him are the people he beats. He tells Josh to get out of his head. They have a veto to play. Christmas says that they need to get their heads in the game if they want to make it to the final three. Christmas says that Alex is messing with Josh’s head & that he needs to not let her. Christmas tells Josh to suck it up & for them to go eat. They all leave the Apple Room & head to the kitchen. Kevin is again all alone in the Green BR. KEVIN PLEASE GO TO THE DIARY ROOM. Alex heads back to the Apple Room. Paul tells Josh he has it & heads to the Apple Room. Paul tells Alex that if Kevin comes down it is the two of them together on the block.

6:00 PM BBT Christmas tells Josh that it’s hard, but Alex is not playing the same game he is and he has to understand the psychological warfare that Alex is playing. Christmas says Paul is probably just talking to Alex so that it doesn’t seem weird, but he’s not strategizing with her. She tells Josh she doesn’t want to win veto because she doesn’t want to have to make the decision of what to do with it. Alex tells Paul that they are both in grave danger right now and need to be careful what they do next. She says the only thing she still has up her sleeve is making Josh feel bad and cry, she doesn’t have anything else. Paul says they played themselves big time. Christmas tells Josh that he’s done a great job playing the game and the jury will recognize that when they are making their vote at the end. Josh starts crying again and Christmas comforts him. Paul comes out of the apple room and goes to Josh in the kitchen. He says Alex just told him, “Did I ever tell you I can cry on demand?” Paul says that Alex knows Josh is starting to focus and play the game hard, so her last ditch effort is to mess with his emotions and upset him. Josh goes to the bathroom and Paul whispers to Christmas that he’s shocked at how Alex just spoke to him in the apple room while she was talking bad about Christmas and Josh. Paul says Alex told him they messed up by trusting Christmas to just be a shield for them because now she’s actually trying to win the game. Christmas and Paul make some steak in the kitchen.

6:15 PM BBT Paul tells Josh not to get played by Alex’s games. Josh says he can’t help that he has a sensitive heart, it happens to him all the time in his regular life too. Paul tells him he is learning the lesson now to be careful and guard himself. Paul goes into the green room and tells Kevin that he didn’t know Josh was going to say that. Kevin says it’s ok, they just have to make sure someone besides Alex wins the veto and they will be fine. Kevin comes into the kitchen and joins Christmas, Paul, and Josh while they are cooking. Christmas tells them about an around the world airplane ticket that a friend of hers used. She wants to use some of her earnings from the show to do it. Paul says he’s in. Josh is doing the dishes and Kevin is helping him dry them.
6:30 PM BBT Paul asks Josh what’s wrong and why he is acting so drained. Josh says he’s just tired. Paul says don’t let anyone play you, we will have your back and not let anyone take advantage of you. Paul goes into the apple room to check on how Alex is doing with her studying. Alex tells Paul that he has to win the veto to save both of them and make sure Kevin goes home now otherwise Josh and Christmas will team up with Kevin and vote them both out.
6:45 PM BBT Alex says at the nomination ceremony, Kevin and Christmas both seemed to be in on Josh’s plan and they did not act surprised by the nominations. Alex says that if she trusted them she wouldn’t use the veto if she won it and she would be fine staying on the block. However, now Josh seems to have gone rogue and she may go home if she stays on the block. Paul tells Alex that they have the best chance of winning the veto because Josh and Christmas don’t know the dates as well as the two of them. Paul goes back in the kitchen and Christmas says she can’t wait to see Paul’s band. Paul asks if his band sucks if they will tell him or they will pretend that it’s good. Josh says he thinks Paul’s band will be really good. Christmas comes in the apple room to talk to Alex. Josh comes in and asks Alex if she hates him and she says no she doesn’t hate him, she’s just sad. Christmas asks Alex how she is doing and she says game-wise she understands but personal-wise her feelings are hurt because she has done a lot for Josh in this game and she’s sad that he would put her up. She’s annoyed that she is up next to Kevin who hasn’t done anything when she has played the game hard. Josh goes upstairs and Paul follows him up to tell him to get out of his funk. Alex says she knows Kevin is not going to win the veto, she just wants to make sure that she doesn’t go before Kevin. Paul tells Josh that most likely they will win the rest of the competitions in the house since Kevin and Christmas won’t be able to beat them. Josh asks Paul if Christmas would be upset if they cut her at the end. Paul says he doesn’t think she will because she is already successful outside of the house and she told him before that she’s doesn’t want to be carried to the end, she only wants to earn it on her own. Paul tells Josh to give himself credit where credit is due. Josh says no matter what happens, he is happy with himself. Paul starts to talk about some of the financial problems that his family is having back home but cuts himself off and says that doesn’t matter because everyone has family stuff back home and it’s not related to the game. He believes the person that wins at the end should win because of their game play, not a sob story.
7:00 PM BBT Alex tells Christmas that even if she gets past this next veto, she still thinks she will be a target for the rest of the game, and doesn’t think she will be making it to the final. Alex tells Christmas about the things that Kevin would say to Jason to make him dislike Christmas and why Alex and Jason started to dislike Kevin. Kevin kept saying that Christmas likes Jason and was trying to hit on him. It made Jason uncomfortable since he is married. Christmas says she is not attracted to Jason whatsoever. Paul tells Josh that they have to be careful next week because if Kevin wins the final veto, then he is the vote that decides who is going home. Paul tells Josh he has to stop playing with his heart. Alex is just messing with his head because she’s playing a game. Christmas tells Alex that she sees everything that Kevin is doing even though he thinks he’s being subtle.
7:15 PM BBT Josh tells Paul he could never go through this again, he doesn’t know how Paul is doing it for a second time. Alex and Christmas talk about Megan leaving. Christmas says it wasn’t even that big of a blowup compared to the other fights that happened later in the season. Josh and Paul both talk about the fact that they could never work a 9 to 5 job in an office. Paul tells Josh that his family was very confused by his lifestyle at first. Pauls says he has a very conservative family. Paul and Josh talk about the family values that they have in their cultures and why they both still live at home with their parents.
7:30 PM BBT Alex tells Christmas that if she goes this week and Josh is in the final two, she will give him a fair assessment, but she won’t be friends with him after the show. Christmas tells Alex that she respects that Alex always looks at things rationally and analyzes each situation rather than acting on emotion. Christmas and Alex go outside to check the food and realize it’s done. Josh tells the camera that he is considering taking Alex or Kevin to the end of the game in order to win. He asked Christmas earlier if she was going to take him to the final two and she said she wasn’t sure. He thinks that Christmas would take Paul to the end because she thinks she has a better chance of beating Paul. Paul told him he will take Josh to the end, but he knows that Paul would beat him. Josh now feels really alone in the game. In the kitchen, Christmas whispers to Paul that Alex told her she threw the competition last night to Josh. Josh thinks that if he moves forward with Kevin and Alex, he knows that each other them will take him to the final two over the other option. However, he’s not sure if he can turn on Christmas and Paul at this point in the game. Josh says Alex has played a straightforward game with him and has never put him on the block. He wants to win the veto and take Alex down, but he doesn’t know if Alex would vote Paul out if he puts Paul up as a replacement nominee. It might be better for him to wait until the final three to take his shot at Paul. He says he has to win the veto next week. Josh heads downstairs to join the rest of the houseguests in the kitchen. Josh goes into the green room and asks Alex if she is going to eat. She says no she doesn’t get hungry when she cries. She says she needs to pack some of her stuff and then she may come out to the kitchen later.
7:45 PM BBT Kevin goes into the apple room to say hi to his girls and asks Josh if he wants to come with him. He tells Josh that he didn’t have to say what he did about Kevin during the nomination ceremony. Josh tells Kevin he had to say that to make Alex think he was the target. Kevin says it’s fine, he’s not upset, they’re just talking. Kevin says when Josh doesn’t talk to him he thinks something is wrong, but now he understands why he was doing it. Kevin tells Josh if he’s going to win HOH he has to enjoy himself and not get upset. Josh says he knows but it’s hard because you get attached to people. If it was a house full of Codys it would be easier for him. Josh and Kevin walk back into the kitchen and both start coughing because of all of the smoke from Paul’s cooking. The houseguests finish cooking their dinner and all sit down at the dining table to eat. They all cheers to the final five.
8:00 PM BBT Paul asks if anyone has been to a steakhouse called Mastro’s and says he wants to go with all of them after the show. Alex says it’s about $300 for two people there, and Paul says that’s ok, one of us will be picking up the tab. Josh says he wants ice cream for dessert and Paul says no you can’t have any because we are working out. Josh says he doesn’t want to work out. Loud construction can be heard in the background and Paul says, what is that the seven dwarfs outside digging? Paul wonders if they are going to have a special host for the veto competition tomorrow like Victor or Frankie. Paul talks about Michelle from last season and says if she was in the show this year, Meech would crack all of them. Josh says no, she wouldn’t crack Alex, but she would probably crack him a hundred times. Alex says she is worried her dog has died while she is in the house.
8:15 PM BBT Christmas tells Alex about her sister’s family and says she doesn’t think her sister will be able to come out to the finale because of her demanding work schedule. Alex tells her about her family and how they all live together.Paul, Christmas, and Alex discuss what it will be like to get out of the BB house. Alex talks about her ex bf’s. She says that the “crazy one” probably came and got the dog. Kevin is sitting in Kevin’s Corner in the green room all alone. There is a cowboy hat at the head of Jason’s bed. It is kind of sad. Alex asks Paul if he goes and gets Pumpkin Spice Latte’s and he says that he does.
8:30 PM BBT Kevin goes into the kitchen where Alex, Christmas, and Paul are sitting around the table talking about random topics. Kevin picks up the ball from the POV and starts bouncing it. He takes a seat at the counter. Alex is talking about Raven not liking the term “YOLO.” Alex starts talking about who Paul looks like: Bin Laden, Castro… Kevin goes into the bathroom. Paul says he is sooo bored and asks POP! to send them a giant dildo. Alex, Christmas, and Paul continue to talk about Raven. Paul says that Raven said she has a stand up Grand piano and he tells Christmas and Alex that is not a real thing. They discuss how Raven is a liar. Alex starts talking about tv. They go back to talking about Raven and how she was all about the attention.
8:45 PM BBT Kevin is back in the green room. Paul and Alex start whispering in the kitchen. Paul asks Alex if she had a conversation with Christmas. Alex tells him that he needs to win and he says yea no pressure. They start discussing the Revengers comp that they played for HOH it sounds like. Paul says that he bombed that one. Kevin goes upstairs to the HOH room where Josh is. Josh is laying in the HOH bed listening to Justin Bieber. Paul says that he bets that Josh is not listening to his music. Alex makes a comment about Kevin being desperate and that is why he is going up to the HOH. Alex and Paul discuss that Christmas is a con. Alex says that she will shit her pants if Josh and Christmas make it to the final two. Kevin and Josh are talking about how Kevin has been a target for no reason and that he has not done anything. Alex whispers to Paul that she hopes this week is not a backdoor. She says that Christmas is crazy! Josh tells Kevin that people in the house have been talking about wanting Kevin out for a long time. Kevin is shocked. Paul is acting like Jason going home was not a part of his plan this last week and that he had no idea about Christmas plans. Josh is listening to Justin Bieber, “Sorry.” Paul and Alex discuss where they think the jury votes will be. Josh is talking to himself. He says that Alex is ruthless and will do anything to win. Kevin goes into the apple room. He is talking to the cameras. He says that he is on the block for the third time this week. He says that if he doesn’t win the POV this week then he is probably going to jury. He has a snickers that says sleepy on one side and he makes a train noise and eats a piece. He then pretends to fall asleep. He talks about BB comics and how production made them into comics. He says that he doesn’t think that anyone his age has made it this far ever in the game.
9:00 PM BBT Alex and Josh are talking in the HOH room. Alex is questioning Josh of when the Jason plan started. He doesn’t tell her. He tells her that Paul and her are comp beasts. Josh asks Alex about what is up with Paul and her. She denies their alliance and says that he saved her and used her as a pawn once and that is all. Josh explains that he didn’t think he could beat Jason in comps. Alex tells him that she understands it as a game play but not as a friend thing. Alex starts talking about how she doesn’t want to be in the final two with Kevin because he will win. Alex tells Josh that she doesn’t like Kevin. Paul walks in the HOH room. Josh is telling Alex how he feels like he has lost who he is. Alex tells Josh as she is crying that she doesn’t know if she can be friends with him outside of the house. She tells him that she will give him a fair vote from jury if she ends up there.
9:15 PM BBT Alex continues to cry. She tells him that she didn’t put him up in the double eviction yet he put her up this week. Josh tells her that she still has the veto and she says that if she wins the veto he is just going to replace her with Paul or Christmas. Josh begs her to stop crying. She tells him that she thought when Jason left that it would be her, Josh, and Paul until the end. He tells her that she doesn’t know how hard this has been for him. Alex says that she is leaving and going downstairs. He asks her for a hug and she tells him that she doesn’t want a hug right now. Christmas walks in. She asks Josh where Paul. Alex goes into the apple room and wipes her tears and laughs towards the cameras. Christmas tells Josh that Alex told her that she was done talking to Josh and that she doesn’t want to be friends with him after the show. Paul pipes in from the HOH bathroom. He asks Josh what’s wrong and Josh tells him that Alex was upset. Paul tells Josh that Alex was being fake. Paul tells Christmas and Josh that Alex is going to try to pitch Christmas as a replacement nom. Paul tells them that Alex is doing this act to try to make Josh feel bad. Paul tells them that Alex thinks that she has him on her side but that if he wins the veto he is not going to use it. Christmas and Alex are giving Josh a pep talk.
9:30 PM BBT Josh keeps telling Paul and Christmas that Alex is not getting to him. Paul and Christmas both say that Alex is all for herself in this game and that she doesn’t care about anyone else. Paul and Christmas tell Josh that they are concerned for his emotional state. They start talking about the next comp being timed. Sounds like the comic comp on the zip line. They advise Josh not to talk to Alex anymore so she doesn’t have the opportunity to get to him. Paul is advising Josh and Christmas to mess with Kevin after the eviction this week. Christmas brings up that she has lots of stuff to say to Kevin. She says that the whole “bang” thing. She tells them that Kevin was telling Jason that Christmas was interested in Jason.
9:45 PM BBT Paul explains to Josh and Christmas that he wants them in the final three. Paul tells them about Alex saying that she will be so pissed if Christmas or Josh make it to the final two. Christmas and Paul both tell Josh that he did so well in his nomination speech. They discuss how this season was a lot of new comps. Paul is telling Christmas and Josh all about his bedroom. Christmas says that she would totally do Playboy. Paul tells her that he wants to come to an event if she really makes it in Playboy.
10:00 PM BBT Christmas says that she thinks that would be cool to go to the playboy mansion. Christmas recalls an ostrich egg that she has. She says that there’s a guy that learned how to carve ostrich eggs in prison, and now makes $10k-$15k a year. Paul mentions that they have 11 days to go, 10 days after tonight. Christmas says that it’s mind-blowing. Paul recalls Raven during the DE. Josh is called to the DR. Paul mentions that it’s interesting that they have so many people in the house, when last year it was going by so slow due to not a lot of people. Paul mentions to Christmas that he was Candy Crush before he came on, but lost. He describes his experience. Christmas says that she wants to go on that show. A while later, Josh mentions that BB might invite Christmas back when her foot is healed. Christmas says that she’d like to come back. Paul asks Christmas if she told people about her rogue vote. Christmas says that she told Josh.
10:15 PM BBT The convo turns to Paul’s gameplay. Paul talks about his experiences during both seasons. He says that he had to find people to work with. He had to find the right characteristics and saw that she and Josh have his back. Paul says that he mentored them to see how they go throw things. Christmas asks Paul if he stress-tested anyone. Paul says that Alex & Jason would beat him, so that’s why he didn’t go final 3 with them. Paul says that Kevin & Jason were the worst to work with ‘cause they spew “word vomit.” Paul says that he didn’t work with some people ‘cause they were just playing it safe and not actually play. Paul says that Matt was going after him. Christmas says that Raven would keep putting out Josh’s name out there ‘cause she felt very little of him. Paul says that Josh has grown in this house and is proud that he was a part of his growth. Paul says that people will try to take advantage of Josh ‘cause he’s so nice. Paul says that this season he had no room for error. Christmas says that it’s getting close, says that they have 3 more comps ‘til they reach final 3. Christmas says that it’s tough to wrap her head around the game almost ending.
10:30 PM BBT Paul says that he had to humor everyone’s bullshit and says that his brain is fried. Paul says that he can’t believe that he got everyone to drop in the running comp that Christmas one. Paul jokes that BB is wondering why they even set up the comp. Paul says that Cody’s been in jury for around 3½ weeks. Paul says that he’s grateful for that DE ‘cause the weeks go long. Christmas thinks that Raven will hold grudges. Paul says that Kevin’s colorblind. Christmas says that’s good. Christmas says that she felt good being able to compete in something. She says that BB might be able to let her compete in future comps. Paul says to Christmas that she’s a hero this season. Paul recalls past HGs that went against him. Paul says that they killed it. “We singled out everyone.” Paul says that he would always tell Christmas what Mark said bad about her. Christmas recalls the DE HoH comp. She stalled on a question because she didn’t know that was the end of the question. Paul says that Cody had no social game. Both he and Christmas say that his social game was “shit.” Paul says that he would’ve been better just sitting in a corner. Paul says that he doesn’t understand Mark’s infatuation with Cody.
10:45 PM BBT Paul says that Mark told him the day before he was getting backdoored that he tried to talk nice to him. A while later, Christmas says that it terrifyes her that he went rogue against the team. She says that it makes her really uncomfortable. She says that if Josh wanted to do something their team didn’t want to do, that it’s okay to voice his opinions and to not go against her trust. Christmas says that he was supposed to vote out Raven instead of Kevin. Paul says that he needs to get his head in the game. Christmas said that she “wanted to rip him a fucking asshole.” Christmas says that she believes that he does have his best interest in the team, but will sometimes pivot without thinking.

HOH Paul Xmas and Josh 

September 08, 2017

HOH Paul Xmas and Josh 
They talk about how perfect things worked out for them yesterday.
Xmas – if Alex wins Veto we won’t get clipped this week (unfortunately)
X – it means that Alex gets to play next week
X – that means we have a much harder time beating her
J – you guys have to win
P – the pressure.. trust me it’s on me.. I’m like Meditating putting myself in the moment..
They agree Kevin didn’t throw the last HOH he F*ed up then said he threw it
Paul calls Kevin a piece of sh1t for not throwing the HOH (this is BB19 after all)
JOsh says he’s going to be running his mouth on Kevin the whole time to throw him off. JOsh wants to verbally go after Kevin to throw him off the POV.
Paul – no because you’ll throwing me off
JOsh goes on about how they have to win the veto or Alex will be competing in the final 4 HOH.
Josh says he really likes Alex
paul likes her too but reminds Josh that alex is a “cut throat savage”
Xmas about Alex – She even admits that, she said in real life if she doesn’t like somebody she talks sh1t about them and ignores them.. She’s rude as f* (like you were on the feeds?)
JOsh – she said, If I have to turn on Jason I would have.. what the f*
Xmas – she does to Kevin what she does in real life
Josh – I want to talk to kevin

JOsh – we’re 12 days away
Paul – 11 days and a wake up
Josh – 11 days

they Notice that Alex is coming up. Paul starts telling them that Xmas should go up as a pawn “no blood” if Kevin wins the POV. Kevin will vote out Alex, Paul will vote out Alex.

 Paul to Camera

September 08, 2017

 Paul to Camera
Give us a rundown about how he’s fooled Alex throughout the double eviction.
Paul says Alex wanted to put up JOsh and Kevin after she won the HOH (for Jason) but Paul convinced her that Kevin and Raven would be the best option.
Paul – she put up Kevin and Raven and we sent out Raven on a 2 to 1 vote, She thinks that I was the 1 vote which works in my favour (she’s a potatoe)
Paul – I threw the double eviction POV because I didn’t want to make that decision and get blood on my hands
Paul now says he had everyone throw the HOH to JOsh
Paul – at this point I really don’t know what the f* Kevin would do
Paul – Josh is putting up Kevin and Alex, best case scenario Alex leaves this week (friendship)
Paul – worst case, Kevin
Paul says Kevin would probably put up Alex and Josh if Alex won the veto Paul would go up. Kevin would have been the tie breaker.
Paul – f* that..
(yeah Kevin takes you out and wins the game)
Paul – I just gotta beat Kevin next week, But I made it to the end of the game.. I’m in final 4
Paul – Josh is not putting me up or doing anything weird this week
Paul – 86 days and I’m not on the block.. I made it to day 80 without touching the block
Paul is excited because he might be able to cruise through this season without touching the block
Paul – I want that to happen becuase I hope that’s the argument to have me win
Paul – i’m not sure I want to win this veto or not
P – if I win it and don’t pull off Alex i’m kinda f*ed
P – best case is Kevin wins pulls himself off Xmas goes up and Alex gets voted out

 Kevin and Paul

September 08, 2017

 Kevin and Paul
Paul – what’s up Pal.. same sh1t
Kevin asks if the people in the HOH “are talking highly about” him
Paul – Alex is a little bit, they’re not really talking about you
Kevin – what’s going to happen
Paul – he’s putting up Alex
Paul – 100%
Kevin – so we just gotta make sure she doesn’t win the POV..
Kevin – listen the next HOH it’s just going to be me you and Xmas
Paul – which one of us should win it
Kevin – ME it’s my turn.. I’ll put up Josh and Xmas and send home Josh.. It’ll be me you and Xmas final 3
Kevin – it’s my turn to win one.. I want to see my kids, it ain’t no big deal
Kevin – you drank last night.. I can tell by your eye
Kevin wonders why nobody invited him upstairs for a drink
Kevin – I’m joking I don’t give a sh1t
Paul – Alex wasn’t going to give you any beers
Kevin – it’s so mean.. it’s stupid.. it’s a game.. I don’t even care about no beer..
Kevin says Alex is moving all his stuff that is touching Jason’s bed
Kevin – C’mon.. she’s the one that f*ed his game up (friendship)
Paul – yup.. I really liked Jason
Kevin – I did too, I’m going to visit him
Kevin – I’m fine I don’t mind being by myself.
Paul – 12 more days buddy
Paul says Kevin should try and win the POV, “that’s the one that should count”
Paul says the elimination will be Sunday (unconfirmed)
Kevin tells him if they don’t put him up he’s 100% voting out Alex

Josh in the HOH

September 08, 2017

Josh in the HOH
JOsh – I have to have a conversation with Alex.. and I need to let her know I’m putting her up
J – I need to see where her heads at and what she’s thinking moving forward..
J – I don’t know what happens this week but at least I’m giving her a chance to play for veto (everyone plays Hoss)
J – I would love to get Kevin out this week but I know I can beat Kevin in the end, I know Kevin isn’t going to beat me
J – I’m not only thinking about my game I’m thinking about Xmas and I’m thinking .. if I make a crazy move this week hows it going to make xmas against me, hows is our position going to be moving forward
J – it’s her competing in Final 3 and final 4.. I don’t compete next week
J – We have the veto and we all compete in the veto, I just have to win the veto.. to make sure that…
J – What if I slip up in the end
J – What if I f* up Xmas’ chances .. It’s crazy I’m thinking about what moves I make for my game I’m thinking what moves am I going to make so it protects her and it doesn’t damage her game so she does have a shot
J – I know with Paul we’ll go to the final 3 and then we’ll play it out.. and see what happens But, I don’t know what will happen if it’s me and her against Kevin and Alex..
J – I know Alex would take Kevin out but.. I don’t know if Kevin wins next week he takes Alex out.. them me and Xmas will be votes and have control..
J – I know if I take a wild shot this week Xmas is going to turn on me 
J – Guys.. I love Paul , he’s going to be one of my best friends outside of this house him and Xmas both (these must be your first friends)
J – I really do love them but I gotta separate personal and I gotta play the game (finally)
J – Paul has played the best game this season, Paul has played… probably the best game in the past.. 2 seasons, 3 seasons
J – No not three because you had Derrick
J – He’s up there with Derrick and Vanessa, I can’t beat Paul in the end, even him being a vet
J – Everybody is mad at me, Raven hates me, Jason hates me Mark and Elena are going to vote for Paul because they are fans
J – Cody’s going to vote for Paul, Cody hates me
J – Everybody is going to vote for Paul.. Paul’s going to beat me the only way I’m going to win this game is if I take a shot at Paul
J – But I dunno, do I take a shot now or to I wait to top 3 and then take a shot (it’ll be too late hoss)

Alex and Paul packing up Raven’s stuff

September 08, 2017

Alex and Paul packing up Raven’s stuff
Alex – I’ll tell you this once now.. one of is Next if one of those guys win (HOH)
Alex – JOsh doesn’t trust you he told me, I was like you better trust him he’s always had my back
Paul – Josh just told me he wants me out fool, he said it’s a game let’s continue like gentlemen
Alex – OK
Paul – goddammit Alex.. he said that when
Alex – in the room before.. like right after..

Alex – I was like I trust Paul
Alex – he said Jason kept throwing out me and your name that is why he got f*ed
Paul – goddammit Jason godammit

Alex – he might have sunk both our ships.. (For the love of Kraken Alex are you dumb)
Alex – one of those tards is going to win… those three (Kevin, Xmas, Josh)
Alex – remember when we should’ve kept Jillian

Alex – you are the only person I trust. For a second there I thought what if he’s playing me too .. I dunno
Paul – whichever one of us doesn’t get clipped… win
Paul – If I get CLip please win this game..
Alex – honestly dude I didn’t think Josh would do that.. again.. he did it again
Alex – if I get clipped you have to win the game.. I honestly thought it was going to be me, you and Jason..
Alex – I don’t even know what to do.. I can’t stand Kevin dude..

Alex says if Josh had used the veto Xmas would go up
Alex – I’m telling you dude.. you and jason were my two

Paul – Jason was too honest.. I tried to teach him that the entire game
Alex – I know and he outed us.. I told him to keep our names outta his mouth..

Alex comments about Raven’s stuff “She lives like a slob”
Paul – yeah
Alex – I thought Xmas was just going to lay down and let us win .. (Shoot me)
Alex – I trust you 100%
Alex again “if one of them win it will be me and you unless Josh does trust it and we throw it him”
Paul – what do you think is the best plan..

Alex – I want one of us with win the 500 and the other to win the 50
Alex – you are my ride or die.. I want to hang out be friends.. I’ve never crossed you
Alex – I don’t even Care if I come in second.. as long as you
Alex says if she goes Paul can count on her and Jason 100%
Paul – thank you

Paul is trying to talk Josh into winning the HOH and put up Kevin/Alex.

September 08, 2017

Paul is trying to talk Josh into winning the HOH and put up Kevin/Alex.
Paul – the worst case scenario this week is if Alex wins that F*ing Veto
Paul – it’s going to be BB comics

Josh thanks Paul for having his back
Paul – thanks for having my back
Paul and Josh agree to tell Alex that they are not fighting anymore they are just going to “play the game” (lol)
Alex comes in and they explain to her why they voted Jason and Raven out.
Alex doesn’t seem upset even though they completely screwd her during this double by voting out Jason and not voting out her target
Paul – Josh and I have come to an agreement that we have a common target. (Kevin)
Alex tells them if they decide to backdoor her just tell her before so she doesn’t cry on TV.
Josh, Paul and Xmas
Paul says he’s talked Kevin into throwing the competitions. There is no way for them to lose this week.
Josh – can you guess be honest with me.. who told Kevin.. how did he know to tell Jason
Xmas starts barking at Josh “nobody f*ing talked to Kevin” (Paul did)
JOsh says he’s not blindsiding Alex
Paul – We put her up next to kevin when the votes come in .. If It’s BB comics I’m not losing sh1t.. I win the Veto I don’t use it.. we spread out the blood
Josh – each and everyone of us tell her we are sending her to Jury
Josh doesn’t want to keep Kevin. Xmas and Paul tell him to relax they have to keep Kevin and get rid of Alex.
Paul says they will be top 3 they are almost done keep it together.

Paul going on about his plan working on Alex this week.

Paul leaves..

Big Brother 19 Spoilers Week 10 Summary and Double Eviction Results Summary of the players

September 08, 2017

Big Brother 19 Spoilers Week 10 Summary and Double Eviction Results
Summary of the players
(Please take this as something fun.. a way to vent about a very frustrating season from someone that’s watched a lot of feeds this year. I suggest we all write Summary of the players in the comments it’s very therapeutic)

Alex continues to be completely misted by Paul. Believing everything based on some notion of “Friendship”. Her awareness of the game has suffered greatly because of this loyalty to Paul. She seems to reserve a lot of her time to talking about Jury votes and avoiding getting blood on her hands to scoop up those Jury votes.

Xmas is the most delusional of the people left in the house. It’s almost fun to watch her opinion of her Big Brother performance because it’s so f*ed up. I look forward to seeing some of the fans reminding her otherwise on twitter. She believes she’s seen as a real inspiration, she thinks Big Brother will ask her to come back because she was so awesome, Made big moves, was tough, strategic. She claims her moves were her own. She says this season was Cordial. Give excuses for her behaviour or flat out just revises history to her liking. saying things like sure they got into fights but they’re bada$$es.. this is Big Brother.. it was all the game. .. Xmas really has a distorted view of things. In reality she’s one of the more nasty people this season (Alex and Paul might have her beat) . She followed Paul around like a fool. She admitted to be high on painkillers for weeks and thinks she deserves to win because of her foot. She’s the worst and I’m sad she became this.. I was excited to see she was cast until I got to know her. Seeing how she dropped in ranking I don’t think I’m the only one. Apparently she likes Paul in a romantic sense so I guess I feel sorry for Paul.. KRAKEN

Paul is playing these people for fools, they all look like complete snowed over idiots. This season will forever be remembered as the season of lobotomized sheep. Sure it’s easy for me to say I’m watching the feeds but the amount Paul has these idiots misted is insane. No one can deny this. Never before has so many people said they know Paul will win in the end but they have no intentions of taking him out because… Friendship..

Josh is seeing the light but it sounds like he’ll follow Xmas even if it means his game. Josh is slowly becoming likable again but the season almost over and I don’t think time is on his side. A interesting player even if he was unbearable for most the season.

Raven.. The house knows she’s full of sh1t and ohh man is she ever full of sh1t.. I took some time to investigate Raven’s illnesses and the stuff she has said, there’s complied lists out there and a whole hastag dedicated to debunking her crap. She’s full of sh1t more than I thought. I kinda kept out of the whole ravenexpossed thing early in the season as I was too busy with updates. Frankly it sounded like cat ladies gone mad at first but after some time to poke around myself.. .UGH .. it’s f*ed, she’s f*ed and her mom is even more f*ed. Matt is even more of a moron now, I almost feel sorry for him.

Jason, tossed his game out the door, he could have been a mega popular player but just couldn’t keep his mouth shut. Time and time again he came to Alex with concerns that were 100% bang on the money and she told him not to worry because of Friendship. This is well documented, His Gut was actually bang on right many times. Instead he stuck by the potato head told r@pe jokes and ended up on TMZ.

Results from the show!

It’s double eviction today 2 people gone!

Josh Votes to Evict Jason
Alex Votes to Evict Kevin
Paul Votes to Evict Kevin
Raven Votes to Evict Jason
Xmas breaks the tie, Jason Is Evicted. Josh is bawling.

First HOH is called Fake News winner is Alex
She yells “that’s for you jason” (then goes and makes paul’s nominations the person who got Jason out)

Nominations are Kevin and Raven!

Power of Veto Winner is Josh
Power of Veto Ceremony results: Josh doesn’t use it
Nominations are Kevin and Raven 
Paul votes to evict Raven
Xmas votes to evict Raven
Josh votes to evict Kevin
Raven is evicted from the house. (thank the great lords of Kraken)
People cheer for Raven.. She tells Julie she played a good game and had a good social game.
Wednesday is an eviction episode Thursday is a live eviction episode

 Final Week 10 Double Eviction Game Stats & Jury Update! 

September 08, 2017

 Final Week 10 Double Eviction Game Stats & Jury Update! 
🔹Jason Evicted 3-2 Becoming The 5th Juror!
🔹Raven Followed 2-1/The 6th Juror!

Live Feed Updates Thursday, September 7th (2)

September 07, 2017

Live Feed Updates Thursday, September 7th (2)
1:33 PM BBT Jason and Kevin in the green room, Jason is lint rolling his hat. All other Hg in Kitchen area cleaning the Fridge and dishes. Josh says his heart hurts throwing so much food away. Christmas is working on dishes. Josh says he found Lemon pepper chicken breast, Alex grabs something to eat, they discuss cooking a package of meat that says sell by 9/6. Josh says this is disgusting but he will show his appreciation when he is home, JASON PLEASE STOP WHISTLING. He heads to the WR where Kevin, Raven and Paul are. Paul cleans his nose with the peroxide. Kevin and Paul leave the WR, Raven is showering, and Jason is doing ADL’s. In the Kitchen Josh is still cleaning out the Fridge, Christmas still working on dishes, and Alex eating. Kevin alone in the Green room packing up last minute items, cleaning in the kitchen continues.
1:45 PM BBT Raven in the Shower, Kevin alone in the Green room, the rest of the house in kitchen cleaning. They are arguing over bread and if they should keep it. Jason heads to the Green room they both feel they are at risk of going home. Kevin says Josh has already been told what to do Jason says he isn’t going to ask him, Kevin Ironing his clothes for tonight Raven comes through to the red room after her shower. Cleaning continues in the Kitchen, they discuss about bleaching the counters. Alex finds the ants coming out the crack and tells josh Squirt em. Paul looks and says that’s where they are all coming from. Josh asks Raven if she is feeling any better she says yes and no. Josh offers to clean the toilet, and the discussion turns to Paul’s Poop issues how he can’t poop in a public place. He says he is a germa-phobe and wipes the seat every time he uses it. They begin to talk about cigarette smoke smell. Christmas and Josh alone in the Kitchen, he says he is waiting to have Jason alone to talk to him. Raven wanders around, Paul asks what she is up to she says she doesn’t know. Raven heats something up, then leans on the counter, Paul massages her shoulders. Christmas offered to bring her the tea, she says no walking around is all that really helps.. Its toughest the 1st day with Dysmenorrhea. Raven says she feels like she is going to be sick the pain is so bad.
2:00 PM BBT Josh offers to make Raven some soup, she says not right now but maybe later. Raven explains how large the clots are that she passes when this happens. She lays her head on the counter. Paul and Josh are cleaning the kitchen counters; Christmas and Raven are sitting at the counter. Kevin, Jason, and Alex in the Green BR. Paul recommends Kevin to use dish soap to clean his shoes. Jason says olive or coconut oil would help make them shine. Kevin is happy just to rub any dirt off. Kevin tells a story when back in the 1970s him and a buddy would go shoe shinning in the bars to make some money. Kevin proceeds to shine his shoes. Josh, Christmas, Paul, and Raven are in the WR getting ready. They talked about pulling the trigger. Christmas thinks Josh will be able to smooth it over with Alex easier than Paul since he has been more aligned with Alex. Paul takes Josh into the kitchen and says he is sorry, but he’s counting on him. Josh mentions that he needs to talk to him; Paul says that no he doesn’t need to talk. Then Paul says that it’s really up to you, dude. Paul and him begins to cut things up for dinner as Kevin comes out.
2:15 PM BBT Josh is again in WR talking to Christmas. Raven is aimlessly walking around; she is not feeling well. Josh complains more to Christmas in the WR about Raven on how she is so irritating. Alex, Jason, and Kevin are still in the Green Rm. Kevin says essentially what he will say in his speech. Kevin says he honestly had a good time, a great summer. The hard part was all the down time and there is more time to do nothing as it gets down to less people. Paul also comes into Green Rm complaining on how Raven is annoying; they all agree! Josh continues to cut up the chicken into smaller pieces. Paul begins to cook the chicken while Christmas sits at the counter to cut up the vegetables. They put Raven in charge of baking the corn on the cob; Christmas request it not to be salted. Josh goes back to the Green Rm and chats with them. Josh says Jason will look good with a bald head–nope!, Jason will not entertain the thoughts. Jason mentions the name Bobby Oar…even though he does not know who he is. Kevin informs him about Bobby Oar being the greatest hockey player ever. Only Wayne Gretzky would be in comparison.
2:30 PM BBT Josh comes back in to “steal the Bible”. Josh goes into HN Rm to help Kevin zip his bag–it’s stuffed! Kevin walks around talking to himself. He can’t wait to get out…to see his girls, son, and wife. Jason says he believes there are 13 more days. Kevin suggests him and Jason go around and say goodbye to everyone. What else do they have to do? The have the chance now… Josh is talking to the cameras in the Apple Rm. He is telling Holly and all of Jason’s family that he is sorry. He continues by saying that Jason is just too good; him and Alex together was too strong. Josh is thinking of his family back home. Josh reads from the Bible. Jason and Kevin bust into the Apple Rm saying they are dragging him out of here. Kevin says now is the time they want to say goodbye. Kevin leaves to go to the bathroom. Jason tells Josh, “Treat me right tonight, big fella.” Jason tries to recall when he saved Paul. Kevin comes back into the room. Josh wants to say, “I love both of you.” “I know we had our problems, but I love both of you being supportive and having my back.” Kevin says they will see each other after the show. Kevin says, “The cool people are those that leave while they are in a good mood.” They consider themselves cool. They talk on who might be in the audience at the Finale.
2:45 PM BBT Alex comes out into the kitchen to sample Paul’s chicken. She approves by saying it’s delicious! Christmas is making a sauce for the corn. Alex enters the Apple Rm, leaving Paul, Christmas, and Raven in the kitchen. Josh also tells Alex that he extremely blessed and thankful for Jason, Kevin, and Alex. “You showed me much love and was there for me.” Alex says, “No fake love here” and they laugh a bit and compare on how different the four of them actually are…including a huge difference in age. Alex joined them back in the kitchen. Paul talks about mosh pits and the Wall of Death set up by some bands. Paul is done with the chicken. Paul sings and Fish. Meanwhile, in the Apple Rm Kevin talks to the camera apologizes for his hair. He can keep the sides trimmed, but nothing is in the house to properly cut the top. The guys are called to lunch! Kevin and Jason leave; Josh stays behind reading more of the Bible. He says he’ll be there soon.
3:00 PM BBT Everyone helps themselves to lunch. Kevin still seems to stand or sit off to the side. Jason and Josh join Kevin at the kitchen table. The others sit at the counter. Kevin says he’s going to go ahead and take his shower and stuff. He personally thanks Christmas and Paul and the others for lunch. They all seem to like the butter/cream cheese sauce Christmas prepared for the corn on the cob; they actually like the entire dinner! Josh goes into the WR and Kevin flexes his muscles and wonders why he is bigger than Josh. Josh replies, “Because you are the stud, Kevin.” Kevin dries off from his shower.
3:15 PM BBT Josh is lying back in the Rose Rm round bed. He tells Raven that it’s hard since he has gotten so attached to everyone. At this point, the game is 100 times harder for him. If he’s going to do it, he wants to do it right before. He knows down deep this is the best for his game. He would rather be direct, but it is the name of the game. Josh goes into the Apple Rm and tells himself to snap out of it. Jason cleaned the kitchen. Kevin is in the Green Rm getting dressed. General chit chat in the kitchen among Paul, Alex, Christmas, and Jason. Paul describes some location where people tour a house. Jason, followed by Raven, go to the WR to floss their teeth…removing the corn. Kevin goes into Apple Rm to tell Josh that if he is gone, the coconut butter will be in the Green Rm for him.
3:30 PM BBT Jason goes into the Apple Rm to sit with Josh. Josh starts out by saying that he feels alone. Jason explains that it’s now a tough time to navigate. Josh says he feels good with Alex, but he doesn’t know where he stands with everyone else. Josh says he is not sure what the whole deal is with Paul. Josh says he feels as if he is next despite what might happen this evening.

