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Big Brother 20 Winner Kaycee Clark Had A Plan Going Into The House And Executed It Perfectly
September 28, 2018
The BB20 champ is talking surprising jury votes, advice for future Houseguests, and what she plans to do with all that 💰. Read her full exclusive interview now
Big Brother 20 Winner Kaycee Clark Had A Plan Going Into The House And Executed It Perfectly
Catch up with the BB20 champ about her big victory, her strategy, and what it means to win as a lifelong BB fan.
In the interview questions for her future Big Brother 20 winner Kaycee Clark laid out exactly what her plan was to win the game.
"My strategy to win the game is to use my social skills to my advantage. I am a big-time people person. I also want to be as honest as possible in the game. I am a loyal person in real life and I want to stick to that as much as I can," she said.
"I also don't want to seem too much of a threat from the very beginning where I then become an immediate target. I'm also looking to align with some people where I feel the vibes are right and legit."
Sound familiar? It should—it's exactly how her game played out. From forming strong bonds with every member of the house to aligning with Level 6, to staying under the radar early on until she surprised everyone by winning competition after competition, Kaycee had a plan going in and, unlike most, she stuck to it.
So first of all, congratulations!
Kaycee Clark: Thank you so much!
We know that you're a longtime fan of the game, so how much does this win mean to you?
Kaycee: Oh, God. It means everything. I still cannot believe I was on the Big Brother show. Never did I think I was going to be picked to go on Big Brother and to now win Big Brother 20?
It's mind-blowing! I cannot believe it. It has not hit me at all, which is really weird, but it means so much. I absolutely love this show. This is the one show that I consistently watch every year. It's mind-blowing, it really is.
Not only did you win, but when you walked out of the house you saw your parents in the audience. What were you feeling at that moment?
Kaycee: It felt so good to see my parents and just to see the look on their faces. Them being so proud and excited. I literally felt like I was at a championship game and looking in the stands to see my parents; my mom always screaming, my dad always has his hands up in the air. It was just like winning a championship game and seeing my parents and how proud they were. It was so surreal.
So at the start of the season, you had some questions you answered for your bio, one of which was about your strategy for the game. Do you remember what yours said?
Kaycee: I remember I said that my social game was going to take me very far and that was my main priority. I wanted to stay low in the beginning, not do too much, play behind the scenes. If I remember correctly, that's what I said. Competitions would come as they come and the social game was everything.
We looked back on it before talking with you and it's kind of awesome how your plan is exactly what happened and what led you to win. How did you formulate that strategy going in?
Kaycee: I knew that the first two or three weeks, I wanted to build rapport and genuine relationships with as many people as I could. In the beginning, I just kept telling myself, "Less is more, less is more." I didn't want to talk game with a lot of people. I only spoke game with Level 6.
In the house, people were always like, "Hey, Kaycee doesn't talk game at all." Which, if you were on the other side of the house, was the plan. I didn't want to talk to everyone, I couldn't trust everyone.
It was pretty much just to get to know people, make them feel good, stay behind the scenes. I didn't want to tell people what to do. "Do this, do that, I take you, you, and you, and we're in an alliance." No. It just naturally came together and I stayed behind the scenes.
I didn't get to play any Vetos until Day 46, pretty much halfway through the season, and so it was frustrating at the beginning because I wanted to play competitions, but I didn't want to throw any competitions yet I also didn't want to win too many in the beginning. That would've put a huge target on my back.
One of the things that really stuck out is how loyal you were in the game, which as you know, is very difficult to do in Big Brother. You said you took Tyler to the Final 2 out of loyalty, but how confident were you that the votes would ultimately fall in your favor?
Kaycee: So before the votes, when it was just the Final 3, I had a feeling that I was good with the Jury house. I had the least amount of blood on my hands. If I were to take JC, I felt like I could've won.
If I were to take Tyler, I felt like I could've won. Just because he had a lot of blood on his hands. I feel like the Jury house hated him more than they did myself. So the 5-4 vote, I didn't think it was going to be that close.
But at the end of the day, I won the whole thing, and that's huge.
Were there any jury votes that surprised you?
Kaycee: Yeah, I thought I was going to get Haleigh's vote, which didn't happen and was totally fine. I knew I was going to get Bayleigh's. Rockstar is all about girl power.
Scottie. I know Tyler thought he was going to get Scottie's vote, but I had a better feeling that I was going to get it over Tyler. Sammy was the in-between. I wasn't sure what Sammy was going to do.
As a longtime fan, was this game easier or harder than what you expected?
Kaycee: Oh my gosh, way harder than I expected. [Laughs] It is way easier to be watching the show than being in that house. It is a whole other level being in that house. It is really, really intense. High stress every day. It's insane. Mind-blowing.
I never expected in a million years that it would be the way it was. And no one can ever understand how it is to be in that house unless you are literally in there playing the game.
What would you say was the most difficult part?
Kaycee: Just... a lot. I wasn't able to sleep in there. There's a lot going on in your head. Just the stress, not knowing what the competitions were that were coming up next. It was a mixture of everything.
I just had to keep reminding myself, "This is your dream. This is what you wanted to do. This is temporary. Take care of business and it will all be over soon."
Is there anything from in the house, besides your Houseguests, that you're going to miss?
Kaycee: Just the experience of being in the house, playing the Big Brother game. I know at the moment being in the house was just hard and we were all, "Ugh, get us out of here!" But still just being in the house with a bunch of people and playing the game.
On the flip side, what are you looking forward to doing that you haven't done in three months?
Kaycee: Being with my friends and family. Being in the outside world. Going outside whenever I want. [Laughs] Going to the gym, listening to music, the list goes on for sure.
You got to wear some fantastic punishments this season—which one did you prefer?
Kaycee: [Laughs] I like the peanut one.
What advice do you have for future Houseguests?
Kaycee: Social game is everything. But it's hard to say because I don't think everyone is going to be like me. I'm a huge people person; I love talking to people and getting to know them. I know not a lot of people are like that.
If I say, "stay true to yourself," well, not a lot of people are loyal or whatever. But just getting to know everyone as much as possible. And less is more. Don't talk to everyone about your game moves, you know? That's definitely what I did.
Do you think you'll keep in touch with your fellow Houseguests?
Kaycee: Yeah, for sure. Without a doubt.
Posted on Sep 27, 2018 11:40am
Big Brother 20 Winner Kaycee Clark Had A Plan Going Into The House And Executed It Perfectly
Catch up with the BB20 champ about her big victory, her strategy, and what it means to win as a lifelong BB fan.
In the interview questions for her bio, future Big Brother 20 winner Kaycee Clark laid out exactly what her plan was to win the game.
"My strategy to win the game is to use my social skills to my advantage. I am a big-time people person. I also want to be as honest as possible in the game. I am a loyal person in real life and I want to stick to that as much as I can," she said.
STREAM: Watch Kaycee's Game From The Beginning With Every Episode Of Big Brother 20 On CBS All Access
"I also don't want to seem too much of a threat from the very beginning where I then become an immediate target. I'm also looking to align with some people where I feel the vibes are right and legit."
Sound familiar? It should—it's exactly how her game played out. From forming strong bonds with every member of the house to aligning with Level 6, to staying under the radar early on until she surprised everyone by winning competition after competition, Kaycee had a plan going in and, unlike most, she stuck to it.
We caught up with the BB20 winner the day after her big win.
So first of all, congratulations!
Kaycee Clark: Thank you so much!
We know that you're a longtime fan of the game, so how much does this win mean to you?
Kaycee: Oh, God. It means everything. I still cannot believe I was on the Big Brother show. Never did I think I was going to be picked to go on Big Brother and to now win Big Brother 20?
It's mind-blowing! I cannot believe it. It has not hit me at all, which is really weird, but it means so much. I absolutely love this show. This is the one show that I consistently watch every year. It's mind-blowing, it really is.
Not only did you win, but when you walked out of the house you saw your parents in the audience. What were you feeling at that moment?
Kaycee: It felt so good to see my parents and just to see the look on their faces. Them being so proud and excited. I literally felt like I was at a championship game and looking in the stands to see my parents; my mom always screaming, my dad always has his hands up in the air. It was just like winning a championship game and seeing my parents and how proud they were. It was so surreal.
So at the start of the season, you had some questions you answered for your bio, one of which was about your strategy for the game. Do you remember what yours said?
Kaycee: I remember I said that my social game was going to take me very far and that was my main priority. I wanted to stay low in the beginning, not do too much, play behind the scenes. If I remember correctly, that's what I said. Competitions would come as they come and the social game was everything.
We looked back on it before talking with you and it's kind of awesome how your plan is exactly what happened and what led you to win. How did you formulate that strategy going in?
Kaycee: I knew that the first two or three weeks, I wanted to build rapport and genuine relationships with as many people as I could. In the beginning, I just kept telling myself, "Less is more, less is more." I didn't want to talk game with a lot of people. I only spoke game with Level 6.
In the house, people were always like, "Hey, Kaycee doesn't talk game at all." Which, if you were on the other side of the house, was the plan. I didn't want to talk to everyone, I couldn't trust everyone.
It was pretty much just to get to know people, make them feel good, stay behind the scenes. I didn't want to tell people what to do. "Do this, do that, I take you, you, and you, and we're in an alliance." No. It just naturally came together and I stayed behind the scenes.
I didn't get to play any Vetos until Day 46, pretty much halfway through the season, and so it was frustrating at the beginning because I wanted to play competitions, but I didn't want to throw any competitions yet I also didn't want to win too many in the beginning. That would've put a huge target on my back.
One of the things that really stuck out is how loyal you were in the game, which as you know, is very difficult to do in Big Brother. You said you took Tyler to the Final 2 out of loyalty, but how confident were you that the votes would ultimately fall in your favor?
Kaycee: So before the votes, when it was just the Final 3, I had a feeling that I was good with the Jury house. I had the least amount of blood on my hands. If I were to take JC, I felt like I could've won.
If I were to take Tyler, I felt like I could've won. Just because he had a lot of blood on his hands. I feel like the Jury house hated him more than they did myself. So the 5-4 vote, I didn't think it was going to be that close.
But at the end of the day, I won the whole thing, and that's huge.
Were there any jury votes that surprised you?
Kaycee: Yeah, I thought I was going to get Haleigh's vote, which didn't happen and was totally fine. I knew I was going to get Bayleigh's. Rockstar is all about girl power.
Scottie. I know Tyler thought he was going to get Scottie's vote, but I had a better feeling that I was going to get it over Tyler. Sammy was the in-between. I wasn't sure what Sammy was going to do.
As a longtime fan, was this game easier or harder than what you expected?
Kaycee: Oh my gosh, way harder than I expected. [Laughs] It is way easier to be watching the show than being in that house. It is a whole other level being in that house. It is really, really intense. High stress every day. It's insane. Mind-blowing.
I never expected in a million years that it would be the way it was. And no one can ever understand how it is to be in that house unless you are literally in there playing the game.
What would you say was the most difficult part?
Kaycee: Just... a lot. I wasn't able to sleep in there. There's a lot going on in your head. Just the stress, not knowing what the competitions were that were coming up next. It was a mixture of everything.
I just had to keep reminding myself, "This is your dream. This is what you wanted to do. This is temporary. Take care of business and it will all be over soon."
Is there anything from in the house, besides your Houseguests, that you're going to miss?
Kaycee: Just the experience of being in the house, playing the Big Brother game. I know at the moment being in the house was just hard and we were all, "Ugh, get us out of here!" But still just being in the house with a bunch of people and playing the game.
On the flip side, what are you looking forward to doing that you haven't done in three months?
Kaycee: Being with my friends and family. Being in the outside world. Going outside whenever I want. [Laughs] Going to the gym, listening to music, the list goes on for sure.
You got to wear some fantastic punishments this season—which one did you prefer?
Kaycee: [Laughs] I like the peanut one.
What advice do you have for future Houseguests?
Kaycee: Social game is everything. But it's hard to say because I don't think everyone is going to be like me. I'm a huge people person; I love talking to people and getting to know them. I know not a lot of people are like that.
If I say, "stay true to yourself," well, not a lot of people are loyal or whatever. But just getting to know everyone as much as possible. And less is more. Don't talk to everyone about your game moves, you know? That's definitely what I did.
Do you think you'll keep in touch with your fellow Houseguests?
Kaycee: Yeah, for sure. Without a doubt.
How do you think this experience changed you as a person?
Kaycee: More and more I'm not caring what people think about me. Being out on national television, because there are a lot of family members I haven't talked to about being a lesbian—they can see it, see how I dress and everything—but it was never a conversation.
Being out there to the world, it just reminds me that I don't care what people think. I really don't. This whole experience has just helped me, even more, be like, "People are going to think what they want to think."
People will think they know but they have no idea. I know how I played the game, I know how I am as a person, and it doesn't matter what people think. It's helping me a lot to think, just, "who cares?" [Laughs]
That's great. Last question, because we need to know: What are you going to do with half a million dollars?
Kaycee: Well, I do need some more gel and some deodorant. I ran out in the house, so I'm gonna get that. [Laughs] And that's it (just kidding)!
My family. Whatever I can do to help my family to make their life easier. To set them up for the future. And invest. A lot of positive things, man. A lot of positive things. Whatever I can do to help people, and travel.

Full coverage of tonight's Big Brother
September 26, 2018
Full coverage of tonight's Big Brother
Tonight, the 20th season of Big Brother comes to an end and one HGs will walk out the door with a half-million-dollar grand prize.
Welcome to the finale of Big Brother!
Previously, on Big Brother, after Kaycee sent Angela to the jury, Tyler promised to throw Kaycee part one of the HoH setting the stage for the final three-part HoH competitions.
Now, after a summer of twists, romance, and epic confrontations, it all comes down to this. Who will become the final HoH? And who will ultimately be crowned the winner of Big Brother?
Kaycee, Tyler, and JC. She's a veto queen, he's the king of final two deals, and he's a self-proclaimed puppet master. And they all have one thing in mind...winning over the jury. But first, last we saw they were flying high in part one of the HoH.
Tyler says part one is simple, whoever holds on to their jetpack the longest will win part one. He promised Kaycee he'd throw part one, but he has to decide if it's a good idea to throw anything right now. JC says he has to win this because if it wasn't for him winning that previous HoH, he wouldn't have even been there.
Kaycee says Tyler is supposed to throw part one and he can win part two and they can meet up in Final Three.
We see the HGs hanging on in the various positions the jetpack is putting them in including facing them directly down. JC says his body is in pain, he's struggling. He's hating this ride and he wants his money back. JC's feet slip off and he's hanging on, but then he drops. He fell at 54 minutes and 53 seconds and he's upset because he wanted to win this.
Kaycee says JC finally drops so now all she has to do is wait for Tyler to drop so she can win this and he can win part two. Kaycee is saying her arms are tired and she's about to drop. Tyler tells us he just wants to hold on so he can go to part three and have his fate in his own hands. Kaycee fell at 56 minutes and 53 seconds.
Tyler says that's what he's talking about. He has his fate in his hands and he can still meet his life goal. He hopes Kaycee isn't mad. Kaycee is a little annoyed, but right now she has to stay focused and win part two. JC says he's here to play and he is going to focus and go against Kaycee and win part two.
Tyler has already won part one of the final HoH competition. Now Kaycee and JC must face off in part two.
We see a mountain and Kaycee is reading the rules and directions. They are going to laser carve faces into Mount Evictus. They'll be given clues to four different HGs and they must grab their names, climb the mountain and put their names on it, and then hit their button for the laser to work. If they are wrong the laser won't work and they will have to try again and adjust the names until they are correct and the laser works. The competitions is three rounds, so they must do this three times.
Kaycee's first clue is four HGs who survived an eviction and begins with Rockstar, Winston, Brett, and Sam and she gets them correct on the first try.
Kaycee's second clue is four HGs who were evicted by unanimous vote. Kaycee struggles with this one and has to try a few times.
Kaycee knows she needs to make up time in the final round. The clue was the first four HGs who fell off on "Out on a Limb" competition. Kaycee tries Rockstar, Faysal, Brett, and Bayleigh and she is correct.
JC is up now and he gets the first one on the first try but is a bit slower. He gets the second clue correct on the first try as well. He's now on the third clue and he can't remember who the first four were to fall, but he is incorrect and he has to try again. He has no clue and starts guessing and he can't believe his fate comes down to him guessing.
Time to find out who won. Kaycee finished with a time of 18:55. JC finished with a time of 7:34. Kaycee is so excited and she says she's come such a long way and she can't. She's so close she can feel it and she's going to make it.
Tyler is super-stoked for Kaycee. As confident as he is that Kaycee will take him to Final Two, he can't take any chances. He needs to win part three. JC is disappointed, but he has to stay positive and his only hope is whoever wins this last HoH will take him to Final Two with them.
Soon, Kaycee and Tyler will go head to head live for part three of the final HoH. Time for the jury roundtable and Dr. Will is leading the discussion again.
Dr. Will asks who they think will be joining them and everyone thinks it will JC and Sam and Scottie thinks it will be Angela. Bayleigh says it would be nice to see the princess get kicked off her pedestal. DR. Will asks if anyone thinks it will be Tyler and no one thinks so though Bayleigh says it would be nice. They bring out Angela and she tells them how she's there.
Angela tells them Tyler and Kaycee made a Final Two on day two. Sam says they made a Final Two since day three. Angela lays out Level 6 for the jury.
Dr. Will asks who's here because of Level 6 and they all raise their hands. Angela thinks Tyler is the leader and she says Kaycee rode his coattails. Haleigh thinks Kaycee won the best social game. Haleigh says she won five vetoes, one HoH, and one hacker. Dr. Will asks what she did with those vetoes and Haleigh says nothing.
Angela thinks the person who made the moves and not the person who hid behind them should win. Haleigh says she just said that because she's in a secret showmance with Tyler. Angela denies it. Haleigh says Kaycee didn't have to use the vetoes because her alliance was in power and the moves they made benefitted them both.
Rockstar says for her she wants to vote who played the best game and that's JC. Scottie says JC was the one who got his alliance member to put him on the block and vote him out.
Dr. Will asks Faysal if he feels played by JC and Faysal says yeah, but it's a game. Angela says JC had no physical game. Bayleigh doesn't think JC played the best game.
Dr. Will asks if Brett feels betrayed by Tyler? Brett says yes, he didn't think he had the cajones to pull off the game move to take him out. Haleigh says Tyler played a very good game.
Dr. Will asks who came into the jury with a bad taste in their mouth because of Tyler? Sam and Scottie did along with Brett. Bayleigh says some of the best winners were evil, but they still won.
It's time to crown the final HoH of the summer. We have a new set-up for the final HoH and it's called Jury Oddcasts. Winning will depend on how well they remember the season. They will watch a video and then answer a question about statements made in each. The HGs with the most points after all eight videos are played will become the final HoH.
We see the first Oddcast and it's Rockstar's. She says she was only on the block two times and survived eviction night on day 37. She was evicted 5-1. Question 1-Was Rockstar's Oddcast totally right or not quite? Both answer Not Quite and they are both correct.
The next Oddcast is Brett. Brett was first put on the block on day 24. He's the only HGs who used the power of veto on themselves. Question 2-Was Brett's Oddcast totally right or not quite? They both answer totally right and they are both correct.
The next Oddcast is Bayleigh. Bayleigh was in the house for over 50 days and she was nominated on day 48 and she only played in one veto. Was her Oddcast totally right or not quite? They both answer totally right and they are both correct.
The fourth Oddcast is Haleigh. Haleigh was nominated on day 31 and she was also nominated on day 66 but wasn't evicted until day 86. Was her Oddcast totally right or not quite? They both answer totally right and the answer is totally right and they are both correct.
The next Oddcast is Scottie. Scottie got to meet Jess and Cody, Nicole and Victor, and even got zinged by Zingbot. Was his Oddcast totally right or not quite? They both answer not quite and they are correct.
The next Oddcast is Faysal. Faysal's first HoH was "Land a Job" and he wasn't on the block until day 66 and he won more vetoes than HoH. They both answer totally right and they are both correct. They are both tied with 6 points.
The next Oddcast is Sam. Sam says she won HoH on day 30 and she lasted longer than 90 days in the house and she played in 8 veto competitions. Was her Oddcast totally right or not quite? They both answer not quite and they are both wrong and they are both still tied at 6 points.
The last Oddcast is Angela. Angela never nominated the same HGs twice and every time she had the power of veto she used it and she won the "sweet shot" competition with a score of 38. They both answer totally right and they are both wrong.
Time for a tie-breaker question. Whoever is closest without going over wins. IF they both go over, whoever is closest wins. In seconds, how long was the jetpack attack competition from the official start to when Kaycee made contact with the ground?
Kaycee answer 3400 and Tyler answer 2002. The correct answer 3413. Kaycee has won the final HoH!
Just minutes ago Kaycee became the final HoH of the summer and now she must choose between JC and Tyler. Time to find out her decision.
JC, alright Kaycee, you know how much I love you and he appreciates her not blindsiding him. He has as much dirt as she does and when she goes out there, she will most likely win. He knows she's a Final Two and Angela was probably out there campaigning for him. He loves her no matter what, just do the right thing.
Tyler tells them both he has nothing but positive things and loved and he knows JC is heartbroken, but he is too. They made an alliance on day two with Coast to Coast and he's proud of Kaycee turning it on the second half and winning everything. Julie interrupts and says thank you Tyler and it's time for Kaycee to decide who to evict.
Kaycee says this is a crappy position to be in and she loves them both so much and JC has been a huge team player and she loves him so much and he's an amazing human being but she has to evict him from the house.
They give hugs as JC heads to meet Julie. Tyler and Kaycee are inside hugging and celebrating. Julie asks JC what happened back there. JC says he came to play the game and he knew he had to lie a lot and he played a dirty game and he was loyal and that's what screwed him. He was loyal and defending Tyler and no one touched him.
Julie asks JC if Kaycee just made a half-million dollar mistake? JC says he doesn't know but he needs to calm down because he drank too much coffee. JC says loyalty over everything, that's for sure. The Final Two will be revealed to the jury and they'll get to ask their questions. Plus, you've been voting all week for America's favorite houseguest.
The jury is on the stage and we're ready to reveal the final juror member. JC joins them and Angela gives a hug. Julie explains how JC got evicted.
Haleigh asks Tyler aside from winning competition, what were the biggest strategic moves he made to get to the Final Two. Tyler says he made a couple of moves right off the bat. He was in Level 6 and he made a close alliance with Sam and he had Kaycee within Level 6 and JC was his shield and Sam was his wildcard. He won the second Power App, and that's the first time Kaycee knew about it. He had to talk himself into being backdoored so he could keep himself safe.
Brett asks Kaycee her physical game was clearly strong, but besides competition wins what strategic moves did she make? Kaycee says she had a strategy coming in and her priority was her social game from day one. She needed two weeks to genuinely create relationships. It wasn't the competitions, it was her social game she knew she had to focus on.
Bayleigh asks Tyler why they shouldn't have a sour taste in their mouth because of their evictions. Tyler apologizes to Bayleigh specifically and he felt like he had such good relationships with everyone and he had to make an enemy on the jury and it was her. He never had anything to personally attack her with but he had to make everyone think he had an enemy.
Angela's question is for peanut. She says Level 6 was a powerful alliance and Kaycee didn't need to use the veto, but what was another layer of her game? Kaycee says it was her relationships with the other side of the house even though it was divided.
Sam asks Tyler why he thinks he deserves to win over Kaycee? Tyler deserves to win because not only did he have good relationships, but every week he knew what was going to happen. If he didn't know what was going to happen, he had another plan with someone else. He says they all saw the long hair and he's a super fan and this game means so much to him.
Scottie asks Kaycee why she deserves to win over Tyler? Kaycee says no one knew she watched the show since the beginning. She made sure she built relationships because they were still human beings and she genuinely cared about them. They'll get their final pleas in just a moment.
Kaycee says this has been a dream come true and she's been watching since the beginning. Her goal before coming in was to use her social game and she wouldn't be there without Level 6 plus JC. This was the best experience and at the end of the day she played a very loyal game and didn't make promises she couldn't keep and this little peanut would love their vote because she's totally nuts about this game. Let's go!
Tyler says coming in he knew he was going to be a target and he knew he could win competitions and he knew to keep his super fandom a secret. He wanted them to think he was confused. Early in the game he gained Sam's trust and thought she might use his power on him if he was evicted and then he got his power app on 17 and it didn't expire until day 69 and he played like he didn't have it because he didn't want someone else to go up. That's why he told Bayleigh was Scottie was his number. He made big moves, he knew he had to get Brett out when Brett came to him get Angela out.
Time to vote. Bayleigh says this is harder than she thought it was and says good luck. Rockstar congratulates both of them and she says they are both winners as far as she's concerned. Faysal says two competition beasts right there.
Scottie says he has nothing cool to say and it's all about loyalty and respect for him. Haleigh loves them both and this decision was not made until she heard both of their speeches. She loves this game and she loves them both. Brett is proud that two people there are Level 6, even though he's not there. Brett says Tyler, I think you have something in your teeth.
Sam is proud of both of them and she loves them just the same. Angela says the separation anxiety has been unreal, she has missed them so much and she loves them. JC says quality over quantity.
It's time to visit with the pre-jury evictees, Steve, Swaggy C, Winston, Kaitlyn, and Rachel. Julie wants to clear the air. Julie clears up the questions over Tyler and Angela and she tells everyone they professed their love for each other. Tyler apologizes for not telling Angela about her Final Two and he hopes they have a lot of time. Angela agrees, she's very hopeful and very excited.
Haleigh and Faysal are next and Haleigh says Fessy, what's the status and he says it's the real deal. Julie goes back to Haleigh and she says it is indeed.
Swaggy and Bayleigh, they spent 23 days together and they've been apart 76 days. Bayleigh says it's beautiful to see Swaggy and she's obsessed. Swaggy C says he's still very much in love with her and there's a lot of stuff going on that she doesn't know and he says he's visited her family and played golf with her dad every week. He gets up to talk with her.
Swaggy goes across the stage and he realized girlfriend wasn't enough and he proposes to her. Bayleigh can't believe it and is shocked. Swaggy says he doesn't care about any girl in the world and he wants her and only her and he doesn't know what his future holds, but he wants her in it. Will she marry him? Bayleigh says yes and they kiss.
Tyler is shocked and so is everyone else. This 99-day battle is about to come to an end. Julie is about to reveal the jury votes. She'll pull the keys one at a time from the box. They need at least five votes to win.
JC has voted for Tyler.
Angela has voted for Tyler.
Sam has voted for Kaycee.
Brett has voted for Tyler.
Haleigh has voted for Tyler.
Scottie has voted for Kaycee.
Faysal has voted for Kaycee.
Rockstar has voted for Kaycee.
It comes down to Bayleigh's.
Bayleigh voted for Kaycee.
Kaycee has won Big Brother by a vote of 5-4.
It's time to reveal America's Favorite Houseguest. The top three vote-getters were Tyler, Brett, and Haleigh. And Tyler won America's favorite. Tyler get $75,000. He's emotional. Kaycee is going home with a half million dollars and Julie asks what she's going to do with the money and Kaycee says help her family.
Julie says this has been an amazing summer. Julie thanks them for an incredible season and if they want to be a part of Big Brother next year, go and apply now. In addition to Celebrity Big Brother coming up this winter, Big Brother will be back next summer.

TYLER wins America’s Favorite Houseguest!
September 26, 2018
Julie the announced America’s Favorite Houseguest! Top 3 vote getters were Haleigh, Brett and Tyler! TYLER wins! Plus the $50K runner up prize he bow take the additional $25K

After 99 days, Kaycee came out the house the winner!
September 26, 2018
After 99 days, Kaycee came out the house the winner!

The last three HGs of the summer are Kaycee Clark, JC Mounduix, and Tyler Crispen but one of them will fall just short of the Jury tonight during the live show
September 26, 2018
The last three HGs of the summer are Kaycee Clark, JC Mounduix, and Tyler Crispen but one of them will fall just short of the Jury tonight during the live show. But first, we’ve got three rounds of the Final HOH competition to catch us up to the live portion of tonight’s excitement. Rounds 1 and 2 were finished days ago but they’ll play it all back for us right now.
Big Brother 20 Final HoH – Round 1:
We’re going to pick up here where Sunday’s episode left off as the F3 take flight in the backyard for the endurance competition. Whoever hangs on the longest wins a seat in the third round.
JC dropped first after more than 54 minutes. Kaycee tried to hang on expecting Tyler to drop but he had other plans. Kaycee fell after about 56 minutes. That didn’t go according to their plan, but Tyler hopes she isn’t mad at him about it.
Winner of Round 1: Tyler
Big Brother 20 Final HoH – Round 2:
The losers from the first round will get a second and final shot at the third round. This one is both physical and mental with questions from the season’s biggest events.
This one is Mount Evictus and requires HGs to pick four names that answer a question, place their tags on the wall, and then let the system “carve” them into the digital Mt. Rushmore lookalike. The challenge is answering right quickly and moving across a climbing wall to make it happen.
Kaycee’s time was 18m55s, just ahead of JC’s time of 19m34s. WOW that was so close!
Winner of Round 2: Kaycee
These winners will next face off in the live portion of the show as we’re catching up to what’s happening now.
Before we get there it was time for the Jury Roundtable and the tension was high. Dr. Will Kirby was back to host and facilitate the debate over who should win. By the end, it was clear that this game was still up in the air!
Winner of Big Brother 20 is: Kaycee
JC: Tyler
Angela: Tyler
Sam: Kaycee
Brett: Tyler
Haleigh: Tyler
Scottie: Kaycee
Faysal: Kaycee
RS: Kaycee
Bayleigh: Kaycee
Winner of America’s Favorite Tyler
Big Brother 20 – America’s Favorite HG:
One lucky HG will get an extra $25,000 prize based on America’s votes…
Top 3: Tyler, Brett, & Haleigh
AFP: Tyler
Along with all the excitement, Swaggy decided the finale was the right time to propose to Bayleigh. She said yes, enthusiastically.
Don’t forget that after the finale is over Ross & Marissa will be hosting the official CBS backyard interviews on Facebook Live.
What do you think of the results? Did the right person win the season? What about that last eviction and even the Fav HG prize? Are you happy with how the season turned out? Don’t forget there’s more Big Brother with the Celebrity Big Brother 2 this winter.

Season Finale!
September 26, 2018
Season Finale!
Tonight on Big Brother 20 the season finale arrives as we saw goodbye to the Houseguests and hello to the winner of BB20! It all starts at 9:30 PM ET for our live coverage as we await the results of both the Final HOH and who will be the final elimination of the season.
Kaycee, JC, and Tyler remain as the season’s F3 but only two of them will be moving on to stand before the Jury. So far two of the three rounds of the Final HOH have been completed and we know who will be facing off in Round 3. All three parts will play out tonight with R3 being held live. Can’t wait for the spoilers? Check the results now!
We’ve taken a look at who deserves to win by their stats & strategies but as the Jury has shown us in recent seasons it’s not always that easy to predict and they’ve thrown us for some loops. So share your thoughts and tell us who you think it should be taking home the prize money later tonight?
Remember that for tonight’s schedule, if you tune in at 8/7c you’ll get the Survivor 2018 premiere so you can either watch a full three hours of CBS TV or check back in at 9:30 PM ET for our live coverage of the big event.
We’ve got three solid HGs here who have kept us entertained all summer, even if it’s been in the annoying kind of way, but it all ends here tonight. Two of them look like our clear-cut F2 and the Jury won’t have an easy time picking between them! What do you think will happen?

Summary of yesterday September 25, 2018
September 26, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 25, 2018
11:46AM BBT: - 1:53PM BBT:
Kaycee and JC talk about if they will get their suitcases today. Kaycee says that she is going to start getting everything together so she has everything. JC says he has a headache and is going back to bed. Kaycee sitting with a blanket in the new lounging area.
JC and Kaycee talk about how they are out of the house tomorrow. How they will go 0 to 1000 from the game to being in the outside world. Kaycee tells JC that her dad is going to love him. Tyler is lotioning himself up in the bathroom area.
The Final Three talk about haunted attractions and amusement parks. They are all in their loungers.
All three houseguests are in the kitchen. They have brought the blue loungers out of the blue bedroom into the dining area. JC and Kaycee are talking about going to Disney World in Orlando. They debate whether it is worth it to get the fast pass for Disney. Tyler joins them, and JC is saying they need to go the Halloween at Disney. Tyler talks about a hunted house in Michigan, where you have to sign a waiver because they grab you. He said it is a maze and haunted at the same time.
They are happy they get out of there tomorrow! JC wants to know what day it is in "real life"
Tyler wonders what time they have to be ready tomorrow for the live show. Now they are discussing this morning's song. Tyler said one is the gummy bear's song, sounds like chipmunks. Kaycee doesn't know that song. JC said he never heard the songs.
Kaycee said this morning she was doing origami, and BB told her to slow down. She didn't know why. They are talking about different things that BB says to them. Tyler said BB tells them to turn on their mic, but he doesn't know how to turn it off.
JC is talking about French fries. He is having trouble explaining it, he says he doesn't eat them. Everyone is chatting and laughing.
JC is talking about Kaitlyn, and how bitter she is. He said she took his sweater. Tyler is looking for food to eat. Earlier they were talking about bagels and cream cheese. Tyler said they can make bacon egg and cheese bagels. Kaycee said they have McDonald's coming to them!
JC, Kaycee, and Tyler are still talking about this season's house guests. Tyler said his plea will be he put up with JC for the entire 99 days. JC is talking about Brett, then Rachel. Not much going on, just chilling for now.
Final Three general chatting. Tyler is making some lunch.
All the HGs are in the kitchen. Tyler is making scrambled eggs. They are talking about how they will see family tomorrow and the other HGs. Tyler says the pre-jury HGs probably know what some of their family looks like. He says Kaitlyn probably DM'd some people if she doesn't hate him.
Tyler says his friends will love JC because he took over their job of talking shit to him all the time. Kaycee leaves to go get some allergy medication. JC tells Tyler tomorrow will be a great day babe.
In the kitchen, Tyler and JC are calling out their friends and saying they should come to the finale. JC is singing Frosty the Snowman. BB says "U have got to be kidding me!"
JC tells Tyler that his mom lives where Josh (BB19) lives. He says when they go to Miami he can kill 5 birds from 1 shot. He says he can see his mom, his grandma, Josh. He tells Tyler he will see why JC loves and misses driving around. He says you are fucked if you are in traffic but otherwise it is so peaceful. JC says they'll bring Josh to a gay club so he can finally come out of the closet. Tyler says Josh you will have to deal with JC just like I do.
Tyler is making Bagel, egg, cheese and bacon sandwiches. He asks what cheese they want. Kaycee says surprise me. He says pepperjack? JC says Tyler is the only straight one here supposedly but the girliest. JC says Kaycee stands out because of her bun, says it's her trademark (it took him a little bit to think of the word). He says Tyler's is his nest that he has up there. They talk about Kaycee's brother Kenny and they can't wait to meet him. Kaycee says he goes to the gay clubs with her and turns up. JC says if you are secure with your sexuality you can go and have fun and not worry about it. Kaycee gets called to the storage room.
Tyler is making bacon, egg and cheese bagels. While he is cooking, JC is talking and talking... He tries to remember a word, it is a trademark. He said Kaycee's trademark is her bun.
Kaycee is talking about her brother. BB calls Kaycee to the storage room. It scares her. She said Bob is really loud. Kaycee gets her allergy medicine. JC wants one too, but she only has one. JC said he got one the other day, it expired in 2016. He said it was just crumbles. JC is complaining about how Bob treats him. Kaycee gets called back into the storage room, while JC goes to the bathroom. Kaycee comes out and eats the bagel sandwich Tyler made. She said it is so good! Tyler tells JC his breakfast is ready.
HGs enjoy their food that Tyler made.
HGs are finishing up their lunch that Tyler made. JC was saying who the hot guy and girl in the house might be this year. He said maybe Tyler, Tyler disagrees. Thinks Brett or Winston. Hot girl might be Haleigh or Angela. Kaycee said maybe Rachel. JC starts quizzing them on their days. We get FotH for a minute or more, then feeds come back to JC quizzing Kaycee and Tyler still about days.
They are talking about how Scottie got $5,000 and a trip to Greece. Now JC is naming a HGs that was HoH and the others have to say who was evicted. Then he names an HoH and asks them to name the original nominees.
They are talking about how many times people were nominated or on the block.
They are talking about Scottie being the first unanimous vote. They say it was genius getting him out. JC says Sam was hard to talk to because she never wanted to talk game. JC says she was brought there to clean the bathroom. JC says they don't care if the house crumbles, you are there to play the game.
Tyler says you guys should've heard Sam's pitch to me on the double eviction. He says she came in hot, they had to bleep the whole thing. He says she said, "Angela is a fucking bitch, she walks around here like she owns the place!" He says yeah your ass is going on the block. He says afterward Sam was like I'm sorry I underestimated you. He says Angela didn't even vote her out after that. JC says I always say I wanna slap you and never mean it but that day oh I was so fucking mad, you're a bitch. JC says your ass was on the block twice, that's what you get. Tyler says we all were.
They are talking about who put each of them on the block. Kaycee says she talked to Faysal before he put her up and they got closer. JC is now running through who was top 15, 14, 13...etc. JC says wow Rockstar made top 10, that's an achievement.
1:55PM BBT: - 3:22PM BBT:
JC thought Bayleigh was going to make it further, longer than Faysal. He says he thought she would be different. Kaycee says she was sad when Bayleigh left. Tyler says he would've cried if she stayed. JC says me too, I wanted her out so bad. Kaycee says to see her hurt bothered me. JC asks if they have seen "Mean Girls"? He says can you see those three girls in the jury and Bayleigh is the leader. They say Bayleigh was acting badly when she was HoH and had the Power App like she was better than them and telling people what to do.
JC is saying how at one point he was trying to get Haleigh to vote a certain way and he thought she would be on their side. Tyler says I told u, no way, she was devoted to them. He says she probably already had finals two deals with all of them. JC says he was done with her when she didn't put the oven on what he asked her to. JC talking about Rachel and how she became a huge liability when she exploded in the because she knew all about their flipped votes and everything. Tyler says after she talked herself on to the block she freaked out. JC says she flipped out about a prank and if she did that she could spill everything if she got mad.
Kaycee starts saying when Bayleigh was HoH and it was Brett and Rachel on the block, me and Angela had to justify why we voted Rachel out. She says Rachel and Angela made a Final Two called the Vixens. She says we told Bayleigh that Rachel made Final Two deals with both of us on the same day both called the Vixens. She says Scottie got caught in a lie to her (Kaycee). Tyler says Bayleigh went around and told all of them what you guys said about having to vote Rachel out and they all thought it was secret information. Kaycee says Scottie was talking to her face and was lying. Tyler says they all had their own plan as to what they told Bayleigh about why they "had" to vote Rachel out.
Tyler says he told Bayleigh right before the live show that he had to vote Rachel out and he'll be the only one. He says Bayleigh told Faysal right away so then he had to talk to him. Tyler says after I was like wow I thought I was going to be the only vote, what happened? JC says Faysal cried when he said he was voting Bayleigh out. JC says I had to bite my tongue because I wanted to laugh.
JC says Faysal went from thinking he was running things to looking like a moron. JC says Faysal was in love with Haleigh. JC says sometimes it works. He says Jessica and Cody came out of here and won a million dollars on the Amazing Race. JC says Cody wasn't just in the military, he had all these hero medals and shit. JC says he imagined Cody as tall and he wasn't.
JC asks Tyler is he calls his mom by her name or mom. Tyler says mom. Kaycee is saying her pets have many names.
HGs are just naming the names of their friends and family.
The HGs are just sitting around talking about their family and friends.
HGs are talking about the last person they spoke to before BB whisked them away.
HGs are talking about who is watching them in the show, exes, and their families.
HGs have been talking about Tyler and Kaitlyn's "love" story. Tyler says it was about getting her to do this or that. Kaycee says she just followed you around. JC asks Tyler if he thinks Kaitlyn feels played. Tyler says yes. JC asks do you think she'll talk to you after this. Tyler says yes. He says he loves her as a person.
The HGs have been talking about how many times they cried in or out of the DR and why they cried.
The HGs are talking about Kaitlyn and if she had a boyfriend or not and what they will learn about all the HGs after this.
Kaycee is talking about the women's football league. Tyler asks if she'll play again. She says she wants to, she wants to play quarterback.
HGs have been talking about their parents seeing a different side of them on the show and feeds. JC says his dad knows what a gay flag is and if he sees JC running around with a gay flag he will never speak to him again, never. Feeds cut to fish for a minute.
JC starts to talk about his dad and feeds cut to fish.
Kaycee says she has always wanted to be an entrepreneur.
Kaycee has been talking about previous jobs. JC has come out of the bathroom. BB says "please wash your hands". JC says I literally just washed my hands. Tyler asks did you? JC says I only don't wash my hands when I wear the blue shorts. He says because I just (motions taking down his shorts) and he says I just stand like this and don't touch myself.
The HGs are talking about what it'll be like after the show and how long they way stay out there. Tyler says he can't be isolated by himself. JC complains about getting origami last night. He says they wanted us to stay up and play with paper? Kaycee wonders if they'll get their suitcases today. BB says yes.
3:47PM BBT: JC thinks this season was a comeback for BB. He thinks the ratings will never be the same.
4:01PM BBT: -11:45PM BBTT
HGs are talking about Kaitlyn's eviction and how it was the most united the house was. Kaycee says didn't Rockstar tell her she would be evicted? They say yeah she told her it didn't look good and she was on the block too.
BB says "Just so you know, kerosene lamps are good for camping". Tyler is preparing to climb the rock wall.
JC and Kaycee are trying to pull the cord all the way out on the rock wall. BB tells them to "stop that" Kaycee and JC try the rock wall. Tyler is on the couch watching them.
JC does the last wall climb of the BB20 season. They start pushing the sofa back and we get FotH.
The feeds come back and the Final Three are excited. Sounds like they are going to get locked in the HoH bedroom. They are talking about getting to listen to music and taking showers up there.
Kaycee is gathering items that she wants upstairs. JC and Tyler chatting in the loungers.
Kaycee goes into the HoH bedroom. She says the bed isn't made or anything. Tyler says it has been untouched since the last time it was used. We get reels.
Tyler is in the shower. Kaycee is eating in the kitchen with JC sitting by her.
Tyler is going through his post-shower routine and Kaycee/JC are talking in their den. JC hopes that Ellen is paying attention to the LGBT representing in the BB house and that they'll be invited on to her show.
JC asks Kaycee what other TV show she'd want to be on. She said her dad always wanted her to get one of her teammates and go on Amazing Race.
JC said he wants to try his hand at stand up comedy and then maybe host a show. He used to be in theater clubs. He said it's hard for him to learn lines.
JC quizzes Tyler about capitals of countries. He asks "Bob" for yes or no answers when he's not sure. Kaycee is in the blue bedroom packing up her suitcase.

Kaycee and Tyler talked about telling JC about their alliance
September 26, 2018
Kaycee and Tyler talked about telling JC about their alliance tomorrow and how they were taking each other. Then they had another “I can’t believe we made it” moment Coast2Coast will be Final 2!
JC again told Tyler how nervous(and scared) he is for tomorrow, said if Kaycee wins and takes Tyler he will have his vote. He also is upset he lost that second part, Tyler told him not to beat himself up

Tyler was up alone in the geometry room. He said he cant sleep because he is so nervous
September 26, 2018
Tyler was up alone in the geometry room. He said he cant sleep because he is so nervous. Tyler said he needs to vent and this out loud because he is so worried about Angela. Tyler said he cannot believe that he is saying this out loud. He talked about how he cannot tell JC or Kaycee since it could screw up his game. Tyler said he genuinely loves Angela and he hopes that he didn’t f*ck it up. Tyler explained that he needs to get ready for his final speech but all he can think about is this. He mentioned that his friends told him not throw away half a million for a girl, but Angela is all that he is thinking about. Tyler said he needs to speak it out loud and get it out of his head so it goes away. He brought up that JC brings up every five minutes that Angela will never speak to him again after this, which leads to him doubting himself. Tyler said he really loves Angela and it would suck if she is just playing the game. Tyler thinks Twitter is hating hardcore on him, hardcore on Angela, and hardcore on him being a b*tch right now. Tyler said he loves this game and he is going to win, but he is worried that he screwed up something real with Angela if it’s even real. He stressed that it’s real for him. Tyler said he has never felt this way about anybody, and he had to compete against her and keep promises that he had made before he realized how he felt about her. Tyler said he fell in love with a girl but he fell in love with this game so many years ago and he told himself that he would do anything to win, but he would be heartbroken if he lost both. Tyler said he is going to win and Angela is going to understand.

