Winner of CBB 2015

Photo CBB House 2015

James Hill has WON Celebrity Big Brother Summer 2015
September 23, 2015
James Hill has WON Celebrity Big Brother Summer 2015 with 45% of the vote.
On hearing the news, James and runner up, AUSTIN ARMACOST congratulated each other and hugged as Austin walked out the house. Austin left the house to cheers from the awaiting audience and hugged Emma.
As James began to exit the house, the new Celebrity Big Brother winner said, “thank you… I’ve got goose-pimples right now.” He immediately flirted with Emma, telling her “you look fabulous.”
On winning the series, he said: “I can’t believe it. To walk up those stairs alone…there have been so many big personalities, big stars…”
When asked why he thinks he was the winner, he responded, “no idea, I’ve tried to be myself…put other people’s feelings ahead of my own….I didn’t have a strategy…I went with my heart and my gut. We have to realise when you go in, you don’t go in to make friends but it happens naturally. I got close to people there who I hope to be friends with for the rest of my life.”
James reflected on his friendship with Austin, calling him a “total legend,” adding that their relationship was “outrageous. I’m a loner and to have someone in that house to lean on. We had such a great time.” He revealed his thoughts on remaining friends with Austinoutside the house: “I hope so…he’s a great guy…he’s inspirational…how amazing what he did for Gail. He’s got a massive heart.”
Emma asked him to explain why he told Austin ‘we don’t really know each other,’ to which he responded: “I didn’t meant to hurt his feelings. To get to know someone takes time. In three weeks you don’t know people very well.”
He admitted he didn’t nominate him as a tactic to remove his strongest competition: “Never. I even forgot the end result. As much as I loved him…the way he had carried on wasn’t right…I tried to sit down and sort it out. It would have been the wrong thing to do not to [nominate him].”
When asked how he managed to keep his cool in the house, he said: “I’m just a quiet person. I just started listening…you don’t get results shouting the loudest…there’s nothing wrong with differences…its hard living with fourteen people that you don’t know. I could nit-pick on all sorts of things…end up arguing over a boiled egg…I thought I’d just let them get on with it.”
James ended his interview addressing the British public, “Thank you so much. Thank you everybody.”

Austin Armacost has finished Celebrity Big Brother in second place.
September 23, 2015
Austin Armacost has finished Celebrity Big Brother in second place.
During his eviction interview with Emma, he said that being the “last American standing, I’m so proud of that…we’ve [James and Austin] been in bed together since night one…to get a spanking from Sherrie Hewson – I can die a happy man.”
On his relationship with winner, James, he said it was “outstanding. We’ve been through this incredible journey…I’m so pleased I made a friend from up north…that dude is a great guy, a strong pillar in that house.”
When Emma asked if his experience would have been different without each other in the house, he responded, “100%…no one else looked as good as me in a bathing suit so having him next to me…”
Revealing his feelings on being nominated by James,Austin said it “devastated me…I didn’t know why but after he gave me his reasons, I understand them…but it really p*sses me off.”
When asked if he believed James was playing a game, he said, “I don’t think that. We’ve spoken at length about what happened. I don’t think he was playing a game.”
Discussing his relationship with Janice, Austin said, “she’s a very strong alpha female. I’m a very strong gay guy.”
He believed the Brits tolerated Janice because, “they just keep their heads down and crack on.” However, he clashed with her because, “every time I would confront her I was provoked. I never went out looking for a fight…”
He reflected on his outburst towards Janice in the bedroom: “I was bang out of order with what I said…I had to psychoanalyse myself and she didn’t deserve that and hopefully I expressed that…hopefully that’ll never happen again. If I can go three and a half weeks in that house with having one outburst then I think I’ve done well.”

Natasha Hamilton has finished Celebrity Big Brother in 3rd place
September 23, 2015
Natasha Hamilton has finished Celebrity Big Brother in 3rd place.
When she met Emma she talked to Natasha about being in third place: “I didn’t expect it…I see myself as a mum…I’ve got a big gob”. On the Intense House: “I think I was a calm person…it was stressful….it was like being in a pressure cooker and any moment things were going to explode”.
On Farrah: “I was literally in the house 10 minutes and Farrah was screaming at me…I was shocked. I was realty taken back. I’d gone out to give the olive branch…I’m a lot older than Farrah and to me she is the same as Austin, she is just loud. I never felt threatened.” On Jenna: “Jenna ended up being with Farrah all the time and sometimes you just want to get to know someone on a one to one basis.”
On the ‘Wrath of Tash with Austin: “About four nights in a row, I’d gone to the bed and he’d come into the room and he’d be either singing, dancing or arguing”. Emma asked Natasha who she wanted to win: “They have both done amazingly and come so far. For me personally I’d like James to win”.