6:00 PM BBT Summary of the BB 19 Live Eviction/Double Eviction Show: Julie says blindside in the works as well as a blindside with the double eviction. Recap of the past week shown up until veto ceremony. Alex celebrates in the DR that Kevin is going home. Paul says this could not have gone any better because Kevin thinks he might go home so Alex is comfortable. He says come eviction night, it will be a blindside. Kevin and Jason talk and Kevin says they will save Jason. Jason says Kevin is the target and he feels bad for him, but bye for now. Josh tells Paul that he is going to vote Jason out. Paul asks Christmas what she will do with a tiebreaker, she says she is fine with taking the heat. Paul tells Josh to vote for Jason, Alex will vote for Kevin, then Paul and Raven will vote out Jason. Josh is skeptical, but Paul tells him to listen to him. Josh talking to Jason in the hot tub crying sad that Jason has to go in a blindside. Josh is crying in the DR about blindsiding his friend. He says he doesn’t know if he can go through with it, but if he makes a crazy move he can blow up the house.
Live Eviction: Julie lets the houseguests know it is a double eviction and they all freak out. In Jason’s speech, he shouts out to his family, says he has confidence, courage, character and charisma and he wants to display more of that. Kevin says hi to his family at home, tells them he is sorry for missing one starting college and high school, he thanks the houseguest and Julie for his summer. Alex VTE Kevin. Raven VTE Jason. Paul VTE Kevin. Josh VTE Jason and cries while casting his vote. Julie announces it is a tie, and Christmas VTE Jason and Jason is evicted from the BB House. Jason walks out without saying a word to anyone. Alex runs after him and says it wasn’t me. Josh is apologizing to Alex and saying sorry while crying. Paul says if he was on the block he would have been evicted and asks Josh if he would have done the same to him, he says yes. Josh says it is just a game and he is sorry. Josh says he is sorry and as a team Alex and Jason are too strong. Paul tells him to shut up. Julie asks Jason how he is feeling. He says people are counterfeit, he is blindsided, it’s Big Brother, he didn’t expect to make it this far and he would like to go back in there for about 5 minutes. Julie asks what he thought happened. He says he thought people turned, she said so Paul and Alex turned? He said he doesn’t know, but Christmas may have, he is at a loss for words. Goodbye messages, Alex says she loves him, he is friend and family. Josh apologizes and says this was a big move that Paul made and he is in an alliance with Paul and Christmas. Paul says thanks for listening and trusting him, and he will try to make it far with Alex. Jason says Paul is now obsolete because he turned on friendship, and he can now take the bracelets and pitch them.
HOH: The competition is called “fake news”. Julie reads a series of “BB Headlines” that either took place or did not, and they have to answer real or fake. Each correct answer gets one point, whoever has the most points at the end is the new HOH. First statement is “Unbelievable! Cody evicted twice with 7 votes”. Answer was real, all 5 get a point. Second statement is “Only 8 houseguests were present for Zingbot this season”. Answer was fake, Raven, Kevin and Alex get a point. Third statement is “Who wore it best? Jessica stuns in red-caped “VETOAD” Costume”. The answer is real, all 5 get a point. Fourth statement is “Zingbot says that the house is gross”. The answer is fake, Paul, Josh, Raven and Alex all get a point. Raven and Alex tied for first with 5 points. Fifth statement is “Spaced out: space cadets mission lasts over 2 hours”. The answer is fake, Josh and Alex get a point, Alex takes the lead. Sixth statement is “Juicy! Ramses blasted after missing second question of BB Juice Blast”. The correct answer is real, everyone gets a point. Seventh statement is “Horror! OTEV asks question about Gravestone Golf”. The answer is fake, Alex gets the point and she wins. Paul runs out to hug her. Alex comes inside and is crying, nominates Kevin and Raven, says Raven is for the vote.
POV: The competition is called “Lime Drop”. HGs have to raise down stairs into lemon trucks and dive in and search for limes. They must transfer limes one at a time and drop them in their tube. If they miss the tube they have to continue to search. The first to drop 4 limes into tube and race back and push button will win. Josh finds his first lime, but misses the tube. Paul finds his first lime, but misses the tube. Josh, Christmas, Raven, Kevin all have limes and miss tube. Paul misses again. Alex and Josh both land one lime in tube. Kevin misses again. Christmas sinks a lime, Josh misses again, Kevin misses again. Alex sinks a lime, Paul misses again, Raven lands one lime. Josh misses again. Christmas misses again. Kevin and Raven miss again. Alex lands a third lime. Christmas makes a second, Kevin lands his first and Paul lands his first. Raven lands a second lime. Raven lands her third lime and so does Josh. Josh lands his fourth lime and so does Alex, Josh races back and hits his button first and wins the POV. Josh decides not to use the POV, so Kevin and Raven are final noms.
Live Eviction: Kevin tells everyone to do what they feel is right and thanks Boston and family for supporting. Raven says it has been an awesome summer and wants to spread more awareness for gastroparesis, she hopes they keep arkansassy around longer. Paul VTE Raven. Christmas VTE Raven. Josh VTE Kevin. Raven is evicted from the BB House. Raven starts crying and Paul apologizes to her and so does Josh. Raven says she thought they had her back and they didn’t. Alex promises it was not her. Paul congratulates everyone on making it to final 5. Alex is sitting down speechless. Josh is in apple room balling his eyes out. Raven and Julie laugh, Julie asks if she was shocked to be evicted by Kevin. Raven says no because Kevin does not have much going on game wise, they would not want them to take her to final two because of her story being sympathetic. Julie talks about Raven’s game, and Julie says they did not see her play the game. Raven said she played the game with Paul in her corner, she threw comps for Paul, and had a good social game with Matt and she played the game to the best of her ability. Julie says up next is an unexpected announcement. Julie announces that Sunday will release the BB Comics “The Revengers” Trailer. Julie also announces that Wednesday will be a special eviction, in addition to Thursday’s live eviction. The big announcement is “expect the unexpected”, they will be back next summer, but will also be back with winter with Celebrity Big Brother. Alex asks Paul what is going on and he says no idea. Josh says he voted for Kevin. Live show ends!
7:10 PM BBT Feeds return. Alex, Paul, Josh and Christmas in the rose room. They are talking about Raven being mad about eviction. Kevin is in bathroom making hand motions to cameras. Josh makes a comment about dreams and the feeds cut, when it gets back they aren’t talking about it. Josh says he doesn’t want to fight with Paul or anyone, feeds cut again.
7:15 PM BBT Feeds are still cut with technical issues. The top of the screen says some browsers are having issues they are working to fix. Josh and Christmas talking in apple room about the votes. Alex and Christmas talking in the rose room. Josh says coming up Paul has to win veto. Paul predicts it will be BB comics. Josh says thanks for having my back, Paul says if it wasn’t for Josh he would be gone. Paul says they have a common target in mind, Kevin. He says Josh has to win HOH. Alex comes in to talk with them. Christmas says to the cam for the record, that sucked. Josh tells Alex before the show he was in the apple room with Jason and told him he felt alone in the game. Alex asks who launched the plan, Josh says Kevin has been in on everything. Josh says he made a decision because Kevin told him they were going to 5. Paul says if he did not win the veto he would have been gone. Paul said if he was on the block he was going home and how crazy it was. Josh said it breaks his heart because Jason won’t talk to him again. Christmas comes into apple room. Josh said Jason told him he would not have his back or evict him so he had to do it. Alex says if they are gonna backdoor her to tell her now so she won’t cry. Paul says stop and asks where Kevin is. Josh said he thought it was hard going against Jess and Cody and this is way harder. Christmas says to Alex she is glad that she understands. Paul walks in kitchen and is looking at the camera gasping. Paul goes into green br and talks to Kevin. Paul says he has always been honest with him. Alex is crying worried Jason is mad at her. She says if she gets to the end she does not care if he loses as long as he votes for her. Paul goes into storage room. Paul gets Kevin’s friendship bracelet to give to Raven. Apple room talking about alcohol.
7:30 PM BBT Paul and Alex leave the apple room and Josh tells Christmas he wanted Kevin out. Christmas says they have to talk before doing things on their own. Paul comes in and says Kevin is going to throw the HOH. Josh and Christmas agree they won’t blindside Alex. They will nom Alex and Kevin and Paul will win the veto. Paul is dancing and saying he told them his plan would work. They agree Josh should win HOH and they will vote unanimously so that he won’t have to break a tie. Paul kisses them both on the head before leaving. Paul tells Kevin to throw it and Christmas will win. Kevin says he is a man of his word, Paul says he has a good argument to win because he did not have to win anything to get to the end. Paul tells Kevin he is going to win the POV. Kevin says they won’t talk for 2 weeks. Kevin asks Paul about final 3, Paul says it will be them and Christmas 100%. Alex and Paul going to pack Raven’s things. Alex and Paul talk in storage room. Paul said he thought he was getting backdoored, Alex says he is the only person she trusts right now. Alex tells Paul that Jason has said he does not trust him. Josh talking about his worries with Paul again and Christmas defending him. Josh talking about how Christmas was awesome in the veto comp and threw down her crutches.

7:45 PM BBT Alex says all Jason had to say to Josh was I have your back and he would be here. Paul says Jason was too honest and he tried to teach him that. Christmas says she won’t throw anything else. Christmas and Josh complaining about how annoying Raven was after Jason got evicted. Paul and Alex trying to figure out when the special eviction will be. Alex says it is scary because Christmas and Josh are talking right now. Christmas talking about how Josh almost exposed team misfits in his veto speech. Paul wonders what the HOH will be. Alex says she does not trust Christmas. Paul says if it would have been him and Jason on the block he would have went home because Christmas wanted out a strong male competitor. Alex says now with Jason out they have to end up in the final two. Paul says he feels the same way. Alex says Paul is her ride or die. Paul tells Alex to stop freaking out. Feeds cut and then come back with Raven answering questions. How are you feeling at this moment. She says numb and shocked, but not as shocked. She said Christmas would not look her in the eyes so she knew. Tell us what happened and why you are here now. She said the HGs knew that she could win because she had a great social game, had no blood on her hands and has a great story that she would hate to go up against. Were you expecting tonight? She said she was shocked and did not expect the DE. Who do you feel most betrayed by? She said Christmas, she thought she had her back and would keep her and vote out Kevin, she does not feel a grudge but feels betrayed. Who do you think should have gone in the second eviction? She said Alex because she is a beast and will steamroll to the end and is a beast. Who do you want to see go far in the game? Her buddy Paul. He has been loyal and has her vote. Who do you think is running the house? Alex, she has Josh, Christmas and Kevin in her pocket. Kevin called her a puppetmaster and was right. Who is flying under the radar? Kevin. He could make final 2. What do you think about showmances? She laughs and says her and Matt clicked and never had an argument. He is awesome and threw away his game for her and she has no regrets about Maven. Do you think being in a showmance affected your game? No, it helped her game and Matt was in their alliance. Her and Matt were the most loyal players besides Paul. Will you continue your relationship with Matt outside the house? Yes, they talked and want to see each other. Would you do anything different? No. She couldn’t have done anything to change it. What are you looking most forward to doing after? Going to a restaurant to be served and not cook, to have her phone and see her mom. Any last words for fans? She never thought she would make it to BB with gastroparesis and her pacemaker, don’t let a disease hold you back. She has so much wrong with her and still did it. Don’t give up and make a bucket list. Feeds cut.
8:04 PM BBT – 8:34 PM BBT Feeds down
8:34 PM BBT Jason interview. How are you feeling at this moment? Feels like he took a sword to the back. He had an alliance with Paul and Alex and is shocked because with those 2 that should have never happened. He is super shocked. Tell us what happened, why do you think you are here right now? He says not sure, there are 2 bigger threats in the house and one was Alex who was on the block with him. They know everything going on in the house. He thinks he was taking for granted a little bit, if others would have come to him it could be different. Was shocked by how the votes went 100%, when the vote tied he was pretty sure the girl who he broke her foot would VTE him. He thought it was a ploy for good tv but it was a plan that had been executed for 3 weeks. He wonders if Kevin was not telling the truth or if Alex and Paul were trying to lie on Kevin. He knew Paul and Alex had a hand in it and they can just…next question. Were you worried when Christmas won HOH? No, but they played him because they had a plan for her to be HOH in place. Why did you fall out of your chair? He knew he was in trouble. He did not think him and Alex would be on the block together, but he remembered Alex volunteered to go up as a pawn and he did not feel comfortable doing that so he knew he was the target. He thought they would still have his back and if he won he would have pulled Alex off because he is “a tool”. He said he should have had more aggression instead of teamplay. How did you feel when Paul won veto? Mad and foolish and that cost him the win. He did not feel out of line when Paul won because he was on his team. He wanted to win because of the rewards from that veto comp. Was I surprised when Paul used veto on Alex? No, if he would have won he would have used it on her too. It is the man card thing to do and he would have looked like a tool. You and Kevin have been close from beginning, talk about being on block with him. Funny thing is Kevin tells you what he is thinking subtly, and he kept subtly telling him since noms that he thought Jason would go home. He thought that was funny and agreed because he did not want to make him feel bad. He packed everything to keep Kevin from feeling bad. Turns out he is glad he packed because he got sent home. Being on the block together he felt good because everyone said Kevin was target and was treating him poorly. Jason said he hopes he won’t ever be the target for the yelling matches, but it turns out that worked for Kevin. You made good relationships in the house, who will you keep in contact with? Good one, because his lifestyle is way different than everyone else. He will try to keep in contact at least remotely with Kevin and Paul and that is it, who stuck them in the back with a pitchfork for the past 3 weeks. He says he should have opened his eyes a little bit. He does not know what is right and what is wrong. Jason really wants to get even with Paul and he deserves pain, a lot of pain. He says Paul thinks he is a badass and that the mirror does not chase him and he will bring him to his house and show him. If he has to buy him the ticket that is money well spent. Who do you want to see go far in the game? Christmas, wants her to win the game. It would be a funny joke if a girl with one leg wins, he is the one that broke her leg, she sent him out, and they all just kicked out a dangerous threat but she is a dangerous player. He would like to hold her head underwater for 5 minutes but also wants her to win. Who do you think is running the house? Should have asked himself this question a while ago. If it is Kevin he will die, but he honestly thinks it is Paul. It is definitely Paul. That is another reason that he deserves to be a renobroke AKA turned loose in a pen with fighting bulls to see what it feels like. Who do I think will be joining me next in the jury house? No clue, he had no clue he was going home. He is going to guess based on his knowledge Kevin or Raven. If Paul is running the house, it will be based on what he thinks is happening in the jury house. If he thinks they will lean towards gameplay, then Paul will want to kick out Alex next. If he pulls that off, he will just tell his minions to vote out Alex. If Alex won it will be Raven to keep the lie alive. Would you do anything different if you could do it all over again? Doesn’t know if he had enough time, he would do what just happened to him. Align with weak players, make friends with good players. Find the weak players in competitions. What am I looking forward to most? Getting to talk to unborn baby. Wants to get pickup, load family and bull and go to a rodeo. Any last words for fans? Rodeo is mother nature’s sport if you have not been, go. He just lost a paycheck because of Paul and Alex so tell a rodeo to hire whistlenut, thanks.
8:54 PM BBT – 9:00 PM BBT Feeds cut for HOH Competition.

Lounge room. Alex, Jason and Josh.

September 08, 2017

Lounge room. Alex, Jason and Josh.
Josh talks about how they need to please the jury… F**k that! If Raven goes to the end she is going to win. Alex – its me, you, Jason and Paul against her. Jason – yeah there is no way she is going to beat us. Alex – I was thinking about.. I should have just taken a shot at Kevin. Jason – it don’t matter. Alex – but if it looks like we keep loosing things.. the jury will vote for who won the most.. and if it looks like we’re always losing because they only watch the competitions with sound we’ll look like newbies. Well this person didn’t do anything, they’re always losing. So we need to start winning sh*t. Josh – yeah. I don’t see myself. I am fearless and I voice my opinion but I know that is going to hurt them (jury members). I know they’re going to hold that against me and I’m not going to kiss their a$$ while I’m up there. I’ll be like you played a shaddy game and I called you out for it. Alex – if we truly are 14 days out I don’t care, I love all of them. I just want out. Josh – do you really think we’re 14 days out. Alex – if we end on the 20th. Josh – it makes me anxious. If god had that plan for me (to win BB19) it would change my families life. Right now I am just happy that we made it.

Bedroom. Paul and Josh.

September 08, 2017

Bedroom. Paul and Josh.
Paul – I feel bad too but its just the way it is. You know if they stay, we’re f**ked. This is the best way to go about it for next week. If you wanted next week to be risky as f**k we just got to keep playing one more week. Then its done and we don’t have to do anymore crazy sh*t. We’re almost done bro.. there’s like 2 weeks left. Josh – just they way that we’ve handled this its not how I would go about it. Its not how I handle things, you know?! Paul – but in this scenario you can’t be up front because people can blow sh*t up. Some times calling people out is not the best scenario because it will not end up good for you. You just have to rip the bandaid off. This is where it gets hard. Its either them or us.. that’s what it comes down to. Understand that they think they have you in their pocket. They underestimate you, this is your time to show them. Its not a personal thing against Jason.. its the game. Josh – yeah.

 Live Feed Updates: Thursday, September 7th

September 08, 2017

 Live Feed Updates: Thursday, September 7th
8:46 AM BBT Camera crew gets bored and starts zooming in and out on the sleeping HG.
9:19 AM BBT Wake up call. ( Fish)
9:31 AM BBT Christmas, Paul, and Jason awake and in the Kitchen talking about Coffee. Christmas goes off to the rose room while Paul comments there is a ton of ants in the kitchen. Josh asks if JUJU(Paul) wants to make him eggs. JASON PLEASE STOP SINGING. Christmas says josh is funny to watch running cam to cam. Paul comments about how everyone does dishes now sarcastically, then says he hates the ants they are all over him. Christmas asks why Josh is full drama this Am, He says they ants crawl up his male parts. Christmas offers plain scrambled eggs then heads to look in SR for more eggs. Kevin, Alex, and Raven all still in bed. Christmas brings in a box of egg whites and says no there were not any more cartons of eggs. Paul and Jason listen to the rumbles of the coffee. Christmas and Josh in SR talking briefly about how to talk to Jason. She says please wait till after breakfast to talk to Jason and tell him that he isn’t getting josh’s vote to stay. Christmas heads back to the kitchen and josh messes with his clothes for his shower. In the Kitchen they joke about the $12 coffee maker that is broken that BB isn’t replacing. Jason jokes and says he is going to stay in bed tomorrow till they are done making coffee. Josh heads upstairs to shower they begin to discuss feeding fish and feeds cut to the Fish Tank 9:43 AM BBT.
9:47 AM BBT– Christmas cooking eggs, Jason and Paul making cups of coffee, josh hollering from upstairs, Raven, and Kevin finally out of bed. Alex is last in bed all wrapped up in blankets. Christmas says she made too many eggs, Paul tells her someone will eat it. Kevin is back in bed, Christmas offers raven eggs she says no Thank you. Paul finishes cooking his eggs, Raven grabs a bowl for cereal, Paul looks for his mug. Xmas offers Jason come nectarine with his usual one liners. They talk about adding sugar to coffee mix. The coffee has been too harsh.Josh is up Paul complains he will be looking for all the attention soon.Kevin and Alex still waiting for HOH LOCKDOWN. Paul says if Josh thinks he will dish up his food and take it to him he is mistaken.They talk about Alex scaring Josh last night.
10:00 AM BBT We are waiting for HOH LOCKDOWN. Kevin and Alex are in bed. Josh is up but yet unseen. Paul Raven and Xmas sit around counter. Paul asks Raven if there is a limit to alcohol she can have with her pacemaker. She says no. Paul wonders about the comp today. They think it will be order or luck. BB has asked the HGs to pick numbers so they think Black box is out of running for the comp. Paul whispers to Xmas about Josh when Raven goes to WR. Paul says you don’t laugh at Josh for his lack of knowledge like Raven has been doing. It’s just a bad idea. Paul heads to room to put on a sweater.Paul and Xmas talk red light districts. Paul talks about a bar in Prague where they have tablets with the hookers on it. Xmas talks about her trip to Amsterdam. A guy showed her a coffee shop in center of town. It was a drug coffee shop. She then went to Anne Frank House. Paul ditched his last day in Paris to hit Amsterdam.He climbed the eiffel tower.They did the Louvre saw Mona Lisa. Xmas says her sister looked like Mona Lisa in High School. Paul could communicate with French. But the French told them they spoke Canadian French.
10:15 AM BBT Paul talks about his France exploits. Raven got bored and went up to HOH.Paul can’t remember the name of the French girl he really liked. Raven got bored and came back downstairs.Paul talks about a rum drink. He can’t remember the bar’s name. He will ask the girl he forgottens name. Paul has now moved to trip to Italy. Xmas talks about her Germany visit. She saw some famous Reebok guy. Got to meet him at a gym.Raven goes back upstairs. Xmas got to join the guys lifting seminar. She remet the guy her boyfriend was drooling with envy. He gave Xmas his number and the boyfriend asked for it she said no. Paul tells Xmas that his Grandfather was Russian mob. Josh talks to Raven after his shower. When Paul started getting tattoos his Grandma told him he looked like her father. Paul googled tattoos from 1800’s. His mom was really mad at the grandma for telling Paul her dad was a mob guy.
10:30 AM BBT Paul continues his stories. Xmas is eating up all his stories.Raven is awake in HOH bed. Paul says Josh will lose his mind when Paul takes him around L.A. He warns Josh not to embarrass him. Jason and Josh meet up in WR. Paul tells Josh eat those eggs. Jason is putting lotion on his face, Jason talks to himself. Xmas talks about her trip to Berlin and filming her workout videos. Jason sneaks up on Paul but he sees him. Jason wanders to Green room. Kevin asks the time. Jason gets back in bed. Xmas and Paul continue comparing Berlin stories. Jason can’t remember the name of the comp Josh won for HOH. Alex tells him it’s graveyard golf. Josh sits down at counter with Xmas. Paul talks about Harvey Moon the photographer. Xmas talks about her photographer. She refused to do nude shots.
10:45 AM BBT Kevin Alex and Jason in bed. Raven in bed in HOH. Paul Xmas and Josh in KT. Paul and Xmas talk choosing models and butt shots. Paul doesn’t stay for the shoots. The models can’t believe he was so professional. They half assumed he would hang to see them changing. He only needs to see the shots when they are finished. Xmas tells the story of her first shoot in New York. Paul and Xmas talk about where they will meet up after the show,and when.They will do Vegas then Miami and go to Cuba. Then meet again in Feb. for Mardi Gra.They will meet up for Halloween, and anytime Paul will be flying back and forth to N.Y. They will rent a house for Mardi Gra.

1:33 PM BBT Jason and Kevin in the green room, Jason is lint rolling his hat. All other Hg in Kitchen area cleaning the Fridge and dishes. Josh says his heart hurts throwing so much food away. Christmas is working on dishes. Josh says he found Lemon pepper chicken breast, Alex grabs something to eat, they discuss cooking a package of meat that says sell by 9/6. Josh says this is disgusting but he will show his appreciation when he is home, JASON PLEASE STOP WHISTLING. He heads to the WR where Kevin, Raven and Paul are. Paul cleans his nose with the peroxide. Kevin and Paul leave the WR, Raven is showering, and Jason is doing ADL’s. In the Kitchen Josh is still cleaning out the Fridge, Christmas still working on dishes, and Alex eating. Kevin alone in the Green room packing up last minute items, cleaning in the kitchen continues.
1:45 PM BBT Raven in the Shower, Kevin alone in the Green room, the rest of the house in kitchen cleaning. They are arguing over bread and if they should keep it. Jason heads to the Green room they both feel they are at risk of going home. Kevin says Josh has already been told what to do Jason says he isn’t going to ask him, Kevin Ironing his clothes for tonight Raven comes through to the red room after her shower. Cleaning continues in the Kitchen, they discuss about bleaching the counters. Alex finds the ants coming out the crack and tells josh Squirt em. Paul looks and says that’s where they are all coming from. Josh asks Raven if she is feeling any better she says yes and no. Josh offers to clean the toilet, and the discussion turns to Paul’s Poop issues how he can’t poop in a public place. He says he is a germa-phobe and wipes the seat every time he uses it. They begin to talk about cigarette smoke smell. Christmas and Josh alone in the Kitchen, he says he is waiting to have Jason alone to talk to him. Raven wanders around, Paul asks what she is up to she says she doesn’t know. Raven heats something up, then leans on the counter, Paul massages her shoulders. Christmas offered to bring her the tea, she says no walking around is all that really helps.. Its toughest the 1st day with Dysmenorrhea. Raven says she feels like she is going to be sick the pain is so bad.
2:00 PM BBT Josh offers to make Raven some soup, she says not right now but maybe later. Raven explains how large the clots are that she passes when this happens. She lays her head on the counter. Paul and Josh are cleaning the kitchen counters; Christmas and Raven are sitting at the counter. Kevin, Jason, and Alex in the Green BR. Paul recommends Kevin to use dish soap to clean his shoes. Jason says olive or coconut oil would help make them shine. Kevin is happy just to rub any dirt off. Kevin tells a story when back in the 1970s him and a buddy would go shoe shinning in the bars to make some money. Kevin proceeds to shine his shoes. Josh, Christmas, Paul, and Raven are in the WR getting ready. They talked about pulling the trigger. Christmas thinks Josh will be able to smooth it over with Alex easier than Paul since he has been more aligned with Alex. Paul takes Josh into the kitchen and says he is sorry, but he’s counting on him. Josh mentions that he needs to talk to him; Paul says that no he doesn’t need to talk. Then Paul says that it’s really up to you, dude. Paul and him begins to cut things up for dinner as Kevin comes out.
2:15 PM BBT Josh is again in WR talking to Christmas. Raven is aimlessly walking around; she is not feeling well. Josh complains more to Christmas in the WR about Raven on how she is so irritating. Alex, Jason, and Kevin are still in the Green Rm. Kevin says essentially what he will say in his speech. Kevin says he honestly had a good time, a great summer. The hard part was all the down time and there is more time to do nothing as it gets down to less people. Paul also comes into Green Rm complaining on how Raven is annoying; they all agree! Josh continues to cut up the chicken into smaller pieces. Paul begins to cook the chicken while Christmas sits at the counter to cut up the vegetables. They put Raven in charge of baking the corn on the cob; Christmas request it not to be salted. Josh goes back to the Green Rm and chats with them. Josh says Jason will look good with a bald head–nope!, Jason will not entertain the thoughts. Jason mentions the name Bobby Oar…even though he does not know who he is. Kevin informs him about Bobby Oar being the greatest hockey player ever. Only Wayne Gretzky would be in comparison.

HOH Paul and Josh

September 07, 2017


Paul – if they play home videos don’t get all emotional and f*ed up. Don’t let your emotions take over. Understand that we have to make this move tomorrow
Josh – mmmm hmmmm
Paul – or else.. we’re done
Josh – F*ed
Paul – it has to happen or we’ll literally lose.. I guarantee it (Paul will lose)
Paul – are you good
JOsh – mmmhmmm

Paul – black yourself out on the speech or you’ll trip yourself up…
JOsh – it’ll be hard.. Fool.. he’s leaving no matter what
JOsh – it’ll be hard the way I’m going about it.. that’s what’s hard for me
Paul says if Jason knew he was going home they would have had a more stressful week
Josh says it’s been more stressful for him not telling Jason.
Josh – Alex has to go next week
Paul- that’s why we’re doing it the way we’re doing it..
Paul – I’m trying to win.. but you have to keep me safe at 5
josh – mmmmhmmmm
Paul – I’ll put Raven and Kevin up
Josh – I don’t think that’s smart, put her straight up. What if Alex wins the veto
Paul – than Raven goes
JOsh – why would we want to take Alex to 5
Paul – we wouldn’t but Alex is playing in the veto no matter what ..
Paul doesn’t want Alex “Activated”
Paul – if she’s not on the block she necessarily doesn’t want to win

JOsh – tomorrow.. do I throw it to you
Paul – it’s up to you.. i would rather you take 5.. (HOH)

JOsh – I’m worried
Paul – Fool, next week nothing wrong can happen, we’re fine..
Josh is worried if Alex wins
Paul tells him let him separate and tie in with Alex.
Paul – she underestimates you and Xmas she thinks you guys f*ing suck..
Paul will reinforce to Alex that Josh and Xmas suck and Raven is more of a comp threat.
Paul – Raven voted jason out.. Kevin might turn the f* up.. Kevin’s a f*, she still hates Kevin it’s not like she’s going to love Kevin
Paul – I’ll be like if you get Kevin out there’s not blood on your hands .. and raven’s a competitor.
Paul – I can convince her not to put you guys uop.. That’s the whole point of this plan
Josh is worried Alex will rage.
Paul – she just wants to get to the end of the game, She’s not going to risk flipping out

Paul says if she turns on the whole house she’s out for sure. Points out that Alex listens to all his advice he simply tells her he knows how to get them to the end of the game and convince her to put up Raven and Kevin.
Paul – nothing wrong can happen we control the votes as long as we’re not both up there.. that’s the whole point of the plan
JOsh says Alex won’t beat them in comics
Paul – you don’t know that Fool
JOsh – she won’t.. she panics

Josh says he wishes they had gone about this week differently.
Paul goes on about knowing Jason mentality and knowing that it would have been worse had they told him.

Live Feed Updates: Wednesday, September 6th (2)

September 06, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Wednesday, September 6th (2)
3:00 P M BBT Jason asks Josh what pair of slippers does he want..He threw all of them on the floor and told Josh to pick. Josh is smelling them. Kevin is telling Josh you can’t do a left and a left. Alex just came into the bedroom and lied on her bed. Jason said the fat prick (Josh) bite his glasses. Jason said Josh thought he took his slippers, and his slippers are wider. Jason asked Alex what time it is, she said I don’t know. Jason said he does not want to borrow other people’s stuff. He said he has no interest in his fucking slippers. Paul is telling Josh to move in with him and they can split rent. Xmas is saying the great thing about her job is she can do it anywhere. Josh said he needs to find a team, at least one person who he trusts. Xmas said you get a business adviser. You don’t get a partner. Xmas says she has a guy that is getting her hooked up on Amazon. Paul and Raven are whispering about dates in the bathroom area. They are saying are you sure she was on the block for 14 days. They are going back and forth between day 1 and day 2. Paul said she quit on day 8 right? Technically day 7 . Paul and Raven continue to go over dates in the bathroom area. Kevin, Jason and Alex are all laying on their beds in the bedroom. Kevin says you know it’s a slow day when you can’t wait to take a shower. Jason says he plans on taking another one too. Jason is talking about how he needs to have a better vocabulary. He wants to sound like he knows what he is talking about. Jason said font. I don’t think that is one word I have ever said in life, and I have said it twice now. Alex told him he is a hillbilly. Jason said the word of the day is font. Jason said he is going to go check out the font on his sardine package. Jason asks Kevin what font is he thinking about. Kevin said I don’t know. Paul and Raven are still in the bathroom area going over dates.
3:15 PM BBT Jason keeps saying font. Alex is giving him names of different fonts. Kevin said he is going to put socks on now. Jason said you are going crazy now Kevin and he said I know. Jason gets up, and says he is going to eat some fish. Kevin asked what fish, and he grabbed a bag and Alex said she wants some. Jason and Alex go to the kitchen to eat sardines. Paul is giving Alex a back rub. Jason said tell me we have triscuits I have to have Triscuits. Alex asked Paul what he is eating and he said a salad. Xmas is still on the couch talking with Josh. Jason keeps saying font. Feeds go down and right back up. Paul said to Jason it’s all you, Jason said at least you tried one. Alex said she is so bored and Paul said same. Alex told Jason she is not a fan of that. Jason said I think they are amazing. Raven just came down to the kitchen from the hoh room. Xmas and Josh joined them in the kitchen. Xmas told Paul she wore his shirt to bed last night and sweated a lot and she has to wash it. Kevin is laying on his bed. Jason thinks they cranked up the wattage on the lights. Josh said they are bright as fuck today. Xmas said she think she is the smallest she has been in a long time. Alex asked Josh to hand her a plastic fork. Raven put a yellow floatie on and came out to the kitchen. Raven told Paul the food he is cooking smells good…Paul said thank you. Paul is coughing, he breathed in the spices. Alex and Josh are talking about how they are really building outside. Xmas is making salad dressing. Raven is pouring herself some Diet Coke. Paul asked if he should grill more veggies or is this enough? Xmas says that looks amazing. Raven took her floatie off and set it on the round table in the kitchen. Paul said oh fuck, he lost a vegetable on the floor. Paul is telling Josh he doesn’t need to cut up all the chicken. They are talking about how many packs of chicken they have left. Raven is doing dishes. Xmas said she doesn’t like to do many things slow..
3:30 PM BBT Paul asked Josh if the chicken is ready. Paul said Josh you tasted it? You don’t do that to chicken. Paul said don’t just try chicken juice homie, Xmas said you are going to get sick. Production just called Raven to the diary room. Josh is saying they hooked us up dude with food. Josh said Ralphs is big huh? Paul is telling Josh he needs to take him to a sub shop called Dan’s subs. Josh said he wants chipotle. They are talking about paninis..Sandwiches. They are talking about Aroma Cafe. Jason is back in the bedroom with Kevin. Kevin said I have not eaten a sardine in my life. Jason said in oil like that, it’s pure energy. Kevin asked what time it it. Kevin said his wife is at work. Kevin is talking to the cameras to his girls and to Jason. Jason says he worries when he gets home, they will be like fuck we didn’t even miss you. Kevin said I can tell you three people that miss you. Holly, Gaven and Olie. Kevin said she can actually go on the computer and see them. Kevin said he knows his girls are watching them right now. Jason and Kevin are talking to the cameras, and Jason says your dad is already packed and they haven’t given me my bag yet. He says they better not have lost it. Josh is talking about how Raven is 23 and how he is different. Josh said she just wants to be involved , included..And it becomes forced. Xmas says…Painfully enforced. Xmas is talking about someone at her gym. Kevin and Json are in the bedroom still. Jason is laying down. Kevin is talking about Jason’s favorite actor is Mark Wahlberg. They are talking about different movies. Xmas is telling Paul and Josh how she didn’t like what she said yesterday. She said she vented. Paul, Xmas and Josh are laughing about how the seed fell out of the avocado..