Who Should Win? Season Stats And Strategies
September 25, 2018
Who Should Win? Season Stats And Strategies
It’s Big Brother 20 Finale Week and either Tyler, Kaycee or JC will walk away with the grand prize. But which of them should win? We take a look at who played the best game based on stats and strategies.
Before we get started, I’m just going to say it: This is the best final 3 – as far as gameplay goes – in years. For the first time since any of the final 3 would be deserving. No one was dragged to the end. All three of the fought to be there in their own ways. But let’s take a closer look.
I’ve never seen someone play like JC has this season. Having won only 1 competition all summer you’d think he was the person dragged to the end to easily beat. But that’s not the case. He connived his way to the end by playing the middle, flipping votes, pinning rogue votes on others and taking advantage of his seemingly brainless allies.
JC played a complete villain game, but got a goofy heroic edit. It’s kind of fascinating how that played out. But he played his heart out. He is largely why the final 3 is what it is. And for the longest time I thought it was a huge mistake for him to help take out the other side of the house, leaving him at the bottom of the Level 6 side, but look where he is. He won ONE HOH competition and that was the one to win. Because he was about to be cut by Level 6, but he saved himself. So you could say he won the one and only time he needed to win.
Does JC deserve to win Big Brother 20? JC said and did a lot of problematic things this season, so if I am speaking personally on him right now, I’d say I wouldn’t want him rewarded for his behavior. But if I’m looking strictly at a gameplay perspective, then yes, he absolutely deserves to win. He played the hell out of the game from a strategic standpoint.
Can JC win Big Brother 20? No. He will be evicted by either Kaycee or Tyler after the final HOH. If he were to make Final 2, I think he could win, though. I think half the people in jury still hold him in high regards, despite how hard he played them all season.
Kaycee laid dormant for half the game. But while she was earning her nickname as “furniture” among fans on social media, she built a lot of relationships inside the house. What we found boring to watch, the HGs found endearing. She worked the social game while seeming completely unthreatening. And her loyalty to Level 6 was pretty amazing. Most of the time we watch alliances crumble, or nearly crumble, but she was always on board with her allies.
And then she became a comp beast. She won the Hacker competition earlier, which a lot of us thought was a fluke, but then she won five Vetoes, three of them in a row, and a Head of Household. Of course she didn’t really make any moves with her vetoes, but she helped secure herself and her alliance with those wins.
Does Kaycee deserve to win Big Brother 20: If she were to win, Kaycee might look like a boring winner on paper, but I think she definitely has earned a win. She’d be more deserving if she took out Tyler instead of Angela, though. That would have been a huge move, and actually would have made her go from an OK winner to a great winner. But she played it pretty safe all season, and that worked for her. I also would have liked to have seen her have more of her own thoughts and opinions. She was easily swayed by others all season, and never really controlled anything (aside from those veto wins). For example, she was the one person who always kept Brett close when he was playing double agent, but it took less that 10 seconds to convince her to flip on him and vote him out.
Can Kaycee win Big Brother 20? Absolutely. There’s not clear-cut winner this time around. We’ve had a feeling that Tyler would win all season, but Kaycee has earned the respect of most of the jury. They’re going to see her social game paired with her loyalty and competition wins and they’re going to reward her or at least be very tempted to do so.
Tyler has been the star of Big Brother 20. He was the first HOH, he won the first power app, he’s had by far the most diary room sessions, and he was the leader of the dominate alliance. So it’s no surprise that he’s sitting in the final 3. Tyler has played a good game, but it hasn’t been as polished as some fans might think. He made some missteps along the way. He made too many final 2 deals, he wasn’t honest with his closest allies, and he didn’t even make the best moves as HOH (Steve, Scottie and Brett – the latter two allies – all went out on his watch). And then there’s the showmance. He might have kept that under control for the most part, but it really didn’t do him any favors in the long run.
What I think I’m saying is Tyler would be a great winner, and a deserving one, but he’s no more deserving than the other two. I think we just all think he’s probably going to win, and haven’t really thought hard about whether or not he really earned it. I came into this post a fan of Tyler’s game, but the more I analyze and the more I write, the more I see he was more adequate than great.
Does Tyler deserve to win Big Brother 20? Yes. I still think he deserves to win. They all do. Tyler worked hard and was never in real danger, as we saw with his power app going unused. That’s pretty impressive. For someone we saw as the biggest and most threatening player to never be truly targeted says a lot.
Can Tyler Win Big Brother 20? For sure. But it might not be as easy as we once thought. A lot of the jury doesn’t quite see Tyler as the leader or mastermind. They seemed to think Tyler was just doing what Angela wanted for a large part of the game. And as we’ve seen, Tyler isn’t the best at speeches, so he will have very little time to sell himself. And he has a lot of explaining to do to Sam, Scottie, Brett, JC and even Angela. If there’s even an ounce of bitterness in those people, Tyler could lose. Those final moments is when we see if Tyler is truly a great player.
Who do you think really played the best Big Brother game this season?

Summary of yesterday September 24, 2018
September 24, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 24, 2018
10:14AM BBT - 1:01PM BBT
After a brief FotH we come back with Kaycee is awake in the bed, Tyler and JC still sleeping.
Kaycee in the storage room changing her batteries. Then she goes to the bathroom then washes her hands. JC and Tyler still sleeping with covers over their heads.
Kaycee sitting in the kitchen folding her bandanna BB calls her to the DR and she jumps, She tells BB that scared her and BB says sorry. JC and Tyler both still in bed sleeping.
Kaycee are sitting in the loungers. JC and Tyler sleeping. JC does move around a bit.
Kaycee still sitting in the same spot. Tyler has rolled over and JC still sleeping as well.
Breaking news - Tyler is up and n the kitchen. He and Kaycee are talking about how they hope the tie-dye bandanas don't stain their heads. He teases that the craft was a nod to Rockstar.
Tyler cracks nine eggs into a pan and starts scrambling them. Kaycee says she has been up since 10AM BBT:.
Kaycee takes out some chicken and maple sausage patties to make. She reads the package. Her and Tyler are making sarcastic commentary about how the chickens were raised with their brothers and sisters and a nice house, went to college, they were raised right.
1:03PM BBT - 2:13PM BBT
In the kitchen, Tyler asks Kaycee if her shoulders are OK. She says getting better. She thinks she may need some physical therapy. They say when they get out they need to take care of themselves, maybe get massages. They say they deserve it. Kaycee thanks Tyler for cooking.
Kaycee says she is excited for tie-dye Monday. Tyler says it's an event. Kaycee says it's a good way to start the week. Tyler says we left princess just enough eggs. Tyler asks Kaycee if she has had cinnamon eggs? She doesn't answer. Tyler says this is his normal breakfast at home, he eats a lot of food. Kaycee says she used to until she did the intermittent fasting and it has worked so well for her and her schedule. Tyler says he has wanted to try that but it didn't fit with his schedule.
In the kitchen, Kaycee and Tyler have been discussing intermittent fasting and how they can't wait to get back to their normal schedules. Kaycee asks if Tyler likes Lil Smokies. She says they are so good.
Kaycee thinks she is going to cry tears of joy when they get out of there. Tyler says freedom!! They are eating their eggs and chicken sausage. Tyler chants two more days.
In the kitchen, Kaycee asks Tyler when he was a kid did he play outside more or play video games. He says he played outside more but did play some video games. He says he played Madden, NCAA football, Grand Theft Auto and Guitar Hero. Kaycee asks if he played basketball. He says no. She says she played some basketball games. She says she played a street basketball one. She also says she played some soccer. Kaycee says she played Tony Hawk a lot. Tyler says when Call of Duty was coming out is when he stopped. She says it makes her sick to watch that game.
Tyler wonders if there are any new big video games out. Kaycee says or a while new system. Tyler says there is probably a new iPhone out. He tells Kaycee she needs an iPhone. She says maybe, she likes Android though.
JC has gotten out of bed. After a fee minutes he makes his way out to the kitchen and scares Tyler.
Kaycee comes into the kitchen and tells JC happy tie dye Monday sweetie! He says he forgot. BB tells JC to put on his microphone. Tyler picks a tie bandana to put on.
In the kitchen, Tyler and Kaycee have on tie-dyed bandanas and t-shirts. Kaycee says tells JC to put his on. He says I have to take my vitamins first and I haven't even washed my face.
All the HGs are in the kitchen. They are laughing about Swaggy C shirts and former HGs. JC laughing about how Rockstar acted so safe and happy when Haleigh won HoH and then 30 hours later she was on the block again. They laugh that Rockstar went home on Haleigh's HoH. They laugh how Rockstar thought she won the veto. Then Kaycee says that Rockstar thought Kaycee was going home that week and she got blindsided. Tyler said he had to listen to a two hour pitch for him to use the veto. He says he can't wait 'til they can watch it. He says it was one of the worst pitches ever.
They laugh how the other side self destructed then laugh at Bayleigh telling Rachel (the girl she is putting on the block) that she had a power app. JC says Bayleigh fought with everyone.
They say Bayleigh had the first power trip of the season because she had the power app, she was HoH. Tyler says before that she was nice and treated everyone with respect and then she changed after that. Kaycee wonders if Bayleigh and Rachel will be cool after the show.
In the kitchen, the HGs have been discussing evicted HGs. They talk about how Rachel talked herself on to the block, and to get voted out. JC says we have to eat all this food.
Kaycee looks in the fridge and finds 1 piece of cheesecake. She says it has always been their thing and they must end BB20 by cutting it into three pieces and sharing it before they leave. She finds some turkey sausages in the freezer. They ask Bob to go to the drive-thru and bring them some chicken nuggets and wings.
JC is quizzing Kaycee on who is next to who on the memory wall and then up or down or diagonal.
Kaycee tells JC he has to put on his tie-dye. He says let me finish my water. They are still quizzing each other on the memory wall. Kaycee says JC put on your tie-dye now.
They are now discussing who has what microphone number. Kaycee yells at JC to put on his tie-dye.
JC has gotten up and says he will go wash his face, put underwear on and says then I will put on this fucking tie dye! He leaves and goes to the bathroom area to wash his face.
2:17PM BBT - 11:12PM BBT
The HGs are discussing relationships and when they call it a relationship. Tyler says he never called it a relationship with the Australian girl. JC leaves to go change his clothes.
JC is not liking how he looks in his tie-dye. JC is looking for something to eat. He says he doesn't drink soda but with pizza he likes it. Kaycee says she is the same way.
In the kitchen, Kaycee tells JC that when she was in the DR they told her they like how they arranged the furniture.
Tyler is working out in the geometry room. Kaycee and JC are in the kitchen. Kaycee is cutting chicken. JC says he is going to work out.
JC and Kaycee in the kitchen. Kaycee is cooking chicken. Tyler is working out in the geometry room.
Tyler works out, Kaycee and JC in the kitchen. JC is eating. JC is playing with some of the bowling pins. He tells Kaycee an Tyler that two days from today, it will be 99 days ago since they went through the front door. The Final Three talk about AFP voting and how people can vote any of the entire 16 HG.
JC and Tyler talking in the bathroom area, Tyler is shaving his chest and popping pimples. He and JC talk about Bayleigh's power app. Tyler heads to the shower. JC heads to the kitchen. Kaycee is in the bedroom going through a drawer.
Final Three HGs sitting in their lounge in the kitchen. Tyler and Kaycee get up and eat. They are playing a game where they mention a HGs and Kaycee does an expression on how she feels about them. They talk about how cool it would be to have a big sign that says Big Brother in the house. They talk about costumes and competitions.
The Final Three have a discussion about history and how you told a male from a female with pheromones. They wonder if BB will be giving them beer before they leave the house. General chit chat as the Final Three sit in the loungers.
The final three houseguests sit in the living room and share a Lindt roasted hazelnut chocolate bar.
7:28PM BBT: JC looks at the wall and laughs at the pictures on the wall, because Steve is next to Kaitlyn and they have such different noses.
The Final Three are talking through the middle and last names of the other houseguests.
Tyler asks production to play some Bebe Rexha. "Bob" answers no.
JC sings the peanut song just to fill the silence.
The Final Three make up names for showmances. The funniest was Baggy C for Bayleigh and Swaggy.
JC shares the prosciutto with Tyler and Kaycee, who've never had it before. They pair it with the cracked pepper Wheat Thins.

Summary of yesterday September 23, 2018
September 23, 2018
Big Brother 20 returned for a new episode on Sunday night. The September 23 episode covered a lot of footage that had happened during the first 94 days that the BB20 cast was playing the game.
After the “previously on Big Brother” segment, Kaycee Clark, Tyler Crispen, and JC Mounduix were shown celebrating how they had made it to the final three. Tyler had a Diary Room session where he called it bittersweet because they had to evict Angela Rummans to get to the Big Brother 20 final three. Kaycee spoke about it was horrible to evict Angela, but that she still felt amazing.
BB20 cast eviction recaps
Kaycee, Tyler, and JC got to enjoy some champagne and it was time to start remembering what had happened during the season. Previous footage of each eviction was shown, going all the way back to when Steve Arienta was sent packing early on. It was a long segment, as there have already been 13 evictions from the BB20 cast.
Former houseguest Jeff Schroeder was on hand to help prime the flashbacks after that, lining up the footage to recap key moments from the entire season. It included moments like the House Meeting that Haleigh Broucher hosted about when Bayleigh Dayton was accused of being the Hacker. A segment was also used to cover the showmances, including Swaggy C and Bayleigh Dayton, Angela Rummans and Tyler Crispen, and Haleigh Broucher and Faysal Shafaat.
Big Brother 20 crying sessions
There was a lot of crying in the BB20 house this season and a segment was even shown where that took place for a long time. Sam Bledsoe and Kaitlyn Herman were at the forefront of it.
A summer of punishments
The terrible costumes that people had to wear also got revealed, showing moments like when Kaycee had to wear a peanut unitard. The workout punishment that Rockstar got was also covered again.
Big Brother 20 final HOH Competition
The beginning of the final HOH Competition closed out the episode.

Summary of yesterday September 20, 2018
September 21, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 20, 2018
It was a typical day in the Big Brother 20 house when it’s down to the final 3. A lot of napping and studying and some speculation as to what that one wild card that is almost always there will do if they win the final Head ofHousehold.
9:00 AM BBT – Lights have been on for awhile as HGs slowly start their day.
9:15 AM BBT – HGs are starting to get up. Feeds soon turn to Loops.
12:40 PM BBT – Feeds are back. HGs are clearing all their dishes from the memory lane breakfast brunch event.
1:00 PM BBT – Tyler tells JC he’s got this (part 2 of the final HOH). JC wonders if the HOH will be soon.
4:45 PM BBT – Tyler and JC decide they must not be doing part 2 of the final HOH today because they don’t hear any work going on outside.
5:43 PM BBT – Final 3 trying to figure out when the show is actually over.
5:50 PM BBT – HGs talking about the jury roundtable. Tyler says Angela won’t show up until everyone else is seated.
7:07 PM BBT – Kaycee and JC talk about a fourth plate set out today and they freaked out thinking there was another twist. It was just for Jeff Schroeder who stopped by for the memory lane bit.
8:00 PM BBT – Tyler and JC discuss the evicted HGs. Tyler tells JC that he thinks JC dislikes Angela the most out of anybody this season. JC says that’s not true. JC weighs in on most of the other HGs.
8:35 – Tyler is taking a shower.
9:10 PM BBT – Tyler is helping Kaycee study for part 2 of the final HOH. They’re going over the days and events that went down.
9:12 PM BBT – Kaycee asks Tyler if JC has said anything and Tyler tells her all he’s said is that Kaycee will win if she’s in the final 2. She says JC is going to say anything he can to improve his cause. She says he keeps telling her he will take her to final 2. Tyler says JC knows he can win if he gets taken to the end.
9:15 PM BBT – JC appears to be studying too. He’s counting things on his fingers.
10:30 PM BBT – HGs are sitting down to a final 3 dinner.
11:10 PM BBT – HGs relax in the living room and enjoy some tea as they chat.
11:45 PM BBT – HGs getting ready for bed.
12:10 AM BBT – Lights out. Goodnight, HGs.
Round 2 is expected on Sunday and it looks like the Jury Round Table was held on Friday night. There won’t be much gaming left to do soon as we narrow in on the season finale next Wednesday!

Summary of yesterday September 22, 2018
September 23, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 22, 2018
9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds returned at 9:11 after being down since 6:00 for Part 2 of the HoH competition. Kaycee won Part 2. She advances to face off against Tyler in Part 3 on finale night. When JC went to the bathroom, Kaycee and Tyler celebrated. Kaycee said they made it. Kaycee then spoke to JC, telling him that she is drained. JC said he feels the same way but he is down due to not winning. He did tell Kaycee that he would rather lose to her than to someone who he dislikes. Kaycee told JC he should be proud since he didn’t lose by much. JC then apologized to Tyler for losing. Tyler said it’s okay. JC said he thought that they would be going to sleep tonight knowing that they are going to the Final 2. JC vented that the competition had a physical component, as he made fewer mistakes in terms of the other aspects. JC said Kaycee will win the game if she wins Part 3. JC then headed to the bedroom alone. He continued to vent about the competition being physical. He said there is no way that he would be a football player in that competition. JC said he feels like such a loser. Kaycee and Tyler then had a quick chat. Kaycee told Tyler that they are going to the Final 2. Tyler pointed out that they were together since Day 1. Back in the bathroom, JC asked Kaycee if she is sure that she will be able to beat Tyler. Kaycee said she is pretty confident since Part 3 will be about how well you know the jury. While JC showered, Kaycee told Tyler that JC is asking if she is sure that she can beat Tyler. Tyler told Kaycee that JC brought up that they will lose if Kaycee wins Part 3.
10:00-11:00 PM: Kaycee let Tyler know that she doesn’t care if she wins or loses at this point, because she will be next to him. Tyler said it was about getting there. Kaycee pointed out that she made it to the Final 2 with her ride or die from Day 1. They welcomed each other to the Final 2. Both Kaycee and Tyler said there is nothing that JC could tell them to change their minds about taking each other. Kaycee suggested that they break the news to JC at the very end. When Kaycee went to the diary room, Tyler encouraged JC to be positive. JC explained that he will have nothing to say as to why he should win even if Tyler sticks to his word and takes him to the Final 2. Tyler brought up that JC won just one competition but he was still able to make it this far. JC argued that he has no chance at this point. They discussed that JC lost by only 40 seconds. JC said everything is now at risk, and it is all his fault. JC said he should have won the competition. JC told Tyler that his worst case is now $50,000, since Kaycee is probably going to take him. Tyler disagreed.
11:00-12:00 AM: JC told Tyler that things were going to work out perfectly if only Part 2 had been a mental competition. JC said he wishes that they had made it to Part 3 together, then he would have jumped with Tyler even if Tyler had won Part 3. JC talked about how people are going to be shocked when they find out that the two of them have been working together since Day 2. Tyler asked JC what he will say to Kaycee, since it would be stupid of him to sit around and cry as opposed to trying to convince her to take him to the Final 2. JC explained that he didn’t even bring up going to the Final 2 when he tried to convince her to keep Tyler over Angela. JC said he was about to cry that night because he didn’t think that Kaycee was going to pick Tyler. JC asked if Tyler made a Final 2 deal with her that day, or if they had one before. Tyler claimed that he had only hinted at the fact that Angela would have a better shot at winning the game if the jury is not bitter.

Summary of yesterday September 19, 2018
September 19, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 19, 2018
9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds returned following the west coast airing of the eviction episode. While feeds were down, Kaycee won her fifth Power of Veto. In the HoH room, Kaycee told JC that they can talk about her decision since she doesn’t want him to be surprised. JC asked if Kaycee plans to do one on ones with Angela and Tyler. Kaycee said she is sure that they are going to want to do that. JC said he is leaning towards wanting to keep Tyler at this point. Kaycee said they can put their heads together and think about it. JC told Kaycee to do what is best for her game. He assured her that he will take her to the Final 2 if he wins the final HoH. Kaycee said she cannot wait. They discussed that it’s a tough decision since they were working with Angela and Tyler all along. They agreed that it’s all about game now. Meanwhile, Angela went over the jury votes with Tyler. She suggested that it’s best if he stays since there is no way that she will win. Tyler told her not to say that. Angela said she will not give up if she does stay, but she thinks that Tyler’s odds of winning are so much better. Tyler said she has done everything, to which Angela replied that everyone is going to be bitter. Tyler let Angela know that he is a superfan. He explained that he has seen every season. Angela asked if he is lying to her about anything else. Tyler said that wasn’t a big secret. He later told her that he has something that he will tell her tomorrow. Angela asked if they should tell JC and Kaycee about the two of them being together. Tyler said he doesn’t know. Angela figures that it wont matter anymore since one of them is leaving, though she didn’t want JC to get mad at Tyler. Tyler added that he doesn’t want Kaycee feeling as though Angela would have picked him over her. Angela said that’s true. Angela told Tyler that they are the most hated in the jury house, so JC or Kaycee will take whichever of them stays to the Final 2 for that reason. Angela headed up to the HoH room. Kaycee asked how she is feeling. Angela said the reality is now setting in. She let Kaycee know that she doesn’t want to talk about the game. Kaycee asked if Angela and Tyler were crying earlier. Angela said no but told Kaycee that she started bawling when Kaycee came and hugged them. Kaycee said it’s so sad since she loves Angela and Tyler so much and they are both her best friends. Angela said they know that and will understand no matter what decision she makes. Angela said they are solid for life. Kaycee said they are family. Kaycee said they had a good run. Tyler, who had joined the conversation by that point, said they ran things. Kaycee pointed out that they have now won 19 competitions between the three of them. They discussed that they had one slip up in between all of that. Angela said the good thing is that they have got each other’s votes if they make it to the end.
10:00-11:00 PM: When JC came out of the diary room, he told Kaycee that he is now 50/50 in terms of who he thinks should leave tomorrow. He said he has no preference. JC said he wishes that he could tell Kaycee more about what they were having him talk about in the DR. JC said he is stressed about the decision even though it’s not up to him. Kaycee said she is trying to figure out what he is saying. Big Brother then told JC that he is not allowed to talk about his diary room sessions. Later, JC and Tyler spoke in the HoH room. JC asked Tyler how he is feeling. Tyler said he feels good. JC said he cannot pitch Kaycee too hard, but he plans to go to her right before the eviction to say that they have got to keep Tyler. They discussed making Kaycee feel as though they would both take her to the Final 2. JC pointed out that Kaycee will win the game if she gets to the Final 2. He worried that she would think that she can beat Angela easier than she can beat Tyler. JC said Kaycee thinks that Angela and Tyler were working together, so she trusts him a lot right now. JC talked about being extra friendly with Kaycee, letting her know that she is his #1 in the game. JC said he wants to tell Tyler “I told you so” so bad, seeing as he might go now that he didn’t want to split up Angela and Kaycee. Tyler told JC not to worry. JC said he should have laid it out that Tyler can win the competitions and he will be the brains.
11:00-12:00 AM: JC told Tyler that Kaycee said she is going to let him know what she decides to do. Tyler said JC might not have to pitch to her at all then, since she might say that she is keeping him. JC brought up that they could have been in the Final 4 with two people who hate each other. He said there is no way that Sam would have won any of these competitions, so they could have kept her rather than keeping both Angela and Kaycee. Tyler argued that Sam didn’t deserve to be in the Final 3 since she did not play the game. JC questioned what Angela has done in the house. JC credited himself with keeping Angela safe much of the time. JC then said he feels that nobody did anything for him in the game, and him not being on the block was mostly due to his own work. Tyler said it’s good to hear that he doesn’t think he did anything for him. JC asked if Tyler was going to send Angela out if he had won the veto. Tyler said he had promised that he would, even telling JC that he could take Angela to the Final 2 if he didn’t make that move. JC said he would have told the jury house that Tyler was the mastermind and he is the reason that they are all there, had Tyler cut him in favour of Angela. JC said he is the best one in the house when it comes to flipping votes, so he would have got them to vote for Angela. Before Tyler headed to bed, JC let him know that this is what he gets for not wanting to send Angela out sooner, because he is now on the block with her while her BFF gets to make the decision between the two of them. After Kaycee got out of the DR, she spoke to Tyler. He asked if she knows what she is going to say tomorrow. Kaycee said Tyler is the only one who knows what’s going on. She said she doesn’t want JC to think it’s too easy of a decision for her, so she is putting it out there that she is still going back and forth, then she is going to tell him tomorrow that she is keeping Tyler. Kaycee also told Tyler that JC is hinting at an LGBT Final 2 with her, thinking that they would both pick him over each other, which is insane since he has no idea how tight they are.
12:00-1:00 AM: Tyler told Kaycee he thinks that Angela will understand. Kaycee agreed. Tyler brought up that JC might not try as hard for HoH if he believes that they would both take him. Kaycee discussed that they could try to give themselves the best shot at winning Part 1 and 2 by deciding who would be best at the mental competition in Part, similar to the talks that Derrick and Cody had before the competition. She clarified that she is not saying to throw the competition. Tyler said they can make a decision once JC drops out of the competition. Kaycee said they have got this. She told Tyler that people are going to freak out when they find out about the two of them. Tyler said JC will murder him but he cannot wait to tell him. Kaycee reiterated that JC is pushing for the LGBT Final 2, also questioning why she would take Tyler when he was working with Angela. Kaycee welcome Tyler to the Final 3. She thinks that Angela and Brett will understand things once they find out that their Final 2 was made prior to the formation of Level 6. Kaycee mentioned that they made a Final 2 deal on Day 2, and she is thankful that she had him for a ride or die and never had to question him. They talked about being stuck together for the rest of their lives now. They then headed to bed.

Summary of yesterday September 18, 2018
September 18, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 18, 2018
Big Brother’s Live Feeds turned to “Loops” earlier Tuesday morning and will continue to run old episodes until after Wednesday night’s broadcast episode featuring the special eviction, sending one more HG to the Jury before another follows on Thursday’s live show.
This next eviction, taped on Tuesday evening, will be just like a regular series of events but moved up in its regular weekly routine and not-so-live. Julie Chen will be there and she’ll greet either Sam or JC as they walk out the front door following the vote between Tyler and Kaycee with a potential tie-breaker from Angela.
When Wednesday night rolls around Big Brother will be back on CBS (8/7c) and we’ll get to see it all play out but remember this won’t be live TV. It’s all actually happening Tuesday night and then airing on Wednesday night.
Once the Wednesday show wraps up on the west coast we’ll get our beloved Feeds back shortly after 9PM PT (12AM ET). When that happens we’ll immediately know who is the new HOH and who has won the Power of Veto, deciding who casts the sole vote on Thursday, because that’s all going to be happening on Tuesday night and Wednesday early in the day. Those HGs are going to be very busy!
So even though Feeds are down for us there’s plenty going on in the house and we’ll be anxiously awaiting Wednesday’s episode and then the Big Brother spoilers set to follow. That will set us up for Thursday’s live eviction culminating in our BB20 Final 3! Wow!
Who do you think will be sent to Jury first in the special eviction? Get ready because it’s all coming up!
Every year fans look forward to summer and the start of their summer addiction; as fall starts to arrive we start to go into withdrawal. We worry Will our show be back next season? Who will win? Who to vote for AFP? To a Big Brother Fan these questions are front and center.
Every year we also know that in the last few days of the season the feeds go down to go from 5 to 3. We as Fans hunt thru all forms of Social Media looking for clues as to what is going on in the House. We also live for spoilers .
Upcoming Feeds Events!
Once the Wednesday show wraps up on the west coast we’ll get our beloved Feeds back shortly after 9PM PT (12AM ET).
Thursday: F3 memories meal, Part 1 final HOH comp (likely not on feeds)
Saturday: Part 2 final HOH comp (likely not on feeds)
Remaining Shows
9/19 Wednesday 8pm - Veto comp, veto meeting, eviction, HOH comp (taped Tuesday)
9/20 Thursday 9pm - Final noms, final veto comp, live veto meeting, live eviction
9/23 Sunday 8pm - Final 3 season review, start of Part 1
9/26 Wednesday 9.30pm - Live 90-minute finale

Summary of yesterday September 16, 2018
September 16, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 16, 2018
1:00-2:00 PM: Kaycee told Angela that she got out of the diary room last night, went to the bathroom, and Sam called her over to ask about the veto while she was in the shower. Kaycee said Sam asked if it would be stupid of her to ask her to use the veto. Kaycee said she let Sam know that she is half asleep, she veto competition just happened, and they can talk about it tomorrow. Angela brought up that Sam belittled them for playing the game, so she is being contradictory now. Kaycee added that Sam didn’t like when people would ask her what she is going to do. As for the vote, Kaycee said she plans to tell Sam that she loves both she and JC, and she is not going to tell anyone what she is doing. Kaycee discussed letting Sam know that it would be dumb to shake up the house by using the veto, plus she didn’t use it the last three times that she won it. Angela and Kaycee then discussed that the two of them and Tyler have won a total of 18 competitions, six each. Angela said they need just two more. Angela said she cannot wait until they can tell JC about Level 6. Kaycee thinks that it will then all make sense for JC. Meanwhile, JC told Tyler that he now might be going home in 4th place because Tyler messed up his game. JC pointed out that the girls will choose each other over him if Tyler wins HoH and they win the veto. JC mentioned that he could be talking for no reason cause Tyler has a Final 3 with them. Tyler denied it. He said JC could just win a competition. JC took that as Tyler saying that he will indeed be leaving in 4th place. JC told Tyler that Angela is not going to take him to the end over Kaycee. He said they need to stick to the plan and split the girls up. JC claimed that Tyler has been safe this whole season because he was listening to him. JC told Tyler to at least be a little be grateful since he kept him off of the block. JC said the girls are going to have each other’s backs 100% unless he does something about it. JC asked Tyler who he will nominate if he wins HoH. Tyler said it doesn't matter, since all that matters is who wins the veto. JC said it matters a lot, and he really hopes that Tyler will not nominate him. JC thinks that he has a better shot at convincing one of the girls to keep him if he is off of the block initially. Afterwards, Tyler told Angela and Kaycee that JC is going to murder him. Kaycee suggested that JC will understand and it will all make sense once they tell him about Level 6. Tyler said JC is pissed and he goes in on him every time that they are alone together. Angela asked if JC feels safe. Tyler said he does but he is saying that he will now leave in 4th place.
2:00-3:00 PM: Angela and Kaycee discussed telling JC about Level 6 after they win the Final 4 veto competition. Tyler expects him to be bitter. Kaycee then talked about her plan to tell Sam that she hasn’t used a veto yet, and it’s not good for her to get more blood on her hands by doing so this time either. As for the vote, Kaycee let Tyler know that she plans to be vague with Sam. Kaycee told Tyler about Sam approaching her last night to ask about having her use the veto.
4:00-5:00 PM: Sam asked Kaycee if she talked to Angela. Kaycee said she talked to her briefly. Kaycee pointed out that she hasn’t used any of the vetoes yet, as it would get more blood on her hands. Kaycee said it would only make sense for her to keep nominations the same. Sam asked if Kaycee is going to do that. Kaycee said she is leaning towards that because it would shake up the house. Sam said there are only five of them left. Kaycee argued that there would be a target on her if she were to use it. Sam asked if it’s because Angela only has the option of Tyler as the replacement nominee. Kaycee said it’s that too, but she would be going against Angela’s HoH if she used it. Sam said she is not going to beg Kaycee but she thought that she would at least ask. Kaycee said she respects that and she wishes that she could use it on both of them, but it would result in unnecessary blood on her hands. Sam then asked Kaycee who she would vote to keep. Kaycee said she hasn’t gotten that far yet. She explained that she is up in the air since she loves both JC and Sam, but she is going to be pretty to herself about her decision. Sam said she respects that and she will not pester Kaycee about it. Sam told Kaycee she is struggling to make a compelling argument as to why they should keep her over JC. Sam said she is sitting there with the three people who she likes the most and chose to move forward with to the end, and she feels that she is seen as the weakest person. Kaycee said the game is way more than competitions. Sam brought up that her being well liked is a negative. Sam said she thinks that the only reason why she is there is because of them. Kaycee disagreed. Sam said her main argument is to keep her so that she can at least one time do something for herself and prove that she can, allowing her to pay her dues back. Kaycee said she respects that and she loves Sam.
9:00-10:00 PM: JC told Tyler that the DR asked him so many things that he is now paranoid. Tyler said they did the same with him. JC asked what they asked Tyler about. Tyler said he cannot talk about his diary room sessions. JC told Tyler that he is fine. He questioned how Tyler wants him to feel when he is in the position that he is in right now. When Tyler said that they are in the same position, JC said Tyler knows damn well that they are not.
10:00-11:00 PM: Angela came out of the diary room and was instructed to check the storage room. PopTV delivered an ice cream maker for the houseguests.
11:00-12:00 PM: Sam headed to bed, opting not to participate in the ice cream making. JC went to get her when the ice cream was ready. Sam said she didn’t want any. Minutes later, Sam spoke to the cameras. She talked about how it would be hard to explain if she got up, grabbed the lead pipe off of the locker in the bathroom, and then smashed all of the TVs around her. She added that she could pick up one of the have-not room saucers and throw it through the window as well, but that probably wouldn’t be good. Sam mentioned that it would take her just 45 seconds to get everything that she needs. Once she began talking about how the door to the parking lot is right there, and she wouldn’t call that a voluntary exit, the feeds cut away from her. Back in the kitchen, a food fight broke out between the other four houseguests. They were throwing whipped cream at each other. Once they were done, Angela mentioned that it’s a good thing that Sam wasn’t out there for that. Later, Tyler and JC put mayo in Angela’s face wash while she was showering up in the HoH room.

Summary of yesterday September 17, 2018
September 18, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 17, 2018
11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned at 11:16 following the veto ceremony. Kaycee decided not to use the Power of Veto. JC and Sam remain nominated. Given that the veto ceremony was held earlier in the day than usual, the houseguests were speculating that something else could be happening today. Kaycee pointed out that they are only 9 days away from the finale. They discussed that there is only one more weekend to go, and that it’s already Day 90.
12:00-1:00 PM: In the bathroom, Sam let Tyler know that she wants to leave on a positive note if she is indeed leaving. She said she has given that advice to everyone else, and it has been her attitude from Day 1, so she is not going to change it now. Sam explained that she sees no point in pestering everyone, so she will continue to do the same thing that she has done every other day. Sam added that she will not plead or try to convince Tyler to keep her, since she has nothing to offer other than what she has been doing all along. Sam assured Tyler that she will feel the same about everyone no matter what. Tyler said he loves her no matter what, and Sam said the same back to him. Sam said she has nothing bad to say about JC. Tyler told Sam that JC hasn’t been saying anything bad about her either. Sam admitted to being pissed at herself for not being able to do a better job for herself, but she said she could not compete with those who are very athletic and very intelligent as well. Tyler said she won the toughest competitions of the season, so she shouldn’t beat herself up about it. Sam said she did beat herself up but she is now over it.
2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned after being down nearly 90 minutes for an HoH lockdown. The houseguests left the HoH room and figured that Big Brother was performing maintenance on something in the house.
5:00-6:00 PM: Tyler told JC that he wants to do something today. JC said tomorrow is going to be even worse of a day if they don’t do anything. The houseguests are currently unaware that an eviction will take place tomorrow. JC said the only exciting thing that happened all day was getting to listen to music during the HoH lockdown. Up in the HoH room, Kaycee told Angela she asked Sam how she is feeling, and Sam told her she is about to clean the floors. The girls agreed that there is no need for Sam to be isolating herself. They wondered if something would happen soon, seeing as nothing is happening. They discussed that an eviction might take place on Tuesday or Wednesday this week. Kaycee said she is ready for it to be the three Level 6 members at the end together. Angela said that’s all that she talks about, and they are now only two competitions away from making it happen.
8:00-9:00 PM: Kaycee told Tyler she thinks Angela really feels comfortable that they will take her. Tyler doesn’t think that Angela wants to talk to them about Final 2 until she knows who wins the final HoH competition. Kaycee figures that Angela thinks she is good whether she wins the final HoH or not. Tyler mentioned that JC likely doesn’t want Angela to make it to the Final 3 if he wins HoH. Kaycee said she cannot see him winning it. Kaycee brought up that she cannot wait to talk to Derrick and Cody when they get out of the house. She compared the game that she and Tyler are playing to that of Derrick and Cody in a sense that they stayed loyal to each other from the start.
9:00-10:00 PM: JC told Kaycee it’s in the back of his head that he made the wrong decision. He said he cannot stop thinking about it. Kaycee said that he has to let it go. JC said the jury must be hating his guts. JC brought up the look that Brett gave him when he voted him out. Kaycee asked what Brett would expect, since it would have screwed JC over if he kept Brett. JC said he always let Tyler know that he would be down for the move, but Tyler could have told him about it. JC promised that he will not doing anything sketchy. He said he would rather go out in 4th place that be disloyal. JC said he hasn’t talked game to Angela and Tyler at all, because he doesn’t want them to change their minds about the vote. Kaycee reassured JC that he has her vote. JC said he knows that but they need to look ahead to next week as well. JC promised that Kaycee will be fine if he wins HoH next week. He advised her to be smart. Kaycee said every scenario has been running through her head. JC talked about how the stronger players will be wanting to target other threats who could beat them at the end. JC asked Kaycee to please not tell anyone what he said with regards to where his head is at. Kaycee said she will not say anything.

Summary of yesterday September 15, 2018
September 15, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 15, 2018
11:00-11:30 AM: JC said he is completely alone in this game right now. While he admitted that he has Tyler, he said Tyler knows that he has Angela too. He then said he would not have put Tyler up had he won HoH during the double eviction. JC said Tyler would be coming after him if he had done what Tyler did to him. Tyler denied that. JC reminded Tyler that he is his friend, not his pawn. Tyler explained that JC would not have been down for the plan, so he had to do it that way. JC said he is concerned after the move that Tyler made during the double, and now he isn’t 100% sure that Tyler will stick to the plan anymore. JC said it’s hard to talk about Tyler having put him on the block. JC told Tyler that he is his friend, he likes his personality, and he enjoys his presence, but now he doesn’t see him completely on board with the plan to win the veto, use it on him, and vote Kaycee out. JC added that he cannot see Tyler voting Angela out either. JC reiterated that his goal is to make it to the Final 2 with Tyler, but it’s going to be tough with both Angela and Kaycee there. While JC said he enjoys Kaycee more than Sam, he said Kaycee has to go for game reasons. Tyler said he understands that. Tyler apologized that what he did last week made JC question everything about him, but he said he had to do it that way since JC would not have been down for getting Brett out.
11:30-12:00 PM: JC let Tyler know that he will vote Kaycee out with him if he uses the veto on him. Tyler said the two of them will go on the block together next week if he does that. JC said Kaycee would go home, then it’s the two of them against Sam in the HoH competition. JC told Tyler that Angela will take a shot at him when she gets the chance. JC claimed that he can read Angela and see through her. He stressed that Kaycee needs to go in order for them to be fine. JC said the only people who cannot win the veto are Angela and Kaycee, because they will keep nominations the same. JC explained that they will have the same amount of blood on their hands if they vote Kaycee out, since Angela will know that they are working together. JC told Tyler that his social game is a threat just like Tyler’s ability to win competitions is. Tyler swore that JC doesn’t have to question him about being scared to go to the end with him. Tyler apologize for making JC think this way. JC said it messed him up when Tyler put him on the block. JC advised Tyler to pull a Kaitlyn on Angela in order to keep himself from going up as the replacement nominee. Tyler said he is worried that JC is spiralling because of the move that he made. JC said he felt better when he thought that Tyler made the move because he was jealous of Brett.
12:00-1:00 PM: Tyler told Kaycee about his conversation with JC. He said JC was telling him that Angela and Kaycee will not pick him. Kaycee said JC has no idea. Tyler said Angela doesn’t either, but she will understand. Both agreed that Angela is likely expecting them to take her to the end since she would be easier to beat. They reassured each other that it’s the two of them until the end. Tyler said JC is going to be bitter towards him. Tyler pointed out that JC has no clue about the two of them, and no one has ever mentioned them as a duo except for Sam who briefly mentioned it at one point. Kaycee said she thinks that Angela would take Tyler if she had the choice between the two of them. Tyler disagreed.
2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds went down at 2:39 for the veto competition.
6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds returned at 6:39 following the veto competition. Kaycee won the Power of Veto. It was a timed maze competition. Kaycee said she isn’t good at mazes and she cannot believe that she won. Up in the HoH room, Kaycee pointed out to Angela that their alliance has now won 10 competitions in a row. Angela said they just have to win two more. Kaycee then told Tyler the same thing in the storage room. Tyler commented that Kaycee used to finish last in everything, yet she is now winning. Kaycee said she didn’t get to play in many veto competitions early on.
7:00-8:00 PM: JC told Kaycee that he feels bad for Sam. Kaycee said Sam is pissed and she feels bad as well. JC hopes that it will be a short week so that they don’t have to deal with it for as long. Kaycee agreed that that would be nice. JC congratulated Kaycee on winning the veto. He said he is glad that she got it since it will keep things smooth this week.
8:00-9:00 PM: Kaycee told Tyler that they are going to have figure out what they will say to Sam. Tyler said that he was thinking the same thing. Kaycee brought up hoping that it will be a short week. Afterwards, JC told Tyler that he saw this coming. JC expects to finish in 4th place now. He told Tyler that it’s a 70% chance that it happens that way. Tyler disagreed. JC said he will sit down and tell him exactly why later on. He blamed it on Tyler making one mistake. JC called Tyler an idiot and told him that he is very mad right now.
11:00-12:00 AM: Tyler explained to Angela that JC is pissed at him since he was under the impression that they were working together to keep the sides even. While Angela said she knew that JC was trying to do that, she told Tyler that she didn’t know he was under the impression that he was doing the same thing. Tyler claimed he had told the alliance about this before. Angela didn’t remember it. Tyler talked about having to talk JC out of taking shots at their alliance. Tyler said JC is so pissed at him that he is almost at the point where he would vote him out or nominate him. Angela wasn’t buying it. Tyler said it’s because JC acts normal in front of others, then is furious with him when they are alone.

Summary of yesterday September 14, 2018
September 14, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 14, 2018
8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds returned after being down for over six hours. Bebe Rexha visited the house to perform a few songs for the houseguests. The nomination ceremony then took place. Angela nominated JC and Sam for eviction. JC told Tyler that Angela’s reasoning for putting him up was the most BS excuse she could have given. Angela brought up that JC and Sam would have the jury votes if they were to make it to the end. JC said he probably has more blood on his hands than anyone. JC mentioned that Brett probably went into the jury house and told them that he was behind every single one of their evictions. JC said his concern about his relationship with Tyler is that Tyler might think he doesn’t have a chance against him in the Final 2. JC suggested that Tyler would have a better chance against him than against Kaycee. He pointed out that Bayleigh, Rockstar and all of these people will vote for Kaycee to win over Tyler. Tyler asked if JC thinks that he doesn’t know that. He told JC not to freak out. JC brought up getting Kaycee out if Tyler wins the veto and uses it on him. He said the plan was to go to the Final 3 with Kaycee, but they will now have to go with Sam since he does not want to go there with Angela. Up in the HoH room, Kaycee let Angela know that her speech was on point. Kaycee asked if Angela has told JC that he is the pawn. Angela said she didn’t get a chance to talk to him. Kaycee suggested that Angela do that. Kaycee then asked if Sam knows anything. Angela said she didn’t talk to her since she didn’t even try to come up there to do so. Kaycee pointed out that Sam will be leaving unless she wins the veto.
9:00-10:00 PM: When JC noticed that Sam was smiling, he asked if she is thinking about the concert. Sam confirmed that she was. She said it’s not fun to be on the block, but you can’t not have a smile on your face after a day like today. She also said they should all be satisfied with making it to the Final 5. Sam told JC it sucks to be on the block together but it has been great sharing the experience together. Later, Kaycee asked JC if he is feeling okay. JC said he is a little bit concerned since Angela didn’t tell him that he is the pawn. Kaycee assured JC that he is good. JC thanked Kaycee for telling him that. JC wondered why Angela didn’t tell him that. Kaycee explained that Angela said she wanted to talk to him and she sincerely feels bad. JC said it’s a game. Once Kaycee left, JC spoke to the cameras. He is hoping for a twist that will shake up the house. He brought up that his prediction before coming into the house was that he will finish in fifth place, which will come true if he leaves this week. JC stated that he doesn’t want Angela to be the winner of Big Brother 20, as she doesn’t deserve it.
10:00-11:00 PM: Kaycee let Angela know that JC is asking why she didn’t tell him that he is a pawn. Angela said JC didn’t even try to talk to her. Kaycee thinks JC is feeling some type of way because he is out of the loop, which is something that he is not used to. Angela thinks JC should have seen this coming since he was trying to get her out last week. Angela eventually called JC upstairs. She explained to him that he is not her target. She said she wanted to repay the favour to Kaycee and Tyler who didn’t put her up, so she couldn’t justify nominating them after what they did for her. JC said he figured that he wasn’t the target.
11:00-12:00 AM: Angela told Tyler that JC was trying to convince her that Tyler is gay. Angela said JC compared Tyler to his ex in a sense that he puts his lotion on right when he gets out of the shower, he uses lip gloss, and he is very concerned with his skin. Tyler said JC is trying any tactic that he can. Angela asked if JC really thinks he can convince her that Tyler is gay. Tyler said probably. Angela thinks JC wants to convince Tyler that he is gay too. Tyler said that’s his plan. Angela mentioned that JC is back to normal now. She thinks that Brett was in JC’s ear over the past couple of weeks, but JC also could have been in Brett’s ear. Tyler said it was probably a combination of the two.

Summary of yesterday September 13, 2018
September 13, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 13, 2018
6:00-7:00 PM: The double eviction episode took place. In the first eviction of the night, Haleigh was evicted by a vote of 4-0. Tyler then went on to win HoH. He nominated JC and Sam for eviction. Everyone then competed in the veto competition. Angela won the Power of Veto. Afterwards, she held one on ones with her Level 6 allies. She first talked to Tyler who told her to use the veto on JC. Angela and Kaycee then discussed the plan to use the veto in order to get Brett out. Finally, Brett spoke to Angela to ask if she is going to keep the nominations the same. He said it would be the easy thing to do, allowing them to get Sam out. Angela agreed that it’s easy. The veto ceremony then took place. Angela used the Power of Veto on JC. Tyler nominated Brett as the replacement nominee. Brett was evicted by a vote of 3-0. After the eviction, Julie let the viewers know that Wednesday’s episode will be a surprise eviction episode.
9:00-10:00 PM: Feeds returned following the HoH competition. Angela is the new HoH. Sam asked Angela what she is going to do. She said she doesn’t know. Tyler commented on it being Angela’s third HoH win. Angela pointed out that he won his third tonight as well. JC said they are like a royalty couple.
10:00-11:00 PM: Kaycee asked JC if Brett was trying to turn Sam against Angela. JC said he has no idea what Brett was doing, as he meant it when he said that Brett was not talking game with him. JC went on to say that Brett is smart and he would not tell him exactly what he wanted. JC said he didn’t know that Brett was also talking to Tyler, Angela and Kaycee. JC, Kaycee and Tyler discussed that the whole other side of the house is now out. Tyler said Brett is the first one to go to jury who wasn’t working with that side.
11:00-12:00 AM: Angela let JC know her secret about being a pole vaulter. They then discussed the jury house. JC said Brett is going to tell them all that he was always working on this side, then they are going to hate him. JC thinks the jurors will be the type of people to hold a grudge. Angela said they have got a bitter jury on their hands. When JC left, Angela congratulated Kaycee and Tyler on making it to the Final 4. Kaycee said it seems like Brett had been trying to turn Sam against her and Angela. Tyler said Brett was playing both sides. Angela said she plans to tell JC and Sam that nobody would be able to beat them in a jury vote, when she nominates them tomorrow. Tyler let the girls know that JC said he feels like Tyler hides things from him, such as that he was the hacker. Kaycee said she will tell JC that it was her. They talked about messing with him by having one of them claim the Kaitlyn vote and one of them claiming to have had the second power app. Angela asked Kaycee if they should target Sam this week. Kaycee said yes. Meanwhile, JC told Tyler that he made a huge mistake. JC suggested that Angela and Kaycee got in Tyler’s head in order to have him make this move. Tyler said that the things came straight from Brett’s mouth to him. JC said it doesn’t matter since this was not the move to make. JC brought up that he will now be going on the block next to Sam. Tyler assured JC that he is not going anywhere. JC said Tyler needs to win the veto and use it on him in order to save their games, because they can then vote Kaycee out. JC said he would be the HoH right now if Angela was out of the house. Tyler said it was not the right time to make that move. Tyler explained that he had to make the move behind JC’s back because he knew that he would not be down for it. JC claimed that he was never working with Brett. Tyler said Brett was telling him everything that JC said to him. Tyler told JC that his game would have been in jeopardy had Brett stayed. Tyler said Brett really wanted to get JC out even though he claimed to have wanted the girls out.
12:00-1:00 AM: JC told Tyler that he is going to make a plan to save them. JC said Tyler needs to keep his mouth shut, win the veto, and then not do anything until he tells him to. JC let Tyler know that he is hurt by what Tyler did. He added that this is the first time in the house that he felt like crying. Tyler said he would not have put JC up if there was any doubt that he would stay. JC said he would never have done that to Tyler. JC reiterated that Tyler is going to win the veto and use it on him. JC said he will evict himself if that doesn’t happen. Angela, Kaycee and Tyler then let JC in on some more secrets, some of which were not true. They had him guess which one was actually true. Kaycee eventually admitted to being the hacker.
1:00-2:00 AM: Angela and Tyler spoke in the HoH room. Angela said she played the victim in her goodbye message to Brett, saying it broke her heart when she found out that he was turning against Level 6. Tyler filled Angela in on what Sam was saying to him after he had won HoH. Angela said Sam apologized to her, saying she felt bad for calling her a b*tch. Tyler attributed it to Brett getting in JC and Sam’s heads about targeting the girls. Kaycee joined them. Tyler asked if they want Sam gone. Kaycee said yeah. Angela agreed. She pointed out that Sam performed well in both of the HoH competitions.