Bobby Davro in FORTH place.
September 23, 2015
Emma announced Bobby Davro in FORTH place. He met Emma to cheers and she asked him how her felt: “I never imagined I’d be fourth, I would have liked to have made top three, but I can’t complain at four…I was public enemy number one for a couple of week…I’ve had such a fantastic time, I’ve never laughed so much in the space of four weeks”.
On the House in general: “It is just a game…very, very fiery, but I’m used to it…I’m used to difficult ladies, there are a couple of awkward ones, but I drew a line in the sand with one particular Housemate.” On Farrah and his face to face nomination: “It had to be done….it happened before because she addressed by private life, she attempted it and I thought it was very nasty, she’s got to work on that…I was a bit harsh with her and it did try to build bridges with her but it’s hopeless.”
On Bobby’s Jenna impression: “You think that was cheeky, you wait until you see one of my shows…It’s alright for her to do it but it’s not alright for me to do it, come on we have a sense of humour and that’s why we’re British”. On Bobby’s experience in the House and UK vs USA: I’ve learnt about my strengths and my weaknesses…It’s never too late to say sorry but they never got our sense of humour.”

Sherrie Hewson has finished Celebrity Big Brother in 6th place
September 23, 2015
Sherrie Hewson has finished Celebrity Big Brother in 6th place, with Stevi & Chloe-Jasmine coming in 5th.
On hearing the news, SHERRIE said, “thank you.” CHLOE JASMINE wished her housemates good luck as she walked up the stairs and out of the house with her fiancé STEVI.
In her post eviction interview with Emma, Sherrie described her experience in the house: “oh my Gd…I have to say…I have had the most fantastic time but it has been an emotional rollercoaster … I’m sorry for the snoring and dreadful spanking that I’ll never get over or live down.”
She added, “it’s a rollercoaster of emotion and I loved everyone. Chloe I really adored.”
However, she admitted that the hardest thing to deal with in the house was: “for me it was the nominations…and seeing them evicted…it hurt inside to see them go.”
On hearing the public considered her to be boring, she said: “you don’t know what to expect…there is no way I went in there to be anything but myself. Nobody came at me…so I didn’t attack them…I’m normal…I’m not going to pretend and f and blind. I was what I was. I am what I am.”
When asked what it was like to live in the thick of it,Sherrie said, “I was in the bath all made up. I wasn’t going to take my clothes off with all those boys around. I was always just coming in when people had had the most horrendous night….the house nana. That was how I stayed. I cared for everyone.”
On her comments in the house that James was playing a game, she said, “I think James is a player and he said, ‘yeh, I’m a businessman’…I [told him I] didn’t like the fact that you voted for Austin…we had an argument. He said you’re wrong, I said you’re wrong and that was it.”
Emma then turned her interview to Stevi and Chloe Jasmie who took FIFTH place.
Chloe revealed: “it’s an honour to come fifth place….I’m genuinely shocked [to be saved]…
Stevi added: “I bloody loved it…is it giving you nightmares Emma?”
When asked what it was like being a couple in the house,Stevi said “we coped well.” Chloe Jasmine added, “we don’t know any other British couple who have moved in to the BB house…. we’ve learnt so much from being in there.”
On claims they were being fake, Stevi said, “we just carried on being us…with a lot of PDA…”
Chloe Jasmine added, “nothing is more serious than passion, Emma…we had to really reign it in sometimes but we were really true to ourselves.”
Emma asked Stevi to explain what he meant by ‘needing a little break when he gets out,’ Stevi said, “I meant a break as in a spa….to see friends, family, my gorgeous daughter who I absolutely missed to my heart.
On her relationship with Janice, Chloe Jasmine said she loved “absolutely everything [about Janice]. Her exuberance…she was a confidant, friend.”
Stevi added, “I felt like a spare wheel sometimes. I loveJanice as well…she’s fascinating to watch…all the other housemates think she’s hilarious. She’s been herself. I just carried on being myself in the house.”