3:45 PM BBT Paul says he thinks the food is ready. Xmas said she will come check. Xmas yelled to Josh to get spinach. Xmas says it needs to cook a little longer. Just a few more minutes, see how it is pink when you open it up? Paul says yes. Xmas said you guys can build your own salad. Paul tells Josh not to open the spinach yet. They are talking about how spicy the food is. Josh is dancing in the kitchen. Xmas is showing Paul see how it cuts so easy, and it’s white. Explaining how to make sure chicken is done. Kevin just changed his shirt. Kevin told Jason he will be right back, he needs to piss. Production told them in the kitchen to please stop signing. Kevin is looking in the fridge in the kitchen. He grabs the chocolate mile and is making himself a drink. Xmas is telling Paul the food smells so good. They are both cooking the chicken. Kevin is asking what trash needs to go into the bag, he is going to take the bag out. Xmas asks Kevin if he wants some chicken and salad. Xmas told Kevin there are no more havenots and he doesn’t have to do that anymore. Josh asked where is the salad. Xmas says you have to put it together. Josh said he wants a big ol’ plate. Kevin comes back to the kitchen. He is making himself something to eat with the chicken they cooked up. Paul asked Kevin how is your food and Kevin shakes his head up and down. It is now Kevin, Josh , Paul and Xmas in the kitchen. Kevin is standing in the kitchen. Paul says that was a nice light lunch. Josh said yummy. Paul is filling up the ice cube trays. Josh is talking about how the chicken is really good. Kevin is cleaning up the water Paul spilled and Paul is thanking him. Jason and Alex are laying in the bedroom going over dates.
4:00 PM BBT Jason and Alex are in the Green bedroom talking about who has put who on the block and how many times people have been up on the block. Kevin, Josh, Christmas and Paul are all in the kitchen eating and chatting. Feeds go to fish. Paul says he eats clean at home. He only eats chicken or Salmon. And he said if his mom cooks she cooks relatively clean. “I ain’t worried about it.” Christmas said, “Oooh, I love salmon.” Paul was called to the DR. Christmas said, “That was a good salad.” Josh said, “Yes it was.” Raven came out into the kitchen and Christmas asked her if she wanted a hug. She said yes and walked over to Christmas. They hugged for about a minute. Christmas asked if she wanted to vent about anything. She said, “I can’t talk about it right now. My mother…” Then she asked if the chicken was good. Josh and Christmas said it was really good. Raven got food and sat down to eat. Then she said she was asked about having children and stuff. Christmas said it’s ok. She said, “I told you you should own an orphanage and then you would have a lot of children and help them.” Josh said, “Those opportunities will show themselves pretty soon.” Then she started to cry and Josh grabbed her and started hugging her. She said, “she doesn’t mean to cry but I’m just worried about my mom because I know she is sick.” Then Christmas came over and hugged her again and gave her a napkin. Christmas said, “It’s ok.” Josh said, “It’s ok to have a moment. We all have them. I’ve had about a thousand of them in here.” Christmas said, “Your mom will be proud of you.” She said, “I know you wanted to stay here in LA for a while after the show but maybe you should go home just to see and be with your mom.” Raven said, “Yeah she is sick.” Josh said, “If it is bad news they will let us know. So if she is OK we won’t hear and you only have a little while to see her.” Christmas said, “I know your mom is so proud of you and how far you have come on here. And you have mad an awareness for Gastroparesis.”
4:15 PM BBT Raven said, “She has come to a point where her disease is getting bad.” Christmas said, “But you just being here is a dream for you and for her and a blessing.” “She is having a hard time but you are making this a better time for her being here.” Josh said, “Just remember that we will be home soon and right now we have this opportunity and when we get home we will be like, “Damn.” Josh said, “There are so many people out there that are proud of you. We don’t know what we will be walking out to.” Alex is in her bed in the Green bedroom picking her teeth. Kevin is in his bed just relaxing. Jason is in his bed chilling. Josh came in and Jason asked him what he wants. Josh said, “Eating chocolate.” He asked Jason what he is doing. Jason said, “What are you doing?” Jason said, “Just laying here trying to let my stomach settle before I leave here.” Josh asked Kevin why some cups are in here. Kevin said for my gatorade and to rinse and reuse. Josh looked over at Alex and asked what she was doing and what she had. She said, “A tooth cleaning pack.” He said, “I need to get me one of those.” Kevin said, “Look at him. Isn’t he handsome?” Josh sat up and smiled real big. Then they started talking about guys were going to like Josh and he said they were going to like him and he needs to have a talk with Holly after this. Josh left the room. Jason followed and stopped in the restroom. They headed upstairs to play chess. Josh went into the HH bedroom to brush his teeth. Jason went upstairs and sat down at the chess table waiting for Josh. He started yelling, “Come on Mark. I only have 35 minutes before my Uber gets here.” He yelled it again. Alex came upstairs to watch them. He asked her to open the door to the HOH room to yell at him. He yelled again, “Come on Mark!!” Alex asked, “Why Mark?” Jason said, “Because Mark would always say he would meet up here for a game and 45 minutes later he would show up.”
4:30 PM BBT They start playing chess. Raven and Christmas are downstairs talking about her foot. Christmas said this has been the best place for her to heal. Because if she was at home she would have been doing something she shouldn’t have. She said here she is confined and food is delivered and she has awesome hgs that help her out when she needs it. She said, “And I get to be called “Scooter Girl all summer.” She said it would be cool if she is asked to come back for a comp and there was a scooter comp. Her and Raven start talking about how that might look. Then Raven says there have been a lot injuries this season. Then she starts talking about her fall down the stairs. And she Paul was there but when he saw the blood he was gone. Christmas said, That’s funny. For a man that likes so many morbid things, he can’t stand blood.” Feeds go to fish very briefly. Then come back on Jason and Josh upstairs playing chess. Josh said check a couple of times. Jason moved out of check. Josh says check again. Jason takes Josh’s knight.
4:30 PM BBT They start playing chess. Raven and Christmas are downstairs talking about her foot. Christmas said this has been the best place for her to heal. Because if she was at home she would have been doing something she shouldn’t have. She said here she is confined and food is delivered and she has awesome hgs that help her out when she needs it. She said, “And I get to be called “Scooter Girl all summer.” She said it would be cool if she is asked to come back for a comp and there was a scooter comp. Her and Raven start talking about how that might look. Then Raven says there have been a lot injuries this season. Then she starts talking about her fall down the stairs. And she Paul was there but when he saw the blood he was gone. Christmas said, That’s funny. For a man that likes so many morbid things, he can’t stand blood.” Feeds go to fish very briefly. Then come back on Jason and Josh upstairs playing chess. Josh said check a couple of times. Jason moved out of check. Josh says check again. Jason takes Josh’s knight.
4:45 PM BBT Paul came out of the DR and Christmas is called to the DR. She said she is going to pee first. Paul asked what they were going to do today. Christmas said she is going to work first. Paul said, “Trejo has surgery later today so I have to make sure my hands are ready for that.” And he goes upstairs. Raven poured herself some Diet Coke and went upstairs also. She sat down to watch the chess game. Paull went back downstairs. He went to the LR and started working out. Alex started saying how she would move and Jason asked her, “Who’s playing? You or him?” She said she was just saying. Alex says, “Josh close him in.” Jason says, “Now I’m f**ked.” Alex said, “There you go.” Then she starts showing him something on the board and Jason said, “Would you stop. How come you don’t play?” She said, “I did the other day.” Paul is now in the kitchen getting some ice and water from the refrigerator. Kevin comes in and Paul says, “What’s up?” Kevin asked Paul if he eats his food fast too. He said yes because he can feel it go down and he has to drink water right after. Kevin said his kids will tell him they think he is weird because it happens to him too. Paul asked who won the chess game and then said he has next. And he went upstairs. Kevin said he was going to go take a shower. He went to the bathroom. Paul said, “Are we going to play Extreme Chess?” Jason said yes. Jason won the game. Josh went into the HOH bedroom. Alex is lying on the sofa by the chess table. Raven is still sitting there watching the game. Jason and Paul are speaking in Brittish accents. Alex said she would rather play poker. Raven said, “Me too.” Paul said, “I like Black Jack.” Raven went into the HOH bedroom.
5:00 PM BBT Alex asked who was showering and if it was Josh. He said, “No. It’s Uber.” Raven came back out to the chess table and asked Paul was drinking, “Kool aid?” He said, “No. It’s water with a little bit of gatorade.” She said, “Kool aid.” Jason looked at Raven because she was talking about her arm hurting because Alex said hers hurt. He said, “Cool shirt. My nephew went there. Did you go there?” Raven said, “U of A! Woohoo.” And she said no she went to Winterhaven. Alex said she is tired. Raven went and sat down on the sofa across from the one Alex is lying on. They start talking about coloring their hair and hair dyes. Alex said she wants to do a color on hers like pink. Raven said she wants to do hers silver like Megan’s. She said she liked that silver with the blue. Alex said hers was nice and didn’t have much grow out. And she said Raven’s matches her arm hair and her weave hair really good and Christmas’ grows out really nice too. Then they started talking about the Kardashians. Alex asked Paul where the Kardashian’s hang out. He said he doesn’t know. Alex said a few different places she thinks they hang out. Raven started talking about her friend that does her hair. And she says he came out here somewhere where they have the rides at. Kevin is getting out of the shower downstairs.
5:15 PM BBT Alex asked Raven when she is going to move here. Raven starts talking about where people dig for real diamonds in Arkansas, Diamond Crater, and the Hot Springs. And she said they have many bathhouses where the have the water from the hot springs coming into in Downtown. Alex asked how hot the water is. Raven said, “Really hot because it is for healing. Stars come there for them.” She said that the downtown is very touristy. She said you can go downtown and buy Amethyst and Quartz. She said, “One place you can go and by all natural bath soaps and bath salts.” “We also have Fat Bottom Girls” Cupcakes there.” “They are from the Food Network channel.” Alex asked, “Were they on Cupcake Wars?” Raven said, “Yes.” Alex said, “That’s what I need is cake.” Raven said, “Yeah, a cupcake or a brownie.” Then Raven starts talking about Fayetteville Missouri. Kevin went back and lay down on his bed in the Green bedroom. Jason left the chess table to go downstairs to the restroom. Paul stood up and is listening to Raven. She is talking about other stores in the area of the Crescent Hotel, a Laffy Taffy shop and a Sock Shop Paul would like. Paul left and went in the HOH bedroom to talk with Josh. He said if they play vidoes tomorrow and stuff don’t get emotional and don’t let your emotions take over. “We have to make this move tomorrow,” Paul said. Josh said, “i just wished I would have know about it ahead of time. Then I could have enjoyed my time with him.” Then Paul says he wants Josh to take 5 so he can take 4. Josh said, “I’m worried.” Paul asked him why. “I’m worried about what if Alex wins?” Paul said, “We have the veto next week. And she still hates Kevin. It isn’t like she is not going to hate Kevin.”
5:30 PM BBT Josh said, “What if she rages?” Paul said, “She is not going to rage. She doesn’t think you or Raven can play.” Paul said, “We control the votes. What are you so worried about? I will talk to her.” “Why would Alex put up two people she can beat?” “She will get amped or gassed up if she is on the block. That is why we shouldn’t put her up yet this week.” “She is good at comps.” “I have to tell her not to put them up because they are easy.” All she is worried about is not getting blood on her hands. We don’t play like that. You don’t care about blood on your hands.” “You should talk with Raven tonight.” Paul asked, “Did you apologize in here?” “Yeah. I did. But I want to do it again. I don’t want him to go like that.” Paul asked, “Are you going to have that talk with Raven.” He said ok. Josh said, “I just wish I would have been able to have more time with him than this.” Christmas comes out of the DR. Production calls Alex to the DR. Paul said, “Raven is coming in here now.” Paul asked if they are both ok. He told Raven that they have to keep their emotions in check no matter what they show during your speeches and stuff. Raven said, “We have to or we are f**ked.” Josh said, “Chooch you don’t have to tell me that.” Paul said, “We have to get Kevin on the block. Paul asks Raven, “You’re not afraid to take that shot right?” Raven said, “Yeah.” Paul told them to let him take the heat after the vote and I am going to act like everyone is against me. I am going to try and convince her to throw it to me.” Raven said, “Jason asked me in the hot tub, “You know how you are voting right?” And I told him yes I did.” “And he said, Ok good.” Josh said, “Wait til Matt sees him in the Jury house.” Josh asks what they will see in the Jury house. Paul said, “They see the veto and HOH comps.” Josh asked, “Not the DRs?” Paul said, “Fool, No.”
5:45 PM BBT Josh said, “If we get home videos, f**k.” Paul asks, “so you guys are good right?” “And you know what you are going to say on the block and stuff.” Raven says what she plans to say. Josh asked, “Where is Joy?” Raven said, “They are working out.” Josh asks, “Christmas is working out?” Josh leaves the room. Paul asks Raven, “Are you ok?” She said just thinking. She said, “Alex was saying if it was them two at the end then she would win.” Paul said, “No Jason would win hands down.” Josh came back in the room. Paul said for him to go down and talk with Christmas and come back up and we will play chess. He leaves the HOH bedroom. Paul asks Raven again, “What are you worried about?” She said, “Josh is a good competitor.” Paul said, “No he’s not.” “You think so? I actually think he is worse than Kevin.” She said, “Really?” He said, “Yeah. Do you think something different?” She said, “No. I guess not.” Paul said, “I would rather you win this one or me, then Josh the next one.” She says, “You or me yes.” He asks, “Do you want me to scream “Gumpy” so you can throw it to me?” She said, “Yeah if you want to. Scream this is Gumpy and I will throw it to you.” She said, “I better leave before they get sketched out.” He said ok. She left the HOH room. Then Paul went out too but stayed upstairs and started counting the round things on the wall. Alex asked if he was up there playing chess by himself. Then she said he should call Jason. Paul came downstairs. Jason said, “What the f**k Paul?” Paul said, “Let’s play. I’m just going to do some push ups real quick.”
6:00 PM BBT Kevin sitting in the green bedroom and Jason comes in and starts talking to him. Jason is starting to pack and Kevin is talking to him about it. Paul, Alex and Christmas talking in the living room. Christmas talking about guys who lift in her gym. Alex exercising on the couch. They are talking about Mark working out. Raven comes into living room and sits on couch. Jason ironing his outfit for tomorrow. Living room group talking about soulcycle now. Kevin says to Jason he is 20 years older than him and has no allies in the house. All cameras move to Kevin and Jason in green br. Kevin says oh god help me and asks what time it is. Kevin says the show has been shown in Boston so now his kids know he is on the block. Jason changes the subject. Feeds cut for a couple of minutes then return.
6:15 PM BBT Alex laying in green bedroom with sunglasses on with Kevin while Jason packs. She is talking to Kevin about packing. Christmas talking about crossfit. Paul talking about gyms he has been to. Alex asking how expensive Jason’s items are that he is packing. Alex is saying there is something of his she wants before he leaves and they are trying to figure out what it will be. Christmas tells Paul he has to come to meet one of her friends at crossfit.
6:30 PM BBT Josh and Alex hugging in bed. Paul comes in and throws something and hits Josh, it scares him. Raven brings up Mark and then they start telling stories about him. Paul says Mark played himself. They are talking about how Mark throwing the pickle juice in Josh’s face was not funny at all. Josh says his family was raging when they saw that clip. They say Mark was “gumpy”. Christmas complains that Elena took her pillow for her leg and the bed that she called. Everyone agrees that was not cool. Christmas says any situation Elena gets in she is the victim and Raven agrees emphatically. Christmas says she will break her foot for her.
6:45 PM BBT Paul talking about his cats. He says they fight all the time. Jason is still ironing and packing. Raven starts talking about her animals too. They agree they miss them. They are talking about beers now and Paul says light beer is gumpy. Camera zooms in on Raven’s feet propped up on the kitchen counter and her socks are filthy. Paul asks if someone can tweet something to one of his bandmates. Paul asks Josh if he will go to a show with him and he says yes. Paul goes into green bedroom and asks what is going on, Jason says he is finally packed. Christmas and Raven talking and Christmas says her legs are very skinny right now and Raven agrees. BB calls out Josh for napping. Paul is standing over Josh in rose room who has blindfold on about to scare him. Josh says to BB to wait that he is meditating. Paul then jumps on him and he screams.
7:00 PM BBT Paul begging Josh to play chess and he keeps saying no and he won’t get out of bed. Christmas asking Raven about when she will take a trip to Sweden, Raven says she can’t spend money on trips as much because of her priorities. Raven now talking about Matt’s personal life. She says he was really sweet and she hopes her mom finds somebody like that. Paul talks to Josh and tells him he won’t believe what he is going to say. He starts telling about his conversation with Raven earlier. He reiterates that she said Josh is a better competitor and that they should cut him at final 5. Josh says she has wanted him out for a long time because he is close with Paul. Paul says do you think Raven is a big fan of me and Josh says Raven is highly obsessed with him. Paul says that Raven wants to win HOH 4, not 5. Paul goes to leave and Josh says now he can’t meditate. Alex studying with Jason. Alex says they have gotten lazy with have nots. Alex says tomorrow won’t be a double, there will be a sunday then they will be done. They are saying because it is football it will mess up. Alex says Paul is sure there is a Sunday. Alex tells Jason and Kevin that BB is a major primetime show for CBS. Alex says next season would be a big season and Jason asks why, Alex says because it is 20.
7:15 PM BBT Alex thinks the cast could be bigger or money could be better, or anything could be bigger and better. Raven talking about health stuff and says samples need to be taken of her stomach. Paul gets up and walks away. Raven talking about gastroparesis to Christmas. Paul comes into green br and Alex says she hopes he comes back for a third season. Alex says they will redo the cast because Megan was a dud. Paul says they will bring back someone from this season. Alex says she wants to do survivor. Christmas and Raven come into green br. Paul says they will bring back 1 or 2 from this cast. Raven says Ramses? They start talking about how he was funny. Alex says maybe Mark? Paul says he doesn’t know and Jason says probably not. Alex calls him a crybaby. HGs talking about where they will go after the show. Raven goes into rose room and is jumping on bed to wake up Josh. Josh and Raven talking about how everyone is by themselves now and how they will freak out tomorrow when Alex and Jason get split up.
7:30 PM BBT Raven leaves and Josh camtalks a little before getting up and going into green bedroom. Josh is being annoying and BB tells him to knock it off. Everyone cheers. Kevin gets called to the storage room. They think it will be aspirin but not sure and hope it is something fun. It was aspirin. They realize that it is actually allergy meds. They are talking about Trejo again.
7:45 PM BBT Josh and Alex go into the kitchen to cook spaghetti for dinner. Josh and Alex complain that the kitchen is gross. Josh says his mom is a good cook but when his grandma cooks he goes to chipotle. Green bedroom group chatting while the two in the kitchen cook. Paul comes into the kitchen. Alex tastes Josh’s sauce and says it is really good.
8:00 PM BBT Paul talking about his grandparents relationship and others chime in with their own grandparents stories.feeds cut Josh is making spaghetti for everyone.Alex is cooking the noodles
Jason asks Josh if it was spicey and Josh tells Jason no.Alex says no more salt needed it’s perfect.
Josh tells Alex he just winged it he hardly ever cooks and Alex thanks him for cooking.Jason says he loves meat and there’s more sauce than meat.Josh asks Jason why would he throw lettuce out when it’s good .Alex and Jason are cleaning the fridge out.Alex tells Josh and Jason she’s cooking because she is just bored.
8:15 PM BBT Raven tells Josh how you can tell when the spaghetti noodles are done.Jason asks Alex what’s in the oven and she says nothing just the timer is on so she knows when the pasta is cooked.Jason is talking to Alex about the hoh and says he will gunn for it and Alex says she will try and win to.Alex says to Raven the pasta will be done in 5 minutes.Alex goes to the storage to get some coke to drink and she says she hides it for special occasions.Raven joins them in the kitchen, Alex yells dinner is ready, Raven says I think everyone is dead in there. Jason everybody napping are what. Raven says they are in there thinking about their lives.Josh comes in while they others sit around the table, Jason says thanks Hank Jr. Raven thanks everyone who cooked for them.Paul, Kevin, Christmas Still in the Green BR not saying a word.Christmas gets up to leave and Kevin tells her it was nice hanging out, She says yes it was anytime.Fixes the pillows and leaves goes into the kitchen. Kevin tells Paul he needs to go try and eat.kevin is asking Paul what he should wear, while Paul is napping on the sofa bed, Kevin says he’s ready to see and talk to his family after 90 F@# days.Then leaves out of the room.
8:30 PM BBT Kevin joins, Raven,Jason and Christmas at the table.Everyone is being sociable, talking about the corn hole games.Josh goes in the Green BR wakes Paul up, and the both go in the Red BR to bed, talking about Josh is saying how he doesn’t know why Raven always wanted to get him out, And have side comments about whose HOH it was, Like is that your HOH are is it Pauls cause he is always up there.He said that they would tell him you need to let Paul know this is your HOH not his, Paul says oh yea,” says what people.” Josh goes on to talk about how Matt would make smart ass comments when he would ask Josh something about what he was gonna do and Matt would throw in “Oh wait I guess I should ask Paul because it’s what he wants” Paul laughs it off.

Kevin and Jason 

September 06, 2017

Kevin and Jason 
Kevin – listen make me a promise and I’ll do the same.. If I leave don’t let people bad mouth me
Kevin – just say listen man the dude’s my friend and he’s gone Let’s go to the next person we’re going to screw over
Kevin doesn’t want to go home and find out after he left they were saying sh1t about him.
kevin doesn’t think Paul or Josh will..
Kevin – I don’t think Alex will .. not know.. you look ridiculous if you do that now.. you look bad.
Kevin – it’s a f*ing show.. I told Matt that and he used it..
Kevin says Paul should teach a class on conversation.. Says they can just pull a topic out of the box and let him go on about it, “75% he knows what he’s talking about”
Kevin – he knows everything for a young kid that’s amazing
Jason – he definitely has an opinion on everything (bingo)
Kevin – this f*ing Paul, I’m telling you, they should have him back for next year every f*ing year Paul should be back (for the love of Kraken no)
Kevin – they’re building some kinda big comp out there.. you hear it?
Jason – yeah..

(Kevin sums up BB19) 
Kevin – here’s the thing Jason, you have people who.. who want to go further in the game right now and they know Paul is a BIG player. So they aren’t going to ever question anything he says they are going to roll with it.
Jason – right
Kevin starts nodding his head – Yup.. because they’re number 1 insecurity is they are going out, right.. and figuring if they do that then he’ll stay with them.
Kevin – LIttle do they know Paul wants to win himself you know what I mean
jason – yeah
Kevin – the bottom line is Paul wants to win too so if he has the chance to get somebody out
Jason – that’s a smart move
Kevin – exactly right
Kevin – how are you feeling? got a weight off your shoulders
Jason – f*k it.. You don’t want to be on the block so the reason you have anxiety because you try to figure out how to stay off the block
Jason – one you are on the block you’re just like… well f* I can’t do a f*ing thing about it now
Kevin – that’s how I feel

Kevin – I’m going to be honest with you I don’t think I’m going to miss this that much.. I did 80 days That’s enough man

Jason – I can’t believe I haven’t lost my mind
Kevin – I did
Jason – I learnt a lot about myself in here

Kevin – I know what you’ve learned.. you won’t leave you f*ing wife a kids for 4 months again

They laugh
Jason – no..
Kevin – never right
Jason – she put that in writing..
Kevin – I don’t think they know the deprivation here.. From Tuesday night to Sunday things are closed down
Jason goes on to tell a story about when he was riding bulls and his wife was a full time student at college.
Jason – my wife’s family.. dirt f*ing poor..
Feeds cut..
When we’re back
Jason – so every morning I would put 20 bucks in her purse because I didn’t want her to not have any money, her parents weren’t going so send her any money
Jason – her mom didn’t even come to her college graduation because she’s never driven a car to de moine before..
Jason – for the first 10 years I supplied all the money .. go be a model.. I was working man.. I was making 18 bucks an hour and I was riding bulls.

HOH room. Josh to the camera.

September 06, 2017

HOH room. Josh to the camera.

I’ve been trying to talk to Christmas and let her know the game that Paul is playing. Not because I don’t trust him, not because I want to turn on him, not because I doubt him. To work as a team that benefits the three of us. I understand the angle that he needs to work as a vet. I understand that he needs to work everybody and I understand he is securing the votes to win. More power to you but if we’re a team, I think we should do whats right by the team. As business owners, as athletes, as everything, I think the three of us understand that. She thinks that I’m trying to plant seeds in her head, that I’m trying to create doubt and that I am trying to separate the team. That is not my intent. You can pay me right now as much as I needed 25K, 15K, 10K, 5K to turn on these people and I won’t say f**k no. There is not one part of my heart that does not trust Paul. Big Brother blocks the feeds. When they return – Josh – I think being such a huge fan of the game, I can see what a great game he is playing. He is playing an aggressive and intense game. And I f**king love it for him but I am playing against him. I am playing in this house against him and I am playing with him. So in his plan he needs to do something that benefits the three of us. It can’t benefit him. The funny thing is he reminds me of my brother. There is no mistrust. There is no me wanting to turn on him. Even though it might sound like that because I don’t know how to word it and say it because when I see something I instantly react. But I’ve connected the dots on his game, his mindset and what he is doing and I want to voice it to her so that we can speak as a team and make sure that everyone of his plans we dissect it and do what is best for the team. She is taking it as that I am trying to create double in the team. That is not my intent. I am not naive. I can see moves before they’re made. I can connect the dots easily. I am a team player. I want to win for me and my family. I know he is looking out for the three of us but he is protecting himself. I don’t know if I drop it because she has gotten annoyed with me. We’ve gotten into arguments, we’ve gotten heated, we’ve walked away from conversations. I don’t know if I have to drop it because she is getting heated. Or if I need to act on it?

I know that I am never going to turn on those two but I also know that I am not going to sit back and play someone elses hand. Either we play together or we have to sit down and talk. The one thing that the men in my life have taught me is how to separate business from personal. This is business and I am trying to separate the two. I want this so bad but would be happy if one of them wins. I am not going to have my game tainted. I am not going to start playing dirty for no ones game. All we need to do is have a conversation. He has his agenda. It doesn’t mean I want to go against him, it doesn’t mean I want to clip him. It just means pump the breaks and lets do what is best for the three of us. That’s it. I am cranking it the F**K up and zoning in on the top three. Hopefully Paul realizes its about the three of us because I am thinking about the three of us.

Backyard. Christmas and Josh. 

September 06, 2017

Backyard. Christmas and Josh. 
Christmas – when he (Paul) says things I don’t just blindly agree. I will always challenge him. Josh – that’s where I’m at now. Christmas – my first HOH he wanted to me to put up Kevin and I said no I think this is what needs to happen instead. Josh – why Kevin. Christmas – because he doesn’t deserve to be here. Him and Raven have done NOTHING! And in the times that she needed to do something like in this veto, she blew it. You don’t get to be at the end of this game and be little miss sunshine squeaky f**king clean and win it. I don’t care what happens .. if that girl wins it.. Josh – if one of those people win, I will NEVER watch big brother again. Christmas – I wouldn’t either. Josh – I’m joking I would. Christmas – for one of us to not win it we would need to fail in the next two competitions.. EPIC EPIC .. its almost becoming impossible. The next HOH is the most important one. Josh – I think I want it. Christmas – what ever you need me to do. Josh – everyone hates her (Alex) in jury. Christmas – just remind her subtly how damn Cody tried to blow up your game before he left. She got into a fight with Elena and she was teammates with Jason. Christmas – Alex can’t go further. She needs to go. Josh – He (Paul) doesn’t want to do it. Christmas – I don’t care, then he shouldn’t be HOH. Josh – I’ll take it. Christmas – there is no way to keep Alex in this game and for us to be safe. She will come for me and you.



Josh – we’ve been a dynamic group. Christmas – we’ve played a clean game. Alex has to be first. Josh – he can control Alex. Christmas – she is not controllable completely and Raven is. Raven hasn’t been squeezed yet. She will flip her f**king lid. All you have to do right before a comp is talk sh*t to her. She turns red and she will not be able to compete. You, me and Paul are cool as f**king cucumbers! Bring it! Alex crumbles a little bit but she can recover. Josh – he has her locked in as a jury vote. I told him about the Jason comment and he instantly went and did damage control. I 100% believe he wants us in the top three but he wants to win. Christmas – that’s what he should be doing. That’s what we should be doing. Josh – we just have a lot more blood on our hands. Christmas – next week if Alex doesn’t go, that’s not okay with me. I am telling you there is no reason for Alex to stay in the game past next week. I am not okay with it. Josh – he thinks we have Raven. Christmas – okay then let me keep working her. I will take that emotional f**king torture. Josh – if I win HOH, I am straight shooting at her. 85% next weeks veto is BB comics. She is not winning it. Christmas – she came close in OTEV. If he doesn’t take Christmas out.. you have no idea the wrath of Christmas will reign down on this house. He will have no f**King clue what happened. Josh – this is a conversation that we have to have. Christmas – I know but this is the plan. The plan that we all decided on. There is no pivoting without us all collectively deciding. The only time we break away from each other is when we make top three. Josh – Okay I am just having this conversation with you because I have been analyzing his whole perspective. Christmas – I’ve heard the things too but I am not accepting the fact that he (Paul) would throw our games to protect one person (Alex). Josh – he is thinking they’re not threats. Josh – he is protecting us but also tainting us.. Christmas – okay I am DONE with this conversation. Josh – why? Christmas – I am pissy about it. Josh – why? Christmas – because I am hearing a lot of things that are not team related. Don’t tell me things that are going to taint my opinion of this team. NOT F**KING COOL! So back off on it! Josh – okay, can you hear me out? I don’t look at him like that. I said in there you could give me 25K and I wouldn’t take a shot at either of them (Paul or Christmas). Yeah he is playing this game but until he crosses me I am going to stick with him like white on rice. Christmas – okay that’s all I needed to know. Don’t plant seeds in my head that he is not loyal to us. You have to work your angle and I should too. Josh – his game unfolding in front of me does not push me to turn against him. Christmas – I know what he’s been doing since I’ve been on the block. Paul joins them.

Live Feed Updates Wednesday, September 6th

September 06, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Wednesday, September 6th

12:00AM BBT Alex says that coy and Jessica made them stars of the season because they were so stupid and petty. Paul talks about when Cody says he wanted to make it to jury with Jess and that he said ok but he never agreed to work with them. They say that Kevin will look back at this eviction later and be like wow. Alex tells Paul that Jillian had told them not to trust Paul. They ask Paul what did Mark have against him. He said he wanted to like him but didn’t trust him. Alex says she wants to know if Mark and Dominique really knew that Cody was gonna nominate him. Paul says he knew 100 % that he was going up. Jason says that the dumbest move this season was when Jessica put up Ramses vs josh. They all laugh and Paul says that was his doing. In the hot tub Josh is talking about how he thinks Paul wants him and the two of them to make final 3 but that Paul wants to win. Xmas she understands that because it is his game. They talk about there is no reason for Alex to be in this game after next week. Josh say that Raven is feeling lonely and alone. Josh says they need to make Raven feel needed, and he says Xmas was almost rude to her. She says I can’t help it I can’t stand people like her.

12:15AM BBT Josh says that they need to keep Raven to top 5 and then take her out. So Alex then Raven, and then Kevin. Josh says Paul has Kevin under his thumb and can control him. Josh is saying that he feels Paul is working or could be working with someone else. Xmas says she is done with the conversation because she is hearing things that are not team related and is not going to believe Paul is not loyal to them. Josh says he is protecting us but he is removing himself therefore making all the blood on their hands. Xmas says he worked all alone last season and got screwed so she is ok with the way he is playing. She says they are a team and they are working together. Paul comes out and says he was just chatting with everyone and he was just calming everyone down. He says that they are all weirded out and anxious. Raven and Alex looking at the memory wall calling evicted house guest names. Raven again trying to dance.

12:30AM BBT Kevin puts a pizza to cook and Raven, Xmas and Paul get some cereal to eat. Everyone goes outside to eat their cereal and Kevin comes and gets some chocolate milk. Everyone outside playing cornhole. Paul is called into the DR and josh steps in on the game in his spot. .

12:45 AM BBT All houseguests in the BY playing cornhole, Paul is in the DR and Josh says he is going to shower. Josh eating something out of the refrigerator that expired on Aug 29 th. Alex points out its Sep 5th and that if he gets sick from it don’t tell him about it.

1:00AM BBT Jason and kevin in the kitchen talking about. eating pizza. Paul and Raven talking about how she is ready to win HOH and take a shot. She says he wants to win and that she wants to make her mama proud.

1:15AM BBT Josh goes up to the HOH Room to have a shower. He talks to the feeders after saying he realizes the type of game Paul is playing, he says that him and Christmas have been fighting over it as she thinks he is turning on Paul. He tells us he is loyal to the 3 of them but wants to play a game that is good for all 3 not one of them.

1:30AM BBT In the backyard Raven has beaten the boys ( Jason and Paul) 3 games.

1:45AM BBT All cameras are on the backyard where Paul and Jason are still playing cornhole.

2:00AM BBT The game of cornhole continues between Jason and Paul. Raven has told them she is available to give lessons. The score is Jason 3 rounds Paul 2 rounds. Paul is standing over the board while Jason is shooting. Raven Christmas and Raven are telling Jason to do the same thing. Jason is standing right over the hole in the board. Jason is asking Why are we doing this? This is nuts. Paul says because you challenged me to a cornhole contest. I’m challenging you to a cornhole nuts game. Raven tries to blindfold Jason but he says no. They are still playing with Paul saying every time I aim for your n**s t goes in the hole. Jason says We are insane, I’ve gone nuts.

2:15 AM BBT The cornhole nut game is continuing. They have now added a rule that they have to straddle the board while throwing the bags. They are now doing speed rounds where they just throw the bags one right after another. Jason says we have lost our minds. Christmas says we are totally entertained. Inside the house Josh is in the HOH bed listening to music with a blindfold over his eyes. Paul is now kneeling over the board. Raven asks if the girls can throw them. Jason says no. After one round both Jason and Paul quit. Everyone but Christmas heads inside. She lays down and stares at the moon. Inside in the kitchen Jason is talking about a rodeo ride. Alex says she is going to ask her father to build another cornhole game so they can play it the way Jason and Paul did. Raven asks How long has Josh been in the DR. Paul says he doesn’t know meanwhile Josh is in the HOH Room listening to music. Christmas says she is heading upstairs to bed. Alex says Josh missed the best night where is he. Kevin is in bed. Paul says he is going to have a shower. Christmas asked Paul to grab the baking soda and bring it up. Paul asks what she is uses it for, she tells him to clean her boot. Paul and Christmas walk into the HOH Room and find Josh in bed. Raven has entered the room. Josh says he just got out of the DR maybe 10 minutes ago. Raven says she is the champ.

2:30 AM BBT Paul has gone into shower. Christmas is making a paste of baking soda and water to clean her boot. Paul is jumping into the shower. Raven says she has done her GBM’s but sometimes they call her back in for 2 questions. Big Brother tells her she is not allowed to talk about her DR sessions with other HGS. Raven thinks the cornhole game made the tv show. She is going to try and lie down and sleep. Josh says he had to do his GBMs and he didn’t want to go out into the backyard because he would start crying. Josh says it has been a good day. Josh says Fran is the cutest. He asks if she drools a lot . Christmas says No. Paul gets out of the shower Josh asks him if he has done his GBMs, he gets told not to talk about his DR sessions. Paul has been told to put on his mic but he continues to do his hair and beard. He gets told again to put on his mic. This time he does. Christmas is now in the shower, Paul is grooming himself in the mirror, Josh is lying in bed

2:45 AM BBT Downstairs Kevin has gone to the washroom and heads back to bed. Back in the HOH Room Paul asks Josh if he is good. He tells him they are going to get to the top and for Josh to trust him. Paul says goodnight, he says he is going to go talk to Raven, he says to Josh maybe we can talk in the hammock. Josh says when I see you walk by I will go then. Alex and Paul go into the Apple Room. lex says worse case is if Raven Josh or Christmas wins. Alex scares Josh as he comes down the stairs. In the Rose Room Raven and Paul are talking Paul is telling Raven what the plan is after Christmas breaks the tie, he is going to act surprised with Alex. He is saying worse case is Alex wins she will probably put up Kevin and Josh. He says she doesn’t want your blood on her hands as she has Matt’s. Best case he tells her Alex goes worse case Kevin goes, but he thinks she will throw it to him. Raven has taken her mic of Paul has turned the light out, both have crawled into bed. Josh is in the washroom and heads outside. All other HGS are in their beds except Christmas who is just getting out of the shower and putting her boot back on.

3:00 AM BBT Josh is lying on the hammock staring up at the moon. Christmas has turned out the lights in the HOH and has gone to bed. Josh is complaining the bugs are biting the s**t out of him. Josh is saying that he is going to have a hard time voting out Jason as he likes him. He says he doesn’t feel good about blindsiding him, he feels like s**t about it. Big Brother tells Josh humming is the same as singing to please stop. Josh says sorry. Josh says he needs to talk to Christmas but not turn her against Paul, but he needs for her to see the game Paul is playing. PHe says Paul is protecting his game and ruining their game. He says Christmas is getting pissed at him so he feels that he needs to take a step back. He says he can’t force her to see that. He says he believes that Paul wants to take the 2 of them to the end but he is playing to keep himself clean. He says if I push too hard they will turn against him. He says should I wait til Christmas sees it. He says he sees that Paul is playing to win . He says he has stuck by them for 77 days and he is going to stick by them unless they turn of him which he doesn’t see. Josh says Paul reminds him a lot of his brother, he is looking out for us but he is really protecting himself. He knows we are underestimated so he can throw things to us. He says he hopes that someone is listening because he feels crazy. He says he really likes Jason as he is real and has been played a lot in this game. He says this is the only move he regrets playing in this game. He says the way it is being done is not how he wanted to play the game.

3:15 AM BBT He tells us it is sad to think that this experience is coming to an end, it has been a blessing. He also hopes he can stay loyal to his alliance. He says he has had to downplay how much of a fan of the game he is. He says people think he is the crazy goofy one. He says he has never been underestimated as much in life as he has been in this game, but he is comfortable with who he is. He says being himself has gotten him this far in the game because a group of people seen the good in him. He says what he will take away from Big Brother is that he made it far in the game for being who he is. He is thanking the production crew for being the best and he knows it hasn’t been easy for them. He says he hopes the camera is on because he wants to be honest with those at home. He says he has never seen the big fat cuban kid on Big Brother so he never thought that he would make it. He says even being in the house has been surreal. He feels that him just being in the house he has won the game. He is crying, saying he knew that this year was going to be big on blessings for him as he finished college and started his own business and Big Brother called. He says sorry for crying but he is a cry baby.