Who Won HoH Last Night?
September 13, 2018
The latest Big Brother 20 competition for Head of Household is over and that means we’ve got results on who is the new HOH for Week 12 this season. Following Thursday’s wild ride of a Double Eviction we’re down to just five HGs with only four competing. So who won the Big Brother HoH last night? Read on for spoilers & results.
We’re down to just 3 L6 members up against JC and Sam who have collectively one won competition all season between the two of them. Needless to say, I wasn’t holding my breath for something to up-end the L6 trio’s plans. Hope you weren’t either.
Big Brother 20 Week 12 HoH Comp
Angela is the new Head of Household
Easy decision here. Angela will put Sam and JC on the Block with little chance of either of them securing the Veto to escape. If either does that then watch for Kaycee to go up and the other of the original nominees to go off to Jury next. L6 will control the eviction even in the chance of a split vote thanks to Tyler and Angela collaborating on the decision. It’s their house, JC and Sam are just living there, for now.
Nominations should be coming up on Friday already so get ready for those spoilers soon, then Power of Veto comp will be held on Saturday. It’ll be a very busy weekend! Download our Big Brother App then join us on Facebook & Twitter for the updates.
Don’t forget the next eviction will actually come up early with a special Wednesday episode featuring the events pretaped on this coming Tuesday. We’re near to the end of the Big Brother 20 season!

Summary of yesterday September 11, 2018
September 12, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 11, 2018
11:00-12:00 PM: Kaycee told Tyler that she is so pumped to get Brett out during the double eviction. Tyler said he is too. Tyler told Kaycee he plans to convince Brett to throw the HoH competition. Kaycee said Brett is one of those guys who only talks about himself and thinks that he knows everything. Tyler said that’s not the type of person that he clicks with in real life. Kaycee wondered if Brett thinks that JC and Sam are on his side. Tyler said they are. He told Kaycee that Sam would nominate her next to Angela if she wins HoH. Tyler pointed out that nobody likes Angela, and they all want her out except for Brett who wants Kaycee out since everyone else wants Angela out. They discussed that they might be able to talk people out of nominating Angela and Kaycee. Tyler thinks they might be able to get JC and Sam to nominate Brett. Kaycee stressed that their main priority has to be getting Brett out tomorrow. She said it will be easier to do now than later. Tyler said they are using Brett’s own words, since he said “it’s easier to beat Sam and JC”. Tyler said he will nominate JC and Sam if he wins HoH, then he will tell Brett to throw the veto to avoid getting blood on his hands. They discussed that they will need to fill Angela in on things before the double eviction. Tyler said it would be best to do it tomorrow in between the lockdowns.
1:00-2:00 PM: Tyler reassured Sam that Haleigh is as good as gone. Tyler said he knows that Sam is sketched out with him since she wont look him in the eye. He said it’s fine but he needs her to know that he supports her no matter what she does if she wins this week. Tyler said he has the same plan. Sam said she already has a plan just in case. Tyler told Sam to trust him. Sam said okay. Tyler said he knows what is going on and he is all about it. Sam told Tyler she is going to do what is best based on what she thinks she is able to back up. She talked about planning to use what is in her imagination along with what she has gathered, while still staying within the parameters of what she has said that she will do. She said she is bound by a pinky promise. Tyler told Sam to do what she feels is best. Sam said she made a pinky promise to Tyler, and she has to stick by it even if Tyler tells her that he is voting her out. Tyler promised Sam that she is not going anywhere. Sam said she has a feeling that she will be on the block during the double if anyone other than her wins HoH. Sam said she has a feeling that she is not included in anyone else’s big picture plans, aside from maybe Tyler’s.
2:00-3:00 PM: Tyler told Brett it’s way better for them not to win this HoH. He said he needs to convince Angela to throw it. Brett said JC and Sam would take the shot at Angela and Kaycee if they win. Tyler said he really believes that he can convince Angela to throw it. Brett told Tyler to do it. They discussed that JC and Sam would then take the shot. Tyler said he feels bad but they have to do it, and it wont even be them directly doing it. Brett said if they win, they could stick to the plan by putting Angela up as a pawn and then getting her out. Brett said the best case scenario would be JC winning. Brett told Tyler that all they are going to do by winning is piss someone off, which they don’t need to do when everyone else hates someone else.
3:00-4:00 PM: Kaycee and Tyler asked Angela if anything is new. She said no and asked what is going on. She said they are making her so nervous. Tyler let Angela know that they might have something new for her. Kaycee told Angela that she has to stay calm and not let this get out. Kaycee then revealed that Brett wants to go against the alliance. Angela said she knew it. Tyler explained that JC has gotten in Brett’s head, making Brett feel safe enough in coming to him to say that he wants to get Angela and Kaycee out since they are easier to beat than JC and Sam are. Tyler said Brett wants to take the shot this upcoming HoH, but he has Brett convinced to throw it to JC and Sam. Tyler let Angela know that JC and Sam want to get Angela out, but Brett thinks it’s best to target Kaycee since everyone is after Angela anyway. Tyler said they have got to get Brett out. Kaycee added that they need to get him before he takes a shot at them. Angela said she woke up in the middle of the night and thought that Brett is going to flip. Angela brought up that Brett and JC were going to vote Tyler out if she put him up as a pawn like they had discussed last night. Kaycee said it makes sense from Brett’s point of view since he knows that it would be the three of them against him if they got down to the Final 4 together. Tyler said he will put JC and Sam up if he wins HoH, then he will tell Brett to throw the veto since he is sticking to the plan and he will backdoor Angela. Angela said it’s game on. Tyler told Angela to play it off like she is down to throw HoH to him or to Brett if Brett brings it up. Angela said she wont tell him that she will throw it, though she will say that she doesn’t want to win it.
4:00-5:00 PM: Angela told Kaycee and Tyler she knew there was no way that Brett would just sit around when he is on the bottom of the totem pole. Kaycee said she gets it but they can now take the shot easier after he has vocalized his plans. Angela suggested that they should throw Brett under the bus in their goodbye messages to Haleigh. She said that she is doing it 100%. Kaycee said that’s a good idea. After Tyler left the room, Kaycee said she was tolerating Brett just because he is in Level 6. Angela said he has been driving her crazy. Angela said it’s game on and she is fuming at this point. Kaycee said it will be the best blindside ever. Angela said these kinds of things motivate her like nothing else. She added that it puts her in competition mode. They reiterated that the plan is to nominate JC and Sam, use the veto on JC, and then nominate Brett. In the kitchen, JC told Tyler that Brett will nominate Angela and Kaycee if he wins HoH. Tyler asked JC if that’s what he wants. JC said that’s what they want. Tyler pointed out that JC previously said that he would nominate Angela next to Sam. JC said he could do that and then convince Kaycee not to use the veto, saying that Angela is only on the block as a pawn. Tyler agreed. JC said they can then vote Angela out. JC admitted that he and Brett don’t believe that Tyler would nominate Angela. Tyler claimed that he has been thinking about it for a long time and he knows that he doesn’t stand anywhere near the top of Angela and Kaycee’s list.
5:00-6:00 PM: Kaycee told Angela she doesn’t know if she is trippin’ or not, but Brett had a smirk on his face as Angela walked upstairs. Kaycee said Brett is so on board with one of them leaving. Kaycee said she just wants tomorrow to be here already. The girls went over their potential goodbye messages to Haleigh. They discussed telling Haleigh that Brett has been saying she would target the two of them, meaning that she had to go.
6:00-7:00 PM: Kaycee told Angela that JC is probably feeling good, since Brett probably went to JC to say that Tyler is on board with coming after them. Kaycee said JC is feeling like he has Tyler, Brett and Sam. Angela thinks JC believes that he has the two of them isolated since it will be the four of them against the two. Kaycee said Brett and JC feeling good is exactly where they want them. Angela said she knew that something was going to happen, because everything was too good to be true.
8:00-9:00 PM: Haleigh spoke to Angela to see how things are looking for her. Angela said she thinks that it’s looking good. She said Kaycee’s wants the same thing that she does. Angela explained that Kaycee said she 100% believes Haleigh, which she does too. Haleigh said she is glad. She told Angela that Tyler was reassuring when he spoke to her last night. On top of that, she said Brett has reassured her and JC has told her not to freak out. Haleigh told Angela that she just wants to know, as she would prefer that over having to find out from Julie. Angela said she would be the same way. Haleigh thanked Angela for telling her. Haleigh asked that Angela let her know if anything changes. Angela said she will do that. When Haleigh mentioned that she is all packed, Angela asked if she will pack her stuff for her if it’s a double eviction. Haleigh said she would but she cannot see any scenario in which Angela would leave.
9:00-10:00 PM: Brett and JC discussed that Angela cannot win HoH tomorrow. Brett said she has been acting kind of weird. JC attributed it to her being spoiled and always having everything her way. Brett asked JC what he thinks that Sam would do if she were to win HoH. JC said she would for sure take Angela out. Brett wondered if Sam could possibly be working with Angela and Kaycee. JC said there is no way given that Kaycee put her on the block. Afterwards, JC spoke to Kaycee. He claimed to have no idea what’s going on in Brett’s head. JC then talked about how Angela putting him up next to Brett, thinking that he is with Brett when he really isn’t, would be the worst thing that she could do. JC asked Kaycee if he will have her vote if he goes up in the double. Kaycee said yes. JC assured Kaycee that she has his vote no matter what as well. JC said he also doesn’t know what is going through Sam’s head. Kaycee said she thought that they were pretty close. JC said that pretty close almost got him on the block when Sam was HoH. As for this week, Kaycee told JC that Haleigh is saying he told her that it’s going to be a unanimous vote in her favour. JC denied having said that. Kaycee let JC know that she told Haleigh she will keep her in the event of a tie, just to keep her comfortable.
10:00-11:00 PM: Haleigh asked JC where his head is at. JC said he hasn’t talked game with anyone today, so he doesn’t know what they are thinking. He asked if Haleigh has talked to anyone. Haleigh said Angela told her she thinks that everyone is going to vote Sam out, Brett told her something similar, and Tyler told her the same thing as well. As for Kaycee, Haleigh said she told her that she is leaning towards breaking the tie in her favour if there is one. Haleigh asked JC to let her know if he hears anything different, because she doesn’t want to be blindsided. JC agreed. He said people usually don’t make up their minds until Thursday morning. When Haleigh asked JC what he wants to do, he said he for sure would like to keep her. Haleigh doesn’t think that Tyler would lie to her face about keeping her, especially when he was the one who approached her about it. JC said the worst case scenario would be the whole house votes her out, then he will be screwed since they will probably come after him next. JC said he really wants to keep Haleigh there, and she has his vote, but his vote will not save her if everyone else tries to evict her. Haleigh said she is really confident that she has Brett’s vote, plus she feels good after her talk with Angela.
11:00-12:00 AM: Tyler asked Haleigh if she has talked to everyone yet. She confirmed that she has. Haleigh said it seems like everyone is on board, but she wanted to check in with him once more to see if that’s still how he is feeling. Tyler said yeah. Tyler asked if Haleigh spoke to Kaycee about a tie. Haleigh said Kaycee told her that she is leaning towards keeping her if that happens. Haleigh told Tyler it seems like Angela, Brett and JC are keeping her. Haleigh asked how Angela feels about all of this. Tyler said she feels good since she and Sam don’t really get along these days. Haleigh let Tyler know that this is going to mean a lot to her. While in bed together, Angela told Tyler that she is in love with him. Tyler said they have the same secret. Angela then said she cannot believe that that had just came out of her mouth. They discussed that each other probably knew it for a while now. Tyler said he thought that it was a one way street.

Summary of yesterday September 11, 2018
September 11, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 11, 2018
3:00-4:00 PM: Haleigh spoke to Angela about this week’s vote. She pointed out that everyone knows Sam is unpredictable. She also said Sam is the only one who voted to keep two of the jurors, and Rockstar believes that she kept her as well. Haleigh said she really wants to stay. She told Angela that she thinks they would have been in danger had Sam won HoH. Angela said she has been trying to figure out what Kaycee wants this week. She explained that they are in a similar position since Haleigh nominated each of them. Angela mentioned that Kaycee might be trying to feel Tyler out as well, which is something that her decision might be based off of. Haleigh asked if she should talk to Tyler. Angela suggested doing that and also talking to JC. Haleigh said JC is telling her that everyone wants Sam gone. Angela let Haleigh know that one concern Tyler is likely to have is that she might nominate them again. Angela said if he believes that Haleigh wouldn’t made that move, he would lean towards keeping her. Haleigh reassured Angela that she will not be retaliating.
4:00-5:00 PM: Angela told Brett that Haleigh pitched to her today, so she told her that she is waiting on Kaycee to let her know what she is thinking. Brett asked if Sam feels okay. Angela said she does, as she gave her reassurance that nothing has changed even though Haleigh is on top of them at all times. Brett asked if Sam was appreciative when Angela said she has her vote. Angela said yeah.
7:00-8:00 PM: Angela and Kaycee were up in the HoH room alone. Angela filled Kaycee in on the pitch that Haleigh had made to her earlier in the day. Angela then said she has a weird feeling about Brett and JC, but she doesn’t know why. Haleigh came up to the HoH room, breaking up the conversation.
8:00-9:00 PM: Once Angela and Kaycee were alone again, Angela brought up that JC is up to something. She observed that he has been distant towards her. Kaycee said she noticed that he has been quiet. In the storage room, Brett spoke to Tyler about the plan for the double. He said Angela and Kaycee have been so good to them, and he feels like they are loyal. Tyler agreed. Brett said they could deviate from the plan to increase their odds, but they could also stick to the plan. Brett suggested that JC and Sam’s chances of winning would be small if they piss them off. Brett told Tyler he knows that they would beat JC and Sam if they got to the end with them, though the jury would be very bitter. Brett said it wouldn’t matter anyway since they would have to pick one of them. Brett told Tyler that he doesn’t want to make the move against the girls on a personal level, but Kaycee destroyed them in the veto competition. Brett brought up that Angela, Kaycee, JC and Sam could fire at each other if they win HoH. Tyler said that’s what he is thinking too. Tyler told Brett that everything he is saying is right about them taking shots at each other. Brett said he doesn’t care what they do either way. Tyler said it will come down to a quick conversation at the time. Brett did acknowledge that they would lose to JC and Sam in a jury vote. Brett wondered if they should take Angela and Kaycee to the Final 4, making America happy. He said that would mean that they would finish 3rd and 4th. Brett and Tyler agreed that they do not want to finish 3rd and 4th. Brett asked Tyler who goes if it’s a double eviction. Tyler said he thinks they already know, implying that it would be Angela. Brett said they would gain Sam if Angela goes, plus the jury would be very happy if that move is made. Brett told Tyler that they cannot say a word until Thursday. Tyler said they will talk about it at that point.
9:00-10:00 PM: Angela and Kaycee discussed that they don’t believe Haleigh when she says that she is not coming after them. Kaycee said she respects Haleigh for trying but it’s too late. They talked about meeting up with Level 6 in order to reassure Brett. Kaycee said she felt good about her conversation with him the other night. Angela thinks it would be best if they can plant some seeds that they would go after each other.
10:00-11:00 PM: Tyler told Angela that Haleigh knows about the two of them. Tyler said he overheard a conversation that Haleigh was having with Brett in which she asked if he heard the two of them. Tyler said Haleigh commented on it sounding like when she slept next to Bayleigh and Swaggy. Angela said Haleigh could very well be making it up since Brett said that he didn’t hear anything. Tyler said they have to be more careful. Level 6 then met up in the HoH room to discuss the plan for the double. They agreed that JC and Sam will be the nominees. Brett asked which of the two is the bigger threat. Angela and Kaycee said they aren’t sure. Brett said he thinks that Sam is throwing things whereas JC genuinely sucks at competitions. Angela said Sam can go then. Angela brought up her theory that JC is scheming and up to something right now. Brett said JC treats him like he is an idiot. Tyler said the same thing. Kaycee asked what the plan is for the replacement nominee if JC or Sam win the veto. Tyler said it doesn’t even matter since they control the votes. Angela said they should draw straws. They eventually discussed that Angela will go up if she is not the HoH. If she is HoH, they talked about nominating Tyler as the pawn.
11:00-12:00 AM: Kaycee asked Brett if JC has been hinting at what he would do. Brett said JC just tells him that he will talk to him when he needs to, so stay calm and don’t say anything right now. Brett asked Angela what she is going to do if Haleigh asks to wear one of her dresses on eviction night. Angela said she will let her wear it. Level 6 discussed that Haleigh will be blindsided if that happens, since she wouldn’t assume that Angela would let her wear her dress if she knew that she was leaving. Tyler brought up that Kaycee could tell Haleigh that she will keep her in the event of a tie, since there will not be a tie anyway. Angela liked the plan. Out in the yard, Haleigh told Tyler that this week feels different since nobody is reassuring her. Tyler said he can now reassure her. Haleigh asked if he is serious. Tyler said as far as he knows. He pointed out that people seem to think that the jurors have a love for Sam. Haleigh said Tyler is the first person to say anything positive to her about this week, which is really nice. Haleigh later said that Brett and JC have been positive, leading her to believe that she has their votes as well. Back upstairs, Brett told JC that Tyler was being very vague when he tried to find out what Tyler would do in the event of a double eviction. JC said he thinks that Tyler doesn’t have anything to talk about since he knows that nobody is coming after him. JC said he doesn’t care about that as long as Tyler doesn’t get too involved with the others. Brett said he doesn’t think that Tyler is doing that. Outside, Haleigh spoke to Kaycee. She said she doesn’t want her to have to break a tie. Kaycee said she will keep Haleigh if it does come down to it. Haleigh asked for reassurance. Kaycee said she is leaning towards that at this time. Back upstairs, Brett let JC know that Angela is all over him. Brett explained that Angela said she thinks that JC is scheming. JC said Angela is completely on to them right now. Brett said it’s not good. JC thinks that they will be okay as long as they get Angela out. JC talked about being furious that he is at the bottom of the alliance after risking his game the whole season. Brett said that’s why JC has to make a big move. JC then reiterated that they have to nominate Angela and Kaycee.
12:00-1:00 AM: Tyler told Angela that they cannot let Brett feel as though he is on the bottom of the alliance. Angela said Kaycee is going to be in a really good position, since the two of them will be after Brett if they get down to four together, and vice versa. In the bathroom, JC let Sam know that she is safe this week. Sam said Haleigh seems to be feeling safe too. JC told Sam not to worry. He then brought up that they will have little time to talk in the event of a double eviction. Sam asked what she should do. JC refused to give names but said that she is smart. Tyler went to Kaycee to let her know that his suspicions about Brett are true. Tyler revealed that Brett asked him who would be easier to beat out of Angela and Kaycee, or JC and Sam. He added that Brett questioned him about whether he wants to get 1st and 2nd, or 3rd and 4th. Tyler also told Kaycee that Brett brought up getting her out before Angela since others are targeting Angela already. The two then discussed targeting Brett since he is showing that he is willing to go against the alliance. Tyler said Brett has to be the replacement nominee if they need one, and then they can vote him out. Tyler asked if they should take the shot at Brett while JC and Sam are still there. Kaycee said they can beat those two easier than they can beat Brett. Tyler hopes that Brett wouldn’t take the shot at Angela and Kaycee himself. He said he will try to get Brett to throw the HoH competition. Kaycee said this information changes things since they will have to beat Brett to it. They agreed that the best plan is to nominate JC and Sam, then use the veto on JC in order to put Brett up. Kaycee said Brett shot himself in the foot by going to Tyler about this.
1:00-2:00 AM: Kaycee and Tyler agreed to keep Angela out of the loop about the plan to target Brett. Tyler said it would be best if they approach her together when the time comes to fill her in. Tyler pointed out that Angela could be the one leaving next if things go wrong. Even if Brett wins HoH and doesn’t nominate Angela or Kaycee, the two agreed that Brett would still have to go the following week.

Summary of yesterday September 10, 2018
September 10, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 10, 2018
10:00-11:00 AM: Feeds went down at 10:58 for the veto ceremony.
11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned at 11:45 following the veto ceremony. Kaycee decided not to use the Power of Veto. Haleigh and Sam remain nominated. Sam asked Tyler if she is going to be okay. Tyler said that she will be. Tyler said she has his vote and nothing can change that. Sam asked if she should talk to Angela. Tyler let Sam know that she has Angela’s vote as far as he knows, and he thinks that it should be unanimous. He advised her against freaking out or doing anything crazy this week. Tyler said he will check in with Sam throughout the week.
12:00-1:00 PM: Tyler wondered what Haleigh’s campaign would be this week. Brett doesn’t think that she will have one. He pointed out that she was laughing during the veto speech, which Brett didn’t think that Sam would like. Tyler said he already spoke to Sam to let her know that she is going to be okay. Tyler asked if Haleigh thinks that she is the target. Brett said no. Brett thinks Haleigh is banking on the fact that everyone talks crap about Haleigh. Tyler doesn’t want to let Haleigh know about the plan to vote her out. He thinks that she would be more likely to blow up if they do that. Brett said he doesn’t think that she has the guts to do that. Brett thinks both nominees believe that they are the pawn. Tyler expects Haleigh to go to Kaycee in attempt to figure out whether or not she is the pawn. Tyler said they could get Kaycee to tell Haleigh that she has her vote in the event of a tie, in order to get Haleigh to leave Kaycee alone, because there wont be a tie anyway. Tyler figures that Haleigh would then be coming to them all the time though. Brett and Tyler agreed that they are in a good spot. Tyler said he thinks that Angela and Kaycee genuinely want to go to the Final 4 with them. Tyler said it will get tricky at that point, but that’s why they have each other. As for JC, they agreed that he wants only one of Angela and Kaycee in the Final 4.
2:00-3:00 PM: Brett told Tyler he thinks that JC wants them in the Final 3 or 4. Brett added that JC wants all of the girls out. Tyler said he just hates females. Brett thinks that Sam’s target will be Angela even if she nominates one of them next to her. Tyler said he is thinking that too. Tyler said Angela and Kaycee want them in Final 4 without a doubt. Brett said he had a moment of panic at the veto ceremony that Kaycee might be about to make a move. Brett agreed that Angela and Kaycee want to go to the end with them. He said he thinks that they are smart enough to know that they cannot beat JC or Sam in the Final 2. Brett said he knows that they cannot beat JC or Sam. Tyler agreed. Brett pointed out that there would be four guaranteed votes against them. Tyler said Haleigh would be a fifth as well. Brett told Tyler that he and Winston saw Haleigh as the mastermind early on, but she is the Raven of the season who has done nothing. Tyler told Brett that once it’s down to Level 6, the girls would nominate the two of them, then the veto decision would be up to whoever wins the veto. Brett and Tyler said they like their odds of winning the veto at that point since it will likely be a competition about the days.
5:00-6:00 PM: Kaycee told Tyler that the two of them will have to practice the days since it will come down to that when they get to the Final 4. Tyler said he has tried not to practice with Brett too much lately. Tyler pointed out that Brett is the one who trained him. Kaycee thinks that Angela and Brett are expecting them to take them to the Final 2 since the jury hates them. Tyler agreed that they definitely are thinking that. Tyler noticed that Brett always makes it clear that he is blasting people in his goodbye messages. Kaycee said he was also telling them he is worried about the jurors seeing the last veto competition since he bashed them throughout it.
8:00-9:00 PM: JC asked Brett if he has talked to Tyler about where his head is at. Brett said he straight up asked Tyler if he is in a showmance with Angela, and he said no. Brett said he thinks they genuinely just hang out a lot. JC said he doesn’t care if they are a showmance or not, but they are screwed if they leave Angela, Kaycee and Tyler in the game together. JC said he wants Angela and Kaycee broken up more than he wants Haleigh out. Brett said the reason why Haleigh has to go is that they would lose next to her if they got to the Final 2 with her. Brett said Haleigh is guaranteed to have four jury votes, then it takes just one person to be bitter about something for them to lose to her. JC said they cannot work with her even if they want to, because she cannot be trusted. In the HoH room, Tyler told Kaycee that Haleigh has got to go. Kaycee said it’s definitely happening. Kaycee thinks that it will be a 4-0 vote. Tyler said they picked the other side off one by one ever since jury started. Kaycee said she cant wait until they get to tell JC about Level 6 once it gets down to the four of them and he is going on the block. Tyler said JC will be the most pissed at him since he has lied to him so many times. Tyler told Angela and Kaycee that JC is likely going to try to pull something. Angela thinks he is already scheming. Tyler suggested that JC is trying to reel Brett in to be his new Faysal. Meanwhile, Brett and JC continued their conversation outside. They discussed how close Angela and Tyler are getting. Brett said they sleep face to face, as close as they can be to each other, even though they are in separate beds. JC said his mistake in the game was not paying closer attention to Angela, Kaycee and Tyler, seeing as he was paying attention to the other side. JC admitted that he is getting paranoid since he doesn’t know who they are working with. Brett said he has moments of paranoia as well, seeing as he thought that he was going to be the replacement nominee today. Brett said it would have been smart to nominate him today but he would have been a bitter juror. JC asked Brett what he thinks that Angela would do if she wins HoH. Brett said she might nominate the two of them next to each other. Brett explained that Angela and Kaycee are together, as are Angela and Tyler, but Kaycee and Tyler are not together. JC said he knows that.
9:00-10:00 PM: Kaycee said there isn’t much that JC can do unless he wins HoH. Tyler mentioned that he could get in Brett and Sam’s heads as well. Tyler brought up having a conversation with Brett earlier in the day in which he emphasized that Angela and Kaycee want to stick with Level 6 until the end. Kaycee asked Tyler if JC has tried to make a Final 2 deal with him. Tyler said JC acts like he owes it to him to take him to the Final 2, because he plays up that he has done all of this stuff for him. Kaycee said she thinks that JC underestimates Tyler, which Tyler agreed with. Tyler let Kaycee know that JC is now planning on nominating Angela and Sam as opposed to Angela and Kaycee.
10:00-11:00 PM: Haleigh spoke to Brett about the situation that she is faced with this week. They discussed that Sam will have the jury votes if she gets to the end. It was brought up that she voted for numerous jurors on their way out the door. Haleigh reassured Brett that he can feel completely comfortable with her if she stays. Haleigh said she is going to have to rely on Sam freaking out this week, though she has done a good job of not doing that up to this point. Haleigh said Brett is going to need to win the next HoH no matter who stays, though JC winning would be good for him too. Brett played it off as though he isn’t sure whether or not JC would come after him. Haleigh asked what Brett thinks that Sam would do if she were to win HoH. Brett said the logical move would be for her to at least use Kaycee as a pawn, but Sam doesn’t do anything based on the game side of things. Haleigh thinks that Sam would target Angela. Brett asked Haleigh if she thinks that Angela, Kaycee and Tyler are a trio, or if there is a division within that group. Haleigh asked if Brett is not working with them. He denied it. Haleigh said the three would then be an unstable pyramid. They agreed that Angela is with Kaycee and with Tyler, but Kaycee and Tyler themselves are not together. Haleigh thinks that Tyler is aware and alarmed by how close Angela and Kaycee are.
11:00-12:00 AM: Haleigh told Brett she thinks that Tyler only feels comfortable with Angela and Kaycee right now since he doesn’t really hang out with Brett or JC very much. Haleigh thinks that Tyler follows Angela around just like he did with Kaitlyn, and that the two had a similar pull over him. Haleigh told Brett that he could pursue something with Tyler eventually, given that Tyler doesn’t really feel that he has anyone except for Angela. Brett said Tyler would pick the hot babe who used the veto on him over him every time. Haleigh isn’t sure that Tyler thinks Angela would pick him. Brett said he was convinced that she wouldn’t before, but there has been a noticeable shift of late. Haleigh let Brett know that she thinks she heard Angela and Tyler doing something in bed the other night. She said one was in bed completely still, then the other joined and there was readjusting going on for a solid 25 minutes.

Summary of yesterday September 9, 2018
September 09, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 9, 2018
10:15 AM BBT – HGs got their wake up call.
12:00 PM BBT – HGs lounging or napping. Very quiet morning.
1:30 PM BBT – Sam tells Tyler about her welding career back home and how it works.
2:10 PM BBT – HGs gathered in the living room. Kaycee reads a card that Have-Nots are over for the summer.
3:00 PM BBT – Feeds return from an extended break. HGs discussing seeing videos from home.
3:20 PM BBT – HGs talking about their families and who didn’t want to be filming their intro segments.
3:55 PM BBT – Angela and Tyler are hanging out alone cuddling and flirting.
4:05 PM BBT – Kaycee thinks the HGs will go travel around the country together. Tyler says he can’t wait. Haleigh thinks they can all go to Coachella together.
4:30 PM BBT – Haleigh is stressed about facing fans after the season and wants to avoid reading the comments.
4:45 PM BBT – HGs sent outside on lockdown.
5:25 PM BBT – Lockdown ended.
6:00 PM BBT – HGs are getting exercising or lounging outside.
6:50 PM BBT – Sam has been making beds in the HN room and talking to herself about being crazy.
7:15 PM BBT – Sam decides she’s going to keep sleeping in the HN room even though it’s over.
7:40 PM BBT – Kaycee has the Snapchat glasses out.
7:53 PM BBT – Haleigh tells Angela that she’s been leaning on her and Kaycee the past couple of weeks despite the game. She says “you put me up, I’m leaning on you harder.”
7:57 PM BBT – Haleigh says that Swaggy set the mood in the house and had he not done that she thinks she and Angela would have been closer.
8:30 PM BBT – HGs just hanging out. Nothing going on.
8:55 PM BBT – Tyler tells Brett he’s been meaning to talk to him about how he feels about JC. Brett says same as always and asks why. Tyler says JC might “feel it coming” (his eviction?)… Brett says they’ll talk about it later.
9:22 PPM BBT – JC tells Brett that Haleigh is asking about the votes this week and he doesn’t know what to tell her. Brett asks JC if Kaycee is going to keep noms the same. JC says she’s not that stupid but they can’t make Angela mad or she might get Kaycee to put one of them up.
9:24 PM BBT – JC reminding Brett that having Angela and Kaycee together in the game with Tyler in Angela’s pocket is bad for them.
9:28 PM BBT – Brett says he’s not really worried about this week but is a bit nervous since Haleigh has been all over Angela and Kaycee this week. JC says the two of them and Tyler are voting Haleigh out so they’ll be fine.
10:10 PM BBT – HGs get Chinese takeout from Pop TV. Have-nots can eat also.
11:20 PM BBT – HGs get some booze.
11:30 PM BBT – Sam is alone in the hammock and chatting with herself. She’s happy to have some wine and enjoyed her Chinese food.
11:45 PM BBT – JC tells Tyler he’d rather lose to him (T) than go back on his word. JC wants Brett to win HOH and nom Angela and Kaycee. He (JC) doesn’t see Brett making it to the end though.
12:20 AM BBT – Brett and Angela talk about how awkward the first few days of the season were. Brett says he’d consider doing the show again. They discuss how it’d be hard to be friends with the HGs now in Jury.
12:45 AM BBT – Brett is playing cornhole alone in the backyard while Tyler & Angela whisper sweet nothings to each other in the bedroom.
2:00 AM BBT – Angela was back up getting prep’d. Brett got back up to make a meal.
2:30 AM BBT – Brett and Haleigh are still awake and chatting over tea in the kitchen. They’re joking around and chatting.
3:00 AM BBT – Angela is back out and getting ready for bed. Brett is doing his laundry. Rest of the HGs are in bed.
Sunday wrapped up with no plans for shifting the target this week or word on Kaycee doing anything other than putting the medallion back in the box and leaving her noms just as they are. Haleigh remains the top eviction target and Sam should survive to battle in the next round.

Summary of yesterday September 8, 2018
September 08, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 8, 2018
12:00-1:00 PM: Players were picked for the veto competition. The veto players are Kaycee, Haleigh, Sam, Angela, Brett and Tyler. JC, the only one not competing, will be the host.
1:00-2:00 PM: Brett told Kaycee and Tyler that there is an 84% chance that Haleigh doesn’t win the veto. Kaycee said she is glad that they are all playing. Later, Angela told Kaycee that Haleigh is talking like she isn’t leaving. Angela said Haleigh told her that they have all now taken their shots at each other, so they can reevaluate moving forward. Kaycee said that’s crazy. Kaycee stressed that Haleigh cannot win the veto. Angela said Sam will have to go if she does. Kaycee asked if Angela has talked to Sam yet. Angela said she hasn’t talked game with Sam, but she thinks that Sam feels pretty good. Kaycee suggested telling her that she is good before the veto competition, because she wont be able to say it afterwards if Haleigh wins the veto. Down in the bathroom, JC told Tyler that Angela is going to be leaving this week. Tyler said JC would have to win HoH for that to happen. JC said he is not the only one who would make that move. JC said Angela’s only chance to survive would be if she wins HoH. Tyler said she easily could win. JC told Tyler that if anyone uses the veto, he wants Kaycee to nominate Brett. He suggested that Brett would not take it well and then they would be going after each other. Tyler said Kaycee would probably nominate Brett. JC told Tyler that if he hadn’t been telling Brett that Angela and Kaycee have something, Brett totally would have believed that Angela and Tyler have a showmance, so he would have targeted the both of them. JC asked who they should bring to the end out of Kaycee and Sam. Tyler said it’s more beneficial to take Kaycee. JC brought up that Angela would have to be on the block with Kaycee in order for her to go, because Kaycee would use the veto on Angela if not. Tyler said maybe. JC said he could always talk to Kaycee to ensure that she understands that her own game is most important. JC called Kaycee a follower. Tyler said she is not dumb. JC said she is completely dumb. JC asked Tyler what he is going to do if he wins HoH this week. He brought up that everyone is talking about Angela and Tyler as a pair. JC mentioned that Tyler will be safe no matter what happens. Tyler said that’s not true and he is not going to throw the HoH competition. JC said he knows that Tyler wont put Angela up. Tyler said if he doesn’t do that, everyone will be coming after him.
7:00-8:00 PM: Feeds went down at 7:53 for the veto competition. The houseguests spent much of the day waiting for the competition. Little game talk took place.
12:00-1:00 AM: Feeds returned at 12:10 following the veto competition. Kaycee won the Power of Veto. The houseguests discussed that she finished with a time of two minutes. Haleigh took 18 minutes. Brett brought up to Tyler that Level 6 had the top four times in the competition. Haleigh told herself that she has to pack her bags again. She said it is her own fault because she sucks. Haleigh went up to the HoH room. She told Angela and Kaycee that she is so embarrassed. Kaycee told her not to be so hard on herself. Haleigh pointed out that Kaycee took two minutes while she took 18 minutes.

Summary of yesterday September 7, 2018
September 07, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 7, 2018
2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned after being down for nearly six hours. While the feeds were down, Victor proposed to Nicole in the Big Brother house. Numerous other alumni were there as well, including Britney, Dani, Derrick, Josh and Paul. Haleigh asked Kaycee if she wants to talk before nominations. Kaycee said she doesn’t have much to say. She explained that it is getting harder and harder as the numbers go down. Kaycee said that in order to get the least amount of blood on her hands, she is sure that Haleigh knows what she is going to do. Haleigh said she understands. Kaycee compared it to Haleigh getting the least amount of blood on her hands by putting her up the second time. Kaycee told Haleigh that it’s nothing personal. Kaycee said she wants Haleigh to feel as comfortable as possible and not freak out. Haleigh said she knew it was coming but it sucks. Haleigh wondered if Kaycee is putting her up because she wants her to go. Kaycee said she has no targets. Haleigh let Kaycee know that she still means what she said in terms of Kaycee having her in the game. Haleigh said she will still feel the same way if she stays in the game.
3:00-4:00 PM: Kaycee let Tyler know that she spoke to Sam. Kaycee said they are good and they just have to keep reassuring Sam that she is safe. Kaycee said she brought up needing to figure out the best way about going about this while getting the least amount of blood on her hands, and Sam brought up going up as a pawn since she assumed that it was going to happen. Kaycee said they have to win the veto and keep nominations the same.
4:00-5:00 PM: Haleigh commented on how she doesn’t want to unpack since there is no point in doing it. Brett asked why she would say that. Haleigh said because she is not an idiot. Kaycee then told Angela and Brett that they need to reassure Sam. Kaycee said Sam is on board with the plan and even threw out the idea of being a pawn to her. Angela asked if Haleigh thinks that Sam is the pawn. Kaycee said she did not tell Haleigh that. Brett brought up that Haleigh had previously said that the only person she would feel comfortable sitting next to would be Sam. Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony at 4:35.
5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned at 5:34 following the nomination ceremony. Kaycee nominated Haleigh and Sam for eviction. Tyler checked on Sam. He asked if she is okay. Sam said she thinks so. Tyler said it’s not his ideal scenario but she has nothing to worry about. Sam said she was anticipating going on the block. Tyler apologized for not having a chance to talk to Kaycee beforehand. Sam said Kaycee did. Sam brought up that no one other than Haleigh has given her a reason not to trust them. Haleigh then stopped by. She asked Sam if she is okay. Sam said yeah since she was anticipating something like this happening. Haleigh pointed out that she is there with her. In the bedroom, JC told Brett that they have got to win the veto. Brett said he is worried about Haleigh or Sam winning the veto. JC said one of them will be going on the block if that happens.
6:00-7:00 PM: JC and Kaycee discussed that they have got to win the veto in order to keep nominations the same. Kaycee told JC that they have to reassure Sam that she is good this week. JC asked if Sam knew that she was going on the block. Kaycee said she had to tell her. JC let Kaycee know that he will talk to Sam in case she wins the next HoH, because she can then help get Kaycee off of the hook with her. Up in the HoH room, Kaycee told Tyler that things are going a lot smoother than expected. Kaycee pointed out that there is no tension in the house at the moment. Kaycee hopes that JC isn’t picked to play in the veto competition. Tyler thinks that Haleigh would pick him in order to give her someone that she can beat. Tyler said hopefully Sam wont win the veto either. Kaycee said she will be nominating JC if that happens. Tyler told Kaycee that Brett and JC continue to blame each other for things, which is pissing him off. Kaycee asked if those two know that they are both telling Tyler the same things. Tyler said no. Tyler said Brett told him that Sam voted Scottie out because JC said which way he was voting, and JC told him Sam voted Scottie out because Brett told her which way he was voting. Tyler thinks those two had a plan to get Sam to vote Scottie out so that she is able to patch things up with Haleigh, then they could have had Sam nominate Angela and Kaycee if she had won HoH. Tyler said the fact that they say the exact same things tells him that Brett and JC are telling each other everything. Kaycee thinks that Brett is still all-in with Level 6. Tyler agreed.
9:00-10:00 PM: JC pointed out to Brett that Angela and Tyler are alone in the bedroom together. JC said it’s so romantic. He said Angela needs to get out of the house. JC mentioned that he was so excited for Brett when he thought that Brett had won HoH. Brett said he really thought that he had won it, and he almost told them to check the tapes. Elsewhere, Angela and Tyler discussed that they want to hang out together after the show ends. Angela said she is surprised that nobody has come to the bedroom yet considering they had been gone for a while. Tyler asked Angela if Brett had ever told her that he likes her. Angela said Brett made some comments but she never knows whether or not he is being serious, because he is always joking around. She thinks that he might have said stuff about liking her in the diary room.
11:00-12:00 AM: Brett and Kaycee discussed that things are going smoothly. Brett told Kaycee it seems like Haleigh is just giving up. Kaycee said Haleigh told her that she understands the move and she feels bad for what she did. Kaycee said Haleigh also reassured her that she still has her back. As for Sam, Kaycee said Sam told her that she could put her on the block since she already assumed that she was going up. Kaycee said she explained to Sam that she needs to trust her since Haleigh will be the one leaving this week. They agreed that Haleigh cannot win the veto. If she does, Kaycee said JC is going to be going up. Brett asked if Sam would leave. Kaycee said yeah but she doesn’t want that to happen. Kaycee brought up that it would be sick if JC is the one who is not playing in the veto competition. Brett mentioned that JC is floating hard. Kaycee said he has not hit the block once. Brett said JC throws every comp and doesn’t even try. Brett told Kaycee that JC always repeats the same things to him when they spend time together. Kaycee said she cant wait to let JC know that the four of them have been working together since Day 3 when it gets down to the five of them. Kaycee thinks that people are going to be blown away when they find out. Brett ran through scenarios for the week. He said worst case scenario would be JC or Sam winning HoH, because they would put two of them up next to each other. Brett explained that he has been avoiding the HoH room for that reason. He said if Haleigh goes, he isn’t sure that Sam would go after JC. If Sam goes, Brett suggested that Haleigh and JC would go after each other. However, he said Haleigh would definitely put two members of Level 6 up, and she is more likely to win competitions. Kaycee agreed.

Summary of yesterday September 6, 2018
September 06, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 6, 2018
2:00-3:00 PM: JC asked Brett if they are still voting Scottie out. Brett confirmed that they are. He explained that if they vote to evict Haleigh, and it’s a double eviction, they wont have time to do damage control. Later, Scottie told JC that he will be the biggest target in the house for as long as he is there. He said the Final 3 is going to be Angela, Kaycee and Tyler if things keep going this way. Scottie said he will go on the block before JC every time. Scottie then made the same pitch to Brett. He told him that he, JC and Sam will be the next three to go. Scottie said Brett can put him up if he wins HoH. Brett and JC talked things over afterwards. JC said he is very tempted to keep Scottie, but what he needed Scottie to do was tell him who he would go after if he stayed, which he is not doing. Brett said people will target Scottie but they would target them even more due to a personal grudge.
3:00-4:00 PM: JC told Brett that he is overthinking things. Brett told him not to do that. Brett reassured JC that evicting Scottie is the best plan. JC brought up that Angela has got to go. Brett said Scottie needs to go today and then Angela can go. JC said his only thing with Haleigh is that he doesn’t trust her. Brett said he doesn’t trust her either, but he can beat her in competitions. Brett said Scottie is a way better competitor. JC said he knows what Brett is saying about sticking to the plan. Brett said they are screwed if they deviate from the plan and it’s a double eviction, so there is too much risk.
6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Scottie was evicted by a unanimous vote of 5-0. The HoH competition then took place. Kaycee edged out Brett by one second to become the new HoH. Julie revealed that next Thursday will be a live double eviction.
7:00-8:00 PM: When feeds returned, there was plenty of discussion about Scottie’s eviction speech and what he said on his way out the door. Haleigh said Scottie flipped them all off. Brett said Scottie told them all to suck it. Haleigh clarified that he said they can all suck it except for Tyler, because he knows that Tyler has been getting that Hilton head. JC laughed and said he just got the joke. Haleigh said it was not classy. Angela said she didn’t understand it until 10 minutes after Scottie’s speech. Haleigh said Julie was pissed about Scottie’s speech. Angela said Scottie got evicted for this very reason, as he is irrational, erratic, and nobody knows what he is going to do next. Later, Kaycee told Angela and Brett that she has to figure out what she is going to say when she puts Sam up as a pawn next to Haleigh. Brett suggested saying that Haleigh and Sam are the only two who have a problem with each other in the house. Angela let Kaycee know that she had a talk with Sam earlier in the day to make her feel comfortable that Haleigh is the next target. Angela told Tyler she was about to start crying when she realized what Scottie had said, because it’s slander and it offended her. Angela asked Tyler if he thinks that it was aired. Tyler said yeah.
8:00-9:00 PM: Tyler told Angela to not let Scottie’s speech get to her. He pointed out that they are in the top seven and will be making it to the top six. Angela then spoke to Kaycee. She told her that she is getting bullied in the house when she has done nothing but play respectfully and honestly. Angela said people are bringing things into the game that have nothing to do with game, which is slander. Kaycee said she doesn’t think that Angela has anything to worry about, because it made Scottie look ridiculous. Angela said she loved Scottie but this is going to make her look at him differently even though she will eventually forgive and forget what happened. Kaycee pointed out that Scottie has done too much all season long. Kaycee spoke to Angela about what she can use as her reasoning in her nomination speech. She mentioned Sam voting against the house on two occasions. As of Haleigh, Kaycee said she can simply tell her that she put her on the block twice. Elsewhere, JC told Brett that this was not the best case scenario but it is not the worst case scenario either. Brett said they are fine since Haleigh is going to go. Brett added that the odds are in their favour that Haleigh will not win the veto. JC said you never know since it could be something mental.
9:00-10:00 PM: Haleigh apologized to Angela and Kaycee for freaking out throughout the week. She said she gets paranoid. Haleigh then questioned what is going on the last two weeks when it comes to the eviction speeches. Kaycee said grown men are acting like babies. Angela said she is going to view Scottie in a new light now. Haleigh said she cannot believe that she got Sam’s vote. Angela said Sam asked her about the vote, so she let her know that everyone is voting Scottie out but she can do whatever she wants to do. In the have-not room, Brett told Sam that house unanimously agrees that they want Haleigh out this week. He said the key is for whoever goes up next to her to stay calm. Sam said it will be her. Brett said it could just as easily be him too, but Sam has to stay calm if she goes on the block. Sam said she will.
10:00-11:00 PM: Kaycee’s HoH room reveal took place. She received a letter from her brother. Her brother asked that she be the best woman in his wedding. He said that he couldn’t think of anyone better to be standing next to him when he says “I do” to the woman he loves. He asked that Kaycee give her answer to one of the cameras. Kaycee said yes. Kaycee later asked Tyler if she should talk to Sam about going on the block in the morning. Tyler said yeah. Kaycee said she is going to be vague with Haleigh since that’s the same thing that she did with her. Kaycee said she will stress to Sam that Haleigh is the target. She wants to bring up Sam’s rogue votes. Tyler said he thinks that Sam will understand. Tyler told Kaycee not to listen to a thing that JC says. Kaycee said she will relay whatever JC says to Tyler. Tyler said he doesn’t think that JC will have the balls to come up there and attempt to get Kaycee to do anything crazy. Kaycee said JC would go up if Haleigh wins the veto. Tyler asked who would go. Kaycee thinks that Sam would go. Tyler agreed. He pointed out that it comes down to what he, Angela and Kaycee want, as two votes force a tie.
11:00-12:00 AM: Once Haleigh was alone with Kaycee, she told her that she is proud of the personal relationship that they have built. Haleigh said it makes sense for Kaycee to put her up but she wants her to know that she has her. Haleigh brought up that she is always following Kaycee around now. Kaycee said she knows that Haleigh doesn’t have anyone, so she doesn’t want her to feel like she is bothering her. Haleigh expressed regret about having nominated Kaycee. Haleigh reiterated that Kaycee has her in this game. Kaycee said she is still trying to figure out what she is going to do. Kaycee said she appreciates the fact that Haleigh came to talk to her. Haleigh said she would like to be in the loop regardless of what is going to happen.
12:00-1:00 AM: Angela joined Kaycee in the HoH room. Kaycee said she plans to talk to Sam tomorrow morning. She wants to let her know that she can trust her that Haleigh is her target as well as the target for the house as a whole. Angela said both she and Brett have already reassured Sam about that, so she is crazy if she doesn’t feel confident. Angela asked if Haleigh has any idea that she is going up. Kaycee thinks Haleigh is somewhat expecting it.