3:30 AM BBT He says when he seen Paul on Season 18 he thought he is someone different. He says when he seen Paul he decided to try again. He tells us that this was his 3rd try. He says he is a fan of the game not the players from past seasons. He says he tried for the 3rd time because of Paul. He says he sent in a 1 minute clip and here he is. He says his brother probably has lost a ton of bets on when he would be coming home. He says he is talking to the one fan that is watching because he has a lot on his mind and can’t talk to anyone in the house. He says he use to live feed at 4 in the morning. He says his message is Don’t worry about what you want to do in life. For him it was finish college start his own business and go onto Big Brother. He says he wants to finish the way he wants to finish. He also thinks that he can go on to complete more of his dreams because of this. He says there was a lot of super fans this season. He says don’t worry about what people say or their judgements. He says ignore the noise just stay focused, have faith in your belief, work at it, stand for what you believe in No one can stop you or break you. He says I am very smart enough to not show these meatballs how smart I am, so you played yourself. He says his family speaks 2 languages so he does get bothered when they tell him he doesn’t know how to spell or say words. He says Elena showed him that she was smart and had a memory better than an air mac book. He says |Alex and Jason have gone on power trips whenever they win something. He says it is hard to be in the house when people get bossy. He says it is a house with a bunch of people who have egos the size of the Empire State Building. He says you cook food they tell you that you don’t cook that way, or you go to the bathroom the wrong way. He says he is himself here, he dances for hours at home. He says he doesn’t want to leave being hated he hopes he isn’t but feels he is. He says a lot of people try to get attention. He says he likes Raven but she is always tells the same stories as someone else. He thinks she has a lot of learning to do. He says it has been 77 days of her yelling and carrying on and driving them all nights. He says he wishes she would be Raven. He says since Matt has left she has toned it down a lot. Alex thinks she is the mastermind of the season.


3:45 AM BBT Alex thinks she is a Jannelle of this season. He says he remembers Janelle saying be loyal to the ones you want to in this house. He says he doesn’t think he will win if he is sitting next to Paul as he realizes that Paul has played a good game. He says this is a good vent sessions and he hopes someone is listening beside the walls that talk. He also hopes the jury is not bitter and they respect his game. He thinks a lot of the players in this game wanted to play his game. He says he feels he has hurt a lot of people in this game. He hopes he walks out with his family still loving him. He says the disconnect from the world is scary. He says he doesn’t know how he is going to act when he leaves this house. He says as long as his parents are proud of him he will be happy. He also says he hopes he inspired that one weird fan to try out his goals have been completed. He says he doesn’t want this game to end. He says earlier in the game he would not want to come back but ask him now on day 77 and he says I would say sign me up. He thinks there is less than 20 days less, he says he doesn’t know but figures we know. He says I either win Big Brother or come in 2nd in 20 days or less. He says he has to do damage control with Christmas and Paul. He says he doesn’t want Christmas to not trust Paul but to see how he has played this game and to play their own game. He says we have to see what happens. He says Evil Dick was one of his favorites, he is a fan and hopes he is a fan of his. He says he doesn’t understand how they can sleep with less than 20 days in the house left. He figures Paul is either sleeping or doing a coco wash on somebody. He says goodnight. He thanks us for listening. “

4:00 AM BBT The HG are in bed sleeping except Josh. Josh is getting settled to go to sleep from being in the BY talking to the camera about the remaining last days of BB. Josh has wined down and going to bed in the Rose rm.

4:15 AM BBT Although all the houseguest are in bed Josh & Paul are struggling to sleep. Between deep breath, tossing & turning they both move when the other hears the other in bed. Josh can’t get comfortable constantly kicking the blankets over his feet. The only other HG that is up in the BB house is the Owl. The rest of the HG are in bed asleep besides Josh who is still tossing & turning to fall asleep.

4:30 AM BBT Houseguest are in bed asleep. Some are snoring, and Josh is still fighting the blanket with his legs.

4:45 AM BBT HG are all asleep in their beds including Josh who has fell asleep.

5:00 AM BBT – 7:45 AM BBT All the houseguest are sleeping.

7:53 AM BBT – Raven is up, goes to bathroom. She goes to SR to change her battery and then heads back to bed.

8:00 AM BBT – 8:45 AM BBT All HGs are still asleep.

8:48 AM BBT Jason is in the SR changing batteries.

8:49 AM BBT Kevin is in the SR changing batteries. Took suitcase to HN room. Back to bed

9:00 AM BBT 9:454 AM BBT All HGs are still asleep.

10:00 AM BBT BB houseguest are still in bed but a few are awake & still laying in bed.

10:07 AM BBT – 10:20 AM BBT Feeds Down

10:20 AM BBT All the HG are in Bed. Production announced for Paul to change his batteries. Christmas is up and headed down stairs with one crutch to support her to the SR. While Christmas is changing her batteries she’s also whispering to herself. Christmas goes into the Green rm & tell Kevin, Jason & Alex “it’s time guys.” Then Christmas goes into the Rose rm to wake up Josh, Paul & Raven & the only one that responded to Christmas is Josh. Josh merges from his bed to get batteries for his mic. Josh looks into the camera & says “good morning la familia.” Christmas proceeds to wake up Paul & Raven. Christmas gets in the bed with Raven & gives her hugs so Raven can wake up. Christmas rubs Paul then exit the Rose rm. Christmas heads to the kitchen & walks by the memory wall & stands there for a few seconds looking at wall with her shades on. Christmas then goes upstairs up to the HOH rm.

10:30 AM BBT Christmas takes off her shades and gets back in her HOH bed. Christmas lays down with her eye’s open, rocking back & forth thinking. The rest of the HG are in bed as well. Where Josh usually sleeps is unoccupied. There’s no movement in the BB house yet except for Christmas eye’s going back & forth a million miles a minutes. Christmas is definitely thinking about the game and the plan for tomorrow’s eviction. Josh comes out of the DR & goes into the kitchen.

10:45 AM BBT BB HG are all in bed except Josh whom is in the BR. Josh goes in the Rose rm & looks over at Paul & Raven turns to the dresser to grab his sweatshirt to put on and walks to the BB living rm and puts some socks on and tighten up his sweatshirt, walks to the Kitchen and began fixing coffee. Josh heads into the Apple rm to talk to us & his la familia. Josh is requesting a family video from his family. Josh admits that he couldn’t sleep last night. Josh thinks he couldn’t sleep around three or four in the morning. Josh just wants to be positive & winning BB. Josh is feeling down about the eviction & wishes to spend a good day with Jason.

11:00 AM BBT Josh tells us to have a good day & he’ll be back later to talk to us. Josh leaves the Apple rm and heads back into the Kitchen to eat breakfast. While Josh is preparing breakfast he’s also doing his dancing in front of the sink mirrors.

11:15 AM BBT Josh is in the kitchen looking for something to go with his coffee. Josh is preparing eggs and a few other items for breakfast. Josh thanks for his food & says “amen.” Apparently Christmas has fallen asleep in her HOH bed.
11:30 AM BBT Josh is the only HG that is up & about. Josh had replaced his batteries and eating breakfast with himself in the kitchen. Josh is done eating breakfast & goes to the BR to wash his hands and heads back into the Kitchen for the last sip of his coffee. Josh cruises to the Rose rm. As Josh walks by the Green rm Kevin is up & ask Josh what time it is & Josh says 11:30. Kevin then Calls Jason name because he is sleep. Kevin gets up to go relieve himself in the BR. After Kevin comes out of the BR he heads into the Kitchen fixes himself a cup of coffee & grabs his cup of coffee & heads back to the Green rm and gets in bed with his coffee cup. Kevin is the only one up in the Green Rm. Jason & Alex are still in bed with their eyes covered so the light won’t awake them. Kevin get stirring his cup of coffee with a little annoying sound next to sleeping Jason & Alex. Josh comes out of the Rose Rm & Kevin says good morning Josh. Josh doesn’t want to talk to Kevin so he politely speaks back and heads upstairs to meet Christmas.
11:45 AM BBT Josh checks on Christmas but she apologizes that she tired & not ready to get up and chat. Josh tells Christmas it okay & to get some rest. Josh doesn’t know what to do with himself since everyone is asleep. Josh walks by Kevin & smile & goes into the Rose rm. Josh walks out the Rose Rm walks up to Kevin to borrow something & then leaves. Kevin is in bed drinking coffee & playing with his hair. Jason finally pops up & says to Kevin he can’t sleep anymore, puts his hat on & tells Kevin he’s going to have him a cup of coffee. Paul is up in the kitchen getting coffee with Jason. Josh has went to the Apple Rm for comfort & to read the Bible.
12:00 PM BBT Paul making a fresh pot of coffee; Jason talking to Josh in the Apple Rm and then back to the kitchen. No one else shown on the feeds. Kevin comes into kitchen. They talk about Kevin getting his haircut. Kevin goes to WR with sticking his head into the Apple Rm to briefly speak to Josh first. In the kitchen Jason tells Paul and Kevin about how much a stud horse sold for at an auction. Josh has joined the other guys in the kitchen. Josh goes into WR to clip his fingernails.
12:15 PM BBT Paul, Jason, and Kevin talk about being stopped by the police. Kevin says not to mess with the Massachusetts State Policemen! Fish (for a couple minutes). Feeds come back showing only Josh in WR clipping his toenails. We can see Paul and Josh still sitting at the kitchen counter. Soon Fish again. Feeds return showing the Green Rm with Alex still in bed (but awake) and Raven passing by heading to the kitchen (and probably WR). Christmas is moving a little but still lying in the HOH bed. Feeds have shown nothing but HOH bed/Christmas now lying very still for over 5 minutes.
12:30 PM BBT Two feeds now show the kitchen where all the guys are chatting at the counter with Raven fixing eggs. Jason telling others about purchasing an old Monte Carlo car. They all agree they miss driving a car. Paul has a Chevy Nova SS muscle car. Raven eats breakfast at the kitchen table. Jason tells of a place in Arizona that auctions one-of-a-kind autos. Paul says Jay Leno lives near him; he’s driving a different car all the time. Jason wonders if Jay Leno would give him a tour of his cars. Josh asks who is Jay Leno. Jason wonders if Paul could stop by Jay Leno’s house with him…then Paul says he really doesn’t know which house is his and maybe he was actually only visits someone in the neighborhood. They talk about the different late night TV personalities. There was a segment on Stephen Colbert Show regarding Ole (Jason’s bull) predicting who was going to win the Iowa caucus.
12:45 PM BBT Jason tells more thoughts on how he wanted to meet Donald Trump while he was hosting some event knowing if he ever made president, no one would ever get near him. They talk about the Victoria Secret’s runway models. Jason would like to take Ole everywhere…complete with a set of wings strapped onto his back walking the runway! Jason thinks that would be cool! Jason believes he could teach Ole to sit. Jason says Ole would not be harmful at all; Jason treats him like a dog. Christmas makes her way downstairs. Jason’s wild thoughts of Ole continues. Alex and Kevin are in the WR brushing teeth. Christmas was thinking…she thinks they may have a surprise eviction. Nothing more is said regarding this thought. Paul tells Kevin he needs to do a temporary Trejo swap until Paul can get his fixed. He says it will be only temporary. Jason and Alex come out of the WR; Jason sits back down and Alex to the bedroom. Paul thinks it would be fitting for Jason to be Woody at his Halloween Party.

1:00 PM BBT Jason slaps Josh’s sore leg and they stand up horsing around…BB intervenes and tells them to Stop It. Alex is finding something to eat in the SR and after going into the kitchen returns to the SR to get rubber gloves to wash some dishes to get a clean cup. Alex ignores the others and makes hot chocolate. All but Kevin and Jason remain chatting at the counter. Josh joins Kevin and Jason in the Apple Rm. They are talking to the live feeds. Kevin has no regrets and loves everyone in the house. Jason asks BB Canada to call them. They do not think anyone will want to do anything with Cody! Kevin says that no matter what it’s a game and many will remain friends after the show! Kevin explains that you can not hold something said against a 21 year old who does not use their head sometimes. Kevin had a great time and for sure will contact and stay in touch with 5-6 of the HGs. They shared some fun times….they laugh recalling certain instances.
1:15 PM BBT Josh tells Kevin and Jason in the Apple Rm that he at times will talk to the camera and sometimes the camera will respond with a yes or no (moving up and down or back and forth). They talk about how many days are left. Josh hopes that if they do get bookings, he hopes they are together. He would not want to do Meets and Greets with some of the HGs. Josh wants Kevin or Jason to contact him if they ever get to New York; he would like to show them around. The three sit rather quiet together. Paul, Christmas, Raven, and Alex talk at the kitchen counter. Raven’s family has a Death Book that keeps track of all family deaths. The book is now kept in Oklahoma with her aunt (in her 90s) that will be passed onto her upon her aunt’s death. The book is filled with photos. One member objected and said if a photo is taken on her dead, she will do something to make sure the pic does not turn out. After taking multiple pictures of this lady in her casket, all of them had a white blur across her face. Not a one turned out! Paul says he would be able to sell dope things like that and make her a bundle of money! Raven agrees to give Paul one of those photos. There is a market for paranormal things. Paul tells more about him or people he knows having similar experiences. There is a house near Alex that gives tours of a truly haunted house. They layout of this house just doesn’t make sense.
1:30 PM BBT Paul has experience of a Medium coming into a house and letting them know there is an abundance of sadness attached to this doll. Kevin, Josh, and Jason in the Apple Rm talk about rappers. Paul is called into the DR. Jason can not believe he slept until noon…most slept until noon. After Paul leaves the kitchen, one by one they all leave…Alex sits by herself. She decides she is no longer hungry. Raven is in the WR putting up her hair. Alex is stretching out on the Living Rm couches. Kevin, Josh, and Jason talk about the HG ages. Kevins points out that he was out of high school BEFORE anyone else in this house was born. Kevin tells them how being on the show and now making it this long proved it to his family that he could do it. BB reminds them not to talk about Production.
1:45 PM BBT Josh likes that he can be the person he is inside this house; on the outside he was constantly told he is too opinionated, etc. They talk where the people are from last season’s show. Jason says that you will not really know if this experience was worth it until you get out and hear what others thought of them. Jason says their are basically two things that would make others absolutely hate them; Jason hopes he did not do either of those things. They recall events of their 15-minutes of fame. Alex is still stretching in the Living Rm, and Christmas and Raven are in the HOH Rm putting on their make-up, the guys split from the Apple Rm to do their own things. Christmas and Raven agree yesterday was one of the more fun days! Christmas asks Raven if she is up to studying the dates together. She completely agrees to help each other. They are running through some dates when Josh comes up. Soon Jason also comes up and asks to use the HOH shower. Christmas agrees. Josh leaves to go downstairs. Kevin is beginning to pack his bag.
2:00 PM BBT Raven and Xmas are in the hoh room doing make up. Jason is in the shower in the hoh room. Josh, Alex and Paul are downstairs sitting in the money room on the couch. Paul is talking about a skull he bought that is tribal. He said he didn’t know if he wanted a tribal or voodoo skull. He said they are from different tribes in Europe. Alex told Paul her grandma brought her back a voodoo doll. Alex and Paul are talking about a artist that they both know. Xmas is still in the hoh room doing her makeup. Jason is in the hoh shower. Paul was talking about a goat he has that is taxidermy. All camera switch to Xmas in the hoh room doing her makeup. Paul is talking about his clothing company to Alex and Josh. Paul is telling them about an artist he is friends with who supports his clothing line and he buys her art. He said this artist loves animals and she is the coolest chick ever. Asylum artwork. Alex asked where she is from, and he said Ohio. They are talking about her daughter is an artist too. Paul is talking about Megan said Raven and Paul are real friends in real life. Paul said can you imagine that? Paul said she made that up so there would be a target. Xmas just went downstairs. Paul is doing a shout out for Asylum artwork. Raven is in the bathroom curling her hair. Xmas sat by Paul on the couch. Kevin and Jason are in the have not bedroom . Kevin is packing. Jason is shaking his hair dry and blowing off his cowboy hat. Kevin asked Jason where his bag is.

Live Feed Updates:Tuesday, September 5th (2)

September 05, 2017

 8:30 PM BBT Josh goes back in and Paul an Jason start a game of corn hole, Christmas is cleaning the kitchen, Josh runs in to give her a kiss on the cheek she ask where everyone is he guys are outside and Raven i in the shower, She replies well you boys have fun, Josh runs back outside, she goes back to washing dishes, Paul comes in asking her to taste his drink, that something is tasting funny in. She says she just had listerine so that’s all she can taste is mint.She comments that he was just wishing that there was something in it. He goes to bathroom, she keeps cleaning. Not much game talk are conversation with anyone.
8:45 PM BBT Jason and Josh are playing cornhole now, Kevin is sitting on the lounger watching, Paul and Raven join them back outside, Jason is winning the game by 2. Paul says he just wants to know who ate the 5lb plate, No one answers. Christmas hollers outside asking Jason if he wants to help with cooking the steaks, he replies sure. Score now 24-22 Jason says he’s gonna mess around and lose.Kevin ask Paul if he wants to hear the story of the juna board, Paul “maybe after I work out) Jason loses and goes in to help Christmas. Josh and Paul start working out. In the Kitchen Christmas and Jason are cooking, Not engaging in much conversation at all. Jason ask her what is she going to do with the 500,00 she is gonna win this year. She just laughs. Then says any money she does win will go to helping her parents. Jason says he always said that if he won he wouldn’t use any of the money on bills, but that is just unheard of. Alex comes down from HOH room, Tells Christmas Thanks and she cleaned her shower.
9:00 PM BBT They go back to cooking dinner and making small talk about food. In the BY, Paul and Josh still working out, Kevin just sitting on lounger (gets up and goes to pool table by himself) and Raven is in the hottub. No One engaging in conversation. Alex joins Christmas and Jason in the kitchen, Alex telling Christmas is going to have to teach her about calories. Kevin comes in goes to the BR. Jason says until he came to BB house the only thing he ate that was hot was horseradish dip, now he don’t care how ot it is he is just going to gut it, it’s all just in your mind. Jason says he’s going to cook a lot more for his wife after being in the BB house, he can especially shrimp. Christmas yells out the back door to let everyone know it’s ready. Christmas ask Kevin if he would like a plate, he says yes,maybe a small one.. production PLEASE CLEAN THE MIRROR BEHIND THE SINK….Alex says she feels like she’s at a 5 star restaurant.
9:15 PM BBT. Josh and Paul are still working out, Raven in the hot tub watching them. Kevin comes over helps Paul out for a second. Josh walks over ask Raven What you thinking about, She replies relaxing, He ask her earlier if it was getting hot, she said yes, He said Linda in getting in.Kevin is sitting on the lounger eating, Paul says that they had to work out like this for the 2wks of slacking off.While they stand in front of the mirror looking at themselves.Jason is still cooking, Alex and Christmas are sitting at the counter eating, Alex say everything is on point but the steak. Raven comes in, to fix her some ice cream, Christmas was explaining how steak doesn’t digest and that’s why Raven isn’t suppose to eat it.Josh comes in and they start hollering for him to put on his mic as he runs through.They are all thanking each other for cooking. PRODUCTION…JOSH PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE.. Christmas says Josh we told you, you never listen. Cameras go to Kevin and Jason in the BR, Kevin ask Jason if she has said anything, Jason said Nope has she to you, Kevin told him no not a word to me, but just relax and chill. Jason says oh i know you don’t have to tell me but it’s pretty scary. Jason leaves to go get in the hot tub.
9:30 PM BBT Jason and Raven are now in the hot tub, Raven is talking about how strict her parents were.Jason is asking for production to please turn up the heat. Raven i talking about how much weight Josh has lost, and you can really tell in his arms. Evidently they turned up the heat because Raven is holler to BRING IT ON.. Jason starts singing That’s the I like it. Jason ask Josh to check the time, Not for any reason except that he knows that Time is the only thing that you can control and count on in the house, That time is always right. Jason is excited to leave the house and start his new life changes.He said that being in the house has taught him that you can’t run from anything you have to face it all and just take it on the chin. Raven tells Jason that she really likes his beard, it looks good, Then ask if Holly liked him with one, he says yea she likes a beard, Raven that’s good, I mean I can’t speak for all women but it really looks manly..In the kitchen, Paul, Christmas, Alex and Josh are eating, Josh says when he wins HOH he needs to change his basket because it’s all junk food. Paul ask Christmas to send her one of her diet/workout packages, she says she’s gonna send everyone one.
9:45 PM BBT Christmas GO TO THE DR…. Josh says that he is OCD and he knows that he contributes to a lot of the dirty dishes, that’s why he helps as much as he does, Then goes on to complain about Elena talking about how dirty the kitchen was but never cleaned anything. Alex went on to say, yea but Elena never ate anything but grilled cheese and ice cream, so she really didn’t mess up much.They all go on to talk about Elena and how much work she had done on her body, Paul says he ask her if she had her lips done because she had beautiful lips. Paul tells them that he has never been out under for any kind of surgery and hopes that he never has to be, he still has his tonsils and everything.Kevin is just walking back and forth from BR to bedrooms. Raven and Jason are still chilling in the pool and Hot tub, talking about reading books. Kevin comes out to exercise and walk. Raven starts talking about LSU and ARK. game how they play for the boot and you better have on the right jersey to represent.Jason goes on to tell her how he went to the Alabama/ LSU game with a bunch of his buddies and raised hell.Jason says he got on TV because they we acting a fool. Raven said Oh So did I at a Razorback game.
10:00 PM BBT In the kitchen Paul, Josh and Alex are talking about how Alex sees without her glasses. She talks about having surgery on her eyes and having to wait until you are at least 21 so you’re eyesight is fully developed. Josh says he is scared to do something like that and she says it is really safe and successful. Raven and Jason are in the hot tub talking about football teams. Jason says he really doesn’t like sports but he enjoyed Matt talking about them because he knew what he was talking about. They discuss that Jason thought totally differently about Matt after he went loose on Kevin before leaving and Raven tells about how awesome and strong Matt really was. She says Matt will go off on Cody when they get into jury and she says that Paul’s last year they had to keep security in the jury house because things got so heated. Raven says she can’t believe that she has been in the house all summer. Raven says that she thought they were gonna have a special eviction this past week but she was wrong. They try to guess when it will happen. In the kitchen Paul is saying that the people left in the house are scared and that last year the people were going after each other and trying demolish each other. Josh says that he didn’t know that in candy crush they were trying to throw it till Paul. Alex says she didn’t want to win that hoh. Alex says that some people acted totally different in the house than real life. Josh asks do you really think so and Paul says that there is no way that Cody was like that in real life. Alex says that Kevin is fake and that was his strategy. They discuss Cody some more and that they don’t know what to believe about him because he didn’t let them get to know them. Josh tells Alex that her Dominique and Christmas are naturally pretty but the rest wore too much makeup.
10:15PM BBT They discuss Elena and Alex says she spent about 3k on her primping a month. Josh said she was beautiful but had way too much involved in it all. Josh said that Elena made it all about her all the time. Paul said she would steal the things he said and others, Paul says that the people this season were counterfeit. They talk about the comp we’re Cody and Jessica got the trash thrown on them and the yoga guy screaming at them. Paul says that he hated that comp but it was so funny and hilarious. Alex leaves the room and josh says where is Xmas and Paul says he thinks she’s somewhere with Kevin. Xmas comes thru the kitchen and josh and Paul ask what’s wrong. She says nothing and goes around the corner to brush her teeth. Paul tells josh let’s go to the jacuzzi. In the bathroom josh ask Xmas again what’s wrong and she says nothing “it’s just real” they hug and she asks someone to screenshot them. Camera goes to Kevin in the bed reading a bible. Paul goes into the bathroom they hug and he tells her it will get worse and then get better. They will go traveling and do friendship and talk about their money. Josh says he doesn’t want to go to the jacuzzi till Jason gets unless Paul goes and Paul says come on. Xmas goes to HoH still crying behind her sunglasses.
10:30PM BBT Xmas lays on the bed and listens to her music. Paul and josh in the bathroom getting ready to go outside. Paul talks about Raven using his hairbrush. Josh says someone’s been using his stuff too. Now Alex is in the DR, Xmas in the HOH and everyone else is listening to Kevin telling a scary story. All cameras on Xmas she walks out of her room to go join the others downstairs. As she exits the house she says “alright let’s go do this “. Raven tells a story about her mom and her friends doing a ouija board. They all agree that they don’t like that sort of stuff and Kevin says it’s real weird because he bought it at a toy store and bought monopoly and clue at the same time. They all say its chilly tonight and ask to turn up the heat in the jacuzzi.
10:45PM BBT Paul talks about studying in London and how he got in this program. It was thru Pepperdine and he was in a internship for parliament. He talks about him and his roomies would get so drunk and sneak in the kitchen and sneak food. He tells another story about an intruder in their school when they were in turkey. Alex comes out with a hula hoop to hang out too. Paul says he is friends with like 3 of his professors and he hangs out with them, has dinner with their family and they all copy him and grew beards. Raven is called to the DR, Paul says he has been asked to teach a jiu jitsu class but it’s not worth driving to Malibu for. Paul says he has friends in London thru his modeling and music and such.
11:00PM BBT Paul talks about a girl in his class who passes out and he slapped her, and how she would follow everyone around and no one liked her. Josh talks about his college days and when they would go out and the girls would act all entitled. Paul back about his stories about his Halloween parties. Raven is back and Kevin leaves back into the house to get a sweater. Alex starts talking about Kevin and that he is leaving tomorrow. Jason says that he always says this is our last time in here together, everyone says that it’s nice that Kevin isn’t campaigning against him. Paul changes the talk to his life and traveling again. Raven talks about flying and her pacemaker card and Xmas talks about her having a pre check pass. And how much easier it is, by being in there system already.
11:15PM BBT Jason talks about the Canadian border, Paul talks about going there for meet and greets and the way they are. Paul says if you have had a DWI in the past five years you can’t come in. Paul says the checkpoint people love big brother and recognize you and treat you so well. Paul says at an airport terminal they said “last call for friendship”. And held the plane so they could get pictures with him. Raven says she needs to get a passport and Jason says he brought his and his birth certificate. They all laugh and he says he doesn’t know why, BB told him too. Kevin came back out and is sitting down again. Everyone is just talking, Xmas is telling Alex about her furniture. Paul talking to josh about after the show and Raven comes over and sits down to listen. Raven goes upstairs to shower in the HOH. Before getting into the shower she blows kisses and makes faces at the camera and tries to dance around a bit to grab the cameras attention.
11:30PM BBT Josh and Paul are again talking about the first few days out of the house and the wrap party. Jason in the shower in the house. Josh says that he thinks it will be awesome if when they get out of the show they will be like we were just on tv. Xmas says you have a big heart my friend. They can only wish it will be like that. Alex comes in and ask Jason what’s up and he says he just got out of the shower. They talk about Jason’s toe bleeding. Jason talks about the final HoH and he talks about if the can possibly sell his cowboy hat and she tells him he’d be better off selling it off a site. He says he wants like a thousand bucks. Alex says that the more that they talk about the end the more excited she becomes. Paul comes in and Alex tells him she is getting anxious. He talks about going to a club with Jessica when they get out. Paul says everyone will hang around with him he will take them places and they can have a huge BBQ on that Sunday that they get out.
11:45PM BBT In the backyard Xmas and Josh where she is talking about her workout schedule and her business. She says she is so happy because she has done so good this year. Josh tells her how amazing she has done. She says that no matter what she will be ok with whatever happens. She says that she can’t handle dealing with people that she doesn’t like. And she can’t force herself to be interested in conversations with people that she just can’t. Xmas says that she had a hard time today because of Jason but josh says ya but we are friends now and that won’t change and I will call, text, snap, and tweet you. You and Paul are stuck with me. Back in the restroom Paul talking about last season and the team comps and that Paul’s team was crap, he says he couldn’t win nothing with them. Paul talks about Victor being his ride or die. He says Victor is a real dude.

 Paul, Kevin and Xmas 

September 05, 2017

 Paul, Kevin and Xmas 
Talking about Raven interrupting every time they have a story with a story that 1 ups them.
Xmas – nobody can finish a sentence or conversation

Xmas – I’m so frustrated and so at the end of it.. I’m at the end of my rope with her
Paul – at first.. all my sympathy and empathy were gone.. I was like this girl has to win this game
Paul – when I first met Raven the stories she would tell me about how you know.. her slim chances of continuing life and like her attitude towards life and like her bucket list thing her positivity and this and that..
Paul – I thought WOW what a exceptional human being, this is why she was cast.. to teach people a lesson
Xmas – it was beatiful

Paul – at this point the things she says do not match up with the things that she does or the way that she is 
Paul – she painted a picture for us how what she is but know that we’ve gotten to know her..
Xmnas – it’s a facade
Paul – it’s a facade

Paul – she does have a legitimate illness.. It sounds so bad and so scary..
Paul – there’s a feeling of sadness but there’s also a feeling.. am I stupid because the things you are telling me don’t add up don’t make sense or flat out bullshit
Paul – do I humour these things because I feel bad becuase of you illness or at what point to I say Holy f* I can’t take this
Paul – I can’t keep showing face to things that are getting under my skin..
Paul – it’s a really odd scenario of, we’re in the public eye.. of course we’re in the back of our minds I want to be the best version of myself. (holy lords of Kraken .. if this was the best version)
Paul – and be as politically correct as I can ./ be a stand up representative of who I am.. but at the same time..

Paul – all you are trying to do is make me feel bad around you.. your positive traits ..
Xmas – they’re gone
Paul – I thought damn what A cool person

Xmas says there’s a core of things that are true, “maybe when ashe came she’s the person she wants to become.. that super positive person.. ma6ybe that was it.. over a time period she kinda slipped back into his older version of herself where if she plays it up she gets more sympathy”

Xmas – look at her family history.. she hasn’t developed the skill set to become her own hero.. because of this tragedy so her default is to go back tas the victim

Paul says Raven said “Why the f* would I hide cat years I have a few years to live”
Paul – when she came in she made it sound
Xmas- 2 years
Paul – I thought she was going to die. AS time progress as she adds things and takes things away..
Paul – I’m not trying to clown on it.. I’m confused..

Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, September 5th

September 05, 2017

3:00 PM BBT Feeds go down 3:01..Fish Feeds right back up. All cameras are on Jason and Josh playing the game. You can hear sirens in the backyard. Alex is joining the game on Jason’s side. Raven is joining on Josh’s side. Josh told Raven he will stay in the back. Josh said let’s play to 12. Josh said actually 15. They decided it has to stay between the poles. Score is 2/2. Josh ran into the pool table trying to hit the birdie. He is ok. Score is 3/2. Score is 4/3. 6 to 3. 4 to 6. Alex serve. 5 to 6. 7 to 5. 7 to 6 now. Jason’s serve. 8 to 6 now. 9 to 6. Alex said 7..cheater. Alex said now it’s 9 to 7. 10 to 7. Xmas and Paul are sitting on the couch outside, Paul is talking about how one of his friends is a magician, and how him and Xmas can go there.
3:15 PM BBT Paul is talking about the standard downtown, and how his buddy is a manager there. Xmas said she stayed there, and they made her feel so special, and she had a little basket waiting for her in the room. Paul is talking about the rooftop at the standard is dope. Paul and Xmas are watching them play the game and tells Xmas they are going to wack each other. Paul said he does not know how they can play in this heat. Xmas said she has just checked out, she ignores Raven anymore, she just don’t care. Xmas is telling Paul about a crossfit. Alex, Jason , Paul and Jason are sitting on the couch. Paul asked Josh to check the time real quick. Jason said he should just jump in the pool real quick. Jason said he likes badminton, and Raven asks big brother if they can keep it. Alex said she is hungry. Jason likes it that they keep filling that refrigerator outside. Xmas said they did it just for him. Jason says I know. Jason is inside the house. Gathering towels. He went outside. Paul is in the house now. Jason asked Josh to throw him that orange shirt to him that is behind him.
3:30 PM BBT Xmas is laying down on the couch. Jason, Alex, Josh and Raven are playing another game of badminton. Paul just got himself some Gatorade. Xmas told Paul she stole his spot and his pillow. He said you are fine. Xmas is telling Josh he is too close to the edge, he is going to hit his head. Xmas said you are looking better today, he said he let it out yesterday. Xmas said I call that an emotional pimple. Paul is commenting on the airplanes going overhead. Jason Alex Josh and Raven are still playing their game. There is no real conversation going on.
3:45 PM BBT The game has finished now with Paul saying nice cardio. Alex has joined Paul and Christmas on the sofa in the backyard. Josh is walking around singing so feeds go to fish for a minute. Josh and Alex are running around the yard. Both Christmas and Paul are telling them to stop as they are going to trip over some wires. Looks like Josh Alex and Raven are going to play badminton again. Paul is repeating the opening lyrics of a song, so the cameras go to the badminton game. Jason is playing with them. Paul tells Christmas that he thinks that there are a lot more genuine friendships in this season than last season. He says that they were all strangers that learned how to get along. He thinks that the majority of them will still be friends after the show. Paul says that in the Real World, he is not patient. That he is not fake or a people pleaser. Says that he would rather be called an a**hole than to be fake. He says that he does not hate anybody in his real life. Christmas says that she is similar in her real life.
4:00 PM BBT Christmas is telling Paul about one of her friends who are super aggressive & will not tolerate BS. She says she lucked out in finding friends that are the same as her. Paul says that he dishes out what he can give. He says that if you truly like someone & respect them, then you will be completely honest. He says that he is completely honest. That he cannot be the person to tell a person what they want to hear. Paul says that he never gives an opinion unless he is asked to give one. Paul says that he does not talk to just be heard. He says that he talks with a purpose. That he is not filling time. That time is important. Christmas & Paul get up to play cornhole. She goes in the house to use the restroom first. Jason jumps on the big pink bird float & almost flips over. Christmas & Raven are on one team, Josh & Paul another for the cornhole game. Josh asks Paul how he is doing. Paul says better, that he just needed to get it out. Josh says that he is allowed to have a moment. Christmas comes back out & they start their game. Raven talks about it being tailgating season.
4:15 PM BBT All the hg’s are in the BY.Kevin is sitting on lounge near the pool. Jason is in the pool. Alex is on the couch. Christmas, Josh, Raven, & Paul are playing a game of cornhole. Jason moves to the hot tub. Paul & Josh win the game & they all agree to play another game.Jason gets out of the hot tub & jumps on Josh’s back just as Josh & Paul win their second game. They continue to play another game.
4:30 PM BBT Josh, Christmas, Raven, & Paul are still playing cornhole. Alex is sitting up on the couch. Kevin is still by himself in the BY. Alex has headed inside. Jason is on a sun lounge near the washer & dryer. Josh & Paul have won their third round. They are going to play a game against Kevin & Jason now. Alex is in the kitchen messing around with her hair. She has put olive oil in her hair & put it back up in a messy bun. She heads back out to the couch in the BY. Raven & Christmas are sitting on the couch & Christmas gets up. Christmas comes back to sit beside Raven. Feeds cut out for several minutes.
4:45 PM BBT When the feeds come back up, Kevin, Josh, Paul, & Jason are on their second game of cornnhole. The ladies are on the couch watching the game. All talking is about the game they are playing. Jason & Kevin win again. They all agree to take a food break & all head inside. Kevin says that he is going to take a shower. Jason asks who wants burgers. Christmas asks Alex if she can use her burger grease when she makes her brussel sprouts. Christmas offers to make Paul & her shrimp. Paul says that he is not a fan of shrimp. She says ok.
5:00 PM BBT In the kitchen, Alex is making burgers, Jason is helping. Christmas is making salad. Paul is washing some dishes. Raven is helping to prep & then goes off to admire herself in a mirror. Christmas talks about making steaks later. Kevin has come into the kitchen. Jason asks him if he still just wants his burger plain. He says yes & asks if he can help. Alex & Josh bring condiments & other items from the SR. Kevin has a trash bag & is going around picking trash off the counters. Paul tells Josh that he is working out after they eat. Josh is washing dishes & Kevin is drying them & putting them away. Paul asks about coffee. Raven says they are being funny with storage.Paul says they messed with them all the time last year. Christmas asks what they meant about playing with them. Paul says that they won’t let you in. The talk returns to a coffee spoon/scoop missing. Josh thinks he threw it away by accident.
5:15 PM BBT Feeds cut out for a moment. They come back & all hg’s are still in the kitchen. Alex says she is starving & Jason tells her to put an olive in her mouth. Raven is digging into the jar of pickles. Alex asks Paul if he is using all the vegetables. He says no, then she replies with good because she can get mad & she knows where Paul relatively lives & can get him back. Paul sits at the counter eating a salad. He is now talking with Alex about pets. He says that he would never want a parrot. Alex tells about a rottweiler. Jason tells Kevin to get himself a hamburger bun. Everyone, except Kevin, is eating at the counter. Kevin is eating at the table by himself. No one is really including him in conversation. Tal turns to needing chips & baked beans with the meal. .Josh talks about being POP & he says he forgot they were on that. Josh says those two beers gave him a nice buzz. Josh says that he will be a lightweight when he leaves. Paul laughs & says he will be messed up off one joint. That he will also be messed up off of one shot.

5:30 PM BBT Christmas says they will have to do starter shots when they leave after the season. The talk returns to parrots for pets. Josh admits he had one as a pet when he was younger. Different conversations going at once. Jason asking Christmas if she still wants him to save the hamburger grease. Kevin takes a jug outside to the BY. The rest of them are moving about the kitchen. Kevin can be seen playing pool by himself through the doors of the kitchen & then he sits on the lounge chair by the pool table. Paul is telling tale of walking into someone’s house that had a parrot. He says that the noises that he heard sounded like someone being murdered. He says that the lady brought out a parrot that was screaming & that he wanted out of there asap. He says that he called his mom to tell her the story & he says that she died of laughter. The talk turns to meeting people from Craigslist & making sure to meet in public. Alex & Paul tell of selling things on Craigslist & how they set up their meets. Feeds cut out for a minute. When they come back the talk is about Dom. About her show & how she messed up her game.
5:45 PM BBT Kevin is still outside all by himself. Josh talks about this is the last time they all will have a friendly dinner. Paul talks about Meghan coming to him to tell him who wanted him out. That she was willing to give him names, but he figured as he was a vet, everyone would be after him. They talk about watching clips of the show when they get out. The HGs are told they are on lockdown. Kevin comes in. Paul, Alex, & Jason go outside to get things left out there. Josh says that he hopes that they do not take away their games. Paul says that they will be taken away. Someone brings in Josh’s clothes & puts them on the table. Josh thanks whoever brought in the clothes. Jason is upset that they locked him out before he could grab one of the games. Paul says that they would not have been allowed to have them inside. Jason says fine then he will go take a 45-minute shower in HOH bathroom. Kevin is in the Green BR. Josh comes in & Kevin tells Josh that he is good at badminton. Josh tells Kevin he plays pickup basketball all the time at home. Josh goes out to the living room. Christmas, Paul, Alex, & Raven are there. Christmas notices that her Kit Kat is not as big as it should be. Josh asks Christmas why she is eating a Kit Kat when she fussed at him for eating an Oreo. They talk turns to getting high & food. Christmas remarks that they got put on lockdown early. She says that she wanted evening time in the hammock. Paul starts working out inside.
6:00 PM BBT Paul is telling a story about him playing volleyball in the Living Rm where Raven, Alex, and Christmas are on the couches. Josh is sitting on the floor. Kevin is sitting on the side of his bed by himself. Paul resumes working out while talking. Kevin goes into the SR for a handful of M&Ms and speaks briefly to Christmas as she hobbles to the Rose Rm. Kevin pauses for a minute in the Living Rm on his way to the WR to eventually take a shower. Christmas returns to the Living Rm. After Paul, Raven tells about an incident of her returning home.
6:15 PM BBT All feeds show Kevin taking a shower. After 5 minutes, Kevin is done/drying off and feeds return showing the Living Rm. The topic is on birth control. Jason is briefly seen also in WR while Kevin is still behind the shower doors; all feeds on Living Rm. Raven tells another story about when her mother became pregnant when she didn’t think she could and thought it was a kidney stone. Raven is proof that birth control does not always work. Paul says he is a hypochondriac and a germ-a-phobe. Paul tells them about canker sores and cold sores and herpes. Jason is in the HN Rm looking at his letter and tells maybe a photo, “that’s a good boy!” Jason comes out, hears the conversation, and tells Kevin he is not going out there. Kevin hopes they are not in for the night…Jason believes Production is testing cylinders so he believes the BY will be off limits until Thursday. BB tells them not to talk about Production.
6:30 PM BBT Kevin tells Jason what he sits and thinks about. It’s not the negativity of the house and how crazy these people are…it’s more positive things about home and things he misses. BB tells them that the Lockdown is over. Kevin and Jason are happy and they make plans to go out to level the pool table! Kevin returns some of the juice jugs back to the outside refrigerator. They use folded towels under the pool table legs to help level it. Jason and Kevin put the awnings back up. Kevin says his bags will be packed come Thurs afternoon. Jason says he hates to pack his bag, but he is not banking on anything. Who knows who will be evicted! Kevin says they can never tell, and he honestly does not know anything. The other HGs are still talking in the Living Rm. Christmas informs Josh on what cramps feel like…and it’s something they go through every single month. Christmas and Raven informs Josh more on menstruation and sex. Josh says no way…he will wait until it’s over. Josh eventually leaves the conversation. He says he feels uncomfortable. Christmas says he has so much to learn….
6:45 PM BBT Paul and Christmas continues the conversation and talk about sex in general. Raven stands by listening. Alex and Josh playing cornhole. Jason on double lounger when Raven comes outside. Kevin and then Josh goes inside. They can not see what is different as to why they were on Lockdown. Kevin sits in the Living Rm. Christmas talks on how she can not stand Raven. Her and Paul recall all the additional lies Raven has recently told. Kevin sits with them speaking when spoken to. Jason/Alex and Raven/Josh playing badminton in BY. Christmas is tired of hearing her play the victim all the time.
7:00 PM BBT Paul and Christmas are still talking about Raven with Kevin also sitting there. Paul says not sure what to believe and what he should feel bad about. What she says does not match up to what she does. He does not feel she is a credible person. The others are playing badminton and later Alex and Raven comes in for a break from game play. Paul explains to her this experience causes a person to lose their cool on some aspects. It would be different on the outside. Jason also makes his way in for a drink. Christmas points out and asks Alex who has a pet parrot! Alex also does not believe Raven. Jason and Josh moves the cornhole boards further apart and plays a game. Raven comes back inside. Kevin wonders around from room to room and eventually goes outside with Jason and Josh where he feels comfortable talking being his usual self.
7:15 PM BBT Kevin decides to shoot pool while Jason and Josh playing another game of cornhole. Paul and Christmas talking about buying houses and flipping them. Raven and Alex are also sitting in the Living Rm with them. Paul would like to buy a large house and then on his own time do renovations to turn it back into a mansion. Paul would like to buy in New Orleans. He’s a designer so he could turn it into a super dope house and resell for a huge profit. Christmas would like a big chandelier in her bedroom. Alex mentions tattoos and Paul mentions the tattoo collection he recently launched. He has a friend who recreates vintage style tattoos. Paul wants them all to collaborate and help each other out. Kevin seems to be enjoying his time sitting and watching them play cornhole. He is laughing and giving high-fives!
7:30 PM BBT Paul is wondering when the Finale (maybe Day 92 or 98?) will be. From his calculations, they would need to have a double eviction–this week or next week. He plays out several scenarios. He’s also guessing may not have a double, but there might be a surprise Sunday show. He is not sure! He anticipates afterwards one week for Press and one week for them to depress. Paul says the dynamics of this house is way different than last year. This year they all basically get along and have fun together. This discussion is taking place among Paul, Christmas, and Alex in the Living Rm. Meanwhile, the cornhole game is still underway with Kevin as the announcer calling the scores! Kevin also serves as each of their coaches. Raven joins them on the Living Rm couches. They recall the past events surrounding their season’s prior evictions.
7:45 PM BBT Paul just remembers the last person getting to jury is #5 in which they only spend 2-3 days there (with 4 HGs remaining). Number 4 goes straight to Jury Round Table meeting (never really to Jury House). Paul is still trying to figure out if and when there may be a double eviction and when Finale may be. Paul, Alex, and Raven are now at the kitchen table so they can see the Memory Wall. Raven isn’t participating in conversation, she is filing her nails. Kevin, Josh, and Jason come in and listens to Paul figuring it all out! Christmas is in WR, but then joins listening to Paul. Paul says there was not two doubles in his season…just one double and a surprise Sunday. Paul says they will not toss another double this close to the end. Then again he says he could always be wrong, too! They agree they are tired, stressed, and anxious…and want to get out. They are glad certain people got out when they did. They talk about the evicted houseguests and their faults. Only Paul, Alex, Jason, and Raven remain in the dining room area. Josh comes back from the SR.
8:00 PM BBT Paul brings up that Cody brought out the worst in people especially himself, because he was so aggressive. Josh agrees, and says that Cody always seemed to be the one one to blow shit up, Paul says LIKE YOU JOSH…Raven is saying how cute it is that her and Matt’s picture are even together on the wall. Josh is saying that he always thought that Matt and Cody were cousins, He says he just knew he had cracked the code. He also says that Mark told him that he just knew he was casted to be the douchebag, because he had tried out 4 times..Outside Christmas and Kevin are talking he is saying how he needs more benadryl but the Dr hasn’t given it to him, she explains that he has to keep his own schedule and ask for it . Right after the conversation “KEVIN GO TO THE DR” Christmas says see they heard you. Christmas is now outside talking to herself, About how she hopes they can pull this off, That the the 3 of them (Her,Paul and Josh) have really played this game, That she never wanted any comps thrown to her,It was a misfortunate accident, because he really loves to compete She is really grateful for BB letting her stay.and that they are happen with the outcome so far. She saying how much she loves her team the MISFITS, That they are all just being themselves. She is saying how this event in her life has taught her a lot, with her self worth, and caring about what people say.She believes that her, Josh and Paul will be lifelong friends after the show. She will ok to losing to one of them but no one else, She thinks that Paul has played an amazing game and Josh has too, that he made a lot of connections and figured things out before anyone else and was right about, She hopes that the jury will see everything that they have done. She feels that the jury will say that she just rode Josh and Paul’s coat tails, because she feels that she has done alot even if it wasn’t in comps.
8:15 PM BBT They rest of the house guest are still in the kitchen talking about everyone that has been evicted, and what they thought about everyone the first time they met.alex is talking about seeing her DR sections, thinking OMG.Jason says that he can’t remember shit from day 1, Paul says that Elena told him she had a crush on him the 1st day. Josh ask Paul if he has ever done fashion week Paul says no but he has modeled in fashion week and has been behind scenes prepping models before. In the BY Jason and Kevin go to playing the cornhole game,Josh and Paul are still in the kitchen talking about Paul’s clothing line, and products that he sales. Josh says that he loves jeans Paul is telling him that denim is not good for this brand that he is coming out with next, Josh just wants a leather jacket, Paul says he will take him to get him one are he may have one that he can fix up for him.Christmas is in the kitchen not engaging in conversation.In the BY Kevin and Jason move to the pool table, Kevin said you want to make a bet, I go to your house are you come to mine,Jason replies Hell No. Kevin says well one thing for sure one of us isn’t playing in anymore comps. Jason says nope, and conversation stops.They continue shooting and Jason wins, Paul and Josh join them outside.

Skriv en fengende tittel...

September 05, 2017

Raven, xmas, Paul, Alex..
Raven going on about how her mom had breast cancer and now she needs to get checked regularly
Xmas says her mom had breast cancer so she gets checked every year
Raven – I get checked every 6 month because of my disease too..
Raven – my aunt passed away from breast cancer than 2 years ago My mother had breast cancer
Raven now saying she has cysts in her breasts ..
Raven – I can’t have a breast reduction because of my fibrous cysts..
Paul – can you get the cysts removed
Raven – no it’ll just grow more
Raven – I get it from my grandma
Paul – what the fuck
Xmas- I don’t get it.. what if you get breast cancer how do they remove
Raven – I have them I can feel them..

They start talking about fitness and running.
Raven – I love running in general I’ll run a couple miles before work
Xmas – what’s your mile time
Raven – my Mile time like 6:20
Xmas – sooooo what’s your 5K time
Paul – Your Mile was 6:20? that’s f*ing good
Xmas – yeah that’s fast
Raven – my 5K time is 18 or 19
Alex – mines was 8:40
Xmas – 6:20 is fast..
Raven – my mom holds the record in Arkansas her mile was 5 minutes and 45 seconds.. (WTF)
Raven – i’m good at long distance .. I get it from my mom

Xmas says when she trains for endurance her best times in in the 7’s

 After Raven leaves..
They talk about how insane a 6:20 minute mile is and they don’t believe it.
Xmas says there’s a guy on her team that runs a 6:30 mile and he’s the fastest.

Alex says it took her months to get to a 8:40 mile and that was going hard at it
XMas says when she’s super conditioned for endurance she can make 7:30 7:40 miles and that’s PEAK conditioning for her.

Alex – I was 7:50 once, that was after running every single day
They talk about Raven saying she needs to be checked 6 months. Xmas doesn’t believe that Raven needs to be checked every 6 months. She’s over 30 and her mom had breast cancer and she only needs to be checked every year.
Xmas – she’s not f*ing 30 there’s no way she gets checked every 6 months for that
Xmas calls bullshit on Raven.

Kevin and Jason 

September 05, 2017

Kevin and Jason 
Jason saying all the fake crying is driving him nuts

Kevin – what would you do if you were me.. reside to the fact you’re on the block and you may leave and just be cool right.. why argue and fight.. I don’t want to argue with nobody
Kevin – let’s say you leave and I stay .. it’s going to be me next.. the age gap I just don’t get it I can’t do it.. if I was 24 years old it wouldn’t be close who would win this game
Kevin – I was a great athlete and I got along with everybody..
Kevin – that’s another thing.. you and me can’t be hugging around.. I see Paul and Xmas are getting together Josh and Xmas
Kevin – what Am I gonna do hug a 22 f*ing year old girl
Jason – and that builds a hell of a connection.. we’re missing out on that connection
Kevo – you at least had Alex
Jason – Alex is like dude repellent though
Jason doesn’t know how they can beat Alex in the end.
Kevin – there’s another person you can’t beat..
Jason – Paul
Kevin – yeah.. it’s like professional Big Brother’s they put you and me in here..
Kevin – it’s like me going in the bull ring
Jason – the only way to beat those 2 is to get rid of one of them and I mean .. .I have no interest in that.. (no interest in winning)
Kevin – let’s say I’m gone and you win HOH who are you going to put up.. I’m not going to tell anyone
Jason – Raven for sure and probably Josh or Xmas..
Kevin – alright..

Jason – I have no idea.. I have so many f*ing things that bebop in and out of my f*ing Skull
Jason – I can’t keep a thought
Kevin – for more than 10 Seconds
JAson – yeah
Kevin – even when you’re thinking about sex.. it’s jumping out in 5 seconds
Jason – If you didn’t have ADD when you got here you are leaving with it

Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, September 5th

September 05, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, September 5th (3)

1:00 PM BBT As it is past lunch time, they are gathering in the kitchen and slowly cooking. Kevin is outside using weights and Jason is telling him that it is lap time. Kevin is saying that according to their age and the game, they feel pretty good where they stand at this time of the game. Jason is saying that Burbank airport is pretty busy. THey are trying to figure out how much the airline industry is making in ticket sale. IN the meantime, the other HG are cooking and eating in the kitchen but just some life chat but no game talk. They are discussing about going to Universal Studio and other places that they all would enjoy as a group and they are wondering what would be the best day to attend. Feeds goes down a few seconds. Josh, Paul, Alex, Raven and Christmas are all around the kitchen. Alex is saying that she would love to do stuff but does not have a car for the moment. In the BY, we still have Kevin and Jason doing laps.
1:13 PM BBT Feeds are down for only a minute. Jason and Kevin joins the rest of the HG in the kitchen where they sharing foods. They are also talking about going to Las Vegas for the end of the week of their last day after the show is over.
1:15 PM BBT All Hg are in the kitchen eating lunch. Josh tells Jason that he hasn’t hug him today. THey are talking about doing Halloween at Universal and putting Rum into their drinks. Raven walks away and goes upstairs. BB production asks them to stop singing as Paul humms a few words. They are talking about some of the HG that have already been evicted and wonders how Jessica would be outside the house. They are wondering what will they do after the show is over. And are trying to plan stuff after the shows and going into next year.
1:30 PM BBT We have Paul, Raven, Christmas, Alex, Josh and Jason all in the kitchen talking about the after parties and where to go and when.
1:32 PM BBT Feeds are down again for a only 2 minutes. And the HG are continuing their chats about life and what they are planning to do once the show is over as Kevin is outside alone playing cornhole, exercising and just relaxing. Raven walks away from the group as they continue to chat but soon returns. Feeds are out. Shortly return again.. They are discussing how FB reminds their friends of when their BDay is and Jason does not like that.
1:45 PM BBT Feeds are out.
1:48 PM BBT Feeds have returned. We have Kevin in the BY, not saying a word and relaxing in the sun. He just mentioned how beautiful it is outside as Raven runs around the yard but soon returns to lift weights or maybe not. Not quite sure what he wants to do as he is jumping from one section of the BY to the other. Them he goes to the cornhole game and starts playing by himself. Back inside in the kitchen, Paul is saying that he believes that 60-70% of the people doing lifts are doing it wrong and Christmas agrees to that statement. Raven looks like she is done outside and returns back in the kitchen where the other HG are. Paul is asking Josh if he is ready to go outside and raises the awnings. Xmas and Alex are in the kitchen talking about Raven. Raven said it hurts her heart that she feels that way about Raven. Xmas said she is going to go sit in the shade outside.
2:00 PM BBT Production just thanked them for for closing the awning. Jason is tossing bean bags outside. All Hgs are outside. Paul, Alex, Raven and Xmas are sitting on the couch outside. Raven is talking about a cyst she had in her breast. Alex is talking about her sister, she has some cyst in her uterus. Kevin is working out, and Jason too. Jason is playing with bean bags again. Alex is playing with bean bags with Jason. Paul and Xmas are talking about workouts, push ups and squats. Raven is running laps around the back yard. Xmas and Paul are talking about cross fitting. Alex and Jason are playing badminton. Xmas is talking about her schedule and how she was able to be in such great shape. Josh and Raven are in the kitchen. Josh is telling her she is bad ass and a good competitor.. Josh said he cried yesterday, he was thinking of home. Josh said she can always come talk to him, and he does not want her to get into a funk. He said let it out, scream it out. Raven said she has a good feeling about Thursday. Raven is talking that Alex knows if she wins. She won’t be able to play next week. Josh said he is just getting in the fucking zone. Alex is back sitting on the couch with Paul and Xmas talking about Raven. They are talking about how they don’t believe her on her about breast cancer. Xmas said no fucking way. Alex is talking about her breast surgery. Xmas said people are gonna hear what Raven said and go fucking crazy.
2:15 PM BBT Alex is talking about how her aunt got breast cancer. Xmas said she thinks Raven is staying away from us, but she thinks they know they are calling her on her lies. Paul is talking about how Raven told him he needs to clear his mind. Paul said fuck cancer. Josh and Raven are still in the kitchen talking. Josh is telling Raven he is proud of her. Josh said he is going to go play some games and Raven said she is going to go work out. Raven is riding the bike, Kevin is near Jason who is lifting weights. Jason and Kevin are sitting where it is cool. Paul asked him what are you gonna do when you get out. Kevin is talking about how many days its been since he left his house, and how many days before he will be able to see anyone. Kevin just asked Jason if someone just said his name. Jason said I don’t think so. Kevin asked Jason if he ate breakfast and he said no. Kevin said I didn’t either , but tonight we will have pizza. Jason is talking about all the different foods he ate. Xmas is talking about Australia. Xmas said she doesn’t like to stay at big resorts, she would rather stay at little huts. Kevin and Jason are still sitting in the shade in the backyard area. Jason asked Kevin if he wanted to throw bags, Kevin said sure. Josh is on the couch area with Paul, Alex and Xmas. Josh said the sofa smells..Probably from the milk. Raven is doing a headstand. Raven said what does that kind of work out do. Josh is talking about how last night was so good. Talking about the bbq and the beer. Everyone is watching Kevin and Jason play a game with the bean bags munus Raven who is doing her own workout. Xmas is talking about how tall Jason is.
2:30 PM BBT Josh and Paul are talking about how Raven is working out. Kevin and Jason are talking about the score of 27 to 19. Raven joined Xmas, Paul, Josh and Alex on the couch. Paul asked Xmas why is she so evil. Xmas said that is just my laugh. Paul said he loves it that Jason loves hair. Alex is saying that Jason says pubic hair is lubricant. Jason is saying he was talking about dogs. Alex said he is lying. Paul said Kevin. You might have to perform surgery on the floaties. He doesn’t think they will give them super glue . Xmas said duct tape would work if they would give us it. Paul is telling Josh he killed Trejo. Paul asked if they re pierced Ravens belly button. Raven is now talking about how they messed it up when they put her pacemaker in. Paul is asking how times she had surgery, and Raven said 7. She is showing them all her scars and talking about her surgery and the tubes she had. Jason is back to lifting weights. Raven is talking about how she had holes in her stomach and you could see in it. She is talking about how they got infected and how she got staff. Paul is questioning her on it. Raven said she was in the hospital for over a month. Raven said she spent Christmas in the hospital and how her dad got her a xmas tree for the hospital. Now Kevin and Jason are back to playing bean bags. Raven is talking about how she will go to goodwill buy stuffed animals take them home bleach and clean them and hand them out to the kids in the hospital. Raven said she wears a mask and gloves when she goes and see the kids. Paul said there is no way he could be a doctor. Josh said or even a nurse. Paul told Josh he has too much of a soft heart to do it. Raven is talking about a 10 year old kid that wanted a lawn mower. She is talking about how he was crying because they got him a lawn mower. Raven said you would be surprised what the kids want. One wanted a lap top. Raven is talking about his picture on the lawn mower with his little mask. Raven is talking about make a wish. Raven is talking about her make a wish she got. Paul asked if it was just her, and she said me, my mom, Michael and one of my best friends. Raven said her favorite movie was a walk to remember.
2:45 PM BBT Paul is talking about how he has not been to Florida since he was a kid. Paul said he has a lot of friends in Florida. Josh is telling them they are basically family now. Kevin is sitting in the chair by himself in the back yard. Alex is asking Josh who the favorites are in the family. Jason just poured himself something to drink from the fridge in the back yard. Got something out of the fridge in the house and is eating it outside. Jason joined all the hgs on the couch outside, and Kevin is still sitting by himself in the chair in the yard. Alex is talking about belly dancing. Xmas said she would like to do a pole dancing. Alex said she has a portable pole. Alex said I am just not good at it. Paul is talking about his cousins. Xmas asked if anyone would like gatorade or water. Xmas and Raven got up from couch. Now they are back with drinks. Paul and Josh are talking about Paul’s cousins. All four cameras are on Kevin who is sitting alone in the chair by the pool. One camera turned back for a second on the hgs sitting on the couch. Now they are all back to Kevin. Kevin is cracking his knuckles. Now Kevin is adjusting his head band. Paul is telling them a story about someone putting gum in their hair. Jason and Josh are playing badminton. Raven is laying on the lawn chair outside.

Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, September 5th (2)

September 05, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, September 5th

9:00 AM BBT – 10:00 AM BBT All HGs are asleep. 9:04 AM BBT Kevin is up and heads to the bathroom. He goes back to bed.

10:06 AM BBT – 10:22 AM BBT FISH. Wake-up calls.

10:15 AM BBT Wake-up calls FISH

10:22 AM BBT Xmas is up. Lights still off in rooms. Xmas heads to SR for batteries.JOSH JASON YOUR MICS NEED NEW BATTERIES. Xmas goes back to bed. JOSH JASON YOUR MICS NEED NEW BATTERIES. Raven turns on Rose room lights. Jason is in SR along with Josh.Josh returns to bed. Xmas is figuring out her games plan under her breath.

10:30 AM BBT Xmas talking to herself Josh sleeping. It seems Paul is in an early DR session.Jason makes coffee.He then heads out to the hammock. Xmas is going over the days under her breathe.Paul walks out of DR to the BY. He is going to join Jason Paul complains about DR. He heads to bed.

10:45 AM BBT He warns Jason if he stays out there even 5 minutes He would want to kick Paul’s butt. Xmas dozes in HOH Paul sleeping in Rose room.FISH. Xmas heads downstairs.Xmas makes coffee I thought Jason had put on a pot.She uses 2 paper towels and one filter.She does put weight on her hurt foot.She says it is so much slower with one crutch. She heads to Rose room.Alex is still asleep Xmas tells Paul to sleep she has to BLOG. She asks how he feels. NO answer. Kevin is up rustling chip bag. Xmas hobbles back to KT. The talk about what games BB left. Badminton croquet and cornhole. HEAD OF HOUSEHOLD PLEASE GO TO YOUR ROOM.Xmas grabs her coffee and tries to crab walk up stairs.with coffee. She can’t get into her room.

11:00 AM BBT Jason is still on the hammock.Kevin heads to hammock and makes small talk with Jason.They head in to get coffee. Jason takes out the trash. Mainly he changes bags and sprays for ants.He wipes down the cabinet he sprayed. Kevin returns in his tank top so they can walk. His back is better from the rash. Jason takes a cup of coffee adds grounds and water for stronger coffee. Kevin throws in a small load of laundry. Kevin oils up.

11:15 AM BBT Xmas blogs Kevin and Jason are going to walk. Everyone else is sleeping.Jason says he needs to grab his shades. Kevin says you have to look cool it’s our last day in the yard. Kevin sings and FISH flash. Jason says crap. Kevin asks the time because his son would have finished his first day at school. He hopes no one teased him because of him. Kevin asks what do you think it will be like in Jury house. They wonder if they can watch movies. Kevin doesn’t care what is playing. Kevin thinks BB will end on 27th. How do you get rid of everyone. They discuss premieres going on now. Jason’s legs hurt so they sit. Kevin asks if Jason slept quick last night. Kevin asks if it is hurting him not talking to people. Jason wonders the same thing. Jason says everything people say will be used against them. Kevin says he doesn’t have conversation with Alex Jason calls Alex a compulsive whine tit. Jason says Alex and Paul are working for Jury votes. Jason feels not going for Jury votes was maybe a mistake. Jason never talked to Raven so why start now. Jason says you want to know the truth. It was because he didn’t put Kevin on the block. Matt made a blanket statement that Jason not putting Kevin up that f#$% them up. Jason explains Matt didn’t like being lied to. Kevin says well it’s BB. Matt didn’t talk to Kevin once this summer. Kevin wonders why Matt would think they played better than him.
11:30 AM BBT Jason asks what makes you think that and Kevin lists off his good points. Jason feels he can’t get anything out of his mouth correctly. Kevin is fixated on Matt now.Jason won’t beg for votes. That Matt licks Cody’s ass. Jason thinks they are trying to make Cody the worse person on BB. Jason talks about the other HGs that are obsessed with BB. They know how to play. Kevin never knew about ZINGBOT. Jason wishes he watched more BB. How do you keep talking to people you want to choke. Jason says he could scale the wall and run away. Kevin agrees FISH. Jason says maybe being on the block is getting to him.Jason wished Kevin had got up earlier. Kevin returns to the Matt problem. Jason talks about Kevin’s blow up. Everyone sees everything, Kevin goes on to say I come from the streets. Kevin says Jason will wake up laughing at something he told him. Jason wants 4 hours with each HG uninterrupted. Just to talk. Jason says he has talked to Kevin more than all the others together. He repeats his gripe with Quality auto in Albuquerque N.M. Jason talks about his Dad.Alex is up. His Dad hated Jason’s cowboy hat and smile. He thinks it’s funny that his Hat and smile make his Money. He starts to tell about his sister who is a wreck and FISH.
11:45 AM BBT Alex is in WR. and back in bed.Maybe. All cams on empty Green Room. Audio plays from the WR. Video all on Green room.Kevin and Jason talking on couch out back. They talk about the concept of gameplay in the house.Entertainment value of the HGs that Jess was too dramatic. That Matt followed the same path everyday. Jason feels like a real tool but doesn’t know how it looks on the TV.Jason hates the fake crying.Jason doesn’t even know why they are talking about this. Kevin hopes that the future is better being in the game. Kevin says at least Jason didn’t fall into the fight like he did. Kevin doesn’t like the yelling. Jason says the only psycho in the house is Josh. FISH.Jason calls Alex guy repellent in this game. Kevin calls Paul a professional BB
12:00 PM BBT Kevin and Jason are in the BY chatting game and Kevin is wondering if he becomes HOH, who would he put up? Jason says Raven probably and Kevin feels a bit ashamed that he hasn’t won anything but they are some people who are professional players in the BB house. Jason says he really hopes to be F2 as the other HG are just resting.

12:16 PM BBT feeds are back up and Christmas is up and chatting with Jason now as he walked in from playing outside. THey are both saying that they are tired from basically doing nothing and Christmas will be joining them outside and has decided to put her bikini on and enjoy the outside before they get looked up back in. Shortly after that, Jason joins Kevin back out and continues to play the game. IN the Rose room, Christmas looks like she is looking for her bikini so she can join the boys outside and play the game as well of cornhole. Not soon after, Paul is coming out and decided to play the game with Kevin and Jason. Christmas and Josh are chatting a bit in the Rose room as she is getting dressed. Paul comes in the room and Raven follows in. Paul is mentioning that his plastic floater got wasted last night due to the Labor day festivities. Christmas is now walking on one crunch. Alex is up as well. So, now we have Josh and Paul in the kitchen as the other HG are in the BY getting some fresh air. Josh is saying how disgusting the kitchen is. Raven does some dance moves for Paul upon his request. Paul is agreeing that the sink is nasty as no one seem to be cleaning after each other.
12:30 PM BBT Jason and Christmas are now paying cornhole as Alex is running around the yard to exercise. Back in the kitchen, Paul and Raven are having small talk about when he went to bed and that he showered for a long time to get his mind cleared up. Raven feels really alone as she has no one to cuddle up with since Matt left the house. Alex walks in and is looking for something in the fridge but doesn’t seem to be satisfied so she walks away and goes in the SR and gets a banana. Alex is telling Josh that she is working out. Paul is asking what some of the HG which favorite time was best moment in the house. Josh is now alone in the kitchen as they rest of the HG went outside to play the cornhole game or just enjoying the outdoor. Christmas and Jason are playing as Kevin watches them. Raven back in the kitchen. Paul and Raven in the Rose room and she is asking him what would be the best scenario as of who wins HOH. Raven is showing the feeds her new pillow that replaces Matt for the time being until she seems him. Paul is in the HN room and notices that there is a lot of pillow and no one is in there as they are no HN this week.
12:45 PM BBT Paul and Alex in the SR and wonders how fruit flies gets in. Raven in the kitchen is freaking out when she sees all these ants everywhere. Raven, josh, Alex and Paul in the kitchen and they are chatting a bit to the live feeders and says thank you. They are discussing their snapchat and Instagram, twitter and every other social media they may have. Most of the HG have decided to stay outside except for Raven and Christmas. Kevin is saying to Jason that he ate a lot yesterday and he does agree with that statement. Alex, Josh, Paul, Raven and Christmas all in the kitchen talking about their social accounts. Using the special glasses, they are doing some calls out on snapchats for the fans.
12:03 PM BBT Feeds are down.
12:05 PM BBT Back in the house, feeds are on where the HG are in bed, sleeping but we have Jason and Kevin in the BY chatting away. Jason says he has a lot of patience and his mind never seems to stop. As they are done, they have decided to play some game outside as the rest of the house is quiet. Kevin says he is happy for the meantime. Jason makes some coffee as Kevin is using the WR. We now have Jason cleaning up the kitchen a bit as Kevin steps outside in the BY. They are both in the BY playing cornhole.

HOH room. Paul and Josh.

September 05, 2017

 HOH room. Paul and Josh.
Paul – I almost said to Alex that next week we would just put up Kevin and Raven. I then I realized that she thinks Kevin would be gone. Josh – the way she is going to be raging after Jason goes.. Paul – that’s my job and that’s where you need to fight. Josh – Mean I’m not going to loose before f**king Kevin. Paul – she doesn’t know that Jason is going to be gone and Kevin is still going to be here and Kevin is a huge target for her. HUGE! I’ve already planted the seed with Raven. I was like If I win, I am putting you up because I am gunning for you. And she was like oh yeah good, tell her that. And I’m telling Alex the same thing. Josh – you have to turn off game. Paul – no I can’t. Josh – when you’re off, I’m on and when I’m off Christmas is on. Paul – I need you just as much as you need me. I’m guiding and if I mess up then I would feel bad. Josh – I’m not worried about my game any more I’m worried about the three. I want to make sure if I don’t win, that you or her win. Paul – that’s how you know you found your ride or die. Paul – you’re going to tell him (Jason) a few minutes before. Josh – yes. Paul – if there is a blow up I’ll take the heat. Lines drawn in the sand. I’ll pull Alex away from you. I already told Raven that I would be gunning for you. Josh – for me? Paul – no fool, for Raven. If I win I put Raven and Kevin on the block. Alex has no clue what is going on. Now Raven is forced to win some sh*t because if she doesn’t she is gone. Worst case if Alex wins (veto) then Raven goes. And its her fault because she didn’t win. They discuss how BB comics could be the veto next week. Paul – if I win the veto I could pull Kevin off and put Alex up saying that she already got Matt’s blood on her hands so putting her up she wouldn’t get Raven’s blood on her hands. And then boom vote her out. They’re going to hate all of us equally. Christmas joins them. They go over the scenarios again. Paul – I have thought all of these scenarios out. Paul – I want to win 6. (6th HOH) I am gunning for it this week.

 Backyard Hammock. Christmas and Josh.

September 05, 2017

 Backyard Hammock. Christmas and Josh.
Christmas – this is how marriages work. Its supposed to be 50/50 and the averages it will be but there are some years its 70/30, 80/20, 60/40. Its never going to be 50/50 everyday. Sometimes one partner is going to pick up and carry the other partner for an extended period of time. Sometimes that one partner is going to have one f**king leg. It is never 50/50 evenly distributed. That is a dream but it is equal partnership where sometimes you’re going to have to take the brunt of it and sometimes I’m going to have to take the brunt of it but that is why the three of us work so well together because individually we are dead in the f**king water. Josh – I am checking him so that he doesn’t loose it but I need someone to check me. Christmas – I’m checking you. Josh – when I spoke to him this morning, it broke my heart. Christmas – he knows what he’s doing. Josh – when I was in the Jacuzzi he started going in on Alex. What f**Ked me up was that Kevin knows he’s leaving. I just started crying. Christmas – I put him on the block, I will take the responsibility for it. Josh – its the way that its being done. Christmas – its not that shaddy. Christmas – has he asked you for your vote? Josh – he thinks that he has my vote. Christmas – did he ask you for your vote. Josh – no. Christmas – then his arrogance is whats going to get him in trouble. He hasn’t given you the respect to ask you for his vote. Remember that! Josh – he expects it because of the friendship we have. Christmas – we’ll sit down Wednesday afternoon and decide together what to do. But do you want to give him 500K or do you want 500K. That’s what it comes down to.

Paul “I got some personal news too and I am just ready to just get out.”

September 05, 2017

 Hammock. Paul and Christmas.
Christmas – are you just tired and cranky or did you have something happen? Paul – I’m just hitting another hump. Christmas – how can I help? Paul – I don’t know .. just everything is annoying me. Christmas – you can vent? Paul – no because I don’t want to sound like an a$$hole. Christmas – you’re not going to sound like an a$$hole. Paul – its just taking a toll on me. Christmas – its what its designed to do. Paul – I’ve spent too much f**King time in this place. Christmas – you’re almost out. Paul – How many more days? Three weeks? Two? Christmas – two, maybe 17 more days. Paul – if we’re lucky. I’m just missing home. My family, my pets, my friends, my music. Christmas – you’re allowed to do that. Paul – I just surround myself with different kinds of people and when I’m forced to be in a certain place it drives me crazy. And when I try to get away I can’t. Christmas – do you want me to leave you alone? Paul – no, not you. I would tell you. Christmas – well if she (Raven) comes over I’ll take her away. Paul – no, I can’t have it be weird. Paul – its the epitome of what I can’t stand and its eating at my soul. It’s so bad. I can’t be around that kind of energy. Its like a shell. Its unfortunate when she is just herself she is a very sweet girl. I just miss my comfort. I’m getting claustrophobic. Christmas – this place makes you who you hate. I don’t even recognize things that I say. Paul – At first I was having fun and doing all this stuff. Plans and getting in front of the game. Christmas – Its the down side s what’s wrong with continuing to make plans? Paul – I’m going to lose anyways .. so what’s the point. I guess the point is to see you guys go as far as you can. Raven joins them Christmas – do you mind giving us a few minutes we’re just having an issue. Raven – no


Paul – I got some personal news too and I am just ready to just get out. Christmas – today? Paul is silent. Christmas grabs Paul’s foot and rubs it. Christmas – whatever is happening, they know that you love them and you’re thinking of them. And they would want you to finish what you started. And terrorize some people in the process. Paul – its terrorizing me in the process. Christmas – is it anything you need to attend to? Christmas wipes away tears from Paul’s face. Christmas – do you want to go upstairs and be alone for a while? Paul shakes his head no. Christmas tells Paul a childhood story.


Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, September 5th

September 05, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Tuesday, September 5th
12:00 AM BBT Josh is out in the BY showering out there. Christmas is in the hammock lying down relaxing. Production says, “JOSH PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MICROPHONE.” Paul comes into the kitchen. He asks, “Where is everyone at?” Alex says, “This is pretty much it.” Josh says, “Christmas is outside in the hammock.” Raven says, “Jason is upstairs showering.” Then Alex goes and hugs Paul. She says something to him and he says, “Thank you. I appreciate it.” Raven looks in the mirror fixing her hair. Paul got some ice and filled up a jug with water. He looked at Raven and said, “The days are definitely not getting shorter.” She said, “Yeah.” Paul asked Alex what she wanted to do. She said, “I’m going to put this stuff away.” She starts putting the leftover food from the BBQ in the refrigerator. Paul went outside. Raven asked Alex, “What’s wrong with Paul?” Alex said, “I don’t know. Sometimes the house just gets to you, you know.” Raven said, “Yeah I had my moment yesterday.” Paul brought the plastic utensils in the house. Raven said she has it. Raven and Alex put away the food and dishes and all. Alex went to the bathroom. She said, “I gotta pee and I wanna go to bed before Kevin gets back. She said ok. Alex brushed her teeth and went to her room. Raven came in there with her. Alex told Raven to wake her up if anything goes down and she will do the same for her. Raven said she will try but that she sleeps hard. Then they start chatting about their siblings.
12:15 AM BBT Christmas, Josh and Paul are out in the BY. Josh and Christmas are talking. Paul is throwing the sand bags over by the wall. Christmas and Josh are talking game. She is telling him to relax and calm down until Thursday. He said, “Ok. I will give you your time.” Christmas said, “You will?” They turned and looked at Paul. Then Christmas said, “Thanks for talking with me.” Don’t worry and go do damage control inside. Keep Raven away from Paul!!” Josh said, “Ok.” Christmas said, “I will go and handle him (Paul). She went over and started talking to Paul. Paul said, “See. I feel I have to keep my mood up or it affects everyone else.” Christmas said, “It’s ok.” Christmas said, “The beers come out and so do the feels.” “Josh did the same about Jason.” Paul said, “What do you mean?” She said, Josh was feeling bad for having to vote for Jason. He asked, “What do you mean he was talking him through?” Christmas said, “Josh was just feeling bad and I told him that if Jason wasn’t so good at comps then he wouldn’t be going.” Paul said, “That is why I am feeling bad. This game is hard because you have to throw people under the bus and take advantage of them so you can get ahead.” Christmas said, “Yes. That is the way this game is designed.” She said, “I tried to fix Trejo.””He is inflated. He just can’t come out and party.” Paul said, “What do you mean?” She said, “Well just not too hard.” Paul said, “Well thank you for trying.” They keep taking turns playing cornhole. Paul said, “I was really hoping that there would be an eviction tonight.” Christmas said, “To get it over with.” Paul asked her, “Do you think we are going to have to deal with Josh all week then?” She said, “I don’t think so. I think he is feeling better now after we talked.” Paul asked Christmas, “So I heard that Kevin was looking for me. Do you know why?” She said, “No.” Paul keeps trying to get the bags in and missing. Christmas starts laughing hysterically. Paul said, “Let’s switch sides.” Christmas said, “Ok.”
12:30 AM BBT They switched sides. Christmas said, “Say it’s just the glare.” Paul said, “Yeah it’s that. It’s the glare.” He started throwing them from that side of the yard and missed too. He said, “No. It’s not a glare.” Paul asked, “Do I need to talk to him or no?” Christmas said, “I don’t know. I think just all three of us need to….” Paul said, “We don’t have the luxury to.” Paul said, “Raven is already saying she is ready to throw the next comp.” Christmas asked Paul, “Are you bored with this yet?” He said, “Kinda. You want to go in?” She said, “Let’s go.” He asked, “Can I take a shower upstairs?” Christmas said, “I think Jason is up there.” He asked, “Still.” She said, “Yeah. I saw him go up there with his cowboy hat on.” They got inside and Paul said, “I need to go get some comfy clothes.” Paul then said, “I hope someone put the chicken away at least. No. it’s still here on the stove. Is it cooked yet?” Christmas checked it and said, “No it’s not done yet.” Paul asked her if she was going upstairs. She said yes. He said, “Ok, be right there to shower. I’m going to go get some comfy clothes.” He went into the Rose room. He asked Raven if he could turn the light on. She said yes. He said, “Ok. Cover your eyes.” He asked, “Who killed Trejo?” Raven said, “Christmas tried to fix him by melting him.” He said, “She did what?” He was blowing Trejo up. Raven said that Christmas melted plastic and put it on him to fix him. She said, “She took Kevin’s.” He was smelling some clothes saying they are clean. Paul told Raven goodnight and Trejo goodnight. He said to Trejo, “If you are melted in the morning then we will do surgery.” He moved Trejo to the sofa in the Rose bedroom and said Goodnight to Raven again. She said, “Goodnight Buddy buddy.” He left the Rose bedroom. Josh was in the Green bedroom. Josh said, “Goodnight Amigo.” Paul asked Josh if he was going to bed. Josh said no he wasn’t that he was going to read for a while. Pauls then asked Alex if she was going to bed. Alex said no and asked where Jason was. Paul said, “I think he is upstairs taking a shower.” She jumped up and followed him out of the room to the HOH room. He stopped and said, “Oh I think I left my beard stuff in there.” He went back to the Rose bedroom and got his beard stuff. He then continued on to the HOH bedroom.
12:45 AM BBT Alex, Jason, Christmas and Paul are upstairs in the HOH bedroom talking. Alex is saying that everyone in the jury will be talking about Christmas having surgery and not being able to compete. Jason left the HOH room. Alex is looking at the cameras and said Kevin is up and is probably looking for me. Christmas said, “He won’t come up here.” Alex says, “Yeah he won’t come up here when I’m HOH or when you’re HOH. He’s scared.” Christmas said that is weird because you are supposed to talk to the HOH about what the plans. Christmas said I have had fun the last few days here. Alex said she was trying to talk to Raven about personal stuff. But she really doesn’t have much to say. Paul said he tried to have a heart to heart talk with her about her dance studio. Christmas said, “Yeah I did too. She said she is not worried about the dance studio because she didn’t know she was coming here. It doesn’t make sense to me that you would leave your business and not have someone to take care of it.” Alex said I wonder where she got her money for a dance studio at 17. Christmas said, “She told me that she got it with the money from her Dad getting hit by a DD.” “But she said he was an a**hole but at least she got something out of that.” Then they started talking about Matt working at Boeing and taking leave. Christmas said yeah he took a leave of absence but they told him he could come back whenever he wants. Alex said he has a Master’s degree. I just don’t understand. Alex said I don’t think he is love with Raven. Paul said I hope he didn’t lead her on. Paul said that he just feels bad for the girl because she doesn’t feel the stress of the house because she doesn’t do anything in the house. You’re just mimicking me and not bringing anything to the house.
1:00 AM BBT Christmas said she walked in and asked Raven, “What happened to you?” Raven said to me. “What do you mean?” “Oh that one was pretty hard.” Alex said, “She only wanted to ge the HOH when Matt was around. But now she doesn’t care.” Christmas said, “She has had someone in this house forever. Someone to hold at night. Someone to talk to. Someone to f**k!” “None of us have had that.” Paul said, “Yeah I just cried my eyes out in the DR because I don’t have anyone in there to touch my wiener.” Christmas said, “Yeah she came out there and sat down in the hammock and said, “Long day.” Christmas said, “Bi**h you haven’t had to vote anyone out. You haven’t had to win the veto so you haven’t had a rough day here yet.” Paul said, “Yeah she is just parroting everyone.” Alex said, “Yeah even Kevin is playing a better game than her at this point. He has been so nice this week too.” Paul said, “At least he has an opinion.” Josh is outside in the BY in the hammock talking to himself. Alex then starts talking about Raven freezing her eggs. Christmas said, “I am the most intolerant with the “Woe is me” and the victim role.” “I would rather her be a Gold Digger.” “This type of manipulation hurts my heart that people like this do this and take everything and don’t give a sh**” Alex said, “That’s another thing I had a problem with is the Gastroparesis.” Christmas said, “I am most worried for her when she gets out of her and then people giving her so much backlash.” Alex said, “kevin is going to get so much backlash too.” Christmas says for being so misogynistic. Paul said, “Misogynistic for sure.” Christmas said, “I cannot lie. I have a real problem with it.” Alex said that Raven said it was endo…. Meaning that it started for no reason. And she said it was genetic and then that it was not genetic. I don’t know. Then she said 5 million people have it. That is such a large number.” She said, “I’ve been praying for her and I hope it’s real.” Paul asked Christmas if he can use one of the towels up here or if he should go and get one. Christmas said, “No you can use one from up here.” Paul said, “I’m just……” Alex said, “You’re just emotionally drained.” Paul said yes.
1:15 AM BBT Paul said, “She cannot tell me that you have an inverted spine though.” Alex and Christmas started laughing. Christmas said, “It cracked me up when she was jumping up and down on her knees on the thing and you kept saying “Your knees, your knees.” Paul said, “Yeah why would you jump on your knees and ruin them more and beat them up more than the are?” Paul said, “And the whole have not thing, when the not was read that there are no longer have nots and she was so happy. She has not been a HN the entire time this summer. Since week two when that note was read you have not been a HN!” Alex starts telling a squirrel story she has told all of them. Christmas said, “Oh yeah that story. I’m just going to start asking her specific questions from now on.” Alex said not to call her out. Christmas said, “I’m not going to call her out. I’m just going to ask her more questions and maybe she will get stuck or just shut the he** up.” Alex said, “I just don’t ask questions anymore. I just sit there and shake my head up and down.” Christmas said, “I’m afraid to tell her stories in my life…” Alex said, “She will go to Iraq then.” Christmas said, “No you can’t just go to Iraq as a civilian. You have to have clearance.” Paul said, “Oh yeah because it is a war zone.” Christmas said, “I wish they would have sent my picture of me and my mom when we were in Baghdad. She lived there for a while.” Christmas said, “She didn’t even believe my name was Christmas.” Paul said, “Not that was me. I was like, get the f**k out of here. She is not named Christmas.” Alex said, “I had a hard time believing it too.” Paul said, “Christmas f**king Joy.” Christmas said, “And it’s Joe spelled with and E and I used to say that the E is silent when I told others.”
1:30 AM BBT Paul said to Christmas, “I bet there is never an instance where you don’t get any flack for your name is there?” Josh comes into the HOH bedroom. Then they start talking about Kevin. Alex started talking about the Ouija Board story Kevin told. She said it sounds like the other one he told almost exactly but it’s night. The cameras go to fish. They come back and Paul says, “I wish they would have stolen Josh.” Josh said, “That’s mean.” Paul said, “They would have just taken organs.” Josh said, “They did take kids and raped them.” Alex said, “Raped them?” The feeds went to fish again. They come back and show Kevin sleeping. Then they come to the HOH room. Paul asked where the ant went. Christmas said she doesn’t know. Alex asked if Christmas went to the DR yet. She said no. Production said, “YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT THE DR.” Alex replied, “She can’t go up and down the stairs so I am just trying to give her fair warning.” Feeds went to fish again. Christmas was walking with one crutch and said she is practically running. Paul said she looks like one of the army men in Toy Story that walk funny. She laughed and said that is nice. He went over to hug her and she said woe I’m not stable. Then she said she has to go to work (Blog). Alex said if she wins then she is putting up Raven and saying that she doesn’t win anything and it is time for her to go. Paul said yes it is just the way it has to go. Alex then asks Paul if it is going to be a double eviction. He said, “I thinks so. Unless something has changed.” Then he starts explaining the timeline as he is predicting.
1:45 AM BBT Alex asks how the three games are played at the end. Paul explains how they are played and that it is the scales and they have to guess. He said it’s a guessing game and it’s hard because the jury can say anything. Alex says, “F**k.” Paul said, “To be honest it could be different but that’s how it was on my season. I don’t know how it was on season 16.” Paul starts getting ready to shower. Alex says she is going to go to bed. Josh asks Alex not to scare him, she tells him no promises. Paul asks Josh why he was tripping today. Paul says it was personal shit, he says he has no time to be alone. He says it is just a case of him protecting some people more than others. He says it is sad for him. He also says the Raven thing is getting to him, who has never done anything this whole game, he says she mimics him then calls him fat stupid. Josh says you are not she is just rude. He says in real life he deals with things as they come up. He says she screamed in my ear. He says it says POP Network. If you are really excited but you are fake. Josh says he will have a hard time if he leaves the house and is hated. They are talking about AFP and how that is what they think Kevin is playing for. They think that either Jason or Josh will get it. Paul says if he messes up and they lose he is going to feel bad if he messes up their game. Paul says when you get a Right or Die and they leave you feel bad.
2:00 AM BBT Josh says she is going to be mad when Jason leaves. Paul says that is my job. Josh says you need an hour to turn off game. Paul says I can’t turn it off because it is the 3 of us. Josh says when one of us aren’t on, one of the other ones’ are on. Paul says I need you as much as you need me. He says you are not a burden. Josh says I am only dealing with myself. Josh then says it isn’t just me it is me and my 2. Paul says that is how you find your Right or Die. Paul says that is how you were with me. Paul says you have been here longer than Christmas. Paul says You are going to tell Jason a few minutes before. Josh says Yes. Paul is telling him how he thinks it should go down. Paul says Alex said she will suck at BB Comics. Paul says he doesn’t. He said he is going to tell Raven you now have to win. If she doesn’t win the Veto she is going home. He says if Raven does win then Alex needs to go up against Kevin. He says we can just tell her you can bond with Kevin for his jury vote. Josh says Alex is a beast. Josh asks him if it comes to the 2 of us on Thursday do you want to win or me. Paul says I want you to win 5 because Raven has already said she doesn’t want to win that one. Paul says we have to tell Raven if you don’t win you are going home. Paul says the way it has to go is If we win the Veto we pull Kevin off, and tell Alex she is the replacement because she already has Matt’s blood on her hands, she doesn’t want Raven’s too. Paul is saying Alex is already saying she wants a shot at Raven. He says we have to swindle her. Paul gets told to not obstruct his mic. Paul says they are going to hate all of us. Josh says he doesn’t give a flyin’ f**k. Josh says if I don’t win I will be happy just sitting up at final 2 with you. Paul says same here. Josh says the whole Jason thing is taking a toll on him. He says he really enjoyed hanging out with him today, no game. Christmas is on her way back into the HOH Room after being in DR.

2:15 AM BBT Christmas walks in Paul is still telling Josh that you didn’t feel bad about Mark and Cody because they were assholes. The problem with Jason is he is real, even his off jokes that is him and he owns it. Paul says it is okay to feel bad that is part of the reason he was crying today. He also says he is loyal to us, so it is either us or them. Josh says if Alex gets past 5 she is a beast. Paul says if Alex wins I convince her that she doesn’t want to win 5 so she can compete and make it to final 3. He says worse case is if she wants to win 5 she puts one of us on the block with Kevin we win the veto don’t use it Kevin goes home. Paul says if she makes it to final 4 we have to gun it because we can’t let her win. He says we have to gang up on her pots and pans everything. Christmas says to Josh you have to leave your heart in check. If it is Kevin we just have to talk shit to him. Paul says Remember I told you get me to 5 I’ll get us to 3. Paul says if Alex is gone Raven doesn’t want to win 5 so then her and Kevin are on the block if she doesn’t win Veto she goes home. Paul says we are half the people left and we are a team. Paul says you can’t tell Kevin anything because he will use any information he will use it against you.
2:30 AM BBT Paul says I just tell Kevin to shut up, to not talk to me, to trust me. Paul says BB 18 Rambo Paul is ready to pop out. Paul said this year he played laid back. Christmas says No one defended their position this year. Paul says you were always tripping. Paul says how many times did I tell you when you saw something that it wasn’t time. Paul says you tried to attack Elena when the target was Cody. Josh says it was fun to see them go. Christmas and Paul are looking at crumbs and saying they are from when Raven was eating some of Christmas’s snacks. Josh says she eats more than I do. Paul says if anyone asks I was having a personal moment. Paul is going to shower, Josh is saying he is going to bed. Conversation has slowed down. Josh is getting ready to go to bed. Christmas offers him an eye mask, he tells her it is hers. Christmas says we are going to have a little ceremony for my walking foot tomorrow. Josh gives her a hug and kiss and says goodnight. Paul is in the shower. Josh is in the washroom downstairs preparing for bed. Christmas and Paul are talking about the water in the HOH Shower.
2:45 AM BBT Paul is still showering. Christmas has turned off the lights in the HOH Room and is getting into bed. ALl HGS but Paul who is showering and Christmas who is brushing her teeth are in bed asleep or trying to sleep.
3:00 AM BBT All HGS but Paul are in bed asleep, he is still showering in the dark in the HOH Room.
3:15 AM BBT All HGS but Paul are asleep. He says goodnight to Christmas and heads downstairs It looks like he is checking to see if anyone else is up. Christmas peeks out of the HOH Room to see where Paul is she goes back to bed. Looks like Paul has called it a night and snuggles under his blankets in bed. All HGS are now in their beds.
3:30 AM BBT All HGS are in dreamland

Monday, September 4th (3)

September 04, 2017

Monday, September 4th (3)
9:45 PM BBT The HGs are enjoying their grilled corn. Paul and Christmas are planning to share a peanut butter and jelly burger. They all discuss what they think everyone in jury is doing. Production calls Raven to the DR. Raven skips to the DR and says that she is lit and is on her way. The burgers are freaking HUGE! Josh and Alex are in the bathroom. Josh tells Alex that Raven has found a whole new level of lit. Josh says that he wishes production would give them some more alcohol even some wine would be great.
10:00 PM BBT Christmas lets them know the Burgers are ready, Alex says she thinks Raven is Lit, but she herself needs one more for a good Buzz. Christmas finishes a few burgers to Well done. While Paul and Jason eat, Alex and Josh hoola hoop and Kevin watches. Paul explains how much Raven is on his nerves today and vents for a moment. Josh n Alex prep their burgers. Jason compliments Christmas with a very full mouth of food. They begin to talk about Ashton Kutcher, and how much they all have eaten. Kevin lays back on a lounger and relaxes under the stars. They joke that the Dr called Raven just so they could talk about her. Christmas’s plate is finally ready for her to eat, she can finally sit down cooking is done. They then talk about Mavens drawer. They say Hell to Heaven in 2.5 seconds, a BBQ, Beer, Friendship, and calling Raven to the Dr. Thank you BB. Paul continues to vent, while others make jokes, many are feeling the Buzz already. Josh n Jason have a moment of horse play they joke that at the Wrap party will only be water to drink they can’t handle alcohol. Josh suggests getting in LINDA ( the Hot tub) They find the outside fridge is full of gatorade and Jason gets excited. Paul n Kevin talk about his kids starting school tomorrow his Son will be a senior and explains the idea behind Labor day.
10:15 PM BBT Christmas, Josh, Jason, attempt to play corn hole again she tries to explain the directions. Paul lays in the hammock, Alex joins the game, Kevin watches.
Score JJ-2 AC-1, JJ-3 AC-2, JJ-6 AC-4, JJ-7 AC-4, JJ-10 AC-5, JJ-12 AC-7, JJ-15 AC-7, Raven returns from the DR. JJ-18 AC-13 , JJ-20 AC-13 GAME!! JJ wins. They celebrate for a moment. They decide to play a second round this time shooting from the front of the board.Raven has replaced Alex JJ V. CR. JJ-5 CR-2, Paul is venting to Alex about Raven shouting into his ear and ruining the Party for him he is over it. THAT’S WHAT SHE SAID -(in reference to a joke) JJ-9 CR-5 ,
10:30 PM BBT ALEX PLEASE GO TO THE DR JJ-9 CR-9, JJ-14 CR-11, JJ-16 CR-13 , JJ-19 CR-15, JJ-21 CR-15 GAME JJ WINS AGAIN. Celebration and a STOP THAT. Jason tries to hoola hoop and josh joins, Christmas heads inside, raven also hooping. Paul lounging in the Hammock watching. Josh n Jason try to play Badminton, Kevin watching from the pool table. Josh can’t serve worth anything, Christmas joins Paul in the hammock. She asks him what’s up and he doesn’t want to sound like an asshole but she says she is there to listen. The House is taking a toll on him he is missing home, family, and pets. Paul says it’s hard not being able to get away without being followed it throws him off being around her energy. ( referencing Raven.) He says he is getting claustrophobic and having more anxiety attacks. She suggests meditation but he says he gets called out for sleeping. She says this place makes you into who you hate, he says it’s taking its toll on him. Christmas asks why not keep making plans, he says i’m going to loose anyway why try, what’s the point. She says the point is you committed to this and you can still make the best of it. Raven heads over and Christmas asks for a few minutes alone and raven takes it well and leaves it alone. Paul said he got personal news and he is just ready to get out. Christmas asks today? It’s Silent between them. She grabs his leg and tries to comfort him.
10:45 PM BBT Christmas sits up on the Hammock, while the boys still try to play the game. Christmas says Whatever is happening they know you are there for them and want you to finish what you started. Christmas asks if it’s something he needs to attend to? He doesn’t respond but is fighting tears. Christmas tells him move over and flips around to laying next to him to comfort him. She offers him the HOH alone for a bit he says no so she tells him a funny story from her childhood to help distract him. She used to be a sick kid from allergies all the time. She tells about the testing and the shots she had to get weekly and how on the way home she always got ice cream as a treat. As she tells more of the story all feeds go to the Boys. Josh is a sweaty mess but they are really trying to play this game hars. Alex is fully dressed in her POV gear and interrupting the game. The ladies join the game one on each side with the boys. Kevin sitting to the side watching the Game.
11:00 PM BBT Jason and Josh were playing badminton in the BY and Alex joined in for a minute. Then they all three came in to get a drink and one of them was called to the DR. Alex said she was ready for bed. Jason asked why. She said because she was tired. Jason went into the bathroom to get his swim trunks on to go into the hot tub. Josh went back outside to grab his trunks. Paul came in and wiped his eyes. Josh asked him if he was ok. He shook his head yes but had a very sad look on his face. Paul walked on into the house. Alex went to her bed in the Green bedroom and laid down in her bed. She put her 3D glasses on. Kevin came in and told Alex that there was no use for him to go into the hot tub with his back the way it is. Alex agreed with him. He said he just doesn’t want everyone to think he is mad at them but he is going to read. He gets his bed made up. Alex got up and walked around the house with her 3D glasses on very slowly. She said, “This is weird.” “I can see outlines.” Raven was lying on the sofa in the LR waiting to go into the DR she said. Alex walked back outside with the glasses on but then took them off and walked over to the hot tub where the guys were. They asked Alex about Paul. Alex said, “I didn’t see but he I just saw him walking to the DR and he looked very sad.” Then feeds went back on Raven lying on the sofa waiting. Josh and Jason are in the hot tub. Josh got out of the hot tub and grabbed the pink floaty, he called it “Bertha.” He jumped into the pool with it and laid down on it in the pool. Christmas is doing something with the grill. It looks like she is melting a plastic fork or spoon on the hot coals and putting it on Paul’s floaty toy “Trejo” the pelican,to try and fix it, or cover a whole in it. His toy looks like it has been popped and deflated. Jason and Kevin are talking about his kids starting school tomorrow.
11:15 PM BBT Jason says his daughter starts college tomorrow. Kevin said she has a boyfriend. Jason said not anymore, “You don’t take sand to the beach Kevin.” Kevin said that his father used to say that in the 70’s, 78 or 79. Jason said, “Linda can you tell your parents to kick up the hit a little bit please. Jason asked what time it is. Kevin said 11:00. Jason said, “It would only be 11:00 in White River Arizona.” Christmas stopped what she was doing at the grill and went inside. She is now at the stove trying to fix it there. She said she didn’t think it was working. But then she held it up and said it worked but it’s very fragile. She said she was going to go put some eyelash glue and tape on it. Alex said, “There are some bandaids in the SR.” Christmas said, “That may work.” She said we just want him to be blown up and sit to the side and rest for a while. Alex said, “Ok.” She went in there and came back upstairs to the HOH and said, “Come on Trejo, we are going to do some surgery.” Alex went into her bedroom in the Green Room and got in her bed. Raven came in her bedroom. Alex said, “You better go get in the shower.” Raven said. “I am. I just need some floss and a razor.” She walked into the bathroom. She starts taking her weaved hair out. She brushes her own hair and puts it up in a ponytail/bun on top of her head.Then she starts flossing her teeth. Josh and Jason are still in the hot tub. Kevin came in and went back into the Green bedroom. He told Alex that it is very nice outside but it got kinda cool. He said it’s beautiful though with the moon. You can’t complain.
11:30 PM BBT Raven went upstairs to the HOH room. She asked Christmas if she could shower in there. Christmas said sure and that there are towels over there. Then Christmas said, “I think I fixed him (Trejo).” Raven asked, “You did?” “Paul will be so happy.” Christmas said, “For now anyway.” Then Raven asked Christmas, “Do you think Jason will campaign to me for a vote?” Christmas said, “Not if he feels comfortable, he won’t.” Then she asked, “Why? Has he?” Raven said, “No I was just wondering if he will.” Christmas said, “I don’t think so.” Christmas turned back around and felt Trejo and looked him over and then said, “Ah there’s still a hole.” Then she taped him some more and blew him up some more. Raven got in the shower. Christmas put the headphones on and starts staring off around the room. Then she looks at herself in the mirror and stands up and puts some makeup on. Christmas then grabbed Trejo and went back downstairs. She got on her scooter and went into the Green bedroom and said hey to Alex and Kevin and >”Just tryin to fix Trejo.” And then she went into the Rose bedroom. She blew him up some more and sat him down on the bed and patted his head. She went back out into the Green bedroom and asked Kevin why he isn’t outside. He said he has a rash on his back from the hot tub he thinks so he isn’t going to go back in it tonight. Then Christmas said, “I might go do some hammocking.” She headed to the kitchen and she finished putting some vegetables away in freezer bags. Alex came in the kitchen and said Kevin asked her what was wrong with Paul and something like he might go to the ER. Christmas said she was sorry she shooed her away when she came by the hammock but he is having a bad day. We just needed a moment. Alex said she totally understands. Raven came downstairs. Christmas looked up and asked her, “You done already? Do you feel better?” Raven said, “Yeah. I just had to shave my arms and legs. They were getting all hairy.” Then Raven went into the bathroom and started brushing her teeth.
11:45 PM BBT Christmas went out to the BY. Aex was out there too. She went inside and said she was going to pee. Raven came outside. Josh and Jason are in the hot tub. Josh asked Jason if he could ask him something. Jason said, “No. Yes, but then i would have to kill you.” Jason asked Raven if she was going to come in the hot tub. She said no because she just got out of the tub. Jason asked, “That fast?” She said, “No, the shower.” He said, “Oh you took a shower?” She said, “Yes.” She said, “I had to shave.” Then she started tossing the hula hoop and doing gymnastic moves. Josh said, “That’s cool.” Then she started spinning the hula hoop and throwing it around. Kevin back otside to the BY again. He asked Josh where the bible is. He said it is up in the HOH room. Josh said, “I feel bad for her. She’s lonely.” “I’m going to sit down and talk to her and give her a conversation so she doesn’t have to feel so lonely.” Jason said, “How do you think he feels (Kevin)?” “He’s probably lonely too.” Josh said, “Everyone needs to leave him alone.” “I’ve gotten immune to his s**t though.” “When he starts talking I just zone the f**k out.” Jason said, “I wish they would turn this f**ker up.” Then he said, “We have a lot of stuff to carry inside.” He and Josh get out of the hot tub and start taking the food and items in the house. Alex is in her bed in the Green bedroom with her eye mask over her eyes. Kevin comes back in and gets in his bed and says, “Thank you Alex. Goodnight.” Alex says, “Um huh. Goodnight Kev.” Paul came out of the DR and went straight into the restroom. Raven is in the bathroom cleaning up some more. Jason walked into the bathroom also and told Raven he is going to take a shower. Kevin is called to the DR by Production. Raven tells Jason to have a good shower. Paul comes out of the restroom and washes his hands. He then grabs some qtips to clean his ears. Raven comes over and hugs Paul. He says, “Thank you Raven.” She said, “I’m not sure what’s going on but I’m here.” Paul says, “I’m just having a bad day.” “Thank you Raven.” She leaves and goes out to the BY.

Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 4th (3)

September 04, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 4th (3)
3:30 PM BBT Alex & Josh are in the Apple rm talking jury & who’s not in jury yet. Josh admits he’s fought with everyone in jury, he doesn’t think he’ll get votes if he’s in the top F3. Alex admits several things about Cody when it came to her HOH. Alex knows in 76 days being in the BB house it was a different experience. Christmas is still getting cached by Paul. Alex tells Josh she wants to get Raven out without her being mad at her. Production announces that its a lock down. The HG are headed back into the BB house. Raven heads upstairs & sits with Christmas & Paul to watch them play chess. Josh & Alex stays in the Apple rm to continue to talk game & strategy & other HG like Raven & Matt. Paul is called to the DR. The chess game is over between Paul & Christmas. Before Paul goes to the DR he goes into the Apple rm to see what everyone is doing before DR. Raven semi -complains to Paul That talk to Christmas about her life has gave her anxiety. Paul tells her to relax. Raven goes room to room humming & looking into the mirrors. Christmas is in the HOH rm.
3:45 PM BBT Josh & Alex is discussing liars & who lies in the BB house. Alex is telling Josh that Ravens lies are worse than Kevin’s. Josh is laughing with Alex how Elena flipped on Mark and other HG. Josh tells Alex he didn’t want to hold back when it comes to comps. Raven is in the Rose rm talking to America about her needs needing money & another pacemaker & much much more. Raven is talking about who she wants evicted to stay in the game. Raven is laughing that Jason thinks he’s staying. Raven is singing “bye rodeo clown.” Raven continues to boast about how Matt is going to be happy when he see Jason walk into jury. Production announces that the lock-down is over. Paul goes to the BY by himself to life weights. Jason heads into the BY and tells Paul about him & Kevins BY conversation. Paul tells Jason that Kevin is going to talk your ear off. Paul is complaining about Raven & how she inserts herself in places that are unnecessary. Jason agrees with Paul about Raven & how she is annoying. Jason lays out in the BY to enjoy the breeze. Alex & Josh are still in the Apple rm talking about Raven. Alex don’t understand why Raven didn’t do good in the comp because she’s a dancer. Raven comes in the Apple rm. Alex and Josh stop talking about Raven and start talking about Kevin.
4:00 PM BBT Feeds cut out for a moment. Kevin has gone to the BY. He is talking to Jason about not acting like the younger people in the house. Kevin tells Jason that he hopes that he hopes that no one expects him to get up & rant & rave. Jason says that they know he won’t. Paul is there examining the pool table. Kevin asks Paul if it smells like p**s to him. Paul says something, but cannot hear what he said. He wanders over to the weights to work out. Feeds cut out for just a moment. Jason is still lying on the lounge. Paul is still working out. Feeds keep cutting in & out. Paul asks who Josh is talking about. Paul asks where Christmas is because he cannot fry an egg. Josh can be heard saying, “ We are not boys, we are not familia”, & Paul says, “What the f**k?” Josh comes out to talk to Paul. He tells Paul that he is going to change clothes. Josh leaves & Paul says that Josh will be disappointed when he comes back out to find Paul is almost done. Feeds cut out again. Raven is in the kitchen fixing food. Alex comes to the kitchen. Production tells the HGs no napping. Raven says that it is for Christmas. Josh comes into the kitchen & asks what he can do. When Paul enters the kitchen, Alex asks him how it is talking to the old man. Paul reports that he did not talk to him . That he was lifting weights. Paul goes up to the HOH to ask Christmas if she wants avocado toast & what bacon she wants. Alex offers to fix some food for Paul, but he tells her no thank you, that he is on a diet. Paul asks what is burning. Raven informs him that grease got on the stove.
4:15 PM BBT Out in the BY, Jason is in the pool on the pink bird float. Kevin is sitting in one of the chairs beside the pool. Kevin comments on bugs being everywhere. Paul is called to the DR. Kevin & Jason are now being quiet & not talking at all.Alex asks Josh if they have tomatoes or cream cheese. She heads to the SR to get items. No other talk going on in the kitchen, except what is revolving around food. They talk about Matt going to Jury & the conversation he would/could be having with Cody. Kevin asks Jason what they are going to eat. Jason says pizza. Kevin asks if everyone else is cooking, could Jason please cook as he does not want to get in the middle of them. Kevin states that he has not out steaks or anything out, as he was a have not the last 2 out of 3 weeks. Kevin says that he was under the impression that if he cleaned up, took out the trash, & do laundry, that the others would cook. Kevin asks what Jason thinks about the possibility of Mark & Elena together. Jason says that all depends. Kevin says that he wants to go home. Not jury home, but home as in Boston. Kevin gets up to move. He says that he is going to lay on the “bed” in the BY to be able to see the planes as they fly overhead.
4:30 PM BBT In the Kitchen, Alex is calling for Christmas. Raven informs that Christmas is brushing her hair & will be down as soon as she is done. Paul is out of the DR. Jason is called to the DR. Paul tells Josh to quit being grumpy because he will not be able to work out when the show is over for awhile due to the meet & greets. Josh volunteers to wash dishes. Raven says that works for her. She is tired of doing them. Alex comments that Raven & Matt did the majority of the dishes. Out in the BY, Josh & Paul lie in the hammock. Josh asks Paul what is on his mind. Paul says personal stuff, home, family, female. Josh tells him not to go there, because if he does, then Josh will go there too. Josh says we only have 2 more weeks. He says that the only thing that is messing with him is the Jason situation. Paul says that they are down to the wire. Josh offers to be there for Paul to vent. Paul says that he cannot get time alone. That Raven, Kevin, Alex, & Christmas , one of them, always finds him. Paul says that he does not want to be around people, nor does he need to. Josh asks if he is bothering him now. Paul says no, because most of the time Josh is ok being quiet. Paul says that he cannot be fake much longer. He sees Raven coming his way & then Christmas comes out. Feeds cut out for a moment.When they come back up, Paul is commenting on what he wants in his HOH basket, if he wins HOH again. Alex has also come out & joined them. Alex, Raven, & Christmas are all laying out on the ground.
4:45 PM BBT The girls are asking Paul about his band. Kevin has gone inside & is lying down in the Green BR. He is just looking off into space. Feeds cut out again for a moment. Production tells hg’s to not quote dialogue from movies. Josh has gotten up & Paul is the only one in the hammock. Feeds cut out again for a moment. When they come back up, all the cameras are on the Green BR, where Kevin is by himself. Raven comes through & informs Kevin that his towels are still drying. He tells her thanks. Camera switches back to the BY. Paul is talking about a demo he did with his band. Paul tells Alex that his manager for his band is the same one that manages Cobra Starship. Alex squeals. The talk turns back to Raven again, to complain, then back to Paul’s music. Jason is still floating in the pool. Paul is talking about the town he lives in. Alex thinks he is from Glendale. Paul says no, but that Glendale & Burbank are all Armenians. Alex comments that she is almost 30 & Paul thinks that she does not look her age. Christmas says that at least Alex is still in her 20’s. Alex says that she thought that Christmas was younger than her. Kevin comes back outside & sits back in the chair by the pool. Alex is asking Paul who sings a certain song & starts to quote the lyrics. She barely gets into it & Production tells them to stop singing. Christmas laughs & says that they are on top of the buttons today.
5:00 PM BBT Paul is still talking about his band. He says that they all look different & says that they are called Strange Faces & they sign things SFLA, for Strange Faces of Los Angeles. Paul says that they stress the L.A. Then talk goes to Paul’s tattoos. Josh & Raven are in the bathroom. Both are whispering. Josh says something about Thursday, he is ready to take the heat for the way he is going to vote. Raven says that her nerves are tore up. That the situation is nerve wracking. Josh says that he thinks it won’t backfire on her as much as him. Production tells hg’s to please stop singing. Josh informs her that Paul says that at some point they play home videos. Josh says that he will lose it when he sees his family & he will lose it when the others lose it too. Josh then gives Raven a pep talk on how she has been loyal & kept her word. He leaves the bathroom. He heads out to the BY & Ravens shuffles herself off to the Rose BR. Josh lays out on one of the lounges. Paul talks about going to some place & bands being there. He says Alex would like the place. He talks about the legends that performed. He says he went there after BB ended last season. All cameras switch to the Rose BR, where Raven is on her bed, talking out loud, going over the timeline of events in the house. Who won HOH & Veto. Who got evicted. Camera switches back to BY, where Paul is still talking about bands & things he has done. He talks of knowing lots of people & people being surprised that he knows these people.
5:15 PM BBT Alex is asking Paul about other bands & if he knows who they are. She also asks about different DJ groups. All cameras switch to Raven in Rose BR again. She is just lying on the bed, chewing her fingernails or patting her lips. Camera switches back to BY. Paul is talking about a meet & greet where someone accused him of being fake nice. Production tells the hg’s no napping. Josh says he is awake. Christmas says it could be Jason as he is just lying there not moving. Paul talks about how chill it has been & is for the day. Cameras switch back to Raven. She gets up & exits the Rose BR. She heads out to the BY. She joins them back on her towel. Alex gets up to throw something away. She goes over to the float Jason is on & she scares him by being loud & pushing on the float. Alex talks of filtering her Instagram & all her social media when she tried out for BB. They laugh at her for it, especially as she said that she had 10 years of things to go through. Alex talks about not getting a barbeque or anything. Paul says yeah that it is Labor Day & they get nothing. Josh asks if they got anything like this last year. Paul says that he does not remember, but he does remember getting a final 8 party & this year they got nothing.
5:30 PM BBT Josh gets up & starts moving about. He heads inside. Alex has gone inside. She is looking in the SR because she says that she is bored. Josh asks for Tums. She says that she is going to go lie down because she is not feeling well thanks to the ant bites. Josh asks for the Bible. Alex says Kevin has it. She also says that Kevin is being weird. She thinks that Kevin looking off into the distance is him trying to cover up listening in on conversations. She tells Josh he can join her & talk to her. Josh says that he is taking the Bible upstairs to read it & listen to music. She says ok. She picks up what appears to be a photo album/boo. She looks through it. Out in the BY, Raven is telling Paul about a pet of hers. Jason & Christmas are in the kitchen. Christmas comments that her appetite is down because she has not been working out. She says that she is going to drink her motivation. He tells Christmas that his wife loves avocados & that what they make for their toast, he will make for her. She tells him that he will be husband of the year for that. Jason asks who Raven is talking to. Christmas responds that she is talking to Paul, as Christmas is going up the stairs. Jason says maybe he should go rescue Paul. Christmas says to let him squirm. Jason says that he knows Raven does not like him & he is ok with that. Josh asks Christmas, as she comes in the HOH, if she minds him being there. She says that she does not mind him being there & he should know that he does not have to ask her. She offers to do a 5 minutes study session with him. He says yes. They need to lock it down. They go over HOH’s & number of the day of when they were in the house.
5:45 PM BBT Out in the BY, Jason has joined Raven & Paul. Raven is talking about her mom & her pet hedgehog. She talks of her brother having a sugar glider. She claims he took it to college with him & named her Anastasia. She says that Anastasia died a few months before she came to BB. Paul remarks that she has had a lot of interesting animals. She agrees. She states that she has had a Pygmy Goat, a ferret, & other animals. She says that he dad had a pet duck when he was little. Raven says that she thought her dad was lying until her grandmother showed her a picture of her dad with the duck. Back up in the HOH, Christmas & Josh are going over what comps they have had & days they were on. Christmas says some comps will be asked about comp & when HOH awarded. She says some comps started on one day, but completed after midnight, so it would be a different day. They go over the safety comps & the temptations. Christmas is surprised that she can remember so much better now. She says that it is because she is no longer on pain meds. Josh says that he has been doing damage control before it happens. They both agree that Alex needs to go next. Josh tells Christmas that Alex claims that if she gets HOH that she will put up the first two people out of HOH comp. She told Josh that Christmas was safe. Christmas cautions Josh to not get so involved or to let her get going on a roll. Christmas says that she loves everyone there, but she can be ruthless when she needs to. Josh reports that Paul is in a funk. She asks how. He reports that it is some girl & cameras switch to BY real quick & then back to HOH. Josh compliments Christmas on how she handled the veto ceremony & what she said when she put Kevin on the block. Josh talks about seeing how Paul’s game is being played.
6:00 PM BBT Cameras cut to fish for a couple of minutes and when they return all cams on the group at the pool. Jason is in the hottub and Kevin is on the lounge, then Kevin sits up and says he needs to go shower. Cameras cut back to Christmas and Josh in HOH. Kevin is complaining about not being able to do laundry and how he does not have a showmance partner to do it for him. Christmas talking about her personal life and the struggles she has had. She is complaining about Raven wanting to get all of the sympathy and a hand out in life. She says she can’t talk about it anymore because it makes her mad. Christmas complaining about Kevin and how he has floated. Raven talking to Paul in the hammock. Raven talking about a career after, Paul says if LA is where she wants to go he can help her, and she says for sure. He says he thinks she would like it here and she says sure, that living in Arkansas her views do not match up and she does not fit in. He says then move and she says yea.
6:15 PM BBT Christmas says people will see that she rode the coattails of Josh and Paul this entire game. She says she has been thinking about Paul’s position. Josh says he feels bad for questioning Paul now and Christmas says that is what this game does. Christmas says her and Josh are the underdogs while Paul is a vet so he is arguably the number one threat in the house. Josh says he wants one of those 3 to win. Christmas says Cameron was weird, Josh talking about how the apple saved his life. Christmas and Josh start studying days. Raven talking to Paul about her friend pushing her to go on the show and saying she would pay her bills. Paul is kind of blowing her off. Paul said after the game you can’t have regrets because there are so many things out of your control. Paul leaves from hammock to go inside and get food and Raven follows. She is continuing to talk to him but he is not saying much. HGs get told by Big Brother that they are going under a lockdown and to come inside.
6:30 PM BBT Kevin comes inside and is getting food as well. Raven goes upstairs to HOH room and interrupts Christmas and Josh’s conversation, she also gets some of Christmas’s food out of her HOH basket. Christmas is up and fixing her hair, Kevin goes into Green BR and is laying down eating. Christmas runs into Paul who is coming in. Alex is laying in her bed and the camera zooms in on her reading what looks like a BB manual, and she is reading specifically about the page titled expulsion. Paul puts on the HOH headphones to listen to music. Raven asks Paul if he talked to Josh, he says about what. Josh is looking over the manual as well and is gasping. Paul says he keeps telling Alex that he is gonna take a shot at Raven next and for Raven not to worry about it if she hears that. Josh and Christmas downstairs talking now. Christmas and Raven sit down to play chess. Paul and Josh now talking in HOH. Josh starts doing push ups. Christmas is having to teach Raven to play chess. Everyone is silent while they play, Josh takes shower and Paul listens to headphones with his hat pulled over his face.