Summary of yesterday September 5, 2018
September 05, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 5, 2018
11:00-12:00 PM: Angela told Tyler that she and Brett had a good talk last night. She mentioned that the weird awkward tension doesn’t seem to be there anymore at all. Tyler said he has to have a talk with Brett too. Angela said she let Brett know that she and Kaycee are fed up with Haleigh following them around, and she will be gone next week. Angela told Tyler that they also talked about how crazy is. She added Brett talked about JC not being as a big of a threat as Sam since he cannot win competitions and there is no one left for him to manipulate. Angela said they talked about getting the four of them to the end at which point they will battle it out in competitions. Tyler said that’s good. Tyler told Angela he is going to be careful with what he says to Brett about JC.
1:00-2:00 PM: Sam asked Tyler what is supposed to happen. Tyler said he doesn’t know. Sam asked if that means that Tyler isn’t going to tell her. Tyler suggested asking JC and Kaycee, because he wants to happen is not what everyone else wants. Tyler said he want Scottie to stay but he doesn’t know if that will happen. Tyler explained that everyone is scared of Scottie. Tyler encouraged Sam to win HoH. Sam took that as meaning that people are going to put her up if she doesn’t win. Sam looked for reassurance that the two of them are still good. Tyler confirmed that they are. He said nobody suspects it except for Haleigh. They discussed wanting Haleigh to go.
2:00-3:00 PM: Sam told Tyler it blows her mind that she is still there. Tyler said it shouldn’t, since he wouldn’t let anyone do that to her. Sam asked why people want her out. Tyler said it’s because she is solo and nobody knows where her head is at. Sam pointed out that Haleigh is the only person who she doesn’t hang out with. Tyler said Haleigh would put Sam up if she wins, so Sam has to win HoH. Sam let Tyler know that she would be thrilled to get to the Final 2 with him even if she cannot beat him. Tyler said all they can do is get to the end and keep the promise that they made to each other. Sam asked Tyler who he would like to get to the Final 4 with them. Tyler didn’t give a clear answer, simply saying that he wants people there who they can beat in competitions. Sam suggested that JC and Kaycee would be good options. She also said she like Scottie, but Tyler said that Scottie would be hard to beat. Meanwhile, Kaycee asked Haleigh if she is going to do one on ones. Haleigh asked if she should. Kaycee said it wouldn’t hurt. Haleigh asked if Kaycee still feels the same way. Kaycee confirmed that she does. Haleigh said she doesn’t think that anything she says will change anything, but she will have conversations so that people don’t think she is rolling over. Haleigh said Brett and JC have reassured her. Haleigh mentioned that everyone telling her to not talk to Scottie is what is making her nervous. She wondered if it’s because he has been told that he is the pawn. Kaycee told Haleigh that saying anything could change everything, so she has to trust that she is staying.
3:00-4:00 PM: JC told Brett that they have to keep the sides going at each other. He said it’s not a priority to have Sam go, given that she is not coming after either of them. JC said he thinks that Angela or Kaycee need to go before Haleigh. He questioned why they aren’t targeting Haleigh tomorrow. Brett said Scottie is a way better competitor and he will come after the two of them if he stays. Brett said Scottie needs to go and then Haleigh can go next. JC reiterated that Angela or Kaycee need to go before Haleigh. JC asked if he would have Brett’s vote if Angela and Kaycee are on the block. Brett said yeah. Brett pointed out that after this upcoming week, you only need two votes to stay, so Angela might not ever go if they don’t get her out then, as she would have Kaycee and Tyler’s votes. JC doesn’t think that Tyler will come after them even if they get Angela out, since he would still want Haleigh to go. Kaycee then checked in with JC to see if they are on the same page with getting Haleigh out. JC said yeah. Kaycee brought up Haleigh going. JC told her not to start with that, because his head is already thinking that. They discussed that Haleigh will have to go next after Scottie leaves.
4:00-5:00 PM: Tyler told Kaycee that he is worried about JC getting in Brett’s head. Kaycee thinks that Brett is solid with the four. Tyler pointed out that JC knows they have been working together all along, so he is going to want to try to pull someone out of the group to work with him. Tyler said those two always pitch that Angela and Kaycee are too tight. Tyler thinks they frame it that way cause they are really concerned about him getting too close to Angela, but they can’t say that. Tyler figures that they want to get Angela out to split up the two of them so they blame it on Angela and Kaycee being a tight pair. Kaycee and Tyler reassured each other that they are their ride or dies. Tyler said there is a bit of guilt that he will have to choose Kaycee over Angela, but he knows that they have been together from the start so that makes him feel better about it. Tyler said they will have to win in order to prevent Brett and JC from having the chance to potentially split up Angela and Kaycee.
5:00-6:00 PM: Sam asked Scottie if he is going to have his one on ones tonight. Scottie confirmed that he plans to do that. Sam said to do hers right now. Scottie said Sam is a difficult one to pitch to since she doesn’t care about the game side of things. Scottie said the positives to keeping him are that he cooks, he cleans, and he spends time with her. Sam pointed out that Scottie can beat her in all kinds of competitions. Scottie countered that by saying that Haleigh could too, seeing as Haleigh has beat him in numerous things. Sam asked Scottie was his relationship with Kaycee is like. Scottie said he really likes Kaycee, he thinks that he has a better relationship with her than Haleigh does, and she is the person who he would be most likely to associate with outside of the house since they are similar. When Sam asked about JC, Scottie said he has no clue what to think about JC since Faysal told him to watch out for him. Sam asked if Scottie thinks that the things Faysal said about Angela are true, specifically asking if he thinks that Angela wanted her to go on the block. Scottie said Angela has never said that to him but Haleigh has. Sam said Haleigh hates her for some reason even though she has been nothing but nice to her.
6:00-7:00 PM: Scottie asked Sam who said that Angela commented on Sam complaining a lot. Sam said Faysal told her that during his eviction speech, also pointing out that he has never lied to them. Sam said it’s true that Faysal has been honest with her. She brought up that he followed through on his pinky promise not to put her on the block. Scottie said either Angela is lying or Faysal and Haleigh are lying. Sam said Angela has never given her a reason not to trust her, seeing as she has been her friend for a long time and she has not put her on the block. However, Sam isn’t so sure what Angela thinks of her deep down.
8:00-9:00 PM: Scottie had his one on one with Kaycee. He went over some of the things that he learned in jury, such as Haleigh having five Final 2 deals, Haleigh and her allies trying to get Angela to put him up, and so on. Scottie admitted that he has ignored Tyler’s warnings that Haleigh has been playing him for weeks now. Scottie let Kaycee know that she is good if she is close to Tyler, because Tyler always knows everything that he knows. Scottie said he would not do anything to hurt Tyler’s game. Scottie said he isn’t sure if people are just feeding his BS, but Brett seems to want to keep him, while JC wants to vote with the house. Kaycee said she needs to figure out what everyone else is doing. Scottie added that Tyler would obviously rather keep him as well. Before wrapping things up, Kaycee told Scottie that she loves him and he is one of the people she is closest to even though they have been on opposite sides. When Kaycee asked Scottie who he would be going after if he stays, Scottie said he would align his agenda with that of those who bring him in.
9:00-10:00 PM: The houseguests got some beer and wine. JC, a have-not, could not have any. He let Brett know that he is not mad about that but he is irritated because Angela is a sloppy drunk and now she will be up in Tyler’s HoH room until 6 AM: JC said it’s going to create more work for them. JC said he has never been so pissed off in his lifetime. He pointed out that Big Brother never gives them alcohol two or three times a week like they have now done this week. JC told Brett that they really have to stick to their plan, referring to splitting up Angela and Kaycee. JC said they can get on Haleigh’s good side if they target Angela over her, then Haleigh and Sam will continue to go after each other. JC later went to the have-not room to tell Sam that he will fill her in on the plan tomorrow. He stressed the importance of making the right move if either of them or Brett win HoH. JC said there is someone other than Haleigh who would put Sam up, possibly next to him.
10:00-11:00 PM: Down in the kitchen, Haleigh sprayed Brett with the hose from the sink. Brett said Haleigh has no idea what she just did. Haleigh told him to get over it since it was just water. The two went back and forth for a few minutes. Brett told Haleigh that Scottie is winning his heart right now. Haleigh said that’s too far. Angela told Brett that that’s messed up. Haleigh headed up to the HoH room. Brett told Sam about the joke that he made towards Haleigh. Brett said he was kidding at the time but now he is kind of serious, because he is sick of people walking around like they can do whatever they want. Up in the HoH room, Haleigh cried while taking a shower. Angela went to comfort her. Haleigh said Brett is being a dick. Angela agreed, saying that Brett took it too far by bringing game into it. Angela said she doesn’t know what Brett’s problem is these days. Haleigh said Brett can dish it but he cant take it. Angela and Kaycee then discussed Brett’s behaviour. Angela thinks it is in part due to Brett not performing as well in competitions as he thinks he should be. Kaycee said it could be him feeling left out as well. Angela agreed. Angela and Kaycee both agreed that JC has been putting things in Brett’s head, which they believe is the root of the issues. Meanwhile, Brett and Sam discussed that they like Scottie. Brett said his concern is that Scottie has put him up already, but he does want to keep Scottie. Brett said he was cool with Angela, Kaycee and Tyler at one point, but now he is on the outskirts. Brett and Sam both think that Haleigh would come after them. Brett asked Sam what she would do if Haleigh leaves. Sam said she would cross that bridge when she gets there. Sam said she will talk to Brett if she only has 5 minutes to make a decision. JC joined them. Brett brought up that Haleigh is on the block yet she felt comfortable enough to spray him with a hose. Brett made it clear that he is open to keeping Scottie. JC asked that Brett let him know a couple hours prior to the eviction. He said they will need to talk to Scottie if they are going to make that move. JC went up to the HoH room. JC believes that Haleigh was being dramatic. Angela said she felt bad for Haleigh because she is sensitive and then she was extra sensitive due to being drunk. Angela said Brett should not have gone there with it. JC asked what happens if there is a double eviction and Haleigh leaves too. Angela and Kaycee reassured JC that nothing has changed on a game level, so they are fine with her going.
11:00-12:00 AM: In the kitchen, Brett let Scottie know that he wants him to stay on a personal level but he is on the fence because he could be the biggest idiot for keeping someone who already put him not he block. Brett said he does think that they have moved past that. Brett said he is pretty bothered that Haleigh his so comfortable that she can get drunk, sloppy, and then spray him with a hose. Brett said some cards were shown when everyone ran upstairs with Haleigh afterwards. Scottie said Brett, JC and Sam would then have to be the three votes. Brett said that shouldn’t be hard to do. Brett pointed out that Haleigh has crawled up their butts and it seems to have worked. Brett thinks that Haleigh would then possibly take a shot at him. Brett moved his bed into the other room. When Haleigh found out, she moved it back. Brett claimed he moved it because it was hot in the room, not because he wanted to get away from Haleigh. The two talked things over. Haleigh explained that her feelings were hurt so she walked away before she started crying in front of everyone. Brett said that’s not the read that he got on the situation. Brett mentioned that he was made out to be the villain. He brought up that everyone ran to Haleigh afterwards. Brett said he doesn’t know what to make of the whole situation. Haleigh questioned if Brett really feels that she needs to go. She wondered if it was all part of a big plan. Brett denied there being a plan. He said she should feel even more safe that everyone ran to her side afterwards. Haleigh said she was in the shower, so she didn’t even talk to them.
12:00-1:00 AM: JC went up to the HoH room where Angela and Tyler were. JC said he really needs to talk to Tyler. Angela asked if she is kicking him out. JC said basically. JC explained that he needs to go over some things with Tyler. Angela then left. JC let Tyler know that he will probably be voting Haleigh out. Tyler said Scottie is going to nominate JC. JC also said that he wants Angela to go next. Tyler questioned why he would want to target her when she is not coming after him. JC said Angela has him and Brett at the bottom of the alliance. JC said Brett and Sam want to vote Haleigh out. Tyler said he doesn’t care who goes but he doesn’t want JC to give Angela and Kaycee a reason to come after him. JC argued that he can do damage control with Kaycee even if he gets Angela out. Tyler disagreed. Tyler told JC not to spin it back on him when he ends up on the block because of this. JC said he will be on the block cause Haleigh has a deal with the girls. Tyler countered that by saying that Scottie could nominate both of them. JC said he has Brett and Sam on his side, and he can get them to vote whichever way he wants. JC said he can prevent Brett from coming after Tyler. Tyler said he can control Angela and Kaycee. JC eventually said he will vote Scottie out. JC let Tyler know that Brett and Sam are probably not going to target Haleigh if they win HoH. Once JC left the room, Angela asked Tyler what that was all about. Tyler said JC is freaking out because Scottie told him that Faysal and Haleigh approached the two of them about a Final 4 deal. Angela didn’t understand why that was relevant. Tyler told Angela not to fight with JC. She said that he is on her last nerve. As for Brett, Angela said that she and Kaycee reassured him that Haleigh will go next week, and he is on board with keeping Haleigh.
1:00-2:00 AM: JC asked Brett what they are doing. He said he is on board with doing whatever Brett wants. Brett said he thinks they are going to really piss everyone off if they keep Scottie, so they should keep Haleigh. JC asked Brett to let him know if his mind changes. JC then spoke to Haleigh. They cleared the air on some of the things that Scottie has been telling JC. After, Haleigh said she thinks that Tyler would feel more comfortable with the two of them than with Angela, because he mentioned that he knows he would never be on the top of that pyramid with Angela and Kaycee. Haleigh said she would never take a shot at Tyler. JC told Haleigh that she should not go after people that she has never done anything to. JC said those two people are him and Brett. Haleigh said she would never touch those two. JC brought up how Angela has been acting. Haleigh said it’s because she is getting comfortable. JC gave Haleigh his word that he will be voting Scottie out tomorrow. JC gave his word that he will get Haleigh off the hook if Sam wins HoH. JC brought up that Haleigh has been with the girls a lot. Haleigh said she has to make sure that she can stay tomorrow. Haleigh told JC she thinks that he has a good relationship with Brett, as does she. She added that they only need two votes moving forward. Afterwards, JC told Brett that he is 100% getting Angela out. He brought up that she was not happy about him asking to talk to Tyler. Brett said he cant even talk to Tyler alone. JC said that Haleigh is on board with targeting Angela. Brett pointed out that Tyler will use the veto on Angela if she is nominated next to Kaycee. JC said Tyler will not use the veto on anyone, because he knows exactly what to tell him to get him not to. When Brett said he thought it might have been better to backdoor Angela, JC said he is not going to chance it. JC said he wants to nominate Angela and Kaycee initially. If Angela doesn’t go, he said that she will go the next week. Brett said Tyler will be able to pulled in if Angela is gone. JC asked if Brett has a Final 2 with Tyler. Brett said no. JC wondered why Brett wanted to reel him in when he is a good competitor. Brett said he doesn’t want to have it out there that he is targeting Tyler, because Tyler would then target him.

Summary of yesterday September 4, 2018
September 04, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 4, 2018
11:00-12:00 PM: Scottie asked Tyler if Haleigh has pitched to them yet. Tyler said she has not left him alone. Scottie said he has had a few conversations with her that have not been positive experiences for him. Scottie explained that he heard things in jury and he has been confronting her about them, and she has been giving him the run around about them. Scottie said he is not happy about it. Scottie said he heard that people think he is falling back into the same trap he was before when it comes to talking to her, yet Haleigh was yelling at him for not cheering her on during the HoH competition. Tyler asked what she expects. Scottie said he doesn’t know what Haleigh expects when she screwed him over. Scottie said he would like to talk to Tyler about things at some point. Scottie brought up Brett and JC asking if he has done any campaigning yet, so he told them that he hasn’t cause he doesn’t think that he is the target. Scottie admitted to having told Haleigh that he thinks she is in danger. Tyler said Haleigh doesn’t understand that he doesn’t have a vote. Scottie asked if Haleigh is trying to make a bunch of deals. Tyler said no. He told Scottie that Haleigh is trying to figure out if she is the target. Scottie said Haleigh latched on to him until he got put up, then she latched on to Angela, Kaycee and Tyler. Scottie wants to make sure that people don’t mistake his lack of aggression for not wanting to be there.
12:00-1:00 PM: JC said he wants to sleep more. Sam said he cant or else he will get in trouble. JC questioned what they are even going to do if he gets up. Sam said they have games to play. Sam added that she plans to straighten Tyler’s hair, so he can make fun of it. Every time that Sam listed off an activity for JC to do, he said no to it. JC said he told production that he would spend the whole week in the corner since they made him a have-not. Sam said she will miss JC since he is so much fun. Sam asked if JC is trying to show them how terrible it would be if he wasn’t there by doing this. JC said no.
1:00-2:00 PM: Sam told JC that she feels the most comfortable with him. JC asked what everyone else is up to. Sam said they aren’t doing anything. Sam told JC that she is missing him. JC said production put them in this situation, so they have to deal with the consequences of their actions just like he has to deal with the consequences of his actions. Sam said he doesn’t know if they are allowed to retaliate in that manner. JC said he doesn’t care. Sam told JC that he needs to care. Feeds then cut to the kitchen where some of the other houseguests were playing games.
3:00-4:00 PM: Tyler told Angela that Scottie said something to him today, wondering if he is the target. Tyler said Scottie wants to come talk to him for a little it. Angela said she thinks Scottie expects to stay. She mentioned Haleigh told her that Scottie said he is the pawn, so she acted like she had no idea that he had said that. Tyler said he thinks that Haleigh and Scottie are pretty even for the two of them. He pointed out that Scottie is good at competitions, plus they both nominated him. Tyler said Scottie is telling him that he would not come after them, though he does not believe it. On the other hand, Tyler said that Haleigh has put them both up and is claiming that she would not come after them. Angela said Haleigh is so pissed at Sam right now that she wants the satisfaction of putting her up, meaning that only one of them would go up. Tyler said Scottie probably wouldn’t put Sam up. Angela and Tyler agreed that Scottie needs to go. Tyler said Kaycee is still down for that. Tyler let Angela know that Brett and JC seem to be bringing up more reasons why Haleigh should go. Tyler said they have to make sure JC remembers Scottie would come after him since he thinks that Scottie got Faysal to put him up. Tyler thinks that Brett and JC will be fine once Angela and Kaycee reassure them that the plan is to target Haleigh next week. Looking at it from Haleigh’s perspective, Tyler thinks she would realize that it’s not smart to put him up when Sam would go home, because she would then think that Angela, Kaycee and himself are coming after her. Tyler said Haleigh noted that the people in the middle are waiting for them to take shots at each other, so nominating JC next to Sam would be her smartest move. Angela said Haleigh talked to her last night about nominating someone who everyone loves in order to ensure that Sam leaves, and she was implying that it would be JC. Brett came upstairs. He said he is ready to blow up on Sam. Brett said Haleigh did something to Sam, so Sam took it out on her. Brett brought up that his bed was torn apart and the topper was gone. Brett said Haleigh told him that Sam took his topper because she had taken Sam’s. Brett said Sam put it back on her bed even though she is a have-not this week. Brett went on to say that he asked Sam why she did it, and she said because Haleigh too hers. Angela said she cant even be in the same room as Sam anymore because it’s miserable. Brett said Sam claims to be a straight shooter and approached if something is wrong, yet she got mad at him for bringing it up.
6:00-7:00 PM: Kaycee and Tyler checked in with each other. Kaycee said Scottie hasn’t talked any game. Tyler said Scottie told him this morning that he hopes they don’t think he doesn’t care since he isn’t pitching to them. Tyler explained that Scottie feels so safe. Kaycee wondered whose votes Scottie thinks that he has. Tyler said he is assuming that he has Sam’s since she doesn’t like Haleigh, and then he likely thinks that Angela and Kaycee will vote how he wants them to. Tyler said he kept Scottie feeling good but he didn’t tell him specifically who would keep him. Kaycee said it’s mind blowing if Scottie truly believes that he is safe.
7:00-8:00 PM: Scottie asked JC if he knows what he is going to do on Thursday. JC said he doesn’t know yet. Scottie said Tyler told him that he is the pawn. JC said he is still trying to decide what to do. JC let Scottie know he has heard from some people that people are saying he was a contributing factor in Faysal putting Scottie up. Scottie said Faysal told him after the Battle Back that JC was the one who told him to put him up. JC said Faysal was probably just trying to protect Haleigh. He denied having said that. JC said he cannot believe that Faysal would say that. He mentioned that working with Faysal was a mistake he made in this game. Scottie said Faysal told him he needs to watch out for Angela and JC. Meanwhile, Kaycee asked if they are blindsiding Scottie. Tyler said he guesses so. Angela said it’s what they are good at. Kaycee asked if they honestly think that Haleigh would nominate Sam if she wins HoH. Tyler said yes. Angela said she thought it was BS at first but now she thinks that Haleigh would do it. Back downstairs, Scottie told JC he found out in the jury house that Haleigh and Final 2 deals with Bayleigh, Faysal, Kaitlyn and Rockstar, in addition to the one that she had with him. Scottie reassured JC that he isn’t buying what Faysal told him about JC or Angela. He also pointed out that Haleigh will have jury votes from Bayleigh, Faysal and Rockstar over anyone else if she makes it to the end.
8:00-9:00 PM: Angela asked Brett if Scottie has pitched to him at all. Brett said Scottie believes that he has Angela and Kaycee’s votes locked, because he thinks that they will do whatever Tyler wants. He said Scottie is also confident that Sam will vote Haleigh out. They agreed that Scottie isn’t pitching hard since he thinks that he has the votes. Brett asked what Haleigh says to Angela and Kaycee. Angela said Haleigh freaked out when Scottie told her that he is the pawn, but she tells them that she would never go after either of them or Tyler. Angela said Haleigh thinks she is dumb enough to believe that, but Haleigh is gone next week if she doesn’t win HoH. Angela and Brett discussed that Rockstar hates both of them. Brett said they aren’t going to get her jury vote no matter what they do. Angela said she hopes that there are bodyguards around the first time that she has to see Rockstar again. Brett said he cant wait to tell her how he really feels, though he may not even entertain the conversation.
9:00-10:00 PM: Angela asked Brett what JC has been saying. Brett said JC feels very under appreciated. That being said, Brett said he doesn’t think that JC will deviate from the plan. Angela acknowledged that JC has contributed a lot. She also pointed out that they have saved him so many times and he hasn’t even had to feel at risk of going up. Angela and Brett talked about getting to the end with Level 6. Brett said he doesn’t think that the jury hates Kaycee or Tyler. Angela agreed. She said nobody hates Kaycee. Angela wondered if Sam would 100% put Haleigh up if she wins HoH. Brett said he would be blindsided if Sam didn’t make that move. Brett asked if Haleigh would put Sam up. Angela said Haleigh keeps harping on the fact that she would. Both agreed that they aren’t buying it. When Angela asked who is more threatening out of JC and Sam, Brett said JC has never come close to winning an HoH. Angela talked about JC’s ability to manipulate. She did say that they are to a point where there isn’t anyone left for him to manipulate. Brett added that Sam is more of a physical threat than JC is. Angela said that’s true. Brett told Angela that they have to get to the end with their Level 6 allies, as the jury will vote for the others over them. Up in the HoH room, Haleigh told Tyler that she wants him to take her seriously when she says that she isn’t coming after him. Tyler said he does. Haleigh said it’s better for her to stay since they know what she will do if she wins HoH. Tyler said Haleigh is going to see on Thursday that she has the votes, then she can win HoH and put him up. Haleigh said she refuses to put him up but she will not be talking to him if she wins. Haleigh told Tyler to stop acting like he is scared of her.
10:00-11:00 PM: Tyler asked Scottie if he has started talking to people yet. Scottie said he spoke to Brett and JC. He thinks that Brett wants to keep him and JC wants to vote with the house. Scottie asked Tyler if he knows where Angela and Kaycee’s heads are at. Tyler said when he is in the same room with them and Haleigh, they have personal conversations as opposed to game talk. Scottie said to make sure they are aware that Haleigh has nominated Tyler, Angela, and Kaycee twice. Tyler said they know that. Scottie brought up Haleigh thinking that Angela, Brett, Kaycee and Tyler have a Final 4 deal. Tyler said she has told him the same thing because she walked in on Brett celebrating with them. When Tyler asked Scottie what he plans to do next week, Scottie said he has no clue since he is focused on trying to survive the block. As for jury votes, Scottie said Bayleigh is pretty levelheaded but Rockstar thinks that Angela, Brett and Tyler are the bad guys. Scottie said Haleigh has a guaranteed three jury votes at the moment, so she only needs to convince two more to vote for her. Tyler said it wont happen since she is leaving.

Summary of yesterday September 3, 2018
September 03, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 3, 2018
11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned at 11:51 following the veto ceremony. Kaycee decided not to use the Power of Veto. Haleigh and Scottie remain nominated. There were plenty of discussions about Haleigh and Scottie both having made entertaining speeches.
12:00-1:00 PM: Kaycee let Tyler know that Haleigh was crying last night, saying that Scottie told her that he is the pawn and it’s going to be a unanimous vote. Tyler said he didn’t say that but he made it sound like Scottie was the pawn. Kaycee wondered why Scottie would tell Haleigh that. Tyler said he let Haleigh know that the worst thing she could do is tell Scottie that she feels safe. Kaycee said she gets where Haleigh is coming from when she is scared over Scottie saying that, so she comforted her and reiterated that she cannot let Scottie know that she is safe. Kaycee acknowledged that Haleigh fakes a lot of emotion and acts extra scared, though she gets where she is coming from with this. Kaycee thinks Scottie is too smart to think that he is not the target. Tyler figures he did a really good job of making sure that Scottie felt comfortable. Brett joined the conversation. He said he is mad at what Haleigh had just told him. He explained that Haleigh said votes didn’t flip based on the information he revealed in his speech while on the block next to Rachel, because the information was already known. Brett said he then asked if that means that she knew about Bayleigh’s power and that Rachel was the pawn, and she denied having knowledge of either of them. Brett stressed that Haleigh is going to have to go, though they are still focused on getting Scottie out this week. Kaycee and Tyler reassured Brett that Haleigh will be going soon. Brett said Haleigh lies to everyone. Kaycee said she is very fake but you can see right through her. Tyler asked Brett and Kaycee what they are going to do if Scottie asks about their vote. Brett said he will try to avoid the subject. Brett suggested that Kaycee try to make him feel comfortable if he talks to her. Kaycee said it’s awesome that Scottie is guaranteed to leave, given that Level 6 controls the vote, because he is so unpredictable. Brett said it’s incredible.
1:00-2:00 PM: Haleigh told Tyler that Scottie said he was told that he is the pawn. Tyler denied having said that. He did explain that he had to make Scottie feel that he was not going home though. Tyler said he told Scottie that for a reason, and Haleigh cannot freak out. Haleigh said it was not comforting to hear that from Scottie. Tyler assured her that she will see on Thursday that she is fine. Tyler told Haleigh to chill. Haleigh said she will go about her week. She asked that Tyler not let anyone know that she was crying about it.
2:00-3:00 PM: JC told Brett there is no doubt in his mind that Angela and Tyler are together after last night. Angela stayed up in the HoH room until late in the night. Brett said she definitely just leaves the HoH room at like 6 AM. JC said she wasn’t in her bed at 4 AM when he went to the bathroom. JC said it really sucks. He talked about Angela, Kaycee and Tyler being together not being good. Brett said he doesn’t think that the three are necessarily together. He said Angela and Kaycee are together, then Angela and Tyler are working towards that. JC said Angela has Haleigh too. Brett disagreed. They discussed that Haleigh might nominate JC next to Sam if she wins HoH, but Brett said it would be stupid of her to nominate people who she hasn’t put up before. Brett told JC that if he just nominates one of Angela or Kaycee, it would never work since they would only need two votes to stay. He said the only way that it would work would be by taking the shot by putting both Angela and Kaycee on the block together. JC said he wants Haleigh out so bad. Brett agreed but said she is not that strong of a competitor. Brett said they could talk to Sam and reel her in. JC said that’s too risky. Brett told JC he realizes that he will never get chosen by anyone once they get down to four or five.
5:00-6:00 PM: JC brought up to Tyler that Angela slept upstairs last night. Tyler denied it. He said it’s not true just because JC went to bed before her. JC said he went to the bathroom at 4:51 last night and Angela was not in her bed. Tyler said she was. JC said Angela is the smartest girl int he house. He worried that Angela could reel in Haleigh to work with her and Kaycee. Tyler reassured JC that Angela and Kaycee are always complaining about Haleigh following them around. JC wasn’t convinced that that is all for show to hide that they are working together. Tyler pointed out that Angela put Haleigh on the block as well.
6:00-7:00 PM: JC told Tyler that everyone is freaking out at this point in the game, though some people are better at hiding it than others are. JC again mentioned being concerned that Angela and Kaycee will reel Haleigh in, cause Haleigh then might come after them if she wins HoH. Tyler said Haleigh wants Sam out. JC said he is 100% going on the block if Haleigh wins HoH. Tyler disagreed. After, Haleigh came out of the diary room and let Tyler know that she needs to talk to him. Haleigh said she is getting nervous after being in there. She asked if Tyler told Scottie that he is a pawn. Tyler said no. She then asked if he insinuated it, which Tyler said that he did. Haleigh wondered if that’s why Tyler told her not to talk to Scottie about it. Tyler said there is more to it than that. Haleigh said the DR got her freaked out. Tyler promised that she is going to be safe this week. He said that she will see it on Thursday. Tyler told Haleigh that she cannot freak out.
7:00-8:00 PM: Tyler let Angela know that JC was asking if she slept upstairs last night. He said JC went to the bathroom at 4:40 and claimed that Angela was not in her bed. Angela said she was since she went to bed around 3:00. Tyler then told Angela about Scottie telling Haleigh that he is the pawn. He said Haleigh started freaking out all over again. Tyler said it might be another Level 6 blindside, as he seems to have done too good of a job at making Scottie feel safe. Tyler said they should evict Haleigh if she tells Scottie that he is not safe. Angela agreed. Tyler said Angela and Kaycee have to make Haleigh feel safe enough that she wont come after them but not too safe to a point where it concerns Brett and JC.
8:00-9:00 PM: Angela and Tyler were cuddling in bed when they saw JC coming up to the HoH room. Angela ran over to the couch. When Angela left the room, JC said Tyler has to tell him right now what is going on between the two of them. JC said he heard Angela running from the bed to the couch as he was on his way to the HoH room. Tyler said she was walking from the bathroom. JC insisted that he heard her running from the bed to the couch. JC said the diary room is asking him about Angela and Tyler every time he goes in there. Tyler suggested that it’s because JC is always asking him bout it. JC said he only asks about it when the DR asks him about it. Tyler said now that it’s in JC’s head, he is stuck on that idea. JC said he is not believing Tyler right now, seeing as he heard Angela running to the couch. JC said he is not stupid. Tyler called JC paranoid. Tyler told JC that they are sticking to the plan as always. JC said Brett is becoming concerned about Angela and Tyler’s relationship, and he is not stupid like Faysal is. Tyler said he doesn’t understand what the big deal is. He asked if JC is concerned that he would pick Angela over him. JC said that’s part of it since he has worked so hard for the two of them, and he doesn’t have any other alliances. JC told Tyler he thinks that Brett really wants to put Angela and Kaycee up next week. Tyler said it’s too early for that move. JC explained that if they break Angela and Kaycee up, it eliminates a duo and then everyone will be going after Haleigh. Tyler pointed out that even if JC nominates Angela and Kaycee, one could win the veto and then neither would leave, meaning that they would then target JC. JC said he didn’t ever say that he would nominate those two. He said Brett is the one who wants to do that. JC said he will likely target Haleigh if it’s a double eviction. If it’s not, he said he would sit down and go over his options.
9:00-10:00 PM: JC told Tyler that the best case scenario for them would be Brett winning HoH and going for blood by nominating Angela and Kaycee. JC said Brett likes Tyler and he would let him know if he is ever feeling suspicious of him. He reiterated that Brett is suspicious of Angela and Tyler’s relationship. Tyler pointed out that Haleigh has spent a lot of time in the HoH room in order to reassure him that she is not coming after him, so that would leave JC for her to nominate. JC argued that the duos still need to be broken up even though he is not oblivious to that. JC talked about being the only one who knows Haleigh’s entire game, meaning that she would be stupid to put him up. Sam gathered the houseguests in the living room. She revealed that Big Brother After Dark is throwing them a Labor Day party. The houseguests got a grill, food, beer, wine and various games in the backyard.
11:00-12:00 AM: Tyler told Angela that JC heard her running from the bed to the couch. He said JC brought up that she was breathing heavily. Angela admitted that she likely was. Angela mentioned that Brett was being weird tonight. Tyler said Angela has to be really careful about hanging out with Haleigh, because Brett and JC will feel threatened if they think that Angela and Kaycee are getting too close with her. Angela asked Tyler if he thinks that those two would flip. Tyler said they might if they are nervous about the girls working together. Angela thinks Brett should know that it wouldn’t happen. Tyler said JC is in his ear. Angela suggested that they should have a Level 6 group talk since it seems as though they are slowly distancing from each other.
12:00-1:00 AM: Angela told Tyler that she is so sick of JC. She asked if he is more of a threat than Haleigh is. Tyler said he doesn’t think so, seeing as they know what JC is doing. Angela argued that JC is a good talker and can convince people of anything, whereas Haleigh cannot. Angela said JC really annoys her at times and he frustrates her more than anyone. Tyler said he will support Angela no matter what she does if she wins HoH. Angela said JC would really hate her if she targeted him. Tyler added that he might be bitter if a move is made against him too soon. Out at the hammock, Brett and JC discussed that Angela is acting really weird. They discussed splitting up Angela and Kaycee rather than going after Sam next week. Brett said it seems like everything he does bothers Angela, plus he feels like he is intruding every time he goes to talk to Tyler and she is there. Brett said he is nervous since Angela has two people locked in, and you only need two votes after this week. JC said Angela and Kaycee are working on Haleigh too. Brett said the thing that’s screwing them is that Sam wants Haleigh out so bad that she wont take any other shot. Brett thinks she would nominate Angela next to Haleigh. JC said he would work his magic to flip the votes against Angela. JC pointed out that Angela would have many chances of being saved if she is nominated. Brett said that’s why she might need to be backdoored. He explained that it might be best to nominate Haleigh and Sam, backdooring Angela, because Kaycee and Tyler would use the veto on Angela.

Summary of yesterday September 2, 2018
September 02, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 2, 2018
2:00-3:00 PM: Haleigh told Angela that seeing Scottie work so hard at getting in with everyone and talking to everyone is concerning. She said that she doesn’t have it in her to do that right now. Angela told Haleigh that they all know what happens when you do too much. Haleigh said that’s true.
3:00-4:00 PM: Scottie told JC he is worried that the speech made it sound like he is the pawn and Haleigh is the target, but that seems to be what Faysal was told last week too. JC explained that Faysal wouldn’t leave the have-not room and wouldn’t even make eye contact with Angela last week. Scottie then took that as Faysal wasn’t the initial target but he became the target due to his behaviour. Scottie brought up that he had to go so far out of his way to get Faysal to talk to him. He mentioned that Haleigh and JC were upstairs drinking wine and talking to Faysal, yet Faysal immediately told him that he was going to bed when he tried to join them. Scottie said he was so confused and all he knows is that Faysal apologized to him for what happened. As for this week, Scottie said all that he can do is pray that he truly is the pawn. Scottie said he came back into the game alone and now he is searching for friends.
4:00-5:00 PM: JC asked Tyler if they are going to let Scottie know that he is leaving on Thursday. Tyler asked if JC still wants to evict Scottie. JC said it would be stupid not to. JC said he knows that Tyler still wants Haleigh out. Tyler said that was before Scottie came back, plus he doesn’t even have a vote this week. JC said he can flip the votes, so Tyler just needs to let him know what he wants. Tyler said it’s pretty even either way. JC pointed out that Haleigh has a good relationship with Angela and Kaycee right now. While he doesn’t think that Brett would trust her, he said that the girls could play emotionally. Tyler said he doesn’t think that Haleigh is getting as close to Angela and Kaycee as it seems. He said he doesn’t think that it’s working. JC said Kaycee is smarter than that. Tyler added that Scottie believes JC is the one who got Faysal to put him up.
5:00-6:00 PM: Sam asked Brett if he is mad at her. Brett said not at all. When Brett asked what Sam is talking about, she said that she doesn’t know. She questioned if it’s all in her head. Brett promised that it is. Brett told Sam that she has got to trust him. Sam then talked about not knowing what exactly it means when you say that you are working with someone, but she meant that she would never put him up. She went on to say that if her definition of working together is not what he thought it meant, that was not her intention. Brett admitted that he is very confused by the conversation. Sam asked if there is anything that he needs to tell her. Brett said no. He told Sam that he was blindsided by the conversation. Sam said that’s a pleasant surprise. Sam asked if it’s correct that she is imagining things or is misreading conversations that she is not included in. Brett said that seems to be the case.
6:00-7:00 PM: Kaycee asked Tyler if anyone has tried to make a Final 2 deal with him yet. Tyler said no. He said they beat around the bush with it. Tyler said he is pretty sure that Brett and JC have one. Tyler said he thinks that Brett is still loyal to them but he knows that he has JC right now. Tyler told Kaycee that the only way anything crazy will happen this week is because people that that Haleigh is getting close with Angela and Kaycee. Kaycee asked who thinks that. Tyler said Brett and JC do. Kaycee said Haleigh follows them around. Kaycee asked Tyler how his showmance is doing. Tyler said they are good but they are worried that everyone thinks they are in a showmance. Kaycee told Tyler that they need to study the days since it will come down to them competing against Brett. Tyler said Brett is really good when it comes to the days. Kaycee said he doesn’t realize that he is helping them when he studies with them. Kaycee wondered who Brett would take to the Final 2. She guesses that he would take Angela. Tyler said he could see him picking Angela since he thinks that the jury hates her. Tyler explained that Brett could make a good case by saying that he has been through the most stuff and still survived, even though they are the ones who saved him. Kaycee asked if they should nominate Haleigh and Sam if it’s a double eviction. Tyler said he thinks so. As for the replacement nominee, Kaycee said that JC needs to feel the block. Tyler agreed.
7:00-8:00 PM: Haleigh spoke to Tyler. She said he told her to check in with him after the veto. Tyler told Haleigh to not freak out. Haleigh asked if he is sure that she shouldn’t freak out. Tyler said he is sure. He said it’s not beneficial for his game to have Haleigh leave. Haleigh said it’s hard not to freak out when she sees Scottie getting in good with everyone. Tyler reminded Haleigh that Scottie was like that the first time when he got voted out. Tyler said the worst thing that Haleigh could do is to tell Scottie that she feels safe. Haleigh said she didn’t even do that with Faysal. Haleigh reassured Tyler that she is not coming after him. Haleigh told Tyler she doesn’t like that he doesn’t feel like he is on a totem pole, though she gets what he is saying. If she leaves, Haleigh said she doesn’t want Tyler to be used and then kicked aside. Both agreed that they could see that happening. Haleigh said she doesn’t want the back and forth between the two of them to continue moving forward. Haleigh said she needs to get past this week first, then they can figure out what they are doing. Haleigh let Tyler know that he would be the only person on her totem pole if he wants to be on it. Tyler said he would love to be on it. Tyler said they can build from there. Haleigh asked how they can build if she isn’t being given any materials to build the bridge. Tyler said they can do it now that she has put him up and she allowed him to put her up. Haleigh said she thought that Tyler was closer with Angela, Kaycee and Brett. She brought up that she walked in on them celebrating together after Angela won HoH. Tyler played it off as though they were celebrating because Angela had told Brett that she would nominate Sam. Tyler said he was confused at the time and also did not know what was going on. Haleigh said it looked like a clear four person alliance at the time. Haleigh asked Tyler if he thinks that Kaycee is keeping nominations the same. Tyler said he thinks so. Haleigh talked about Kaycee being likely to pick Angela over Tyler, because she knows that she could beat Angela. She said Angela knows that she wouldn’t beat Tyler either. Haleigh said Scottie told her that the jurors were talking sh*t about Angela all week. Tyler eventually wrapped up the conversation by telling Haleigh once again to not freak out.
8:00-9:00 PM: Tyler called the houseguests to the living room. He had a card from Big Brother. JC, Sam and Scottie are the have-nots for the week. They were the first three to drop out of the HoH competition. Afterwards, Brett told Scottie that Big Brother probably did it that way to get back at JC for how he acts all of the time. Brett asked Scottie if he thinks that Bayleigh and Rockstar were happy to see Faysal. Scottie said they would have wanted him to stay but he and Haleigh are their two favourite people in the house. Scottie said he learned that Haleigh has had at least four Final 2 deals, those being with Bayleigh, Faysal, Rockstar and himself. They also agreed that she likely had one with Kaitlyn too.
11:00-12:00 AM: Haleigh and Scottie discussed that whichever of them stays this week will likely go next week. Scottie said they are going to pick who wins the game if the two of them get to the jury with Bayleigh, Faysal and Rockstar. Scottie went over the goodbye messages that he heard about in the jury house. Scottie then brought up the Final 2 deals that he was told about. Haleigh denied having a Final 2 with Bayleigh, Faysal and Rockstar. She said Scottie is the only one who she asked about it. Haleigh pointed out that the others will see that however stays has the majority of the jury on their side. Scottie thinks someone should be willing to take one of them to the end, seeing as they would only get four votes. Scottie let Haleigh know that he was told that he is the pawn. Haleigh asked who told him that. Scottie said Tyler did before nominations and right when he hugged him after nominating him. Scottie said he doesn’t know if he believes it.
12:00-1:00 AM: Haleigh cried in bed. Kaycee asked her what’s wrong. Haleigh explained that Scottie told her that he is the pawn. Kaycee assured Haleigh that she has nothing to worry about. She promised that Haleigh will be safe but she cannot let Scottie know. Haleigh said she doesn’t even want to talk to him anymore since he keeps talking about stupid stuff. Haleigh asked if Angela will keep her. Kaycee said yes. Haleigh said she loves Angela and wants Angela to love her back. Haleigh added that she feels so comfortable with Angela, Kaycee and Tyler.