6:45 PM BBT Jason makes his way upstairs to watch Raven and Christmas play chess. Still dead quiet with barely any conversation going on. Josh gets out of the shower. Jason telling stories to Christmas and Raven who are no longer playing chess but still sitting at the table. Not much is going on in the house.
7:00 PM BBT Christmas says in her life she worried that she had wasted so much time she could not make up for. Christmas continues talking about her life, Raven walks away and into HOH room. Josh is laying on HOH couch reading the bible. Christmas says Jason will have a lot of opportunities after the show. Christmas again talking about her life and how she is hopeful for the future and excited looking forward. She said the relationship she was in was good but he made a mistake and she needed to move on for herself personally. She said she could never forget what he did and even though he will always love her she had to move forward. Josh leaves HOH room and comes out to sit with Christmas and Jason. BB says no napping houseguests. Josh tells Alex and Kevin he is about to cook for them. Christmas talking about a service that benefits veterans.
7:15 PM BBT Josh looking at himself in mirror, does not wash his hands after leaving washroom…goes into kitchen to start cooking. Christmas continuing to tell stories with Jason. Raven comes down to talk to Josh while he is cooking. Christmas is now talking with Jason about Cody being in the marines and says it doesn’t make sense that he talked about killing people and that she thinks he got demoted. She is saying he was talking about his truck and it doesn’t make sense if he was in the military for 10 years. Jason and Christmas talking about Raven now and how over it they are. Jason says he just can’t believe her anymore.
7:30 PM BBT Christmas says she wants to start asking specific questions of Raven to catch her in her lies. Christmas says Matt did not come to play he just wanted the experience and he got stuck with Raven. Christmas says she hopes things are portrayed accurately on the show or they will look bad. Now they are talking about Kevin and how it took him so long to even cook a meal for himself. Raven doing dishes. Christmas telling Alex about Raven lying about being good at chess. Raven dancing downstairs. Paul gets up and comes out of HOH.
7:45 PM BBT Christmas and Alex talking about the BB manual. Alex says Josh didn’t read it, Paul says that explains a lot. Alex and Christmas say they read it all because they thought they would be quizzed. Feeds cut briefly assuming they tell them to stop talking about it because when they return Paul is flipping off production. Paul asks where Josh is and Raven says DR. Raven goes upstairs. Kevin sitting alone in green br. Kevin making hand motions at cams but not sure what they mean. Paul asks if you ate a chicken raw that was fresh would you get sick, Jason says I doubt it.
8:00 PM BBT Kevin just sitting in Green BR staring. Raven, Jason, Paul and Christmas are sitting upstairs on balcony joking around. Paul is telling Jason, Christmas and Raven about how production hates when HGs get too close to the cameras, let alone touch them or breath on them. Alex, Paul, Christmas, Raven, and Jason are telling stories. Christmas starts telling a story about a teacher buying some weed and all cameras go to Kevin.
8:15 PM BBT Kevin is sitting alone in the green room. Alex, Christmas, Jason, Raven, and Paul are still talking upstairs in the HOH loft area. They are just making small talking about TV. Josh is still in the DR.
8:30 PM BBT Josh is out of the DR. Kevin is still sitting alone in the green room. Alex, Christmas, Jason and Paul are still talking about TV. Josh and Raven are in the kitchen cooking. Everyone heads downstairs to the kitchen. Alex comes in the green room and Kevin asks her what time it is. She finds out, tells him, and leaves. Jason comes in and Kevin asks him where he has been. Jason gets Kevin to come out of the green room and go into the kitchen. Kevin stops in the SR. Alex and Jason whisper something to each other in the green room. Kevin goes back into the green room and Alex comes in. Kevin tells her that he is going to go into the DR and ask them about his rash. Alex tells him that it looks really bad and that he should show it to them. Kevin goes into the DR. Alex announces to the rest of the house that Kevin has a bad rash and she thinks it is from the sun. Paul keeps roaming throughout the house with his hands in his pockets.
8:45 PM BBT Alex is doing lunges through the living room holding gallon water jugs. Paul and Josh talk right outside the apple room. Paul says that he is so bored and over it. He tells Josh that he doesn’t like doing nothing all day. Kevin is out of the DR. He goes into the have not room and applies something to his hair. He adjust his nice button down shirts and leaves. Kevin is back in Kevin’s Corner in the green room. Paul tells all of the HGs in the kitchen that he misses Cody. (He is being sarcastic. Josh is dancing around the kitchen. Raven decides that they should do a “fan” move and she teaches it to Josh and they perform it. Paul is working out in the living room. Kevin walks through to the kitchen. Paul has moved the white tables in the living room to work out. The HGs asked Kevin what the DR said about his rash and he tells them what do you think they said. Kevin said that production told him they would get back to him. Josh and Paul inspect Kevin’s back. Alex tells him that it covers most of his back. Paul, Josh, and Alex tell him that it is probably from the sun. Kevin tells them that he didn’t get any sun today. He tells them that he thinks it is from the chlorine in the pool.

9:00 PM BBT Paul is still working out. He is now doing a knee move towards the couch. He is punching the air. Raven is dancing around the dining room. It seems like Alex and Paul are working out to prepare for an upcoming endurance comp. Christmas comes out of the DR. She says Hey Everyone! Come into the Living Room! I have an announcement! Dear Houseguests, BBAD only has eyes for you! Even on Labor day! Get ready for a grill in the backyard! The food is in the storage room and the beer is on ice. Take a break and relax on POP! The HGs scream with excitement! Josh and Christmas run outside. There is a badminton net, croquet and bags in the backyard to play. There is a grill and a bucket of beer. They all scream! CHEERS! THANKS POP TV! There are a bunch of hoola hoops too. Jason gets the grill going. Paul and Josh are in the SR. Paul tells Josh that Raven is getting on his last nerve. He tells Josh that Raven screamed right in his ear. He says that he is going to have a damn panic attack. Josh asks him if he wants him to talk to her and he says no. Paul says that he just needs to vent. Josh tells him to let it out. Paul leaves and brings the rest of the grilling food outside. Josh is gathering the remaining items from the SR. There are onions all over the SR floor. Josh is so super stoked for this grill out. He thanks production and he says this is the best day ever. Josh tells BB that they always hook it up. Josh thanks POP! Alex goes into the SR and grabs even more stuff from BB.
9:15 PM BBT The HGs are in the BY enjoying the activities. They are like kids in a candy store. Everyone is trying everything out. Christmas, Josh, Alex, and Paul decide to chug their second beers. Jason already chugged his first beer. Christmas is grilling all of the food. Paul and Alex both say they are so annoyed when passing through the kitchen. Alex is annoyed by Kevin and Paul is annoyed by Raven. Jason is on his second beer. You can tell Jason misses drinking beer at home. He is definitely in his element right now. Kevin is finally smiling. Christmas and Paul are talking about Raven. Christmas is telling Paul that Raven wanted to play chess earlier and didn’t have a clue about how the pieces were supposed to be. Christmas tells Paul that Raven said it had been years since she had played but she put the pieces opposite to what they are supposed to be. Paul comments that Raven has never playing chess ever in her life. He complains about Raven screeching in his ear and how he doesn’t know how much more he can take. The HGs only received two beers a piece.
9:30 PM BBT Christmas tells Kevin that production should have given them four beers each. Raven and Josh are playing croquet. Paul and Alex are attempting to play badminton. Raven keeps screaming and yelling. She is excited. Raven, Paul, Alex and Jason are attempting to play badminton now. Raven keeps yelling YEAAAAAAAAAAA! Christmas is cooking up the veggies on the grill. They look delicious. Christmas appoints Josh as her sue chief. Josh tells Jason that he looks like he is feeling real nice and tells him to have another beer. Jason tells him that he has already had two. Josh fell on the ground hula hooping. Everyone is having a blast. Christmas is having a great time grilling everything.

Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 4th (2)

September 04, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 4th (2)

11:34 AM BBT Feeds are Back Paul used the veto to save Alex. Christmas nominated Kevin as replacement. Jason and Kevin face eviction. Kevin in the GR. Josh washing dishes Paul coming downstairs. In the kitchen Paul, Christmas Jason and Josh. Paul found a hole in Trejo. Kevin gets ready to walk the yard. Paul is looking for his mug. Alex is putting on Makeup in the GR window. Paul and Raven are talking in the Rose room. Paul leaves the room and sees Alex they go into the Kitchen. Kevin goes into the SR gets a handful of M and M’s. BB says that there is a lockdown all HG’s inside. Raven is whispering to the camera. Kevin is eating yogurt. Alex puts something in the Rose room cabinet to hide. Christmas is in the Apple room fixing Trejo with nail polish and eyelash glue. Raven is telling Paul to go talk to Alex. and let Josh know. The boys are whispering and I can’t make it out. Something about how Kevin is really nervous.
11:45AM BBT Paul talks about the ash from the largest fire in L.A.The rain and how L.A. is due for an earthquake. Josh gets nervous and says not til i’m in Miami. HGS THE LOCKDOWN IS OVER FEEL FREE TO ROAM ABOUT THE HOUSE. FISH flash YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT PRODUCTION. Paul screams is Trejo fixed. He then goes to the Apple room. FISH, Kevin sits at KT counter. Paul Xmas and Raven are in the Apple Room no one has mentioned the POV meeting. Paul is whispering to Xmas and Raven. Xmas has fixed Trejo’s hole with Nail polish and gives him back to Paul. He thanks her.Paul had a dream that he put Mark on the block and he backhanded Paul. Then Paul beat the crap out of him. Xmas had a dream of a comp on the beach in N.C.Kevin and Jason in WR. Kevin shaves. He mentions only 2 more days and Jason walks out. Xmas says she would tell Josh not to run around crazy but he’ll do it anyway. Kevin heads outside. Kevin talks to himself outside. He says he doesn’t care he can get the hell outta here. Kevin walks the yard.
12:00 PM BBT Kevin seems to be crying softly as he walks.Paul and X,as talk about their plan. Paul keeps calling someone a bitch. Xmas sends Paul to do his magic. FISH. Alex was saved in VETO meeting and Kevin is on the block. FISH. FEEDS return to Jason and Paul talking about VETO meeting. Jason had been so scared he was being backdoored. Alex is talking excitedly to Raven in the KT. FISH. Paul tells Jason he is not catching any hint that jason will be sent home.Xmas hops upstairs. Paul tells Jason about Kevin throwing Alex under the bus. Josh tells Xmas great work. That her speech was a killer. Jason and Paul fist bumps. Josh says he will try to keep Raven calm. That she is helping him. Josh says he is back on board with Paul. Paul goes outside to calm Kevin down. Tells him to be calm. Paul says no more Kevin.Xmas is so happy Josh is back on board. She was tired of keeping him under control. Josh claims he did damage control with Jason this morning. They discuss Alex. Xmas talks about psychological warfare.
12:15 PM BBT Josh finally gets it. ALex and Jason talk in the KT. Paul tells them how Kevin doesn’t know how to do anything. He seems petrified. Josh keeps telling Xmas about his work on Jason. Xmas checks the HOH TV. FISH Josh tells Xmas she and Paul are his rock. Raven and Paul go to Rose room. Paul talks game. Tells raven what they need to do next. He says Alex thinks she has Raven in her pocket. That Alex is aiming for Raven. Raven is voting Jason out for Matt. Paul asks if she feels confident. Raven worries about Josh Paul says he has him. Paul feels like a lumberjack or a gay stripper. He exercises in LR. Josh is still Yacking to Xmas about what he should say to people. But if he says something he will inform Xmas and Paul. PAUL PLEASE DON”T MOVE THE FURNITURE. Jason and Alex are cooking. Xmas tells Josh about her conversations. That Raven is chill she is cool. She is on all the time,performing. She wants no blood on her hands. Josh talks about the jury members who will be bitter. Raven joins the HOH. Raven says Jason is going around feeling so safe. Jason said F#$% Raven. She doesn’t want to play nice with him. If Alex asks her who she is voting for she will say Jason Because of Matt. Xmas says Jason and Alex have never come to her to confirm the plan so they can think whatever they want.
12:30 PM BBT Josh reassures Raven. Josh heads down to KT.Alex Paul and Jason sit in Kt. FISH.Josh is in Kt STOP THAT. Xmas Paul and Raven talk in HOH.Paul tells them that Alex is paranoid and jealous. They talk crap about Kevin all day.Alex tries to season the food Jason pushes her away. Josh gets into the middle. Xmas And Paul talk about the meeting. Kevin reacted well. Kevin told Jason he didn’t have the votes. Jason thinks he has the house. Xmas says her heart hurts then she hears what the others say and doesn’t care. They mention Raven thinks she is a great actress No you’re not. Paul says Xmas needs to talk crap about Raven to Alex. That Josh and Paul hate each other. Xmas feels Josh’s comment yesterday makes her feel nervous about their plan working. Xmas is called to eat. She says it smells so good. Alex and Jason are really kissing Xmas’s butt. Raven is splayed out on lounger outside. Josh hums over his food. PLEASE STOP SINGING. Jason Alex and Josh eat. Josh gets excited over all the avocados.
12:45 PM BBT Jason yells Grub is on, come and get it there is enough for all.Josh gripes about the dishes. KEVIN PLEASE PUT ON YOUR MIC. Kevin heads to WR.Josh pretends to bop Jason with the pot.Raven is in the pool on floater.Josh starts singing. PLEASE STOP SINGING. Jason reminds Josh he has been here 76 days and should know better.Jason and Alex argue about the days. Kevin is silent leaning on the counter.Josh says he had good sleep last night and feels like a bag of money.Everyone ignores Kevin. Jason says can you eat all that Mark. Josh gets mad and yells at him.Xmas joins the meal.Paul eats also. Kevin folds laundry and walks the BY.Kevin is the topic of conversation in the KT.Josh bashes him good. Paul ribs Jason about eating all the oreos. He says there was a point when Josh was a HN and he was really ripped. Paul tells the HGs about Kevin’s comment about not losing to a girl. Paul talks about his dog.FISH.
1:00 PM BBT FISH. Paul talks about his dogs. Raven lays out in BY. Kevin walks. Xmas adds to the dog stories. Alex joins in to the chat. Paul talks about his cat Blair. They all talk about cats.Kevin sits alone in BY.The HGs all talking about animals.Paul misses Blair.
1:15 PM BBT Xmas talks about Fran her dog.Jason says he was going to nap inside but that is dumb and he goes to BY.Kevin starts to walk Talks small talk to Jason .Jason says damn under his breathe.Alex questions Paul about his dogs. He just told the story 2 minutes ago. It seems to be a kissing up move by Alex.Kevin sits on weight bench silent. And he is up looking at the planes and walking. Jason and Raven lay out in BY. Alex Xmas Paul and Josh still in KT. Xmas has surgery in January for her foot. Paul asks if she will be able to walk by Mardis Gra.
1:30 PM BBT Alex talks about a video where a cop shot a dog. Paul wonders about Raven ALEX PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Paul admires himself in mirrors. He talks about his tattoo plans. He won’t do his face until he is old he wants to be a creepy old man. They talk about Kevin. They say he is a real man. Kevin talks to Jason about the block. He says just remember who put us there. He says he won’t talk about it anymore. Paul sends Raven out to make Kevin and Jason uncomfortable. Paul and Josh talk about Alex. Josh tells Paul he is good with the plan. Xmas notices Josh and Paul talking. Paul will try to convince Kevin to throw it. Paul will go for this HOH. He doesn’t trust Alex. Josh will go for five HOH. They don’t think Raven has the balls to put Paul up. Paul says next week Alex winning the veto is worse case scenario. Paul explains the comic book comp.Xmas gets Mad that Josh interrupts her every time. Paul tells them he will come out all razzed, Josh talks and Paul says ok that’s a good plan. He tells Josh to talk big in the comp. Paul says they can’t talk next week because they need to pull off their plan. NO one talks outside. Xmas goes outside.
1:45 PM BBT Paul and Josh continue their game talk. HE explains what Josh should tell Raven. He tells Josh he must really focus. Alex joins And Paul says Kevin is afraid to talk to him. Alex is so fake bubbly. They watch Kevin all alone. PLEASE STOP SINGING. They say Jason is Sponge Bob Raven is Patrick. Kevin is the lobster guy. They say you can’t put olive oil all over and bake in the sun. JASON PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Paul worries about his girlfriend. He is afraid she forgot him. Josh reassures him. Josh says she is a model she should understand the lifestyle. Alex folds laundry.Alex says Kevin has a rash all over.They think it’s a heat rash. Alex makes small talk with Xmas and Raven. She is overcompensating. Xmas and Raven talk about their business plans. Raven says her real dad died in a drunk driving accident. FISH
2:00 PM BBT Some of the HG are inside the BB house & a few are in the BY lounging. Christmas & Raven are bonding over family conversation. In the house upstairs playing chess ia Alex, Paul, & Josh. Christmas is laying out with a shirt over her face so she doesn’t get sunburned. Both Raven & Christmas are in swimsuits. Christmas continues to inquire about Ravens job. Christmas is asking a lot of questions about Ravens job & her friends. Raven is telling Christmas about her condition & different conditions she has. In the BB house Paul is leading the chess conversation. Alex is on the side, side talking & snacking. Josh is heavily concentrating on the game but goes into conversation about Raven. Alex cosigns the bashing on Raven with Josh & Paul. Josh tells Alex & Paul he’s checked out on Raven, she lies too much according to Josh. Alex decides to detail the conversation of all the things that Raven have told her about her condition. Paul, Alex & Josh are trying to figure it out if she’s really sick or not. Alex says her mom & brother haves Ravens condition it must be genetic. Paul,Josh,& Alex want to ask more questions to understand what she has to understand Raven more. They all feel for Raven but Raven is closed off to explaining what their questions. They all don’t want to come off rude and unconcerned so Alex, Paul & Josh will talk among each other but decided to not disclose the conversation to Raven.
2:15 PM BBT Jason is in the pool blowing up the pink flamingo. Christmas is laughing at Jason. Kevin is telling Jason to take some breaths while blowing up the flamingo. Kevin is sitting down poolside with Jason while he is still blowing up the flamingo. Kevin is laying down the law to Jason to not talk about each other to none of the HG. Now that the flamingo is blown up Jason gets on it and spars back & forth with Kevin about going on. Kevin is telling Jason to win & don’t kiss anyone’s butt. Kevin says do the best you can. Kevin feels like everything he says he’s not connecting with the younger HG. Kevin really doesn’t want Alex to know what him & Jason talk about. Jason expects Kevin to come to his rodeo after BB wraps. Jason is wondering why did Matt check out of the game & why he didn’t care last week. Kevin tells Jason he feels checked out when he took the HN position but Kevin keep his anger to himself unlike Matt.
2:30 PM BBT Inside the BB house upstairs is Josh & Paul playing chess while Alex is still sitting on the side hanging out with the boy’s. No words are being exchanged in this intense chess match & Paul is still teaching Josh how to play chess. In the BY Jason & Kevin is bonding & talking strategy to stay in the game. Jason & Kevin are talking about today & how certain parades in many states are doing it today. Kevin was sitting in the sun but he moved towards the shade. Jason & Kevin are still talking about parades & parades that Jason has worked in the past. Paul is still giving pointers to Josh playing chess. Josh is into the chess game. Josh can’t wait to play his dad & his brother. Paul is happy Josh is understanding getting checked in chess. As Kevin & Jason are chatting Kevin is running his fingers through his hair talking about smokey the bear & Apache helicopters. Kevin is sitting in the chair as a cool guy with his legs cross talking Boston parades. Alex has been apart of the conversation indirectly. Raven is in her bathing suit & heads upstairs to the HOH rm but walks over to Josh & Paul to check out the chess game & then goes into the HOH rm. Christmas is making her way upstairs and sits down on the couch and hangs out with Josh & Paul playing chess.
2:45 PM BBT Jason is talking about two hundred and forty bucks & his trailer. Kevin is listening to Jason with great curiosity. Jason mentions his rodeo and where he travels with bulls to do his rodeo job. Christmas is actually sitting in a chair on looking the chess game between Josh & Paul. Alex goes upstairs and mumbles about 500 thousand dollars and that Jason and Kevin are in the BY talking. Alex ask Christmas if all her tattoos were done by the same person. Christmas says no. Paul can’t believe Christmas first tattoo is in a sensitive place. Game over for Josh & Paul. Christmas takes Josh chair as the next player to play chess with Paul. Christmas is also whispering to Paul. Alex doesn’t know if she wants to be in the BY or playing Chess or in the HOH rm with Raven listening to music. Alex is also semi-complaining against Kevin. Josh goes to the BY & is sitting poolside on the ground chatting with Jason and his parade Bull story. Josh ask if the pool is cold. Raven comes out of the HOH rm after taking a shower & sits with Christmas & Paul. Raven sits quietly at the table with Paul & Christmas. Jason is still livid about his rodeo experience with his truck.
3:00 PM BBT Kevin, Jason & Josh are the only ones in the BY right now. Josh says out loud he wants to take a shower. Jason gets off the flamingo and sits poolside with Josh. Jason gets up to get his mic so production won’t call him out. Jason is mapping out the days out loud because Josh said he couldn’t believe how long they’ve been in the house. Kevin chimes in about the days & ask if they want pizza tonight. Josh is trying to teach Jason how to roll his tongue to say Spanish words. Alex walks into the BY and lays out & Josh, Kevin, and Jason stop talking game & days when Alex intervenes herself into their conversation so Josh talking about Jessica to through Alex off about what they were talking about. Day 86, Josh can’t believe he dealt with so much madness. Kevin gets up because he wants to change his shirt. Josh & Jason are sitting in the sun poolside. Josh starts doing sit-ups. Alex is talking about a 4dr Mazda. Josh confirms that Mazda’s are good cars. Josh offers to get Jason something to drink because Josh is going in the house. Jason is still talking GMC’s & pickups. Alex understands the difference of Jason’s struggle between good trucks & trailers. Alex is on the hammock but decides to get off because it’s hot. Alex walks over to the pool where the shade is with a pillow to lay down on the ground. Kevin is sitting in silence every time Alex comes around Kevin stops talking to Jason and watches everyone else do all the talking.
3:15 PM BBT Josh heads to the Apple rm to talk to his family. Josh confirms that Paul is his number one & Christmas is his number two. Alex walks in and interrupts Josh talking to America & his family. Josh says that he will never turned on Christmas & Paul. Josh secretly tells Alex that he feels alone in the game even though he’s connected to everyone, Josh is scared for the game to get personal because the numbers of the HG are getting low & Josh is not looking forward to the melt downs. Alex & Josh notice that Kevin is being by himself. Alex sounds like Dominique calling Kevin a snake. Alex & Josh notice how Kevin is pushing back. Josh is reviewing how Matt flipped the script during the HOH comp. Both Alex & Josh laugh at Matt & talks how Matt was boring & brought no substance to the game. Now Alex & Josh is bonding & discussing Kevin & how he is well liked in the jury house. Alex focus is stopping Kevin to being in the f3. Josh feels like Kevin is a mystery & Raven is a mystery. Alex feels like Raven stories bother her because she can’t depict what stories are real or lies. Christmas & Paul are still sparring off on the chess game. Paul is also teaching Christmas how to play chess.

Big Brother BB19 Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 4th

September 04, 2017

Big Brother BB19 Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 4th

3:30 AM BBT Paul said to Christmas that he needs to rub his nose where his nose ring is Christmas said people are selfish Christmas said is your nose bleeding that much i can see do you need another qtip Paul said i told him not clip my nose Christmas said i can’t wait to burn these crutches Paul said i can’t sleep i don’t know why the DR woke me up Paul asked Christmas if she is tired Christmas said do you think that everybody will be chill after the show Christmas said that she is excited to hang out with everyone in the house Paul is curious to hang out with Raven after the show Christmas said what is happened there Paul said Bang in the jury house or out of the show Paul said that his parents would disowned him and that his parents are watching
3:45 AM BBT Christmas is listening to music in the HOH room Paul is in the kitchen area Christmas is dancing to the music Paul is walking into the HOH room with drinks Christmas said they might be flat because they were frozen Christmas said i will share my shrimp and steak with ju ju it might help us sleep a little bit. Christmas and Paul are drinking wine. They start discussing different beers and which are the best. Paul says that all the houseguests last year liked really cheap beer. Christmas talks about how amazed she is that Paul is 24. Paul responds that he loves it when people call him an old soul. Christmas says that he doesn’t seem jaded, but he sees things as they are and has hope for how they can be. Discussion turns to death and how it defines life, then to never having regrets.
4:00 AM BBT Paul talks about how his parents have helped shaped him. He says he is in his own head 80% of the time, and that is why he liked philosophy. Christmas asks him about his major, and he answers he was a double major: philosophy and political science. He initially wanted to be a lawyer, but doesn’t want his life to revolve around his job. However, he says that if he is accepted to Harvard Law School, he will go to law school. Christmas talks about her goals and how hopefully in the next year she will be set up. Paul asks if she is 35 and she answers yes. Paul says that it is amazing to be a self-made woman at 35. All cameras go to sleeping house guests.
4:15 AM BBT Cameras showing sleeping house guests. Cameras back to Paul and Christmas. Paul is talking about his religious beliefs. Cameras back to sleeping house guests. Cameras back to Paul and Christmas. Paul is still waxing eloquently and philosophically. Fish. Cameras back to Paul and Christmas. He acknowledges a creator, but doesn’t want to call it God.
4:30 AM BBT Paul says that he does believe in a Higher Power but that he, nor no one, can understand it. They discuss spirituality, and Paul says that he sees it as another religion, but does not understand atheism. Christmas talks about how her religious beliefs changed after the car wreck that took her sister. They begin discussing Jesus. Christmas asks Paul to cuddle with her before she goes downstairs. She says last time she has been drinking and went downstairs, they asked her if she was drunk, and she told them that she had just had ½ a beer. Paul moves to the bed. Paul returns to the religious discussion. Talk turns to Josh and wondering if he can keep it together. Christmas says she is an ostrich and doesn’t even think about it, and Paul chimes in,”Let me think about it!” She goes on to say she does think about it but can’t fathom one of them going. They start talking about last season and how all the vets weren’t working together. He uses the phrase, “Last year, when I was ME…..”

4:45 AM BBT Paul says that he knows he can’t win this year, but that he wants to go as far as he can. Christmas disagrees about him not being able to win. He explains why he doesn’t think he can win. They talk about how much they like Jason. Talk turns to Alex’s confidence fading, and how Raven is blindly confident. Christmas says Raven passively talked about final two today. Christmas is called to the diary room. Paul describes the very difficult questions that are thrown at you from the jury. Production calls her to the DR again. She says she is coming but she has to pee first. Paul says he is going to the APSR (apple room) and she says she will check in there before she comes back upstairs. They leave the HOH room together. Paul goes to the bathroom, and Christmas heads to the DR. Paul leaves the bathroom without washing his hands and goes to the apple room and starts talking to the cameras while eating. He begins reviewing how his strategy is working.
5:00 AM BBT Paul begins reviewing dates. Everyone but he and Christmas are asleep. Christmas is in the DR. Paul is reviewing how many comps he has won and how he thinks he can stay off the block for the season. He continues to eat loudly. His goal is to have the most comp wins of anyone in the game. He admits that he controlled each HOH except for Jessica and Cody. He reviews all of the other things he has influenced in the game. He says once he gets Alex out, he doesn’t think anyone can beat him. Christmas comes into the room from the DR. Paul talks about things that took place in his last season, and Christmas says that she must have smoked too much when she was watching it. Talk turns to Kevin.
5:15 AM BBT Christmas and Paul are the only ones awake and are chatting and eating in the apple room. They are reviewing things that have happened over the season. Christmas talks about the nomination ceremony with Cody when he used the hex. Paul talks about how some of the house guests have not respected the game. They talk about how Elena wanted people in the house for her birthday and how Christmas never gets what she wants–friends and family around–for her birthday. They talk about Jessica, Cody, Elena, and Mark and how they thought they were going to control the house, and all got voted out, one after another.
5:30 AM BBT They talk about what opposites Elena and Mark were. Talk changes to how Elena let it all hang out. They then start discussing Raven and how she always want attention. Paul says that he thinks she is a pathological liar. Christmas wonders if she really believes all that she says, and Paul says that yes, he thinks she does. They wonder whether or not her mom getting hit by lightning would fry her pacemaker. Christmas tells Paul that he should suggest that she should have her own show since she is so exceptional. They then say that they should mention the Guinness Book of World Records to see if she says she is in it. Paul says that he should probably sleep. Christmas goes to the bathroom and Paul sits alone, quietly.
5:45 AM BBT Christmas comes back and Paul says at this point he is just going to mention scenarios to see what Raven says. Fish. Cameras back up to Christmas and Paul still talking in the apple room. Talk turns to whether or not the showmances slept together. Christmas talks about how she knew about Cody and Jessica sleeping together. Christmas says she is going to try to sleep, and can’t believe how not sleepy she is. Paul says that he hopes nothing important is going on because he is going to be tired. They comment that the BY is locked. They agree to go sleep.
6:00 AM BBT Christmas heads upstairs and crawls into bed. Paul is off camera at the moment. All cameras are on sleeping HGS.
6:15 AM BBT – 9:00 AM BBT All HG’s are sleeping
9:02 AM BBT Feeds go to FISH
9:13 AM BBT Cams back, Jason is up and in the kitchen cleaning up. Christmas is in the HoH bathroom doing her morning routine. Jason is making fresh coffee. Christmas heads down to join Jason, asking the time. BB gets onto Jason for no mic, Christmas goes to storage to re-mic. As she passes the backyard she noticed it’s open and she’s excited and wasn’t expecting that. Jason spills coffee everywhere. Paul’s voice is heard awake somewhere and Christmas immediately goes for him, he’s more interested in going back to bed though. Christmas suddenly tired and back to bed.
9:30 AM BBT Jason is in the backyard putting on his tennis shoes, he then begins to exercise running laps around the yard.

9:45 AM BBT Jason continues to exercise alone in the yard, now biking. Josh is called to the DR. Jason is lifting the kettle bells. Everyone else is still in bed. Jason takes a break for some coffee. And goes back outside. Josh gets out of the DR and goes to check outside. And says hi to Jason. He goes back into the Rose room for his mic and shoes. And goes back out of the room. Jason is just relaxing by the pool. Jason tells Josh to not slam the door. Josh asks him who he is having a meeting with he says no one but him. Then asks Josh where his red bandanna is after Paul was using it to pretend to be Josh. They’re talking about why BB didn’t let them outside Josh thinks it was because of the fire.
10:00 AM BBT Josh and Jason move seats to be out of the sun. Josh says it was raining is why they got locked out. Josh asks him if Kevin is driving him nuts he says no not really because he likes talking to him because it is nothing about game. Josh says he likes not always talking game. Jason says that Alex is nothing but game talk. Jason says he is not bothered personally just unsure if things being said are actual truths. Josh asks him what is his plans moving forward. Josh says he’s very grateful for his opportunity. Jason asks him if he was going to vote him out. Josh says that he is no one’s 1st choice and Jason asks him what about Paul and he says no way Jason asks who is, Josh says he has no idea. Josh says that at this point he is everyone’s 2nd or 3rd. Jason says at this point he just wants to get through the game. Josh says he genuinely loves Kevin but has said that Kevin as a game player has made f up’d decisions but as a human he loves him. He is saying the same thing about Alex. But she is a very strong player. Josh is afraid of others knowing his feelings towards Jason, Alex and his. They are talking about how Kevin will be once he is on the block. Jason says that he may either blow his top and explode or say f it and not say a word. Josh tells Jason that he has been an asset to the game and to him.
10:15 AM BBT Jason is talking about how Paul is playing this game and they are talking about Alex and her game. Josh is wondering where Jason is coming up with all this Jason says just thinking outloud. Jason is giving an example of how to boil a pot of water. How everyone would give their opinions on how to do it but there is only one way to boil it. And he knows how. Josh is saying that people knew who they picked to play this game. Bad/good players. Josh says he is going with the way he only knows how he is trying to be himself this whole time. And doesn’t want to be anybody else. Jason says that Josh will be able to continue something outside of the house. Jason is saying that he never knew what celebrity life was until he became in the entertainment industry with rodeo’s and now being on BB. Josh is telling him that he has been truly been the 2nd most entertaining in the house, he is the 1st. Josh is saying that Kevin is trying to get all the attention on him for the way he acts. Then turns around and tells Josh that he is the funniest but Josh tells him that he is not there just for that. Jason is saying that his wife says that here’s the line and Jason is way over the line. That he has leaped over that line. BB says that the bedroom lights must remain on. Everyone else is still asleep. Jason says that he almost was afraid to talk about being on BB at home because he didn’t think that very many people knew about being there. Except for his friend Dan. Dan is a huge fan and told Holly to go tell him to watch the premier. Just to have him be totally shocked.
10:30 AM BBT Josh and Jason are talking about how easy it is to be on the internet and to stand out and who they are and how they can be outside of the house. Josh says he thinks that Jason will be bigger in the rodeo industry, Josh wants to tell him something but wants him to not tell a sole Josh says that he is a superfan. Jason says that he already knew that. Josh thought that he’d never be able to get on after trying so long to get on BB. Jason says that he has been a big fan, they are wondering where they think Raven is at Josh thinks that she is a fan but not as big. Trying to be a platform. Josh says he can spot a lie a huge mile away. Says he knew Jason lied to him about the rogue vote. Jason says he needs to learn how to pick up when people lie to him. Because he can’t ever tell. Jason wonders what was it about Cameron that he didn’t fit in. Josh is saying that if he hadn’t grabbed the golden apple he would had been kicked out in the very beginning of the season. Jason says that he thought that Josh was crazy for why he did that but says now he thinks that was a good thing things would have changed the course of the game differently.

Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 3rd,and Monday, September 4th

September 03, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 3rd,and Monday, September 4th

9:45 PM BBT Paul is talking to Christmas about different restaurants that’s close to his house that he goes to.Paul asks Josh where did he go and Raven pipes in and says he went brush his teeth.Josh asks Paul if his Barber is good and Paul says yes and he’s funny to and has a beard and he’s paul’s close friends.Josh says there’s no way he’s going to the party without getting a haircut.Christmas says she wants to get a blowout and a new dress for the wrap party and Raven says yeah they need to go shopping.Paul says it has to be almost 10 he’s wants to go to sleep.Raven says she wonders if she can turn the lights out and Paul says he don’t know.Kevin and Jason are talking about girls when he wasn’t married.Jason says he would write letters to them and how nice he treated them and Kevin says he can’t compete with Jason.Paul,Christmas and Josh are sleeping in the rose room.Jason is telling Kevin stories from back home.
10:00 PM BBT Jason is talking to Kevin about the prom and football when he was going to school.Kevin is talking about the parties they would have for prom with Jason and Kevin says to Jason wasn’t life so much easier when they went to school.Raven goes back to the rose room and turns the lights out. Kevin and Jason are lying in their beds in the Green room talking about cars. Jason is talking about Don driving it Harley into his living room. He said he turns it off outside and drives it into his house. Jason is telling Kevin about his live auctions. He asked how he knows someone is good for the money. Jason said it’s fraud if you don’t pay. He said you can see the cars about a month ahead of time. And he says you can bid live, on the computer and over the phone. Kevin asked Jason if he sells horses? Jason says, “We sell just about anything.” He was talking about selling tractors.
10:15 PM BBT Jason said that they sold a stallion to the Amish. Kevin said they are going to breed that sucker. He said that the Amish don’t pay taxes either because they are a religious sect. Kevin said, “Damn Jason.” They paused for a minute or so. Then Kevin if they ever sell any classic cars. Jason said he does. He said they had a 57 Chevy Fairbank. Kevin asked him how much that would go for. Jason said, “About $15,000. Kevin was talking about how old his brothers will be. Kevin said they consider them Irish Twins. Alex said, “Yes.” She is lying in her bed listening. Kevin said time goes by so fast. Jason said, “It seems like it was just yesterday I was 23 and riding bulls.” Kevin said, “You were just starting college in 1998.” Jason said, “No, in 1997.” He said, “I was actually going to classes my Freshman year.” Kevin said, “That’s good. And then what did you do?” Jason said then I was beggin the Instructors for help and asking the football players for their tests. Kevin laughed. Kevin said, “I didn’t go to college.” Kevin asked Jason, “Was your football team any good?” Jason said, “Oh yeah.” Jason started talking about getting kicked out of a bar one time and he wasn’t even in there for more than 10 minutes. He said one time he was getting the s**t kicked out of him and he was kicked out and his friends didn’t even come look for him. He said he got his jaw broken and couldn’t even put his cowboy hat on because his head was so swollen. And he said his ribs were bruised but not broken at least. He said that was in Kansas. Jason said that’s why he boycotts Kansas all the time. Kein asked why everyone going to bed so early tonight. Jason said he doesn’t know why.
10:30 PM BBT Kevin said, “This is the weirdest thing I have ever done by far.” “I have never exposed myself and my personal life to anyone let alone on live television for everyone to see.” And Jason said, “Now it is broadcast internationally and you are walking around in you undies.” Kevin said, “I don’t care anymore.” He said but when I get home I am going to never leave my kids. I can’t wait to see them and watch movies with them and do things. He said they are probably going to think, “What’s wrong with Dad?” Then Kevin started talking about the movie Animal House and when they stole a horse and they had to take care of it. And they were sick of cleaning up after him. And them he said they took a gun and shot it up in the air and the horse died of a heart attack. And the guy ran in the house and was saying I didn’t shoot him. Jason said he will have to check that movie out then. Kevin said, “You’ll probably like that one better than Porky’s. Then he asked Jason if he wanted to turn the light out. Jason said, “Probably.” Kevin asked if Josh is still in the DR. Jason said, “It’s probably only been 20 minutes.” And he laughed. Alex said, “It’s hot.” Jason said, “It is.” Kevin asked Jason if he will go to the graveyard when he gets back. Jason said he probably will. He said he will take the little one there. He said he likes it when I play with him. He said, “I can’t wait to see that smile on his face.” Jason said, “I forgot what Holly looks like.” Kevin said, “I have forgotten a lot of things already. I can’t even remember the words to my favorite songs anymore. I don’t understand the songs here.” Kevin said, “I gotta piss.” He asked, “Should I turn out the HN room light?” Jason said, “I gotta piss too.” Kevin said, “We can piss together.” They get up and go to the bathroom. Jason said, “It’s probably only 10:30.” Kevin waited for Jason to come out and then told him to wash his hands.
10:45 PM BBT Kevin said, “The only reason I wash my hands because of the camera. If I was at home and got up in the middle of the night and peed I wouldn’t wash my hands because I don’t fondle anything.” Jason laughed hysterically. Then Kevin started talking about when he wasn’t offered a sandwich and how it was mean. They both stopped and looked at the memory wall. Kevin asked, “Who do you think could act from those of us?” Jason said, “I think Paul.” Kevin agreed. Jason said, “Me and you.” Then Kevin said I wonder if there is any wine in the SR. They both stop and go in there and look. There was no wine. Kevin said, “M&M’s though.” They both go back into the Green bedroom and go to their beds. Jason checked the HN bedroom’s light and said it was already off. Kevin said, “Yeah, I already turned it off.” They get into their beds and Kevin asked, “We can’t chat in bed with the lights off right? Because then they would make us turn the lights back on huh?” Jason said, “Right.” And then Jason turned off the lights and got in his bed. Kevin said to Jason then, “Is there a special way they can see us in the dark?” Jason said yes. Kevin then said, “So I bet if you are adjusting yourself would they think something is going on down there then?” Jason said, “No they don’t know what you’re doing down there.” Then Kevin told Jason he will see him in the morning. They get all comfortable and then hear the DR door open. Josh comes back in the house from the DR. He goes to the bathroom and gets in the shower. The Production says, “JASON, PLEASE COME TO THE DIARY ROOM.” Jason sighs real loudly and Kevin says, “Remember when we first got here and the first few times we were called to the DR we were all excited about it and now…?” Jason laughed and went to the HN bedroom to get dressed. Then he went to the DR. Kevin starts saying his prayers and doing his Rosary beads quietly to himself in the dark. Alex is asleep. All the other hgs are also in bed asleep.
11:00 PM BBT Josh got out of the shower at about 11:03 PM and finished dressing in front of the mirror and grooming. The he sat on the couch to dry his feet. Then he left the bathroom and went to the Rose room to go to bed. He stopped by the Green room to get some lotion and Kevin asked him what he was doing. He said he just got out of the shower. Kevin asked him if he was headed to bed. He said yes. Kevin said, “Ok I’ll see you tomorrow. Goodnight.” Josh said, “Ok goodnight buddy.” He went into the Rose room briefly and then back out. He changed into a different shirt and looked at himself in the mirrors. Then Josh went out into the kitchen. He poured himself a bowl of cereal and milk. H went to sit down at the table and started eating. Alex came out and said, “Josh you’re eating right now?” And he said, “yes cereal. Are you hungry?” And Alex said, “Maybe.” And then she went to the bathroom. She came out when she was done and said, I’m tired. She looked at the clock and said, “11:00. 11:00?” Josh said yeah. She started heading back to her room. Josh asked her if she was going back to bed. She said, “Yes. Goodnight Josh.” He said, “Ok. Goodnight Alex.” Alex stopped in the SR on her way back to her bed in the Green room and looked around. She grabbed a snack and then went back to bed. He said, “Quit bringing up when I had a panic attack in the beginning and that. I am good now and good on my game. Now you want to play your game for yourself. I was playing for the three of us and I thought they were too. But I guess he’s not. Paul’s playing an aggressive game and good for him. He really wants to win. I wouldn’t turn on him. If you give me $500, 00 right now to turn on Christmas and Paul I won’t do it. But guess who would? Mark would have done it. Elena would do it. I would just like to be in the top three with them. I hope they come to their senses and figure out that we have something great going on. I don’t want this move he wants to pull to f**k everything up.” He gets back up and grabs some more popcorn and stands there and eats it. Then he says, “Why (or Gwy)? Why Paul?”
11:30 PM BBT “I’m eating all of Joy’s snacks. She’s going to kill me.” “Why?” “I’m pretty sure he came up with this elaborate plan after I told him about what Jason said.” “So what does he do? He separated from the two of us and links me up with Christmas. And that’s just a wild guess. But I’m trippin.” Paul is up downstairs walking around. Josh puts the headphones on and listens to music. He says, “The only benefit for me I see is that I am going to have a conversation with Alex, which they don’t want me to but I’m going to, I don’t give a f**k. Then Alex and Jason get to Jury and know I was being real with them. Does he think I’m stupid? Is it written on my forehead somewhere that I’m stupid? Stop messing with me Paul. My God.” “He is playing such an aggressive game. He is playing a good game. And I have been an ally with him. And now he wants to play this and mess my game up. Now you are going to mess up something good you have. You want to play a fast one. Well then I will play a fast one.” “I need to calm down. Because if I talk to them two like this tonight it’s not going to be good.” He has the headphones on listening to music again. He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath. Then he pulls the bandana down over his eyes. Raven gets up and heads out into the kitchen. She gets a bowl and pours some cereal and looks in the refrigerator for some milk. She doesn’t see any and goes to the SR to get another gallon. She pours some on her cereal and then puts it away. She grabs it and goes to the bathroom to see if anyone is in there. She walks back out into the dining area eating the cereal and looking at the memory wall.
11:45 PM BBT She looks at the camera and makes a pouty face and then looks back at the memory wall. She moves even closer and stares at the memory wall while continuing to eat her bowl of cereal. She puts the spoon up to Matt’s picture with some cereal on it and says, “Some for you.” She then goes over to the counter and puts some more cereal in her bowl. Josh got up out of bed in the HOH bedroom and brushed his teeth. He got some mouthwash and swished it around and gargled with it and spit it out and rinsed. Then he went to use the restroom. Raven is still finishing her cereal and looking at the memory wall. She rinsed her bowl and then went back to the memory wall and stared at it some more. Paul came out and asked something and she said she couldn’t sleep. Paul went into the Green bedroom and snuck up to Jason and jumped on him saying Jason Dent. Jason jumped and shook all over. He was scared to death. Paul went into the Rose bedroom and grabbed his floaty toy and went out into the kitchen. Kevin asked him who was in the Rose bedroom. He said Christmas was in there passed out. He and Alex asked where Josh was. They said he was wide awake and in the HOH bedroom. Paul said, “It’s a switch because he sleeps all day probably.” Paul goes out into the kitchen to make food. Raven asked him if he was going to get cereal. He said, “No. I’m going to try and be more healthy than that. He asks Raven what was wrong. She said she was thinking about everything and the game. Paul asked her to tell him. She started to and then Alex came out into the kitchen too.

Live Feed Updates: Monday, September 4th
12:00 AM BBT In the kitchen, Paul is making food as Raven is also lounging in the kitchen with him. Paul whispers to Raven saying something like nothing can stop us. Alex returned from checking on Josh upstairs. Raven asked if Josh was sleeping and Alex says he is listening to music. All the other houseguest seem to be sleeping. Josh and Jason are now also in the kitchen awake. Some the house guest joke around and BB says “ no horsing around”. Alex and Jason are now play fighting in the kitchen and BB says “safety first, no horsing around”. Jason continues to mess with Alex and she yells for BB to help. BB calls out saying “Alex/Jason”. Jason continues and BB continues calling for them to stop. Josh and Paul also yell for them to stop. They eventually stop. Paul is now eating while Raven and Josh lounge across from him. There is now game talk, just casual chit chat where Paul is now questioning what Josh ate. Alex is eating a banana and Jason is making food for himself. Paul asks about playing a game of capture the king and Jason says yeah. Paul starts singing and feeds cut out for a second. Feeds are back with a lot of lounging and casual chit chat in the kitchen. Jason finishes making his food and Alex and Josh say they want a bite. Jason hands Alex and piece and she shares with Josh. Jason says he swears BB turned the heat up to make them tired. Paul is now also eating cereal as Raven grooms in the kitchen.
12:15 AM BBT Most of the houseguest are now lounging in the kitchen and eating except Christmas and Kevin. The kitchen crew is having casual chit chat about things like their Chipotle orders. The houseguest continue having casual chit chat in the kitchen while Josh dances in the mirror and slides around the floor. Paul tells josh not to sing because of production. Raven agrees they are probably really unhappy with them today. Alex says Josh looks like Sinbad and Josh says he doesn’t know who that is. Paul is now sticking his hand in the dry cereal munching along with Alex who is doing the same. Josh says he is going to go talk to the camera for an hour. Paul says lets go play chess. Josh gets up close to the camera and saying hey I know you are my friend. Paul asks Josh how does it feel to have gotten half the cast in trouble right now. Josh claims he is a innocent bystander. Jason now play fights with Josh as he tries to get away. Josh tells Paul lets go play chess while Alex is standing at the stairs. Paul says he is going to bed. Josh says why? And Paul calls him gumpy. Josh says he thought he was boys and Paul says no he is gumpy. They all head upstairs however and Paul tells Josh to play Jason first. They are all huddles around the the chess board upstairs as Josh/Jason start their game. The rest of the houseguest having casual chit chat.
12:30 AM BBT It grows quiet as Jason and Josh are having their chess match. Christmas and Kevin are still sleeping with the remainder of the houseguest now awake. Jason and Josh are concentrating very hard at their game with Paul watching. Minutes pass with not much talking is happening as the guys focus on their chess match.
12:45 AM BBT Jason and Josh are still playing their chess game with Paul watching along. Christmas is now up eating what appears to be cereal downstairs in the kitchen quietly. Paul jokes with Josh calling him Cody. Josh says Paul and Jason act like Jessica/Cody. Paul is now playing against Josh in their chess game. Jason is now watching as they play. Paul continues to make fun of Josh along with Jason as Paul/Josh continue their chess match. Alex now joins them upstairs while they play their chess match.
1:00 AM BBT The chess match between Josh and Paul continue with Jason, Raven and Alex watching. Not much is happening other than casual chit chat here and there during the chess match. Minutes has now passed with no talking going on but focus on the chess match.
1:15 AM BBT Paul and Josh are still playing chess. It is silent but appears Paul is winning. In the HOH room Christmas appears o be grooming as she looks in the mirror. Something appears to be in her eye so she rushed to the bathroom to wash it out. She heads back to the mirror and continues to put on mascara. Back outside the HOH room it appears Paul is still beating Josh in their game of chess. Alex talks to Paul about scenarios in their game of chess. Paul explains to her why he played the moves that he did. Paul won the match. They appear to be playing the game again. Paul mocks Josh saying that he is gassed because he lost the game. Whistle nut heads to bed and Josh and Paul tell him goodnight. In the green room, Kevin is reading the bible as Alex/Jason get in bed.upstairs Paul and Josh are laughing about something they both have seen as they have their chess match.
1:30 AM BBT Paul and Josh are still playing their chess game with the green room crew now down asleep.Josh and Paul are whispering about someone being scared. Christmas has now joined them. Paul tells Josh to tell Chrismas what he just asked him. He repeats the question and Christmas laughs. I is hard to make out what they are saying.Paul says when they are done with the game he will tell him something in the HOH room.They continue to whisper and Paul tells Josh not to ask him that question again. Because of their whispering it is hard to figure out what question Josh has asked Paul. They are now talking about Raven. Paul tells Xmas and Josh that Raven said to Alex she was born vomiting. Xmas says Raven needs to get her stories straight and she is getting on her nerves.
1:45 AM BBT Josh asked what time was it Josh said to Paul did you workout today paul said f**k yea i did Josh said what the F**k is going on here this is the worst chess game i played Paul said what the F**k Josh said i need a nap Christmas said you have been sleeping all day
2:00 AM BBT Alex walks in the kitchen area Alex said how are you guys still awake Alex said i can’t sleep but i am tired Christmas said can we finish this Paul said what are you doing Paul said finish your game Josh said i am pretty much f**ked Josh said he had to go to the bathroom Christmas and Paul are talking Christmas said my knees hurt my back hurts i need to workout Paul said do you see how annoying he is being lately Paul said it doesn’t matter what josh thinks anyways because he is getting evicted Paul said that Alex is a warrior Paul said don’t ask me s**t like that
2:15 AM BBT Josh said we do it that way you won’t get blood on your hands Paul said if you are worried about the blood on your hands then i won’t use the veto Paul said why do you want to keep Kevin over Jason Paul said Josh let me explain the plain Paul said we can’t afford to slip up anymore Paul said i know it’s funny but it’s not funny to the people that are evicted Paul said she doesn’t have anymore loyalty her Matt is gone Paul said i would vote for Jason he has a baby coming Paul said that Alex doesn’t know where Raven stands
2:30 AM BBT Paul said do you understand that Alex said that Kevin is an enemy of hers Paul said think bro i have been thinking about it Paul said trust me this far in a game Paul said you think i would throw you under the bus Paul said i don’t throw my ride or die under the bus Paul said i am so close josh Paul said put your head back in the game Josh said do you want me to win Thursday Christmas and Josh said i don’t trust Raven Christmas said either one of you take it Christmas said Josh after that is done you have to understand we are still a team Paul said you know what maybe it’s best not to say anything
2:45 AM BBT Christmas said that they are going to assume that we are voting out Kevin Christmas said it brokes my tie with Alex Paul said that Alex can’t get mad at her for putting her on the spot Paul said i will take all the heat Christmas said it just like when you make fun of them Josh said let me see Paul oh my gosh josh i hate you Christmas said say your prayers Paul said he is going to be attached to Raven for a few days Paul said that Raven is fake Christmas said that all your clothes don’t fit anymore
3:00 AM BBT Christmas said your insecurity is ruining everything Paul said she probably is a sweet girl Paul said how much did i hate Cody Paul said i can’t see people getting attacked Paul said she wants 9 tattoos Paul said you can have as many as you want Christmas said i had to keep modifying my kneecaps Paul said it sounds painful Christmas said this girl is not a positive girl
3:15 AM BBT Christmas said i was staring at the way and she got up Christmas said i feel be that i am not more patient Paul said that she always called Jessica a whore Paul said why don’t you adopt i want my own child Paul said why don’t you adopt Christmas said i feel sorry for her Paul said so do Paul said i don’t want her to get Hurt Paul and Christmas are awake the other HG are sleeping Paul said of course my feelings get hurt Camera turned to the sleeping HG Christmas said at my house i am naked all the time but she has modesty.

 Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 3rd (3)

September 03, 2017

 Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 3rd (3)
6:30 PM BBT Josh, Alex and Raven eating dinner together. Jason and Paul still playing chess and talking in Irish accents with Kevin watching. Production asks them to please not quote lines from movies. Alex asking Raven about her bucket list items other than BB. Raven says to go overseas, be in a music video, go to Amsterdam because of the fault in our stars being filmed there, and they start talking about the book and movie. Raven also wants to go skiing and snowboarding, wants to go to Key West with Matt, wants to go to the Bahamas, Egypt. Josh says he is gonna go lay down. Alex says Raven and Matt should go on the Amazing Race. Raven says her and Matt work very well together so she really wants to go.
6:45 PM BBT Raven tells Alex she is the same outside the house as she is inside. Alex says she is too but she has better stories. Christmas comes down from HOH room. Christmas says there are no cups, Alex said because no one is washing their dishes, Raven says she has been and then says Josh has not. Alex tells Raven she should see NY, Raven says that is on her bucket list too. Christmas goes into the rose room to talk to Josh. Christmas tells him she does not want him to feel or think that her or Paul do not have his back. She says she knows that he sees or thinks he sees what is happening with the jury votes, but they cannot show their cards until after one of them wins HOH next week or even after that and the veto next week. She says they are in the best position and she promises that Paul will have some serious blood on his hands before the end of this game. Josh says ok sadly, Christmas says he needs to stop thinking about it. Christmas says one more strong competitor to get out and then they can just be like f you f you and go to the end together. Alex goes upstairs and is watching them play chess now. Christmas apologizes for earlier but said she couldn’t help that she was so mad because he walked away in the middle of the conversation. Raven comes into the rose room with them, Josh speculates that it will be a double eviction this week. Christmas talking about labor day weekend and saying that would be a good time to do a monday night eviction. She thinks that would mean there would be a monday night special episode.
7:00 PM BBT Raven, Josh and Christmas now studying. Raven holds up a throw pillow and says it is her souvenir, she is keeping it to ebay it and make some money then says she is just kidding. Raven hugs Josh and looks at the camera and says to vote for him for AFP. Kevin and Alex leave from watching Jason and Paul play chess. Josh Raven and Christmas talking about Evel Dick and then Dan Gheesling. Christmas and Raven talking about how crazy Josh was when the feeds first came on and how he was running around and talking to all of the cameras. Paul and Jason finish their game of chess and come downstairs into the kitchen. Josh says he had bad anxiety coming into the house so when he got here he panicked. Raven said she gets anxiety over stuff too. Christmas says if they call him he should do OTT and Josh says no it would be too soon. Raven asks Paul if OTT is 30 days and he says no, it is 40-50 days. Josh says Whistlenut is over the top AF. Paul says Jason needs to come to his Halloween party dressed as the mask because he would be perfect.
7:15 PM BBT Group all joking around in the rose room while Alex is sitting in bed tweezing her eyebrows. Kevin says to Alex he hopes they will open the yard again tonight. Paul says he misses Jessica and they all laugh. Paul says she played herself. Raven is now mocking Jessica. Jason is tying a noose and Paul asks him how he knows how to do that, BB says “stop that”. Raven talking about her shenanigans with Matt, and wanting to put vaseline on his toothbrush. Paul says the best moment was him vaseline-ing Cody’s coffee handle. Paul said he woke up to watch him and that Cody was mad when it happened and walked away. He says then he did the same to the coffee scoop and he got pissed then too. Paul said that was only after Cody got in his face and said a lot of mean things to him. Raven and Josh are now making fun of Kevin and how he does his hair. Rose room group making sex jokes now. Jason jumps on top of Josh and Christmas jumps on his back and they are humping Josh. BB repeats over 5 times “safety first, no horsing around”. HGs start joking about them freaking out afraid Jason will hurt Christmas again. They are making fun of production. Christmas is back on top of Jason who is on top of Josh and they are all cheering and horsing around when BB announces to stop again. They are joking again and BB says “that’s what she said” and they all die laughing.
7:30 PM BBT All the HGs are in the rose room now and they are talking and joking around. Kevin and Alex move back to the Green BR. The Rose BR group are still horsing around and BB says stop that again. They continue and BB says shut it down. They seem to be starting to calm down. Christmas is in the Green BR now aggravating Jason. Raven has on hats and floats and is running around. Christmas whispers to Paul and asks if there is any way to tell her (Raven) to STFU. Paul says to drink bleach. Jason and Paul complaining because they want to go to sleep and Christmas says it will be 2 more hours.
7:45 PM BBT Camera is over Josh’s bed in the Rose Room and zooms in on his face smiling. Josh telling his family that he loves and misses them. Josh says Paul is mad at him for talking to the camera. He calls Paul in to talk to the camera. Paul does not come in but they keep making jokes with each other. Christmas is continuing to bother Whistlenut and Paul says they have been so mean to him today. HGs are quieting down, Raven is standing in middle of green br spinning around. Josh is cam talking and whispering, is hard to hear. He seems to be making fun of Raven. Green BR talking and telling stories, Josh is just staring in the camera.
8:00 PM BBT Kevin sits quietly in his corner just listening to the laughs, Josh hollers “dont say that” “ what are you doing JUJU?”-Raven “Laying down” then gets up and peeks his head out, runs over and attacks Paul SHUT IT DOWN . PLEASE STOP SINGING Josh continues yelling.. SHUT IT DOWN. he says it’s hot he is going back to HIS room. Raven attacks him with a giraffe. She says she had 3 cups of coffee and Josh keeps screaming, ahh ahh ahhh, owww, ahhh. Feeds cut briefly, Josh is back in the Red room alone. Paul says what would they do if I just walked around naked, ask me to put clothes on. Nothing in the contract says they can’t be Naked. He rolls through scenarios and says he wishes he had the balls to be Naked, Josh said he would do it. They talk about how hot it is and yet Kevin is in a sweater and pants. Josh wants the HG to move to the Rose room it’s too hot in the Green room. “ OMG the moment finale is over i’m punching Josh in the Nuts” -Paul Josh in the rose room talking to the Camera in whispers, meanwhile the other HG discuss if there is still a boxing match between Mark n josh supposed to happen and when it should happen. JOsh tries on pauls fur vest and walks out.. Paul asks him to take it off, and Josh starts teasing him about it. Paul” josh take it off, you have 100 pounds on me, I’m asking you nicely, I’m not taking it off of you, take it off im not going through your personal things.” josh goes in the room to take it off and says he’s such a princess. HEY I SAID STOP IT !! Paul tries to settle it and talk to Josh about touching his things. Raven and Jason who had followed them in leave the room Paul whispers and then hollers other points to make it seem like a fight. Josh tries to touch and borrow more stuff. Paul gets annoyed they both leave the room. Feeds swap to the Kitchen where Jason and Raven are at SHUT IT DOWN -refering to Josh n Paul goofing off in the green room.
8:15 PM BBT STOP THAT In the Kitchen they are getting ice cream. STOP THAT. STOP THAT, STOP THAT. Paul puts on Josh’s pants and Josh sees and heads back in the red room to mess with Paul’s. He tries a pair of paul’s pants. Paul adds a shirt of Joshs and they laugh, he peeks in on Josh and then adds a bandana, then asks about a shirt paul has.. I SAID STOP THAT, SHUT IT DOWN. Paul convinces him to leave it alone then is called to the DR. PAUL PLEASE GO TO THE DR. He undresses and heads to the DR. In the Green room Alex says they should make Paul and Josh be “tandam” then they talk about ice cream. Jason, and Josh in the Kitchen getting food, Christmas and Raven head that way. Christmas tries to figure out food and hollers for Josh, Raven still walking around in her floppy hat and 2 giraffe floaties. They wonder and debate if Paul is DRing or in trouble. Christmas offers to make club sandwiches for JUJU (Josh) and Alex. Raven goes to ask is Josh wants one. SHe hollers back to the Kitchen, JOSH PLEASE GO TO THE DR. Paul says that Josh is getting me in trouble, and Kevin tells him Christmas asked everyone if they want food but didn’t ask him it’s rude and right. Paul says people know and it’s okay they all are aware and see it. Paul heads to the SR where Xmas is and says he is annoyed Josh pokes and prod and then he responds and gets in trouble. Paul says he is calming him down and getting a handle on it. As Alex tries to come in Paul is leaving. He heads to the Rose room to talk to Josh but Raven comes in. meanwhile in the WR Kevin is venting to Jason about Christmas.
8:30 PM BBT Paul enters the WR to use the RR while the boys discuss no HN. Josh is alone in the rose room and mumbling to himself about people being annoying. Feeds back to kitchen where Christmas asked Paul if Kevin was complaining about the sandwich and then goes to confront him, he says no he said Raven didn’t ask him. There is no lunchmeat so it’s BLT’s , Kevin is in the Kitchen and she tries to explain that it’s the one josh always makes so she offered to make him one. He says he doesn’t eat those. Paul has found his way to the empty Rose room and in bed eyes covered. Kevin heads back into the green room and Josh asks what happened to Christmas she explains and then he books it towards the room once Jason is back in the Kitchen. Josh, Alex, and Raven head to the rose room to hear what Paul’s side is on the Kevin Frustration. Kevin and Alex back in the Kitchen, Raven stays to talk to Paul and make a few Comments against Kevin. Jason heads in as Raven leaves and they express it’s important that they stop the horse play BB is getting mad. Jason says he doesn’t think Alex will call out Kevin but Christmas didn’t hesitate to confront Kevin.Raven says to Alex and Christmas they are bad bitches.Alex tells Christmas and Raven it must be raining outside since the backyard is shutdown.
8:45 PM BBT Alex tells Christmas tomorrow will be epic during the pov ceremony.Christmas tells Alex she should just shut up and just go to bed early.Christmas asks Raven to go tell the dr to put Raven’s clothes in the dryer so they do smell sour.Alex tells Christmas Raven acts like a 10 year old and Christmas says yea that’s how she acts all the time.Alex is washing her dishes and then Alex tells Christmas she wants to listen to music so she can dance to have something else to do while they locked in .Paul tells Josh Alex will not go after Josh and Christmas cause Alex is not threatened by them.Christmas comes in the bedroom and Paul asks Christmas about what happened with Kevin in the bathroom.Christmas lays in bed with paul and they are talking about Raven.
9:00 PM BBT Christmas tells Paul why did they get rid of Matt they should have sent Raven to jury.Paul tells Josh to trust him and he will protect Josh .Paul says to Josh he has to buckle up and start winning stuff and Paul says he calculated everything so he needs to trust him.Paul tells Josh they have the numbers no matter what happens.Paul says to Christmas they have Raven and Kevin to send to jury.Paul tells Josh they in the final steps don’t freak out.Paul tells Christmas and Josh if one of them go then it will throw everything off so they have to win.Alex comes in the room and she says she wants to get away from Raven as much as she can be.Alex tells Paul Kevin is stupid to not know what’s coming tomorrow .Alex tells Paul,Christmas and Josh unless they plan on backdooring alex or jason .Alex tells Paul she will wait till after the ceremony tomorrow to mess with Kevin.
9:15 PM BBT Paul tells Alex he wants to go to sleep but bb will wake him up cause it’s not bedtime yet.Paul says to josh and Christmas Alex won’t be laughing tomorrow and Josh says this will be the biggest blindside.Paul asks Christmas if she thinks he stinks and Christmas says no.Feeds cut to fish Paul says how mad do you think Jessica is right now how she was sent out the house then paul says how mad you think megan is and paul says pissed.Alex asked Jason why is Kevin being so weird and Jason says that’s Kevin.Jason says to Alex it’s so hot in the house.Paul,Christmas,Josh and Raven says they all liked Ramses.Jason asks Alex if she would do his nails and she says no maybe tomorrow.Paul tells Christmas Kevin is a asshole he needs to cook his own food and not treat women that way.Paul says if him and Christmas and josh is final 3 all their families will be their at finale.
9:30 PM BBT Josh tells Paul he doesn’t care about the lighting as long as they can see the picture.Paul tells Christmas and Josh they almost there at the end and Paul says no need really to trip cause they got the power now.Raven comes back in the bedroom and says it’s only 9:30.Christmas asks Raven if she’s not feeling well and she says no and she’s taking her meds Josh tells BB to crank up the air he’s hot .Christmas asks Paul what he’s doing and he says nothing and Paul ask Christmas why she says Paul was convulsing.Paul says now Josh is so pissed now he has to pay for Josh’s haircut because he messed up cutting his hair.

Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 3rd

September 03, 2017

Live Feed Updates: Sunday, September 3rd

10:03 AM BBT-10:15 AM BBT Feeds down due to waking houseguests
10:15 AM BBT Feeds come back up. Jason is the only one up & in the kitchen He is making coffee. Jason heads to the bathroom.Josh is moving around in his bed & covers himself backup & goes back to sleep. Paul is moving in his sleep & Raven is still asleep. Jason exits the bathroom & makes himself a cup of coffee. He heads back to the Green BR. He is getting clothes ready to take to wash., while Kevin & Alex still sleep. Paul, Josh, & Christmas are told that their are fresh batteries in SR. Jason is looking for laundry detergent it seems. The hg’s are told that bedroom lights must be on. Paul is up & exits the Rose BR. Both are in the SR. Jason is looking for the laundry soap.He tells Paul that he is going to do his laundry before “dumb a**” gets up. Jason is telling Paul that Kevin says that either Alex or Jason will be going home & that Kevin says he won’t vote out Jason. As they exit the SR, they scare Christmas as she enters. Christmas enters the Kitchen & Jason tells her that the coffee is not quite thick enough. Jason says Happy Sunday to Christmas. Paul comes in & they all joke around.
10:30 AM BBT Paul asks where Trejo is. Christmas tells him that he took Trejo. Paul asks Christmas what time she got out of DR. She says she was in there late & that she went to bed @4:30. Alex wanders into the kitchen. Paul asks Christmas if Josh has calmed down. She says yes that she was able to calm him down. She tells Paul she is able to calm him better than he can. Alex comes back to the kitchen after being in the BY. Christmas tells Paul that she wants just plain scrambled eggs. Nothing in them. Paul tries to talk her into spinach or mozzarella in them. She says no. They ask how someone is still asleep.Paul leaves the kitchen. Christmas asks Alex how she slept. She replies ok. They talk about Josh coming out & then heading to bed the night before. Jason is in the BY placing his clothes in the laundry. Alex says that she wants to work out, but it is already too hot outside. Alex teases Christmas that she hates her because she has perfect eyelashes. Josh is told to change his batteries. Paul heads to the HOH & Christmas asks him to retrieve her sweater. Jason comes inside & Paul is in the HOH looking for his coffee mug. He leaves & asks Christmas where is mug is. He brings Christmas her sweater. Josh is told to change his batteries again. Christmas says someone needs to go get Josh & make him go to the SR. Houseguests are told all the bedroom lights must be on. Jason tells the ladies that he is doing laundry. Production tells them thank you. Christmas says that Production is not f***ing around today. Paul is in the Rose BR obtaining Trejo.

10:45 AM BBT Paul comes back into the kitchen with Trejo. They all continue talking getting coffee. Paul is told to put on his microphone. Jason hears a plane outside & he says that it sounds close & he peeks outside. Paul asks how many eggs Christmas wants. Production tells them to please stop singing. Production responds to them talking in the Kitchen with,” That’s what she said” to someone saying “I’m bored” & they all laugh. Christmas asks Jason to bring her down fruit & peanut butter from upstairs. They joke about getting her all her stuff.Jason brings her the items she asked for & he heads to the BY. Kevin is up & out of bed now. He is in the SR. When he enters the kitchen, Alex tells him that Jason is already doing laundry. Jason is running around the BY. Paul asks Kevin how he wants his eggs. Kevin says fried. Paul says that he does not know how to fry an egg. Kevin is told to put his microphone on. They discuss what the day is & the date. Paul hands Christmas her eggs. Alex comes back inside.
11:00 AM BBT Christmas notices that Jason is running & not walking around the yard. She asks Kevin if he would like to try peanut butter eggs. He declines. Alex is in the BY talking to Jason as he runs. They discuss a possible 2 hour episode coming up. Alex talks to people via the camera. They discuss yesterday’s veto comp. How they had issues doing it. Jason is stretching now. They discuss going somewhere where someone only has two tickets & Jason says that for him it is an issues as it is a plane ride for him to get there. They then discuss the time left in the house. They talk about a possible double eviction this week . Paul comes outside. Paul talks about having an anxiety attack in his sleep last night. Jason teases him about having a guilty conscience. Kevin comes outside. Jason tells him that he let him sleep. Christmas is now outside. Josh & Raven are still in bed. Jason is now walking around the yard, Kevin is walking behind him.. Someone starts to sing & feeds cut out for a moment. Paul & Christmas are on the couch in the BY. Paul says that he wants another tattoo. Christmas laughs & tells him that is like a millionaire wanting more money. They discuss tattoos & when Christmas first started getting tattoos.Paul & Christmas are talking about Raven now. They discuss how she cannot make up her own mind. How she copies them or if she can’t make the same sounds they do, she gets louder instead.
11:15 AM BBT Paul tells Jason that there was a competition last year called dizzy dog that would have killed Jason. Christmas & Paul talk about both having a different opinion on the same subject, each tell Raven their opinion & then together get her to chime in. Paul accuses the ladies of making him see Raven as an annoyance now. He says they told him to pay attention to her in a certain way. He says that he thought of her as a sweet positive person. Christmas & Alex have shown him & tell him that they think that she is doing or saying things for attention. Jason & Kevin discuss school starting back on their walk around the yard. Paul asks if anyone likes horror films. Paul says his favorite horror is found footage movies. Paul, Alex, & Christmas are discussing Raven again. They talk about how immature she is. How she said that they got airtime because of the cinnamon fight. She claimed not to be mad at what Matt said to her when they all knew she was furious.
11:30 AM BBT Paul watches Jason & Kevin walking. Paul says that he wants to push Jason into the pool. As Jason & Kevin walk by, Alex tells Jason. “Look at you being a shock collar” They talk about evicted hg’s. They rehash previous arguments that were had in the house. They ask Paul about Jury & what they are allowed to see. The talk goes back to food & drinks & video games. Paul says that if he looks in the mirror, sucks in his cheeks, & flexes, he will lose it. Jason is making noises. They notice ashes & smoke in the air. Raven finally heads outside & sits on the couch with Alex,Christmas, & Paul.Production tells them to stop singing. Paul asks Kevin & Jason what are they doing.
11:45 AM BBT Jason & Kevin are still walking around the yard. Raven is talking with Alex, Paul, & Christmas. She is telling them about a dream she had. Josh is still in bed asleep. Alex takes off to run around the yard for a bit. Paul comments on Kevin not continuing walking when Jason goes to check his laundry. Jason is now running & not walking. Alex gets a drink & sits back down. Paul talks about being recognized outside of the house. They talk about the ashes & smoke again. Paul is now up walking around. He grabs dumbbells does some arm curls. The girls talk about the Outback dinner again where Elena did nothing but drink beer & eat sundaes. Christmas & Alex tell Raven that Elena was giving away the rest of her meal to the others. Christmas says that she is going to get her socks & water. Raven volunteers to go get it. Christmas tells Raven where her bathing suit is. When Raven leaves, Christmas tells Alex that she does not like that Raven leaves her stuff all over her HOH room, so she moved it.
12:00 PM BBT The camera shows Paul lifting weights in the backyard. Christmas and Alex are talking about wanting to be mothers. Alex tells her that her grandmother had heart attacks and didn’t tell anyone. Christmas scoots on her scooter into the house. She is riding past the kitchen. She is now in the red room.
12:05 PM BBT – 12:27 PM BBT feeds cut.
12:27 PM BBT the houseguests come from out of the hoh room. Christmas announces to the house that there are no have nots for the week. And that there are no have nots for the summer. Jason goes into the room with Kevin. They high fived to no longer having to worry about being have nots. Outside Alex is running around the backyard while Raven walks into the house. BB tells them there there is no horsing around allowed.Jason is pulling out the shade for the windows. Alex is working out with weights in the corner. Paul and christmas are about to play chess. He tells her the rule about the queen being on her color. He tells her that it is hot outside.
12:45 PM BBT Paul is showing Christmas the rules of chess. He tells her that her first seven moves should aim to protect. In the backyard Josh is floating and singin in the pool. Now raven and Jason are in the pool with him. Big Brother Josh and Jason no horsing around. They were play fighting in the pool. In the house Paul and Christmas are still playing chess. They begin to whisper about a conversation she had with Josh, Christmas says that she told him that they need to stick together. She says that she told Josh that there hasn’t been a trio as strong as them. Alex comes and sits to watch them play. They begin to talk about game again.
1:00 PM BBT they are now talking about something that Raven told them. Christmas says that she’s frustrated. They understand that she has a pacemaker in her stomach but she doesn’t have to lie about everything else. They say that if she can’t eat the way they say she’d be way smaller without the muscles that she has. Alex says that she can’t have every illness in the book.
1:15 PM BBT he goes back to telling her how to play the game. They are talking about all the additional problems that she claims to have. Paul continues to tell her how to defend her pieces. Raven, Kevin, and Jason are laying down outside by the pool. There is no game talk going on by the pool.
1:30 PM BBT upstairs Alex, Christmas, and Paul are talking about the last day. Paul continues to give her pointers on playing chess. Outside by the pool there is still no game talk. They are tanning.

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