Summary of yesterday September 1, 2018
September 01, 2018
Summary of yesterday September 1, 2018
10:00-11:00 AM: Players were picked for the veto competition. The veto players are Tyler, Haleigh, Scottie, JC, Kaycee and Sam. Afterwards, JC told Tyler not to pick him as a have-not tomorrow. Tyler said it’s JC’s turn. JC said he can pick Angela and Brett, then choose Scottie or Sam. Tyler pointed out that Scottie has already done it three times. In the HoH room, Tyler told Kaycee that she is getting really tired of Brett and JC coming up to him with the same stories and blaming each other for it. Tyler brought up them being convinced that Angela and Kaycee are a thing. Kaycee said they can keep thinking that, cause little do they know. Later, Kaycee mentioned that JC is pissed about being picked to play in the veto competition. Angela said she is going to kill him if he throws the competition. Haleigh said he probably will. Angela, Haleigh and Kaycee discussed that Sam is probably hating it that they are up in Tyler’s HoH room. They discussed that Sam thinks that Angela and Haleigh have an advantage since they can flirt with the guys to get what they want in the game. Kaycee said Sam flirts too. Haleigh said she does it in her own way. They brought up that she is bothered when she doesn’t get it back. Haleigh said the the veto draw did not go great. Kaycee told Haleigh to stay calm. Angela said she ha nothing to worry about. When Haleigh said she cannot beat Scottie or Tyler, Kaycee said it could be something that she is good at. Haleigh said she could win a napping competition. Kaycee told Haleigh to change her mindset and think that she is going to win. Downstairs, Brett and Kaycee discussed that all that matters is making sure that Scottie doesn’t win the veto. Haleigh and Scottie talked about the position that they are in. Scottie said if one of them wins the veto, the other one is probably going. Haleigh said she knows. Haleigh asked if Scottie talked to Tyler. He said he only did right before nominations, and Tyler let him know that everyone wants the two of them on the block. Scottie said it’s amazing that he keeps being nominated by people who he would not go after. Scottie said he is either up because they think that he would use the veto on Haleigh, or because he is the target.
11:00-12:00 PM: Scottie let Haleigh know that they already have a deal in jury about what’s going to happen. He said they are going to make sure that they all vote together, meaning that they would have a majority if Bayleigh, Faysal, Haleigh, Rockstar and Scottie stick to that. Scottie said they will pick one person who they will all not vote for. Scottie said he will probably bring that up in his speech if neither of them win the veto. Haleigh said Brett has played the best out of everyone. Scottie said this assumes that the six of them are working together. Haleigh let Scottie know that she walked in on Angela, Brett, Kaycee and Tyler celebrating, so she thinks that the four of them are the ones working together. Haleigh expects them to target Sam next. Scottie said he picked Sam to play in the veto competition because she will probably take him off just because she wants Haleigh gone. Back up in the HoH room, Angela and Tyler discussed that JC had better try to win the veto. They agreed that JC throws every competition. Tyler then said the same thing to Brett. Brett doesn’t think that JC is going to try. If Sam wins the veto, Tyler thinks that they could convince her that Haleigh is leaving so she should not use it. Brett said the reality is that Scottie is the only one who cannot win the veto.
2:00-3:00 PM: Brett told Angela and Kaycee that JC is going to throw the competition. Angela said he throws everything. Kaycee said it’s annoying. She mentioned that JC gives up as soon as he feels uncomfortable. Angela said it’s annoying that they keep him safe week after week. Kaycee added that he doesn’t go on the block either, and he is the only one who hasn’t. She said he needs to feel the block. Angela said she would rather JC go up than Sam.
3:00-4:00 PM: Haleigh let Angela and Tyler know that Scottie was talking about jury votes. She said he commented that there have been sides the entire time but one side has won more and made smarter choices. She said he plans to say something about that in his speech, plus he told her that he has more to say about what he learned in the jury house. Haleigh had a one on one with Tyler once Angela left the room. She brought up Scottie not thinking that he was going to go up. Tyler said he didn’t think that Scottie was going to go up either, but everyone was concerned about not knowing where his head is at after they voted him out. Haleigh said nobody knew where his head was at before he left, then Bayleigh and Rockstar filled his head with stuff for a week in the jury house. Haleigh told Tyler that the veto will come down to the two of them, Kaycee and Scottie, because JC and Sam wont try. Haleigh added that she was really hoping to have Angela or Brett compete as well. Haleigh talked about Sam so adamantly cheering Tyler on over her. Tyler said Sam would have cheered for anyone over Haleigh. Haleigh said she hopes she gets the chance to take the shot at Sam. Meanwhile, Kaycee told JC that they will be in trouble if Scottie wins the veto and then wins HoH. She suggested that they are in danger of going on the block if that happens. JC said Scottie would probably go after Brett and Tyler over them. Kaycee said they need to win the veto, as they cannot have Scottie stay. JC said Scottie wont be able to win the game unless someone goes crazy and starts working with him.
4:00-5:00 PM: Feeds went down at 4:27 for the veto competition.
6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds returned at 6:56 following the veto competition. Kaycee won the Power of Veto.
7:00-8:00 PM: Haleigh was frustrated that she lost. Angela told her to calm down because she is going to be okay. Haleigh vented about Sam. Brett said he couldn’t believe when she said “that”, seemingly referring to asking them to turn the water back on when Haleigh was slipping during the competition and trying to dry up her lane. Brett noticed that Sam didn’t try to win the competition. Haleigh said she doesn’t try in any competition. Haleigh said she wanted to win HoH so bad so that she could put Sam on the block and drag her throughout her entire speech. Haleigh said she is going to freak out on Sam this week. Brett advised her to hold off on that. He said she is looking good right now. Haleigh disagreed. She pointed out how close Scottie and Tyler are. Brett promised that she is good. He explained that every single person voted Scottie out, so he is a liability to everyone. Haleigh revealed that Scottie said he, Bayleigh and Rockstar came up with a plan to control the jury vote by working together with Faysal and one other person. Haleigh then told JC that she should have won. JC assured Haleigh that she will be fine. Upstairs, Brett told Tyler that Scottie has got to go. Brett let Tyler know that Bayleigh, Rockstar, Scottie, and now Faysal, have a plan to control the votes in the jury house. Brett said they are going to vote for Haleigh if she makes it to the Final 2, so the two of them have to make it together. They agreed that they already knew this but it’s further confirmation. Brett said to tell Haleigh things if you ever want it to get out, cause she repeats everything. Tyler said he knows that. They discussed that JC actually tried to win the veto. Brett brought up that Scottie is the only one who would nominate the two of them together, so he has to go. Tyler agreed. Brett said it would be great if the vote is 4-1, because it would fuel Haleigh even more to go after Sam. JC then spoke to Tyler. He said Scottie would nominate the two of them if he stays and wins HoH. Tyler said he knows that, which is why he put Scottie on the block. JC told Tyler that they have been doing a good job since people think that Angela has Tyler in her back pocket. Tyler said that’s exactly how he wants them to think. JC said they are going to get Scottie out this week, then he will continue to try to get close to Brett in order to keep him from going after Tyler. JC said Brett doesn’t have any really good friends in the house.
8:00-9:00 PM: Haleigh asked Kaycee if she has spoke to Tyler about what he wants. Kaycee said not yet. Kaycee let Haleigh know that she should be good. Haleigh said Brett and JC have already reassured her. She said it’s literally a repeat of last week. Haleigh thinks the only thing that could mess her up is Sam, since Sam keeps pushing her so hard. Haleigh then told Kaycee about Scottie saying that he, Bayleigh and Rockstar talked about flipping the jury house on someone. Looking back to her HoH week, Haleigh said she hates that she nominated Angela and Kaycee. She talked about having let people get into her head. Kaycee said it’s fine. Haleigh said she is sorry and she will not let it happen again. In the HoH room, Angela wondered if Scottie knows that he is leaving. Tyler said he isn’t sure, since he tried to tell Scottie that he is not the target. Angela pointed out that Tyler doesn’t vote, so he can say that he didn’t have any control over it. They discussed that Haleigh said she will not come after them if she stays. Angela thinks that Haleigh would nominate one of them as a pawn, trying to backdoor the other. Angela said she is glad that Scottie is leaving since he would likely come after the two of them. Tyler said he may or may not, but it’s too big of a risk to take.
9:00-10:00 PM: Tyler asked Angela what she thinks that America thinks of Level 6. Angel said she thinks that they are loved. Tyler then asked if they are the good side or the bad side. Angela said the good side. Tyler mentioned sometimes thinking that they are the bad side. Angela said they are a lot more entertaining. Tyler pointed out that the other side is not good, which is why they are all gone. Even if they are the bad side, Tyler said they are at least winning.
11:00-12:00 AM: Out on the hammock, Angela and Scottie discussed the jury. Angela asked if the jurors are mad at her because of the way that she plays the game, or due to personal reasons. Scottie said he guesses that the jury is going to be bitter and not voted based on game. Scottie assumes that Angela will not have any of the jury votes up to this point. He said she would then have to be loved by five the of the next people to be sent out the door. Angela said she doesn’t want to go to the jury house until there is at least one person there who doesn’t hate her. Scottie let Angela know that he doesn’t hate her. He said he thinks that some people are taking the game a little too personally.
12:00-1:00 AM: Tyler told Kaycee that she is a beast. He said this week is a repeat of last week. Tyler brought up that Scottie doesn’t think that he is the target. Tyler explained that he has has been trying to play up that Scottie is not the target. Tyler told Kaycee that nobody sees the two of them as a duo, and people would even see him with Brett before that. Brett joined them. He told Kaycee that Sam couldn’t have been more obvious in throwing the veto competition. Angela and Haleigh had a quick chat. Haleigh said she is so nervous about having Scottie campaign against her all week. She acknowledged that she got lucky that Faysal had too much pride to campaign. Angela said she thinks that everyone is scared of Scottie since they don’t know what he is thinking or what he would do if he were to win HoH. Angela said Haleigh should talk to people but she doesn’t need to hardcore campaign to them.

Summary of yesterday August 31, 2018
August 31, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 31, 2018
11:00-12:00 PM: Brett asked Tyler if he has figured out what the plan is. He wondered if Tyler would try to backdoor Scottie. Tyler said it’s pretty much the same scenario as last week, since Scottie would probably use the veto on Haleigh if he is not on the block. Brett agreed. Brett said that Tyler would get the least amount of blood on his hands by nominating Scottie as opposed to nominating someone else. Tyler said he can say that everyone voted Scottie out. Brett said that’s an easy explanation as is the fact that Haleigh nominated him as the hacker. Tyler brought up that Faysal and Haleigh were talking crap about Scottie during Faysal’s HoH week. Tyler said Haleigh even told him that Scottie was planning on nominating or backdooring him. Tyler said that if Scottie was smart, he wouldn’t just crawl back to Haleigh. Brett agreed. Angela said he probably thinks that he can’t even try with anyone else. Tyler brought up that Scottie told them he had a Final 2 with Haleigh the week that Faysal put him on the block. Tyler said he was fine with them voting whoever out this week. Brett said he believes that Scottie would take a shot. Angela added that he is likely the only one who would put two of them up, since Haleigh would nominate Sam. Angela suggested that they will be okay as long as they get the person out who will put two of them up. Brett said that Haleigh and Scottie are a pair, and as much as they try to talk to him, his instinct was to go to Haleigh because that’s where his loyalty lies. Haleigh then spoke to Angela and Tyler. She voiced her frustration with Sam for having been cheering against her during the competition, and then rushing to her side once she fell. She also brought up Sam saying that she didn’t want to vote her out until she heard Faysal’s speech. They discussed that Sam is a different person depending on what day it is. Haleigh said she acts however she wants once she knows that she is not on the block.
12:00-1:00 PM: Haleigh apologized to Angela for the things that Faysal said during his speech. Tyler said it was low and he should have kept it to game stuff. Haleigh said it looked like he was angry and childish. Angela said Faysal was mostly just immature. They talked about Faysal not even campaigning or leaving the have-not room for three days while he was on the block. Haleigh said she is glad that Scottie won. She later said that she didn’t want Faysal to return after that speech. Haleigh spoke to Tyler one on one. She asked what he has decided. Tyler said he hasn’t decided anything yet since he hasn’t talked to everyone. Haleigh said she doesn’t want to go up but she knows that Tyler is in a tough position. Tyler told Haleigh that he is hoping people are open to Sam going up as opposed to Haleigh going up. Haleigh said she doesn’t think that Sam will go home over her if they are nominated together, especially after she nearly won HoH last night. Haleigh asked Tyler if he thinks that getting rid of Sam is best for his game. Tyler said he is trying to figure that out. Haleigh asked that Tyler let her know what is happening before nominations, because she doesn’t want to be blindsided again. Tyler said they can talk again. Haleigh said she obviously doesn’t want him to put her up, but she will get over it if it’s a similar situation to last week. Next up, Sam had a quick chat with Tyler. She talked about trying to cheer Tyler on a bit more than she cheered Haleigh on, because she knew that she would be on the block if Haleigh were to win. Sam told Tyler to trust that she trust him even if she doesn’t talk to him. Tyler said it’s the same for him.
1:00-2:00 PM: Tyler asked Brett if he thinks that nominating Haleigh and Scottie is best for them. Brett said that is definitely the best move for them. Brett told Tyler he wants it to be on his radar that JC is going nuts and is paranoid to the max. Brett is also concerned that Angela and Kaycee are being reckless in a sense that they make it clear that they don’t care about anyone but Level 6. Brett said he prioritizes himself and Tyler first, Level 6 second, and everything else after that. Brett and Tyler discussed that they wouldn’t be surprised if JC took a shot at Angela and Kaycee. Brett thinks they should stay committed to taking Scottie out even though Haleigh is getting close to Angela and Kaycee. He said that he trusts the girls. As for a replacement nominee, Tyler said it’s tough since everyone is going to say Sam. Brett said his read on Sam is that she is loyal to the two of them, though she didn’t even ask him about the vote this week. Tyler said Sam asked him but he didn’t give her anything. JC was the next to discuss the plan with Tyler. He guessed that Haleigh and Scottie would be nominated. Tyler said he thinks so. JC pointed out that it’s a repeat of last week with Scottie in Faysal’s place. JC said the plan to target Angela and Kaycee is now out of his mind as it is not necessary at all right now. JC said they need the numbers. JC stressed that Scottie needs to go this week. He said they can get into Haleigh’s head but not Scottie’s. Tyler said Scottie is the closest physical competitor to him at this point. JC let Tyler know that Brett is worried about being on the bottom of the alliance, cause he knows that he is the first to go once they get down to five. Tyler said Brett doesn’t have to be the first to go. JC agreed but said that it’s in Brett’s head that he will be the first one to go.
2:00-3:00 PM: Tyler filled Scottie in on what happened while he was gone. Tyler explained that Faysal and Haleigh approached him and Angela about a Final 4 deal during Faysal’s HoH week. Scottie said Haleigh has been clinging to him hardcore since he has been back. Tyler said Haleigh was telling him back then that Scottie would nominating Angela and Tyler. Tyler said Haleigh wants Sam on the block, but he doesn’t want Sam to go. Scottie said Bayleigh and Rockstar told him that Faysal and Haleigh never trusted him because they viewed he and Tyler as a duo. Tyler let Scottie know that nobody wants him to go but they do want him on the block. Scottie said nobody wanted him out the first time either. Scottie said Angela, Kaycee and Tyler have been the most straight up with him the entire time. He said he will be a vote for Tyler this week, so he will do whatever he wants him to do. Tyler told Scottie that Faysal treated Haleigh poorly last week. He said Haleigh and Scottie would make a better couple. Scottie claimed that he is no longer smitten. Scottie said he is guessing that Haleigh and JC are the ones who convinced Faysal to put him on the block, since nobody else talked to him that night. Tyler explained that what the house wants and what he wants is a little bit different this week in terms of who goes up and who goes home. Scottie told Tyler that he should be good as long as he nominates whoever the house wants out. Scottie told Tyler that Bayleigh and Rockstar 100% would have nominated Angela and Tyler had they returned. He brought up them saying that Angela and Tyler are in a showmance a lot.
3:00-4:00 PM: Scottie told Angela that Bayleigh and Rockstar spent the entire past week trying to convince him that Tyler is his enemy. Scottie said they are all very threatened by his relationship with Tyler. Later, Tyler let Angela know that he made Scottie feel as though Haleigh is for sure the target. He said he pretty much told him that everyone wants Haleigh out. Tyler explained that Scottie has a good shot at winning the veto, so he doesn’t want Scottie coming after them if that happens. Angela said that’s perfect.
4:00-5:00 PM: Tyler asked Haleigh how things have been between her and Scottie. Haleigh said they are good but it’s weird since they left things off on a weird note. Tyler asked if Scottie really said that he was going to put him up. Haleigh said yeah. She told Tyler that it was towards the end of her HoH week. Haleigh said it could have been a case of Scottie telling her what he thought that she wanted to hear. Haleigh asked Tyler what’s on the plate for today. He told her to stay tuned. He added that everyone is concerned about what Scottie will do now that they voted him out, plus they are annoyed with Sam. Haleigh asked if Tyler is considering nominating her next to one of them. Tyler said he doesn’t know yet. Haleigh said his vague answers lead her to believe that something bad is going to happen. Feeds went down for the nomination ceremony at 4:32.
5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned at 5:30 following the nomination ceremony. Tyler nominated Haleigh and Scottie for eviction. Haleigh went to the have-not room to cry shortly after. In the HoH room, Tyler asked JC if his speech was okay. JC said said it was smart since everyone now thinks that Haleigh is the target. Tyler said it sucks because he really likes Scottie. JC said he likes Scottie too but he has never had any loyalty to them. Tyler agreed. JC said he hopes that Scottie doesn’t win the veto.
6:00-7:00 PM: Haleigh told JC and Kaycee that she isn’t buying it that Sam only decided to vote her out after hearing Faysal’s speech. She thinks that Sam planned to vote her out all along, which she will do again this week. Haleigh said she is going to lose it if Sam tries her again, because this is not the week to do it. Kaycee suggested that Haleigh may need to snap back before Sam will stop acting that way towards her. Haleigh said she can get just as loud as Sam if needed.
7:00-8:00 PM: Kaycee asked Angela if she wants to play in the veto competition. Angela said she does. Kaycee then spoke to Brett about the need for them to win the veto. Kaycee asked what Scottie has been saying. Brett said Scottie hasn’t really said anything. Brett thinks that Scottie is trying to avoid making the same mistake twice, referring to the fact that he threw his only allies under the bus last time that he was on the block. Brett thinks Scottie knows that he has to win the veto and then win the next HoH competition as well.
8:00-9:00 PM: Haleigh spoke to Tyler about his decision. She said she thought that he and Scottie were tight. Tyler said they are but everyone wanted him to put Scottie up. Haleigh asked if Tyler ever had any intention of nominating Sam. Tyler said he did but this move made the most sense to him. Haleigh reiterated that she meant what she said about not wanting it to be her versus Tyler. Tyler said he knows that and he isn’t even sure that she will leave this week. Haleigh said she probably will. Haleigh said she felt stupid after nominations, wondering if Tyler told Scottie that he is a pawn. Tyler denied having said that. Haleigh let Tyler know that she would like for them to move past this if she is able to stay this week. Haleigh said she isn’t sure if it’s a repeat of last week. Tyler told Haleigh that if she thinks it is, go with that. Haleigh asked if Tyler has a target in mind. Tyler said he doesn’t have a target, but Haleigh put him up and he voted Scottie out, so the move made sense. Tyler apologized for putting her through this. He said that he cannot say too much at this point. Haleigh brought up that she felt heading into nominations that she was not Tyler’s target, yet she felt that she was afterwards. Tyler said he may have wanted her to feel that way. Tyler promised that they can talk more after the veto competition. Haleigh said she cannot even be mad at Tyler for doing this, which is what’s annoying. Haleigh said she is also annoyed that she couldn’t show Tyler that she wouldn’t put him up. Tyler told her to do it next week. Haleigh said she wont even be there because of him. Tyler said he would accomplish nothing by getting her out.
10:45 PM BBT Tyler has the music back on his ears as he prepared for bed in the HOH WR, Sam has just about finished blow drying her hair. JC is still in the RR, Tyler is back in bed reading his HOH letter to himself. Sam is fiddling with her hair at the sink. Sam has moved on to working on the clothes that are soaking in the sinks. JC finishes up in the RR and washes his hands. He says something about going to the Bathroom and Sam says GOOD. Tyler has turned his light off, Sam says sorry she hasn’t found more reading material. Then goes to the shorts she thinks they might be a lost cause. White Denim that was sprayed and covered in Red and yellow goop. Jc heads to the SR then into the bedrooms. He crawls into bed with Brett and asks for the light to be turned off. Sam is in the WR still working on the shorts, Haleigh is still in the DR, Kaycee heads to the RR Sam tells her about the Shorts everyone else is in bed. Sam tells Kaycee she’s headed to bed and so she will have some Privacy but Kaycee is out of the RR faster than Sam wiping here face. Kaycee and Sam discuss one more sleep in a Saucer and then she (Kaycee) can stretch out. Kaycee heads to bed. Sam fiddles with stuff in the WR a little more.
11:00 PM BBT Sam finishes in the WR and heads to the Kitchen where she puts some Grapes away, She prepares the coffee for the next day. Snores can be heard in the Pink Bedroom, while Orwella continues to look on as Sam prepares the coffee pot. She grabs her water cup and heads towards the bedrooms. Clearing off her bed to make way to crawl in and get some sleep. Sam says goodnight BB and puts on her eye mask and gets comfy.
11:15 PM BBT It is believed at this time all HG besides Haleigh (Last seen headed to DR and have not seen her exit) are in bed attempting to sleep. A door can be heard opening up and we see Haleigh headed to the WR then out to the kitchen, where she looks and heads to the bedrooms. All lights are off so she is searching in the dark for ? then back to the WR to change after she washes her face, brushes her teeth and gets ready for bed. Haleigh heads from the WR to the Kitchen where she pulls out some Slop and makes a bowl. She adds a few things and gets a glass of water then enjoys her quick bite with Orwella by her side.
11:30 PM BBT Haleigh has finished her slop and is washing her dish. She then looks in the fridge for the olives and enjoys a few of them. Haleigh puts them away heads to bed in the HN room and begins to whisper with Kaycee. They are sharing a Saucer.
11:36 PM BBT – 12:00 AM BBT ALL HG have made their way to bed and lights are all out.

Summary of yesterday August 30, 2018
August 30, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 30, 2018
2:00-3:00 PM: After the HoH lockdown, Angela told Tyler that Sam asked her how to vote. Angela said she told her to do whatever is best for her personal game, and then Sam said she doesn’t have a personal game. Angela explained that she had to tell Sam something, so she let her know that she doesn’t think that she can beat Faysal in a competition. Angela then relayed the same conversation to Brett. Meanwhile, JC asked Tyler if they are voting Faysal out. Tyler confirmed that they are, adding that it has been the plan all along. JC said Tyler has been focused on getting Haleigh out. Tyler said she can be next. JC claimed that he doesn’t care who goes as long as they are splitting up duos. JC did say that Faysal would go after Angela, Brett and Kaycee over Tyler. Tyler said he is not keeping Faysal. JC then said that it will be hard to keep Brett from coming after Tyler, but Tyler said he can do those things himself. In the bedroom, Haleigh told Faysal that production is on JC today. She revealed that Allison Grodner spoke to her about what JC did last night by leaving the bathroom door open while she was in there. Haleigh said she doesn’t want JC to get in trouble for it. She explained that she wanted to surprise JC when he opened the door, and she threw toilet paper at him when he opened it. Haleigh said JC was shocked when he saw her in there, then he left and later came back to tie the door open. Back in the kitchen, Brett and Tyler discussed that JC might take a shot at Angela and Kaycee if he wins HoH. Both said that they have been trying to talk him out of it and get him to focus on sticking to the plan. Brett said they will have the numbers to save them if they win the veto, since JC would not come after the two of them. Brett told Angela that he is nervous about JC. He advised her to reassure him so that he doesn’t deviate from the plan. Angela thinks that JC would go after Sam if he wins HoH.
6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Faysal was evicted by a vote of 4-1. Sam was the only one who voted to evict Haleigh. The Battle Back then took place. Scottie won the Battle Back. Before he entered the house, Julie asked him about his strategy. Scottie said he was planning on getting back with Faysal and Haleigh, but now he is probably going to have to try to get back with Tyler since Faysal is gone. When Julie asked who he would target, Scottie said that Angela seems to be the problem. Scottie then re-entered the house through the front door.
7:00-8:00 PM: When feeds returned, Scottie was filling the houseguests in on the jury house and how everyone is doing there. Scottie said Faysal came out after being evicted, told them that he didn’t know what was happening, and then apologized to him for targeting him. The houseguests discussed that they were happy to have Scottie back. Haleigh said she is so happy that today went the way that it did. JC told Brett and Kaycee that their alliance still has the numbers but now they really have to win HoH. Haleigh brought up that she accidentally hit Sam in the face when she went to greet Scottie, so she thinks that Sam is upset with her. JC suggested that she might be upset about being on the wrong side of the vote. Haleigh asked if they are sure that Sam was the one vote. Kaycee said she is pretty sure. Haleigh said she is not surprised. Haleigh apologized to Angela for Faysal’s speech. She said that she had no idea what he was going to say.
8:00-9:00 PM: JC told Angela, Brett and Tyler that they have to win HoH. He said the worst case scenario would be Haleigh or Scottie winning. JC made it clear that he is not happy about there having been a Battle Back. Angela said that Scottie returning was the best case scenario out of the options that they had. JC agreed. Later, Tyler told Angela that they are going to be okay. Angela said she hopes so since she cannot be in the house without him. Tyler said he can’t be there without her either. Angela admitted that Faysal’s speech got to her a little bit. They agreed that he doesn’t even know her as a person. Tyler said Faysal was right about her having him wrapped around her finger. Tyler told Angela that she does in the best way possible. Angela said that makes her happy.
9:00-10:00 PM: Sam asked Angela if Faysal was lying about everything. Angela said that he was. Sam said she thought so since they have been friends. Sam assured Angela that she will not be putting her up if she wins HoH. Angela pointed out that she didn’t even consider nominating Sam during either of her HoH weeks. Sam explained that she was going to vote Haleigh out, but then Faysal’s speech hurt her and she decided to keep him. Angela said it’s okay. Sam apologized. She said that people know she gets emotional and then they try to play her, which worked. Sam reiterated that she loves Angela and will not be targeting her. She brought up that Angela hangs out with Haleigh but she thinks it’s cause they do more similar things, not because Angela would choose Haleigh over her. Angela said she would pick Sam over Haleigh. Sam said the only reason why she was going to vote Haleigh out is because she is the only one who she has any beef with, just because she had to nominate her early on in the game. Afterwards, Sam told Haleigh that she had every intention of keeping her until she heard Faysal’s speech, then she was sad. Sam let Haleigh know that she loved her speech and thought that she was eloquent and well spoken. Haleigh told Sam that it’s a game and there are no hard feelings.
10:00-12:00 AM: The HoH competition got underway at 10:41. The houseguests had to stand on a disc while hanging on to their rope. The last houseguest standing would then become the new HoH. The order to be eliminated from the competition was as follows: JC (7 minutes), Sam (25 minutes), Scottie (28 minutes), Brett (40 minutes), Kaycee (50 minutes), Haleigh (1 hour 5 minutes). Tyler is the new HoH.
12:00-1:00 AM: After the competition ended, Tyler commented on how solid Haleigh was. Haleigh said the same to Tyler. She added that she knew that he was going to outlast her. Tyler said she would have beat him if she didn’t slip, as his arms were about to give out. Haleigh said she only had another 5-10 minutes in her. Elsewhere, Angela told Kaycee she thinks that Haleigh would have nominated the two of them and tried to backdoor Tyler had she won HoH. JC brought up to Brett that Sam was so worried when it got down to Haleigh and Tyler. JC asked Haleigh if she heard Sam screaming for Tyler. Haleigh confirmed that she did. She said she heard Sam telling Tyler to hang on because she was shaking and about to fall. Haleigh was not happy about it. She also let the guys know that Sam claimed she never wanted to vote against her. Haleigh didn’t buy it. JC spoke to Angela about what he thinks needs to happen this week. He wants Scottie to be targeted. He debated whether or not it is best to try to backdoor him. The concern was that Scottie could save Haleigh if he is not nominated and still gets picked to play in the veto competition. Looking ahead to next week, JC said the feud between Haleigh and Sam is perfect since they will want to target each other.
1:00-2:00 AM: JC asked Tyler if he knows what he wants to do. Tyler said he thinks so but he wants to talk to everybody. JC suggested that Tyler get the least blood on his hands. He asked if Tyler is nominating Scottie. Tyler made it seem as though he will be doing that. Meanwhile, Haleigh told Scottie she is glad that he is back. Scottie said he is glad that she is still there. Haleigh said she wont be for much longer, as it’s happening just like Scottie. She pointed out that he said Faysal would go and then she would go if Faysal were to take him out. Haleigh said if it makes him feel any better, Faysal felt really stupid about the move afterwards. Scottie said Faysal apologized to him tonight. Scottie told Haleigh that Faysal said JC was the one in his ear.
2:00-3:00 AM: Kaycee asked Brett what he is thinking. Brett thinks that they should target Scottie. Kaycee brought up that he likely needs to go on the block as opposed to being backoored, because he can save Haleigh with the if not. Kaycee then asked Angela if she thinks that Haleigh and Scottie should both be nominated. Angela said yeah. In the have-not room, Haleigh told Scottie that Sam has been a b*tch to her all week. Scottie said Sam was not cheering for her at all. Haleigh said she is so over the week. She expects to be nominated tomorrow. Haleigh told Scottie that he is not in danger of going up, seeing as Tyler never wanted him out. Haleigh said that she is over it and she is ready to go. Haleigh mentioned that she had a good talk with Tyler a couple of days ago, and she doesn’t think that he is coming after her, but that was before he won HoH. After Tyler got his HoH room, Haleigh told him that she is really happy for him. She revealed that she almost tried to make a deal with Tyler during the competition. Tyler explained that he wouldn’t have wanted to make one since he wouldn’t have wanted her to be pressured afterwards. Haleigh reiterated that it is not her vs Tyler. Tyler said it’s good that everybody thinks that. Haleigh said she doesn’t want to be on the block. Tyler said they can talk more tomorrow.
3:00-4:00 AM: Tyler told Angela that this week will be a repeat of last week in a way. Tyler said he will make sure that Sam is not coming after Angela before he makes his decision. Angela said she is curious what Scottie is thinking. They discussed that it’s terrifying that Haleigh did so well in the competition. Angela said Haleigh would have put them both up had she won. Tyler said he isn’t sure who the bigger threat to them is right now out of Haleigh and Scottie.

Summary of yesterday August 29, 2018
August 29, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 29, 2018
2:00-3:00 PM: Haleigh asked JC if he will let her know what is going to happen tomorrow before it happens. JC said he has an idea about what’s going to happen. JC asked if Haleigh has talked to Kaycee about which way she is voting. Haleigh said not really but she has an idea which way she is voting. Haleigh then spoke to Faysal who had not yet gotten out of bed. Haleigh told Faysal that he cannot just sleep for 48 hours. Faysal didn’t give much of a response when Haleigh asked if he wanted to get up, eat, play foosball and so on. She questioned why he is trying to push her away.
3:00-4:00 PM: Haleigh and Kaycee discussed that Faysal has been sleeping in the have-not room all day long. Haleigh said Faysal is said and will not talk to her. Kaycee said there is only so much that Haleigh can do. Haleigh asked if she still has Kaycee’s vote for tomorrow. Kaycee confirmed that she does. When Haleigh asked if she has Tyler’s vote too, Kaycee said she has that as well. Kaycee reassured Haleigh that she should be good.
6:00-7:00 PM: Faysal told Haleigh that he doesn’t know what he is supposed to do after having spent the last 71 days with her. Haleigh told Faysal that he needs to go make friends if she leaves. Faysal said she is not leaving. Haleigh said she is extremely worried for him if he stays in the house by himself, and she doesn’t want to see him for several weeks if she goes, so he needs to go make friends. Faysal said he doesn’t care about that right now. Haleigh let Faysal know that it bothers her when he says that. Faysal insisted that he is the one leaving. Haleigh continued to say that he doesn’t know what’s going to happen, so it pisses her off that he can be so confident about it that he will give up. She pointed out that he has stayed in his room for three days now. Faysal explained that he is not going to go hang out upstairs. He added that he doesn’t understand why Haleigh goes up there. Haleigh said that’s where people are. Haleigh questioned if Faysal has ever seen the show. Faysal said he doesn’t think that you are supposed to hang out with the HoH after they put you on the block. Haleigh told Faysal that he can play his game and she will play hers, cause she doesn’t need to sit there and listen to him questioning her about hanging out with someone who lives in the house with them. Meanwhile, Tyler and Angela discussed that JC tries to catch them together. Angela wondered if Brett and Kaycee would even change the way they are towards them if they were caught. Tyler said he doesn’t think so. Angela said those are the only people she cares about. Tyler said they cannot have those two thinking that they would pick each other over everyone. Tyler told Angela that they need to come up with a plan for a potential double eviction. They agreed that Haleigh and Sam should go on the block. Angela said JC can go up if one of them wins the veto. The two went back and forth on who should leave out of Haleigh and Sam. Tyler brought up that Haleigh has already nominated three of them, as opposed to Sam who has never done anything to them. Angela briefly brought up that they could get rid of JC so that Haleigh and Sam would continue to go after each other. However, she said that she loves JC. Tyler said he thinks that JC would put Haleigh or Sam up next week.
7:00-8:00 PM: Angela told Brett that they should settle on a plan in case there is a double eviction tomorrow. Brett said he thought that the plan was still to nominate Haleigh and Sam. Angela asked which one they should vote out. Brett said Haleigh should go since she is the better competitor of the two. He thinks that it would be easy to beat Sam in competitions. Angela agreed. Brett also doesn’t believe that Haleigh would actually go after Sam. He said that she would have to be the dumbest player in the history of the game to do that when there are already three other people who she has nominated and could put up again. Angela asked who they should evict if JC is up next to Haleigh or Sam. Tyler said that JC cannot win competitions. Brett agreed. Angela said she would like to take JC to the Final 5 since he has done a lot of work for them. Tyler said JC would also be bitter if they cut him too early. Tyler mentioned that Haleigh might have reason to go after Sam if Sam votes her out, so they should stick to the plan of not telling Sam what’s going on. Angela think that Sam will vote to keep Faysal in hope of getting his jury vote.
8:00-9:00 PM: Angela told Brett that it would suck if there is a Battle Back. Brett said it would blow since there is not a single person who could return and be even remotely good for his game. Angela said she feels the same way since she sent two of the four out the door. Brett said he cannot believe that Faysal has not even attempted to campaign. He asked if Faysal has really not spoken to anyone. Angela said he pitched to Kaycee about using the veto but that’s it. Elsewhere, Haleigh asked Faysal why he is so confident that he is leaving. Faysal said he is the bigger threat, so people will think that they need to take the shot while they have it. Haleigh said she isn’t going to last in the house. Faysal told her that she will do just fine.
10:00-11:00 PM: Haleigh asked Tyler if he thinks that tomorrow will go the way he thinks it’s going to go, referring to her staying. Tyler said he is pretty sure that it will. Haleigh said Brett, JC, Kaycee and Tyler have all suggested that they are keeping her. Tyler brought up that Faysal hasn’t even asked him what’s going on. Haleigh said he assumes that the move is being made against him. Tyler said he wanted to tell him since they have always been straight up with each other. Haleigh reassured Tyler that she is not going after him. She claimed that she didn’t even pitch to Faysal to nominate him. Tyler said it’s beneficial if people don’t see the two of them hashing things out. Haleigh agreed. She said she wants to hang out with him all of the time but she cant. Haleigh said she enjoys the company of Angela, Kaycee and Tyler. They talked about Sam needing to go. Haleigh said she wants to win HoH to put her up. Haleigh told Tyler that she will feel fine as long as Sam doesn’t win, as it wouldn’t bother her as much if someone else puts her up. Tyler said it would not be beneficial for him to do so. Later, Angela told Kaycee she thinks that Haleigh would come after them, because she would be stupid not to. Kaycee said she doesn’t know about that. Angela said she wasn’t sure either but Brett told her that Haleigh would for sure come after them. Kaycee thinks that Haleigh would nominate Sam, meaning that at least it would only be one of them on the block. Kaycee asked what JC would do. Angela said she thinks that he would nominate Haleigh and Sam.
11:00-12:00 AM: JC opened the bathroom door while Haleigh was in there. He then propped the door open. Haleigh called out for production when JC would not shut the door. Feeds briefly went down. When they returned, Sam was confronting JC about what he did. JC said it’s messed up that she snaps on him every time that he does a prank. JC eventually walked off. During the retells of the incident, JC explained that he knocked on the door. He said Haleigh didn’t answer, so he opened it and she decided to scare him, so he was retaliating but he knew that she was fully clothed and the cameras could not see anything, or else he wouldn’t have done it. JC and Tyler discussed the incident. JC mentioned that part of him wants to go after Sam based on how she has been acting. Tyler pointed out that Sam almost nominated JC. Both JC and Tyler said that they are not going to let Sam know which way they are voting. JC informed Tyler that he will nominate Haleigh and Sam if he wins HoH tomorrow. He said he is doing that for Tyler even though that’s not what he really wants to do. JC stressed that Angela or Kaycee have to go next after Haleigh or Sam leave. JC said he think that Brett might take the shot at Angela and Kaycee but he can probably talk him out of it. JC brought up that Brett was giving Angela a massage while she was topless earlier this evening. Tyler said he knows what JC is trying to do by bringing that up. Tyler said he doesn’t care. Tyler had told Angela earlier tonight that he would start calling people out if they make comments or try to catch them doing things. JC asked if he should tell Brett that he needs to nominate Haleigh and Sam. Tyler said yeah.
12:00-1:00 AM: Level 6 had a quick chat up in the HoH room. Brett said he is in awe that Faysal has not even tried to campaign. Tyler said he is banking on a Battle Back. Kaycee asked if they think that Sam will vote to keep Faysal. Brett said yeah. Tyler said he hopes so. Kaycee also thinks that she will. Later, Tyler told Kaycee that JC will not shut up about Angela and Kaycee having a Final 2, and he is saying that Brett is the one who is bringing it up. Tyler also talked about JC thinking that he is in a showmance with Angela. Tyler said he can tell that Brett and JC are trying to catch him and Angela doing something, or they say things in hope of getting a reaction. Kaycee and Tyler reiterated that they are each other’s number ones. Tyler said he thinks that Brett is leaning towards making a Final 2 with him since he believes that Angela and Kaycee have one. Tyler suggested that him hanging out with Angela more is better for Kaycee since people will not associate the two of them as much. Kaycee jokingly asked if Angela and Tyler have made it official yet. Tyler admitted that they have been cuddling in the HoH room. Kaycee said she wont tell anyone. Tyler clarified that it’s just two people who feel like cuddling each other, as they have not discussed liking each other. Tyler said he is not going to let it get to that, because he doesn’t want to do that and then later have to choose Kaycee over Angela.

Summary of yesterday August 28, 2018
August 28, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 28, 2018
11:00-12:00 PM: Angela told Kaycee she thinks that Haleigh would nominate her next to Sam if she wins HoH. If Sam wins, Angela thinks she would nominate Haleigh for sure. Angela isn’t sure if Sam would nominate her anymore, given that she has been HoH twice and not put Sam on the block. Kaycee thinks that Sam might nominate Brett and Haleigh. Angela also wondered if Haleigh would put her up again. Kaycee doesn’t think so, since she believes that Haleigh feels bad and stupid after what she did during her HoH week. Angela threw JC’s name out there as someone who Haleigh might nominate. Angela expects Haleigh to try to latch on to the stronger group, which Haleigh would perceive to be the two of them and Tyler.
12:00-1:00 PM: Sam approached Brett to let him know that she has a bone to pick with him. She brought up that he went upstairs last night and got aggravated as if he had a problem. Brett admitted to being frustrated with how Sam came at him last night. He explained that he talked to JC about it. Sam told Brett that he should come to her and say it to her face if he ever feels like that again. Brett apologized. He said he didn’t think that anything would have been resolved by that since they were both cranky. Brett assured Sam that it was over with once he vented to JC. The two hugged it out at the end of the conversation.
1:00-2:00 PM: Brett asked JC if he thinks that it will be a double eviction on Thursday. JC thinks so. JC told Brett that he will be fine. Brett said he isn’t worried. Brett told JC that the talk with Sam seemed to go well. JC told Brett he is concerned about Angela, Kaycee and Tyler. JC said they might be screwed if the girls get Tyler. JC told Brett he thinks that Sam has their backs no matter what, and Haleigh would rather work with Brett than with the Angela, Kaycee and Tyler trio. JC told Brett that if they get Angela on the block with Kaycee, they can get Sam to vote with the two of them to get her out. JC explained that he likes Angela a lot but it’s a game move. Brett said JC is right. JC told Brett that the best case scenario is they win HoH, because Haleigh would nominate Sam if she wins. Brett isn’t so sure, seeing as Haleigh has already nominated Angela, Kaycee and Tyler, and she might not want new blood on her hands. JC told Brett he doesn’t want to help the trio get rid of Haleigh and Sam who could help them, otherwise they are screwed when it becomes the two of them against those three.
2:00-3:00 PM: Haleigh and Kaycee talked a bit of game while playing checkers. Haleigh revealed that Faysal keeps getting mad at her for acting like nothing is wrong. Haleigh told Kaycee she wants her to feel comfortable with her moving forward. Haleigh expressed regret over making the move to nominate Angela and Kaycee together. She said she felt as though they ould be making the move against her the next week. Kaycee said Haleigh was not even close to being on her radar. Haleigh mentioned that Rockstar approached her to say that Sam could not go up because she made a deal, and then Sam approached her to say she is ready to play and she wants to make a deal.
7:00-8:00 PM: JC checked in with Faysal. He stressed that Faysal needs to ensure that Sam will not come after Haleigh if she wins HoH. Faysal asked why JC doesn’t want to talk to Sam himself. JC said the issue is that there isn’t anything he can tell people in order to get their votes for Faysal. He said he will campaign for him but there is nothing that he can tell Tyler. Faysal said that regardless of who stays, they are coming for Angela over Tyler. JC said he is concerned that Haleigh and Sam are going after each other, because those are the only two who he can work with if Faysal leaves. Faysal asked who Brett will go after. JC said he will probably go after Tyler if Faysal is gone, and Tyler will likely go for Brett as well. JC reiterated that Faysal has to make sure that Sam doesn’t go after Haleigh. JC said it’s a fact that Sam hates the girls, so try to get her to go after the other girls instead. Faysal said he plans to try to turn Tyler and Brett against Angela and Sam in his speech. JC once again said that the most beneficial thing to do would be to ensure that Sam does not come for Haleigh. JC let Faysal know that he will talk to Tyler about his vote. Faysal said the only thing that he can tell Tyler is that numbers are getting small, as well as that he will win the Battle Back if there is one.
8:00-9:00 PM: JC told Tyler that Faysal wants him to campaign for him. He said Faysal wants him to try to get Tyler’s vote because he thinks that he would then have the three votes necessary to stay this week. JC brought up what Faysal had said about how he will for sure return if there is a Battle Back. The talk did not last too long. Angela later joined them. JC filled her in on Faysal wanting him to campaign for him.
9:00-10:00 PM: Angela told Kaycee that she feels bad for Faysal. Angela said JC told her that Faysal thinks he has JC and Sam’s votes, so he ordered him to go get him another vote. Angela said he sounds like a bully who is ordering someone around. Kaycee said it’s not going to happen but at least he is trying. Angela told Kaycee that she suggested that Haleigh not pitch to Sam when she asked her, hoping that it would ensure that Sam doesn’t work with Haleigh moving forward. Kaycee told Angela not to feel bad because of Faysal’s pity party. Angela said she needs to remind herself about Faysal’s behaviour.
10:00-11:00 PM: Haleigh told Faysal she doesn’t think that either of them will be leaving this week. Faysal asked why. Haleigh said she thinks that something is going to happen. Faysal said that’s the stupidest thing to think. Haleigh said she doesn’t care what happens on Thursday, but she hopes that they don’t see each other for a while. If she goes, Haleigh said she doesn’t want to see Faysal until she votes for him on finale night. Faysal asked how often a Battle Back happens. Haleigh said it has happened more often than not of late. She told Faysal that Angela is terrified that there might be a Battle Back, and she even asked her what type of competition she thinks that it might be.
12:00-1:00 AM: JC told Tyler that they need to separate Angela and Kaycee ASAP. Tyler disagreed. JC said they need to do it if Haleigh wins HoH. JC argued that Sam will go after Haleigh no matter what, even if Haleigh doesn’t go after her. Tyler said Angela and Kaycee would not come after either of them. JC reminded Tyler that they need to stick to the plan of keeping everyone in the house separated. JC said he is going to be screwed if they are in the Final 4 with Angela and Kaycee, and one of the girls win HoH. Tyler said that’s not true. Tyler suggested that JC get closer with Kaycee so that they can take her to the Final 3. JC brought up Sam as someone who they could take with them. Tyler said that cannot happen, because Sam would win every time if there is a bitter jury. JC then agreed that they need to bring Kaycee with them, but he is concerned about how close Angela and Kaycee are. Tyler said Kaycee will want nothing to do with them if they take Angela out this early. JC brought up sticking to the plan. Tyler explained that he cannot do that when Haleigh has already come after him. He told JC that they can go back to that plan once Haleigh is gone. JC said Haleigh would never get the votes to get Tyler out. Tyler pointed out that Angela and Sam, and possibly Brett, would all vote him out over Kaycee. JC assured Tyler that he will not let anyone send him home. Tyler told JC that there will come a point when he cannot control everybody. Tyler let JC know that Sam needs to be the one to go if Haleigh wins HoH. JC said they need to vote out Angela when Haleigh nominates her next to Sam. He said Sam would then go after Haleigh. Tyler said Kaycee would come after them for voting Angela out. Tyler also told JC that Kaycee would know he was the one who convinced Haleigh to make that move, since he will be the closest one to Haleigh once Faysal leaves.

Summary of yesterday August 27, 2018
August 27, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 27, 2018
10:00-11:00 AM: Kaycee told Angela and Brett that Haleigh quickly asked her if she is going to use the veto. Kaycee said she let Haleigh know that she doesn’t plan on using it. She also went over the pitch that Faysal had made to her last night. Brett mentioned that Haleigh was crying outside last night. He said he let her know that the veto is unlikely to be used but she should have the votes.
11:00-12:00 PM: Brett asked Angela if she really thinks that Faysal and Haleigh are a showmance. Angela said yeah. Brett said he has thought that the entire game, so he asked Haleigh last night since it shouldn’t matter anymore. Brett said Haleigh would not tell him. Brett said he is getting to the point where he thinks that they are not a showmance, and it’s simply that Faysal really likes Haleigh. Angela and Brett then discussed JC. Brett said he feels bad for him. Angela said JC was telling her he is upset that he didn’t get time to genuinely know them since he was too busy worrying about the other side. Angela isn’t sure if he is really upset or if he thinks that he messed his game up since that whole side has disappeared. The houseguests were called outside for a lockdown. Haleigh asked Angela if everything is still the same. Angela said yeah. She told Haleigh that Kaycee is not using the veto but Haleigh has nothing to worry about. Feeds went down at 11:20 for the veto ceremony.
12:00-1:00 PM: Feeds returned at 12:04 following the veto ceremony. Kaycee decided not to use the Power of Veto. Faysal and Haleigh remain nominated. Haleigh told Brett she thinks that Faysal is upset with her for being friendly and hanging out with everyone. She said he made a comment to her last night that she is acting like nothing is wrong even though they put them on the block. Haleigh went to check on Faysal in the have-not room. She clarified that she isn’t hanging out with the others because she doesn’t want to be with him, but they are still living in a house with those people. Haleigh asked if Faysal is giving up. Faysal said he isn’t going to campaign when he is on the block with her. Haleigh said she isn’t campaigning either but she is going to hang out with people. Faysal pointed out that Haleigh is hanging out with the person who put them on the block. Haleigh explained that it’s part of the game, and she is not going to roll over and die. Faysal said it seems like all she cares about is the game. Haleigh said that’s not true, as it wasn’t beneficial for her game to be together with him or to like him. Haleigh said she will let Faysal pout for a couple more hours, then he is going to come hang out with everyone.
1:00-2:00 PM: JC let Tyler know that he spoke to Angela last night. He said he tried to see if she would work with him even though he knows that she has a Final 2 with Kaycee and a Final 3 with Kaycee and Tyler. Faysal then broke up the conversation. JC and Faysal eventually spoke. Faysal said he should have won the veto competition. JC said to stop killing himself over it, as it happened already and he didn’t win. Faysal said JC is right. Faysal brought up that he might leave on Thursday. JC agreed that he might. He pointed out that even if he and Sam vote to evict Haleigh, he doesn’t know what he could pitch in order to get the third vote. JC explained that it would be tough to flip Brett when Faysal put him on the block. Faysal asked who Angela wants out. JC said he thinks that she wants Faysal out. Faysal said he will come right back in the house if there is a Battle Back. Faysal told JC that he will be the next one out if he doesn’t stay. JC said he is going to try to get the votes but he doesn’t know what he could pitch. They discussed that Tyler’s vote might be the only hope. Faysal mentioned that Angela told him she could threaten Brett into doing whatever she wants if he had won the veto. JC said they definitely have Brett in their pocket. JC said he feels bad for Brett since he hasn’t done anything to deserve to be on the block so many times. Faysal said he shouldn’t have sent Scottie home. He blamed JC for telling him that Scottie was coming after him. JC insisted that Scottie was coming after Faysal. JC said he thinks anyone outside of the Angela, Kaycee and Tyler trio will be going after those people if they win HoH. JC said he couldn’t even talk to Tyler yesterday because he was always in the HoH room. He said the same thing for Kaycee. JC suggested that Faysal try to get Sam to target someone other than Haleigh if he leaves. JC said Sam hates Haleigh for some reason. Faysal brought up a plan to say something in his speech.
3:00-4:00 PM: Haleigh briefly spoke to JC out in the yard. She said that this is going to be a hard week. JC said the only way that they are going to survive the week ahead is if either of them win HoH. Haleigh agreed. JC mentioned that he has tried to talk to Tyler all day but he cannot since Tyler is never alone. Haleigh suggested that Tyler does that on purpose.
4:00-5:00 PM: Haleigh asked Faysal if he is in a better mood. When he said yeah, Haleigh said it doesn’t seem like it. Faysal said he doesn’t know how to feel right now since it’s their last week in the house together and it could be the last time that they spend time together. Haleigh said it will be the last time in the house but not the last time, and it’s hard to spend time with him when he has the attitude that he does. Faysal said he doesn’t know what’s going to happen outside of the house. Haleigh said she doesn’t either but she does like him and they have talked about this. Faysal pointed out that that’s inside of the game. Haleigh responded by asking if he is now questioning the authenticity of that. Faysal said no. He added that he is the same person outside of the house and that none of this was strategy. Haleigh assured Faysal that she is the same person on the outside as well. Faysal turned the talk to game talk. He said his speech is going to set Haleigh up for the next 2-3 weeks. Faysal apologized for sending Scottie home. Faysal said so what if Scottie flipped the votes. Haleigh said it’s a convenient time for Faysal to be feeling that way, but she is glad that he gets it now.
5:00-6:00 PM: Haleigh looked to Kaycee for reassurance that she will be safe this week. Kaycee gave it to her. Haleigh said she feels confident in Brett, Kaycee and Tyler’s votes. She said that JC has reassured her as well. As for Sam, Haleigh doesn’t think that she has her vote. Kaycee reiterated that she will be voting to keep Haleigh. Kaycee advised Haleigh to chill for now and then have brief talks with everyone on Wednesday. Haleigh told Kaycee to be prepared to be her new person. Kaycee told Haleigh that she cares about her and doesn’t want her to feel alone.
6:00-7:00 PM: Haleigh headed to the HoH room to speak to Angela. Angela said she heard that Faysal has been being a dick, commenting on Haleigh hanging out with the others. Haleigh said Faysal is not doing well with this at all. Angela said Faysal wont even look at her. Haleigh said it will be a long week but she feels confident about Brett, Kaycee and Tyler, which is all that she needs. The girls then discussed the way that Sam treats them. Angela said Sam used to like her but now she doesn’t. They talked about the way that Sam is great with you one day and then hates you the next. Angela and Haleigh agreed that Sam has a personal vendetta against Haleigh, and there is nothing that she can do about it.
7:00-8:00 PM: JC told Tyler that Haleigh and Sam want to target each other. JC said that Angela and Kaycee are the only two people who are working together 100%, so they have to break that up. JC said he doesn’t are which of the two stays. Tyler said he knows who he would save but he is not going to say it right now. JC revealed that he plans to go after Angela and Kaycee in the double eviction that he is expecting to take place this week. Tyler said no. He told JC that that’s a horrible idea. Tyler said there is not a chance that he will convince him of that. Tyler told JC that neither Angela nor Kaycee is coming after them, so it’s too early to make that move against them. Tyler said he is not down for a Final 3 with those two like JC thinks that he is. Tyler reassured JC that he is not at the bottom of the totem pole. JC said he will only get to the Final 4 with those girls, which is not what he is going for. Tyler said JC needs to understand how bad it would be for his game to break Angela and Kaycee up next week. Tyler explained that he can ensure that those two do not go after JC. JC said they cannot move forward with people who are so closely aligned like Angela and Kaycee are. JC wants Tyler and himself to be in the house with people who hate each other. He said the Final 4 of the two of them, Angela and Kaycee will not work. Tyler said JC cannot convince him to keep Haleigh there. Tyler told JC it would be insane to vote Angela or Kaycee out over Haleigh. JC told Tyler to stick to the plan then, but they need to talk more about this. Tyler said JC will not convince him to keep Haleigh over anybody in the house.
8:00-9:00 PM: Sam straightened Tyler’s hair in the bathroom. She told the girls to get out while she was doing it. Kaycee later returned. Angela and Haleigh discussed that they were the only two not to be allowed in the bathroom. Angela said she doesn’t get the mentality behind it. Haleigh doesn’t think that Sam likes women. The girls then discussed the back and forth shots that they have been taking at each other. Haleigh said she doesn’t want Angela to feel that it will continue. Angela said she and Kaycee weren’t target Haleigh whens he put them up, but she had pawn Haleigh because it wouldn’t have made sense not to. She added that she knew Faysal would leave over Haleigh. Angela said she wishes that Haleigh would have put Sam up. Haleigh said that Sam will definitely go if she gets the chance to take another shot at her. Haleigh said she hates that they have been pinned against each other. Haleigh said it’s her own fault for having listened to others when they were throwing their pitches at him. She also said she wishes that she had just talked to Angela and Kaycee.
10:00-11:00 PM: JC told Brett that you cannot tell Haleigh anything unless you want it to get around the house, because she cannot keep any secrets. JC said he has been there for Haleigh and even jeopardized his game for her by telling her which way to vote. Brett said he did the same thing but she is weak and just listened to Faysal and Rockstar all game long. They discussed that the other side had no loyalty to each other, and it all started with Kaitlyn backdooring Swaggy in week two.
11:00-12:00 AM: JC told Brett that they need to separate the ones who have each other’s backs 100%, leaving the people who hate each other. JC said he doesn’t know if he should tell Tyler that Angela and Kaycee have a Final 2. Brett said he doesn’t think that Tyler is oblivious to it. JC questioned if it’s beneficial to them to keep Angela and Kaycee who are completely invested in each other as opposed to people like Haleigh and Sam who hate each other. JC told Brett that they will become targets if they take Haleigh and Sam out. Brett asked if JC has talked to Tyler about this. JC said he cant because he wont even make to the Final 5 if Tyler tells Angela and Kaycee about it. Brett asked who they should evict if Haleigh and Sam are on the block together. JC said Haleigh because Sam has their backs and would not put them up. Brett argued that Haleigh would have to go after Angela, Kaycee and Tyler if she stays, because she would not want to get blood on her hands with anyone else after she has already nominated them. JC brought up nominating Angela or Kaycee with Haleigh. Brett said they would have the other’s vote and Tyler’s vote, so you would have to nominate them both if you go after them. JC said Brett has got a point. JC told Brett to say that they are sticking to the plan and go after Haleigh and Sam if anyone asks.

Summary of yesterday August 26, 2018
August 26, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 26, 2018
11:00-12:00 PM: While most of the houseguests slept, Haleigh and Tyler spoke out in the yard. Haleigh told Tyler that she picked Sam to play in the veto competition because she thought that she was only going to stay if she won the veto. Tyler apologized for not having communicated anything in terms of who the target was. He said he didn’t think that it was his place to say, plus he didn’t want to go tell Faysal that he is the target when he has never done anything to him. Haleigh said she understands. Tyler told Haleigh that he doesn’t want her to feel alone if Faysal leaves this week. Haleigh said she knows that she has them as friends, but she feels like she is at a point where she has no one else in the game. Tyler mentioned that there will probably be a Battle Back, meaning that Faysal could return 10 minutes after he leaves. Haleigh said that would be crazy. She expects it to be either Faysal or Scottie who wins it.
12:00-1:00 PM: Sam asked Tyler what’s going to happen this week. Tyler said Kaycee is going to leave nominations the same. Sam asked what they are going to do. Tyler told her he thinks that everyone is still going back and forth. Sam asked him to let her know when they decide. Tyler brought up that Faysal and Haleigh thought that Sam would go on the block this week. Sam said she and Angela have been friends for a long time, so she was not worried about it. Sam said she is ready for people to get nastier and nastier as the numbers decrease. Sam said she is not going to participate in that. She told Tyler that if that means she has to leave, he had better partner up with Angela. Tyler said he can fend for himself. Sam suggested that Angela would be with Tyler in the same way that she would. Tyler told Sam not to talk like that, because she is still going to be there. Sam admitted that she gets freaked out about Angela because she is a strong competitor and a better suited partner for Tyler. Tyler said he is friends with Angela but it’s not a game thing.
2:00-3:00 PM: Level 6 chatted out in the yard. Most of the talk had nothing to do with game. Angela did bring up that JC has been making an effort to let them know that he has been with them all along. Brett said he continually puts an emphasis on “we”. Angela said it’s over the top. Once Brett and Tyler were alone, Brett asked how Sam is doing today. Tyler said she is doing good and she is definitely in a good mood today. Brett said they have to check up on her. Tyler said that today would be a good day to do that, because she can flip on a dime.
3:00-4:00 PM: Kaycee asked Haleigh how she is doing. Haleigh said she is okay. As for Faysal, Haleigh said that he is doing better but he is feeling sad and defeated. She brought up that he is a loyal guy and doesn’t understand where he went wrong. Haleigh let Kaycee know that Faysal wants to talk to her about the veto. Kaycee asked if Haleigh has told Faysal what people have been telling her, referring to the fact that he is the target. Haleigh said no. Kaycee said that’s good. Haleigh said she is not going to tell him anything since she wouldn’t want to make him feel bad.
5:00-6:00 PM: Out at the hammock, Faysal asked Haleigh what she is going to say to Kaycee. Haleigh said she doesn’t know. She told Faysal that him talking to Kaycee would mean something as well. Haleigh thinks that Kaycee might realize that she is at the bottom of the Angela, Kaycee and Tyler trio.
6:00-7:00 PM: Faysal wondered who Angela would nominate if the veto is used. Haleigh said it might be Sam or JC. She pointed out that they will not have the votes if JC is on the block. Faysal thinks that JC would go up. He questioned why Kaycee would want that. Haleigh said she might see herself on the bottom of totem pole or not feel that she has anyone solid in this game. Haleigh added that Kaycee did tell her that she and Faysal are getting really close. Faysal told Haleigh that she had better not be coming to the jury house right after him. Haleigh said she will be the next to go if he leaves. Angela was tasked with picking three have-nots for the week. She chose Faysal and Haleigh. She wanted Brett and Kaycee to choose between them for the final spot. Kaycee volunteered. Sam offered to take Faysal’s spot. People told her that it’s fine and she doesn’t need to do that.
7:00-8:00 PM: Faysal told Kaycee he assumes that she is being pressured to keep nominations the same. Kaycee said she thinks that’s what is happening. Faysal said if Kaycee feels that leaving nominations the same is best for her game, do that. However, he advised her against not using it just for the sake of keeping the blood off of Angela’s hands. Faysal mentioned that Kaycee could build trust with he or Haleigh by using the veto, as one of them is going to stay no matter what, and they will have nobody. Faysal pointed out that it would give her the opportunity to build something with somebody outside of her circle.
8:00-9:00 PM: Kaycee filled Angela and Tyler in on her conversation with Faysal. Kaycee said she repeated what Faysal was saying and told him that he is totally right. Tyler said Faysal and Haleigh always manage to talk you into wanting to do the opposite of what they are saying. Tyler brought up that he was annoyed with how Sam acted during the have-not selection. He said she made it harder for Angela by bringing up that Faysal and Haleigh are on the block, and that Haleigh wouldn’t be able to was her hair. Angela said she just wanted to be able to pick the next people up in the rotation. She added that Haleigh was supposed to do it last week. Angela thinks that Sam was trying to get on Faysal’s good side before he leaves by offering to be a have-not for him.
9:00-10:00 PM: JC spoke to Angela, Kaycee and Tyler. He mentioned how his relationship with Faysal has been for the benefit of the group. He said he knows that they are being portrayed as a duo even though he was always loyal to the group and he didn’t do anything to benefit Faysal’s side. JC worried about how it would look to the viewers when he is now saying that he wants Faysal out this week. After JC left, Angela brought up that JC is really concerned about sending Faysal home. She thinks he is always wanting to solidify that he was with them from the start. Angela figures that JC can tell he is above Haleigh and Sam for them but below everyone else. JC came back by. He talked about wanting to get Sam out before Haleigh. Kaycee argued that Haleigh is the bigger threat since the competitions will start to be about your knowledge of the game. They group agreed that it’s beneficial to keep Haleigh and Sam apart so that they can ideally target each other if they win HoH.
10:00-11:00 PM: Haleigh cried out on the hammock. Brett came by to talk to her. She asked if she should be spending her time with Faysal or with everyone else. Brett said it depends on what she values, but the thing from a game perspective would be to hang out with everyone else. Brett asked if Haleigh has spoken to Kaycee. She said she hasn’t yet but she will talk to her. Brett suggested asking her to leave the nominations the same if she doesn’t think that she will use the veto on her, because he believes that Faysal will leave over her. Brett asked if Faysal and Haleigh are in a showmance. Haleigh denied it. Brett commented on Faysal getting upset the last time that they were on the hammock together. Meanwhile, Kaycee told Angela and Tyler that Faysal was watching Brett and Haleigh today. Tyler said he thinks the only reason that they don’t want to come out as a showmance is in case there is a Battle Back.
11:00-12:00 AM: JC spoke to Angela. He talked about how he lacks the personal relationships with people due to having spent so much time with the other side in order to assist in making moves. Angela said the reason why they are where they are today is in large part due to JC’s work. JC brought up that he hasn’t made a Final 2 since he was focused on doing things for the group. They discussed that the time is coming where they are going to have to start targeting people from within their won group. Angela said she thinks they are mature enough to not take it personally. JC said he doesn’t feel happy about having to do it.
12:00-1:00 AM: Angela filled Tyler in on her talk with JC. They agreed that JC would likely have their backs over a number of others in the house. Angela said little does JC know that he has one foot outside of their circle. She mentioned feeling bad because he has done a lot of work. Tyler pointed out that they are the ones winning HoH, so JC feels as though he has to put in extra work since he is not winning competitions.

Summary of yesterday August 25, 2018
August 25, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 25, 2018
10:00-11:00 AM: Players were picked for the veto competition. The veto players are Angela, Faysal, Haleigh, JC, Kaycee and Sam. Haleigh chose Sam with houseguest’s choice, after Faysal told her to. Angela and Kaycee discussed that it was messed up of Faysal to do that. JC said Faysal is such a bully. Kaycee thinks that Haleigh picked Sam because she thought that Faysal would be mad if she picked Brett after he told her to pick Sam. Angela said she hopes Haleigh realizes that Faysal is not looking out for her best interests. Kaycee said she cannot wait for Faysal to lose the veto. Elsewhere, JC questioned Faysal about Haleigh’s decision to choose Sam. He asked if Faysal thinks that Sam is going to save Haleigh. Faysal said no but Brett was not going to use it either, and Sam is a worse competitor. Faysal asked if Angela wants the nominations to stay the same. JC said he thinks that every HoH wants that. JC commented that Haleigh is stupid for picking Sam when she would have a better shot at getting the votes over Faysal than someone else. Faysal told JC that if he leaves nominations the same, he will be one of the next two to go. JC said he is going to be on the block if Haleigh wins the veto. He mentioned that Sam could possibly be nominated instead.
11:00-12:00 PM: Haleigh told Angela she wants to talk to her because she doesn’t want things to be weird. Angela said she doesn’t either. They hugged. Angela said she loves Haleigh on a personal level but she thought that this move had to be made in order to get herself the furthest in the game. She explained that she thinks Faysal can beat her in competitions, so she is scared of him as a competitor. Haleigh said she gets it and she is not mad or upset since she made the same move. Haleigh asked if Angela was really considering Sam. Angela said she was. Angela told Haleigh that her chances of staying are a lot greater if Faysal stays on the block. Haleigh said she thought that she was the target. Angela let Haleigh know that everyone is scared of Faysal in competitions. Haleigh said she is now pissed that she picked Sam to compete. She said she wishes that Angela had told her not to do that. Haleigh explained that her mindset was that Sam would be easier to beat in the competition. Later, Brett told Haleigh he really thought that she was going to pick him. Haleigh said she was going to but she didn’t think Brett or Sam would use it, plus she thought that she could beat Sam. Haleigh said she is now wondering if Sam would use the veto on Faysal if she wins it. Brett said she would 100%. Haleigh questioned why nobody talks to her about these things until after. Haleigh said she is so mad at herself. Brett told her not to focus on it since there is nothing that she can do to change it now.
12:00-1:00 PM: Haleigh spoke to Kaycee about her decision. She said she believed that everyone in the house wanted her out. Kaycee said Haleigh is not the target. Haleigh said she picked someone who she thought that she could beat because she thought that she was leaving unless she won the veto. Haleigh said she wishes that she had spoke to Angela last night, because she would have picked Tyler to play had she known that she was not the target. Haleigh said she feels stupid. Kaycee encouraged her to win the veto. She added that she will be safe if one of them win it and leave it the same as well. Feeds went down at 12:58 for the veto competition.
10:00-11:00 PM: Feeds returned at 10:37 following the veto competition. Kaycee won the Power of Veto. She beat Faysal by one point. Angela and Kaycee discussed that Faysal will be leaving. Downstairs, Faysal was frustrated that he lost the competition. He felt that it was his to win, and he dropped a number of things that could have got him the win. Faysal asked Haleigh if she thinks that Kaycee will keep nominations the same. Haleigh said she definitely will. Faysal asked what they should do. Haleigh said they should hang out since one of them is going to be leaving.
11:00-12:00 AM: Haleigh told Angela and Tyler that Faysal is going to start campaigning tomorrow. Angela said it’s not going to work. Tyler assured Haleigh that she doesn’t have anything to worry about. Angela told Haleigh that she is good. Tyler said he loves Faysal but he is an amazing competitor who he cannot beat. Later, JC told Haleigh that he thinks Faysal is leaving. He said there is nothing that he can do about it. JC said he is happy that Haleigh is staying but he is not happy that Faysal is leaving. Haleigh asked why JC thinks that. JC explained that people will see him as the stronger competitor. JC asked if Faysal and Haleigh are in a showmance. Haleigh said no. He told her that there is nothing wrong with it if they are, but don’t tell anybody. Haleigh again said that they are not a showmance. Haleigh asked why he said that. JC said he doesn’t want her to be targeted. Haleigh said she is not going to have anyone if Faysal leaves. JC said she will have him. Haleigh headed up to the HoH room. She said it’s going to be a hard week. Angela told her to hang in there since they have her back. She said there is no need to campaign to her, Kaycee, or Tyler.
12:00-1:00 AM: Faysal told JC that he is ready to leave. He said they would be stupid not to send him home. JC reminded Faysal that there might be a twist. Faysal said he is ready to go and he is not going to campaign. JC said he could get his vote and Sam’s vote, but he would still need one more. JC told Faysal multiple times that there could always be a Battle Back. JC asked if he will have Faysal’s vote if he makes it to the Final 2. Faysal said he already knows that he has his vote. Faysal said he wonders what Haleigh is going to do if he leaves. JC said she is trying to be good with everyone, as that is her game. Faysal said that’s not his game. JC pointed out that he will be there with her, so they will be fine. Up in the HoH room, Angela asked Kaycee if she ever thinks that Tyler has a power app. Kaycee said no. Angela followed that up by saying that “whenever he talks about veto, he makes it seem like…”, and then Kaycee cut her off to say she thinks that Tyler would have told them. Angela said she thinks so too but there are some things that you are better off not knowing.
1:00-2:00 AM: Faysal told Haleigh and JC that he will keep the jury house warm for them. Both Haleigh and JC told Faysal that there could be a twist. Haleigh said he doesn’t even know if he is leaving. Faysal mentioned that the people they aligned with screwed each other. Haleigh told JC that the two of them and Sam are the odd ones out since Angela, Brett, Kaycee and Tyler are all working together. Up in the HoH room, Tyler told Level 6 that they should let Sam vote Haleigh out so that Haleigh will definitely target her. Brett agreed. If Sam asks which way they are voting, Angela said that they should tell her. Brett thinks JC knows that Faysal has got to go, so anything that he is saying to Faysal is just to comfort him. Tyler said JC wont have a choice since it only takes three votes this week.

Summary of yesterday August 24, 2018
August 24, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 24, 2018
10:00-11:00 AM: Sam made a quick stop up in the HoH room. She didn’t talk game other than telling Angela that he word still stands in that she would never put her up. Angela responded with “likewise”. Faysal checked in with Haleigh when they got out of bed. Haleigh said she wants to talk to Angela before nominations. Faysal asked if he should talk to her first. Haleigh said it’s up to him. Haleigh thought it would be a good idea to get together with Angela and Tyler. Faysal said Angela needs to know how Brett was acting during her HoH week. Haleigh said they could be working together. Faysal suggested that Brett is playing both sides since he jumped ship during Haleigh’s HoH week.
11:00-12:00 PM: Haleigh asked Tyler if he got a chance to talk to Angela. Tyler said she doesn’t know what she wants to do yet. Haleigh said that basically means that she is going on the block. Haleigh argued that she is not the best pawn and she is not comfortable with it. Haleigh brought up walking in on Angela, Brett, Kaycee and Tyler celebrating together. Tyler played it off as though Brett was celebrating because Angela told him the plan to go after Sam. Elsewhere, JC told Brett he knows for a fact that Angela likes him. He clarified that Angela finds him funning. JC advised Brett to show Angela how charming he is. He said she loves when Brett flirts with her. Brett asked if this is all speculation. JC said he is not blind to things. He explained that Brett makes jokes that are not funny at all, yet Angela laughs like they are really funny. Up in the HoH room, Faysal asked Angela if she has any idea what she is going to do. Angela said the plan is pretty much the same as what they had talked about. Angela let Faysal know that Haleigh is likely going to be a pawn. Faysal asked if Angela think that Sam would leave over Haleigh. Angela said totally. She told Faysal that it wont make any sense if she doesn’t nominate Haleigh, and then people will be suspicious of her. Faysal said he sees where she is coming from. He said that he will respect any decision that she makes. Angela added that she cant put her game in jeopardy to keep Haleigh off of the block just to make her feel better. Faysal told Angela he understands her justification for putting Haleigh up, but it sucks. He reiterated that he meant what he said about stick with Angela, Tyler and Haleigh until the Final 4. Faysal said he knows that Sam is the target but it’s going to close, whereas it would be clearcut that anyone other than Haleigh would for sure stay over Sam.
12:00-1:00 PM: Haleigh joined Angela and Faysal in the HoH room. Faysal said there is no way that the three of them and Tyler don’t make it to the Final 4 if Sam goes home this week. He pointed out that they would then make up more than half of the house. Haleigh said she thinks that their four is solid and they are good competitors who trust each other. In the have-not room, Kaycee asked Tyler who he thinks they should target first out of Faysal and Haleigh. Tyler said Faysal. He explained that Haleigh his not close to Sam, so Sam would go after Haleigh. He also agreed with what Brett had said about JC only voting Faysal out if the numbers are for sure there. In the bathroom, Faysal told Brett that this is the time to make house moves. He said he made one last week, opting to take Scottie out and leave Sam off of the block, setting up this week’s HoH to be able to make another house move by taking Sam out. Faysal said he thinks that is what Angela is going to do.
1:00-2:00 PM: Angela spoke to JC about her plan to nominate Faysal and Haleigh. She went over various points for her speech. She brought that they were “a day late and a dollar short”. Angela said she is not going to go against those who she was loyal to the whole time for Faysal and Haleigh who failed to explain to her how their deal would benefit her. Angela admitted to having told Faysal that she would never target him, but she said that he is guilty by association. JC let Angela know that Faysal was pitching for Brett go up. JC said he almost choked on his milk when he heard that. JC reassured Angela that she will be safe even if Faysal manages to stay this week, as he would be targeting Brett and Tyler over her. JC asked that Angela not choose him to be a have-not this week. Angela said she would pick Faysal and Haleigh. As for the third one, she said Brett but then talked about having Brett and Kaycee do rock paper scissors to decide it. Haleigh checked in with Angela. She asked if she wants to run any thoughts by her. Angela said no. She explained that she is going over what she is going to say in her head. Haleigh said she thinks that Sam will lose it. Haleigh reiterated that Angela can trust her. Angela thanked her. Angela rolled her eyes when Haleigh left the room. Kaycee then stopped by. Angela told her that Faysal and Haleigh legitimately think that they are a Final 4 alliance now. Angela said it’s insane how they took speculation about the double eviction and have turned it into an alliance. Angela told Kaycee that if she has to put Faysal and Haleigh up to get them out of her room, she would do that right now with no further justification just to make that happen.
2:00-3:00 PM: Feeds returned after being down for over an hour. The table was replaced with a smaller version now that only eight houseguests remain. Faysal asked Haleigh if she thinks that Angela is putting her up. Haleigh said yes. Faysal said he tried to talk to Haleigh without being too pushy. Faysal said Haleigh is not going to go home next to Sam. Haleigh disagreed. She said the only votes that she would get are Faysal’s and JC’s. Faysal thinks that she has Tyler as well, because Angela and Tyler’s best case scenario is keeping the two of them in the game. Haleigh said over and over that she is likely leaving this week. Faysal said he doesn’t see why Angela would put Haleigh up when that would mean that two people would take her down. They agreed that Angela is unlikely to nominate the two of them together.
3:00-4:00 PM: Faysal spoke to Angela to let her know that if half of a duo goes this week, the other duo is going to be targeted next week if they don’t win HoH. He said he respects her plan and he is on board with it, as he knows that Kaycee and Tyler will vote the way that she wants them to. Faysal said the only way that the others have a chance is if they target each other instead of them. Angela said she knows but she doesn’t think that the others are gunning for them like he makes them out to be. Faysal asked if Sam knows that she is going on the block. Angela said she hasn’t even had a conversation with her. Before leaving, Faysal reiterated that he is on board with the plan. JC asked Tyler if Angela let him know that Faysal was trying to get him put up as a pawn. JC said no. Tyler said it happened last night. JC talked about how he will be voting Faysal out the second that he hits the block. He explained that being close with Faysal was always for the benefit of the team. JC told Tyler that going to the Final 4 with both Angela and Kaycee is not beneficial to them, because those two are going to pick each other. He suggested that they take two people who don’t like each other. Both agreed that they do not want Brett to make it that far. JC revealed that Brett said he was a bit worried that Angela and Tyler had made an alliance with Faysal and Haleigh, but he told Brett not to worry. JC brought up that Brett has been getting closer to him. Tyler said Brett is going to be JC’s new Faysal. JC stressed that Faysal cannot win the veto. If Faysal wins the veto, JC worried that he would come after him if he votes Haleigh out. Tyler said they will have the numbers to get Haleigh out either way, though JC might get himself put up if he votes with Faysal and then Angela, Brett or Kaycee win HoH moving forward.
4:00-5:00 PM: Tyler asked Angela about her talks with Faysal and Haleigh. Angela said the more they talk to her, the more she wants to nominate them. Angela said she is leaning towards calling out the deal that they tried to make with her last week. Tyler informed Angela that JC said Brett was worried about it. Angela again said it’s probably best to call it out and say that she was not on board with it. They discussed that Faysal has no idea that he is going up, as he is more focused on protecting Haleigh at the moment. Feeds went down at 4:35 for the nomination ceremony.
6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds returned at 6:01 following the nomination ceremony. Angela nominated Faysal and Haleigh for eviction. Angela told Tyler that her heart was beating so fast. Tyler said she gave the best speech that he has ever heard. Tyler told Angela that she made a big move and Faysal didn’t see it coming. Tyler asked Angela how he should play it with Faysal and Haleigh. Angela said he could maybe say that he didn’t know. Tyler isn’t sure that they would buy that. Kaycee had joined the conversation by that point. She said hopefully Faysal doesn’t win the veto. Angela said Sam can go up as a pawn if that happens. Elsewhere, Haleigh told Faysal that he is not the target. Faysal said he will be leaving if they stay on the block next to each other. Haleigh disagreed. JC checked on Faysal. He said he doesn’t think that Faysal is the target based on the speech that Angela gave. Faysal said he will be leaving since he is the better physical competitor. Faysal told JC that he will not campaign against Haleigh. When JC told Faysal that he can win the veto, Faysal laughed. Faysal said that being on the block is funny. JC left, saying that he came to check on him cause he thought that he was crying, but he was having the time of his life. Faysal and Haleigh then spoke again. Each of them continued to say that they are the target this week. Haleigh told Faysal that JC knew since he talked to Angela for 45 minutes earlier. Faysal said JC told him that he thought it was going to be Haleigh and Sam on the block. Haleigh told Faysal that she knew they couldn’t make deals with Angela and Tyler. She pointed out that they used Faysal’s HoH week to get someone out who was coming after them, and now they are taking one of them out. Haleigh told Faysal that they will be okay since it’s just a game. Faysal said he is not worried about the game right now. He pointed out that they might have to be apart for a while. Haleigh said she wants Faysal to make it further than she does. Faysal said he doesn’t care about any of that right now. He asked if they can both go at the same time. Haleigh said that’s not how this works but she wishes.
7:00-8:00 PM: Angela asked JC what Faysal said to him. JC said that Faysal was laughing. He said Faysal also told him that he will be leaving if he doesn’t win the veto. Kaycee asked if Faysal would use the veto on Haleigh. JC said probably. Kaycee also thinks that he might do that. Faysal told Haleigh that the best case scenario is one of them wins the veto and then they have that person’s vote, JC’s vote, and they will have to try to convince Brett that he is on the bottom of the totem pole on the other side. Faysal said they suck at this game. He told Haleigh that she sent Rockstar out, he sent Scottie out, and they should have kept Scottie.
8:00-9:00 PM: JC had a quick chat with Faysal and Haleigh. He told them that he doesn’t want to hang out with them too much because he doesn’t wan to be the replacement nominee. JC let Faysal know that he can pick him to play in the veto competition if he wants. Haleigh said she will probably pick Brett. Once JC left, Haleigh said she was expecting to be on the block but she didn’t think that Faysal would be next to her. Faysal wondered if it was because of how hard he was pitching. Haleigh said she thinks that Angela, Brett, Kaycee, Tyler and maybe even Sam, have all been working together since the beginning. They discussed that Brett did what he had to do last week in order to get Scottie on the block. Faysal brought up that they get to be bitter jury members if they are evicted. Haleigh said she is so bitter. She mentioned that JC is the only one who would have her vote right now. Faysal said he would give it to Kaycee over Angela and Tyler even though she hasn’t done anything. Haleigh said she would vote for Sam over Angela. She explained that it’s pissing her off that Angela is playing the game so well. Haleigh told Faysal that if she is sitting next to him on eviction night, she will tell everyone to evict her. She said the only reason why he is on the block is because he is associated with her. Haleigh told Faysal that he will have Scottie on his side if there is a Battle Back and he returns. She said he will work with Faysal after she tells him who sent her out and how it happened. Haleigh went back to discussing jury votes. She said the order in which she would vote for someone to win would be JC, Brett, Kaycee, Tyler, Sam and Angela. Haleigh suggested that they need to find a new game to play because they suck at Big Brother. She talked about having thrown away $500,000 in hope of clearing Bayleigh’s name when she was the hacker.
9:00-10:00 PM: Haleigh told Faysal that Angela is going to manage to win the whole game. Haleigh reiterated that Angela is not getting her jury vote. Faysal said she will not get his, Rockstar’s or Scottie’s either, so she is not going to win the game. Haleigh said she will be so bitter even though she is always saying that she hates a bitter jury. Faysal said he thinks that he would have the votes if he made it to the end. Haleigh said he would, as would she, which is probably part of what they are thinking by targeting her. JC spoke to Brett. He encouraged him to get closer to Angela. Brett thinks that she is already in tight with Kaycee and Tyler. JC said he feels good with Angela and he thinks that Brett could get in good with her since she has a little crush on him. Brett said he will try but he thinks that JC is seeing something that he can’t see. Brett told JC that Angela is about loyalty, and he would be surprised if she deviated from Kaycee and Tyler, so he thinks that it would be better to spend his energy elsewhere. Brett and JC agreed that they are likely to get to the Final 5 with Angela, Kaycee and Tyler. Brett said he thinks that he will be screwed once they get to that point.
10:00-11:00 PM: Faysal spoke confidently about his chances of winning the veto. JC reminded him that he got fourth place in OTEV. JC asked if Faysal even listened to Angela’s speech. Faysal said he was too busy looking at his picture. JC said Angela mentioned that Haleigh was always the target, and she put Faysal up because he is her new Scottie. Later, JC and Tyler had a quick chat. JC wondered what would happen if Sam wins the veto and is convinced by Faysal to use it. Tyler said somebody else would have to go up but Haleigh would still leave. JC said he doesn’t want to go on the block. Tyler assured JC that it wouldn’t be him.

Tonight's Show!
August 23, 2018
Previously, on Big Brother, after the all-American beasted his way to power, JC got in his head about Scottie. Despite Haleigh's plea, the jock still targeted the nerd. Looking for a new alliance, Faysal made a pitch to Tyler and the lifeguard played along to keep himself safe.
In a must-win veto for Scottie, it was Brett who found victory. Not wanting her pal Scottie evicted, Sam concocted a cuckoo scheme, but Faysal wasn't falling for it. Soon after, Scottie also threw Haleigh under the bus leaving Faysal with a big decision. Tonight, a tear-jerking tale of heartbreak and backstabs lead to a veto meeting.
Julie greets us and says it's day 65 inside the house. When throwing someone under the bus, be warned it might just roll back over you.
Faysal says Brett won the veto and then Sam and Scottie tried to convince him to put Haleigh on the block. He needs to let Haleigh know.
Faysal tells Haleigh that she's getting thrown under the bus and she says how? Faysal recaps the conversation and says he called her Kaitlyn 2.0. Haleigh says that's interesting.
Haleigh tells us she is confused. She is very confused. She says she feels really stupid because she defended him and stuck up for him and then he throws her under the bus and attacks her. Haleigh leaves the HoH.
Angela and Kaycee are in the lounge and Angela hopes he puts Sam up. Kaycee says it will be one of them. Haleigh comes in with Tyler behind and she's crying and Angela gives her a hug and comforts her. Haleigh explains to them what Faysal told her.
Tyler says none of them have ever heard Haleigh say a bad word about Scottie. Kaycee says she feels so bad for Haleigh. Scottie is on her side and he's throwing her under the bus. This is too easy, it's a cake walk. Kaycee tells Haleigh that's dirty. Haleigh says now that she's heard from Faysal Scottie is targeting her, she needs to find out why and see what he has to say about it.
Scottie is lying down and Haleigh goes to talk to him. Scottie tells her that he already put a plan in motion and Scottie tells Haleigh he said he's getting played with. Haleigh asks if he believes that and he says he doesn't know what to think. He says he called her Kaitlyn 2.0.
Scottie tells us he feels bad and his plan was even stupider than he originally thought. Haleigh says she doesn't know what Scottie means and she's confused at the entire situation.
Haleigh tells us her and Scottie talk about things outside the game and Scottie says those are his favorite moments in the house. Haleigh says she genuinely likes Scottie. Maybe she just isn't built for this game. Scottie says his plan is stupid and it's over and he feels so bad for ever thinking it was a good idea. He goes to Faysal and tells him if he puts Haleigh on the block he'll kick his butt. Faysal says Haleigh has always trusted him and it was stupid for him to throw her under the bus. Scottie admits to Faysal that he has real feelings for Haleigh.
Faysal tells us Scottie was already a target for being sketchy, but now he admits he has feelings for his girl. Go ahead Scottie, keep digging. Scottie is his real target this week, but Sam has been acting real cuckoo lately. He doesn't know if he wants to put Sam up or pawn to make sure Scottie goes home this week.
It's time for the veto meeting! Brett gives Scottie a chance to explain why he should use the veto on him. Scottie says he's not going to waste his time with that. Someone in the house has been playing him and everyone in the house and they are going to get a jury vote. Sam. He thinks Sam should be the replacement nominee. Brett has decided to use the PoV on himself.
Faysal now has to name a new HGs as a replacement nominee. Faysal recaps Scottie's pitch to put up Haleigh and then Sam. He says that's two red flags for him. With that being said... Kaycee, please have a seat. This veto meeting is adjourned.
Faysal says Scottie is definitely his target this week and he chose Kaycee because she'll stay with a unanimous vote. Faysal says Scottie has been flipping votes plus has feelings for his girl. Time for him to go.
Kaycee says it's never good to be on the block, but considering she's against Scottie she's confident she's going nowhere. Scottie says Faysal is an idiot and if he'd put Sam on the block next to him, he would have been able to stay this week. Sam says Scottie ripped her a new one and she doesn't understand why. She is tired of trying to do anything. She's done. These people wear her out.
Kaycee and Faysal are talking in the HoH and Kaycee says she feels good and Faysal says Scottie just basically threw Sam under the bus. Faysal says what can Scottie pitch to get people to flip? Kaycee says she doesn't know.
We see Brett, Angela, and Tyler are talking and Brett thinks they are sitting OK. Brett says they have their three votes, plus Sam and JC. There's no doubt. Tyler says throwing out a rogue vote now would be so obvious. Brett says week after week the other side has been able to deplete their numbers, but they've managed to avoid that. Brett says you hear that Faysal? It's the sound of your alliance crumbling and we're coming for you!
Having multiple Final Two deals CAN get you far in this game. But if you're not careful, it can burn you. We see Brett putting bacon covered in brown sugar in the oven and it's beeping. Kaycee says something is burning and Brett says it is and it's on fire. Sam says are you serious? She grabs the extinguisher and puts out. Scottie says that was exciting! Scottie says he does like his bacon crispy. Brett says Sammie saved our lives.
Angela and Tyler are in the bathroom area and they decide to go up to talk to Faysal. Tyler says Faysal mentioned working with him and he wants to use this to any advantage he can. Faysal, Haleigh, Angela, and Tyler are talking about how many competitions they've won. Faysal says after this eviction there will be 8 people in the house and he can't compete next HoH so he needs people who can compete for him. Angela says people who are skating by and not making any moves is BS. Faysal says it's real because he's the HoH coming to them.
Angela tells us there is no way in heck she'd pick Haleigh and Faysal over Level 6. But if Haleigh does win HoH next week, this could work out for them. Tyler and Angela are in the lounge talking and trying to come up with a plan. Angela thinks it might not be a bad plan for a week or two.
Tyler thinks it would be good if they didn't win HoH this week. Angela thinks it will be best if Brett or Kaycee wins. Tyler says there are a lot of people in this game that think he's loyal to them and having a deal with all of them is a great feeling, but at the same time, it could totally backfire.
JC tells us he and Tyler have been working together since Day two and he wants to make sure Tyler is only loyal to him. JC is talking to Tyler in the Have-Not room and Tyler says he never has to questions him. JC says he'll never betray Tyler and he's going to top two with him. Tyler says JC just has to trust him and let him do his thing.
Tyler says he has a lot of people he made promises to since week 1 and his ideal Final Three is Angela, JC, Kaycee, and himself. His ideal Final Two is Kaycee because he thinks he can beat her over JC.
Kaycee and Tyler are talking and they reaffirming their Final Two. Tyler says he needs to keep people feeling confident so they take him to Final Two. It's crucial that he not win this next competition so he doesn't have to take shots at all these people he has deals with. He just needs them to take shots at each other.
It's time for the live vote and eviction. Will it be the first unanimous vote of the summer? Or will there be another rogue vote?
Kaycee gives her shoutouts and thanks CBS. Scottie is probably one of the weirdest kids she ever met but she loves him and she'd love to continue this journey. Let's go!
Scottie says it sucks being on the block this week and against one of his best friends, and he acted like a fool and he panicked and he wants to apologize to people that he hurt and for his immaturity.
Time to vote!
Angela votes to evict Scottie.
JC votes to evict Scottie.
Tyler sadly votes to evict Scottie.
Haleigh votes to evict Scottie.
Sam votes to evict Scottie sadly.
Brett votes to evict Scottie.
By a vote to 6-0, Scottie has been evicted from the Big Brother house.
Time to deliver the news to Scottie. Scottie gives hugs to everyone and heads out the door.
Julie asks Scottie about his plan with Sam about throwing Haleigh under the bus. Scottie says the plan was for Sam to pitch it and then she'd be on the block next to him. Julie says so you were trying to double-cross Sam. Julie says that didn't work.
Julie says we saw him work Faysal and Haleigh for most of the game, so how does he explain why he's there. Scottie says either Zingbot was on the dot and Faysal is a moron or Faysal is the flip vote. Julie asks if Faysal's idea to target him was personal or strategic? Scottie says neither? Maybe it was strategic because he did well in competitions.
Julie says you were the only one who voted to keep Rockstar. Why didn't you scream to everyone when Brett took the credit? Scottie says Brett is a liar and he didn't think he'd have to defend himself to Faysal. He says none of this makes sense.
Julie asks Scottie if him confessing his feelings for Haleigh to Faysal, was it a strategy to tell Faysal? Scottie says they are kind of real.
Julie asks Scottie about the Swaggy vote. Scottie says Swaggy and Faysal promised to save Steve with the veto and he is a reason Steve went home. Faysal says he probably did most of the things he was accused of. Brett says Scottie, my guy, he's sorry the way things went down the way they did, but he had to make sure he was going to get put up so he could play in the veto. JC says he doesn't know what happened and he's going to miss him.
Haleigh says what a long strange week it has been and she's had his back and has been in his corner since day one. She says they will be great friends once they are out of the house. Scottie says she looked so much smaller than everyone else in the DR.
Time for the HoH competition! This competition is called Sweet Shot. They have to search the ball pits for a candy with a token inside. They can trade their token for a ball from Faysal. The tokens are transferable. They can roll the ball down a conveyor and they can try to get the ball in a cup at the end. The first HGs to get a perfect shot will win. But beware. There are numbers from 1-40 along the conveyor and if they are short, their ball will land in a number. Then they have a decision to make. They can keep their score or try again for the perfect shot. If after ONE HOUR, no one has a perfect shot, the player with the highest score will win HoH.
Julie announces we'll find out who wins on Sunday night. And next week's evictee MAY not be going to the jury house. It's time for a jury Battle⇆Back. Bayleigh, Rockstar, Scottie, and the next evictee will get an opportunity to come back into the game.

Summary of yesterday August 23, 2018
August 23, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 23, 2018
1:00-2:00 PM: Sam asked Tyler what she is doing tonight. She asked if the plan is still the same. Tyler said to do the same as last week, keeping Kaycee, if she wants. Tyler let Sam know that everyone else is voting Scottie out. Sam asked if Tyler is doing that as well. Tyler said he has to since everyone else is. Sam wondered if they were just trying to get the two of them on the wrong side of the vote. Tyler said no. Sam asked if it’s still the two of them. Tyler said yes and told her not to worry. Tyler then checked in with Kaycee. He said he made sure that Sam is good. Kaycee asked if Sam said anything about HoH. Tyler said he told her to talk to him when it happens, which she said that she will.
2:00-3:00 PM: Scottie told Angela that no matter what happens, he has always been in her corner and he will always be in her corner. Angela said likewise. Scottie pointed out that it sucks for Angela since she will be losing a friend no matter what. Scottie mentioned that he owes Angela a favour from her HoH week, so he would like to get the chance to repay that. He added that he would like to get revenge on Faysal. Scottie asked Angela if she thinks that there will be a Battle Back. Angela said there could be, and she will see him soon if there is one.
3:00-4:00 PM: Scottie told Tyler that nobody can say anything to him if he gets voted out and then wins a Battle Back, but all of his debts will still be owed if he stays in the house. Scottie said he talked to Angela to reiterate that he is still in her corner and he still owes her. Tyler said he thinks that Angela knows that. Scottie said three people have never wronged him in this game, and those three are Angela, Sam and Tyler. Tyler said Scottie needs Haleigh right now. Scottie said Haleigh made it seem like she has him, so he thinks that she is keeping him unless it was all BS. Tyler said he is worried that Haleigh is just beaten around the bush. Scottie suggested that Tyler letting Haleigh know which way he is voting would make her feel more comfortable about keeping him. Tyler asked Scottie if he believes what Angela said about Haleigh pitching to get him on the block during her HoH week. While Scottie said he believes that Faysal did it, he wasn’t sure about Haleigh. He did say that Angela has not lied to him in this game. Scottie warned Tyler that Faysal will get to the Final 3 if they let him get too far, because he has all of the days memorized.
6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Scottie was evicted by a unanimous vote of 6-0. Julie revealed that there will be a Battle Back following next week’s eviction. Bayleigh, Rockstar, Scottie and next week’s evictee will compete for the chance to get back in the game. The HoH competition got underway on the show, but it did not conclude.
8:00-9:00 PM: Feeds returned following the HoH competition. Nobody managed a perfect shot. Angela is the new HoH. She won by having the highest score after an hour. Tyler finished a point behind her.
9:00-10:00 PM: Faysal suggested to Haleigh that they will be fine this week. Haleigh disagreed. She said she walked in on Angela, Brett, Kaycee and Tyler celebrating. She said they stopped when she walked in. Faysal told Haleigh that Angela is not stupid. Haleigh pointed out that Faysal would be the only one who gets upset if she is targeted. She guaranteed that she will be nominated tomorrow, but Faysal disagreed. Haleigh said Tyler was giving her tokens all game, but Angela wasn’t. Faysal thinks that Angela will take the Final 4 deal, opting to target Sam and put a pawn like JC up next to her. Haleigh said she will be the target since she put Angela up. Faysal thinks that they squashed that last week. He doesn’t see Angela messing with what they have when he is good with her right now.
10:00-11:00 PM: Brett asked Kaycee if they are still sticking to the plan of going after Faysal and Haleigh. Kaycee said she thinks so. Kaycee said they are a solid four and they have the biggest and strongest alliance in the house. Brett agreed. He pointed out that they will soon be more than half of the house. Brett mentioned that he thinks there will be another twist. They discussed the possibility of a Battle Back. Brett said it could be a Battle Back next week and then a double eviction the week after that. Brett thinks there will be a Battle Back since production would have been banking on Kaitlyn coming back. Kaycee said this is going to be a stress free week. Brett said he feels like a loser since Angela got two HoH wins before he got one. Kaycee said their time is coming. Brett wondered if Angela would change her mind because of the way that Sam is acting. Kaycee said she doesn’t think so.
12:00-1:00 AM: Faysal told Angela that she cannot pawn Haleigh. Angela asked who would be a better pawn, cause she would need to justify it. Faysal said the numbers are getting smaller and it’s not about justifying it. Faysal told Angela that Haleigh will vote Sam out if she is not on the block. He added that there is no point in putting her up when she might go home. Faysal said it will be a mess if Haleigh takes herself down or if he wins the veto and takes her down, but it’s Angela’s HoH. Angela said she needs to talk to everyone. Faysal and Haleigh told Angela that the two of them and Tyler are the three votes that they would need this week. Faysal said Sam is not going to win the veto. Faysal advised Angela to look at what sets her up for next week. Angela said she doesn’t know who to put up as a pawn. Faysal said JC is his best friend but he would not go home. They agreed that JC would be pissed about it. Faysal said everybody would keep nominations the same if JC and Sam are on the block. Haleigh said it makes her nervous that Brett and Sam spend so much time together. Haleigh said it would be sick if they can win every HoH from here on out. Faysal mentioned that Angela and Tyler feel really comfortable with each other, and he feels really comfortable with Haleigh. After Faysal left, Haleigh told Angela to not let Faysal get in her head. Haleigh said Angela can trust her. She asked her to let her know what she decides either way. Haleigh said she will be upset if she goes up, but she will get over it. Faysal told Tyler that Angela cannot put Haleigh up as a pawn. He said he sat Angela and Tyler down to tell them that he would not touch either of them. Haleigh cut in and said that Faysal is not her, so what he did is not relevant to her.
1:00-2:00 AM: JC and Kaycee discussed that Faysal and Haleigh do not want to leave Angela alone. JC brought up that someone from their side would have to go up as a pawn if Faysal wins the veto after Haleigh and Sam are nominated. Kaycee said she thinks that Angela will nominate Faysal and Haleigh next to each other. Elsewhere, Haleigh told Faysal that she doesn’t want him to be pushing hard for anything, as Angela told her that she doesn’t want to feel like she is being pressured to do something. Haleigh said Faysal is coming across like she thinks that they owe her something. Faysal said they owe him something. Faysal said it’s not a smart move to put Haleigh up as a pawn, because she is not a pawn. Haleigh told Faysal that she is not a pawn if she goes on the block. Faysal thinks that everything will go smoothly. He figures that Angela would not put Haleigh up when she knows that he is good at vetoes and could take her down. Faysal said the easiest move would be to put JC up since he would not win the veto. Haleigh said she wants Sam gone so bad and she cannot wait to see her face when she goes up. Faysal said he will look like a genius if Sam leaves this week.
2:00-2:30 AM: Angela told Tyler that she doesn’t know what to do. She said it would be so easy to send Sam home. Angela said she doesn’t know what Brett and Kaycee want, but she is annoyed that she and Tyler are the only ones who are getting blood on their hands. Tyler said he thinks that Faysal and Haleigh will honour their deal to a certain extent if they do not go after them this week. Angela said she doesn’t want to look stupid by not taking the shot when they had it. Angela said she is thinking of putting Haleigh and Sam up, telling Haleigh that she is a pawn, then backdooring Faysal. Angela said she thinks it would be bad if Faysal and Haleigh are on the block together, because they would be freaking out all week long. Tyler said he is down for whatever Angela wants to do. Angela said if they did send Sam out, Faysal and Haleigh might have their backs next week but it comes down to relying on their word. Tyler said they have to think about a potential Battle Back too. Angela thought it would be good to send Sam out if there is one, because Scottie could then come back and go after Faysal. Angela said she thinks that Sam is the only one who would put her up, so that’s the move that she should make if she is only thinking about herself. Tyler said he trusts Faysal but he doesn’t trust Haleigh. Angela agreed. Tyler worried that Faysal would try to make a big move by getting them out before the Final 4. He also pointed out that if Bayleigh or Rockstar were to return, Faysal and Haleigh would go that person instead.
2:30-3:00 AM: JC joined Angela and Tyler in the HoH room. He explained that one of them would have to go on the block if Haleigh and Sam are the nominees and Faysal wins the veto. JC said he would nominate Faysal and Haleigh, which is what Brett wants as well. JC told Angela that it might seem risky but she has four people who have her back. Angela said JC made a good point. She asked if he would be okay with voting Faysal out. JC said that they are his team. He claimed to have gotten close to Faysal because it was beneficial for their team, such as when he got Scottie on the block last week. Angela brought up Faysal saying that she owes him a favour. JC said that’s what they do, and it will be 5 on 1 if one of them leave this week. JC said they can vote Faysal out if he doesn’t win the veto, then you still have Haleigh and Sam targeting each other. Kaycee was the next to speak with Angela and Tyler. When Angela brought up that targeting Sam is an option, Kaycee said that Faysal and Haleigh are competitors. She questioned if Sam would ever even win an HoH to be able to come after Angela. Angela thought that Sam might see that she has no reason to put her up if she doesn’t nominate her again this week. Kaycee argued that Faysal and Haleigh are way bigger threats since Faysal can win competitions and Haleigh knows the game. Tyler told Angela that all she did was listen to Faysal and Haleigh’s pitch, so she would not be going against her word. Angela said she can’t change her plan 60 days in because Faysal and Haleigh pitched her something. Angela said she would look like an idiot if sh doesn’t nominate Haleigh, and Faysal is guilty by association. Tyler said that is justification enough for nominating Faysal.
3:00-4:00 AM: Angela told Kaycee and Tyler that they have to nominate Faysal and Haleigh together. Tyler said Angela can say that it’s what the house wants. Angela talked about saying that she had something with everyone else leading up to this, and then Faysal and Haleigh were the last ones to approach her, plus they did it when their backs were against the wall. Brett met up with his Level 6 allies. He said Sam is driving him insane. He thinks that Sam’s antics are strategy. He pointed out that she is best friends with everyone who leaves, making people think that she is alone while she gains their jury votes. Brett asked if the plan is still the same. He said he thinks that Faysal need stop go. Angela asked if they should backdoor him. Brett said no. He told her that they have to guarantee that one of Faysal and Haleigh go. Brett explained that Faysal is more of a threat since he has JC and Sam wrapped around his finger, so the shot needs to be taken now while they have the votes. Meanwhile, Haleigh told Faysal she is nervous because Angela, Brett, Kaycee and Tyler are upstairs together. Haleigh believes that she is the target. Faysal said she is being paranoid. He thinks that Sam is the target.

Summary of yesterday August 22, 2018
August 22, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 22, 2018
11:00-12:00 PM: Kaycee asked Tyler what JC is saying about who he would nominate next week. Tyler said JC isn’t saying much other than that he doesn’t really want to win HoH but he is not going to be selfish by not winning. Kaycee figures that he would nominate Brett and Sam, because he would be concerned about going after Haleigh since she is Faysal’s girl. Tyler said JC told him that Brett has been coming to him for a Final 2. He wondered if Brett would tell them about it, or if JC could possibly be making it up as well. Tyler said Brett told him that he only has Level 6. Tyler said he doesn’t want Brett to start losing trust in them since their plan has involved staying distant. Tyler let Kaycee know that Brett said he wants Faysal out next. He mentioned that Brett might nominating Haleigh and Sam, making it possible that Faysal doesn’t get to play in the veto competition. Kaycee pointed out that Faysal could still get picked to play, then save Haleigh as well. Tyler said that’s the concern with not nominating them together.
12:00-1:00 PM: While something was cooking in the oven, Kaycee mentioned that it smelled like it was burning. Brett then said it is and checked on it. When he opened the oven door, tons of smoke came out. There were flames inside of the oven. Feeds then went down for the next hour and a half.
1:00-2:00 PM: When feeds returned, Faysal, Haleigh and Tyler chatted in the HoH room. Faysal asked Tyler if they are still good for tomorrow. Tyler said yeah. Faysal said they need to stick together if there is a double eviction tomorrow. Faysal told Tyler that if they don’t work together, one or two of them might make it, but the best way to get to the end would be if they stick together. Tyler said he doesn’t have to tell him that, cause he already knows. Haleigh said the worst case scenario would be Sam winning HoH. Tyler let Faysal know that Scottie is pitching that he is gunning for him. Haleigh said that Scottie pitched the same thing to her last night. Faysal wondered how Scottie could think that he would get Haleigh’s vote by saying that. Haleigh suggested that Scottie must think that she thinks it would be a good idea. The three reassured each other that they will have each other’s backs moving forward. Haleigh said she is going to make it seem like she is nervous about Tyler to everyone else.
2:00-3:00 PM: Haleigh told Faysal that she is in a weird spot mentally right now. She explained that she knows Faysal obviously had his own stuff going on before he came into the house, as did she, but she is questioning if what’s going on between the two of them is just gameplay. Faysal asked if she is serious. Haleigh said she is very serious. She asked what he expected when she had to listen to him talk about the girl he was talking to before he came in there. Faysal said he made it very clear that he only hung out with her for a week and he was not dating her. Faysal insisted that this is not gameplay on his end. Haleigh asked if Faysal would tell her if he flipped the vote. She said she will give him an opportunity to tell her if he flipped. Faysal swore to God that he did not. Haleigh said she is feeling as though what they have is fake right now. Faysal said it’s the realest thing. Haleigh then questioned if Faysal just made a deal with Angela and Tyler without her, and said she would go along with it because he told her to. Faysal got frustrated and said this is why Haleigh can’t be talking to Scottie for hours, because he gets in her head. Haleigh later admitted that Scottie is so convincing and makes so many good points. Faysal told Haleigh to go with what she believes. Haleigh said she believes Faysal. Faysal said JC is kind of scaring him now too, even though he doesn’t think that JC would ever put him up. Faysal observed that JC has not come up to his HoH room ever since the veto ceremony, as he is now focused on building his relationships with those who can win HoH next week. Haleigh brought up that the two of them, Angela and Tyler keep talking about targeting the middle people without explicitly saying who those middle people are, because Kaycee is Angela and Tyler’s good friend, and JC is theirs.
5:00-6:00 PM: Haleigh asked Faysal what he has been doing all day. Faysal said he is minding his business. He explained that he doesn’t want to talk to anybody because this is a stupid game. Haleigh asked what’s stupid about it. Faysal said the fact that she is still questioning him after 64 days. Faysal said it’s going to look stupid when they get out of the house if she thinks that what they have is fake. Haleigh got up to leave. Faysal commented on her walking away. Haleigh said she came up there to hang out and talk, yet he is in a pissed off mood. Faysal said she has to drop it and believe him, because he did not flip any votes. Haleigh told Faysal to drop his attitude then.
6:00-7:00 PM: Faysal asked Haleigh if she thinks that Scottie is for sure going. Haleigh said yeah. She believes that it will be a 5-1 or 6-0 vote depending on which way Sam decides to vote. Faysal said he is sorry since he knows that Scottie is her friend. However, he said the flip votes were not him, they were not Haleigh, and he doesn’t think that they were JC either. Faysal added that Scottie likes Haleigh. He said that’s not a problem but Scottie is not as close to him anymore. Faysal said he gets that Haleigh feels comfortable that Scottie would never put her up, but everyone needs to go as the numbers get smaller. Haleigh pointed out that there are still nine people left in the house. The two discussed that they would throw the veto to whichever of the two is not nominated if only one of them is on the block. Haleigh is concerned that she will leave tomorrow in the event of a double eviction. If she wins HoH, Haleigh said that she would nominate Brett and Sam. Faysal said that either JC or Kaycee would have to go on the block if one of them win the veto. Haleigh said whoever remains on the block out of Brett and Sam could go. Faysal suggested that they come together as a house the following week in order to get the other one out. Haleigh wondered what JC would do if he wins HoH. Faysal thinks that he would nominate Brett and Sam. He added that JC would definitely not nominate him, Haleigh or Tyler. Elsewhere, Angela, Kaycee and Tyler discussed the plan for a potential double eviction. Angela suggested that they should nominate both Faysal and Haleigh. Kaycee agreed that it would be the best move since it would guarantee that one of the two leaves. Tyler said that putting just one of them on the block would leave the door open for both Faysal and Haleigh to stay and be mad at them. Tyler said he doesn’t think that it would be in Faysal and Haleigh’s best interest to come after the three of them at this time.
7:00-8:00 PM: Brett told Angela that there is only one person, Haleigh, who they would have to worry about winning HoH. Angela asked about Sam. Brett said she would likely nominate Angela next to Haleigh, but Angela would have the votes. Angela wanted to know why Sam would nominate her. Brett said he doesn’t think that Sam would nominate any of the guys. Brett thinks that Haleigh is the only one who would put two Level 6 members on the block. Angela talked about Haleigh knowing the game so much better than Faysal does, meaning that it might be best tot make her out first. Brett said he would rather Faysal leave first. He argued that Haleigh is not as good at competitions, and she would be willing to put JC up. As for Faysal, Brett said he is too tight with JC to put him up. Angela said that’s true.
8:00-9:00 PM: Tyler told Angela that Faysal and Haleigh checked in with him today to make sure that everything is still good. Angela thinks that they must be scared. Angela said she really wants Brett to win so that he can put Faysal and Haleigh up. Angela said she doesn’t want to do it, but she would. Tyler said if they have to, they have to. Tyler told Angela that Faysal and Haleigh were saying that the whole house wants Sam out. Angela said she thinks that she told Haleigh that. Tyler said Brett and JC were wondering where they got that information from. Tyler said it’s good that Angela told them that. Angela mentioned that they will be good as long as two Level 6 members aren’t on the block together. Tyler said he doesn’t see many scenarios in which that happens, unless Sam does it. Angela expects to be up next to Haleigh if Sam wins HoH. She asked why Sam hates her. Tyler said it’s because Angela is beautiful and perfect. Tyler told Angela that JC thinks he is so slick. Angela asked if he keeps telling Tyler that she is in love with Brett. Tyler said he does. Angela said that’s so funny.
9:00-10:00 PM: Brett checked on Sam since she had been alone in the have-not room. She was short with Brett. Afterwards, Brett told Angela that he doesn’t really care if Sam goes. He said she is pissing him off. Angela said she is crazy. Brett mentioned that she wants more attention but then gives off the vibe that she doesn’t want attention. Angela said she doesn’t even know what to say anymore. JC spoke to Angela. He told her he thinks that Sam is mad because of Brett since he started the fire. Angela said Sam acts like this every Wednesday night. In the HoH room, Haleigh told Faysal that Angela wants to go over the days with them. Faysal said it would be a good opportunity to build some trust. Haleigh worried that Angela would beat her in the competition. She said she told Angela and Tyler to come upstairs to study later. Haleigh commented that Angela and Tyler are getting really close. Faysal thinks it’s good for them. Haleigh said it’s to a point where they are potentially playing with each other’s hair and snuggling under the covers. She said it could be a potential showmance. Haleigh said Angela told Tyler that she couldn’t sleep because he wasn’t there with her. Faysal joked that they could call those two up to reveal their showmance, then see if Angela and Tyler open up about theirs.
10:00-11:00 PM: Haleigh asked Angela and Tyler if everything is still the same. Angela said they are solid. Tyler asked how Faysal is doing. Haleigh said he is good and he wants to practice the days with them, but she doesn’t think that tomorrow’s HoH competition will be that. Angela agreed.
11:00-12:00 AM: JC told Brett that Sam is mad at him because of the fire. Brett said he didn’t do it on purpose. JC said he is concerned. Brett said Sam always does this, and he is done trying at this point. JC brought up that Faysal and Haleigh have been trying to be distant from each other to a point where it is obvious. Brett said Haleigh has been flirting with him, likely trying to cover up that she is in a showmance with Faysal. Brett wondered what Faysal and Haleigh’s plan is, cause he doesn’t think that they are trying to work with him. JC said they called Angela and Tyler about something, but Tyler hasn’t told him anything. JC pointed out that Kaycee was chosen as the replacement nominee right after that. JC said Angela, Tyler, Faysal and Haleigh were talking for three or four hours, but Faysal and Tyler have not told him anything. Brett said nobody will talk to him. Later, JC spoke to Tyler. He told him that his little showmance has made it since he is now being asked about it in the diary room. Tyler insisted that it is not a showmance. JC said he was mad. Tyler suggested that that’s the reaction the DR wanted out of him. JC said Brett has been been going crazy and offering him all sorts of stuff. He added that Brett speaks to him every time that he is alone.
12:00-1:00 AM: JC and Tyler continued to speak about what JC perceives to be a showmance between Angela and Tyler. Tyler promised that it’s not that big of a deal. He swore that it is nowhere close to being a showmance. JC said Tyler is in the room with Angela whenever he walks in. Tyler said that’s because he is now looking for it. He said he is not in there alone with her. Tyler said he isn’t sitting there confessing his love for Angela. JC pointed out that there are still five weeks to go, which is a long time for something to happen. JC eventually admitted that he is jealous. Tyler said it’s about time that he admitted it, since he has known the whole time. JC said he thinks that Brett feels as though Angela, Kaycee and Tyler are becoming too close, so he wants to get close to him. JC said Brett has no idea and the two of them. He told Tyler that he feels bad for Brett since Brett has no one. Tyler said Brett has people, including him, cause he is not against Brett. JC said Brett is still only in the plan until the Final 5.

Summary of yesterday August 21, 2018
August 21, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 21, 2018
For the first time this season, the Big Brother 20 eviction vote is already pretty much set in stone on a Tuesday. And because of that, there was little fight left in either of the nominees as one feels really safe and the other sees the writing on the wall. The other HGs have started talking about next week and who the upcoming targets should be
Scottie is toast and he knows it. The best he thinks he could do is a tie (even though he can’t really even get that) and then Faysal wouldn’t break it in his favor anyway. Scottie knows his last hope is a jury Battle Back, and no one knows if that will be a thing this season or not.
10:00-11:00 AM: Out in the yard, Sam asked Angela if she wants to take a stab at explaining what happened. Angela asked if she is referring to Scottie throwing her under the bus yesterday. Sam said yeah. Angela said Scottie is willing to do anything to save himself, and he thinks the only person he would have a fighting chance sitting next to would be her. Sam pointed out that Scottie is a bigger competitor. Angela agreed. She said Scottie must have thought that he could make up enough stuff about her to rally the votes. Angela said it’s a very dirty way of playing, and she doesn’t think that anyone would have bought into it. Sam said she felts like she was friends with Scottie and she could comfort him. Angela said she would not let what happened yesterday get to her if she were Sam. Angela said nobody in the house feels that way about Sam, so it was just Scottie’s last ditch effort in attempt to save himself.
11:00-12:00 PM: Sam asked Kaycee to keep a secret. She revealed that she plans on turning in all of her cigarettes, likely tonight, in order to quit smoking. Sam said they are going to put a patch on her tomorrow. Kaycee said that’s awesome and she is really proud of Sam for doing that. Sam asked that Kaycee support her along the way if she needs it. Elsewhere, Angela and Tyler talked about how they need to come up with a plan in case there is a double eviction. Angela said she doesn’t think it would be a bad idea to be loyal to the conversation that they had with Faysal and Haleigh for a week or two. Tyler agreed. Angela told Tyler she is thinking of putting Sam up next to Haleigh, telling Haleigh that she has to trust her on this since she is the only one that she could put up as a pawn without it looking too suspicious. Tyler said that’s exactly what he was thinking. Tyler asked who would go in that scenario. Angela said Sam. Tyler said it wouldn’t really matter either way. Angela said she thinks it’s best to keep Haleigh right now, having one of Brett, JC, or Kaycee get her out. Tyler mentioned that pretty much everyone would target Sam except for Brett. Angela said it would be best if Brett won, because he could target Faysal without them having anything to do with it. Tyler told Angela that Sam apparently approached Brett and JC about making an alliance. Both said that Brett has not yet told them about it. Tyler said JC claims that it’s not legit. Angela said she thought that Sam would have nominated Brett next to Haleigh, but now she doesn’t think that she would nominate Brett. Angela thinks that Brett is going to question why they wouldn’t say that their plan is to nominate Faysal and Haleigh. Tyler asked what Angela would do if she nominates Haleigh and Sam, and Sam wins the veto. Angela said that she would backdoor Faysal. Angela thought that it could hurt them in terms of jury votes. Tyler said no, seeing as Faysal and Haleigh didn’t approach them until Day 61, and only did so in order to try to save themselves. Angela said she would rather keep Faysal and Haleigh for now since they are keeping them safe for the time being. Tyler agreed but said at the same time, he doesn’t want those two to get them out before they get a chance to take the shot at them. Tyler thinks it makes sense for Faysal and Haleigh not to target them. Both agreed that they believe Faysal more than they believe Haleigh. Angela told Tyler she is concerned that Brett is going to start feeling like the odd man out in Level 6. Tyler agreed. They think that Brett has started to sense favouritism within the alliance, so they have to work on making sure that that doesn’t happen. Angela asked if it’s even beneficial for him to stay distant from them at this point. Tyler said he thinks that they should keep that going for as long as possible. They discussed that Faysal and Haleigh would likely nominate Brett and Sam if they win. Tyler said they could keep Brett. Tyler told Angela he has already mapped out the rest of the game in his head. Angela asked if it’s the four of them in the end. Tyler said yes. Angela said she is concerned about how JC is going to go. Tyler said they will figure it out when they get there.
12:00-1:00 PM: Tyler asked Angela how her heart has been. He ask if it’s there. Angela said she thinks it’s starting to melt, and the black ice is melting off. Tyler said that’s good and at least it’s there. Tyler mentioned that if he is on the block on eviction night, he will go home. Angela said she doesn’t think so, because he will always have her vote and Kaycee’s vote. Tyler said his favourite moment of the game was probably OTEV. He talked about how he had to look at Angela and Kaycee before every round for motivation. Angela said they started crying tears of joy after he won. Tyler brought up that he could barely talk to the alliance for the first part of the game. Angela said she thought that Tyler hated her. Tyler said he felt like he would be the first one out of the group. He said he had to work extra hard to prove himself. Angela said she never questioned him. They discussed that it would be crazy if the two of them were able to get to the end.
1:00-2:00 PM: Angela let Haleigh know that she and Tyler were just talking about the double eviction a little bit, and they think everyone is on board for what they discussed upstairs, referring to targeting Sam. Haleigh said the only problem they run in to is if one of them win. Angela said they will definitely have to have a backup plan. Haleigh asked if they are going to pawn someone. Angela said she thinks so. Haleigh said she is down for that. Haleigh mentioned that Brett and Sam were up talking for over an hour last night, so that’s a perfect pawn to put up next to her since Brett would be a vote for Sam. Angela said the only thing is that he could win the veto. Angela said she would rather do damage control with someone afterwards than risk putting someone that she cares about on the block. Haleigh said it’s really risky to put a real player up when you don’t know what everyone else’s intent is. Haleigh said she can’t think of one person that would be upset about targeting Sam. Angela said it’s the only move to be made right now.
2:00-3:00 PM: Scottie told Tyler that he spoke to Sam last night. Scottie thinks that Sam has forgiven him. Tyler asked if Haleigh has. Scottie said he hasn’t talked to her yet. Tyler said Scottie should have let Haleigh know that it was his plan to get Sam out. Scottie said he and Faysal came up with that plan together, and Faysal even asked him to go get Haleigh to talk about it. Scottie said he is pretty sure that Faysal has been the one flipping the votes and blaming it on him. He added that Faysal is always telling Haleigh not to trust him. Scottie said he will only be going after Faysal if he stays. Tyler said he brought that up to Angela, but he didn’t want to push it too much since Kaycee is her best friend. Scottie then spoke to Haleigh. He said he needs to know exactly what Faysal told her that their one on one was. Scottie said he was under the impression that Kaycee going up was not going to happen, and he had held up his end of the bargain. Scottie said he believes that he was the target all along. Haleigh said all that Faysal told her is that Scottie said he no longer wants her to go up, because he wants Sam up there. Scottie said Faysal is the one who brought Sam’s name up.
5:00-6:00 PM: Brett asked Scottie what his plan is. Scottie said that step one is to figure out what is happening. He said he believes that he has been the target this whole time, considering that he did everyone that Faysal asked him to do but it only got him put on the block. Scottie suggested that his only way to stay is by letting everyone know that Faysal is the only one that he is going after. Scottie mentioned that Faysal claimed he was going to sleep minutes after he had entered the HoH room on Thursday night, yet people were up there for hours after that. Scottie said he realized that he might be going up at that point. Scottie said Faysal has still not given him a real reason as to why he made the move that he did, seeing as he keeps mentioning things that happened in week two.
7:00-8:00 PM: Faysal asked Haleigh how her relationship with Sam is going. Haleigh said she isn’t working on it. Faysal doesn’t think that it’s worth working on, because Sam will be up on the block next week anyway. Haleigh said Sam doesn’t care about their relationship, so she has no reason to either. Haleigh said she received confirmation from Angela, Kaycee and Tyler that Sam is their target for next week. She thinks that JC has the same idea as well. Faysal said that’s why he didn’t nominate Sam this week. Faysal let Haleigh know that the reason he has been asking about her vote is that he feels someone might try to pin a vote on her by evicting Kaycee. Haleigh then relayed that theory to Angela. She said she doesn’t think that it would happen, because Angela and Tyler are locked in. Angela didn’t think that Haleigh has anything to worry about with regards to that.
8:00-9:00 PM: Faysal told Haleigh that they are playing the game. He asked who would have thought that he would be okay at this. Haleigh told Faysal that he is really not that good, because he has only left his HoH room twice today. Faysal believes that he hasn’t done anything shady, seeing as he told Angela and Tyler that he would not put them up, then he followed through on it and has been hanging out in his room since that.
9:00-10:00 PM: Angela, Kaycee and Tyler discussed the plan for a potential double eviction this week. They talked about nominating Haleigh and Sam if they win HoH. Tyler asked which of the two should go. Kaycee suggested that getting Haleigh out would be the better move since she is a superfan and has a lot of knowledge of the game. Tyler said he would be fine with that. Angela agreed. If one of the nominees win the veto, Kaycee said they can put Faysal up and get him out. Tyler brought up that Sam approached Brett and JC to make an alliance. They discussed that Brett hasn’t told them about it yet. Kaycee wondered if JC made it up in order to turn them against Sam. Angela asked what JC would do if he were to win HoH. Tyler said he would probably nominate Haleigh and Sam, targeting Haleigh so that he can get closer to Faysal. Tyler told Kaycee that they should keep the deals they made with Faysal a secret, because they don’t want Brett feeling left out. Later, Tyler spoke to Angela alone. He mentioned that he cant say a damn thing that he wants to out loud.Angela pointed out that she hates the cameras because they are always watching their bed. The two discussed going to a concert together after they get outside of the house. Tyler commented that Angela had to walk around being all perfect, causing JC to break up with him.
10:00-11:00 PM: Sam asked Tyler what they are doing this week. He said he believes that it will be a unanimous vote to evict Scottie. Sam then asked JC which way they are voting this week. JC said he doesn’t know yet, but he thinks that everyone is going to vote Scottie out. JC spoke to Tyler. He told him not to get involved with Angela. Tyler said he isn’t. JC stressed that they need to stick to the plan. He said he doesn’t need people to be targeting Tyler after he has put his game at risk in order to keep him safe.
11:00-12:00 AM: JC told Tyler that he is making his life in the house more complicated. He brought up that Faysal asked him about Angela and Tyler. Tyler promised that JC is overthinking it. JC said that Haleigh is on to them as well. JC told Tyler that Faysal might pitch to Haleigh to put Angela and Tyler up together if he thinks that they have some type of relationship. Tyler swore that he is focused on the game. JC said he thinks that Angela likes Brett. Tyler agreed. He said he likes Angela a little bit but only because there is no one in the house. Tyler warned JC that people know how close the two of them are. JC didn’t think so. Tyler asked if JC would vote Faysal out over Haleigh. JC said he would do whatever is best for the two of them, as his only loyalty is to Tyler. Afterwards, Tyler let Kaycee know that JC keeps saying that everyone thinks he and Angela are in a showmance. Tyler clarified that it’s not the case. Tyler said Kaycee is his best friend and he would never pick anybody over her. Kaycee said she didn’t ever doubt Tyler. Kaycee said Tyler is her #1 even though she is close to Angela too. Tyler said he would rather lose than betray Kaycee. He said there is not a single scenario in which he would pick anyone over her.
12:00-1:00 AM: JC told Tyler that his main goal is to continue to have the sides go at each other. He said it would not be beneficial for him to win this HoH, but he will not throw it since he would not be selfish enough to do that when Haleigh or Sam could win. They discussed Brett. Tyler said they have to make sure that Brett continues to feel included. JC isn’t too concerned about Brett, because Brett is smart enough to see that Haleigh voted him out and Faysal is coming after him. Tyler doesn’t want a situation to arise in which he and Brett are taking shots at each other. JC said they wont have to worry about that until after Faysal is out of the game.

Summary of yesterday August 20, 2018
August 20, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 20, 2018
11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds returned at 11:44 following the veto ceremony. Brett used the Power of Veto on himself. Faysal nominated Kaycee as the replacement nominee. Scottie commented that he tried. He attempted to get Sam on the block last night, then he threw her name out there during his speech as well. Scottie asked Kaycee if Faysal told her last night that she would be going on the block. Kaycee said no. Kaycee then asked Haleigh to relay that information to Faysal. Haleigh headed upstairs to let Faysal know the story that Kaycee is going with. Haleigh said she thought for a second that he was about to nominate Sam. Faysal said Sam is going to be the #1 target next week. Haleigh disagreed. She said the way that this game has been going, Sam is probably going to end up winning HoH.
12:00-1:00 PM: Angela and Brett talked about how Scottie threw out the names of his only two possible votes. Tyler said he called it that Sam was going to react by saying that she is not going to play anymore, which is what she did after Scottie called her out. Tyler said he thinks that the vote will end up being unanimous, but Scottie isn’t going to just sit back and take it. Brett and Tyler said they will let Scottie think that he has their votes. In the kitchen, Faysal told JC that people would be stupid to keep Scottie in the game. He doesn’t think that four people would do it. They discussed that the only way to even get it to a tie would be for Haleigh to keep Scottie. Faysal said he doesn’t see Haleigh going against him when she would no longer have him in the game if she were to do that. Off camera, Sam questioned Scottie about his speech. Afterwards, she said she is confused and doesn’t know what is going on. She thanked Faysal for keeping the pinky promise that he made with her. She apologized for pressuring him to do something that he didn’t want to do. JC asked Sam what she did to Scottie for him to want her on the block. Sam said she doesn’t know. JC then told Sam that she needs to stop playing with the feelings of the guys in the house. He said you can’t tell them that you are marrying them and then not marry them. Sam said that’s the exact opposite of what she is doing. JC said he thought that Sam had told Scottie that she loved him, took it back, and then he wanted her out for breaking his heart. Sam said that is the most farfetched thing that she has ever heard. Sam asked if JC was just joking. He confirmed that he was. Sam decided that starting at 1:30 she is not going speak. She said she is going to keep it that way until noon tomorrow. Sam said she is going on strike and protesting. When JC asked what she is trying to achieve, Sam said there is no reason behind it. Afterwards, JC told Brett and Faysal about Sam saying that she is not going to speak. He said he wants to ask her “did you take your meds, sweetie?”. Both Brett and Faysal told JC that you cannot say that. Meanwhile, Sam let Angela and Haleigh know about her plan to stop talking.
1:00-2:00 PM: Out at the pool, Haleigh commented that they have a mute now. Angela asked Brett if he had heard about that. Brett confirmed that he did. Angela said she bets that Sam is on Team America. Haleigh said they probably told Sam that she is in a really bad spot so she should just stop talking for an entire day. Angela and Haleigh continued to discuss all of the weird things that Sam has done while in the house, suggesting that it could have been for Team America. Haleigh pointed out that she made an apple, which was the code word for Team America during BB16. Sam stopped talking by 1:30. JC said he is going to make her talk by the end of the day. He asked her numerous questions. Sam didn’t respond other by shaking her head.
2:00-3:00 PM: Haleigh said she hopes that Kaycee is okay. Angela said she is good, and she let her know that she should feel 10 times safer than she did while on the block last week. Angela wondered if Scottie would “take an L” or go about scheming. Haleigh said he has shot himself in the foot, so she doesn’t know how he would come back from that at this point. Haleigh said they need to prepare for Thursday because she is almost willing to bet that it’s going to be a double eviction. Angela agreed. Haleigh said it should be a smooth next few weeks if they stick to the plan. Angela said it should be amazing. In the storage room, Tyler told Brett that they should get together to make a plan in case there is a double eviction on Thursday. Other than that, he said they don’t have anything to do.
4:00-5:00 PM: Haleigh and Scottie chatted a bit, though the majority of the conversation was not about game. Scottie did tell Haleigh that he has his strategy figured out. Haleigh asked what it is. Scottie said he is going to pray for a Battle Back and then win it. Meanwhile, out in the yard, Sam accidentally spoke in order to respond to someone. It ended over three hours of silence from her. Sam said she will try it again next week. Kaycee suggested that everyone in the house should do it together, then the first one to talk loses.
6:00-7:00 PM: Angela told Kaycee that she wants Brett to win HoH in order to go after Faysal. She thinks that it would be easier for Brett to target Faysal than it would be for one of them to do it, and she wants him to be the next to go. Angela said she has an idea of what she would do if she wins HoH, as she would nominate Haleigh and Sam, telling Haleigh that she is the pawn since everyone is on board to get Sam out. Angela thinks that Brett should nominate Faysal and Haleigh if he wins HoH. Kaycee thinks that things are looking good for them. Angela agreed as long as Sam doesn’t win HoH. Angela said Haleigh is really trying to latch on to her. She is concerned that Sam will think that Haleigh is now on their side.
7:00-8:00 PM: Scottie told Tyler that Faysal’s move does not make any sense. He said Faysal has either been the flip vote all along, or he is stupid. Tyler said it hasn’t even crossed his mind that Faysal could be the flip vote. Scottie pointed out that he always gets blamed for it, so getting rid of him would give Faysal a clean slate. Tyler said he is worried that Scottie has shot himself in the foot with Haleigh and Sam. He asked what Scottie’s approach for the week is going to be. Scottie said he is done. Tyler questioned if Scottie is really someone who would quit. Scottie said the only way he thinks that he could possibly stay is if he makes himself such a big target that people want to keep him. Scottie thinks the only votes that he could get are from Angela, Haleigh and Tyler, and then Faysal would just break the tie against him anyway, so he wont be able to get the numbers unless someone wants Faysal out so badly that they keep him around to target him. Scottie then told Angela his theory that Faysal has been the flip vote every time. If that’s not the case, Scottie said Faysal is just stupid.
8:00-9:00 PM: Angela told Brett that Haleigh is latching on to her and she thinks that everything is totally cool between them. Brett thinks that no matter who he nominates if he wins HoH, there is going to be some butting heads at this point. He said there will only be one person left for him to nominate who has nominated him, because Scottie will be leaving this week. Brett advised Angela to be more mindful of her goodbye messages. He said he previously didn’t care because he was not getting those votes anyway, but he didn’t think about the possibility of their being a Battle Back. Brett mentioned that there is no way that Rockstar doesn’t know that he didn’t vote to keep her. Elsewhere, JC and Tyler discussed that the vote is likely to be unanimous this week. The discussion shifted to showmances. Tyler said he doesn’t know much about the game but he knew that he was not going to get in to one. JC told Tyler that he will destroy his game if he gets in to a showmance. Tyler reiterated that he has no plans to. JC added that he will win HoHs with the purpose of putting Tyler and his girlfriend on the block. JC followed it up by saying that he is joking, but Tyler said to not even act like he is joking about that.
9:00-10:00 PM: Faysal asked Haleigh if this week is going to be smooth, or if he has to worry about her. Haleigh said she isn’t sure if he is trying to fight with her, but she will be legitimately pissed if he asks her that again. Faysal said he takes it that he doesn’t have to be worried. Haleigh asked if he is kidding. Haleigh said that’s stupid if he is questioning her. Haleigh said she is not going to have this conversation with Faysal. Faysal said he is not questioning her. Faysal pointed out that Scottie is Haleigh’s friend, so she feels bad for him. He explained that he doesn’t know how she is going to handle it when Scottie asks her about her vote. Haleigh said to let her worry about that and have enough trust in her to not continue to question her.

Summary of yesterday August 19, 2018
August 19, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 19, 2018
10:00-10:30 AM: Sam told Faysal she will quit smoking if Faysal puts Haleigh up as the replacement nominee and she goes home. Sam said Haleigh is coming for her and she is always bossing Faysal around. Sam told Faysal that Haleigh should still feel the same way about with no matter what. Sam told Faysal that Haleigh would throw him on the block so quick. She mentioned that it was part of the plan when the girls alliance was discussed. Sam asked Faysal what he thinks about all of that. Faysal said he would have to think about it. Sam said he would be saving her life and she could quit smoking on national television. Sam asked Faysal if he is going to play with her or against her. Faysal said he doesn’t to play against her but he has not talked a lot of game with her. Sam assured Faysal that she would look at him as a teammate instead of as a tool like Haleigh does. Sam said Haleigh takes the most from the house and contributes the least. She suggested that Haleigh his going to throw him away like a used tissue. Faysal said he will have to think about if his best move would be to jump ship from Haleigh. Sam questioned what Haleigh has to offer him. She said Haleigh’s social game is not as good as hers, and nobody trusts her. Sam told Faysal the big difference that he needs to think about is that she would never come after him where as Haleigh would. Sam once again said she will quit smoking if Haleigh goes up and goes home, which will let her live healthier and longer. Sam said Faysal would get no blood on his hands by making the move against Haleigh, because nobody has ties with her. Sam said Scottie cleaned the whole house and he deserves to keep trying. Sam said Haleigh does nothing, and he person went home during her HoH week. Sam told Faysal to “do it, Fessy. Do it for me”. Sam said she is making him a good offer and only good stuff can come from it. She added that Haleigh would probably applaud the move because she is is gamey and she would do it to Faysal. Sam said she needs Faysal to promise her that he is going to do it. Faysal said he cannot promise that. Sam asked how Faysal is going to go through this house and pick the weakest partner. Sam said Haleigh wants Faysal’s clothes and his wins, and then she will throw him away.
10:30-11:00 AM: Sam told Faysal to go with his first thought, cause he is going to sit around and overthink it. Faysal said he doesn’t overthink anything. Sam told Faysal to promise to put Haleigh up, then wipe his head clean. Sam said Faysal knows that she would hand him everything and walk away okay with it, but Haleigh would never do that. Sam said it’s a big deal that she is willing to quit smoking, but she will do it if this happens. Sam sat down by Faysal and asked him to pinky swear. Faysal said he cannot promise it but he will think about it. Sam insisted that he pinky swear that he will put Haleigh up. Faysal told Sam that he cannot do that. Sam asked Faysal to do this one thing for him. Faysal said he did one thing for her last night when he pinky promised not to put her up. Faysal told Sam that she cannot just put him on the spot like this. Sam said Faysal’s HoH would be epic if he nominates Haleigh, plus he will go down in history for being part of her quitting smoking. Sam said she means business, which his why she is putting forth an offer and such a major commitment. Sam told Faysal to free himself of the dead weight that he has been dragging. Faysal continued to say that he cannot make that pinky promise. Sam told Faysal it’s something that he should just do and not think about. Faysal said he will pinky swear if he does decide to do it, but he cannot pinky swear right now. Sam said it’s meant to be since it’s the first time in 61 days that Faysal woke up before everyone, giving her some alone time with him. Faysal questioned why Sam is pressuring him. Sam said she will never do it again after this. Faysal asked if this is beneficial for his game. Sam said it is. Even if Haleigh doesn’t go this week if she goes up, Sam said she will leave next week if Faysal stops protecting her. Sam told Faysal he can be his own man once she is gone. Sam said she can see it all over Faysal’s face that he wants to agree with her but he just feels bad. Faysal said it’s not about feeling bad. Faysal said he is a grown man and what Sam is doing is not making him make a decision. Sam asked when she is going to find out whether or not he is doing this. Faysal said if he has a relationship with her, he will not leave her in the dark. Faysal said he doesn’t want to agree to something right now, just after waking up, and then change his mind. Afterwards, Faysal explained his move to Scottie. He said Scottie is a candidate for having flipped his vote. Faysal said he couldn’t base it off of who has nominated him, seeing as he has not yet been nominated. Scottie told Faysal that the way to avoid getting blood on his hands is to find someone to put up who everyone else wants out. Faysal apologized. Scottie said there is one person who everyone wants out that could go up without getting any blood on Faysal’s hands. Scottie said he is so tempted to tell Faysal everything right now. Faysal said to go ahead and tell him. Scottie said “Kaitlyn 2.0, but instead of you and Tyler, it’s you and me”. Faysal said that’s what he figured. Scottie said the only time he cried in this house was because of that.
11:00-12:00 PM: Scottie let Angela, Kaycee and Tyler know that he wants to talk to all of them today in order to catch them up on his revenge plan. When Angela asked who the plan is against. Scottie said the same person that it always was. He added that it’s the person who has been playing him. He referred to Haleigh as “Kaitlyn 2.0”. Scottie said it’s going to be a fun speech tomorrow, so he is excited about it. Angela asked if Scottie has any idea who the replacement nominee will be. Scottie said it’s going to be Haleigh if he gets his way, and that’s what his speech will be about. Angela told Scottie she thinks that Haleigh has had his back. Scottie said he thought that Bayleigh, Faysal and Haleigh all pitched that it would be legendary to put him on the block next to Tyler. Angela confirmed that they did. Scottie said that would suggest that Haleigh has not always had his best interests in mind. Angela asked Scottie if he told Haleigh that she let him know about her pitch. Scottie said Yes. He explained that Haleigh got super defensive, giving him confirmation that she did that. Angela said it put her in jeopardy when he did that, since she was on great terms with Haleigh prior to that. Scottie said Haleigh does not like Angela. He said Haleigh and Rockstar throw a lot of “b words” around when it comes to Angela.
12:00-1:00 PM: Scottie asked Angela if making the legendary speech tomorrow would be a bad idea. Angela said it wouldn’t make sense. She was under the impression that Scottie was referring to the legendary move that Haleigh and the others pitched. Scottie later clarified that it has nothing to do with that. Scottie said Haleigh never liked Angela. Angela asked how calling Haleigh out will do anything. Scottie said Faysal doesn’t know that he and Haleigh have a Final 2 deal, and Haleigh has thrown him under the bus on a couple of occasions. Scottie explained to Angela and Tyler that the whole reason he doesn’t talk game with Faysal is because Haleigh told him not to since it will all get back to JC. Tyler said he really doesn’t think that Faysal would nominate Haleigh. Scottie agreed but said he doesn’t think that he can beat anyone but Haleigh in a vote. Scottie also said he thinks that Tyler will be the replacement nominee if he doesn’t do this, which is something that he doesn’t want to have happen. Tyler said he is worried that Scottie could have this backfire on him if Faysal is wanting to put him up as the target. Scottie said he would not have the votes to stay over Tyler anyway. Faysal called the houseguests to the living room. He was tasked with choosing three have-nots for the week. Faysal chose JC. Sam and Tyler then volunteered. Afterwards, Angela mentioned to Faysal that it was Haleigh’s turn. Faysal said he was waiting for her to volunteer. In the storage room, Sam pointed out to Faysal that Haleigh has only been a have-not once yet she didn’t volunteer. Sam tried to get Faysal to pinky promise that he would nominate Haleigh. Faysal said he hasn’t even got to think about it yet because he has been in the diary room all morning. After Sam left the room, Faysal looked to the camera and said that she is crazy.
2:00-3:00 PM: Angela and Kaycee discussed the pawn situation. Kaycee said she doesn’t want any of them to be the pawn. She suggested that they should let Faysal know that Scottie plans to say something at the veto ceremony. Both agreed that Faysal would be more comfortable with putting a pawn up if he knows that they have his back enough to share some information with him. Kaycee said it’s going to be crazy if Scottie puts it out there that he and Haleigh have a Final 2. Meanwhile, Brett checked back in with Faysal. He said he believes that Scottie is going to go no matter who the replacement nominee is. While that talk was going on, Haleigh spoke to Tyler about what happened this week. She said it broke her heart when she found out that Faysal was going to put Scottie up, but she said okay to it once Faysal listed off all of the reasons behind the move. Haleigh said it wouldn’t make sense for Brett to openly lie about his vote and put a target on his back. Haleigh talked to Tyler about how the two of them, Angela and Faysal should work together moving forward. Tyler then went outside to speak to Angela and Kaycee. Tyler told Angela that they need to tell Faysal and Haleigh what they want to hear. Tyler advised Kaycee to let Faysal know that she is on board with him and she will vote out Scottie out. Tyler thinks that Angela, Kaycee and himself would benefit from trying to make Faysal and Haleigh believe that they would target the people in the middle such as Brett and Sam. Tyler asked what they should do if Faysal nominates Haleigh. Angela said they should still vote Scottie out since Haleigh would then be against Faysal.
3:00-4:00 PM: Faysal told Kaycee that he needs to talk to her, Angela and Tyler since he needs somebody to go up in order to ensure that Scottie leaves. He assured Kaycee that whichever of them goes up, they would have the votes to stay 100%. Faysal said the two who are not nominated would keep that person, as would JC and Haleigh. Kaycee wasn’t so sure that Haleigh would vote Scottie out, but Faysal said she will after he lets her know that Scottie was throwing her under the bus. Kaycee let Faysal know that Scottie is saying that he is going to have a crazy speech tomorrow. Faysal expects Scottie to come at either him or Haleigh in the speech. Faysal said the only way that Scottie would stay is if he nominates Haleigh. Kaycee began to mention that Sam could go up since Faysal is concerned about her vote. Faysal stopped her and said that Sam might go crazy if she is up there. He said Kaycee handled the block smoothly, which is something that Sam would not do. Next up, Faysal let Haleigh know that Scottie is throwing her under the bus. He said Scottie called her Kaitlyn 2.0 to him, saying that she is playing the two of them just like Kaitlyn played Faysal and Tyler. Faysal said Scottie wants him to nominate Haleigh as the replacement nominee because that is his only chance of staying. Faysal asked that Haleigh not mention this to Scottie. Haleigh said she wouldn’t. Haleigh then headed downstairs and cried. She told Angela, Kaycee and Tyler that Faysal just let her know what Scottie said about her. Tyler said Scottie is doing whatever he can to save himself. Angela said he will throw anyone under the bus to do it. Haleigh said she is the only one who was still in his corner. Haleigh brought up that she was being called Kaitlyn 2.0. Haleigh claimed that she had nothing to do with this and she argued with Faysal over it. In the have-not room, Kaycee questioned why JC isn’t going up when he has never been on the block and everyone loves him. Brett said the only person who can change Faysal’s mind to nominate someone like Sam would be JC. Angela said Sam is trying to get Haleigh on the block. Brett said they need to push for Sam to do that since it might lead to Faysal nominating Sam. Out in the yard, Haleigh questioned Sam about Scottie saying that she hates her. Haleigh said she was told that Sam said she is will make Faysal feel really special the night that she was drinking. Sam denied having said it. She told Haleigh that it would be a low blow and it doesn’t even sound like something that she would say.
4:00-5:00 PM: Angela, Tyler, Faysal and Haleigh spoke in the HoH room. Faysal said he is leaning towards nominating Kaycee because she was so smooth on the block last week. Angela, Haleigh and Tyler all confirmed that they will vote Scottie out no matter who is on the block next to him. Angela said Scottie is making her question his character even more when by throwing Haleigh under the bus when she is the only one who had his back. Haleigh wondered if Sam and Scottie came up with the plan together, because they were up all night last night. When Sam’s name was brought up as a potential replacement nominee, Faysal said he thinks that things would go smoother with Kaycee on the block. Faysal suggested that the four of them should work together and then battle it out at the end. Haleigh said that everyone is expecting them to take each other out. They discussed that they have won a lot of competitions as well. Haleigh told Angela that never once in this game has she ever said that she wants to come after her. She said she thought that Angela was for sure coming after her. Angela said she never was.
5:00-6:00 PM: Faysal let Angela, Haleigh and Tyler know that Sam approached him this morning. He said she pitched that he should put Haleigh up as the replacement nominee. Faysal said Sam vowed to quit smoking if he puts Haleigh up, and told him to make his parents proud by helping her quit. Angela said that doesn’t make sense on any level, since the game does not revolve around Sam’s habits. They discussed that Sam has told multiple people that she is now ready to play the game with them. Haleigh said Rockstar told her that Sam likes Brett and she gets pissed whenever she and Brett are in the hammock together, so she has been trying to avoid Brett. Tyler said Sam has distanced herself from him ever since he and Angela used the vetoes on each other, and she comments on how they would be perfect for each other. Haleigh headed downstairs to speak to Scottie. She asked him what he had wanted to talk to her about earlier. Scottie told her to disassociate from him because he is going home. Scottie explained that people are leaving in pairs, so it’s the best thing for her to do. Haleigh disagreed. Scottie said she is going to hate him for this, but he has already put the plan in motion. Scottie said he is letting people believe that he thinks that she is playing him. Scottie added that it’s not a good look for Haleigh to be with him when he is being taken out by his own teammate. Haleigh said everyone knows that Scottie is her friend. Scottie said they now think that they are enemies because that is what he has told them. Scottie let Haleigh know that he spread some BS that she would be his target, hoping to disassociate the two of them.
6:00-7:00 PM: Scottie told Haleigh that he has played this game with his heart and it is being ripped up in every direction. Haleigh asked if Scottie believes that she is playing him. Scottie said he doesn’t believe it but he is so sick of hearing it. Scottie said he has decided to let her go and let her play the game. Haleigh said Scottie doesn’t even know if he is leaving. Scottie said he won’t beat anyone in a vote. Haleigh pointed out that Sam apparently thinks that he would beat her. Scottie said Sam pitched that to Faysal. He said Sam told him to do the same thing, so he went to Faysal to tell him what he was supposed to tell him. Haleigh asked what that was. Scottie said he called her Kaitlyn 2.0 and said that she is playing them. Haleigh reassured Scottie that she would never play him. She said that she has defended Scottie this entire time. Scottie said that’s why she has to let him go, because she needs to build bridges with other people or else she will be leaving soon. Haleigh said Brett and Sam are obviously coming after her if they told Scottie to do this. She asked what Scottie has planned for his speech. Scottie told Haleigh his original plan but said that he is simply going to say that he has nothing to say. Scottie said he can use his speech to apologize to Haleigh if she doesn’t like the plan. Haleigh said he doesn’t have to apologize to her. Scottie went on to say that Haleigh is beyond wonderful to him. Haleigh said it’s because he is her friend and they have good conversations including things that are not game related. Scottie said those are his favourite moments in the house.
7:00-8:00 PM: Tyler told Kaycee he doesn’t understand why Faysal doesn’t want to put Sam up. Kaycee said Faysal is good with her and wants to play it as safe as possible. Tyler said it’s stupid of Faysal to openly talk about Sam only to not do what she wants, because Sam is going to end up seeing what is going on and possibly target both Faysal and Haleigh. Kaycee asked if Faysal said her name. Tyler confirmed that he did. Tyler said Faysal pointed out that she handled the block the best and he knows that she will have his vote and Angela’s vote. Tyler suggested that Kaycee try to solidify something for next week if she has to go on the block this week. Later, Kaycee asked Haleigh if she knows who the replacement nominee might be. Kaycee said she has a feeling that it will be her. Haleigh assured Kaycee that she will have her vote if that’s the case. Haleigh said she let Rockstar run her HoH last week, and there were some clear choices that she should have made. She apologized for having let people get in her head. Haleigh told Kaycee that she will not put her up again if she wins HoH for a second time.
8:00-9:00 PM: JC told Angela he thinks that she will be fine tomorrow. Angela said she thinks that Kaycee will be the one going on the block. JC let Angela know that Scottie told Haleigh he is trying to get everyone to go against him in order to take the target off of her back. JC said they have to stick together and get Scottie out no matter who goes on the block tomorrow. Angela agreed. Elsewhere, Faysal asked Haleigh how her talk with Haleigh went. She said it went as well as it could have. Haleigh said Scottie is telling her that he wanted to disassociate from her because he knows that he is leaving no matter what, and he wants her to be able to build relationships with others in the house. Faysal said that’s BS. Faysal thinks Scottie knows that Haleigh going on the block is the only way that he can stay.
9:00-10:00 PM: Faysal told Haleigh that she cannot vote to keep Scottie. Haleigh said she isn’t going to but don’t tell her what she can and cannot do. Faysal asked if Haleigh believes that Scottie only threw her name out there because he wants people to think that they are fighting. Haleigh said it doesn’t matter what she thinks, cause he is going home anyway, but she wants to believe it. Later, Scottie spoke to Faysal. Contrary to what he said earlier, he told Faysal that he will be pissed if he puts Haleigh up. Scottie said he would love for Sam to go up because she is the one who is playing everybody and she cannot be beat in a jury vote. Faysal said he has thought about doing that. Scottie said she is playing hard even though she claims not to be playing at all. Scottie suggested that he could then get Haleigh’s vote, Tyler’s vote, and hopefully convince Tyler to get someone else to keep him. Scottie said he is considering saying nothing in his speech tomorrow, or going off on Sam if he chooses to say something. Scottie said he has never had feelings for anyone before, yet he kind of has that with Haleigh. Scottie admitted that it has been messing him up and people have been taking advantage of it. Faysal let Scottie know that Haleigh is always sticking up for him, so it would be stupid to go after her. Scottie said he knows that and she even cried when he suggested disassociating. Scottie told Faysal that he will be going after Brett, trying to finish what he started, if Sam leaves this week. Faysal asked if Scottie was the one who kept Rockstar. Scottie said 100%.
10:00-11:00 PM: Faysal told Scottie that he only has a chance to stay if he is nominated next to Haleigh or Sam. Scottie said he is going to end Faysal if he puts Haleigh up. Faysal said he could put Sam up but he would look like an idiot if Sam leaves and then Scottie comes after him. Scottie reassured Faysal that that’s not going to happen. Scottie said he is going to go after anyone who has ever told him that Haleigh was playing him. Faysal said that is good for his game if he can wrap his head around believing that. Faysal explained that he believes Scottie when they have talks like this, but they do not have talks like this. Faysal said he felt cool with Scottie for the first half of the game. Scottie admitted to getting lazy once he started spending so much time with Haleigh. Scottie said he previously didn’t want to admit to himself just how much he likes her. Faysal said it’s not a problem that he likes Haleigh, cause that should be good for his game. Scottie said he does whatever Haleigh tells him to do. Scottie pointed out that Haleigh wants Sam out, so he can do this for her. Faysal said that’s true. He told Scottie to go get Haleigh. Scottie told Haleigh to go upstairs. By the time she got there, Kaycee was talking to Faysal. Faysal told Kaycee a bit about Scottie’s pitch. He asked if she would prefer to see Sam or Scottie leave this week. Kaycee said she wants Scottie to go. Faysal mentioned that one of them would have to go up as a pawn then. Kaycee said she will go up if he absolutely needs to make that move, though she would ask that he has her back if he wins HoH again. Faysal said he would owe Kaycee one after this. Faysal said he wants Scottie to go even though he felt comfortable with him during their conversation just now. He thinks that that’s scary. They briefly discussed the possibility of nominating Sam. Faysal wasn’t convinced that Sam would be 100% safe. Kaycee said she knows for a fact that Scottie would leave over Sam. When Faysal continued to resist the idea, Kaycee said to put her up. Faysal said it will be a smooth week with Kaycee on the block. Kaycee said she is willing to take one for the team.
11:00-12:00 AM: Kaycee told Haleigh that she and Faysal went back and forth for a bit before she decided that she will take one for the team since Faysal wants to make sure that Scottie leaves. Haleigh briefly told Kaycee about her talk with Scottie earlier in the evening. Kaycee then wen to Tyler to fill him in on the plan to nominate her. She told Tyler that Faysal even said he was almost convinced by Scottie that he can work with him. Tyler said he is going to keep Scottie thinking that he has his vote, because he doesn’t want Scottie to try anything crazy. JC and Tyler then spoke. JC let Tyler know that Faysal and Haleigh are pitching that he is in a relationship with Angela. Tyler said that’s why they pitched an alliance between the four of them. JC asked if it was a top four. Tyler confirmed that it was. They then ran through scenarios of who each person would target in the event of a double eviction. Getting to the Final 4 with Angela and Kaycee was discussed. JC said that would be smart to go with them as opposed to Brett. JC wants Brett to go after Faysal. Tyler said that he would, but then he will be the next one who Brett targets. JC warned Tyler to be careful with Angela, because it will be hard to get him the votes later in the game when he is such a good competitor. Tyler said it’s better if he goes up next to Angela than if he goes up next to JC. He assured JC that he would never pick Angela over him.

Summary of yesterday August 18, 2018
August 18, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 18, 2018
9:00-10:00 AM: Players were picked for the veto competition. The veto players are Faysal, Brett, Scottie, Angela, Haleigh and Tyler. Faysal told JC that Scottie picked Haleigh thinking that Haleigh would use the veto on him if she were to win it. JC said Haleigh should not be doubting Faysal anymore. Faysal said Haleigh was down last night after having talked to Scottie for a couple of hours. Faysal added that Haleigh said Scottie cried and told her that he never would have nominated Faysal. JC said he thinks that he would have been on the block next to Faysal if Scottie had won, because Scottie is playing an emotional game due to liking Haleigh. Tyler then spoke to Faysal who asked him if he is going to try to win the veto. Tyler said he doesn’t throw things. Faysal asked Tyler who he thinks the one vote was. Tyler said Scottie told him that it was him, but Brett said the same thing. Faysal suggested that they can remove a question mark this week if nominations stay the same, and then someone can do the same thing next week as well. Faysal said he wants to talk to Angela, Haleigh and Tyler about how they are the only ones who have made moves, so others are wanting them to go after each other, which is why they should team up rather than take each other out. They discussed that Scottie picked Haleigh to compete. Faysal said he will have to talk to Haleigh, because they will have problems if she uses the veto on Scottie. Tyler said Scottie would then come for Faysal for putting him up. Tyler said he made a promise to do what Faysal wants with the veto. Faysal said he trusts Tyler and feels comfortable talking to him. When the conversation circled back to Thursday night’s vote, Tyler said Brett told him that he was scared to admit it since Kaycee was right there. Faysal said that makes sense to him.
11:00-12:00 PM: Feeds went down at 11:46 for the veto competition.
5:00-6:00 PM: Feeds returned at 5:56 following the veto competition. It was the Hide and Go Veto competition. Brett won the Power of Veto.
6:00-7:00 PM: Brett told Angela that he is so proud of himself. Angela said that was awesome. Brett said his heart was pounding. Angela said the week is going to go down perfectly now. Upstairs, JC told Faysal that Brett winning is better than Scottie winning, since Scottie would have nominated the two of them if he had stayed. Faysal thinks that Brett might do the same thing. Faysal said they have to be careful to make sure that the replacement nominee doesn’t go home. JC told Faysal not to do anything crazy. Faysal asked who would for sure stay. JC said whoever Faysal picks, Scottie will leave. He said Kaycee, Tyler and himself would all keep Angela over Scottie. As for Kaycee, JC said Angela, Brett, Sam, Tyler and himself would all keep her. Sam’s name was briefly mentioned as well. JC told Faysal that he will have to pick between Angela and Kaycee. JC said that nominating Tyler would be the dumbest thing that he could do, because he would then have to do damage control with both Brett and Tyler. During the conversation, Faysal mentioned that he found Haleigh’s veto card. JC said Haleigh was the one who found Scottie’s.
7:00-8:00 PM: Kaycee asked Brett and JC who they think is going to be nominated. JC said he has no idea. Brett and Kaycee then agreed that it doesn’t even matter since Scottie is going home no matter what. Meanwhile, Faysal told Tyler that he will talk to him and Angela together tomorrow. He said he only has four options for replacement nominees, so he has to consider if people will keep their word to him if he keeps his word to them. He pointed out that Angela and Tyler trust each other like he and Haleigh do, but there have been trust issues between Angela and Tyler with Haleigh. Faysal said the simple thing would be to nominate Angela or Tyler, but he is cool with Tyler. Tyler said the smart thing would be for him to squash things with Haleigh because he needs Faysal. Faysal told Tyler to run it by Angela that he wants to keep his word but they need to squash some things if he is going to do that. Tyler said he is sure that Angela will be cool with that. Tyler said he is willing to vote out whoever Faysal wants him to. Faysal said he doesn’t know if he should try to rekindle things with Scottie, or throw in the towel because he is likely to come after him either way.
8:00-9:00 PM: Faysal filled Haleigh in on his conversation with Tyler. He isn’t sure how Angela will feel about Kaycee going up, but he acknowledged that Kaycee would have the votes to stay anyway. Haleigh questioned why Faysal wouldn’t nominate Sam. Faysal didn’t think it would be a good move when Sam is such a wildcard, she is already have a hard time, and she is likely to be targeted by someone else in the very near future. If they cut a deal with Angela and Tyler, Faysal said Haleigh would have to vote Scottie out. Haleigh said she knows that. Haleigh said she will have to talk to Angela since she doesn’t know if Angela will be on board with working together. Faysal said they will sit them down before the veto ceremony to ensure that they see that they are an option and he is doing them a favour by not putting them up. Haleigh said she has a gut feeling that this is not going to work out. Faysal said the alternative is to nominate Angela or Tyler, then definitely have them coming after them, so they might as well make the deal. Faysal said he can gain Tyler’s trust for the both of them by doing this. Haleigh said Tyler is never going to trust her after she nominated him and told the whole house why he should be on the block. Haleigh said she will nominate Brett and Sam if she wins on Thursday, then put JC or Kaycee up if a replacement nominee is needed. Faysal told Haleigh that he is going to plant seeds in Sam’s head that people wanted her to be the replacement nominee, so that she will gain trust in him when he doesn’t put her up. Haleigh thinks that Sam would assume she was the one saying those things.
9:00-10:00 PM: Faysal told Sam he has a feeling that people are going to pitch for her to be the replacement nominee. Sam expects the same thing. Faysal told Sam not to freak out. He assured her that he is not going to touch her. Sam told Faysal that she will not nominate him if she wins HoH. Faysal said it will be tough for Sam since the numbers are going down and somebody has to go up. Sam said she will be fine. She let Faysal know that she is fine with going on the block but she wants it to be when she has a chance to play for the veto. Later, Tyler let Angela know that Faysal has pitched to him that the three of them and Haleigh look out for each other. Tyler said they should have the conversation and tell Faysal and Haleigh what they want to hear in order to stay off of the block this week. Tyler mentioned that it also might keep Haleigh from targeting them in the event of a double eviction this week. Angela thinks that the deal only benefits Faysal and Haleigh. Tyler agreed but said they can go along with it to keep themselves off of the block this week. Tyler said he doesn’t care about saying one thing and doing another when it comes to those two. Angela thinks that Haleigh is just nervous because she knows that she is the biggest target now. Angela, Kaycee and Tyler then discussed that Sam might end up being the replacement nominee. Afterwards, JC told Tyler that Faysal is going to nominate Angela or Kaycee. Tyler said Faysal told him that he is not going to nominate Angela. JC made it clear that he does not want Sam to go on the block.
10:00-11:00 PM: Tyler let JC know that Faysal is pitching that Angela, Tyler, Faysal and Haleigh should look out for each other. Tyler said he is going to agree to it just so that he doesn’t go on the block. JC brought up that he doesn’t want to be in the Final 5 with their side alliance of Angela, Brett and Kaycee. He is worried that everyone will be coming after him at that point, so he thinks that it would be beneficial if Faysal or Haleigh take one of them out before they go. JC pointed out that Angela and Kaycee would pick Tyler over him, and Angela and Kaycee would pick each other over both of them. Tyler told JC that he will not let them come after him. He stressed the importance of keeping him around to win those competitions. Tyler said Brett is probably going to be the first to go when it comes down to it. He told JC to never repeat that as he has thought it for weeks but has never come out and said it. Later, Sam told Tyler she feels like the thing between Angela, Kaycee and Tyler is real, and she is not included. Tyler said that’s not true. Tyler brought up that Sam was the one who included Kaycee in their trio. Sam said she always thought that Kaycee and Tyler had a thing. She said they don’t have to stick to that anymore if he doesn’t want it. Tyler said that he still does want it. Sam asked Tyler to promise that he hasn’t told anyone about their Final 2. Tyler said he didn’t. He asked Sam the same thing. Sam said she hasn’t told anyone that it’s Tyler, but she did say that she had a final deal with someone. Sam suggested that she would be a terrible Final 2 since everyone likes her. She asked why Tyler would want that. Tyler said he made that promise from the beginning and therefore he will have to stick to it. He said he doesn’t care if he gets second. Sam said that is her role. She also mentioned that she will be gone by that point. Sam let Tyler know that she thinks Angela doesn’t like her and wants her out. Tyler reassured her that Angela does not feel that way and hasn’t said anything bad about her.
11:00-12:00 AM: Faysal told Haleigh about his talk with Sam. Haleigh was irritated that Sam came in and asked not to go up, and Faysal just agreed to it. Haleigh said she wants Sam gone. Faysal said he already made the move against Scottie, and he doesn’t know what would happen if Sam ends up on the block. Haleigh thinks that Sam would leave if she is nominated. Faysal agreed. He said Scottie would then gun for him. As for Kaycee, Faysal doesn’t think that there is any way that she would leave over Scottie. Haleigh brought up that she saw JC and Tyler talking for about 35 minutes. Faysal said that’s good. Haleigh questioned if it really is. Faysal said they will have to deal with that problem later, but they can use it to their benefit for now. Earlier in the night, Haleigh said she would like if Angela and Tyler were in a showmance because then she would not be bothered by Angela speaking to Faysal. Faysal brought that comment up. Haleigh said she is a very jealous person and Angela has talked to her about Faysal way too many times. Faysal said he hopes that Tyler respecting him, and him keeping his word with Angela, will be enough to keep Haleigh off of their radar next week. Faysal hopes that Angela and Tyler would nominate Sam next to Brett or JC. Out in the yard, Scottie told Sam that he still cannot believe Faysal put him on the block. Scottie said he was legitimately on Faysal’s team. Sam brought up that it would be cool if Brett used the veto on Scottie instead of himself. Scottie said he would owe Brett so ridiculously big if that were to happen, even though Brett is the reason that he is on the block in the first place. Sam suggested pitching that to Brett. Sam said she thought this week was originally a plan to get Tyler out via the backdoor. Scottie said Tyler could still go up but he would not be able to get the votes to stay over Tyler. Sam talked about being alone in the game since Rockstar left. She talked about Rockstar going over how the jury process works with her. Scottie said some people will admire when someone gets away with a lie, while others will hate that someone lied. Sam said that she would be the latter of the two. Scottie said he is not pro-lying. Scottie went back to talking about being betrayed this week. Scottie said he cried after hearing that members of The Hive were trying to get him backdoored the week that Angela was HoH. He admitted that he started to think that they weren’t messing with him once he was led to believe that Haleigh saved him as the hacker. Seeing as Sam doesn’t believe that Haleigh was the hacker, Scottie said that Haleigh might have been feeding him a bunch of BS that he ultimately bought. Scottie said he can’t help but wonder if he should have taken the warnings that he was being played by Haleigh. Scottie let Sam know that he will be going after Faysal if he stays.
12:00-1:00 AM: Sam asked Scottie if he is going to take the high road or the low road when it comes to his speech. Scottie said he still hasn’t figured that out yet. Sam said she already has her self eviction speech planned. Brett was in the hot tub while Sam and Scottie were chatting. Sam asked if he is going to use the veto on himself. Brett confirmed that he is going to do that. Sam asked why he doesn’t take Scottie down. She said that has only happened one other time in history. Brett told Sam that the person who did that ending up being evicted. Sam asked if Brett is scared. When he said that he is, Sam said “I would do it, you big sissy”. Up in the HoH room, Haleigh said she really likes Kaycee. Faysal said he now has to put her up. Haleigh said she already told him that he can put Sam up. Faysal said he wants it to be a smooth week. He said Sam can go next week. Haleigh said Sam will stay in the house and ruin her life. Haleigh said Sam is the next best option to target if he will not go after Angela or Tyler. Faysal stuck to staying that Scottie has to go. Back outside, Scottie spoke to Brett about how he now realizes that Haleigh and Faysal have been playing him. He said Haleigh had to have known that he was going up, yet she told him that she didn’t know. Sam came by. She suggested that they should try to get Faysal to nominate Haleigh. She said they can point out that Haleigh sends her best friends home. Sam explained that Bayleigh and Rockstar left because her, and now Faysal is going to be next. She added that she can tell Faysal that Haleigh said she was going to get rid of him and Scottie. Both Brett and Scottie told Sam that they cannot see Faysal nominating Haleigh. Sam said Haleigh was bossing Faysal around and treating him like a dog a couple of weeks ago.
1:00-2:00 AM: Sam told Brett and Scottie that she would be Haleigh’s obvious target moving forward. Scottie confirmed that Haleigh does not like Sam. Sam said she still thinks what she said before is true, that Haleigh takes the most and contributes the least. Sam said there would be no blood on Faysal’s hands if he were to get rid of Haleigh. Scottie said Faysal thinks that Haleigh is the one person who would stick with him no matter what. Sam said she thinks that Faysal trusts her more than Haleigh. Sam said she can go have a conversation with Faysal tomorrow. Brett said there is no chance that it will work. He told Sam that he will chain smoke a whole pack of cigarettes if she can pull it off. Sam said she already has several bullet points in her head, but Scottie would lose in the votes to Haleigh. Scottie said Haleigh is the one person he thinks that he can beat. Scottie said he owes Angela, Kaycee and Tyler an apology for not believing them when they tried to warn him that he was being played. Scottie said he will have to let Faysal know about his Final 2 deal with Haleigh. Sam asked if Scottie is willing to let go of Haleigh. Scottie said that he is. Scottie plans to save it for his speech at the veto ceremony, though he said he might blow up beforehand. Brett said it will help Scottie as long as he does it out in the open in front of everyone. Scottie said he will need to garner the support of Angela, Kaycee and Tyler, and then he obviously wants Brett and Sam there, so it would only leave JC, Faysal and Haleigh for him to target. Given that Haleigh would be leaving this week under the plan, he said only two would remain. Scottie stressed the importance of getting Angela, Kaycee and Tyler to realize that he would not be touching them.

Summary of yesterday August 17, 2018
August 18, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 17, 2018
10:00-11:00 AM: Faysal told Tyler he doesn’t know what he is going to do for sure, but he needs his word. Faysal said he will not be touching Tyler. Tyler said he has been saying the same thing to Faysal. Faysal explained that he would rather go to the top four together and then may the best man win. Faysal said if Tyler is worried about being backdoored, he will respect it if he goes out and wins the veto. Faysal asked that Tyler do what he wants if he wins the veto. Tyler said he can do that. If that happens, Faysal said that the two of them are going to be good the whole game. Angela joined them. Faysal let her know that he is not going to touch Tyler. He also said he is a man of his word, meaning that he will not put Angela up either. Faysal said it would be a cop out and an easy move to go after Angela and Tyler. He said he would like for this week to go smoothly, setting up for next week to go smoothly as well. Angela and Tyler said that they are down for that. Faysal pointed out that they have been on opposite sides, but he said it doesn’t mean that they are against each other. Faysal is more concerned about those who play the middle and try to be on both sides. Faysal told Tyler that he knows it’s the sixth anniversary of his father’s death, and he cannot do this to him. Tyler said he appreciates that. Kaycee headed upstairs to talk to Faysal next. She apologized for what happened last night. Faysal said it wasn’t her. She explained that Scottie pulled her into something totally unnecessary, which Faysal agreed with. Faysal told Kaycee that he doesn’t see her as an enemy even though they haven’t talked game. Faysal said the people trying to play both sides are the ones who piss him off. Kaycee said she sees that Faysal is a loyal player, just like she wanted to be when she entered the house. Faysal asked for Kaycee’s support if he doesn’t nominate her. Kaycee said that she will respect whatever decision he makes. Faysal asked Kaycee to go to bat for him next week as well, which Kaycee said that she would do. When Faysal asked if Kaycee thinks it makes sense that Brett kept Rockstar, Kaycee said it does since she has been close to Scottie since Day 1. Faysal asked if Kaycee thinks that Scottie is saying he evicted her just to cover himself. Kaycee said probably.
11:00-12:00 PM: Kaycee spoke to Haleigh to let her know that she understands where she was coming from in terms of the game moves that were made last week. She said there are no hard feelings. Haleigh asked if Kaycee is okay when it comes to what happened last night between her and Scottie. Kaycee said she is. She apologized to Haleigh. Haleigh said it was weird how Scottie dragged her in to it when she wasn’t even speaking to him. Haleigh made her way up to the HoH room. Faysal had spoken to Angela and Tyler while she was in the diary room, so he filled her in on what had happened. Haleigh asked what Faysal’s reasoning is for putting Brett up next to Scottie. Faysal said he doesn’t have a game relationship with Brett, so the best case scenario is that the two of them are sitting on the block come eviction night. When Haleigh pointed out that one of those two voted for Rockstar and could be on their side, Faysal said no. He told her that this is not the first time that this has happened, and those two are always in the middle of it, so he doesn’t give a damn. Haleigh said it seems like Faysal doesn’t trust Brett or Scottie. She asked if he trusts Tyler. Faysal said he doesn’t trust Tyler but he hasn’t screwed him over in the game, so he would rather have a known enemy than a friend who messes him up. Haleigh encouraged Faysal to look at the big picture. She mentioned that Angela, Kaycee and Tyler are all working together, meaning that they will come after them once Brett and Scottie are out. Haleigh said they are not going to make the Final 5. Faysal told Haleigh that she has got to have faith. He said it’s time to go to war no matter what. Haleigh asked Faysal who he believes out of Brett and Scottie. Faysal said Kaycee brought up a good point when she said that she is not close to Brett. Haleigh asked who will go up if Brett or Scottie win the veto. Faysal said Tyler. Downstairs, Tyler told Level 6 that Faysal said he is not going up. Brett took that to meant that he will be on the block. Brett said he would prefer that since Faysal has been wanting to backdoor him. Tyler thinks that Kaycee is going up next to Brett, but Kaycee said that Faysal told her she would not be going on the block.
12:00-1:00 PM: When Angela and Tyler were alone, Tyler said Faysal is not going to want them to use the veto if Brett and Kaycee are nominated. He suggested that if Angela uses the veto, he will go up, and vice versa. Angela said she thinks that Scottie will be the one going up. Angela told Tyler she is surprised that Faysal said he is safe. Angela thinks it comes down to Haleigh. Tyler noted that Brett is always flirting with Haleigh. Angela said Scottie is always with Haleigh as well, and Faysal wants Haleigh all to himself. She said Faysal’s whole game is about showmances and girls. Elsewhere, Faysal gave JC a heads up that he is going to nominate Brett and Scottie. JC questioned why Faysal would do that. JC thought that backdooring Scottie would be the better move. Faysal said he is going with his gut on this one. JC said okay. He told Faysal that this is his chance to build his relationship with Haleigh, seeing as Scottie wants him out, and Haleigh is supporting the move right now. JC said to go ahead and do it. Scottie made his way up to the HoH room. He told Haleigh that Sam hates her. He explained that she Sam asked him why he doesn’t go hang out with his good friend Haleigh cause she makes boys feel good. He said she then told him that Haleigh is going to make Faysal feel really special since she is drunk and up there with him, referring to last night.
1:00-2:00 PM: Scottie told Faysal and Haleigh about how he was the only one sleeping in the pink room last night. He said people were doubled up in the blue room beds, and Brett slept in the have-not room. Scottie said he was confused by something that happened last night. He said Kaycee asked him to switch beds prior to the confrontation in the HoH room. He said he told her that she would be stuck with Brett then, which Kaycee said is fine. Elsewhere, JC told Tyler that Faysal’s new plan is to nominate Brett next to Scottie. JC is concerned that Scottie will win the veto. JC asked if he should convince Faysal to backdoor Scottie. Tyler said it’s okay since Scottie wont win the veto. Tyler said he might go up if JC convinces Faysal not to nominate Scottie. JC went up to the HoH room. He said he is concerned with the plan since Scottie could win the veto and then come after the two o them next week. Faysal said he will bank on Scottie not winning HoH next week, and then everyone will put him up. Faysal said he still plans to nominate Brett and Scottie. He mentioned that he might let Brett know that he is not the target. Haleigh brought up the comment that Scottie said Sam had made about her. She said she is so pissed at Sam. She wondered if Scottie made it up. Faysal said it seems like something that Sam would say. Haleigh wasn’t so sure. JC suggested that Scottie is trying to turn Haleigh and Sam against each other. Haleigh asked JC to try to talk to Sam in order to find out if she said that.
2:00-3:00 PM: Brett and Sam discussed what might be about to happen at nominations. Brett said he guarantees that he will go on the block. Afterwards, Sam mentioned that Rockstar was her soundboard and she was going to be her teacher in the game. Sam offered to give Brett any insights that she may have in exchange for him taking Rockstar’s place. Sam called Rockstar her Plan B. She said Brett is now that for her. Sam talked about her eviction being inevitable, since no one will let her get to the end because she would win over anyone due to being well liked. Sam brought up Enzo, referencing a story that Rockstar had told her about him. Sam later brought up that Rockstar seemed to be suggesting to her that Brett is secretly in love with her and that she is his dream girl. Sam asked if that was all made up in her head, and he is not secretly in love with her. Brett confirmed that he is not secretly in love with Sam. Sam said she feels embarrassed because she had talked about it in the diary room. She asked that Brett pretend to love her for the time being. They then discussed playing the game together moving forward. Brett said Sam is now stuck with him and he will follow her around like Rockstar did. Sam asked Brett if there is something going on between him and Haleigh, implying that there is a romantic connection. Brett said he is about 95% sure that Faysal and Haleigh are in a showmance. Sam asked if that is just a cover up for Brett and Haleigh. Brett said no. She then asked if she is going to be a cover up for Angela and Brett. Brett once again said no. JC joined them. Sam, in front of Brett, let JC know that she has picked Brett. She clarified that she would not pick Brett over JC. Once JC left, Sam said she would like to go to jury sooner rather than later. She said she is not necessarily there to win, but she can be there for Brett to win. She told him that if things get bleak, she will go instead of him. Brett said he would never ask Sam to do that, though she said she would be happy to do so.
4:00-5:00 PM: Haleigh asked Scottie if he has talked to Faysal. When Scottie said that he hasn’t, Haleigh suggested speaking to him. Scottie had just explained that he thinks Brett and Kaycee were working together based on what happened last night. Haleigh told Scottie to go explain that to Faysal. Scottie asked if there is a chance that Faysal would put him up. Haleigh said she doesn’t think so but he needs to go talk to him. Scottie then went upstairs. He explained that Kaycee chimed in every time that he trie to say something to Brett. Scottie said he thinks that Brett and Kaycee are working together and are trying to make it seem like Brett is a lone wolf who voted to evict Kaycee. Scottie said Kaycee snapped when he said “this is real cute” when she was saying that Brett voted her out. Scottie pointed out that Brett slept in the have-not room in order to make it seem like he is isolated. Faysal said he doesn’t get why Brett was so hesitant to speak up when he asked who the one vote was. Scottie said Brett had probably planned to claim it was him in private talks, but he didn’t know that Faysal was going to ask in front of everyone. Faysal mentioned that Brett and Sam haven’t come up to his room. Scottie thinks that Brett is trying to isolate himself because it worked when he did that after Winston left. Faysal questioned how Brett is still there when he hasn’t won anything and has been on the block twice. Scottie said that show that he is not a lone wolf.
5:00-6:00 PM: Faysal asked what’s up with Tyler. Scottie said he is sketched out with him since he had told Tyler that he was the one vote, and Tyler acted like he didn’t know what happened when questioned about it. Faysal said he thought that Scottie and Tyler were tight. Scottie explained that Tyler has distanced himself ever since he got tight with Haleigh. Faysal wondered who flipped during Scottie’s HoH week. Scottie said he thinks that it was Kaitlyn and Tyler. Not long after, Faysal was called to the diary room. Feeds went down at 5:15 for the nomination ceremony.
6:00-7:00 PM: Feeds returned at 6:21 following the nomination ceremony. Faysal nominated Brett and Scottie for eviction. Faysal explained to Scottie that he needed some truth and that was the only way to do it. Faysal said he doesn’t have a target right now, but two people raised their hand and one of them is lying. Faysal said some people think Brett was the one vote and others think that Scottie was the one vote. Faysal mentioned that Scottie is always cautious in his talks with him. Scottie said he is that way with everyone after he was honest prior to the Steve vote and got screwed. Scottie pointed out that he confronted this situation head on as opposed to Brett who ran off. Scottie said he is going to leave if nominations stay the same, seeing as Brett has a deal with a bunch of people. Faysal told Scottie to go out there and win the veto.
7:00-8:00 PM: Sam spoke to Brett about the nominations. She thinks that this is all part of plan to backdoor Angela or Tyler. Brett said he doesn’t know about that. Sam was also skeptical about Faysal and Scottie “fighting" in front of the whole house immediately following the nomination ceremony. Sam told Brett that he will have her vote. She called Brett her fake husband. Scottie then spoke to Sam. She asked why he is fighting with Faysal. Scottie said that Faysal apparently doesn’t believe that he voted to keep Rockstar. Scottie said he will be going home unless he wins the veto.
9:00-10:00 PM: Haleigh asked Faysal about his conversation with Scottie before nominations. Faysal said he felt good with Scottie for a second but that doesn’t change everything that happened over 59 days. Faysal said he doesn’t think that Brett and Kaycee are working together like Scottie is suggesting. Faysal thinks they can pitch to Angela and Tyler that they have had their differences but there are people skating on by. Haleigh said JC falls under that category. Faysal mentioned Brett, Sam and Scottie as well. Haleigh said she likes that idea. She asked if Faysal will nominate Sam or Tyler if the veto is used. Faysal said they would have to talk to Angela and Tyler if he is going to nominate Sam, saying that they cannot go after each other if he makes that move. In the have-not room, Brett and Tyler discussed that things worked out perfectly. Brett asked who he should pick if he gets houseguest’s choice. Tyler said he thinks that he convinced Scottie to pick him. Tyler said that Brett can pick him if he wants. He mentioned Faysal asking him to do what he wants with the veto. Tyler said Brett will have the votes even if the nominations stay the same. Brett mentioned that he could pick Sam or JC. The guys discussed that this is likely a plan to backdoor Tyler. Brett said he will probably pick Tyler to compete but he might pick Sam.
10:00-11:00 PM: JC let Tyler know that Sam asked him and Brett if they wanted to work together in an alliance, so he said okay. JC then went to speak to Brett. Brett asked what he should do if he gets houseguest’s choice. JC suggested picking Tyler. He told Brett not to pick Haleigh or Sam. Brett said he can’t pick Kaycee, cause then it would be too obvious. JC said Brett can pick him if Tyler has already been chosen. JC then checked in with Faysal. He said that they will be going home next week if Scottie wins the veto. JC told Faysal to pick Tyler if he gets houseguest’s choice. Faysal asked if JC has spoken to Tyler. JC said he did and Tyler knows to keep nominations the same.
11:00-12:00 AM: Scottie brought up to Haleigh that Faysal’s plan was to ask about the vote and have him put his hand up, yet he used that against him in order to nominate him. Haleigh said she doesn’t think that Faysal expected anyone else to say anything. Scottie said he will be gone unless he or Haleigh win the veto tomorrow. Haleigh asked what would happen if Tyler wins. Scottie said Tyler spoke to him a little bit, saying he has his back, but he would not tell him anything definitive. Scottie thinks that Tyler will want to win the veto if he plays, seeing as he is scared of being backdoored. However, Scottie doesn’t think that Tyler would use the veto if one of his allies are just going to go up anyway. Scottie said he wouldn’t have even considered nominating Faysal had he won. Scottie later told Haleigh that Faysal brought up how close the two of them are, and it came off as though he didn’t like it.

Who Won HoH Endurance Comp Last Night?
August 17, 2018
The latest Big Brother 20 endurance competition for Head of Household followed the last round’s eviction vote as Haleigh watched one of her own leave the game. Next it was time for the sides to battle it out yet again for control of noms and we got to watch it all live as it happened on the Big Brother Feeds! So who won the Big Brother HoH comp? Read on for spoilers & results.
Endurance Comp on Big Brother 20
Big Brother 20 Week 8 HoH Comp:
6:50 PM BBT – Comp is getting started!.
6:53 PM BBT – Faysal is tearing it up!
6:59 PM BBT – Show ends & waiting on Feeds…
7:05 PM BBT – Feeds finally back!
7:09 PM BBT – HGs plugging along. Haleigh cheering.
7:11 PM BBT – Faysal is already half way done!
7:15 PM BBT – Faysal is almost done…
7:17 PM BBT – Faysal wins!
Faysal is the new Head of Household.
Okay, that was hugely disappointing that it only lasted about 10 mins on the Feeds. What a dud. Usually these go a long time but they had the lanes turned sideways and the tubes were far too small. Poor planning by production.

Summary of yesterday August 16, 2018
August 16, 2018
Summary of yesterday August 16, 2018
1:00-2:00 PM: Sam asked Rockstar if nobody knows who the hacker is. Rockstar said the assumption is that it’s Angela and that she made a risky move so that Tyler could save her with the veto. Rockstar said Faysal’s vote is likely going to be cancelled. Rockstar let Sam know that people don’t think she will vote for her since she put her up and voted for Bayleigh to stay. Rockstar suggested that it’s a good thing that people think she is keeping Kaycee. Sam said she cannot break the promises and trust that she has built up. When Rockstar asked what that means, Sam said she is not going to say anything since she would then have to do it. Sam told Rockstar she wishes that Brett would tell her what he is going to do. Rockstar advised Sam to speak to him and let him know what she is doing, then he will open up to her. Sam said Brett already told her that he hasn’t made up his mind. Sam mentioned that she will be completely alone if Rockstar leaves. Rockstar told her to do what she can to keep her there then.
2:00-3:00 PM: Kaycee asked Tyler if Scottie has said anything to him. Tyler said nothing but he wants his vote to be cancelled. Kaycee asked if they are cancelling Faysal’s vote. Tyler said yeah. Kaycee then asked about Tyler’s conversation with Sam last night. Tyler said Sam told her that he was the one who picked Kaycee, even though she is the one who brought up working together. Tyler added that Sam wanted to do what he wants, so he said he would like for Kaycee to stay. Kaycee asked if Sam was really thinking about keeping Rockstar. Tyler confirmed that she was and told Kaycee to just remember that.
3:00-4:00 PM: JC and Sam discussed the vote. JC said Kaycee will straight with you. Sam pointed out that Rockstar is more fun. JC questioned if Rockstar has their backs. Sam said she knows that Rockstar is with her. Sam said she has to vote for Kaycee but she hates it because Rockstar was her person, so now she will be alone. Sam asked JC if he will be her person. JC said he will walk away when she is smoking. Sam said everyone will. She went on to say that she is an easy target and a pawn who will go home next. JC argued that nobody will get rid of Sam since it would be pointless. Sam asked what JC wants her to do. He said he thinks that he is going to evict Rockstar. Sam asked why Brett is suddenly talking to Rockstar. JC said he heard a rumour that they have been working together since week two, and the fight was fake. He also said that there is always a flipping vote to keep those two when they are on the block. Sam said she can’t help it that she likes Rockstar more than Kaycee. She also thinks that Rockstar is better at the game. JC reassured Sam that there are no sides, which was a concern of hers. He told her that if Brett and Rockstar are together, Brett will get closer to Sam if Rockstar leaves. JC said the vote is probably going to be 5-1. Sam said she hates that for Rockstar but she wont tell her. JC told Sam not to cast an emotional vote like she did last week. Sam said she wont. She then pinky swore that she will vote to keep Kaycee. She also asked JC to pinky swear that the two of them will be a thing. JC did.
6:00-7:00 PM: During tonight’s live eviction episode, Rockstar was evicted by a vote of 5-1. Scottie was the only one who voted to evict Kaycee. The HoH competition then got underway at 6:52.
7:00-8:00 PM: When feeds returned, Faysal was in the lead in the HoH competition. Scottie was in second place. Approximately 26 minutes after the competition started, Faysal won HoH. Feeds were down for a bit following the competition. When they returned, Haleigh talked to Scottie about how Sam lied to Rockstar the entire week and then she hugged Kaycee to say she told her that she would keep her word. Haleigh clarified that Sam isn’t a target. She said she is pissed that Bayleigh will have to see Rockstar walk in to the jury house.
8:00-9:00 PM: Faysal told Tyler that he doesn’t even know if he wants to listen to what everyone has to say, because it’s all going to be BS. Faysal said he respects that he knows what Tyler has been doing even though they have been opposite sides, cause he is not doing shady stuff. Faysal spoke to Haleigh. He asked if she is sure that Scottie was the one vote. Haleigh said yeah. Faysal said he doesn’t think that he is going to nominate Angela or Kaycee, seeing as they are not going to win anything. Faysal said he doesn’t want to hear any BS tonight, so he is going to tell people that they can talk to him in the morning if they wish. Faysal said he would like to get one of the boys out. He said he doesn’t want to put Tyler up only to have Scottie use the veto on him. Haleigh insisted that Scottie would not do that and that Scottie had planned to nominate Tyler if he had won HoH. Faysal said he doesn’t have any loyalty towards Scottie. As for Brett, Faysal said he was up Haleigh’s butt all week and then he didn’t even vote the way that she wanted him to. Faysal said he was thinking of nominate Scottie next to Tyler. Haleigh said Scottie voted with them and he will go home if he is up next to Tyler on eviction night. Faysal told Haleigh it’s on her if Scottie comes after him next week. Haleigh said to put him up then. Faysal said he wont touch Scottie, then they will know that they cant trust him if he uses the veto on Tyler. Haleigh eventually said to nominate Sam next to Tyler, and then put Brett or Scottie up if needed. Faysal said he doesn